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The  Case,  Lockwood  &  Brainard  Company. 


Descendants  of  Henry  Kingsbury 



Copyright  by 

Frederick  John  Kingsbury 


•  12C42G7 




Family  Name  in  England, 

Extracts  from  Parish  Registers, 

English  Kingsbury  Wills 

Notes  from  Chancery  Proceedings 

Notes  from  the  Lay  Subsidy  Rolls, 

Henry  Kingsbury  the  Elder, 

John  Kingsbury  of  Dedham, 

Joseph  Kingsbury  of  Dedham, 

Henry  Kingsbury  of  Ipswich  and  Haverhill, 

John  Kingsbury  of  Newbury, 

James  Kingsbury  of  Plainfield, 

Samuel  Kingsbury  of  Haverhill, 

Joseph  Kingsbury  of  Norwich  West  Farms,     .        .        .        . 


John  Kingsbury  of  Newbury  (Supplemental), 

Other  Descendants  of  Henry  Kingsbury  (Supplemental), 

Inventory  of  Henry  Kingsbury's  Estate,  1687, 

Will"  AND  Inventory  of  Captain  Joseph  Kingsbury,  1757, 

Descendants   of    Henry   Kingsbury   who  Served  in  the 


Kingsburys  in  Maryland, 

Jonathan  Kingsbury  of  Deerfield,  Mass.,  and  Ohio, 
Documents  from  the  Public  Record  Office,  London, 
English  Addenda,   . 
Old  Family  Letters, 
Addenda  et  Corrigenda, 
Index  of  the  Kingsbury  Name, 
Index  of  Other  Names, 
Index  of  Places, 














Hon.  Frederick  John  Kingsbury,  LL.D.,  Frontispiece. 

Map  of  Suffolk,  Drawn  from  Ancient  Maps,        .        .        .        .  i6 

Kingsbury  Coat  of  Arms,  belonging  to  Hon.  Andrew  Kingsbury,  17 

Kingsbury    Coat  of    Arms,  Dr.  Thomas  Kingsbury  from  Co. 

Dorset,        ...........  21 

Modern  Railway  Map  of  a  Portion  of  Suffolk,          ...  22 

On  the  Road  to  Boxford, 23 

South  View  of  St.  Mary's  Church,  Boxford,  Suffolk,      .        .  24 

North  View  of  St.  Mary's  Church,  Boxford,  Suffolk,      .        .  25 

South  Porch  of  St.  Mary's  Church,  Boxford,  Suffolk,      .        .  26 

Stoke-by-Nayland  Church,  Suffolk 27 

Kingsbury  Coat  of  Arms.  Usher, 28 

Kingsbury  Coat  of  Arms,  Ireland, 28 

St.  Edmund's  Church,  Assington,  where  Henry  Kingsbury  and 

Margaret  Alabaster  were  Married  in  162  i,  ...  32 
St.  Andrew's  Church,   Great  Cornard,  Suffolk,  where  the 

Early  Kingsburys  were  Buried 42 

Chart  of  the  Suffolk  Kingsburys, 44 

Chart  of  Kingsbury  from  Suffolk  Wills 48 

Kingsbury  Autographs, .  85 

Bradford  and  Haverhill,  Massachusetts, 86 

John  Ward  Dean,  Boston,  Mass.,          .        .        .        .        .        .  105 

Captain  Henry  Kingsbury,  OF  Salisbury,  Mass loi 

House  Built  by  Jeduthan  Kingsbury  in  Plainfield,  N.  H.,  .  122 
Tombstones  of  Deacon  Joseph  Kingsbury,  the  Elder,  and  Love, 

his  Wife,  Franklin,  Conn., 202 

Tombstones  of  Deacon  Joseph  Kingsbury,  his  Wife,  Ruth,  and 

Son,  Ephraim,  Franklin,  Conn., 203 

Captain  Nathaniel  Kingsbury's  Commission  from  Gov.  Talcott,  206 

Rev.  Alvan  Hyde,  D.D.,  Lee,  Mass 211 

Rev.  Lavius  Hyde,  Bolton  and  Vernon,  Conn.,  .  .  .  .211 
Tombstones   of   Nathaniel  Kingsbury,  his  Wife,  Sarah,  and 

his  Son,  Col.  Jacob,  Franklin,       .        .        .        .        .        .  222 

House  built  BY  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  Coventry,  Conn.,        .        .  239 

Squire  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  Coventry,  Conn.,       ....  239 

Judge  Sanford  Kingsbury,  Claremont,  N.  H 242 

Col.  Jacob  Kingsbury,  U.  S.  A., 251 

House  in  Franklin,  Conn.,  built  by  Col.  Kingsbury,  1814,          .  250 

Col,  Kingsbury's  Certificate  of  Membership  in  the  Cincinnati,  253 


House  built  for  Judge  John  Kingsbury,  Waterbury,  Conn., 
Hon.  Eugene  Hale,  U.  S.  Senator  from  Maine,    . 
House  built  by  Nathaniel  Kingsbury,  1781,  Andover,  Conn., 
Lemuel  Kingsbury  of  Andover,  Conn.,  and  Cazenovia,  N.  Y. 

AND  Lois  Hutchinson,  his  Wife 

Judge  James  Kingsbury,  Cleveland,  Ohio,    .... 

Hon.  Andrew  Kingsbury,  Hartford,  Conn., 

Hon.    Andrew   Kingsbury,    Miss   Laura   Kingsbury,  and   Mrs 

Harriet  Kingsbury  Talcott,  Hartford,  Conn.,     . 
Hon.  Ebenezer  Kingsbury,  Honesdale,  Pa., 
Captain   James  Wilkinson   Kingsbury,    U.    S.   A.,  and   of  St 

Louis,  Missouri, 

Armand    Louis    Robert,    Comte    de   Giverville,    Normandy 


Hon.  Charles  Denison  Kingsbury,  Waterbury,  Conn., 
Charles  D.  Kingsbury's  Home,  Waterbury,  Conn., 
Major  Julius  J.  B.  Kingsbury,  U.  S.  A.,        .... 
Colonel  Joseph  Kingsbury,  Sheshequin,  Pa., 
Hon.  Addison  Hills,  Cleveland,  Ohio,  .... 

Mrs.  Sophia  Kingsbury  Hatch,  Hillsborough,  N.  H., 
Oliver  Kingsbury,  Hartford,  Conn.,  and  Penfield,  N.  Y., 

Russell  Goodrich  Talcott,  Hartford,  Conn 

Nelson  Kingsbury,  Hartford,  Conn 

Oliver  Richmond  Kingsbury,  New  York  City, 

Edward  Payson  Kingsbury,  Scranton,  Pa., 

Brigadier  General  Charles  Peeble  Kingsbury,  U.  S.  A.,  . 

Theodore  Bryant  Kingsbury,  Wilmington,  N.  C, 

Col.    Henry  Walter  Kingsbury,    Eleventh    Connecticut    In 


Rev.  John  Dennison  Kingsbury,  D.D.,  Bradford,  Mass.,  . 
Addison  Kingsbury,  South  Coventry,  Conn.,  ... 
Mrs.  Jessie  Kingsbury  Sanderson,  Denver,  Colorado, 
Lieut. -Col.  Henry  Peeble  Kingsbury,  U.  S.  A.,  . 
Dr.  Joseph  Thomas  Kingsbury,  President  of  the  University  of 


Captain  Frederick  William  Kingsbury,  U.  S.  A., 
William  Barrell  of  "  Barrell's  Grove,"  York,  Maine, 
Kingsbury  House,  Kennebunk,  Maine,           .... 
Guy  Marion  Kingsbury,  Dunkirk,  Ohio,        .... 
James  Dewitt  Andrews,  New  York  City,  .... 
George  Nelson  Kingsbury,  Providence,  R.  I.,     . 
Monument  of  Rev.  Alvan  Hyde,  D.D.,  at  Lee,  Mass., 
Francis  Coat  of  Arms, 


It  was  while  I  was  in  college — 1 842-1 846  —  and  I  think  in 
1843,  that  I  first  began  to  think  seriously  of  attempting  to 
compile  a  Kingsbury  genealogy.  I  had  a  few  names,  ob- 
tained from  my  grandfather,  Judge  John  Kingsbury,  but 
they  were  mostly  without  dates.  T I  entered  into  a  corre- 
spondence with  Russell  G.  Talcott,  of  Hartford,  the  father 
of  Miss  Mary  K.  Talcott,  editor  of  this  volume,  and  we 
exchanged  lists  of  names  and  added  a  few.  Mr.  Talcott 
was  a  grandson  of  Hon.  Andrew  Kingsbury,  No.  845,  in  this 
book,  and  was  at  that  time  residing  with  his  grandmother  in 
Hartford.  I  also  had  some  correspondence  with  Miss 
Harriet  N.  Kingsbury,  of  Francestown,  N.  H.,  but  I  found 
that  she  belonged  to  the  Dedham  branch. 

After  a  while  I  got  Mr.  J.  W.  Dean's  brief  article  in  Vol. 
X  of  the  Genealogical  Register,  and  I  obtained  some  names 
and  dates  from  my  father's  cousin.  Col.  T.  H.  C.  Kingsbury, 
and  from  my  second  cousin,  the  Countess  de  Giverville,  who 
was  very  much  interested  in  the  work  and  had  considerable 
correspondence  with  various  persons  of  the  name. 

All  this  work  was  desultory  and  with  long  interruptions. 
My  first  very  decided  assistance  was  obtained  when  the 
Rev.  Lavius  Hyde,  then  of  Andover,  Conn.,  sent  me  his 
compilations,  which  were  far  beyond  anything  I  had  yet 
seen,  and  contained  several  hundred  names.  The  posses- 
sion of  this  stimulated  me  to  take  up  the  work  afresh,  and 
I  pursued  it  with  such  leisure  as  I  could  command  until  I 
had  collected  about  eight  hundred  names.  I  then  became 
convinced  that  I  should  never  find  time  to  complete  the 
work,  and  I  turned  over  my  material  to  Miss  Talcott,  who 
is  an  experienced  genealogist  as  well  as  a  Kingsbury  by 
descent.  She  has  now  been  at  work  on  it  a  good  many 
years.  I  have  from  time  to  time  contributed  such  things  as 
fell  in  my  way,  but  have  taken  no  very  active  part  in  the 


The  Rev.  Dr.  Addison  Kingsbury,  of  Putnam,  Ohio, 
made  quite  extensive  collections.  We  corresponded  and 
exchanged  lists,  and  he  visited  me  twice  so  that  we  might 
more  conveniently  compare  notes. 

His  son,  Mr.  J.  A.  Kingsbury  of  Pittsburg,  Penn.,  getting 
impatient  at  the  long  delay,  or  what  seemed  such,  of  our 
work,  printed  a  small  edition  of  his  father's  papers  with 
some  additions  of  his  own,  in  quite  an  elegant  volume, 
which  he  calls  "The  Pendulous  Book."  I  am  sorry  on  the 
whole  that  he  did  this,  and  tried  in  vain  to  dissuade  him. 
His  father  evidently  had  not  intended  to  print  his  papers, 
as  the  earliest  part  of  the  work  contains  serious  errors 
which  I  am  almost  sure  Dr.  Kingsbury  had  the  material  to 
correct  in  his  possession  and  would  have  corrected  before 
printing.  The  time  of  publication  comes  so  near  that  of 
this  book,  and  so  much  of  the  material  is  necessarily  the 
same,  that  it  is  a  pity  to  call  on  the  members  of  the  family 
to  purchase  two  books  covering  so  much  of  the  same 
ground.  However,  Mr.  J.  A.  Kingsbury  has  added  an  ac- 
count of  rather  recent  Irish  settlers  in  Ohio  of  the  name, 
which  otherwise  we  should  not  have  had. 

I  have  said  these  few  words  not  with  the  idea  of  finding 
any  fault,  but  rather  for  the  sake  of  apologizing  to  the 
members  of  the  family  that  two  books  should  be  put  out  so 
nearly  at  the  same  time. 

In  the  course  of  inquiry  we  have  obtained  a  good  deal  of 
information  relative  to  the  Dedham  branch,  or  the  descend- 
ants of  Joseph  Kingsbury,  who  with  his  brother  John  were 
among  the  first  settlers  of  that  town.  Miss  Mabel  Hope 
Kingsbury,  of  Braintree,  Mass.,  is  compiling  a  genealogy  of 
Joseph's  descendants,  and  material  relating  to  them  has 
been  passed  over  to  her. 

Mr.  Hyde  gives  Jonathan  Kingsbury,  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  as 
son  of  Jonathan  of  Hampton,  Conn.  Inquiry  elicited  the 
fact  that  Jonathan  Kingsbury  (a  lawyer,  I  think),  died  at 
Barre,  formerly  a  part  of  Batavia,  about  1825.  His  widow, 
Sophia,  married  Calvin  Field  in  1826.  It  was  thought  that 
Jonathan  had  a  brother,  Hiram,  but  it  was  not  known  where 
they  came  from.  They  were  not  of  the  Hampton  family, 
and  I  do  not  know  how  Dr.  Hyde  heard  of  them. 



The  Maryland  family  I  got  trace  of  from  a  little  book  of 
travels  by  Thomas  Twining,  an  intelligent  Englishman  who 
came  here  about  1800,  and  who,  in  his  journeyings  from 
Philadelphia  to  Baltimore,  speaks  of  "Kingsbury"  or 
"  Kingsbury's  "  as  a  stopping-place.  I  found  a  record  of 
large  land  holdings  for  several  generations,  but  the  name 
seems  now  to  have  disappeared.  They  appear  to  have  come 
from  England  to  Maryland  in  the  17th  century. 

In  investigating  the  family  history  the  Kingsburys  appear 
to  have  been  an  eminently  respectable  people,  occupying  a 
prominent  and  often  a  leading  place  in  the  communities 
where  they  dwelt:  conservative,  of  sound  sense  and  judg- 
ment, and  having  a  keen  sense  of  humor  ;  peacemakers  and 
peace  lovers;  not  litigious,  preferring  rather  to  suffer  wrong 
than  to  do  wrong ;  good  advisers,  relied  on  by  their  neigh- 
bors, dependable  in  all  things;  not  ambitious,  never  striving 
to  lead,  but  not  shirking  responsibility  when  put  upon  them; 
not  often  reaching  very  conspicuous  positions  in  church  or 
state,  but  frequently  filling  offices  of  much  responsibility 
and  usefulness  ;  in  short,  most  excellent  citizens.  There 
seems  to  have  been  a  strong  military  tendency  in  the  fam- 
ily, and  in  this  profession  it  has  won  its  greatest  distinction; 
but  in  theology,  medicine,  and  law  it  has  a  good  record.  Of 
course,  to  all  these  characteristics  there  have  been  excep- 
tions, but  the  record  is  creditable.     May  it  long  continue. 


In  adding  another  to  the  large  number  of  family  geneal- 
ogies already  in  existence,  the  compiler  feels  that  she  is 
increasing  the  stock  of  material  now  being  stored  up  for  the 
use  of  future  historians.  All  such  human  documents  are 
footnotes  to  history,  and  will  surely  aid  materially  the 
searcher  into  the  past,  who  one  hundred  years  from  now 
may  be  drawing  philosophical  and  physiological  deductions 
from  the  chronicles  he  unearths  of  the  restless,  energetic 
race  now  occupying  the  territory  covered  by  the  United 
States  of  America.  What  results  may  come  from  the 
mingling  of  all  peoples  and  races  on  this  broad  continent  it 
is  not  the  province  of  this  chronicler  to  consider,  but  she 
has  endeavored  to  make  this  history  something  that  may 
be  useful  for  future  historians.  The  "  directory  "  plan  has 
not  been  considered  as  the  fitting  or  proper  one  in  deal- 
ing with  the  careers  of  so  many  individuals  who  lived  in 
such  important  eras  of  this  country's  history,  its  settle- 
ment, colonization.  War  for  Independence,  and  the  occupa- 
tion of  the  West.  The  account  of  these  individuals'  services 
in  war,  their  exertions  in  clearing  the  forests  and  settling  a 
new  territory,  their  activity  and  interest  in  agriculture,  com- 
merce, and  the  industrial  enterprises  incident  in  building 
new  commonwealths,  are  all  illustrative  of  this  country's 
growth,  and  the  cumulative  work  of  human  beings.  Each 
individual  life  has  its  personal  interest,  but  that  cannot  be 
dwelt  upon  — 

"A  sleep,  a  dream,  a  story, 
By  strangers  quickly  told." 

But  each  has  his  or  her  place  in  summing  up  the  family 
characteristics.  And  not  only  in  the  family,  but  in  the 
nation.  George  Eliot  says:  "That  things  are  not  so  ill 
with  you  and  me  as  they  might  have  been  is  half  owing  to 



the  number  who  have  lived  faithfully  a  hidden  life  and  rest 
in  unvisited  tombs."  Among  the  Kingsburys  honesty  and 
probity  of  character  appear  as  marked  features,  and  the 
trust  and  confidence  inspired  by  those  traits  have  led  to 
long-continued  terms  of  office  in  both  church  and  state, 
especially  in  the  church,  for  there  have  been  many  Deacon 
Kingsburys.  Many  have  held  official  positions,  and  were 
evidently  trusted  by  their  neighbors,  as  they  remained  in 
office  for  long  terms.  Others  perhaps  less  conspicuous 
before  the  public  have  done  faithful  service  in  their  day  and 
generation,  discharging  their  duties  "  in  the  various  stations 
to  which  it  pleased  God  to  call  them." 

The  Kingsburys  have  been  represented  in  every  war  in 
which  the  country  has  been  concerned.  Many  fought  in  the 
French  and  Indian  wars,  iifty  of  Henry's  descendants  of  the 
name  fought  in  the  Revolution  ;  and  since  then  Kingsburys 
have  figured  in  all  the  wars  in  which  the  United  States  has 
been  engaged,  and  they  were  in  the  Civil  War  on  both  sides. 
There  is  a  solid,  substantial  quality  in  the  Kingsburys,  con- 
ducing to  trust,  and  there  is  also  a  good  deal  of  conserv- 
atism, perhaps  an  accompanying  trait,  which  is  exemplified 
in  the  good  old  Connecticut  Deacon,  Joseph  Kingsbury,  of 
Enfield,  whose  epitaph  states  that  he  "was  a  strict  supporter 
of  the  good  old  ways  of  Puritans  in  their  most  early  days." 
Pluck  and  perseverance  are  marked  qualities  too,  and  they 
were  displayed  to  the  fullest  extent  in  the  career  of  James 
Kingsbury,  the  first  white  settler  of  Cleveland,  Ohio,  who 
with  his  family  endured  almost  unexampled  privations. 

One  of  the  greatest  orators  this  country  has  ever  pro- 
duced, Hon.  Daniel  Webster,  was  descended  from  Henry 
Kingsbury,  through  his  mother,  Abigail  Eastman,  and  the 
wife  of  our  only  living  ex-President,  Mrs.  Frances  Folsom 
Cleveland,  is  also  descended  from  this  same  Kingsbury- 
Eastman  line.  Senator  Eugene  Hale  of  Maine,  a  promi- 
nent statesman  of  our  day,  has  Kingsbury  blood  in  his 
veins.  During  the  civil  war  Gen.  Charles  P.  Kingsbury 
won  distinction  by  his  valuable  services  as  an  artillery  offi- 
cer, and  the  brave  young  Col.  Henry  W.  Kingsbury  was 
killed  at  the  head  of  his  regiment,  the  Eleventh  Connecti- 
cut, at   the  battle  of  Antietam.     Col.  Jacob  Kingsbury,  of 


Franklin,  Conn.,  served  his  country  for  forty  years  as  a 
soldier,  enlisting  in  1775  i^  the  Revolutionary  army,  and 
continuing-  in  the  service  after  that  war  was  over;  he  was 
engaged  for  thirty  years  in  the  Indian  wars  on  the  west- 
ern frontier.  His  cousin  and  cotemporary  Hon.  Andrew 
Kingsbury,  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  also  served  through  the 
Revolutionary  War  ;  then  entered  the  Comptroller's  office 
in  Hartford,  became  Comptroller  and  Treasurer  of  the 
State,  holding  the  latter  office  twenty-four  years  ;  and  he 
was  also  Treasurer  of  the  School  Fund,  having  much  to  do 
with  the  sale  of  lands  in  the  Western  Reserve  of  Ohio. 
Col.  Sanford  Kingsbury,  of  Windham,  Conn.,  and  Clare- 
mont,  N.  H.,  was  a  distinguished  Revolutionary  officer, 
serving  on  Gen.  Sullivan's  staff,  and  afterwards  a  Judge  and 
Councillor  in  New  Hampshire.  The  Rev.  Charles  Backus, 
D.D.,  of  Somers,  Conn.,  a  very  distinguished  divine  in  his  day, 
and  his  nephew,  Rev.  Azel  Backus,  D.D.,  first  President  of 
Hamilton  College,  New  York,  were  also  descendants. 

One  of  the  earliest  and  most  distinguished  genealogists  in 
New  England,  Mr.  John  Ward  Dean,  for  a  long  time  editor  of 
the  Historic- Genealogical  Register,  Boston,  was  the  son  of  a 
Kingsbury  mother.  He  published  the  first  genealogical  ac- 
count of  the  family,  two  brief  articles  in  the  Register,  but  he 
was  not  the  first  who  collected  material  for  the  family  history. 
This  honor  belongs  to  Hon.  F.  J.  Kingsbury  of  Waterbury, 
Conn.,  and  the  Rev.  Lavius  Hyde  of  Bolton,  Conn.,  as  is  de- 
scribed by  Mr.  Kingsbury  in  his  Introduction.  Finally,  Mr. 
Kingsbury,  feeling  himself  unable  to  complete  the  work  on 
account  of  lack  of  time,  put  his  materials  in  the  hands  of 
the  present  compiler,  with  authority  to  conduct  researches 
in  England.  These  latter,  although  not  as  successful  as 
we  could  wish  in  finding  the  actual  place  of  baptism  of 
Henry  Kingsbury,  the  first  settler,  have  given  us  much 
valuable  information  about  the  Kingsbury  family  in  Suf- 
folk, to  which  he  undoubtedly  belonged.  Very  careful 
researches  were  made  in  England,  at  first  by  an  English 
genealogist,  and  later  by  the  compiler,  in  two  separate 
visits  to  the  mother  country.  The  registers  were  ex- 
amined in  most  of  the  parishes  in  Babergh  Hundred,  and 


also  in  the  neighboring  Hundred  of  Cosford  ;  the  wills  were 
examined,  not  only  at  Somerset  House,  London,  the  great 
repository  for  the  whole  Kingdom,  but  also  the  local  reg- 
istries at  Bury  St.  Edmunds  and  Ipswich.  The  Subsidy 
Rolls  for  Suffolk  and  Essex,  the  Feet  of  Fines,  and  other 
documents  in  the  Public  Record  Office  in  London,  were 
searched,  and  also  the  Chancery  Proceedings.  The  Davy 
manuscript  collection  of  materials  for  a  history  of  the 
County  of  SuiTolk,  deposited  in  the  British  Museum,  com- 
prising over  one  hundred  volumes,  containing  heraldry,  ped- 
igrees, descriptions  of  churches,  monumental  inscriptions,  an 
almost  inexhaustless  store,  was  looked  over,  and  also  many 
other  manuscripts  and  books  in  that  world-famous  library. 
The  Court  Rolls  for  the  ancient  manors  in  Boxford  are  not 
extant  for  the  period  between  1590  and  1650,  and  that  loss, 
together  with  the  disappearance  of  several  parish  registers 
in  that  neighborhood  about  those  dates  will  probably  make 
it  impossible  for  us  to  discover  the  baptism  of  Henry  Kings- 
bury of  Ipswich  and  Haverhill. 

The  compiler  has  added  much  to  the  material  collected  by 
Mr.  Kingsbury  and  she  also  verified  his  records,  examining 
town  records  and  registries  of  probate  in  eastern  Connecticut, 
and  also  in  Massachusetts  and  Maine,  and  visiting  many  old 
graveyards.  Then,  also,  so  many  genealogies  and  town 
histories  have  been  printed  since  Mr.  Kingsbury  began  his 
collections,  that  much  additional  material  was  derived  from 
those  sources.  As  the  compiler  was  unable  to  devote  her 
whole  time  to  this  work  there  has  been  considerable  delay, 
and  the  work  has  been  prolonged  over  more  years  than  was 
anticipated.  Delay  was  also  caused  by  the  difficulty  of 
obtaining  information  from  descendants,  many  letters  of 
inquiry  never  being  answered  at  all. 

The  compiler  particularly  wishes  to  call  the  attention  of 
readers  of  this  volume  to  the  Addenda,  which  contains  much 
material  which  was  not  received  in  time  for  insertion  in  the 
proper  place,  and  also  corrections.  It  is  often  impossible  to 
decide  between  conflicting  statements  furnished  by  different 
members  of  the  same  family,  or  by  the  family  and  the  town 
records.  Gravestones  are  another  fertile  source  of  variation 
in  dates,  and  the  puzzled  genealogist  can  do  nothing  but  note 


down  the  figures,  and  leave  the  question  open.  Authorities 
have  been  given  for  military  services,  and  when  not  cited  for 
family  records  it  will  be  understood  that  they  are  obtained 
from  town  and  church  records,  and  from  the  family  them- 
selves. It  has  been  impossible  to  complete  all  records,  but 
in  many  cases  that  has  been  due  to  the  failure  to  answer 
letters  of  inquiry.  The  difficulties  of  compiling  a  gene- 
alogy can  only  be  realized  by  one  who  has  been  through 
the  experience.  And  there  are  also  pleasures  to  one  who 
loves  to  trace  the  history  of  the  past,  and  delights  in  the 
yellowed  pages  of  old  folios,  and  the  quaint  script  of  the 
old  records.  It  is  a  delight,  too,  to  pounce  upon  some 
isolated  record,  supplying  a  long-missing  birth  or  marriage, 
and  identifying  some  long-lost  member  of  the  race,  or  to 
find  a  lonely  gravestone  bearing  an  inscription  which  reveals 
the  last  resting-place  of  some  wanderer  from  the  parent 
stem.  The  compiler  has  traversed  the  region  east  of  the 
Connecticut  river,  and  the  greater  part  of  Tolland  and  Wind- 
ham Counties,  in  search  of  records  and  gravestones,  as  that 
district  and  the  northern  part  of  New  London  County  were 
where  the  sons  and  grandsons  of  Henry  Kingsbury  settled, 
excepting  one  whose  descendants  went  mostly  to  Maine. 
From  Connecticut  they  went  to  New  Hampshire,  Vermont, 
New  York,  and  Pennsylvania,  and  from  there  to  Ohio,  Mich- 
igan, Indiana,  Illinois,  and  the  Northwest,  and  on  to  the 
Pacific  coast;  and  there  are  also  several  branches  of  the 
family  living  in  the  Southern  States,  more  especially  North 
Carolina,  Georgia,  Missouri,  and  Texas. 

From  what  has  already  been  said  it  will  probably  be 
understood  that  this  work  has  been  carried  on  at  the 
expense  of  the  Hon.  Frederick  J.  Kingsbury,  of  Waterbury, 
Conn.,  to  whose  generous  munificence  the  family  owes  this 
volume.  The  cost  of  the  English  investigations  has  been 
all  borne  by  him,  and  the  numerous  charges  necessary  for 
traveling  expenses,  postage,  and  all  the  preparatory  work 
necessary  before  printing,  have  been  most  generously  de- 
frayed by  him.  The  compiler  wishes  also  to  acknowledge 
gratefully  the  assistance  of  the  late  John  Ward  Dean,  of 
Boston,  whose  never-failing  interest  was  always  shown  most 
cordially.     Thanks  are  also  due  to  Dr.  J.  J.  Muskett,  56, 



Lincoln's  Inn  Fields,  London,  Mr.  Andrew  King-sbtiry  and 
the  late  Mrs.  Mary  J.  K.  Gilbert,  both  of  Coventry,  Conn., 
Rev.  Otis  O.  Wright,  Sandy  Hook,  Conn.,  Mr.  Henry  W. 
Kingsbury,  Scranton,  Pa.,  Mr.  Frank  B.  Kingsbury,  Fitch- 
burg,  Mass.,  Mr.  Lester  L.  Kingsbury,  Baltimore,  Md.,  Mr. 
William  Ward  Wight,  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Mr.  Guy  M.  Kings- 
bury, Dunkirk,  Ohio,  Mr.  Sanford  T.  Kingsbury,  Valdosta, 
Ga.,  Mr.  Theodore  Bryant  Kingsbury,  Wilmington,  N.  C, 
Miss  Frances  Amelia  Clark,  Syracuse,  N.  Y.,  the  Comtesse 
de  Giverville,  12,  Rue  Cimarosa,  Paris,  France,  Mrs.  H.  E. 
Foster,  Derby  Line,  Vt.,  Mr.  Frank  W.  Kingsbury,  Law- 
rence, Kansas,  Mr.  Thomas  E.  Sterne,  Worcester,  Mass., 
Mr.  John  T.  Kingsbury,  Georgetown,  Wash.,  Miss  Ellen  M. 
Dennett,  York  Village,  Maine,  the  late  Benjamin  F.  Ellis, 
Hartford,  and  to  many  others  who  have  also  given  assist- 
ance in  the  long  and  toilsome  task. 

Perhaps  something  should  be  said  about  the  differences 
in  the  spelling  of  the  name,  as  one  very  important  branch 
of  the  family  use  the  e  instead  of  u  in  the  second  syllable. 
As  far  as  can  be  judged  from  an  examination  of  old  records 
and  gravestones  in  eastern  Connecticut  the  e  was  generally 
used  by  Joseph  Kingsbury,  who  came  from  Haverhill,  and 
all  his  immediate  descendants,  but  correct  spelling  was  a 
matter  of  such  little  moment  in  those  days  it  is  difficult  to  con- 
clude whether  this  mode  was  intentionally  adopted.  There  is 
a  tradition  that  there  was  a  quarrel  between  two  brothers, 
presumably  Joseph  and  Nathaniel,  sons  of  Joseph^,  and  in 
consequence  one  of  them  would  not  spell  his  name  the  way 
his  brother  did,  but  as  I  have  found  the  e  indifferently  used 
in  both  lines  I  doubt  the  correctness  of  the  legend.  The 
English  records  show  even  a  greater  variety  of  spelling  than 
those  in  New  England, —  "burie,  borough,  bary,  bearey, 
borrowe,"  etc.  Cotton  Mather  states  that  a  certain  Rev. 
Eleazer  Kingsbury  lopped  off  the  first  syllable  and  changed 
his  name  to  Bury,  and  removed  to  Cape  May,  perhaps  to 
get  away  from  his  aggrieved  kinsmen. 


Before  reciting  the  family  annals  in  this  country  we  must 
turn  our  attention  to  our  English  progenitors.  The  name  is 
an  ancient  one,  and  takes  us  back  to  the  days  of  the  Saxon 
Kings  —  that  is,  as  the  name  of  a  place.  There  were  four 
places  of  the  name  in  England,  one  in  the  County  of  Mid- 
dlesex, about  eight  miles  from  London,  one  in  Hertford- 
shire, one  in  Warwickshire,  and  Kingsbury  East  in  Kings- 
bury Hundred,  in  Somersetshire  on  the  river  Parrott.  Its 
ancient  name  was  Kingsbury  Episcopii,*  and  the  manor 
was  held  by  the  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells.  Kingsbury  in 
Warwickshire  belonged  to  the  famous  Countess  Godiva,  and 
in  the  Domesday  book  is  called  "  Chinesburie."  Leofric, 
Earl  of  Mercia,  her  husband,  was  descended  from  the  Saxon 
Kings  of  Mercia,  and  inherited  their  ancient  seat.  Leofric's 
granddaughter  married  Turchil  de  Arden,  one  of  the  Con- 
queror's Norman  Knights,  and  their  granddaughter  married 
Peter  de  Bracebridge,  in  whose  family  the  lordship  of 
Kingsbury  remained  until  the  time  of  Queen  Elizabeth.  A 
daughter  of  this  race  married  Sir  John  Arden,  of  Arden, 
who  was  either  the  grandfather  or  great-uncle  of  Mary 
Arden,  Shakespeare's  mother.  At  all  events,  Shakespeare 
was  descended  from  the  Ardens,  and  doubtless  had  that  fact 
in  mind  when  he  wrote  the  lines — 

' '  When  nightingales  in  Arden  sit  and  sing 
Among  the  daintie  dew-empearled  flowers," 

and  not  the  forest  of  Ardennes  in  Flanders,  as  has  been 
claimed  by  commentators.  The  Bracebridges  lived  at 
Kingsbury  Hall,  and  in  the  church  in  Kingsbury  their  arms 

♦The  marriages  at  Kingsbury  Episcopii,  from  1577  to  1812,  copied  from  the 
pafish  registers,  have  been  printed  in  Somerset  Parish  Registers,  Vol.  V.,  edited  by 
W.  P.  W.  Phillimore,  M.A.,  B.C.L.,  but  the  family  name  of  Kingsbury  does  not 
appear  in  them  at  all. 




may  be  seen  impaled  with  those  of  the  family  of  Francis, 
and  curiously  enough  the  arms  of  Francis  are:  a  "chevron 
argent,  between  three  eagles  displayed  gules."*  These 
charges  are  nearly  the  same  as  those  of  the  old  Kingsbury 
coat  of  arms  owned  by  Hon.  Andrew  Kingsbury  of  Hartford, 
nearly  one  hundred  years  ago,  but  in  those  azure  is  substituted 
for  gules.  It  is  not  known  where  Mr.  Kingsbury  obtained 
these  arms,  but  this  coincidence  is  certainly  curious.    Kings- 

:^  4i.^  ^^3  fy^  ^-^^/c^. 

Argent,  a  fess  azure  between  three  eagles  displayed  of  the  same. 

Facsimile  of  a  drawing  of  Kingsbury  coat  of  arms,  owned  by  Andrew  Kingsbury,  Esq. 
of  Hartford  about  1800. 

bury  Hall  is  described  as  "a  house  of  Henry  VH's  time,  built 
with  its  great  manor-court  chamber  within  a  fortress,  of 
which  the  curtain  wall  and  the  octagonal  towers  remain, 
probably  of  the  time  of  King  John." 

The  Manor  of  Kingsbury  in  the  Hundred  of  Caishoe,-Co. 
Herts,  "  was  so  termed  from  the  Saxon  Kings,  who  were 
the  ancient  possessors  thereof,  and  often  resided  and  kept 

♦Hugh  Francis  was  of  Gifford's  Hall,  in  Wickhambrook,  near  Boxford,  6  Hen. 
VI.  Arms  :  Gules,  a  chevron  eng7-ailed,  ermine,  5  eagles  displayed,  argent.  His  gr. 
dau  and  co-heiress,  Margaret,  mar.  Thomas  Peyton  of  Peyton  Hall,  ob.  8  Hen.  VH. 
Her  sister,  Isabel,  mar.  Thomas  Higham.  Davy's  Suffolk  Collections,  British  Mu- 
seum. It  will  be  remembered  that  James  K.  of  Boxford,  mar.  Anne  flfrancis  in  1584. 


their  Court  there,  among  whom  Bertulph,  King  of  the 
Mercians,  celebrated  a  Parliamentary  Council  there  on  Fri- 
day after  Easter,  in  the  year  of  Christ  851.  .  .  .  There 
was  a  stately  Pallace  that  belonged  to  the  Castle  of  Kings- 
bury, scituated  at  the  west  end  of  the  Town  of  St.  Albans, 
where  the  Saxon  Kings  delighted  much,  and  their  Nobles  and 
Officers  so  often  resorted  thither  that  they  became  a  great 
Burden  and  Charge  to  the  Abbot  and  Monks  of  St.  Albans, 
which  induced  them  to  purchase  it ;  and  after  they  had  made 
many  Addresses  to  the  King  for  it,  Alfric,  who  had  been 
Chancellor  to  King  Etheldred,  whilst  he  was  a  Secular,  pre- 
vailed with  the  King  to  sell  to  them  all  the  royal  Mannor  of 
Kingsbury,  with  the  Parks  and  Woods  belonging  to  it,  ex- 
cepting one  small  Fortress  near  the  Monastery,  which  the 
King  would  not  suffer  to  be  demolisht,  that  the  Marks  of 
his  Royal  House  might  not  be  forgotten  ;  and  the  Abbot 
and  Monks  bought  and  enjoyed  it  till  the  time  of  the  Disso- 
lution, when  it  returned  to  the  Crown."  Through  various 
hands  it  passed  to  Sir  Francis  Bacon,  Viscount  Verulam, 
Keeper  of  the  Great  Seal  (the  great  Lord  Bacon),  but 
when  the  Seal  was  taken  from  him,  and  he  retired  from 
the  Court,  he  sold  it.  —  Historical  Antiquities  of  Hertfordshi7-e, 
by  Sir  Henry  Chauncy,  Kt.,  II.  J14. 

Camden  speaks  of  Kingsbury  Castle  at  St.  Albans,  in  his 
Britannia,  II.  yj. 

{Dugdale's  Monastico7t,  ed.   Caley  and  Ellis,  Vol.  11,  p.  J20.) 

Ethelbright,  rex  sepultus  apud  Winburne,  et  hie  fuit  ter- 
tius  f  undator  Vilodunensis  monasterii. 

Wulstanus  comes  Vilodunensis  contra  Ethelmundum  re- 
gem  merciorum  pugnans,  vicit ;  gravissimis  tamen  vulner- 
ibus  acceptis,  ex  quibus  ante  annum  periit.  Hie  quandam 
antiquam  ecclesiam  S.  Mariae  Viloduni  reparavit,  antea  per 
.  Danos  tantum  non  destructam  :  instituitque  in  ea  collegium 
sacerdotum  qui  preces,  et  pro  Alquimundo  patre  suo,  cru- 
deliter  ab  Ethelmundo  Merciorum  rege  interfecto,  et  pro  se 
assidue  funderent. 

Mortuo  postea  Wulstano  comite,  uxor  ejus  Alburga,  soror 
Ecberti  regis  Visi-Saxonum,  obtinuit  a  fratre,  ut  monaste- 
rium  ibidem  fieret  sacrarum  virginum,   cujus  primus   fun- 


dator  idem  Ecbertus  dictus.  Prope  hoc  monasterium  erant 
Wulstani  coniitis  aedes,  regiaque  civitas  in  qua  monasterium 
conditcum  fuit.  King-gesbyri  dicebatur,  quod  nomen  vel 
hodie  servat.  Fundatum  verb  fuit  monasterium  anno  Dom- 
ini DCCC.  errantque  duodecim  sacrae  virgines  praeter 

King  Ethelbert  was  buried  at  Winburne,  and  he  was  the 
third  founder  of  the  monastery  of  Wilton.  Wulstan,  Earl  of 
Wilton,  fought  against  Ethelmund,  King  of  the  Mercians, 
and  conquered,  but  received  very  severe  wounds  of  which 
he  died  within  a  year.  He  rebuilt  an  ancient  church  of  St. 
Mary  of  Wilton,  which  had  been  almost  destroyed  by  the 
Danes,  and  established  in  it  a  college  of  priests  to  offer  up 
continual  prayers  both  for  his  father,  Alchmund,  who  had 
been  cruelly  put  to  death  by  Ethelmund,  King  of  the  Mer- 
cians, and  for  himself.  After  the  death  of  Earl  Wulstan, 
his  wife  Alburga,  sister  of  Egbert,  King  of  the  West  Saxons, 
persuaded  her  brother  to  make  it  a  monastery  of  nuns,  and 
of  this  Egbert  is  called  the  first  founder.  Near  this  mon- 
astery was  the  residence  of  Earl  Wulstan,  and  the  royal 
city  in  which  the  monastery  was  established  was  called 
Kingsbury,  and  preserves  this  name  down  to  the  present 
day.  This  monastery  was  founded  A.  D.  800,  and  there 
were  twelve  nuns  besides  the  abbess. 

Domesday  Book,  Vol.  i,  240. 
"  Warwicsire  XV.     Terra  Comitissae  Godevae,  In  Coleshelle, 
Ipsa  Countessa  tenuit,  T.  R.  E.,  Chinesberie, 
Ibi  sunt  — vi,  Hidae,"  etc. 
Translation. — The   Countess    held    Chinesburie    (Kings- 
burye).     There  are  6  hides.     The  arable  employs  7  ploughs, 
2  are  in  the  demesne,  and  i  bondman.     There  are  2)Z  villiens, 
and  3  borders,  with  2  priests  ;  they  have  16  ploughs.     A  mill 
pays  9s  and  4d.  and  there  are  12  acres  of  meadow.     Wood  i 
mile  long  and  the  same  broad.     In  King  Edward's  time  it 
was  worth  6  pounds,  and  afterwards  7  pounds,  now  13  pounds 
by  weight. 

Dugdale  says  :  "  King  Edward  the  Confessor  gave  to 
Westminster  Abbey  a  third  of  the  forest  growing  in  his 


wood  at  Kyngsbury.  It  lies  in  the  Hundred  of  Goare,  about 
6  miles  N.  W.  of  London. 

"  Chingesberie,  Hundred  of  Helstone,  Middlesex,  tenet 
Ernulf  de  Hesdings." — Domesday  Book. 

The  first  individual  of  the  name  that  is  known  to  us  is 
Gilbert  de  Kingsbury,  who  was  the  incumbent  of  St.  Peter's 
Church,  Kingsbury,  Warwickshire,  about  1300.  He  prob- 
ably derived  his  surname  from  the  place.  In  1368  we  find 
a  William  de  Kingsbury  mentioned  in  the  will  of  Gervase 
de  Wyllesford,  Rector  of  Barnak,  in  Northamptonshire. 
There  are  quite  a  number  of  ecclesiastics  of  the  name. 
David  Kynnesbury  {alias  ap  Simon),  was  Vicar  of  Cheshunt, 
Herts,  appointed  April  12,  1480,  died  1503.  Thomas  Kings- 
bury was  Archdeacon  of  St.  Albans,  15 17,  and  it  was  appar- 
ently another  Thomas  Kingsbury  who  was  Archdeacon  in 
1531,  and  was  removed  at  the  dissolution  of  the  monasteries.* 
A  Rev.  Thoma?  Kingsbury  was  Rector  of  a  Parish  in  Suffolk, 
temp.  Jac.  I. —  Suffolk  Traveller.  At  Halford,  Kineton  Hun- 
dred, Warwickshire,  on  the  river  Stone,  in  the  southern 
part  of  the  county,  is  a  gravestone  near  the  door  of  the 
church  bearing  this  inscription :  "  Hie  jacet  Magister,  Hen- 
ricus  Kyngesberie  quondam  Rector  estius  ecclesiae,  qui  obiit 
I  die  mensis  Marcii  An.  D.  MCCCCLXXXVII  — Cujus 
Animae  proprietur  Deus  Amen."  Then  in  the  list  of  the 
incumbents  is  the  following  :  "  Henr.  Kynnesbury,  qui  obiit 
I  die  mensis  Marcii  A.  D.  1487." 

But  these  ecclesiastics  simply  'show  us  that  the  name 
appears  in  different  places  and  that  the  family  must  have 
been  of  some  consequence,  especially  as  several  of  them 
were  Benedictines,  who  were  called  "  the  gentlemanly 
monks,"  and  were  the  most  learned  order  in  Europe,  re- 
cruited mostly  from  the  higher  classes  of  society.  The 
Abbot  of  St.  Albans  had  a  seat  in  the  House  of  Lords,  and 
took  precedence  of  all  other  Abbots  in  England.  The  first 
one  of  the  name  of  real  importance  to  us  is  William  de 
Kyngesbury,  whose  name  appears  on  the  roll  of  Caxton's 
Manor,  in  Little  Cornard,  in  Suffolk,  as  early  as  1369,  in  the 
reign  of  Edward  III,  and  continues  until  141 2,  in  the  time 
of  Henry  IV,  when  he  held  Wattyscroft  in  the  Manor  of 

*  See  Appendix,  p.  594. 



Little  Cornard,  the  Lordship  of  Thomas  de  Grey.*  In  1414 
appears  the  name  of  John  de  Kingesbury.  Perhaps  they 
were  father  and  son.  or  perhaps  brothers.  Whether  they 
came  from  Kingsbury  Hall,  in  Warwickshire,  or  from 
Kingsbury  Episcopii  in  Somerset,  or  from  Kingsbury  in 
Middlesex,  or  were  an  offshoot  from  a  Kingsbury  family 
in  Dorset,  we  shall  probably  never  know,  but  they  were 
undoubtedly  the  ancestors  of  the   family  in    Suffolk  from 

Confirmed  by  Hawkins,  Ulster  King  at  Arms,  1742,  to  Dr.  Thomas  Kingsbury, 
Fellow  of  the  King  and  Queen's  College  of  Physicians,  Ireland,  son  of  Thomas 
Kingsbury,  Esq.,  descended  from  County  Dorset. 

Azure,  a  chevron  or  between  two  doves  in  chief,  proper,  and  a  serpent  in  base, 
nowed  of  the  last.     Crest  a  wy  vern  vert.     Motto :  Prudens  et  innocens. 

—  Burke's  General  Armoury,  ed.,  jSyS. 

which  our  ancestor,  Henry  Kingsbury,  came,  and  500  years 
is  a  very  respectable  antiquity  for  a  family  name. 

There  was  a  family  named  Kingsbury  in  County  Dorset, 
who  bore  for  a  coat  of  arms,  "  Azure,  a  chevron  or  between 
two  doves  in  chief  proper,  and  a  serpent  in  base  of  the  last. 
Crest,  a   wyvern   vert."       Motto,  "Prudens    et    innocens," 

*  Court  Rolls  I  Henry  V.    Suffolk  Archceological  Collections,  VI,  20. 


perhaps  referring  to  the  juxtaposition  of  the  doves  and 
serpent.  This  may  be  the  original  stock,  and  John  de 
Kingesbury  may  have  come  from  them. 

Among  the  wills  in  the  probate  registry  at  Bury  St. 
Edmunds,  in  Suffolk,  is  that  of  John  Kyngesbury,  the  elder, 
of  Cornard  Magna,  dated  August  lo,  1539.  He  was  prob- 
ably a  descendant  of  the  man  of  the  same  name  who  was 
living  in  Little  Cornard  rather  more  than  one  hundred 
years  before.  He  bequeaths  his  soul  to  Almighty  God  and 
to  "  our  Lady  Saynte  Mary,  and  to  all  the  blessed  Saints  in 
Glorye,"  and  desires  his  body  to  be  buried  in  the  church- 
yard of  St.  Andrewes  of  Cornard.  He  mentions  his  wife, 
Elyn,  several  daughters,  and  two  sons,  John  the  elder  and 
John  the  younger.  In  1542,  three  years  later,  we  find  in 
the  Lay  Subsidy  Rolls  the  names  of  two  John  Kyngesburys, 
one  in  Cornard  Magna,  and  one  in  Cornard  Parva,  probably 
the  same  two  Johns,  and  in  1544  one  of  them  was  in  New- 
ton, an  adjoining  parish.  It  therefore  seems  probable  that 
one  of  these  Johns  was  the  John  Kingsbury  who  in  1578 
was  living  in  Edwardstone,  another  adjacent  parish,  and 
had  two  sons,  James  and  Roger.  They  had  litigation  about 
their  father's  property  at  that  time,  and  it  is  stated  that  he 
was  an  aged  man. 

This  James  Kingsbury  died  in  Boxford,  another  near  by 
parish,  in  1590,  leaving  a  wife,  Agnes,  and  several  sons.  The 
oldest  was  James,  who  married  Ann  Francis  in  1584,  and  had 
eight  children,  five  sons  and  three  daughters.  Only  two  of 
them,  James  and  Sarah,  were  baptized  at  Boxford,  but 
James'  will  gives  the  names  of  all.  The  sons  were  :  James, 
Henry,  John,  Joseph,  and  Thomas.  Here  we  have  the 
names  of  the  three  brothers  who  came  to  New  England, 
Henry,  John,  and  Joseph,  and  Thomas,  another  brother, 
undoubtedly  the  Thomas  Kingsbury  who,  according  to  Gov. 
Winthrop,  agreed  to  come,  but  never  fulfilled  his  promise. 
As  we  know  that  John  and  Joseph  of  Dedham  were 
brothers,  and  as  John  of  Dedham  names  his  kinsman, 
Henry  Kingsbury  of  Haverhill,  an  equal  devisee  with  the 
children  of  his  brother  Joseph,  it  would  seem  as  if  our 
Henry,  of  Ipswich  and  Haverhill,  was  a  son  of  one  of  the 
other  brothers,  and  a  grandson  of  James  Kingsbury  of  Box- 



^jjv*"/;     1 











^   ^^ 


^   w 








*"^VV^o]  •imngi 

inrl    T  -,     1 





50'        5 




e  sif-^ 

Modern  map  of  the  southeastern  pait  of  the  County  of  Suffolk,  the  home  of  the  Kingsburys. 






ford,  who  died  in  1622.  What  more  likely  than  that  he 
should  have  been  the  son  of  Thomas,  who  never  came,  but 
sent  his  son  in  his  stead  ?  Look  at  the  names  of  our 
Henry's  sons,  John,  Ephraim,  James,  Samuel,  Thomas, 
Joseph,  four  of  the  Christian  names  repeated  that  appear 
in  the  will  of  James  of  Boxford,  and  he  himself  bore  the 
fifth  name.  Although  none  of  them  are  uncommon  names, 
it  would  appear  that  this  repeated  juxtaposition  could 
hardly  be  accidental. 

Another  point  in  identifying  these  relationships  is  that 
the  wife  of  John  Kingsbury  of  Dedham  was  named  Mar- 
garet, and  on  the  Assington  parish  register  is  recorded  the 
marriage  of  John  Kingsbury  and  Margaret  Whisson  in 
16 18.  Also  on  the  same  register  is  the  marriage  of  Henry 
Kingsbury  and  Margaret  Alabaster  in  162 1,  and  Henry  K., 
who  came  with  Winthrop,  had  a  wife  named  Margaret,  and 
two  children,  James  and  Sarah,  were  baptized  at  Assington, 
probably  the  two  children  who  were  sick  with  the  measles 
on  board  the  "Talbot"  in  the  harbor  of  Cowes.  So  every- 
thing seems  to  fit  in  properly. 

Margaret  Alabaster  was  undoubtedly  the  widow  of 
Thomas  Alabaster,  who  died  in  Assington  in  1620.  He  had 
married,  July  8,  16 18,  Margaret  Blyth,  and  was  the  son  of 
Roger  Alabaster  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk,  and  Bridget  Win- 
throp, his  wife,  daughter  of  Adam  Winthrop,  Esq.,  of 
Groton,  and  aunt  of  Gov.  John  Winthrop.  Thus,  Henry 
Kingsbury,  the  elder,  married  the  widow  of  a  first  cousin 
of  Gov.  Winthrop,  and  this  makes  it  very  natural  that  he 
should  be  trusted,  as  he  evidently  was  by  Winthrop,  with 
very  important  matters  of  business. 

A  man  holding  a  very  responsible  position,  as  a  steward, 
or  agent,  might  be  called  in  those  days  a  "  servant,"  but 
that  did  not  mean  that  he  performed  the  duties  of  a  menial. 
The  word  is  often  met  with  in  old  letters  and  records,  but 
with  a  very  different  meaning  from  its  present  usage.  Fre- 
quently younger  sons  and  relatives  of  a  family  were  em- 
ployed by  the  head  of  the  house,  or  lived  in  his  household, 
and  were  called  "servants,"  but  they  were  not  the  hirelings 
of  the  present  day. 

The  Alabaster  family  held  a  very  high  position  in  Suffolk, 


and  it  is  hardly  likely  that  the  widow  of  one  of  them  would 
marry  a  man  of  mean  extraction  or  position.*  A  letter  in 
the  Winthrop  Papers  written  by  Rev.  Henry  Jacie,  the 
minister  at  Assington,  speaks  of  Henry  Kingsburie's  com- 
mission to  obtain  several  books  of  theology,  books  that 
would  only  be  read  by  a  man  of  some  education,  and  in 
those  days  a  man  who  could  read  such  books  would  have  to 
be  a  man  of  learning. 

In  considering  these  things  it  is  necessary  to  remember 
the  standards  of  those  days,  and  that  the  conditions  of  life 
in  the  England  of  Elizabeth  and  James  I  were  very  different 
from  those  in  either  the  England  or  the  United  States  of 
the  present  day.  It  is  evident  from  the  wills  of  the  Suffolk 
Kingsburys  that  they  possessed  considerable  land,  and  were 
well  supplied  with  household  goods,  and  that  they  were 
yeomen,  the  class  next  to  the  gentry,  and  frequently  de- 
scended from  the  gentry,  younger  sons,  etc.  There  is 
plenty  of  evidence  that  in  the  same  family  one  branch 
would  be  in  the  Herald's  Visitation  as  gentry  and  another 
would  be  yeomen.  They  were  the  bowmen  and  spearmen 
who  won  Agincourt  for  Henry  V,  and  fought  the  battles  of 
the  English  Kings  in  France  for  generations,  the  backbone 
of  the  nation. 

"  A  Knight  of  Cales,  a  Gentleman  of  Wales,  and  a  Laird  of  the 

North  Countree, 
A  Yeoman  of   Kent,  with  his  yearly  rent,  will  buy  them  out 

all  three." 

So  says  an  old  English  ballad,  and  this  shows  the  estima- 
tion in  which  the  yeoman  was  held ;  a  class  that  has  now 
disappeared,  and  is  mourned  by  many  English  writers  of 
the  Victorian  age. 

*Ann  Alabaster,  first  cousin  of  Thomas  Alabaster,  married  Dr.  John  Still,  Bishop 
of  Bath  and  Wells,  and  at  one  time  Rector  of  Hadleigh,  Suffolk.    He  was  the  author 
of  the  first  true  English  play,  "Gammer  Gurton's  Needle,"  represented  in  Christ's 
College,  Cambridge,  about  1565,  with  its  well-known  drinking-song  : 
"  I  love  no  rost,  but  a  nut-brown  toste 
And  a  crab  laid  in  the  fyre. 
A  little  bread  shall  do  me  stead, 

Much  bread  I  not  desyre  ; 
No  froste  nor  snow  nor  winde,  I  trow. 

Can  hurte  me  if  it  wolde, 
I  am  so  wrapt  and  throwly  lapt 
Of  jolly  good  ale  and  olde." 




As  the  Kingsburys  were  so  closely  connected  with  Suf- 
folk, some  description  of  that  region  may  be  interesting. 
In  order  to  visit  Assington,  Boxford,  Groton,  and  Edward- 
stone,  one  goes  from  London  to  Sudbury,  a  distance  of  about 
fifty  miles  by  rail  across  Essex,  and  then  obtains  a  convey- 
ance at  the  "  Rose  and  Crown  Inn,"  to  drive  through  Great 
Cornard,  on  the  river  Stour,  and  then  through  Newton  to 
Boxford.  Edwardstone  is  at  the  further  end  of  Boxford 
street,  Assington  is  just  beyond,  and  Polstead  and  Stoke- 
next-Nayland  lie  on  the  Essex  border.  The  country  is 
gently  rolling,  fertile,  and  well  cultivated,  and  the  landscape 
is  very  pleasing.  The  frequent  windmills  remind  one  of 
Holland  and  Nantucket.  Gainsborough,  a  native  of  Sudbury 
in  this  County,  has  painted  these  hamlets  and  forests  in  some 
of  his  most  beautiful  pictures,  and  Suffolk  was  a  favorite 
sketching-ground  for  the  early  English  water-colorists.  Box- 
ford is  a  typical  English  village  with  two  closely  built,  wind- 
ing streets  (like  the  Boston  "cow-paths"),  old  red  brick  build- 
ings with  thatched  roofs,  not  a  few  of  them  probably  of  seven- 
teenth century  date.  There  is  also  a  free  grammar  school, 
founded  by  Queen  Elizabeth,  for  twenty  boys.  Opposite  the 
"  Fleece  Inn  "  at  the  upper  end  of  the  village,  and  reached  by 
a  foot  bridge  over  the  little  river  Box,  is  the  pleasant  old 
house  occupied  by  Mr.  Kingsbury,  a  house  builder  in  Box- 
ford, with  flower-garden  and  lawn.  The  compiler  met  two 
or  three  members  of  the  Kingsbury  family,  now  living  in 
Boxford,  who  received  her  with  old-fashioned  hospitality, 
and  they  stated  that  they  were  descended  from  one  Roger 
Kingsbury,  probably  Roger,  brother  of  the  first  James 
K.  of  Boxford.  The  great  flint  church,  St.  Mary's,  is  the 
most  imposing  object  in  Boxford,  a  spacious  edifice  of  the 
Early  Third  Pointed  period.  This  excellent  and  skillful 
masonry  of  cut  flint  is  a  marked  characteristic  of  Suffolk 
churches.  "  There  is  much  variety  of  tracery  in  the  many 
windows  of  the  church,  and  here  and  there  suggestions  of 
flamboyant  motifs.  It  includes  a  clerestoried  nave,  choir, 
aisles  prolonged  to  the  east  end  of  the  choir,  north  and  south 
porches,  the  former  of  oak,  with  groinings  of  the  same  ma- 
terial, and  two  bays,  with  open  sides  traceried,  the  other  of 
stone    elaborately    paneled,    with    seven    niches    over    the 


entrance  with  a  number  of  inscriptions  nearly  obliterated, 
and  at  the  west  end  an  embattled  tower  containing  a 
clock  and  eight  bells,  and  surmounted  by  a  slender  spire  or 
fleche.  With  the  exception  of  the  north  porch  the  whole  build- 
ing was  restored  in  1888.  There  is  a  carved  oak  door  in  the 
tower,  and  a  small  door  in  the  south  choir  aisle,  in  addition 
to  the  entrances  from  the  porches."*  Floods  of  light  stream 
through  the  great  windows,  but  the  interior  of  the  church 
is  quite  plain,  with  few  monuments.  Probably  the  Puritans 
visited  the  church  in  Cromwell's  time,  and  destroyed  the 
stained  glass  and  ancient  monuments,  as  they  did  in  so 
many  Suffolk  churches.  There  is  a  mural  tablet  with  a 
singular  epitaph : 

In   memory   of 

Elizabeth     Hyam 

of  this   Parish,   for   the 

fourth  time  a  Widow; 

who  by  a  Fall,  that 

brought  on  a  mortification 

was  at  last 

hastened  to  her  End 

on  the  4th  May,  1748, 

in  her  113th  Year. 

Our  name  occurs  frequently  in  the  Parish  Register,  and 
James  Kingsbury,  the  father  of  Henry  and  John  and  Joseph, 
left  a  sum  of  money  to  be  distributed  to  the  poor  of  the 
parish  at  his  funeral,  and  he  and  his  parents  left  directions 
in  their  wills  that  they  should  be  buried  in  the  churchyard. 

About  a  mile  from  the  village,  situated  in  the  parishes  of 
Boxford,  Stoke,  and  Assington,  is  Peyton  Hall,  now  a  farm- 
house, an  estate  granted  by  William  the  Conqueror  to  Rob- 
ert Malet,  the  progenitor  of  the  ancient  family  of  Peyton, 
by  whom  the  manor  was  long  possessed.  The  widow  Annis 
Kingsbury  of  Boxford,  in  her  will,  dated  1602,  gives  to  her 
son  Henry,  "my  Indenture  of  Lease  which  I  hold  under  Sir 
John   Peyton,  of    Iselham   in    the    County   of   Cambrido^e, 


Assington,  which  is  also  a  place  of  interest  for  the  Kings- 
burys,  lies  close  by  Boxford,  but  it  is  a  much  smaller  village, 
and  the  old  Hall,  a  fine  Jacobean  building,  where  the  Gur- 

*  Essex  Atitiguarian,  VI,  104-j, 

tSir  Roger  de  Peyton  of  Peyton  Hall,  who  died  25th  Edward  III  (1351),  married 
the  lady  Christiana  de  Apleton,  who  was  heir  to  land  in  Boxford  and  Haxwell,  and 
who  died  19th  of  Edward  II,  and  was  buried  at  Stoke  Neyland  with  great  pomp. 



dons  lived  in  Henry  Kingsbury's  time,  and  still  live,  and  the 
closely  adjoining- beautiful  little  church  of  St.  Edmund,  both 
stand  in  the  park,  some  distance  from  the  hamlet,  and  on  the 
site  of  the  field  of  the  last  battle  fought  between  the  Saxons 
and  the  Danes,  in  1016,  and  known  as  Assandun.  Groton,the 
home  of  the  Winthrops,  is  only  half  a  mile  from  Boxford, 
and  Edwardstone  the  same  distance  in  another  direction.  At 
Edwardstone  the  church  and  "  great  house  "  are  also  close 
together  in  a  beautiful  park.  It  was  formerly  a  village  of 
considerable  note  on  account  of  the  Montchensy  family,  who 
once  resided  there,  and  there  was  also  a  religious  house,  a 
cell  to  the  monastery  at  Abingdon,  near  Oxford.  The  parish 
registers  are  unfortunately  lost  before  1645,  and  that  is 
probably  the  reason  why  we  cannot  find  the  baptisms  of 
more  of  the  particular  Kingsbury  family  that  we  want. 
Stoke-next-Nayland,  where  there  were  many  Kingsburys 
about  1600,  lies  two  or  three  miles  south  of  Boxford.  The 
church  tower,  one  of  the  finest  in  the  County,  deserves  special 
notice.  The  west  doorway  is. very  rich,  and  the  paneling 
of  plinth  and  battlement  very  fine.  In  one  of  the  chan- 
cel chapels,  enclosed  by  screenwork,  are  monuments  for  the 
two  wives  of  John  Howard,  Duke  of  Norfolk,  who  fell  at 
Bos  worth.  Constable,  writing  con  atnore  of  his  native  valley, 
thus  describes  this  place  :  "  Stoke  Nayland,  though  by  no 
means  one  of  the   largest,  certainly  ranks  with  the  great 

churches  of  the  Eastern  Counties, with  its  majestic 

tower,  which,  from  its  commanding  height,  may  be  said  to 
impart  a  portion  of  its  own  dignity  to  the  surrounding 
country."  Between  Stoke-by-Nayland  and  Shelly  stands 
Gifford's  Hall,*  a  fine  residence  of  the  age  of  Henry  VIII 
(1538),  although  some  parts  are  much  older.  It  will  readily 
be  seen  how  closely  connected  geographically  all  those 
places  are,  and  what  close  relationships  there  must  have 
been  among  the  settlers  who  joined  Governor  Winthrop's 

Various  particulars  have  been  gathered  relating  to  the 
name  of  Kingsbury  in  England,  and  some  of  the  individuals 
evidently  are  connected  with  the  Suffolk  family,  while 
others  belong  to  the  family  in  the  south  of  England.  Wil- 
liam Kingsbury,  Gent.,  of  Bungay,  Suffolk,  was  buried  in 

♦  See  page  17,  n. 



Marylebone  Church,  London,  October  12,  1788  (see  page  67). 
In  1607  John  Kingsbury  gave  xviij'*  to  the  "  Coullecsyon  "  for 
Cornarde  Parva.  About  1610  the  name  of  Richard  Kinges- 
berie  occurs.  Rev.  William  Kingsbury,  a  dissenting  minister, 
born  Julv  12,  1744,  Bishopsgate  street,  London,  was  a  son  of 
Thomas  Kingsbury,  who  died  in  1753.  Remarried,  in  1768, 
a  daughter  of  Rev.  Mordecai  Andrews,  of  London.  He 
resided  in  Southampton,  and  was  a  strong  supporter  of  the 
movement  that  developed  into  the  London  Missionary  So- 
ciety. He  published  in  1798  a  volume  entitled  "An  Apology 
for  Village  Preaching."  His  son,  Thomas,  was  the  father  of 
the  Rev.  Thomas  Lack  Kingsbury,  born  1822,  became  a 
clergyman  of  the  Church  of  England  and  Canon  of  Sarum, 
residence  Coombe  Bisset  Vicarage,  Salisbury  ;  died  in  1899. 

Gules,  a  chevron  or,  between  ^  crescents  argent. 
A  knight's  helmet  borne  in  chief  of  the  second. 
Crest,  a  demi-lion  rampant  or.—  Usher. 

Kingsbury,  Ireland,  Gules,  two  boars'  heads  era^ 
in  chief,   argent.     Crest,  a  snail  issuing  from 
shell,  proper. — Burke's  General  Artnory. 


Lamarsh,  Co.  Essex. 
^55^-     Agnes  Kingsbury  buried  April  i6"\ 
1557.     Johannes  Kingsbery  &  Marion  Upcher  married  Oct 

1558.     Agnes''K.  daughter  of  John  Kingsbery  baptized  Jan: 

1558.  Hugo  Kingsbury  &  Christian  Whitlock  married  Sept 


1559.  Christian  wife  of  Hugo  Kingsbery  buried  10*''  Feb^  & 

children  of  the  said  H  &  C.  K  buried  in  the  same 
month  &  year. 
1559.     John  son  of  Hugonis  Kingsbery  &  his  twin  Johanna 
were  baptized  at  home  20"^  Feb''. 

1561.  Agnes    daughter  of  John  Kingsbery  buried   ij^^  of 


1562.  William  son  of  Johannes  Kingsbery  baptized  2d  Feb^. 

1563.  Gresell  daughter  Hugo  Kingsbery  baptized  April  4'^. 

1564.  Elizabeth  daughter  of  Hugo  Kingsbery  baptized  29*'' 

i564(</)Elizabeth  daughter  of  Hugo  Kingsbery  buried  Jan: 

i564(a)Elizabeth  daughter  of  Hugo  Kingsbery  baptized  29*^*' 

1565.  Alicia  daughter  of    Hugo   Kingsbery  baptized    25*'' 


1566.  Maria  daughter  of  John  Kingsbery  baptized  ii*'"  of 

1566.     Hugo  Kingsbery  buried  20"'  of  June. 

1569.  Elizabeth  daughter  of  Johannes  Kingsbery  baptized 

Sept  8'\ 

1570.  Johannes  Kingsbery  buried  9""  Jan''. 
1640.     John  Kingsberrie  buried  Oct  26"'. 



Great  Bromley,  Co.  Essex. 

1635.    James  son  of  Henry  King-sbury  baptized  April  ^^^. 
1640.     James  son  of  Henry  Kingsbury  baptized  July  5 


Newton-next-Sudbury,  Co,  Suffolk, 

16 1 2.     Maria  filia  Johannis  Kingsbury  et  Anna  uxoris  eius, 

baptizata  fuit  Septimo  die  ffebruarij. 
1614.     Dorcas,  filia  Johannis  Kingsberie  et  Anna  uxoris  eius, 

baptizata  fuit  18°  di^  Septemb^ 
1616.     Johannes  filius  Johis  Kingsberie  et  Anna  uxor  eius, 

baptizatus  fuit  decimo  quarto  die  Aprilis. 
1619.     Richardus  filius  Richardi  Kingsberie  et  ffrancesuxor 

eius,  baptizatus  fuit  vicesimo  octavo  die  Novem''^ 

162 1,  Robertus  filius  Richardi  Kingsbury  et  Frances  uxor 

eius,  baptizatus  fuit  Aprilis  octavo. 

1623.  Thomas  filius  Richardi  Kingsbury  et  Frances  uxoris 

eius,  baptizatus  fuit  Aprilis  vicesimo  secundo. 

.     Robertus  filius  Johannis   Kingsbury  et  Annae  uxoris 

eius,  baptizatus  fuit  Julij  decimo  Septimo. 

1624.  Anna  filia  Richardi  Kingsbury  et  Frances  uxoris  eius, 

baptisata  Februarij  vicesimo  Septimo. 
1628.     Johannes  filius  Richardi  Kingsbury  et  Frances  uxoris 
eius,  baptisatus  Maij  quinto. 

1610.     Henricus  Kingsberie  sepultus  erat  eode  die  (sc.    14 

die  Aug  :)   Anno  ^tat,  29°. 
1633.     Richardus  Kingsberie  sepultus  Junij  ultimo. 
.     Francisca  videra  relicta  Richardi  Kingsburie  sepulta 

Julij  decimo  quinto, 

AssiNGTON,  Co.  Suffolk, 

1622.  James  Kingsberie  the  sonne  of  Henerie  Kingsberie 

and  Margaret  his  wife,  the  first  of  September. 
1624.     Sarah  Kingsbury  the  daughter  of  henry  Kingsbury  & 
Margrett  his  wife  the  i  of  August, 



1635.     Dorothy    Kingsbury    daughter    of    Kingsbury 

and  Dorathy  his  wife,  July  19. 
1637.     Sara  Kingsbury  the  daughter  of  Edward  Kingsbury 

and  Dorothy  his  wife  ffebruary  4. 

1641.  Edward   Kingsbury  the  son  of   Edward   Kingsbury 

and  Dorithy  his  Wife  July  11. 
1644.     John  Kingsbury  the  sonn  of  Edward  Kingsbury  and 

dorathy  his  wife  October  20. 
1647.     Mary  Kingsbery  the  daughter  of  edward  kingsbery 

and  dorathy  his  wife  July  4. 

t6i8.     John    Kingsbery  and  Margaret  Whisson  the  S**"  of 

1621.     Henerie  Kingsberie  and  Margaret  Alabasterthe  18*'' 

of  May. 

1630.  Mr  Thomas  Chamber,  the  late  faithfull  Minister  of 
this  Church,  of  w'h  he  had  the  oversight  the  space 
of  32  years,  where  during  all  that  space  (by  him- 
selfe  or  by  supply  of  some  other  Reverend  preacher 
for  him)  he  never  once  omitted  to  have  two  sermons 
every  lord's  day,  besides  sermons,  or  expositions 
every  time  of  Baptisme,  and  preparations  to  the 
lord's  supper,  and  often  alsoe  on  other  occasions,  his 
lips  fed  many  publickly,  and  from  house  to  house, 
his  LOVE  and  GOOD  WORKS  abounded,  releeve- 
ing  the  poore  and  visitting  the  sick,  to  his  utmost 
power,  and  was  willing  beyond  his  power;  his  life 
was  a  patterne  to  his  flock,  walking  before  GOD 
and  before  man  blameles;  he  slept  in  the  Lord  June 
8  Anno  setat  76.  [This  is  given  as  relating  to  one 
who  had  immense  influence  over  the  puritans  of  his 
neighborhood,  including  therein  many  early  settlers 
of  New  England  ;  he  was  also  remembered  in  the 
Will  of  James  Kingsbury,  the  testator  of  1622.] 

1642.  Edward  Kingsbery  the  sonn  of  Edward  Kingsbery 

and  dorathy  his  wife,  July  21. 



BoxFORD,  Co.  Suffolk. 

Register  begins  1557. 


1558.     Thomas  Kingsbury  the  third  of  mche. 

1562.     James  Kingsbury    sonne   of    James    Kingsbury   the 

sixte  of  September. 
1565.     Rachell  Kingsburye  daughter  of  James  Kingsburye 

the  ix*''  of  September. 
1567.     Abrahm   Kingsburye  sonne  of  James  Kingsburye  & 

Agnes  his  wyffe  the  ix*""  of  ffebruarye. 
1570.      Tho :  Kingsburye   sonne   of   Roger   Kingsburye   & 

Ciselye  his  wyffe  the  xxiiij**"  of  September. 
1572.     John  Kingsburye  sonne  of  Rog''  Kingsburye  &  Cise- 
lye his  wyffe  the  xxiiij'^  of  September. 

1575.  Hen:  Kingsburye  Sonne  of  Ja:  Kingsburye  &  Agnes 

his  wyffe  the  xxij'^''  of  June. 

1576.  Hen:  Kingsburye  Sonne  of  Roger  Kingsburye  &  Cis- 

elye his  wyff  the  xix**^  of  Auguste. 
1579.     Thomas  Kingsburye  sonne  of  Roger  Kingsburye  & 

Cicely  his  wyffe  the  xij'*'  of  Aprell. 
1583.     Samuell  Kingsburye  son  of  Roger  Kingsbury  &  Cis- 

eley  his  wyffe  the  ix"^  of  June. 
1595.     Jo  :  Kingsburye  Sonne  of  James  Kingsburye  &  Anna 

his  wyffe  the  xxv'^  of  Maye. 
1597.     Sarra  Kingsburj^e   daughf  of  James  Kingsburye  & 

Anne  his  wyffe  the  v""  of  Maye. 
1600.     John  Kinsbery  sonne  of  Henery  Kinsbery  and  Eliz- 
abeth his  wife  y®  26*''  of  October. 
1602.     Henrie  Kinsbery  the  sonne  of  Henry  Kinsbery  the 

xxix'^  of  June. 
.     Rachell  Kinsbury  the  daughter  of  Henry  Kinsbery 

the  v**"  of  September. 

1604.  Susanna  Kinsburye  the  daughter  of  Henry  Kinsbery 

the  xxviij^''  of  October. 

.     Anne  Kinsberye  the  daughter  of  Abraham  Kinsbery 

the  xx*^  of  November. 

1605.  Anne  Kinsbery  the  daughter  of  James  Kinsbery  the^ 

xxi''''  of  October. 

1606.  James  Kinsbery  the  sonne  of  Henry  Kinsbery  the 

first  of  Aprill. 




.     Cicelye  Kinsbery  the  daughter   of  Abraham   Kins- 

bery  the  xix""  of  Januarye. 
1607.     John   Kinsbery   the  sonne  of  Henry   Kinsbery   the 

viij"^  of  Julye. 
1609.     Susanna  Kinsbery  the  daughter  of  Abraham  Kinsbery 

the  first  of  ffebruary. 
(There  are  no  entries  of  any  kind  for  1610  ;    a  space  of 
two  and  a  half  pages  is  left  blank.) 
161 1.     Samuel  Kinsbery  the  sonne  of  Henry  Kinsbery  the 

xxiij"^  of  Maye. 
.     Agnes  Kinsbery  the  daughter  of  Abraham  Kinsbery 

the  xxv"^  of  Julye. 
1 615.     Anne  Kinsberye  the  daughter  of  James  Kinsberye 

the  seconde  of  ftebruary. 
16 1 7.     Samuel  Kinsbery  the  sonne  of  Henry  Kinsbery  and 

Rachell  his  wife  the  xvi*''  of  November. 
1619.     Elizabeth  Kinsbery  the  daughter  of  Timothie  Kins- 
bery and  Margaret  his  wife  the  iiij'"^  of  Aprill. 
.     Agnes  Kingsbery  the  daughter  of  Henry  Kingsbery 

and  Rachell  his  wife  the  xxiij*^  of  Januarye. 
1622.     Margarita    Kingsberry   the    daughter    of  Timothye 

Kingsberry  and   Margarite  his  wife  was   baptized  the 

10"'  of  April. 
1632.     Rowland  Kingsbury  sonne  of    Margaret  Kingsbury 

spurious  was  baptized  the  i  September. 

1640.  Henry  Kingsbery,  sonne  of  Henry  Kingsbery  &  Mar- 
garet his  wife  September  6*^^. 

1641.  Rob*.  Kingsbury  sonn  of  Henry  Kingsbury  and  Mar- 
garett  his  wife  y^  13  of  January. 

1648.  Marthew  Kingsbury  daughf  of  Beniamin  and 
Mathewe  y^  21:  of  March. 


^557-  Willm  Stowe  the  sonne  of  John  Stowe  &  Margarett 
Kingsburye  the  daughter  of  John  Kingsburye  were 
married  the  xxvi*''  of  Aprill.  ( The  first  marriage 

1583.  Thomas  Kingsburye  &  Suzan  Clampyn  the  xvij'^'' 
of  Januarye. 

1584.  James  Kingsburye  &  Anne  ffrauncis  the  xxij*^  of 



1590.     John  Carpenter  &  Rachell  Kingsburye  the  xxi^*  of 

1593.     Abrahth  Kingsburye  &  Katyn  Offwoode  the  first  of 

1600.     John  Kingsbery   and  Susanna   Skarlett  the   ix"'  of 

1607.     Rob'.    Chubbe    and  Mary    Kingsbery    the    xvi""   of 

1614.     James   Kingsbery  and    Joane    Hogge    the  viij'^    of 

1618.     Timothie     Kingsbery    and     Margaret    Woode     the 

XXV**'  of  Maye. 
1622.     George  Sheldrake  &  Elizabeth  Kingsbury  were  mar- 
ried the  29  of  September. 
1624.     Henry    Goymer    &    Margarite    Kingsbury   y^    i    of 

1636.     William  Pollard  &  Anne  Kingsbury  25  of  Aprill. 
.     Robert  Rowland  &  Margaret  Kingsbury  the  12*^'  of 



1590.     James  Kingsburye  was  buried  the  xv"'  of  Aprell. 
1596.     Samuell  Kingsburye  Sonne  of  Roger  Kingsburye  the 

xiiij""  of  Maye. 
1600.     Anne  Kingsbery  the  daughter  of  Abraham  Kingsbery 

the  viij**"  of  February e. 
1602.     Widdowe  Kingsbery  the  xxx"'  of  Decemb''. 
1 61 6.     Cicelye  Kinsbery  the  xx'*'  of  August. 
16 1 8.     Elizabeth  Kinsbery  the  wife  of  Rob'.  Kinsburye  the 

v'*"  of  ffebruary. 

-.     Robert  Kinsbery  the  xij'^  of  ffebruary. 

1622.     William  Kingsbury  was  buried  the  26th  of  ffebruary, 

.     James  Kingsbury  was  buried  the  26  of  April. 

1624.     The  widdow  Kingsbury  was  buryed  the  13  of  April. 
1627.     Henry  Kingsbury  buried  the  17""  of  January. 

1630.  Timothie  Kingsbury  was  buried  the  29"^  of  August. 

1 63 1.  Elizabeth  Kingesbury  was  buried  the  20'''  of  ffebru- 


Groton,  Co.  Suffolk. 

Register  begins  1562. 


1604.  Margret  Kingsbury  the  daughter  of  Robert  Kings- 
bury e  (It  of  his  wife  was  baptized  the  8  of  June. 

1620.  Judith  Kingsbery  the  daughter  of  James  Kingsberye, 
was  baptized  the  vij*''  day  of  Apriell  1620. 

.     James  Kingsberie  was  baptized  the  18.  of  Aprill. 

1622.     Thomas  Kingsberie  was  baptized  y®  9*^  of  June. 

1624.     James  "Kingsberie  was  baptized  y^  22"  of  Januar. 

1626.     Margaret  Kingsberie  was  baptized  y®  g*""  of  May. 

1629.  Elizabeth  the  daughter  of  James  Kingsberie  and 
Elizabeth  his  wife  March  the  21*''. 





161 6.     Susana    Kingsbury  was    buried   the  second  day  of 

1624.  James  Kingsberie  his  wife  and  hir  childe  were  buried 
the  20*^  of  Januarie. 

1625.  James  Kingsberie  was  buried  y®  third  of  Novemb"". 
1635.     James  Kingsbury. . .  .buryed. 

Great  Cornard,  or  Cornard  Magna,  Co.  Suffolk. 

1543.  Bapti.  erat  Alicia  Kingsbury  Decimo  Nono  die  Aprilis. 
1545.  Bapti.  erat  Thomas  Kingsbury  Ultimo  Die  ffebruary. 
1547.  Bapti.  erat  Johannes  Kingsbury  Sexto  Die  Martii. 
1596.  Johannes  Kingsbury  filius  Rich.  Kingsbury  bapt.  erat 

vicessimo  Sexto  die  Dec^ 
1598  Bapt.  Robertus  Kingsbury  filius  Edwardi  Quarto  Die 


1602.  Thomas  Kingsbury  filius  Johes  Kingsbury,  vicessimo 
secundo  die  ffebruary. 

1603.  Bapt.  Johannes    Kingsbury,  filius    Johes  Kingsbury, 
vicessimo  quinto  die  Septembris. 


1603.  Bapt.  Maria  Kingsbury  filia  Johes  Kingsbury,  vicessi- 

mo  septimo  die  Janu^ 
1606.  Bapt.  Elizabeth  Kingsbury  filia  Johes  Kingsbury  Deci- 

mo  quarto  die  Septembris. 
1613.  Bapt.  Willmus  Kingsbury  filius  Johes  Kingsbury  quinto 

die  Junii. 
1597.  Henricus  Kingsbury  and  Margareta  Warren  married 

Vicessimo  primo  die  Novembris. 
1599.  Johannes  Kingsbury  and   Johanna  Cooke  m'*  Quinto 

die  Junii. 

Sepultus  erat  Johannes  Kingsbury  senior  sexto  die  Januy 


Sepultus  erat  Josephus  Kingsbury  vicessimo   Septimo 

Die  Novembris  1619. 

John  Kingsbury  was  buried  the  6'''  day  of  April  1631. 

James   Kingsbury  was  buried  the  31'*  day  of  August, 


John  Kingsbury  and  James  Kingsbury  sons  of  John  and 

Mary  his  wife  were  baptized  April  28,  1633. 

Little  Cornard,  Co.  Suffolk. 

Register  begins  1565. 

1598.     John  Kingsberye  was  baptis.  the  i  of  October. 

1600.  Marie  Kingsberye  was  baptized  the  24  daye  of  febru- 

1609.  George  Kingsberry  the  sonne  of  Richard  Kingsberry 
was  baptised  the  eleventh  day  of  June  1609. 

1 6 13.  Barnaby  Kingsberry  the  sonne  of  Richard  Kings- 
berry was  baptised  the  firste  dale  of  Auguste,  16 13. 

1623.  Mary  Kingsberye  the  daughter  of  John  Kingsberye 
was  baptised  the  xxv*""  day  of  January  Anno  dn  1623. 

1625.  Johan  Kingsberye  the  daughter  of  John  Kingsbery 
was  baptized  the  one  and  twenteth  day  of  Auguste  1625. 

1636.  Richard  Kingsberye  the  Sonne  of  George  Kingsberye 
&  Susan  his  wife  was  baptised  June  the  5*^. 




1623.  John  Kingsberry  and  Alice  Wixe  were  maried  the 
twenteth  and  fourth  day  of  June  1623. 

1633.  George  Kingsbery  &  Susan  Sheircroft  were  married 
the  14**^  day  of  January  1633. 

1637.  Richard  Kingsbery  &  Anna  Deekes  were  married  the 
4"'  of  September  1637. 


1565.     Ann  Kingsburye  was  buryed  the  12  of  februarye. 

1615.  Richard  Kingsberry  was  buried  the  28*''  daie  of  Au- 
gust Ao  Dni  1615. 

1632.  John  Kingsbery  was  buried  the  17''"  day  of  ffebruary 
Annoq.  dom.   1632. 

1634.  An  Kingsbery  widow  was  buried  the  18"'  of  ffebru- 
ary 1634. 

1639.  George  Kingsbery  the  Sonne  of  George  Kingsbery 
was  buried  the  two  &  twenty  of  July:   1639. 

1667.     Alice    Kingsbery,    Septemb    13,  ]  ^  .  (.  ^no 

168 r.     John  Kingsbery,  buried  the  14'^  day  of  August. 

Stoke  by  Neyland,  Co.  Suffolk. 
1586     July  17,  Rachell  daughter  of  Thomas  Kingesburie 

1589  April  I,  Jeames  sonne  of  Thomas  Kingesburie 

1590  August  9,         the        of  Jeames  Kingsburie 
1603     Dec.  II,  John  sonne  of  John  Kingesburie 
1607     Aug.  30,  Saray  daughter  of  John  Kingsburie 
1608/9  J^^-  3°>  Robard  sonn  of  John  Kingsberie 
1609     Dec.  4,         sonne  of  John  Kingesbery 
1610/11  Feb.  24,  Jane  daught.  of  John  Kingsbery 
1612     Dec.  15,  Jacob  sonne  of  John  Kingsbury 
1615     April  23,  Robte  sonne  of  John  Kingesburie 
161 7     June  8,  Rebecca  daughter  of  John  Kingesburie 
1618/19  Jan.  12,  Isacke  sonne  of  John  Kingsburye 
1620/21  Jan.  21,  James  sonn  John  Kingsberry 

1623     March  25,  Jonas  sonne  of  John  Kingsburye 


1637/38  Feb.  25,  John  sonne  of  John  Kingsbury  of  Leaven- 

1640  May  3,  John  sonne  of  John  Kingsbury. 

1642     April  24,  Martha  daughter  of  John  Kingsbury. 
1643/44  Jan.  6 the  sonne  of  John  Kingsbury. 

1613     Dec.  5,  Henery  Kingsberry  &  Jane  Waryn. 
1636     Sept.  8,  John  Kingsbury  of  Boxford  single  and  Anne 

Hunt  of  this  parish  single. 
1638/39  Jan.  31,  Jacob  Kingsbury  and  Rebeckah  Shad. 

1559     April  I,  Thorns  ye  son  of        Kingesburie. 
1559     Oct.  II,  Marie  Kingesburie  servant  to  Williii  Massom. 
1590     March  25,  Thomas  Kingesburie  aet.  36. 
1607     Dec.  4,  Saray  daughter  of  John  Kingesburie. 
i6o8/9Feb.  6,  Robard  sonn  of  John  Kingsberie. 
1610     April  29,  Willm  sonne  of  John  Kingsbury. 
1624/25  Jan.  17,  William  Kingsberye  of   Waldenfelde  from 

Giffords  Hall. 
1636     July  6,  Susan  daughter  of  John  Kingsbury  but  wife 

to  Edward  Hazell. 
1638     Aug.  24,  John  Kingsbury. 

1641  Sept.  5,  Rebeckah  wyfe  of  Jacob  Kyngsburye. 

Great   Waldingfield,  Co.  Suffolk. 


Henry,  son  of  William  Kingsbury,  baptized  Aug.  18,  1549. 
John  and  Alice,  childre  of  William   Kingsbury,  baptized   15 

June,  1551. 
Edmond,  son  of  William  Kingsbury,  baptized  g**"  October, 

Robert,  son  of  William  Kingsbury,  baptized  15  March,  1555. 
Nicholas,  son  of  William  Kingsbury,  baptized  .  .  .   1557. 
[no  names],  the  children  of   William  Kingsbury,  baptized 

•  •  •   1559- 
Benjamin,  son  of  Peter  Kingsbury,  baptized  4"'  Nov.,  1582. 
Peter,  son  of  Peter  Kingsbury,  baptized  November,  1588. 
3'''^  day  of  November,  1587,  John,  son  of  William  &  Margaret 

Kingsbury  was  baptised. 



Mary  Kingsbury,  daughter  of  William  Kingsbury,  baptized 

26  October,  1589. 
John,  son  of  Peter  Kingsbury,  baptized  January  16,  1591. 
Timothy,  son  of  William  Kingsbury,  sen^,  baptized  July  25, 

William,  son  of  William  Kingsbury,  sen'',  baptized  May  27, 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  William  Kingsbury,  baptized  Sep'. 

25,  1594. 
Jane,  daughter  of  Peter  Kingsbury,  baptized  Dec.  6,  1594. 
Henry,  son  of  William  Kingsbury,  baptized  January  22,  1594. 
Hannah,  daughter  of  William  Kingsbury,  baptized  10  Oct., 

Joseph,  son  of  William  Kingsbury,  baptized  28  April,  1613. 


Robert  Kingsbury  and  Agnes  Braybrooke,  married  20 
April,  1550. 

William  Kingsbury  and  Margaret,  his  wife,  were  married 
September,   1586. 

John  Kingsbury  and  Margery  Conham,  widow,  were  mar- 
ried June  2,  1623. 


Alice  Kingsbury  buried  20  August,  155 1. 
Edmund  Kingsbury  buried  16  March,  1553. 
Nicholas  Kingsbury  buried  12  December,  1558. 
John  Kingsbury  buried  12  August,  1559. 
Harry  Kingsbury  buried  19  September,  1566. 
Roger  Kingsbury  buried  4*^  March,  1576. 
John  Kingsbury  buried  15  November,  1588. 
William  Kingsbury  buried  March,  1598. 

Kersey,   Co.  Suffolk. 

Annable  Kingsberrye  the  4  of  January,  1595. 

ffrancis  Kingsburie  fil.  henerici  Kingsburie  bapt.  12 
Decembris  16 17. 
1618.     Jacobus    Kingsburie   fil.   Jacobi   Kingsburie  27°  die 



1620.  Bridgett  Kingsburie   the  daughter  of  Willia  Kings- 
burie  the  18'''  of  March. 

1624.     ffranceis  Kingsburie  daughter  of  James  Kingsburie 
September  12. 

1627.  Nathaniell    Kingsburie   the  sonne  of  James  Kings- 
burie, the  9''''  of  September. 

1629.     Joseph  Kingsburie  the  sonne  of  James  Kingsburie 
the  28  of  October. 


1628.  Nathaniell  Kingsburye  the  26  of  September. 

Chelsworth,  Suffolk, 


1612.     Susan   Kingsbury  y^    Daughter   of   J  oh.   Kingsbury     I 
was  Baptized  Mar.  6th. 

1615.     John  Kingsburie  sonn  to  John  Kingsburie  baptz.  the 
9*''  of  Septemb^ 

1644,     John  Kingsbury  y"^  son  of  John  Kingsbury  was  Bap- 
tized y^  16*''  of  Septemb^ 


161 2.     John  Kingsbery  and  Susan  Carter  were  married  the 
first  day  of  November. 

1 62 1.  John  Reade  and  Elizabeth  Kingsbury  married  Oc- 
tob^  I8t^ 

Bradfield,  Co.  Essex. 



I.     Sam:  Kingsberry  son  of  Samuel  &  Elizab:  Kingsberry 

was  baptised  y*^  {sic). 
7.     James  Kingsberry  son  of  Franck  &  Mary  Kingsberry 

was  baptised  3  of  July. 


ffrances  kengsberry  Daughter  of  James  Kingesbarey 
and  Mercy  his  wife  Was  baptised  the  sextene  day 
of  September  1649. 




ffrances  kcBgesbearey  daughter  of  Samuel  kengesbearey 
and  Elsebeath  his  wife  was  Baptised  febueruy  the  1 1 
day  1655. 



Henry  Kingsbury  Wid''  &  Priscilla  Ayers  wid:  marryed 
Feb:  2. 


James  Kingsbury  sonne  of  Henry  Kingsbury  &  Elizab. 
I  July. 


Henry  Kingsberry  was  buryed  the  8  day  of  May  1648. 
(There  is  no  entry  of  the  burial  of  the  Henry  Kingsbury 
who  died  before  i8th  May,  1636.) 

Belchamp  S.  Paul,  Co.  Essex. 


John  Kingsburie  was  buried  the  viij*''  day  of  March  1601. 
An   the  wife  of  John  Kingsburie  was  buried  the  xij*''  day 

of  March  1601. 
165 1.     Eliz.  Kingsbury  widow  of  John  Kingsbury  was  buried 

May  9. 

Alton,  Hampshire. 
1670.     Bridget  Kingsbery  was  buried  April  16. 




1In  &ei  noie  Bmen  be  ^t  f^nowue  unto  aii  men  that  up- 

pon  the  X  daye  of  the  monythe  of  august  in  the  yere  of  owe'' 
lorde  god  MCCCCCXXXIX  and  in  the  yere  of  ou''  sofren 
lorde  kynge  henry  the  viij^''  the  xxxj  I  John  Kyngsbury  of 
Cornarde  Magna  the  elder  beynge  hole  of  mynde  &  of  good 
memorye  I  make  my  testament  &  last  wyll  in  thys  man""  of 
wyse  fyrste  I  bequethe  my  sovvle  unto  allmyghtye  god  and 
to  ower  Lady  Saynte  Mary  &  to  all  the  blessed  saynts  in 
Glorye,  and  my  body  for  to  be  buryed  in  the  churche  yarde 
of  Saynt  Andrewes  of  Cornarthe  aforesayd.  Itm  I  bequethe 
onto  the  heyghe  aulter  of  the  sayd  churche  for  my  tythes 
and  oblacyones  forgitten  xijs.  Itm  I  geve  and  bequethe 
to  Elyn  my  wyefe  she  for  to  be  a  goode  gyde  and  helper  unto 
John  my  sone  x  marks  and  the  second  bedde.  Itm  I  give 
and  bequethe  to  John  my  younger  sone  the  tenement  of 
fenors  in  maryott.  Also  I  bequethe  unto  Ysbell  my 
dowghter  one  seme*  of  barley  one  shepe  &  a  lambe.  Also  I 
give  &  bequethe  unto  Alys  my  doughter  one  seme  barley 
one  shepe  &  a  lambe.  Itm  I  bequethe  Crystyan  my  doughf 
one  seme  of  barley  one  shepe  and  a  lambe.  The  residue  of 
all  my  goods  unbequetheyde  I  give  and  bequethe  them  unto 
John  my  elder  sone  whome  I  chose  and  &  make  my  full  ex- 
ecutor. In  wytnes  hereof  S"^  Thomas  legatt  vycar  of  the 
sayde  town  the  whyche  dyd  wryght  this  p''sent  testament, 
Aug.  lo,  1539.  Proved  in  the  Archdeaconry  Court  of  Sud- 
bury 20*''  Dec''.  1539.     {Foopc  42) 

•ffn  5ei  umeHmen.    Ube  ii\\  ba^  of  September  1558.  i 

John  Kyngesbury  of  Newton,  husbandman  next  Sudbury  in 
the  County  of  Suffolk  being  sick  in  body  but  of  good  and 

*  Seme  or  seam  :  A  load  for  a  pack-horse  —  specifically  eight  bushels  of  grain, 
or  malt.  '''I  shall  assoile  thee  ray-selue  for  a  seme  of  whete."  Piers  Plowman,  (B.) 
Ill,  40. —  Century  Dictiofiary. 



perfect  remembrance.  First  and  before  all  things  I  com- 
mend my  soul  to  Almighty  God  to  our  blessed  Lady  Saint 
jMary  and  to  all  the  holy  and  blessed  company  of  heaven 
and  my  body  to  Christian  burial  where  as  it  shall  please  God. 
Item  I  will  that  Alice  my  wife  and  William  my  eldest  son 
whom  I  make  and  ordain  executors  and  they  to  have  the 
occupying  of  all  my  moveable  goods  with  the  lands  free  and 
bond  upon  condition  that  they  see  the  bringing  up  of  my 
children  till  m}'  executors  shall  provide  good  and  honest 
masters  and  governors  for  them.  Item  I  will  that  if  my  son 
William  do  marry  and  his  mother  and  he  cannot  well  agree 
then  I  will  that  he  trim  up  Parkers  and  dwell  there  till 
Charles  my  son  comes  to  the  age  of  xxij  and  that  he  to  have 
Parkers  Canams  so  called  and  Billyngs  to  be  joined  to  Par- 
kers to  give  and  sell  to  any  of  his  brothers  if  they  will  buy 
it.  Item  I  will  that  no  parcel  of  land  be  sold  from  the  head 
house  in  any  manner  of  wise.  Item  I  give  to  Richard  my 
son  xx^  and  one  calf  at  21.  Item  I  give  to  John  my  son  xx^ 
Item  I  give  to  Nycholas  my  son  xx*.,  Item  to  Robert  my 
son  xx^  Item  to  Thomas  my  son  xx^  And  if  any  of  these 
my  children  shall  depart  this  world  before  any  of  them  come 
to  the  years  of  xxj  then  I  will  that  these  shall  have  the 
others  part.  Item  I  will  that  Alice  my  wife  hath  the  head 
house  with  all  the  corn  and  profits  to  the  same  belonging. 
Item  I  will  that  William  my  son  hath  the  occupying  of  my 
head  house  so  long  as  my  wife  live  and  after  her  decease 
that  William  my  son  hath  the  whole  and  he  to  discharge  the 
residue  of  all  the  legacies  that  be  unpaid  after  the  decease 
of  my  wife  and  if  it  chance  that  William  my  son  depart  this 
world  before  his  mother  without  male  issue  then  I  will  that 
Richard  my  son  have  it  and  his  heirs  male  and  so  to  descend 
in  the  male  issue.  Item  I  will  that  my  cofeofees  of  any  par- 
cel of  my  ground  shall  deliver  a  state  whensoever  they  shall 
be  thereunto  required  by  my  executors  to  the  performance 
of  this  my  will.  Item  I  will  that  Thomas  Smythe  of  New- 
ton be  supervisor  of  this  my  will  and  he  to  have  for  his 
labour  and  pains  vj*  viij'^.  The  residue  of  all  my  goods  and 
chattels  not  given  I  put  it  to  the  discretion  and  wisdom  of 
mine  executors  they  to  pay  my  debts  and  to  bring  me  hon- 
estly to  the  earth.     Witnesses,  Edmunde  fEanne,  Curate  of 



the  same  town,  Thomas  Smythe  with  other  as  John  Harck- 

Proved  in  the  Archdeaconry  Court  of  Sudbury  i8  April, 
^559-      {Sparroivc  SS.) 

5obn  Ikincjsburpe  tbe  el^er  of  /iDucbe  Corncrtb  in  the 

County  of  Suffolk  yeoman,  and  in  the  diocese  of  Norwich 
May  14,  1588.  Sick  in  body  and  whole  of  mind.  To  be 
buried  within  the  Christian  burial  ground  of  Much  Cornarde 
aforesaid.  Item  to  the  poor  people  of  Much  Cornard  two 
bushels  of  mustlyn*  to  be  delivered  unto  them  on  Saint 
Thomas  daye  before  Christmas  yearly  so  long  time  as  Alice 
my  wife  do  live.  Item  to  Alice  my  wife  my  houses  where  I 
now  dwell  and  have  in  use  called  the  Motte,  with  the  appur- 
tenances, and  one  piece  of  copyhold  pasture,  called  Red  Acre, 
in  Much  Cornard,  containing  three  acres,  and  one  tenement 
called  Monies,  in  Cornard  aforesaid,  for  term  of  her  life,  and 
after  her  decease  to  my  son  Edward,  paying  unto  his  three 
sisters,  Alice,  Elizabeth  and  Mary  xx''  to  be  equally  divided 
one  year  after  his  mother's  death.  Item  to  my  son  Edward 
my  tenement  called  Abbotts  in  Much  Cornard,  to  enter  upon 
it  presently  after  my  decease.  Item  to  my  three  daughters, 
Alice,  Elizabeth  and  Mary  xx"  to  be  paid  and  equally 
divided  one  year  after  my  decease.  Residue  iinto  Alice  my 
wife  whom  I  nominate  and  appoint  to  be  my  sole  executrix, 
and  I  do  appoint  Richard  Holborough,  the  elder,  to  be  super- 
visor, these  being  witnesses,  Henry  Tanner  and  Richard 
Holborough  the  younger.  Proved  in  the  Archdeaconry 
Court  of  Sudbury,  July  10,  is^?>.—  {Goddardj2.) 

Hn  tbe  name  of  (BoD  Hmen,  tbe  Xlwelf  tb  &a^  of  April, 

in  the  year  of  our  Lord  1590,  in  the  two  and  thirty  year  of  the 
reign  of  our  most  gracious  Sovereign  Lady  Queen  Elizabeth, 
&c.,  I  James  Kyngsburie,  of  Boxford,  in  the  County  of 
Suffolk,  and  in  the  Diocese  of  Norwich,  husbandman.  Sick 
in  body  and  in  good  and  perfect  remembrance  (I  praise  God) 
make  ordain  and  dispose  this  my  present  testament  contain- 

*  Mustlyn  consisted  of  wheat  flour  and  rye  flour  in  equal  quantities.  Bread 
thus  composed  is  said  to  have  been  in  use  in  Suffolk  at  the  beginning  of  this 
century  (1900). 

Coroard  Magna,  c 


Little  Cornard,  circa  1369-1414,  temp.  Edw.  Ill  — Henry  IV. 


Little  Corqard,  Suffolk. 

Waldingfield,  Thomas 

CicELy„RoGER  Kingsbury 
I  of  Boxford,  ol).  1608. 

Agnes  _James  Kingsbury 
ob,  1602. 1  of  Boxford,  ob.  1590. 

Little  Cornard. 


1567     I  Offwoode. 

Susanna  Skar- 

'  Margaret. 

>  N.  E., 
; perhaps 

Henry  Kingsbury^j-Susanna 
of  Haverhill,  Mass.     | 



ing  herein  my  last  will.  First  I  commend  my  soul  unto 
Almighty  God  my  Creator  Redeemer  and  Saviour,  and  my 
body  to  be  buried  in  the  church  yard  of  my  parish  church 
of  Boxford.  Also  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  Agnes  my  wife 
all  that  my  houses  and  lands  which  I  hold  by  Indenture  of 
Lease  of  the  worshipful  M^  Robert  Peyton,  of  Isleham, 
esquire,  with  all  and  singular  the  appurtenances  to  them  be- 
longing situate  in  the  parish  of  Boxford,  To  hold  to  her  and 
her  assigns  all  the  years  that  be  yet  to  come,  specified  in  the 
said  Indenture  of  Lease.  Also  I  give  and  bequeath  unto 
John  Dyxon  my  son-in-law  x^  to  be  paid  unto  him  by  my 
executrix  within  one  year  after  my  decease.  Item  I  give 
and  bequeath  unto  James  Kingsburie  my  sonne  x^  to  be  paid 
him  as  is  aforesaid  within  two  years  after  my  decease.  Also 
I  give  and  bequeath  to  Abraham  Kingsburrie  my  sonne  x'.  to 
be  paid  him  as  is  aforesaid  within  two  years  after  my  de- 
cease Also  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  Rachel  Kingsburie 
my  daughter  x^  to  be  paid  to  her  as  above  said  within  four 
years  after  my  decease.  Also  I  give  and  bequeath  unto 
Henrie  Kingsburie  my  sonne  xl  to  be  paid  him  as  above  said 
at  the  age  of  xxi  years.  Also  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  the 
said  Henrie  m)^  sonne  foure  sheep  ymediately  after  my  said 
wife's  decease.  Item  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  James  Kings- 
burie my  sonne  Thomas  Kingsburie  his  sonne  x'.  to  be  paid 
as  above  said  at  the  age  of  xxi  years.  The  residue  of  my 
goods  moveable  and  unmoveable,  corn,  cattle,  debts,  or 
whatsoever  else  is  unbequeathed,  my  debts  and  funerals 
honestly  discharged,  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  the  said  Agnes 
my  wife,  whom  I  make  and  ordain  to  be  my  sole  executrix 
to  see  this  my  last  will  and  testament  performed  And  I 
ordain  my  brother  Roger  Kingsburie  my  Supervisor  of  this 
my  last  will  and  testament  giving  him  for  his  paines  ij  shil- 
lings and  vi'^.  These  witnesses  Peter  Bettes,  Roger  Kings- 
burie, and  Peter  Clarke,  with  others.  Proved  in  the  Arch- 
deaconry Court  of  Sudbury  June  8,  1590.     {Goddard jjj.) 

Aprilis     1590. 

XTbOmat)  Ifangsbur^  dum  vixit  de  Stokenailand  defunct' 
ab  intestat'  nup  decessit  xxij"  die  mens'  et  Anno  Dni  supra- 


diet'  Em'  Lre  Admininistracois  honor'  dci  defuncti  direct' 
Susanna  eius  relicte  de  bene  de  Jurat:  &c. 

Archdeaconry  of  Sudbury  —  Admin,  and  Marriage  Licence 
Book  No.  /,  fo.  i2g. 

5obn  Ikiucjsbur^,  of  oreate  Cornar&  in  the  County  of 

Suffolk,  bequeathes  to  son  Richard  ^40,  and  all  his  land  at 
Quikslade  in  greate  Cornard;  to  son  Henry  Kingsburie  ^30; 
to  Rose  his  wife,  ^40;  and  to  son,  Henrie  Kingsburye  all  his 
lands  in  Sudburie  in  the  s*^  county  of  Suffolk.  The  rest  of 
his  lands  and  tenements  to  John  Kingsburye,  eldest  son,  who 
is  also  appointed  executor,  and  Henry  Dyneley,  of  Aston, 
his  brother-in-law,  supervisor.  Dated  Sept.  20,  1597.  Wit- 
nesses, Edward  Kingsbury,  Henry  Dyneley.  Prerogative 
Court  of  Canterbury.     {Lewyn  41.) 

MUliam  ikpnoesberiie  of  IRewton  in  the  County  of  Suf- 

ffolk,  yeoman,  March  1 2,  1590.  Sick  in  body,  but  of  good  and 
perfect  remembrance.  My  body  to  be  buried  within  the 
Christian  burial  ground  of  Newton  aforesaid.  Item  to  Eliza- 
beth my  wife  my  messuages  or  tenements  both  free  or  copy 
which  I  now  dwell  in,  all  lying  within  the  town  and  parish 
of  Newton  and  now  in  the  occupation  of  me  the  said  Wil- 
liam Kyngesberye,  during  the  term  of  her  natural  life.  And 
after  the  decease  of  the  said  Elizabeth  I  will  that  all  the 
said  messuages  and  tenements  remain  unto  my  son  Henry  and 
to  the  heirs  of  his  body  lawfully  begotten.  And  for  default 
of  such  issue,  unto  my  daughters  then  living,  to  be  equally 
parted  between  them  upon  condition  that  the  said  Elizabeth 
my  wife  shall  content  and  pay  unto  John  Potter  of  Assing- 
ton,  yeoman,  yearly  during  the  term  of  12  years  the  sum  of 
;^6.i3.4.  to  the  use  of  my  said  children  hereunder  named, 
namely  to  Rest  my  daughter  ^20  to  be  paid  at  21.  To  Eliz- 
abeth my  daughter  ^20  at  21.  To  Susan  my  daughter  ;^2o 
at  21.  To  Mary  my  daughter  ^20  at  21.  In  case  of  death 
the  money  of  him  or  her  so  departed  shall  be  equally  divided 
amongst  my  children  then  living.  And  if  my  wife  refuse  to 
pay  the  said  four  score  pounds  or  if  she  die  before  the  said 
12  years  be  expired  Then  I  will  that  the  said  John  Potter 
shall  enter  upon  the  said  messuages  tenements  and  land  and 



hold  them  until  the  said  12  years  be  expired  he  pa5'ing  and 
performing  all  and  every  such  gifts  bequests  and  legacies  as 
in  this  my  last  will  contained;  Provided  nevertheless  and 
my  will  is  that  the  said  John  Potter  before  he  shall  receive 
any  part  of  my  said  legacies  and  bequests  in  form  aforesaid 
given  to  my  said  children  or  enter  upon  any  of  my  said  lands 
shall  become  bound  to  each  of  my  children  in  several  obli- 
gations of  ^30  for  the  payment  of  ^,20  at  such  times  as  in 
this  my  will  is  contained.  Item  to  Henry  my  son  ^10  to 
be  paid  at  21.  All  the  whole  residue  of  m}^  goods  and  chat- 
tels I  give  unto  Elizabeth  my  wife  whom  I  ordain  and  ap- 
point to  be  my  executrix  and  I  do  nominate  and  appoint 
Robert  Plampyn  and  George  Winterflood  of  the  same  town 
to  be  my  supervisors.  In  the  presence  of  us  Henry  Hedd 
and  Samuel  Ware.  Proved  in  the  Archdeaconry  Court  of 
Sudbury  15""  April,  1591.     {Bacon  j^.) 

]£^vvar^  If^ingsburie  of  Great  (Iornear&  in  the  County 

of  Suffolk,  yeoman.  Sick  in  body  but  of  good  and  perfect  re- 
membrance. To  be  buried  in  the  church  or  churchyard  of 
Great  Cornard.  To  wife  Elizabeth  the  messuage  wherein  I 
now  dwell,  called  by  the  name  of  the  Moore,  with  all  lands 
and  tenements  thereto  belonging,  as  well  freehold  as  copy- 
hold, in  the  parishes  of  Great  Cornard,  and  Little  Cornard  and 
Assington,  in  the  said  county  of  Suffolk,  or  in  any  other  par- 
ish near  there  unto  adjoining,  and  now  in  the  occupation  of 
me  the  said  Edward  Kingsburie.  To  hold  (From  and  after 
the  decease  of  Alice  Kingsburie  wndow  the  mother  of  me 
the  said  Edward  Kingsburie)  for  her  life.  To  the  said  Eliz- 
abeth my  two  tenements  called  Abbots,  and  Monks  in  Great 
Cornard  and  after  her  decease  unto  Robert  Kingsburie  my 
youngest  son  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever.  To  Robert  also 
certain  copyhold  land  in  Great  Corneard  after  the  decease 
of  Elizabeth  my  wife.  To  every  of  my  daughters  namely 
Elizabeth,  Alice,  Agnes,  Susan,  Mary  and  Johan  Kingsburie 
five  pounds  apiece  at  21.  The  residue  to  my  wife  Elizabeth 
who  is  sole  executrix.  Witness  Thomas  Plampin,  Stephen 
Angood,  Edward  Newman.  The  hand  and  seal  of  Edward 
Kingsburie,  the  testator. 

Proved  in  the  Archdeaconry  Court  of  Sudbury,  April  2, 
1600.     {Coppinge  /.) 


■ffn  tbe  IRame  of  (30&  Bmen.  in  the  fowre  and  Fortith 
yeare  of  the  Raigne  of  o^  Soveraigne  Ladye  Elizabeth  by 
the  grace  of  God  of  England,  France  and  Ireland  Queene 
defender  of  the  faith,  &c.  I  John  Kingesberrye  of  Belcham 
S*.  Paule  in  the  Countie  of  Essex  husbandman  beinge 
sicke  in  bodye  but  of  good '  and  perfecte  Remembrance 
thancks  be  given  unto  Almightie  God  doe  make  and  ordaine 
this  second  daye  of  Marche  this  my  last  Will  and  Testament 
in  manner  and  forme  Following.  First  I  comend  my  soule 
into  the  handes  of  Almightie  God  my  Creator  and  maker, 
and  unto  the  handes  of  Jhesus  Christ  my  onelye  Redeemer, 
and  my  bodye  to  be  buried  in  the  Church  yard  of  Belchame 
S'  Paule.  Item  I  give  and  bequeath  unto  Rose  Kinges- 
berrye daughter  unto  Richard  Kingesberrye,  my  Brother, 
sixe  pounds  thirteene  shillings  and  fowre  pence  att  and 
upon  the  feast  of  S*  Margarett  w*^*"  shall  be  in  the  yeare  of 
o''.  Lord  one  Thousand  sixe  hundred  and  fowre,  in  the  meane 
tyme,  to  remaine  in  the  handes  of  Robert  Rewse,  of  Oving- 
tone,  in  the  Countie  of  Essex,  yeoman,  the  saide  Robert  giv- 
ing her  use  for  the  same.  Item  I  give  and  bequeath  unto 
John  Kingesberrye,  the  Sonne  of  Richard  Kingesberrye  my 
Brother,  Three  pounds  sixe  shillinges  and  eight  pence  w'^''  in 
one  Yeare  after  my  decease,  to  be  paide  by  myne  Executor. 
All  the  rest  of  my  goods  Chattells  and  Moveables  what- 
soever I  give  and  bequeath  unto  Anne  my  wife  except  one 
Twentie  shillinges  w°''  William  Kingesberrye  my  Brother 
Richards  sonne  oweth  unto  me,  the  w*^''  I  give  unto  the 
daughter  of  the  saide  William.  Also  I  ordaine  and  make 
Anne  my  wyfe  my  sole  and  onelye  Executor  to  see  this  my 
last  will  performed  and  to  bring  my  bodye  decentlye  to  the 
earth.  Signii  Johannis  Kingesberrye.  Thes  being  wit- 
nesses. Robert  Rewse ;  the  marke  of  John  Holmes,  Rich- 
ard Hamonde 

Martij  1601. 

This  annexed  to  the  Will. 

Item  I  give  to  Thomas  Cooke  my  sisters  sonne  one  black 
pyded  bullock.  Item  I  give  to  the  poore  two  seame  Malte 
two  bushells  wheate.  And  whereas  Ann  my  saide  wyfe 
lyeth  nowe  verye  sicke  and  weake  my  mynde  and  desyer  is 
and  I  doe  intreat  my  saide  wyfe  :  that  yf  she  dye  uppon  this 



Sickness  that  then  all  my  goods,  and  Chattells  except  the 
g-yfte  to  the  poore  and  the  legacie  to  Thomas  Cooke  my 
debts  paide,  and  funerall  Charges  answered,  may  be  equal- 
lye  devyded  amongest  two  of  my  kynn  and  two  of  my  said 
wyfes  kynn.  That  is  to  say  John  Kingesberrye  and  Rose 
Kingsbury  two  of  my  Brothers  Children  :  and  unto  Daniel! 
Ilger,  my  wyfes  father  in  lawe,  and  unto  Alice  Cooke,  my 
wyfes  sister.  Thes  being  then  present.  Thomas  Elton 
Daniell  Ilger,  Alice  Cooke,  Hamonde,  and  others. 

Vicesimo  octavo  die  mensis  July  Anno  Dni  Millesimo  sex- 
centesimo  secundo  per  Altrum  Johannem  Amye  legum  doc- 

torem  Sufr  &c  concessa  fuit  adi"  cu  hmoj  Testa'"  annex 
honor  J  dci  def  (eo  q"*  relca  ac  hmoj  testa*^'  executrix  mor- 
tem obijt  antequam  onus  eiusd  in  se  accipiebat)  Johanni 
Kingsbery  nepoti  ex  fre  dci  def  ad  administrand  bona  &c 
juxta  tenorem  dci  testa*'  &c  primitus  de  bene  &c  rite  jurat 
salno  Jure  &c  et  ex'  Inven""  ad  statim  svime  cix"  xviij''. 
Peculiar  Court  of  the   Dean  and  Chapter  of  S.  Paul's.  (C 

BnniS  IkinOSburie  in  BOlfOrb  in  the  County  of  Suffolk 
widow,*  "in  the  year  of  our  Lord  God  1600,"  Proved  Jan- 
uary 5,  1602  [3].  To  be  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  Box- 
ford.  To  James  Kingsburie  my  son  vij"  which  he  oweth 
unto  me,  and  two  whole  yeares  Rent  of  the  Tenem'  which 
he  holdeth  of  me,  wherein  John  Hollon  now  dwells,  "  also 
half  a  dozen  pewter  dishes  of  a  large  sorte  and  three  lesse, 
and  a  latten  f  candlestick."  To  An,  his  wife,  two  curcheffs,J 
one  of  hollon**  and  one  of  Lokram.ff  To  Abraham  Kings- 
burie my  son  forty  shillings,  and  certain  garments  and  effects. 
To  Rachel  Carpenter  wife  of  John  five  pounds  ;  also  to  the 
said  Rachel  my  daughter  certain  furniture,  willing  my  son 

Henry  to   bind  "ij  cofifers  and  one  greate    one    without  a 


•  Of  James,  of  Boxford  ;  see  p.  43. 

t  Brass,  or  a  mixed  metal,  made  of  copper  and  zinc,  and  not  practically  distin- 
guished from  brass.  —  Century  Dictionary. 

X  Curch,  or  curcheff,  a  covering  for  the  head,  worn  by  women  ;  an  inner  linen  cap. 
—Century  Dictionary. 

•*  Holland,  fine  linen. 

tt  Lockram,  a  kind  of  unbleached  linen,  so  called  from  the  place  where  it  was 
made,  Locrenan,  in  Brittany.  —  Century  Dictionary. 




binde,  willing  my  son  Henrie  to  bind  it  for  her."  Rachell, 
daughter  of  John  Carpenter!  To  James  Kingsburie,  ser- 
vant with  Thomas  Miller,  five  pounds  at  21.  Certain  rent  to 
be  bestowed  in  the  bringing  up  of  my  son  Abraham  his  child 
which  is  now  at  William  Clarke's  the  shoemaker.  To  Henry 
Kingsburie,  my  son,  my  Indenture  of  Lease  which  I  hold 
under  Sir  John  Peyton  of  Iselham  in  the  county  of  Cam- 
bridge, Knight,  and  all  the  residue  of  my  goods  to  my  son, 
Henry,  who  is  sole  executor,  appointing  M"'.  Thomas  Cham- 
ber of  Assington  to  be  mine  overseer,  giving  him  for  his 
pains  ten  shillings.  And  for  a  plain  explication  of  this  my 
will  I  have  hereunto  put  my  hand  and  seal,  these  being 
witnesses,  John  ffirmen,  John  Kingsburie  and  Peter  Bettes. 
The  mark  and  seal  of  the  testatrix.  To  M^  Sands  preacher 
at  Boxford  x^  Archdeaconry  Court  of  Sudbury.  Proved 
January  5,  1602.     {Coppiuge  17S.) 

IROCjer  If^inOSbur^  of  JBOlfOr^  in  the  County  of  Suffolk, 
mason,  and  in  the  Diocese  of  Norwich,  made  January  4, 
1601  [2]  and  proved  May  16,  1608,  in  the  Archdeaconry 
Court  of  Sudbury.  Weak  in  body  yet  nevertheless  in  per- 
fect memory.  To  be  buried  in  the  churchyard  of  Boxford. 
To  William  Kingsbury  my  son  x^  To  John  Kingsbury 
my  son  x*.  To  Henry  Kingsbury  my  son  x^  To  Thomas 
Kingsbury  my  son  twenty  shillings.  To  Cicilly  my  wife  my 
mesuage  in  the  parish  of  Edwardstone  for  life,  and  then  to 
be  sold  at  the  uttermost  price  that  any  man  will  give  for  it, 
by  the  said  Henry  and  Thomas  my  sons,  and  the  money  to 
be  equally  divided  among  my  three  sons,  John,  Henry,  and 
Thomas,  except  twenty  shillings  to  be  paid  to  William,  my 
son.  The  residue  to  Cicilly  my  wife,  who  is  sole  executrix. 
John  ffirmin  to  be  supervisor,  these  being  witnesses,  Simon 
Smith,  Henry  Kingsbury,  John  ffirmin  and  Peter  Betts. 
Simon  Smith  his  sig.,  John  ffirmin  his  sig.,  Robert  Kings- 
bury his  sig.     {Strutt  172.) 

Hlice  Ikinoisber^^  ot  Xittle  CornearD,  widow,  made  June 

22,  1602,  and  proved  in  the  Archdeaconry  Court  of  Sudbury, 
August  6,  1602.  To  be  buried  in  the  church  or  church  yard 
of  Great  Cornard,     To  the  poor  of  Little  and  Great  Cornard 



xP.  To  Alice  Till,  my  daughter,  the  wife  of  Richard  ^13. 
6.8.  To  Elizabeth  Wade,  my  daughter,  wife  of  John  Wade, 
of  Redghell*  in  the  county  of  Essex,  the  like  sum.  To  Marie 
Augers,  my  daughter,  wife  of  Thomas  Augers,  the  like  sum. 
Refers  to  bequest  to  Alice,  Elizabeth  and  Marie  by  the  will 
of  John  Kingisbery,  their  father,  deceased,  dated  14'^''  May 
in  the  30"'  Elizabeth. f  To  Elizabeth,  my  daughter-in-law, 
wife  of  Edward  Phillipes  of  Great  Cornard  aforesaid.  To 
my  grand  children,  the  children  of  Edward  KingisberyJ  my 
son,  deceased,  namely,  Elizabeth,  Alice,  Ann,  Susan,  Marie, 
and  Johan  Kingisbery  ;^2o,  that  is  ^3.6.8.  to  each,  to  be 
paid  to  Elizabeth  within  a  year,  and  to  the  others  at  21,  by 
John  Kingisbery,  my  grandchild,  son  of  the  said  Edward. 
To  John  Kingisbury  certain  land  containing  eight  acres. 
To  Robert  Kingisbery,  my  grandchild,  my  interest  in  a  cer- 
tain lease.  To  Marie  Augers,  my  grandchild,  daughter  of 
Thomas  Augers,  ten  shillings  at  21,  and  certain  furniture. 
All  the  residue  to  Thomas  Augers  my  son-in-law,  who  is 
sole  executor.  Witness  Robert  Bossall,  John  Wilkin,  George 
Augers  and  Edward  Newman.  The  mark  and  seal  of  the 
testatrix.     {Coppinge  143.) 

Ibenrie  IkfngSberie  of  IReWtOn**  near  Sudbury,  in  the 
County  of  Suffolk,  yeoman,  to  be  buried  in  the  churchyard  of 
Newton,  in  Christian  and  decent  order.  To  Anne  my  wife  the 
messuage  or  tenement  in  Newton  wherein  I  now  dwell  for 
her  life,  and  after  her  decease  to  my  daughter,  Anne.  My 
copyhold  land  in  Newton  to  Anne  my  wife  for  the  bringing 
up  of  my  daughter  until  16,  my  wife  to  pay  my  mother  three 
pounds  yearly  for  the  freehold  lands  bequeathed  to  her.  If 
my  daughter  Anne  die  without  issue,  the  freehold  to  be  di- 
vided between  my  wife's  Kindred  and  my  Kindred.  Sue, 
Marie  and  Elizabeth,  they  three  shall  pay  ten  pounds  unto 
Henry  Nott,  the  son  of  George  Nott,  William,  John  and 
Blanche  and  Dorcas,  and  Suzan.  My  child  shall  have  the 
copyhold  at  16  years  of  age  if  my  mother  die  before  that  time, 
my  meaning  is,  my  sisters  do  not  pay  the  ten  pounds  to  Harrie 
Nott  then  he  shall  his  part  with  them  of  the  freehold  {sic). 

*  i.  e.  Ridgewell. 

+  See  page  44. 

t  See  page  47. 

••  See  will  of  William  Kyngesberye,  of  Newton,  page  46. 



If  my  child  shall  be  not  brought  up  in  manner  aforesaid  then 
she  shall  pay  unto  my  said  daughter  the  rent  of  that  copy- 
hold land  for  her  education  where  it  shall  be  appointed  by 
the  executor  or  supervisor.  To  my  own  mother  the  red 
cow  with  a  white  star  in  the  forehead  and  five  sheep.  To 
my  own  sisters,  Suzan,  Marie,  and  Elsabeth,  three  sheep. 
To  my  own  mother  the  sorrel  colt.  To  my  mother-in-law 
Knape.  To  the  poor  of  the  parish  of  Newton  forty  shillings 
to  be  distributed  at  the  discretion  of  the  minister,  and  my 
executor.  All  the  rest  of  my  goods  unbequeathed  to  my 
father-in-law  Knap,  whom  I  make  sole  executor.  To  my 
servant,  Katharine  Serman,  five  shillings.  To  Joan  Under- 
wood a  coat  of  five  shillings.  To  my  three  sisters  before 
mentioned  forty  shillings  apiece  two  years  after  my  decease. 
To  my  daughter  Anne  such  money  as  is  in  the  coffer  stand- 
ing in  the  bed  chamber.  Witnesses,  Harry  Kyngsbery, 
William  Garnham  ;  John  Knap.  Proved  in  the  Archdea- 
conry Court  of  Sudbury,  October  2,  1610.     [Rogen  2j6.) 

5ameS  ir^inOSberie  of  BOjf orb*  in  the  County  of  Suffolk, 
yeoman,  and  in  the  Diocese  of  Norwich,  made  April  9,  1622. 
And  proved  May  3,  1622,  in  the  Archdeaconry  Court  of  Sud- 
bury. Weakly  in  body  yet  in  good  and  perfect  remem- 
brance. To  be  buried  in  the  pishe  Churchyard  of  Boxford. 
To  Sonne  James  Kingsberie  some  cattle,  and  also  some  corn. 
To  James  Kingsberie,  my  grandchild,  two  ewes,  and  to  Anne 
the  daughter  of  my  sonne  James,  one  ewe,  and  to  Bridget, 
daughter  of  the  said  James,  my  said  son,  one  ewe.  To  Henrie 
Kingsberie,  my  sonne,  one  bullock  of  a  year  old,  one  mare  and 
colt  of  five  years  of  age,  and  eight  bushels  of  barley,  being 
now  in  his  hands.  To  Henrie  Kingsberie,  my  grandchild,  a 
one  year  old  Bullock.  To  John  Kingsberie,  my  son,  one 
grey  mare  with  her  colt  by  her  side,  a  two  year  old  colt,  and 
six  ewes,  and  four  bushels  of  malt.  To  Sara  Kingsbery,  my 
daughter,  the  wife  of  John  ffrench,  some  cattle  and  a  livery 
bed-covering,  and  blankets,  one  latten  candlestick,  two  pieces 
of  pewter,  and  other  articles.  To  James  French,  my  grand- 
child, two  ewes,  and  to  my  above  said  daughter,  Sara,  certain 
malt.     To  Elizabeth  Kingsberie,  my  daughter,  cattle,  corn 

•  See  pages  44-5, 




and  furniture.  If  Elizabeth  die  unmarried  then  what  is 
given  to  her  to  be  equally  divided  among  all  my  children 
then  living.  To  Joseph  Kingsberie,  my  son,  certain  furniture 
and  other  things.  To  Thomas  Kingsberie,  my  sonne,  ^5  at 
21,  or  within  three  months  next  after.  To  the  said  Thomas 
two  ewes  and  various  specific  articles.  My  sons,  James, 
Henry,  and  John,  to  have  what  is  by  this  my  will  given  to 
them  within  a  month  after  my  death.  As  to  Sarah,  my 
daughter,  and  Alyce,  my  daughter,  my  meaning  is  that  if 
Anne  my  wife  keep  house,  and  have  use  for  my  cart  and 
tumbrel,  and  such  things  as  do  belong  to  husbandry,  she 
shall  keep  them  to  her  proper  use,  but  if  not,  to  be  divided 
between  John  and  Joseph,  my  sons.  To  William  Chubb, 
my  god-child.  To  Euestis  Gryme,  my  god-child.  To  Abra- 
ham Kingsberie,  my  brother,  five  shillings.  To  Henry 
Kingsberie,  and  James  Kingsberie,  my  godchildren,  my 
brothers'  sonnes  and  my  god-children,  five  shillings  apiece. 
To  Rachel  Cooper  god-child,  five  shillings.  These  to  be 
paid  to  my  godchildren  William  Chubb,  Euestis  Gryme, 
Henry  Kingsberie  and  James  Kingsberie  my  brother's  sons, 
and  Rachel  Cooper,  within  three  months.  To  M''.  Joseph 
Byrd,  of  Boxford,  twenty  shillings,  with  condition  that  he 
shall  preach  a  Sermon  at  my  buryall.  To  the  poore  people 
of  the  parish  of  Boxford  twenty  shillings  to  be  distributed  at 
the  discretion  of  M"'.  Joseph  Byrd,  and  the  Churchwardens, 
at  my  funerall.  To  the  Curate  that  now  is,  M^  Peecke,  vi^ 
viij*^.  To  M^  Thomas  Chamber,  of  Assington,  ten  shillings, 
and  to  the  poore  people  of  Assington,  ten  shillings.  All  the 
residue  of  my  moveables  to  Anne  my  wife  for  life,  and  on 
her  death,  to  be  divided  among  all  my  children  then  living. 
My  wife  to  dispose  of  all  my  linen  between  my  two  daugh- 
ters, Sarah  and  Elizabeth.  If  she  marry  again  all  goods  to 
her  herein  given  shalbe  taken  from  her,  and  equally  peel'' 
among  all  my  children.  Wife  sole  executrix.  Witnesses, 
Peter  Betts,  the  Elder,  and  Peter  Betts  the  yonger.  The 
mark  of  James  Kingsberie.     {Harrold  joo.) 

30bn  doe  of  Xlttle  Corn''  in  the  County  of  Suffolk,  men- 
tions :  wife  Margaret;  Alice  Neale  my  syster;  John  ffysher; 
John  Clarke  of  great  Corn'';  to  M^  George  Coe,  of  Great 



Maplested,  land  called  Norton's,  in  Essex — the  s'^  land 
charged  with  payments  to  Alice  Smyth  and  Alice  Neale;  to 
the  children  of  John  Wallies,  of  Wethersfield,  in  Essex  Io^ 
each;  to  every  of  the  children  of  Rob'  Lansell,  sonne  of 
Rob'  Lansell,  of  Bures  St.  Mary,  in  Suffolk;  to  James  Kings- 
bury of  Assington,*  in  the  said  County  of  Suffolk,  the  some 
of  xxx'.  And  to  Ann,  the  wife  of  the  said  James  Kingsbury, 
the  like  some  of  xxx^  And  to  every  of  the  children  of  the 
said  James  and  Anne  his  wife,  which  shalbe  livinge  at  the 
tyme  of  my  decease  xx^apiece;  to  William  Clarke  of  little 
Corn*^,  and  to  Margery,  his  wife,  xx^.  a  piece,  and  to  Margery 
and  the  grandchildren  of  the  s'^  William  Clarke  x^  a  piece; 
to  Elizabeth  one  of  the  dau"  of  Thomas  Cooke,  of  Bures, 
Tenn  pounds;  to  the  other  children  of  Thomas  Cooke  x^. 
apiece,  and  to  the  said  Thomas  and  his  wife  xx^  apiece;  to 
John  Wilkin  x^,  to  Elizabeth  Wilkin,  his  dau'',  and  every  other 
of  the  children  of  the  s"*  John  Wilkin  x^  a  piece;  to  Charles 
Sarr  of  Sudbury  x^;  to  the  children  of  John  Heckford  of 
Wethersfield  xx^  to  be  equally  parted  among  them;  to  my 
Godchild,  the  sonne  of  Henry  Kingsbery,  the  sume  of  xx^.; 
and  to  John  ffokes  wyffe  v^,  and  to  her  dau"'^  x''.  a  piece, — 
the  Executors  to  lay  out  in  meat  and  drink  to  be  expended 
in  the  day  of  my  funerall  the  sume  of  seven  pounds;  to  the 
poore  people  of  Little  Cornde  the  sume  of  twelve  shillings; 
to  the  poore  people  of  Bures  St.  Marie  in  the  Countie  of 
Suffolk,  the  sum  of  Tenne  shillings;  to  some  godly  Minister 
who  shall  preach  at  the  Church  in  this  parish  as  I  shalbe 
buried  in  the  day  of  my  funerall,  the  sume  of  x^;  to  the 
poore  people  who  shall  be  at  my  burial  my  executors  shall 
give  and  dispose  amongst  them  the  sume  of  xx^  All  the 
residue  and  remainder  of  his  estate  given  to  William  Clarke 
of  Little  Corn*^,  and  John  Wilkin;  and  they  are  also  appointed 
Executors.  April  i,  1616,  the  nine  and  fortieth  year  of  the 
reign  of  our  Lord  James,  &c.  Prerogative  Court  of  Can- 
terbury.    (Cope  4p.) 

5obn  Tkingsburie  of  Cornaartb  /IDaciua  dated  14  Feb. 

i63o-[i],  and  proved  15  April  1631,  in  the  Archdeaconry 
Court  of  Sudbury.     Sick  in  body  but  whole  in  mind.     To  be 

•  Probably  James  who  died  in  1622  ;  see  pp.  52-3. 




buried  in  the  churchyard  of  Cornerth  Magna.  To  John 
King-sberie,  my  eldest  son,  the  house  he  now  dwelleth  in,  and 
all  other  my  copyhold  houses  and  lands,  and  a  piece  of  free- 
hold land  called  Cloggs  Hall,  as  they  are  in  the  town  of  Cor- 
nerth Magna,  and  to  his  heirs  and  assigns,  and  he  to  pay  to 
either  of  my  daughters,  Joan  and  Alice  ^^40  apiece;  to  Joan 
at  day  of  marriage,  and  to  Alice  within  one  year  after  my  de- 
cease. My  second  son,  Robert  Kingsberie,  a  parcel  of  land, 
called  Crow  meadow,  and  a  croft,  called  Dickman's  Croft,  in 
Cornerth  Magna.  Also  certain  other  land  in  Brooke 
Field.  Also  the  lease  of  the  house  and  land  which  I  have 
of  M^  Danyell,  and  certain  cattle,  corn,  and  household  stuff 
upon  the  ground,  except  one  cow,  and  one  horse,  called  Dick, 
which  I  give  to  John  Kingsberie,  my  aforesaid  son.  To  my 
son,  William,  certain  furniture.  To  my  daughter,  Alice, 
various  small  articles.  To  my  third  son,  William  Kings- 
berie, a  piece  of  land  in  Brooke  Field,  and  other  land  and  a 
meadow  in  Shawford.  Robert  Kingsberie  to  give  to  my 
daughters,  Joan  and  Alice,  at  their  days  of  marriage,  "not 
further  lymittinge."  Residue  of  goods  unbequeathed  to 
Robert,  my  son,  who  is  sole  executor.  To  the  poor  of  Cor- 
nerth twenty  shillings.  "  In  the  presence  of  us  Henrie 
Tanner,  and  of  me  Robte  Kingsberie,  the  fhke  of  Robert 
Kingsberie."     The  mark  of  John  Kingsberie  the  elder. 

Feb.  17,  1634.    Hnne  Ikingsburie,  vviDow  of  Cornetb 

parva,  did  give  to  the  nominated  parties,  hereunder  writ- 
ten in  the  presence  of  us,  John  Crispe  and  Robert  Holbor- 
owe.  To  Anne  Kingsberie,  her  daughter,  all  her  linen. 
To  Edward  Kingsberie,  her  son,  five  pounds.  To  George 
Kingsberie,  her  son,  five  pounds.  To  Barnabe  Kingsberie, 
her  son,  five  pounds.  To  two  of  her  grandchildren  Marie 
and  Joane,  daughters  of  John  Kingsberie,  deceased,  twenty 
shillings  apiece.  All  the  rest  of  her  goods  she  gave  to 
Richard  Kingsberie,  her  eldest  son,  whom  she  made  execu- 
tor. In  witness  we  that  are  the  witnesses  have  put  our 
hand:  the  marke  of  Robert  Holborowe,  John  Crispe. 

Proved  March  24,  1624  [5],  in  the  Archdeaconry  Court  of 

•The  Will  is  registered  in  Lib.  Colman,  which  begins  in  1631  and  ends  in  1635  ;  the 
date  of  probate  should  therefore  be  i634[5].  See  Parish  Register,  Little  Cornard, 
PP-  36.  37- 


3ohn  Ikingsburp,  Sx\n\  ot  (Breat  (Iornar^  in  the  County 

of  Suffolk,  yeoman,  28  January  1680.  Though  weak  in  body, 
yet  of  perfect  mind  and  memory.  My  body  to  be  decently 
buried  at  the  discretion  of  my  executor.  To  John  Deekes, 
son  of  Edward  Deekes,  of  Great  Cornard,  all  that  my  mes- 
suage or  tenement  in  Cornard,  commonly  called,  the  Cloggs,* 
and  all  the  lands  and  premises  to  the  same  belonging,  and 
unto  his  heirs  and  assigns  for  ever  after  my  decease,  upon 
condition  that  he  shall  pay  unto  John  Meistner  ^10  within  a 
year  after  my  decease,  to  be  paid  by  him  unto  John  Kings- 
bury at  the  Moores,  as  he  hath  need.  And  if  the  said  John 
Kingsbury  shall  die  before  he  hath  received  the  whole  sum 
then  I  will  that  the  remainder  continue  in  the  hands  of  the 
said  John  Meistner.  Also  I  will  that  the  said  John  Deekes 
shall  pay  unto  Daniel  Kingsbury  ^20  within  18  months 
after  my  decease.  Also  to  John  Kingsbury,  the  son  of  James 
Kingsbury  at  the  Moores,  ;^2o  when  he  shall  have  attained 
the  age  of  2 1  years  and  if  he  die  before  that  age  then  to 
James  Kingsbury,  his  elder  brother.  Also  I  will  that  the 
said  John  Deekes  shall  pay  unto  Joseph  Chayne,  of  Sudbury, 
;^2o  within  18  months  after  my  decease.  Also  I  will  that 
the  said  John  Deekes  shall  pay  unto  Alice  Genery  ^10 
within  18  months  after  my  decease.  Also  unto  Henry  Jones 
^5  for  my  funeral  sermon.  Also  unto  the  poor  of  the 
parish  of  Great  Cornard  forty  shillings,  to  be  distributed  by 
the  Minister  and  Churchwardens.  To  John  Deekes  all  my 
ready  moneys,  goods,  chattels  and  moveables  within  doors 
and  without,  except  the  bed  and  bedstead  in  the  parlour  as 
they  now  stand,  one  small  Kettle,  two  bullocks,  one  hutch, f 
and  one  box  in  the  parlour,  which  I  give  unto  Francis  Butcher, 
my  servant.  Also  I  give  unto  Francis  Butcher  one  messuage 
or  tenement  and  one  acre  and  a  half  of  land,  called  Trusses, 
for  his  life,  and  afterwards  to  Daniel  Kingsbury  at  the 
Moores,  and  his  heirs  for  ever.  My  will  is  that  John  Deekes 
shall  pay  all  fines  and  whatever  other  charges  shall  be  upon 
the  aforesaid  messuage,  called  Trusses,  that  the  said  Francis 
Butcher  may  without  any  charge  be  possessed  of  it.  Also  I 
will   that   the   said   John   Deekes  shall  pay  all  my  funeral 


*  See  will  of  his  father,  page  54. 

t  Hutch;  this  name  was  formerly  applied  to  chests  into  which  smaller  receptaclesi 
called  hanapers,  etc.,  were  packed.  —  CentU7-y  Dictionary. 



charges  and  whatever  other  debts  I  shall  owe.  Also  I  will 
that  the  said  John  Deekes  shall  satisfy  John  Meistner,  my 
executor,  for  all  charge  and  trouble  he  shall  be  at  in  seeing 
this  my  last  will  and  testament  fulfilled.  And  in  case  the 
said  John  Deekes  shall  fail  to  discharge  any  of  the  fore- 
mentioned  legacies  and  payments,  then  my  will  is  that  John 
Meistner,  my  executor,  shall  have  full  power  to  sell  all  or 
any  part  of  that  my  messuage  wherein  I  now  dwell,  called 
the  Cloggs,  with  the  land  and  appurtenances  thereto  belong- 
ing, and  to  discharge  and  pay  the  said  debts  and  legacies. 
Lastly  I  appoint  John  Meistner  sole  executor,  in  confidence 
of  his  care  and  faithfulness  in  discharging  the  trust  I  have 
committed  unto  him.  The  marke  of  John  Kingsbury.  In 
the  presence  of  us,  the  mark  of  John  Davee,  John  Barker, 
the  mark  of  Susan  Thurston. 

22°<*  September,  1686.  Administration  committed  to 
Susan  Deekes,  widow,  mother,  and  curatrix  assigned  to  John 
Deekes,  a  minor,  and  next  of  kin  of  the  deceased. 

Archdeaconry  Court  of  Sudbury.     {2^4  Goodwyn.     Part  I.) 

%o\in  "MwQSbx^  of  Cornar&  maona  in  the  County  of 

Suffolk,  husbandman,  February  9,  1681,  33  Charles  II.  To 
Daniel  Kingsbry,  my  Brother,  all  and  singular  my  personal 
Estates  in  any  kind  whatsoever,  either  in  moneys,  or  writings, 
or  Houses,  or  Lands.  Provided  that  he  shall  pay  out  such 
legacies  as  I  shall  hereafter  name.  To  James  Kingsbry,  my 
Brother,  one  shilling  to  be  paid  by  my  executor  within  one 
month  after  my  decease.  To  John  Kingsbry,  my  cousin,  of 
Cornard  magna,  dwelling  at  the  Cloggs,  in  the  Town  aforesaid, 
;^5  within  one  year  after  my  decease.  And  I  give  my  body 
to  be  decently  buried  in  Christian  burial  by  my  executors. 
And  I  appoint  Daniel  Kingsbry,  my  brother,  of  Cornard 
magna,  sole  executor.  The  marke  of  John  Kingsbry. 
Witnesses, —  John  Davy  his  marke,  Thomas  Deekes  his 
marke,  John  Barker. 

Proved  in  the  Archdeaconry  Court  of  Sudbury  April  19, 
1683.      (27  C/ia tubers.) 

5obn  Ikinosburp  of  (Breat  Coruarb  in  the  County  of 

Suffolk,  yeoman,  April  26,  1696.  To  Anne,  my  wife,  one 
bedstead  with  all  the  bed  or  beds,  bolsters,  pillows,  sheets, 



pillowberes,  blankets,  coverlid,  curtains,  and  all  other 
things  thereto  belonging,  and  therewith  used  when  lodged 
in,  and  she  shall  choose  which  of  my  beds  she  thinks  fit.  My 
wife  shall  have  liberty  of  dwelling  in  my  now  dwelling 
house  in  Great  Cornard,  either  to  board  herself  apart,  (or  to 
board  with  Edward  Kingsbury  my  son,  if  shall  choose  so  to 
do),  and  during  her  natural  life  she  shall  have  convenient 
house  room,  and  sufficient  fire  boot*  laid  in  at  my  said  house, 
free  from  charge,  and  also  during  the  term  of  her  natural 
life.  She  shall  have  free  liberty  of  using  in  my  said  house  as 
she  shall  see  needful,  any  of  my  household  stuff  and  furni- 
ture of  rooms.  To  my  said  wife  ^S  per  annum,  during  her 
life,  in  four  equal  quarterly  payments.  To  Edward  Kings- 
bury, my  son,  all  and  singular  my  goods  chattels,  credits 
and  personal  estate,  not  otherwise  hereby  willed,  charged  as 
hereinafter  is  expressed.  To  the  said  Edward  Kingsbury, 
and  to  his  heirs  and  assigns  forever,  all  that  my  messuage  or 
tenement,  called  the  Mott,  wherein  I  now  dwell,  in  Great 
Cornard,  and  all  and  singular  my  lands  thereto  belonging,  or 
therewith  by  me  now  enjoyed,  and  all  other  my  lands,  tene- 
ments, hereditaments,  whatsoever,  or  wheresoever.  I  do  will 
that  the  whole  of  my  estate,  that  is  to  say,  all  my  goods, 
chattels,  and  personal  estate,  and  all  my  messuages,  lands, 
tenements,  and  hereditaments,  whatsoever,  shall  be  charged 
as  well  with  all  the  payments  and  benefit  hereby  willed  to 
the  said  Anne,  my  wife,  as  also  with  the  payment  of  my 
debts,  funeral  charges,  and  other  things,  touching  the  per- 
formance of  this  my  Will.  And  I  give  twenty  shillings  to 
be  distributed  amongst  the  poor  people  of  Great  Cornard,  at 
the  discretion  of  my  executor,  and  I  make  the  said  Edward 
Kingsbury,  my  son,  sole  executor.  But  before  the  sealing  I 
do  hereby  give  to  my  said  wife  two  broad  pieces  of  old  gold, 
one  silver  spoon,  and  my  silver  cup,  and  to  my  grandchildren, 
Edward,  and  Mary  Kingsbury,  each  of  them,  two  broad 
pieces  of  old  gold,  and  one  silver  spoon  —  Signed  John 
Kingsbury,  — Witnesses,  Samuel  Hill  his  mark,  John  Wool- 
laston  his  mark,  Joseph  Wyatt. 

Proved  in  the  Archdeaconry  Court  of  Sudbury,  14  May 
1696.     (j2  Coe.) 

*  An  allowance  of  fuel  which  a  tenant  of  land  is  entitled  to  take  from  it.  —  Ce>i- 
tury  Dictionary. 



30bn  1kinOSbur\>  Ot  XaniaarSb,  in  the  County  of  Essex, 
yeoman,  October  23,9  Charles  I.,  1633.  Unto  John  Kingsberry, 
my  son,  and  to  the  heirs  of  his  body  lawfully  begotten,  all 
those  my  freehold  lands,  with  the  houses,  yards,  barns,  sta- 
bles, gardens,  orchards  and  edifices,  to  every  of  them  belong- 
ing, lying  in  Great  Cornehearth,  Little  Cornehearth,  Assing- 
ton,  or  in  any  other  place  whatsoever.  To  Robert  Kingsberry, 
my  son,  I  give  all  those  my  lease  lands  in  Great  Cornehearth, 
called  by  the  names  of  Perryfield,  and  the  Croft.  To  Marie 
Kingsberry,  my  daughter,  ^5,  to  be  paid  to  her  within  one 
year  after  my  decease,  and  to  Dorcas  Kingsberry,  my  daugh- 
ter, ;!^5.  All  the  rest  of  my  goods,  chattels,  household  stuff, 
and  implements  whatsoever,  I  give  to  Anne  Kingsberry,  my 
well-beloved  wife,  she  paying  my  debts,  and  discharging  my 
funeral  expenses,  and  I  appoint  the  said  Anne  and  my  loving 
brother-in-law,  John  Knopp,  of  Middleton,  my  executors.  I 
appoint  my  brother,  Robert  Kingsberry,  supervisor  of  this 
my  will.     Witnesses,  Edward  Glover,  James  Washe. 

Proved  in  the  Prerogative  Court  of  Canterbury,  January  9, 
^^33,  by  Anne  Kingsberry  alone.     {4  Seager.) 

Barnes  1kinOSbur\>  of  JSrabtielb,  Co.  Essex,  adnV  on 
estate  of  Henry  Kingsbury,  of  Bradfield,  brought  in  his  ac- 
counts that  s"^  Henry's  estate  did  not  amount  to  jQ^o.  1636. 
Archeaconry  of  Essex. 

3^ame5  1f?inC(SbUrie  ot  3Brat»tiel&  in  the  County  of  Essex, 
singleman,  June  14,  1635.  Sick  and  weak  of  body,  but  praised 
be  God,  of  good  and  perfect  memory.  My  body  to  the  earth 
to  be  buried  in  Christian  burial.  To  Henry  Kingsburie,  my 
brother  of  Much  Bromley,  in  the  said  county,  one  cow,  not  let 
unto  Edward  Andrewes,  of  Wix,  until  Michaelmas  next,  with 
the  profit  for  the  same  then  due,  and  thirty  five  shillings  in 
money,  to  be  paid  within  one  half  year  after  my  decease.  To 
Samuel  Kingsburie,  my  brother,  one  bay  mare  colt  of  the  age 
of  three  years,  to  be  delivered  unto  him  immediately  after  my 
decease,  and  twenty  shillings  in  money,  to  be  paid  within  half 
a  year.  To  Francis  Kingsburie,  my  brother.  Five  pounds,  to 
be  paid  by  my  executor  when  he  shall  accomplish  the  age  of 
one   and   twenty   years.      To    my   mother-in-law,    Priscilla 


Kingsburie,  twenty  shillings,  to  be  paid  within  one  half  year. 
To  Priscilla  Ayers  ten  shillings,  to  be  paid  within  one  half 
year.  All  the  residue  of  my  goods  unbequeathed  I  give  and 
bequeath  to  my  dear  and  loving  father,  Henry  Kingsburie, 
to  discharge  these  my  legacies,  and  debts,  and  funeral  rites. 
James  Kingsburie  his  mark.  Sealed,  Signed,  published  and 
declared,  in  the  presence  of  John  Vincent,  Henry  Lounte, 
Rob*  Whall,  his  mark.  Administration,  with  the  Will  an- 
nexed, granted  to  Henry  Kingsburie,  the  father,  July  24, 
1635,  by  the  Commissary  Court  of  Essex  and  Herts.  {Orig- 
inal Will  No.  42.) 

5obn  Ikingsburp  of  Stoaft  IRejt  IRe^lanb  in  the  County 

of  Suffolk,  the  elder,  clothier,  dated  August  13,  1638,  and 
proved  in  the  Archdeaconry  Court  of  Sudbury,  September  18, 
1638.  Sick  of  body.  Wife  Susan.  Daughter  Rebecca.  John 
Kingsbury,  my  eldest  son.  Robert  Kingsbury,  my  son.  John 
Ardley,  Thomas  Ardley,  and  ffrancis  Ardley,  my  grandchil- 
dren. Jacob  Kingsbury,  my  son.  Isaac  Kingsbury,  and 
James  Kingsbury,  my  sons.  Jonas  Kingsbury,  my  youngest 
son.  Mentions  that  one  Robert  Scarlet,  deceased,  by  his  Will, 
devised  to  the  said  Jacob,  Robert,  James  and  Isaac,  my  sons, 
and  Rebecca,  my  daughter,  or  the  some  of  them,  ;£^  apiece. 
To  sons,  James,  and  Isaac,  ^^4  a  year,  at  the  expiration  of 
their  apprenticeship,  out  of  personal  estate.  John  Kings- 
bury, my  eldest  son,  my  sole  executor,  hoping  that  he  will 
duly  and  truly  perform  my  Will  in  every  respect  as  my  trust 
is  in  him.  The  mark  of  John  Kingsbury.  In  the  presence 
of  John  Spencer,  John  Pobbey.  Archdeaconry  Court  of 

3-ameS  minOSburp  of  CajS^  in  the  County  of  Suffolk, 
husbandman,  mentions  son,  Joseph,  gives  him  his  wearing- 
clothes  —  to  Richard  Tiplocke,  who  married  his  daughter, 
Anne,  3o^ — daughter  Frances  ^10.  —  daughter  Bridgett 
biggest  chest — and  to  both  Frances,  and  Bridgett,  bedding, 
linen,  &c. — John  Nightingale,  gent,  of  Carsy,  Executor,  to 
have  4o^ — remainder  of  estate  to  son,  Joseph,  and  three 
daughters,  Anne,  Frances  and  Bridgett.   Signed  with  a  mark. 


Tho^  Goad,  Bridget  Sampson,  and  Simeon  Sampson,  wit- 
nesses, Sept.  II,  1655.  Proved  in  London,  Nov.  15,  1655. 
Prerogative  Court  of  Canterbury.     {Aylett  471.) 

3aC0b  IFdnOSburp  Ot  little  JBromlep  in  the  County  of 
Essex,  mentions  wife,  Elizabeth,  son,  Jacob,  not  yet  24, 
younger  son,  William,  and  Elizabeth,  daughter;  mentions 
holdings  in  Little  Bentley.     Feb.   10,   1659. 

IRObert  IkinSbOrOW  ot  IRaCtOn,  in  the  County  of  Suf- 
folk, gives  to  loving  wife,  Susan,  "my  Copiehold  lands  and 
tenements  in  Nacton,  holden  of  the  manor  of  Nacton,  alias 
lower  hall,  for  and  towards  the  bringing  up  of  my  three 
children,  which  I  have  by  the  said  Susan.  April  23,  1666. 
Registry  of  Wills  at  Ipswich.     {File  No.  171.) 

IRobert  Ikingsburi?  of  tbe  parisb  of  Stanawa^^  in  the 

county  of  Essex,  yeoman,  bequeathes  his  messuage  and  tene- 
ment in  Stanaway  aforesaid,  to  his  kinsmen,  John  and  Peter 
Kingsbury,  which  is  in  all,  five  pounds  a  year,  to  be  divided 
between  them,  part  and  part  alike,  and  after  the  decease  of 
each  respectively,  to  go  to  their  children;  to  sister  Anne  ^^t„ 
and  to  her  dau""  Sarah  Barber,  4o^;  to  two  kinsmen,  Thomas 
and  Henry  Barber,  20^  a  piece;  to  kinswoman,  Mary  Gaily, 
4o^;  to  kinswoman,  Elizabeth  Day,  4o^;  to  kinswoman,  Anne 
ffookes,  4o^;  to  Suzanna  ffookes,  4o^;  kinswoman,  Alice 
ffookes,  40^;  to  Sarah  ffookes,  4o^;  to  Robert  ffookes,  2o^; 
Brother  Jeremiah  ffookes,  all  my  wearing  clothes;  to  kins- 
man, John  Ballard,  2o\;  to  Servant,  Mary  Duson,  ^10  and 
one  bullock;  to  Mary  Tunbridge,  ^3.  friends  John  Cleare, 
and  Thomas  Cleare,  the  younger,  of  Stanaway,  yeomen,  ex- 
ecutors. June  I,  1666.  Proved  Dec.  12,  1666.  Commissary 
Court  of  Essex  and  Herts. 

/IDari^  Ikinosbur^  tbe  wife  of  5obn  Ikinosburp  of 

Lexden,  in  the  Corporation  of  Colchester,  Webster,  in  Essex, 
5  July  18  Charles  IL  1666.  I  bequeath  to  my  husband,  John 
Kingsbury,  all  my  freehold  houses  and  buildings  with  all  the 
lands  thereunto  belonging,  in  Heany  (?),  in  the  county  of  Es- 
sex, now  in  the  occupation  of  William  French,  or  his  assigns, 


called  the  House  of  the  Stoone,  and  to  the  heirs  and  assig-ns 
of  the  said  John  Kingsbury,  for  ever.  Witnesses,  Ann  Ellis, 
her  mark,  George  Howton,  his  mark,  Eliz.  French,  her  mark. 

I,  John  Kingsbury  Legatee  universal,  in  the  above  said 
Will  nominated  due  acknowledge  that  I  have  received  the 
original  Will  out  of  the  office,  and  do  promise  to  return  it 
again  upon  demand.    Commissary  Court  of  Essex  and  Herts. 

JFranCiS  IkinOSburp  Ot  JBvaMCl^  in  the  County  of 
Essex,  June  26,  1667.  To  Frances  Kingsbury,  my  daughter, 
one  bed,  brass  pot,  and  ;^4o.  If  Mary,  my  wife,  marry  before 
my  said  daughter  attain  the  age  of  21,  then  the  money  and 
goods  aforesaid,  to  be  paid  to  my  daughter  the  day  before 
the  marriage  of  my  said  wife.  If  the  said  Frances  die  un- 
married, then  I  give  ;^2o  to  Mary  King  (sic)  and  Samuell 
Kingsbury,  and  Francis  Kingsbury,  the  children  of  Samuell 
Kingsbury,  my  brother.  The  said  Frances  to  have  all  the 
rest  of  my  goods  upon  the  decease  of  Mary  my  wife,  whom 
I  ordain  my  sole  executrix.  Witnesses,  George  Barrill, 
James  Mallin. 

Proved  in  the  Commissary  Court  of  Essex  and  Herts 
November  8,  1667.     {Fi's/i  135b?) 

56ri&Oet  IkingSburp  of  HltOn  in  the  county  of  Southamp- 
ton, spinster,  13"' January,  20'.''  Charles  II.  Annoque  Domini 
1668.  Unto  my  brother,  Joseph  Kingsburye,  ten  pounds. 
To  my  sister,  Anne  Tiplockes*  two  daughters,  all  my  wearing 
apparel,  and  my  two  trunks,  and  a  box.  Unto  Henry  But- 
ler, Vicar  of  Alton,  ten  shillings  to  preach  my  funeral  ser- 
mon. Unto  Elizabeth  Gates,  the  daughter  of  Joane  Gates, 
widow,  ten  shillings.  Unto  the  said  Joane  Gates,  my  land- 
lady, my  new  "surge  Jumper."  All  my  money  which  shall 
be  remaining  shall  be  equally  divided  between  my  said  sis- 
ter, Anne  Tiplocks  two  daughters.  I  appoint  my  very  good 
freind  William  Wake,  of  Alton,  sole  executor.  The  mark  of 
Bridgett  Kingsbury,  spinster.  Signed,  sealed  and  published, 
in  the  presence  of  Thomas  Pincke,  Laurence  Gates.  Proved 
in  the  Prerogative  Court  of  Canterbury  July  7,  1670. 
{Penn  (?/.) 

*  See  will  of  James  Kingsbury,  of  Carsy,  p.  60;  also  p.  41. 


IRObert  If^inOSbUr^  of  /IC>i&MctOU  1[3all  in  Middleton, 
in  the  county  of  Essex,  yeoman,  6  March,  21  Charles  II.  1668. 
To  my  son  Robert  Kingsbury  and  his  heirs,  all  these  my  lands, 
both  freehold  and  copyhold,  with  the  appurtenances,  now  in 
the  occupation  of  Jonathan  Heyward,  or  his  assigns,  lying 
and  being  in  Great  Cornard,  in  the  county  of  Suffolk.  To 
my  loving  wife,  Alice  Kingsbury,  all  these  my  three  mes- 
suages or  tenements  in  Great  Cornard  aforesaid,  in  a  certain 
street  there,  called  Broomestreet,  now  or  late  in  the  tenure  of 
James  Payne,  the  widow  Campin,  and  the  widow  Barnes,  also 
all  that  my  messuage  with  the  appurtenances,  lying  in  Mid- 
dleton aforesaid,  now  in  the  occupation  of  the  widow  Kitson 
or  her  assigns.  To  hold  to  the  said  Alice  for  the  term  of 
her  natural  life.  After  her  decease  I  give  the  two  mes- 
suages in  the  occupation  of  the  widows  Campin  and  Barnes 
to  my  said  son  Robert,  and  his  heirs,  for  ever.  The  tene- 
ment in  the  occupation  of  James  Payne  I  give  to  my  son 
Thomas  Kingsbury,  and  his  heirs,  for  ever,  and  the  other 
tenement  in  the  occupation  of  the  widow  Kitson,  to  my 
daughter,  Alice,  the  wife  of  Robert  Andrews,  during  her 
natural  life.  After  her  decease  to  Robert  Andrews,  son  of 
the  said  Robert  Andrews,  and  the  heirs  of  his  body,  for 
want  of  such  issue  to  Sarah  Andrews,  daughter  of  the  said 
Robert  Andrews  the  father,  and  the  heirs  of  her  body.  For 
want  of  such  issue,  to  the  heirs  of  the  body  of  the  said  Alice 
Andrews,  and  for  want  of  such  issue,  to  the  right  heirs  of 
the  said  Alice  Andrews  for  ever.  All  my  goods,  chattels, 
household  stuff,  and  all  other  my  estate  whatsoever  I  give 
to  the  said  Alice,  my  wife,  and  I  leave  it  wholly  to  her  dis- 
cretion to  dispose  thereof  to  my  children,  or  to  such  of  my 
children,  as  she  shall  think  most  deserving.  I  also  make 
her  my  sole  executrix.  Witnesses  Philip  Robinson,  Ber- 
nard Carter,  John  Catesby,  Proved  in  the  Prerogative 
Court  of  Canterbury  November  24,  1669.     {14J  Coke.) 

30bn  IRiUGSburS  of  MeSt  JBergbOlt  in  the  County  of 
Essex,  husbandman,  October  19,  1679,31  Charles  II.  To  my 
son,  John  Kingsbury,  five  shillings.  To  my  son-in-law, 
George  Tapley,  one  shilling.  I  ordain  Martha  Kingsbury, 
my  wife,  my  sole  executrix,  and  I  give  her  all  my  moveable 
goods  and  chattels,  upon  condition  that  she  allow  my  son, 


Thomas  Kingsbury,  "if  he  shall  break  his  sickness  that  now 
he  have,"  half  of  the  said  goods  for  his  legacy. 

Witnesses,  Gilbte  Richardson,  John  Lorkin,  John  Goymer. 

Proved  in  the  Commissary  Court  of  Essex  and  Herts, 
February  20,  1679.     {jg6  Heydou.) 

IRObert  IkingSbUrp  of  ITpSWiCb*  in  the  County  of  Suf- 
folk, fishmonger,  April  22,  1679.  To  my  brother,  John  Kings- 
bury, ^10  if  living  at  my  death.  To  my  cousin,  John  Kings- 
bury, my  said  brother's  son  ^10.  To  my  cousin,  Jacob  Kings- 
bury ^10.  To  my  cousin,  James  Kingsbury  ^10.  To  my 
cousin,  Richard  Kingsbury  ;!^io.  To  my  cousin  John  Kings- 
bury, son  of  my  brother,  Jonas  Kingsbury  ^10.  Unto  ffran- 
cis  Ardley,  the  son  of  ffrancis  Ardley  of  Essex,  yeoman, 
;^5.  To  my  cousin,  Elizabeth  Layton  ^10.  To  my  cousin, 
Susan  Layton,  sister  of  the  said  Elizabeth  ^10.  Unto  M'' 
Becke,  minister  of  Saint  Margaret's,  in  Ipswich,  ;^i  o.  To  Eliz- 
abeth Harstead  of  Bury  Saint  Edmonds,  widow,  ;^5.  To  her 
daughter,  Elizabeth  Harstead,  ^5.  To  John  Harstead,  son 
of  the  said  Elizabeth,  ^5.  To  my  God  daughter,  Sarah  Webb, 
the  daughter  of  Philip  Webb,  ^3.  To  my  maid  servant  that 
shall  live  with  me  at  the  time  of  my  decease  ^^3.  To  James 
Page,  the  son  of  James  Page,  of  Ipswich  draper,  twenty  shil- 
lings. All  the  aforesaid  legacies  to  be  paid  within  three 
months  after  my  decease.  To  M''  John  Daynes,  Clerk,  M' 
Thomas  Daynes,  his  brother,  M^  James  Page,  John  Smyth, 
Merchant  Taylor,  M'  Joseph  Palmer,  M''  John  Smyth,  the 
Apothecary,  and  his  wife,  M"  Mary  Daynes,  the  daughter  of 
M''  Robert  Daynes,  to  my  landlord,  M''  Lawrance  Stistead,  his 
wife,  his  son,  Lawrance  Stistead,  M'''*  Anne  Burrowes,  and  M'' 
Thomas  Thurston,  and  every  one  of  them  a  gold  ring  of  ten 
shillings,  to  be  purchased  by  my  Executors  within  two  days 
next  after  my  decease.  To  my  loving  friends,  Samuel  Hum- 
fry  and  Richard  King,  ^"10  a  piece.  Any  surplus  remaining 
I  give  to  my  said  cousin,  John  Kingsbury,  the  son  of  my  said 
brother,  John  Kingsbury,  and  my  said  cousin,  James  Kings- 
bury, equally  to  be  divided.  The  executors  are  Samuel 
Humfry,  and  Richard  King.  Robert  Kingsbury.  Signed 
Sealed,  and  published,  in  the  presence  of  John  Gulson,  the 

*See  will  of  John  Kingsbury,  of  Stoke  ne.xt  Neyland,  p.  60. 


marke  of  Dorothy  Todd,  Thomas  Thurston.  Proved  in  the 
Archdeaconry  Court  of  Suffolk,  June  16,  1679.     (^^^  Edgar.) 

ITbOmaS  IkinCjSbur^  Ot  MeStletOn,  yeoman,  in  the 
Count)''  of  Suffolk,  to  Martha  Boore,  the  wife  of  James  Boore, 
my  daughter,  one  shilling,  other  two  daughters,  Mary,  and 
Sarah,  all  my  goods  and  chattells  whatsoever  to  be  divided 
between  them  —  to  John  White,  of  Sheberton,  30^;  John 
White,  and  daughter,  Mary,  Executors.  Nov.  9,  1680.  {-Reg- 
ister's Book,  No.  II,  426.)     Registry  of  Wills  at  Ipswich. 

/iDartba  TFunoslnir^?  of  (Tolcbcster,  \vi&D.,  *  bequeathes 

one  half  part  of  all  her  money,  goods  and  chattels  to  grand- 
child, John  Tapley,  and  the  other  half  to  grandchildren,  John 
Kingsbury,  and  Sarah  Kingsbury,  ch.  of  son  Thomas  Kings- 
bury. John  Milbanck  of  Colchester,  Gent.,  Ex".  June  ;^o, 
1690.     Archdeaconry  of  Essex.     {Colthi  j6i.) 

BUOUStine  IfaiUJSbur^  of  Xon^On  gives  his  wife,  and 
his  son,  William,  his  lands  in  Hampshire,  wh.  he  bought  of 
various  individuals ;  to  dau.  Mary  ^500  ;  to  three  daus  Eliz- 
abeth, Sarah  and  Ann,  ^^2000  apiece ;  son-in-law  Collins,  and 
his  wife,  two  houses  in  vShew  Lane,  and  Harp  Alley,  for  their 
life,  and  after  their  decease  to  their  son,  Austin.  To  dau''* 
Elizabeth,  and  Sarah,  my  house  on  Ludgate  Hill  —  to  dau. 
Ann  my  house  in  Coleman  Street,  to  all  my  sisters  children 
^50  apiece.  All  the  rest  of  his  estate  to  his  wife.  Proved 
18  March,  169 1/2.  Prerogative  Court  of  Canterbury. 
{Fane  40.) 

/iDari^  IFdnosburi?  of  tbe  precinct  of  Bri&eNvelI,  Lon- 
don, widow  and  relict  of  Austin  Kingsbury,  late  of  the  same 
precinct,  Woodmonger,  and  also  residuary  devisee  and  lega- 
tee of  all  his  real  and  personal  estate,  March  14,  1698/9.  To 
my  daughters  Elizabeth  Kingsbury,  and  Sarah  Kingsbury,  as 
tenants  in  common,  two  equal  parts,  (the  whole  to  be  divided 
into  four  equal  parts,)  of  my  lands  and  tenements,  which 
were  bought  of  M"".  Wall,  and  M^  Young,  in  the  county  of 
Southampton,  and  the  other  two   parts  I  give   unto   John 

♦  See  will  of  John  Kingsbury,  of  West  Bergholt,  p.  63. 



Duppa,  of  the  Parish  of  S'.  Andrew,  Holburn,  gentleman, 
and  Charles  Breame,  of  the  precinct  of  Bridewell,  wood- 
monger,  and  their  heirs,  in  trust  as  to  one  moiety  thereof  for 
such  person,  or  persons,  as  my  daughter,  Mary  Collins,  shall 
appoint,  and  as  to  the  other  moiety  for  the  benefit  of  my 
daughter  Anne  Ashby.  I  bequeath  my  freehold  tenement 
which  my  husband  bought  of  M^  Phelps,  in  Chandois  Street 
in  Bedfordbi;ry  (London),  unto  my  four  (sic)  daughters,  Mary 
Collins,  Elizabeth  Kingsbury,  and  Anne  Ashby,  for  ever.  I 
bequeath  unto  my  grandson,  Austin  Collins,  after  the  de- 
cease of  my  son-in-law,  Thomas  Collins,  and  my  daughter 
Mary,  his  wife,  the  reversion  of  my  two  houses,  one  in  Shoe 
Lane,  in  the  possession  of  M''.  Legross,  and  the  other  in  Harp 
Alley,  in  the  possession  of  the  said  M\  Legross,  which  were 
bought  of  M^  Hippsley.  I  bequeath  the  reversion  of  the 
house  in  Coleman  Street,  which  was  bought  of  M''.  Lucas, 
after  the  death  of  my  daughter,  Anne  Ashby,  to  her  and 
her  heirs  for  ever.  I  give  unto  my  daughter,  Elizabeth 
Kingsbury,  the  three  houses  which  I  hold  by  lease  from  the 
Governor  of  Bridewell,  and  my  two  houses  in  Kirby  Street 
(and  other  property).  I  give  unto  my  daughter,  Sarah, 
my  two  houses  in  Leather  Lane,  and  my  two  houses  in  Bolt 
Court,  and  also  my  four  houses  in  Water  Street,  in  Bridewell 
precinct.  I  give  my  said  daughter  Elizabeth,  my  four 
houses  in  Blackfriars,  and  my  two  houses  in  Aldersgate,  and 
also  my  house  in  Bolt  Court  in  Fleet  Street.  To  my  cousin 
Katherine  Crate  ten  pounds.  To  my  cousin  William  Gibbs, 
and  to  his  sister  Mary,  five  pounds  apiece.  To  my  cousin 
Mary  Mainwaireing,  and  to  James  Somes,  five  pounds  apiece. 
I  give  two  thirds  of  my  plate,  linen,  household  goods,  and  aH 
the  rest  of  my  estate,  unto  my  daughters,  Elizabeth  and  Sarah, 
the  other  third  part  thereof  I  give  unto  my  said  daughter, 
Elizabeth,  in  trust  for  my  said  daughter,  Anne  Ashby.  I 
appoint  my  said  daughter,  Elizabeth,  sole  executrix.  Wit- 
nesses, Theo.  Armitt,  Anne  Armitt,  Thomas  Whitehead. 

Proved  in  the  Prerogative  Court  of  Canterbury,  August 
24,  1699.     {Pett  13s) 

50bn  HanOSbUr^  of  JBunonp  in  the  County  of  Sufeold, 
maulster,— to  Elizabeth,  his  loving  wife,  all  his  messuagse. 


and  lands,  and  tenements,  during  her  natural  life,  provided 
she  keeps  herself  sole  and  Unmarried  —  after  her  decease, 
or  marriage,  the  same  to  go  to  Eldest  Sonn,  John  Kingsbury, 
—  gives  messuage  in  bungay,  now  in  the  use  and  possession 
of  John  Dyke,  to  Richard,  second  sonn  —  and  other  tene- 
ments to  William,*  my  youngest  son  —  all  personal  estate  to 
two  daughters,  Mary  and  Sarah,  equally.  John  Dallnig 
(Bailing?)  of  Bungay,  Apothecary,  and  John  Downing  of 
same  town.  Executors,  Jan^  24,  1709,  proved  Feb.  22,  17 10. 
{Raymond  1^0.) 

5osepb  Hanoslnir^  of  East  H)on^lan&,  in  the  County 

of  Essex,  Gent'.,  bequeathes  two  houses  or  cottages  in  the 
parish  of  East  Donyland  to  William  Slinger,  parson  of  the  s'' 
parish,  and  all  other  succeeding  parsons  of  the  parish,  for 
the  use  of  the  poor  people  of  the  s*^  parish,  for  almshouses 
to  be  inhabited  by  such  of  the  poor  people  of  the  said  parish 
as  shall  be  approved  of  by  the  Parson,  and  Church  Wardens; 
to  loving  friend,  M""  John  Dines,  of  Wivenhoe,  his  messuage 
or  tenement,  situate  in  ffingringhoe  ;  also  two  oyster  layings, 
lying  in  Brightlingsea  Creek  ;  to  John  Potter,  Esq"",  of  Col- 
chester, the  messuage  or  tenement  called  the  White  Lyon,  in 
East  Donyland  ;  to  kinswoman,  Alice  Whitwick,  (late  Alice 
Tillsf)  two  cottages  in  East  Donyland  ;  to  kinswoman.  Amy 
Todd,  cottages  in  East  Donyland  ;  to  Anna  Mayhew,  dau.  of 
Tho.  Mayhew,  Gent'.,  a  house  in  East  Donyland;  and  all 
ye  Oyster  pitts  lying  upon  ye  Marsh  in  East  Donyland  ;  to 
kinswoman,  Abigail  Tills,  his  messuage  or  ten*-  in  East 
Donyland,  now  in  his  own  occupation,  on  condition  that  she 
pay  out  of  ye  s''  farm  the  sum  of  ;^ioo  to  "my  God  Son, 
Joseph  Kingsbury,  and  ^^20  to  my  kinswoman,  Ann  Todd  ;  " 
bequeathes  ^20  to  be  paid  out  by  the  Ex''"  for  the  cloath- 
ing  such  poor  people  in  the  parish  of  East  Donylands 
as  they  shall  .see  fit.  M"'  John  Dines,  M'  Jn"  Potter,  M' 
Tho:  Mayhew,  M'  John  Beale,  M'  Tim  Cooke,  and  D"^  Dobie, 
his  paul  bearers,  each  to  have  a  Ring  of  20^  in  value 
and  hatt-bands,  and  gloves  ;  such  Inhabitants  of  the  pish 
of  East    Donylands  as  shall    come  to  my  funeral   to   have 

•  See  page  28. 
+  See  page  51. 



gloves,  and  my  seat  in  East  Donyland  church  to  be  hung  in 
mourning.  All  the  residue  of  his  estate  to  be  given  to 
Abigail  Tills,  Ann  Todd,  Ann  Mayhew  and  John  Dines,  J^  ; 
to  Mary  Pointer,  his  maid  servant  ^5.  Oct,  18,  1714.  John 
Potter,  Esq'  and  John  Dines,  Executors.  Proved  Dec.  15, 
1 7 14.     {Courtinan  266.) 


William  &e  IF^^ncjesbur^  is  mentioned  in  the  will  of 
Gervase  de  Wyllesford,  rector  of  Barnack  and  Castre,  North- 
amptonshire, dated  at  Barnak,  on  the  Feast  of  S.  Thomas 
the  Apostle,  1368.  This  will  is  the  more  interesting  because 
it  is  not  recorded  in  any  Probate  Registry,  but  is  registered 
in  the  Episcopal  Registry  of  the  Bishop  of  Lincoln  [Buck- 
ingham, fo.  7j),  before  whom  it  was  proved  at  Lidyngton, 
Rutland),  18  June,  1369. 

•ff^icbolas  Ikinosbur^  of  Bintr^e  in  the  countie  of 

Norff  :  myller.  I  geve  vnto  Johanne  Brese  my  syster  xx"  : 
Vnto  evry  one  of  hir  children  ffyve  pounds  a  pece  as  they 
shall  come  to  their  sevrall  ages  of  xvi  yeres.  Vnto  Nicho- 
las Woods  my  nephew  vj''  viij*  iiij''.  Vnto  John  Sparke,  my 
brother  in  lawe,  and  to  his  heires  my  howsse  and  lands  in 
ffolshin,  and  the  winde  mylle  for  ever.  All  the  rest  of  my 
goods  vnto  John  Sparke  my  brother  in  lawe  whom  I  make 
sole  executor.  Thexxiiij**^  daye  of  Aprell,  1587.  Probatum 
tertio  die  Maii  1587.  Et  comissa  Adm"  Executori.  Norwich 
Consistory.     Book  86,  Homes,  go. 

IRatfe  If^insbar^e  of  tbe  parisb  of  Xemister,  in  the 

county  of  Devon,  mentions  dau.  Joane,  brother  Gylles,  broth- 
er William,  dau.  Edithe,  wife  Elizabeth.     1568. 

3-Obn  Ikingsburp  of  lEaStWeirs  within  the  parish  of  S' 
Cuthberd's  in  the  Countie  of  Somerset,  mentions  dau"''.  Mary 
and  Elizabeth,  son  Robert;  Sept.  4,  1607.  Proved  1623. 
Prerogative  Court  of  Canterbury.     [Swan  iii.) 



lEliSabetb  IkinSbur^,  Wi^OW,  alias  Rodner,  of  Chesel- 
don,  in  the  County  of  Dorset,  mentions  son  Thomas,  son  John, 
and  to  his  son  John,  daughter  Mary,  the  wife  of  Thomas 
Vivian,  or  Hoggard,  son  Peter,  son  Adam,  and  to  his  son 
John,  son  Richard,  ten  pounds,  and  goods,  to  be  equally  di- 
vided between  him  and  his  brother,  Henry, —  signed  Eliza- 
beth Kingsbury,  her  mark,  Oct.  27,  1658. 

Henry  Kingsbury,  alias  Rodner,  and  Richard  Kingsbury, 
alias  Rodner,  administrators. 

IRobert  IFuuGSbur^?  ot  JSriobtlinosea  in  the  County 

of  Essex,  ffarmer,  bequeathes  all  his  Lands  and  Tenements, 
holden  of  the  Manor  of  Brightlingsea,  to  his  daughters, 
Mary  Kingsbury  and  Sarah  Kingsbury,  bv;t  if  the  s''  Daugh- 
ters depart  this  life  before  reaching  the  age  of  twenty-one 
years,  he  bequeathes  the  s''  Lands,  &c.,  to  his  Nephew, 
Thomas  Kingsbury  of  Brightlingsea,  yeoman.  To  said 
nephew,  Thomas,  ^80.  To  nephew,  John  Kingsbury  of  Col- 
chester, ^20  ;  To  niece,  Frances  Kingsbury  of  Colchester, 
spinster,  ^10.  To  niece,  Mary  Kingsbury,  ^20.  To  Brother- 
in-Law,  Benjamin  Cook  of  ffrailing,  in  Essex.  All  the  resi- 
due of  estate  to  the  two  Daughters.  In  case  of  their  death 
before  reaching  the  age  of  twenty-one,  the  estate  to  go  to 
the  nephews  and  nieces,  Thomas,  John,  Frances,  and  Mary. 
Thomas  Kingsbury  and  Benjamin  Cook,  Ex'^",  Nov.  18,  1737. 
Proved  Oct.  14,  1738.  {Original  Will  in  possession  of  Miss  M. 
K.  Talcott). 


Bills  and  Answers. 

James  Ifdnoesbur^e*  of  :IBoIfor^,  pitf.,  Boxford,  states 

that  John  Kingesbiirie,  late  of  Edwardestone,  in  the  County 
of  Suffolk,  deceased,  the  father  of  y'  s*^  Orator,  was  lawfully 
and  rightfully  seized  of  one  Tenem\  or  Cottage,  in  Edwarde- 
stone aforesayde,  and  that  about  one  yeare  nowe  laste  paste 
the  s''  John  Kingesburye,  for  the  fatherly  love  and  affec- 
tion that  he  the  s**  John  dyd  beare  to  y''  say'^  Orator, 
beynge  his  Sonne,  and  also  in  consideration  of  the  Summe 
of  tene  pounds,  whereof  ^6.  4^  iiii*^  was  payd  in  hand  to  s'^ 
John,  and  the  residue  was  to  be  payde  at  other  severall 
days  betweene  them,  the  s''  John  did  promyse  and  graunt 
to  yo''  say''  orator  to  conveye  and  assure  the  s''  Tenem* 
or  Cottage  to  you'  say**  Orator,  &c,  after  w'''  tyme  one 
Roger  Kingsbijrye  persuaded  "the  said  John  to  convey  to 
him  the  cottage  in  question,  &c.  &c.  "  The  said  John  beynge 
a  man  growen,  in  some  symplycytye  by  reason  of  his  age  — 
yett  because  the  one  was  his  father,  and  thother  his 
brother,  he  dyd  forbeare  hit,  butt  by  all  gentle  means 
sought  to  have  his  promise  pformed,  w'""  the  sayd  Roger 
refused,"  &c.  &c.,  and  the  said  Orato''  requests  the  Court  to 
graunt  to  the  sayd  Orator  the  Queue's  Maj^'"'^  Wryte  of 
subpena,  to  be  dyrected  to  the  sayd  Roger  Kingesburye, 
commanding  him  to  appeare  before  your  lordshippe  in  the 
Queue's  high  Courte  of  Chauncerye,  &c.  S""  Nicholas  Bacon, 
Knight,  lord  Keeper  of  the  greate  Courte  of  Englande. 

Roger  Kingsburye  replies.  1578.  Series  II.  Bills  and 

IRObert  IF^iUGSbUrie  Ot  MellS,  in  the  county  of  Somer- 
set, baker,  Richard  Clarke  of  Wells,  grocer,  and  Elizabeth  his 
wife,    complain   as   follows  :    about   five   years   since,  their 

*  Probably  James,  whose  will  is  given  on  pages  44,  45. 



father  John  Kingsburie,  of  Eastwell's,  within  the  parish  of 
S^  Cuthbert,  in  Wells,  yeoman,  made  his  will,  and  thereby 
gave  and  bequeathed  unto  complainants  ;  Robert,  and  Eliza- 
beth, and  to  Marie,  one  other  of  his  daughters,  all  his  goods, 
leases,  chattels,  and  other  property,  provided  that  Joan  his 
wife  should  enjoy  the  use  thereof  so  long  as  she  should  live 
unmarried.  If  the  said  Joan  should  marry  then  the  said 
goods  and  property  should  be  to  the  said  Marie,  and  the 
complainants,  equally.  The  testator  appointed  the  said 
Joan  his  executrix,  and  shortly  afterwards  died,  being,  at  his 
death  possessed  of  divers  feather  beds,  flock  beds,  and 
other  goods,  and  ready  money,  and  also  of  his  house  in  East- 
wells,  and  many  years  in  the  lease  thereof  then  to  come,  as 
also  of  divers  other  small  leases,  the  house  at  Eastwells  be- 
ing of  the  yearly  value  of  20  marks.  Joan  did  not  prove 
the  Will,  but  notwithstanding  possessed  herself  of  the  said 
goods,  leases,  and  estate,  complainants  then  being  under  21. 
The  said  Joan,  complainant's  mother-in-law,  made  over  the 
property  to  one  Thomas  Wills,  now  deceased,  and  shortly 
afterwards  took  to  husband  and  married  one  Richard  Nor- 
cotte,  of  Cheddar,  in  the  count}^  aforesaid,  yeoman.  After 
her  marriage  complainants  requested  her  to'^Drove  the  Will, 
but  hitherto  both  Norcotte  and  his  wife  had  refused.  Com- 
plainants are  now  above  21.  8  Feb.  16 12.  Bills  and  Answers, 
Bimdle  K.     27.  iV".  //j. 

Sarab  IkinCJSbUjy,  the  daughter  of  Roger  Kingsbury, 
late  of  Middleton,  in  the  County  of  Essex,  prayeth  that  her 
said  late  father,  being  seized  in  fee  of  several  Messuages, 
Lands,  Tenements,  and  Tythes,  being  in  the  Citty  of  London, 
the  said  County  of  Essex,  and  elsewhere  in  the  Kingdom  of 
England,  particularly  of  a  farme  at  Asthen,  in  the  Co.  of 
Essex,  which  he  purchased  of  Richard  Peppys,  Esq'.,  and  that 
he  made  his  will  June  4,  1697,  and  that  he  gave  to  his  son, 
Robert,  the  said  farme,  on  condition  that  he  should  pay  out 
of  the  said  farme  ^200  to  his  dau''^  Sarah,  and  Alice,  that 
is  ^100  to  each,  when  they  should  arrive  at  the  age  of  two 
and  twenty  years,  and  the  Testator  made  his  brother,  Rob- 
ert Kingsbury,  late  of  Brunden  Hall,  in  the  County  afores'^, 
and  Richard  Scott,  of  Braintree,  his  brother-in-law,  Execu- 



tors,  and  soon  after  dyed,  and  his  will  was  duly  proved  by 
the  s''  Robert  Kingsbury,  in  the  proper  Ecclesiasticall 
Court,  and  not  long  afterwards  he  dyed  also,  leaving  a  will, 
and  therefore  one  W"  Kingsbury,  of  Ballington,  in  the 
said  County  of  Essex,  Executor  of  the  will  of  the  s''  Rob- 
ert Kingsbury,  became  the  Executor  of  the  will  of  your 
Orator's  father,  and  the  said  W'"  Kingsbury,  and  Robert 
Kingsbury,  your  Orator's  brother,  have  refused  to  pay  the 
^loo  due  to  your  Orator ;  says  that  the  said  William  Kings- 
bury is  a  near  relation  of  your  Orator,  and  that  it  is  said  that 
he  hath  lent  a  sum  of  money  to  her  brother,  Robert  Kings- 
bury, who  has  therefore  allowed  him  to  take  possession  of 
the  rents  of  the  s''  farme,  &c.  Bills  and  Answers.  IV/iiting- 
ton,  No.  I. 



The  following  Notes  are  from  a  paper  on  "  The  de  Greys 
of  Little  Cornard,"  communicated  by  the  Rev^.  George 
Crabb,  which  is  printed  in  "  Proceedings  of  the  Suffolk  Insti- 
tute of  Archaeology,"  vol.  vi,  pp.  13-39.  Mr.  Crabb  states  that 
he  derived  his  materials  chiefly  from  documents  in  the  mu- 
niment room  at  Merton  Hall,  which  is  the  seat  of  Lord  Wal- 
singham,  the  head  of  that  branch  of  the  family  of  de  Grey. 

Minor  Notes  and  Names  from  the  Court  Rolls  and  Books 
of  Caxton's  Manor  in  Little  Cornard.  23  Edw.  III.  (1369)  to 
2  Henry  V  (1414),  in  Book  C.  C.  F.  A. 

John  de  Kingesbury. 

Some  Names  and  Notes  from  the  Court  Records  of  Little 
Cornard  Manor. 

1412.     William  Kyngesbery. 


"  The  principal  value  of  these  is  genealogical.  The  rolls 
containing  the  names  of  the  persons  assessed  are  extremely 
valuable,  as  establishing  links  in  pedigrees,  which  without 
these  rolls  would  be  missing.  The  rolls  from  which  mate- 
rial of  this  nature  is  chiefly  to  be  derived  are  the  grants  of 
23  Edw.  I.,  and  i  and  6  Edw.  III.  and  the  Pofe  taxes  of  51 
Edw.  III.,  and  2  and  4  Ric.  II.  Then,  with  but  trifling  ex- 
ceptions, the  rolls  supply  no  names  until  14  Hen.  VIII.,  from 
which  time  to  Charles  II.  lists  of  persons  and  the  sums 
assessed  on  them  are  to  be  found."  Report  of  the  Deputy 
Keeper  of  the  Public  Records. 

Exchequer,  Lay  Subsidies,  Suffolk. 
35   Henry  VIII.     (A.  D.  1542.)     |||.* 

Cornard  pva. 
John  Kyngesbury  in  goodes  xx^ 

Cornard  Magna. 
John  Kyngsbury  goodes  vj  ft.     Subs,  xij'^ 

•  These  figures  refer  to  the  membranes,  or  skins,  on  which  the  rolls  were  kept. 



Assessment  of  the  second  payment  of  the  Subsidy  granted 
37  Hen.  VIII.  (A.  D.  1544)  upon  the  Inhabitants  within  the 
Hundred  of  Babbergh.  i|^. 

John  Kjmgesbury  in  goodes  iiij  it),  subs.  iij''. 

Exchequer,  Lay'Subsidies,  Suffolk.     ^f§. 
Assessment  for  the  second  payment  of  the  vSubsidy  granted 
8  Elizabeth  (A.  D.  1566)  on  the  Inhabitants  within  the  en- 
tire county. 

James  Kyngsbury    iij"     ij^    vj'^. 

Cornerd  Magna. 
John  Kyngsbury,  the  elder,  viij''     vj*.  viij'*.* 
John  Kyngsbury,  the  younger,  iij''     v^  vj**. 

Exchequer,  Lay  Subsidies,  Suffolk,     ^f  |. 
Assessment  18  Elizabeth,  (A.  D.  1575/6). 

Cornard  Magna. 
In  goods. 
John  Kinsburye  the  elder  viij"     xiij^  iiij"'. 
John  Kinsburye  the  younger  v"     viij^  iiij''. 

Exchequer,  Lay  Subsidies,  Suffolk,     ^f  f. 
Certificate  dated  20  September,  24  Elizabeth.    (A.  D.  1582.) 

Cornerthe  Magna. 
John  Kyngesburie  the  younger,  in  9^oodes-c^  v^. 
John  Kyngesburie  the  elder,  in  goodes,  ix"     ix^ 

Exchequer,  Lay  Subsidies,  vSuffolk.     ^§|. 
Assessment  of  the  hundreds  of  Baberghe  and  Cosford,  39 
Elizabeth  (A.  D.  1596/7). 

Cornerd  Magna. 
Edward  Kingsburie.     ^x.  viij". 
John  Kingsburie  ;^x.  viij'. 
Delivered  into  the  Court  31  October,  40  Elizabeth  (A.  D. 


•John  Kingsbury,  in  1561,  bought  lands  of  Robert  Salmon,  in  Cornard  Magna. 
Suffolk  Feet  of  Fines.    Communicated  by  Dr.  J.  J.  Muskett. 



Exchequer,  Lay  Subsidies,  Suffolk.     :|ff. 
Assessment  43  Elizabeth  (A.  D.  1 600/1). 

Cornerd  Magna. 
John  Kingesburie  ;!^x.  v^ 

Exchequer,  Lay  Subsidies,  Suffolk.     :^f §. 
-    Assessment  8  James  L     (A.  D.  1610-1611.) 
Cornerd  Magna. 
John  -Kingesburie  ^x.  iij^ 

8  Jas.  L     Exchequer,  Lay  Subsidies,  Assessment,     ^ff. 
Cornerd  magna. 
John  Kingesburie.     xP.  iij''. 

Assington  &  Boxford,  so  obliterated  as  to  be  undeciph- 

Stoke  juxta  Neyland. 
John  Kingesbury.     xx^.  iiij''. 

John  Coe,  gent.     xx".  iiij*^. 

Exchequer,  Lay  Subsidies,  Suffolk.     J||. 
Assessment  of  the   Hundred  of  Baberghe,   i   Charles   L 
(A.  D.  1625/6.) 

John  Kingesbury  xP.     viij^ 

Exchequer,  Lay  Subsidies,  Suffolk.     ^||. 
Assessment  of  the  hundreds  of  Babergh  and  Cosford,  third 
subsidy  granted,  3  and  4  Car.  L     (A.  D.  1627/8.) 

Cornard  Magna. 
John  Kingsbury  ^i.  00  00. 

Stoke,  temp.     Car.  I.     ^ff. 
John  Kingesburie  xx^ 
-•  Cornerd  Magn.     Car.  L 

John  Kingesburie  xP. 


The  first  Kingsbury  in  New  England  was  Henry  Kings- 
bury, who  came  in  the  Talbot,  one  of  the  ships  in  Governor 
Winthrop's  fleet,  in  1630.  He  lived  near  Winthrop  in  Eng- 
land, at  Assington,  the  next  parish  to  Groton,  and  there  are 
references  to  him  in  the  Winthrop  Papers,  published  by  the 
Massachusetts  Historical  Society,  which  show  that  he  was 
employed  in  some  way  by  Winthrop,  perhaps  as  a  messen- 
ger, or  sheriff's  officer,  of  Winthrop's  manorial  court,  and 
they  also  indicate  a  somewhat  intimate  connection  between 
the  two  men.  The  subjoined  letters  from  the  Rev.  Hfenry 
Jacie  to  the  Winthrops  sustain  this  supposition.  Mr.  Jacie 
was  a  chaplain  in  the  family  of  Brampton  Gurdon,  Esq., 
of  Assington,  and  qtiite  a  prominent  Puritan  divine.  There 
are  several  other  references  to  Kingsbury  in  the  Winthrop 
Papers.  Governor  Winthrop  writes  to  his  wife,  "  From 
aboard  the  Arbella,  riding  at  the  Cowes,  March  28,  1630," 
just  before  the  departure  from  England,  "  Henry  Kings- 
bury hath  a  child  or  two  in  the  Talbot  sick  with  the  measles, 
but  like  to  do  well."  *  After  his  arrival,  in  writing  to  his 
son,  John  Winthrop,  Jun'',  July  23,  1630,  from  Charles- 
town,  he  again  mentions  him,  saying  that  "  Henry  Kings- 
bury hath  appointed  money  to  be  paid  to  you  by  [ ]."  \ 

John  Winthrop  the  younger,  in  a  letter  to  his  father  in 
Massachusetts,  dated  Dec.  9,  1630,  in  speaking  of  a  document 
to  be  executed,  evidently  an  indenture,  or  lease,  conveying 
lands,  says  :  "  M"'.  Gurdon  desireth  that  M'.  Ludlow  J  and 
goodman  Kingsbury  of  Assington  be  2  of  the  witnesses  to 

♦  Winthrop's  New  England,  I,  369. 
t  Ibid.,  I,  375. 

t  Roger  Ludlow,  afterwards  Deputy-Governor  of  Massachusetts,  and  later  of 


it."  *  Thomas  Kingsbury,  perhaps  a  brother  of  Henry, 
agreed  to  embark  with  him,  but  apparently  never  canie.f 
In  the  addenda  to  Winthrop's  History  of  New  England  the 
Governor  gives  an  account  of  cows  and  other  animals  that 
he  had,  and  also  says  that  he  had  one  of  Kingsbury's  cows. 
Ephraim  Child,  of  Roxbury,  writing  to  Governor  Winthrop, 
letter  undated,  says :  "  The  last  night,  late,  goodman 
Pease  sent  yo''  servant,  Henry  Kingsbury,  for  a  payre  of 
bullocks."  I 

In  the  Parish  Register  at  Assington  are  two  entries, 
among  the  marriages,  of  the  name  of  Kingsbury  : 

1618,  John  Kingsbery  and  Margaret  Whisson,  the  8"'  of 

162 1,  Henerie  Kingsberie  and  Margaret  Alabaster,  the 
iS^"  of  May. 

These  are,  perhaps,  the  two  men  referred  to  in  the  Win- 
throp Papers,  and  presumably  the  same  Henry  and  John 
Kingsbury  who  were  in  the  Massachusetts  Colony  at  an  early 
date  :  Henry  in  Boston  in  1630,  and  John  at  Watertown  in 
1635,  afterwards  of  Dedham.  Henry  Kingsbury  and  Mar- 
garet his  wife  were  admitted  to  the  First  Church,  Boston, 
and  are  numbered  25  and  26  on  the  list.  Savage  says  in  his 
Genealogical  Dictionary,  III,  2S :  "Against  her  name  being 
written  '  dead  since  '  ;  that  means,  I  presume,  to  refer  to 
original  MS.  \o?X2ii\.Q.x  the  third  or  fourth  year."  There  is 
no  further  record  of  either  of  them,  and  it  is  supposed  that 
the  children  who  were  sick  on  the  Talbot  in  March,  1630, 
must  have  died  then,  or  at  a  subsequent  time.  It  is  possible 
that  Henry  Kingsbury  returned  to  England.  Indeed  that 
seems  the  most  probable  reason  that  we  can  find  no  record 
of  his  death,  or  administration  on  his  property.  On  the 
Parish  Register  at  Assington  are  recorded  the  baptisms  of 
two  children  of  Henry  and  Margaret : 

1622,  James  Kingsberie  the  sonne  of  Henrie  Kingsberie 
and  Margaret  his  wife,  the  first  of  September. 

1624,  Sarah  Kingsbury  the  daughter  of  Henry  Kingsbury 
and  Margrett  his  wife,  the  first  of  August. 

*  Winthrop  Papers,  M.  H.  S.  C,  Fifth  Series,  VIII,  27. 
t  Winthrop's  New  England,  II,  340. 

%  In  1639,  John  Winthrop  made  a  draft  of  a  will,  not  then  completed,  in  which 
he  mentions  "  my  three  oxen  in  Eph.  Child's  keeping." 



The  Register  at  Assington  also  records  the  marriage  of 
Thomas  Alabaster,  and  Margaret  Blyth,  the  8"'  of  July,  1618, 
and  the  burial  of  Thomas  Alabaster,  the  i8"'  of  September, 
1620.  It  seems  very  probable  that  this  widow  Margaret 
Alabaster  was  the  Margaret  Alabaster  who  married  Henry 
Kingsbury  the  following  year.  Thomas  Alabaster  v/as  the 
son  of  Roger  Alabaster,  of  Hadleigh,  and  Bridget  AVinthrop, 
his  wife,  daughter  of  Adam  Winthrop,  Esq''.,  of  Groton,  and 
aunt  of  Governor  John  Winthrop. 

This  shows  a  connection  between  Henry  Kingsbury's 
wife  and  the  Winthrops,  and  makes  it  very  natural  that  he 
should  be  employed  by  them  in  looking  after  their  affairs. 
It  may  be  remarked  that  the  word  "servant"  in  those  days 
did  not  possess  the  entirely  servile  meaning  given  it  now, 
and  a  man  holding  a  very  responsible  position,  such  as  stew- 
ard, or  agent,  might  be  called  a  "servant,"  not  meaning 
thereby  that  he  performed  menial  duties.  The  Alabaster 
family  was  a  prominent  one  at  Hadleigh,  in  Suffolk,*  where 
there  are  memorial  brasses  in  the  church,  one  of  Thomas 
Alabaster,  1592,  an  uncle  of  Thomas  Alabaster,  of  Assmg- 
ton.  A  daughter  of  this  Thomas  Alabaster  married  John 
Still,  D.D.,  Bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells,  a  once  famous  divine, 
and  author  of  "Gammer  Gurton's  Needle,"  the  earliest 
English  comedy.  William  Alabaster,  son  of  Roger  and 
Bridget  (Winthrop)  Alabaster,  and  brother  of  Thomas  of 
Assington,  was  a  clergyman  and  a  poet,  celebrated  in  his 
day  for  the  depth  of  his  erudition,  and  the  beauty  of  his 
Latin  verses.  He  was  born  in  Hadleigh  in  1568,  and  re- 
ceived his  early  education  in  the  Grammar  School  of  his 
native  town,  an  A.B.  of  Trinity  College,  Cambridge,  1587, 
and  A.M.  1591.  In  1592  he  was  incorporated  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Oxford,  and  Wood  in  his  "Athenai  Oxonienses  " 
speaks  of  him  as  "  the  rarest  poet  and  Grecian  that  any  day, 
age  or  nation  ever  produced."  He  held  the  rectory  of  Thor- 
field,  in  Hertfordshire,  and  was  made  a  Prebendary  of  St. 
Paul's,  and  in  1614  a  D.D.  He  died  in  1640,  after  a  life  spent 
in  literary  and  philosophical  pursuits.  Another  brother, 
John  Alabaster,  was  baptized  in  Groton  in  1580,  and  "was 
killed  in  warre  in  the  lowe  countries,"  according  to  the 
Parish  Register. 

•  bee  Dr.  J.  J.  Muskett's  "Suffolk  Manorial  Families,"  49-55. 


Rev.  Henry  Jacie  to  John  Winthrop.* 

To  the  Right  Worshipfull  AP.  Winthrop  in  London  these  be  dd. 

Worthy  sir.  —  M^  Gurdon  riding  toward  Dedham  this  morning  (not 
to  return  this  day)  cal'd  at  the  house  of  our  honest  neighbor  Goodman 
Kingsbury  and  then  percieving  how  ill  he  was,  he  being  in  bed  there,  he 
wished  them  there  to  send  for  me  to  come  thither  to  see  and  here  how  it 
was  with  him,  that  I  might  write  to  your  worship  to  certify  you  thereof: 
for  he  had  writ  to  you  but  knew  not  so  well  how  this  party  was. 

Now  these  are  therefor  to  inform  your  Worship  according  to  his  and 
his  wifes  relation  (of  whose  truth  I  dare  not  doubt)  that  he  is  of  great 
weakenes,  and  more  within  this  fortnight  than  of  late,  insomuch  that 
one  Physitian  tells  him  he  is  in  danger  of  his  life,  another  saith  he  is  so 
dangerously  sick  he  dare  not  advise  him  to  purge,  it  would  kill  him,  nor 
to  let  him  blood  he  is  so  weak,  and  that  he  is  in  danger  of  a  consump- 
tion, the  state  of  his  body  being  changed  to  worse,  so  that  now  he  is  not 
able  to  go  about  his  ordinary  work.  He  endeavored  of  late  to  have  done 
somewhat,  easily,  but  hath  been  the  worse  ever  since,  so  that  he  hath 
been  glad  to  keep  his  bed  til  noon  or  thereabout  every  day  this  sennight. 
Altogether  unable  to  travel. 

Whereas  he  had  a  warrent  of  your  Worship  to  attach  the  bodies  of  his 
assaulters  to  appear  at  the  Assize,  one  that  was  the  Constables  deputy 
(as  he  said)  left  word  at  his  house  from  Sir  Robert  (Crane),  that  they 
were  brought  before  him,  and  he  had  bound  them  over  to  the  Sessions. 
Now  he  fearing  lest  things  should  not  be  rightly  carried,  (not  being  able 
to  go  thither  if  he  should  live  so  long)  desires  your  Worships  direction 
what  course  might  be  thought  best  to  be  taken,  and  your  furtherance 
therein  for  having  the  case  brought  to  the  Size  if  it  may  be  and  you 
think  good. 

As  to  himself  he  is  noways  able  to  go  to  London  for  my  Lords  as- 
sistance to  take  his  oath,  &c.     But  if  need  be  his  brother  would  be  will- 
ing to  go  for  him.     I  need  not  use  any  motives  to  one  that  so  knows  the 
cause  &  whose  heart  the  Lord  hath  set  for  him  &  his  &  to  be  with  the  Lord 
to  help  against  the  mighty.    The  Lord  enable  your  Worship  still  to  pro- 
ceed in  so  doing.    Yea  while  you  are  for  Him  he  will  be  for  you,  he  will 
not  leave  you  nor  forsake  you.     To  whose  Grace  which  is  sufficient  I 
desire  humbly  to  command  you  &  so  I  take  my  leave  resting 
Your  Worships  to  be  commanded  in  him 
Henry  Jacie 
From  his  home  in  Assington  May.  5.  1629. 

mark.     Since   the  writing   of    the   rest   M'.    Brampton   Gurdon   newly 
returned  from  Dedham  from  my  father,  further  certifies  me  that  it  is 

•Mass.  Hist.  Soc.  Coll.,  4th  series,  VI,  452. 


his  mind  I  should  write  to  your  Worship  in  behalf  of  this  our  neighbor  ; 
but  now  I  perceive  not  that  himself  hath  written  to  you  ;  whereby  I  fear 
lest  they  mistook  part  of  his  words  But  I  know  he  proposed  to  certify 
you  of  it  to  further  the  procurement  of  the  Lord  Chief  Justice's  help  to 
bring  the  matter  to  the  Assizes,  notwithstanding  his  binding  over  to  the 
sessions,  which  his  worship  thought  might  possibly  be  procured  by  the 
coming  up  of  this  our  neighbors  brother  for  him  if  himself  were  not 
able,  if  you  send  down  word  accorduigly  that  he  may  be  directed  what 
to  do. 
May  it  please  you  therefore  to  write  to  M''  Gurdon  about  it. 

Rev.  Henry  Jacie  to  John  Winthrop,  Jr.,  1630-31.* 

Addressed  to  him  at  York. 

Deare  Sir, —  How  much  am  I  endebted  to  you  for  your  great  pains  & 
love,  w'=''.  hath  endeared  you  yet  more  unto  me  ;  If  I  sh'^  heare  it  turnes 
to  yo^  hurt  any  way,  I  must  needs  sympathize  w"".  you. 

One  or  2  Questions  came  not  to  my  mind,  w*^*".  I  would  entreat  by  you 
to  be  resolved  in.  viz'.  Seing  such  a  company  of  Christians  have  fore 
intended  such  a  one  to  be  their  minister,  &  he  to  accept  it.  Whether  in 
their  fast  they  desire  Gods  directing  in  y^  choise  (when  they  have  no 
other  fit  to  be  chosen)  or  its  only  for  Gods  blessing  his  pains,  etc.  Also, 
Whether  they  use  imposition  of  hands,  or  by  whom,  &  when.  And 
whether  any  imposition  on  the  Elder,  &  by  whom,  or  on  the  Deacon. 

Now,  S'.,  since  yo^  going  to  York,  I  have  found  H  Kingsburies  L\ 
(^ych  I  could  not  light  on),  the  bookes  he  desired  me  to  procure  him  were 
these  3.  I.  A  Treatise  of  Faith.  (I  suppose  The  Doctrine  of  faith  by 
>r.  Jo.  Rogers  would  be  as  useful  to  him,  &  about  the  same  price.)  2, 
Perkins  Principles.  3.  The  Sweet  Posie  for  Gods  S'».  (2d  a  peece,  y". 
I.  ab'.  8'^).  He  writ  I  would  pay  for  them.  We  shal  be  further  indebted 
to  you  if  you  can  procure  y.  Map,  y".  Pattents  Copie,  y".  Model  of  Char- 
ity (also  what  Oath  is  taken),  M''.  Higginsons  L^,  &  the  Petition  to  our 
Ministers  for  praying  for  them,  made  at  their  going,  w'=''.  is  in  print. 
W'*".  of  these  you  can  best,  w"".  y°^  L^,  give  to  M^  Overton,  Stationer 
in  Popes  head  Alley,  ray  good  friend,  &  receive  money  of  him  for  them 
by  or  for  writing  (giving  him  this  note,)  that  he  may  send  them  by  York 
Carrier  either  to  y«  now  L.  Maiors,  or  to  M^  John  Penrose,  Attorney, 
for  me.  But  I  pray  you  resolve  me  those  ques.  now,  (for  I  suppose  you 
ar  not  gone  fro  York.) 

Remember  my  kind  respect  &  love  to  M'.  Downing,  M^  Rob  Gurdon 
w"".  M".  Gurdon  &  M^  Edward  Gurdon,  and  to  M^  Huison  at  London 
Stone,  if  you  see  him,  (fro  whom  I  have  had  L".  though  I  have  not  seen 
him.)  Also  in  Essex  &  Suffolk.  I  am  now  posted  :  The  good  Lord  be 
w"".  you.  Yor".  in  him. 

Hen  ;  Jacie. 

•Mass.  Hist.  Soc.  Proc,  XVIII,  300. 


John  Kingsbury,  Watertown,  1635  ;  freeman  March  3, 
1635/6  ;  removed  that  year  to  Dedham.  He  was  one  of  the 
signers  —  the  6"'  in  order — to  the  petition  to  the  Massachu- 
setts General  Court,  Sept.  6,  1636,  for  the  incorporation  of 
Dedham.  "  John  Kingsbury  &  his  wife  who  were  members  of 
y""  church  of  watertowne  giving  very  good  testimony  of  y*^ 
grace  of  god  &  being  dismissed  unto  us  from  y*  ^  were  re- 
ceived y^  20  of  y*^  8  month."  [1639.]  Dedham  Church  Rec- 
ords^ 22.  He  was  a  proprietor  of  Dedham,  held  town  offices, 
was  one  of  the  Seven  Men  chosen  to  order  the  Town's 
affairs,  May  17,  1639,  and  Representative  to  the  General 
Court  in  1647.  "John  Kingsbury  after  a  long  weakness 
of  3  years  and  upward  departed  this  life  y^  7'"  1660." 
Church  Records^  2)7-  His  will  is  in  the  Suffolk  Registry 
of  Wills,  Lib.  /,  350 ;  dated  1659,  second  day  of  tenth 
month ;  to  John  Allen,  pastor,  40^''  ;  to  Bro :  Josiph  one 
booke — D""  Preston's  work,  "  paules  repentance,"  one  other 
book,  "the  Deceatfulnes  of  the  hart," — Dykes'  work  — 
one  of  M''.  Conyers  work  upon  Rom:  y*"  8  ;  to  John  Kings- 
bery,  the  son  of  my  Brother  aforesayd  my  bible  and 
my  psalme  book  ;  to  wife  Margarett  the  use  of  Estate  Real 
and  Personal  during  Life — Yi  of  whole  estate  to  her  &  her 
heirs  forever ;  all  that  she  does  not  have  occasion  to  use,  at 
her  decease  to  be  divided  \  to  her  heirs  ;  of  the  other  \,  Fif- 
teen Pounds  to  John  afores''  when  21  years  old;  five  pounds 
to  Thomas  Cooper  of  Seacangue,  my  Kinsman  ;  remainder 
to  kinsman  Henry  Kingsbery,  of  Ipswich,  and  to  each  of  the 
children  of  my  brother,  Joseph.  My  friends  &  kinsmen, 
Thomas  Fuller,  of  Dedham,  &  Thomas  Cooper,  of  vSeacunge 
[Seekonk],  overseers.  Witnesses  Eliezur  Lusher,  John 
Howard.     Sworn  to  and  proved  16  8  mo,  1660. 

The  will  of  Mrs.  Margaret  Kingsbury,  of  Dedham,  is  dated 
gtii  Qf  jjih  ^^Q  called  January,  1660.  She  mentions  Sarah, 
wife  of  Robert  Crosseman,  of  Taunton,  and  gives  her  ^^5  ; 
to  kinsman,  Tho'  Fuller,  ^20.  Remainder  to  Tho*  Fuller 
and  his  wife,  Hannah,  "  my  neare  kinswoman's  "  children,  to 
be  paid  when  the  sons  are  21  years,  the  datighters  18  years  of 
age.  Tho^  Fuller  to  be  sole  Executor.  Witnesses,  Samuel 
May,  Eleazar  Lusher.  Sworn  to,  and  proved,  20,  (3),  1662. 
Thomas  Fuller's  wife  was  Hannah  Flower,  m"^  Nov.  22,  1643. 



She  was  probably  the  Hanna — "ye  kinswoman  of  our  br: 
Kingsbury,"  who  was  received  into  the  church  at  Dedham, 
March  11,  1641.  Thomas  Fuller  mentions  in  his  will,  Sept. 
24,  1690,  property  received  by  his  children  from  their  aunt, 
Margaret  Kingsbury,  and  Thomas'  children  call  her  "our 
great  aunt"  in  a  division  of  land,  Feb.  15,  1703.  Suffolk 
Registry  of  Deeds,  XVJ.  118.  See  also  N.  E.  Hist.  Gen.  Reg- 
ister., LIT.  241,  showing  that  Thomas  Fuller  was  a  son  of 
Ralph  Fuller,  of  Wortvvell,  Norfolk. 

The  brother  Joseph  mentioned  in  John  Kingsbury's  will 
was  Joseph  Kingsbury,  of  Dedha.m,  freeman,  June  2, 
1 64 1.  He  was  there  earlier,  for  at  the  formation  of 
the  church  in  1638  he  was  thought  "too  much  addicted  to 
the  world,"  but  on  the  9"^  of  the  2*^  m:  1641  "y*^  church  was 
so  well  p'suaded  of  his  repentance  and  faith  as  y*^  he  was  re- 
ceived into  y'^  fellowship  of  y*^  church."  According  to  the 
following  record  his  wife  was  admitted  before  he  was.  Be- 
tween Nov.,  1638,  and  April  24,  1639,  "y'=^  Wife  of  Joseph 
Kingsbury  who  appeared  to  y**  church  a  tender  hearted  soule 
full  of  feares  and  temptations,  but  truly  breathing  after 
Christ."  Dedham  Church  Records.,  25.  He  died  in  1676.  Will 
dated  May  3,  1675,  probated  June  i,  1676  ;  he  bequeathes 
to  sons  Joseph,  John,  Eliezer,  and  Nathaniel,  wife  Milicent, 
daughter  Sarah  Grossman,  son-in-law  Thomas  Cooper,  sons- 
in-law  Robert  Crossman,  and  Nathaniel  Brewer ;  refers  to 
deceased  brother,  John  Kingsbury. 


Sarah,  married   May    25,    1652,    Robert 

Crossman  of  Dedham,  1642,  afterwards  (1654)  of  Taun- 
ton, "The  Drum  Maker  of  New  England";  he  fitted 
out  with  guns  and  drums  the  soldiers  from  Taunton  for 
the  Canada  Expedition  under  Sir  William  Phips,  in  1690; 
he  died  1692  ;  administration  of  his  estate  was  granted 
to  John  Crossman  and  John  Thrasher.     11  children. 

Mary,  born  in  Dedham,  Sept.  i,  1637  ;  married  Thomas 
Cooper,  of  Rehoboth. 

Elizabeth,  born  in  Dedham,  Sept.  14,  1638  ;  married  Nathan- 
iel Brewer,  of  Roxbury  ;  she  died  June  25,  1661,  leaving 
one  daughter,  Elizabeth. 

Joseph,  born  in  Dedham,  February  17,  1640/41  ;  married  (i) 
Mary  ,  who  died  July  31,  1680  ;   (2)  in  Wren- 


tham,  Sept.  7,  1681,  Mary  Donier  ;  he  removed  to  Wren- 
tham  before  1670,  but  the  settlement  was  broken  up  by 
King-  Philip's  War,  and  abandoned.  In  January,  1677, 
a  number  of  the  proprietors  petitioned  the  General  As- 
sembly, asking-  permission  to  return  to  the  plantation. 
Joseph  Kingsbury's  name  appears  among  the  signers. 
"  He  died  in  an  awful  and  dreadfull  way  at  Wrentham," 
Dec.  16,  1688.  N.  E.  Hist.-Gen.  Register.  Deaths  in 
Wrentham.  He  had  8  children  :  (i.)  Joseph,  born  in  Ded- 
ham,  Aug.  28,  1665.  (2.)  John,  born  in  Dedham,  Dec. 
24,  1667.  (3.)  Elizabeth,  born  in  Wrentham,  May  14, 
1670.  (4.)  Eleazer,  born  in  W.,  May  12,  1673.  (5.) 
Hannah,  b.  in  W.,  July  26,  1675.  (6-)  Mercy,  b.  in  W., 
Nov.  10,  1677.  (7.)  Mary,  \y.  in  W.,  July  19,  1680.  (8.) 
vSarah,  b.  in  W.,  July  19,  1680. 

John,  born  in  Dedham,  Aug.  15,  1643  ;  married  Nov.  29,  1666, 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Hannah  (Flower) 
Fuller,  of  Dedham  ;  he  died  May  30,  1669.  His  widow 
married  (2)  Sept.  19,  1672,  Michael  Metcalf  of  Dedham; 
she  died  Oct  24,  1732.  John  Kingsbury  had  one  child, 
Elizabeth,  born  Nov.  23,  1668  ;  m**  Dec.  12,  1686,  Joseph 

Eleazer,  born  in  Dedham,  May  17,  1645  !  married  Oct.  30, 
1676,  Esther,  daughter  of  Samuel  Judson,  "of  Horton, 
Bradforddale,  County  of  York,  in  England,  but  since  of 
Dedham."  He  bought  a  farm  on  Dedham  Plains  in 
1702,  afterwards  Walpole  ;  he  died  February  2,  1722/23. 
Mrs.  Esther  Kingsbury  died  May  6,  171 7;  in  her  will 
she  leaves  to  her  daughter,  Mary,  "  \  y®  Lands  of  my 
Father,  Samuel  Judson  in  Horton."  They  had  five  chil- 
dren :  (i.)  Josiah,  b.  in  Dedham,  Dec.  26,  1677.  (2.) 
Mary,  b.  in  D.,  April  6,  1680.  (3)  Eleazer,  b.  in  D.,  May 
10,  1683.  (4.)  Samuel,  b.  in  D.,  Nov.  4,  1690.  (5.)  Noah, 
b.  in  D.,  Sept.  16,  1694. 

Nathaniel,  born  in  Dedham,  March  26,  1650  ;  married  Oct.  14, 
1673,  Mary  Bacon;  he  died  in  Dedham,  Oct.  14,  1694. 
He  had  six  children  :  (i.)  Nathaniel,  b.  in  Dedham,  Sept. 
14,  1674.  (2.)  James,  b.  in  D.,  Sept.  22,  1678.  (3)  Tim- 
othy, b.  in  D.,  Oct.  15,  1680.  (4.)  John,  b.  in  D.,  Aug. 
17,  1686.  (5.)  Daniel,  b.  in  D.,  Nov.  n,  1688.  (6.)  Milli- 
cent,  b.  in  D.,  March  30,  1693. 

William  Kingsbury,  Dedham,  appointed  by  the  General 
Court,  6  (7),  1638,  to  report  about  unlicensed  new-comers. 
Sarah,  (his  wife?)  admitted  to  the  church,  18  (10),  1643,  died 
24(21),  1645.  ^-  E-  Historic  Genealogical  Register,  XVI,  jjy. 
Nothing  more  is  known  of  him. 

[.658.]  ^-^^^  ^ V 

(The  lowest  one  not  an  autos 

[born  1615,  d.  1687,  Haverhil',  Mass.]  (The  lowest  one  not  an  autograph  signature.) 



|b   1656,  d.  lyji,  in  Norwich  West  Farms.] 

[b.  16S2,  d.  1757,  in  Norwich  West  Farms.] 

i^^^A^e^TCy   /7^^^^s^/2.^{^ 

[b.  1684,  d.  1763,  Coventry 

{/l/Zj^u^(!^y^  -4:^W/^x^iw>^ 

[b.  1715,  d.  i79g,  Kllington.] 


[b.  1711,  d.  1796,  Tolland.] 


Of  Haverhill,   Mass.,  and  his  Descendants. 

Henry  Kingsbury  was  at  Ipswich  in  1638,  according  to 
Felt's  History.  The  Hammatt  Papers  do  not  give  his  resi- 
dence so  early,  but  state  that  he  was  a  commoner  in  Ipswich 
in  1641.  He  subscribed  2^  to  the  Major  Denison  fund,  Dec. 
19,  1648.  The  same  year,  1648,  Feb.  8,  he  sold  his  farm  in 
Ipswich,  ^2  acres,  for  ^5  to  Thomas  Safford,  but  this  does 
not  mean  that  he  left  Ipswich  then,  for  the  same  year  he 
bought  of  Daniel  Ladd,  of  Haverhill,  "  house  and  land  on 
High  St.  in  Ipswich,"*  and  twelve  years  later,  Aug.  30,  1660, 
Henry  Kingsbury  and  Susan  his  wife,  of  Ipswich,  sold  to 
Robert  Lord  their  House  and  Land  on  High  Street  for  two 
Oxen  in  hand  —  ^5  to  be  paid  Robert  Paine  and  40'  to 
Edmund  Bridges.     The  same  year  Henry  Kingsbury,  Row- 

*The  present  writing  witnesseth  that  Daniel  Ladd,  of  Haverhill,  in 
the  County  of  Norfolk,  husbandman,  for  and  in  consideration  of  ten 
pounds  to  him  in  hand  paid,  have  bargayned  and  sould  and  by  these 
presents  doth  confirm  that  his  bargayne  and  sale  unto  Henry  Kings- 
bury, of  Ipswich,  in  the  County  of  Essex,  husbandman,  all  that  his 
house  wherein  the  said  Henry  now  dwelleth  ;  situate  and  being  in  Ips- 
wich aforesaid,  in  the  street  called  High  Street,  having  the  orchard  and 
garden  of  William  Payne  on  the  Northwest,  a  lane  towards  the  South- 
east ;  one  end  abutting  on  the  said  street ;  butting  at  the  other  end  on 
the  land  of  Thomas  Safford.  To  have  and  to  hold  the  said  house  with 
the  land  about  it,  and  all  the  appurtenances  and  privilidges  thereto  be- 
longing, unto  the  aforesaid  Henry  Kingsbury  and  his  heirs  forever. 

In  witness  whereof  I  have  hereunto  set  my  hand  and  seal,  31  of 
March,  164S. 

S     the  mark  of  Daniel  Ladd. 
Sealed  and  delivered  in  the  presence 
of  Samuel  Symonds 
James  Chewte 

Essex  Rej^istry  of  Deeds,  /,  j8. 


ley,  late  of  Ipswich,  and  Susan  his  wife,  sold  six  acres  to 
Reinold  Foster.  Henry  Kingsbury  was  one  of  the  inhabi- 
tants of  Ipswich  who  signed  a  petition,  May  17,  1658,  stating 
that  they  have  all  taken  the  oath  of  fidelity,  but  are  not 
freemen.  They  claim  the  right  to  vote  in  town  affairs, 
which  had  been  questioned  in  town  meeting.  Mass.  Ar- 
chives, 112,  fol.  104.  In  166 1-2-3  h^  was  overseer  "for 
Pentucket  side,"  for  fences  and  highways  in  Rowley.  His 
farm  was  on  the  Merrimack  in  that  part  of  Rowley  after- 
wards Bradford.  March  3,  1667/68,  "it  was  voted  and 
granted  that  Henry  Kingsbury  shall  have  ten  acres  of 
land  which  is  to  be  laid  out  unto  him,  adjoining  to  M"" 
Ward's  farm,  to  the  west  of  Hawke's  meadow  path,  not 
prejudicing  any  other  man."  Haver Jiill  Records.  In  1669 
he  gave  a  deposition  in  court,  and  stated  that  he  was  54 
years  old,  therefore  born  in  1615.  This  shows  that  he  could 
not  have  been  a  son  of  the  elder  Henry  and  Margaret  Ala- 
baster, who  were  married  in  162 1,  although  the  elder  Henry 
may  have  had  a  previous  wife.  A  Henry  Kingsbury  was 
married  to  Jane  Waryn,  Dec.  5,  1613,  at  Stoke  by  Neyland, 
County  Suffolk,  and  it  is  quite  possible  that  they  were  the 
parents  of  Henry  of  Ipswich  and  Haverhill,  and  it  may  be 
the  same  Henry  who  later  married  Margaret  Alabaster,  and 
came  to  New  England.  Still,  there  is  no  evidence  to  show 
that  the  younger  Henry  was  a  son  of  the  elder.*  As  Ipswich 
was  settled  under  the  leadership  of  the  younger  John  Win- 
throp,  the  fact  that  Henry  Kingsburj'  was  an  early  settler 
there  would  seem  to  indicate  that  the  connection  between 
the  Winthrops  and  the  Kingsburys,  before  spoken  of,  lasted 
for  another  generation  in  this  country.  It  may  also  be  re- 
marked that  at  Haverhill,  where  Henry  Kingsbury  finally 
settled,  the  Saltonstalls  owned  much  land,  and  they  mar- 
ried with  a  family  from  the  same  Suffolk  neighborhood, 
the  Gurdons  of  Assington.  The  Rev.  John  Ward,  the  first 
minister  of  Haverhill,  was  born  in  Haverhill,  in  Suffolk, 
and  his  first  service  in  the  ministry  was  at  Hadleigh,  in 
Suffolk,  only  a  few  miles  from  Boxford  and  Assington. 

*  As  stated  before,  John  Kingsbury  of  Dedham,  called  Henry,  of  Haverhill,  his 
kinsman,  and  made  him  an  equal  divisee  with  the  children  of  his  brother  Joseph. 


There  was  some  relationship  between  Henry  Kingsbury 
and  John  Gage,  who  was  a  neighbor  of  Kingsbury  at  Ips- 
wich, and  afterwards  at  Rowley,  as  the  following  deposi- 
tions show: 

'  The  Deposicon  of  henry  kint^sbury  aijed  about  54 
who  sayeth  upon  his  oath  that  before  Indian  harvest  in  the  yeare  65 
hee  sawe  a  company  of  S'"  Gages  his  hoggs  in  a  pcell  of  Indian  corne  of 
M'  Bradstreetes  about  12  or  14  which  his  man  Alexd'  was  then  driveing 
out  &  that  a  hogg  of  the  sd  Gages  y'  was  newly  cutt  ( !)  did  often  keepe 
in  the  sd  corne  alone  and  furth''  sayeth  not.  this  was  in  a  feild  called 
the  plaine  about  3  myles  from  the  Towne  of  Andover 

Henry  kingsbury 
taken  upon  oath  26'*"  1.69 
before  me  Simon  Bradstreete 

-  The  testimony  of  Alexander  Sessions  aged  twenty-foure : 
I  doe  testify  that  I  went  downe  to  my  m'  Bradstreets  playne  after  much 
of  y  dammag  was  done,  and  before  it  was  priz'd,  or  the  fence  viewed, 
to  mend  the  sd  fence  and  working  there  til  about  noone,  &  then  having 
occasion  to  goe  after  some  young  Cattle  of  my  masters,  coming  back  to 
y"  corne-feild,  the  doggs  that  were  with  mee  runnd  into  ye  Corne  and 

fell  upon   a  parcel   of    hoggs  that  were ye   feild  and  I 

catched  one  to  obserue  what  y"  Earemark  was,  &  it  was  Slit  of  ye  neare 
Eare  half  way  downe,  or  thereabout,  I  spake  to  m''  Faulkner  of  it  &  he 
sayd  it  was  his  hog,  and  he  owned  the  marke  to  be  his  Earemark  & 
Sayd  moreover  that  ye  doggs  had  bit  ye  hog :  this  damage  was  done  in 
the  yeere  sixty  six. 
taken  upon  oath  the  27""  I.  69,  before  me  Simon  Bradstreet. 

The  sd  deponent  further  witnesseth  that  in  ye  yeere  sixty  fiue  he  saw  a 
parcel  of  Swine  by  y*  river  side,  &  making  haste  downe  to  y'"  &  making 
a  noyse  he  Saw  two  or  three  Skip  out  of  the  feild,  &  Goodman  Kings- 
boroughs  Sonne  sayd  they  were  his  unkle  Gage's  hoggs,  and  Daniel 
Gage  vpon  his  descriptio  sayd  he  thought  they  were  theirs,  further  the 
deponent  testifys  that  in  ye  yeere  Sixty  six  he  judged  the  fence  suffi- 
cient agaynst  orderly  Cattle  when  he  left  it  att  the  Spring, 
taken  vpon  the  same  oath  y  same  day.  S.  Bradstreet. 

Essex  Co.  Court  Papers,    Vol.  XIV,  pp.  76,  77.* 

Savage  states  that  John  ^Tage  came  from  County  Suffolk 
in  the  fleet  with  Winthrop.  He,  too,  went  with  the  younger 
Winthrop  to  Ipswich,  and  then  removed  about  1662  to  that 
part    of    Rowley    afterwards    Bradford,    and    was    again    a 

•  N.  E.  Historic  Genealogical  Register,  LIV,  260. 


neighbor  of  Kingsbury.*  Gage  deposed  in  1662  that  he 
was  aged  about  58,  therefore  a  somewhat  older  man  than 
Kingsbury.  His  first  wife  was  Amee,  who  died  in  June, 
1658.  Either  she  was  Kingsbury's  sister,  or  Kingsbury 
married  Gage's  sister.f  Gage  died  March  24,  1672/3  ;  his  will 
mentions  wife  Sarah,  five  sons  and  one  grandson.  Henry 
Kingsbury  was  one  of  the  appraisers  of  John  Gage's  estate, 
March  26,  1673,  and  also  of  Jonathan  Gage's  estate,  March 
15,  1674/5. 

Susanna,  wife  of  Henry  Kingsbury,  died  in  Haverhill, 
February  21,  1678/9.     He  died  in  Haverhill,  October  i,  1687. 

The  inventory  was  taken  Oct.  10,  1687,  by  Josiah  Gage 
and  Jonathan  Haynes,  amounting  to  ^40.  19^  6**.  Returned 
by  Joseph  Kingsbury,  who  was  appointed  administrator. 
Essex  Co.  Probate  Records. 

Tho.  Kinsbery,  Joseph  Kinsbery,  James  Kinsbery,  and 
Sam'  Kinsbery,  took  the  oath  of  allegiance  in  Haverhill, 
November  28,   1677. 

*  IPSWICH  RECORDS.  (Deposited  in  the  Registry  of  Deeds  at 
Salem),  Vol.  2,  page  217  {399), 

The  bounds  of  the  lands  of  John  Carlton,  sould  to  Corporal  John 
Gage  as  it  was  laid  out  by  John  Tod  and  Ezekiel  Northend,  who  was 
appointed  to  do  it  by  the  Honored  Court  at  Ipswich,  houlden  the  29th 
of  September  last  in  the  year  1663. 

Imprimis :  For  the  bounds  betwixt  the  land  and  the  farm  that 
Corporal  Gage  rents  that  belongs  to  Patience  Jewett  it  begins  at  a  black 
ash  marked  in  the  end  of  a  swamp  standing  upon  the  river  from  thence 
upon  a  straight  line  to  a  white  oak  marked  in  the  end  of  another  swamp; 
from  thence  upon  a  straight  line  to  a  white  ash  in  a  swamp;  from  thence 
upon  a  straight  line  to  a  white  oak  at  the  end  of  a  swamp;  from  thence 
to  a  forked  white  oak  by  the  highway;  from  thence  it  runs  as  ye  fence 
goes  that  is  betwixt  Philip  Nelson's  farm  that  Henry  Kingsbiry  rents 
to  the  river;  from  thence  along  with  the  river  to  a  black  ash  that  was 
first  marked,  and  also  it  is  agreed  that  Corporal  Gage  shall  have  a  high- 
way allowed  him  from  his  land  to  the  country  highway. 

Ezekiel  Northend 
John  Todd 

This  was  by  Ezekiel  Northend  and  John  Tod  did  into  Court  at 
Ipswich  the  27th  of  September  1664 

Attest  Robert  Lord  Clerk 

f  Gage  married  in  Nov.,  1658,  a  second  wife,  Sarah,  widow  of  Robert 
Keyes  of  Watertown,  and  it  is  possible  that  she  was  related  to  the 



Ch.:        II.     JoHN--^ 

III.  EpHRAiM  killed  by  the  Indians,  May  2,   1676.     He  is 

believed  to  have  been  the  first  person  in 
Haverhill  slain  by  the  savages  in  King 
Philip's  war.* 

IV.  James  -  —>■ 

V.     Samuel,  b.  1649.  '■'  ■> 
VI.     Thomas 
VII.     Joseph,  b.  1656.  ^^->- 

VIII.     Susanna  married,  Jan.    29,   1661/2,  Joseph   Pike,  of 

•  Newbury,  b.   1638,  son  of  Capt.  John    and 

Mary   Pike.     He   was    Representative,  and 

Deputy  Sheriff  ;  killed  by  the  Indians,  Sept. 

4,  1694,  in  Amesbury,  on  the  way  to  Haver- 
hill. His  widow,  Susanna,  was  living  when 
the  estate  was  distributed  in  1699.  Ch  :  i. 
Sarah,  b.  Oct.  12,  1666;  m'^  Feb.  4,  1685/6, 
at  Newbury,  Anthony  Morse,  son  of  An- 
thony and  Elizabeth  (Knight)  Morse,  of 
Salisbur}'.  2.  John,  b.  Sept.  i,  1668;  died 
Sept.  29,  1668.  3.  Mary,  b.  April  17  or  30, 
1670;  unm.  in  1705.  4.  John,  b.  Dec.  28, 
1671;  prob.  m'  March  18,  1694/5,  Lydia, 
widow  of  Moses  Little,  and  dau.  of  Tristram 
Coflfin;  admitted  to  Newbury  Church,  1697. 

5.  Joseph,  b.  April  17,  1674;  m'^  Dec,  1695, 
Hannah  Smith;  his  son,  Rev.  James  Pike, 
b.  March  i,  1703,  Harvard  Coll.,  1725,  was 
the  first  minister  of  Somersworth,  N.  H.; 
m.  Aug.  26,  1730,  Sarah,  dau.  of  Nicholas 
Gilman,  of  Exeter;  died  there,  March  19, 
1792.  His  son,  Nicholas  Pike,  published  in 
1 788  a  AV7£'  a/td  Complete  System  of  Aritlt- 
meti'ck,  composed  for  the  use  of  the  citizens 
of  the  United  States.  6.  Benjamin,  b. 
Sept.  21,  1676;  living,  1699.  7.  Hannah,  b. 
March  24,  1678/9;  prob.  m'^,  1701,  Joseph 
Ilsley,  J'.  8.  Thomas,  b.  Aug.  4,  1681; 
living  1699. 

*It  is  not  known  that  Ephraim  Kingsbury  was  married,  but  the  Haverhill  Rec- 
ords give  the  marriage  of  Eunice  Kingsbury,  of  Amesbury,  to  James  White,  April 
16,  1678.     Perhaps  widow  of  Ephraim,  as  she  is  not  otherwise  accounted  for. 


II  John"'  Kingsbury  (//e/irv'),  of  Haverhill,  married 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Matthias  Button,  of  Ipswich  and 
Haverhill.  Eliz^  Button,  y''  wife  of  Matthias  Button  of  Hav- 
erhill, conveys  to  her  son-in-law,  John  Kingsbury,  land  in 
H.,  "being  part  of  y*^  land  given  me  by  my  husband,  Mat- 
thias Button,  Dec.  28,  1670."  Essex  Registry  of  Dceds^  xxxiii, 
22g.  The  Button  Genealogy,  a  pamphlet  printed  in  1889, 
by  A.  Button,  of  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  states  that  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Matthias  Button  and  Lettyce  his  wife,  born  in 
Ipswich,  1645,  married  in  1666,  John  Kingsbury,  of  Haver- 
hill. He  died  Jan.  23,  1670/71.  "Inventory  of  y^  estate  of 
John  Kingsberry,  who  died  y'^'  23''  day  of  y*^  11"'  m",  1670,  in 
Haverhill.  Elizabeth  Kingsbery  attested  upon  oath  to  j'"' 
truth  of  this  inventorie,  at  a  Court  held  at  Salisbury  y*^  11 
2^  m".  167 1."  Old  N'orfo/k  Comity  Records,  ii,  285.  He  was 
probably  a  weaver,  as  the  inventory  mentions  "  three  Reeds 
with  other  things  belonging  to  a  weaving  tread,"  also  "A 
hous  with  an  acker  of  land  to  it  ^24" — and  "40  Ackers  of 
Wilderness  Land,  ^12."  The  widow  married  (2) 'Dec.  11, 
1672,  Peter  Green,  of  Haverhill  ;  she  died  Dec.  20,  1677. 

g     John,  born  at  Rowley,  July  2S,  1667.   -^^ 

10  Elizabeth,  born  in  Haverhill,  Aflg.  14,  1669  Probably  the  Eliza- 
beth Kingsbury  who  m.  June  g,  1687,  Ephraim  Davis,  of 
Newbury,  son  of  John  Davis,  b.  Sept.  29,  1655;  d.  171S.  His 
will  was  proved  July  6,  1 718,  bequeathing  to  his  wife,  Eliza- 
beth. Ch.:  John  Ephraim,  b  March  20,  i6g7,  m.  May  5,  1726, 
Lydia  Emmery  ;  Nathaniel ;  Samuel ;  Enoch  ;  Elizabeth,  m. 
Rogers  ;  Mary,  m.  Rogers. 

9     Tohn^  King'sbury  (  Jo/ur,  Heur/),  of  Newbury,  mar- 
ried Hannah ;  she  was  admitted  to  the  church  in 

Newbury,  Feb.  10,  1699/1700.      He  was  probably  the  John 
Kingsbury  who  served  under  the  command  of  Serg'  James 


Jackman,  July  15,  1707,  in  the  regiment  of  Lieut. -Col. 
Thomas  Noyes,  raised  in  Newbury,  Amesbury,  and  Brad- 


11  John,  born  at  Newbury;  April  8,  1689;  died  j-oung. 

12  John,  born  at  Newbury,  Oct.  16,  i6go.  tS-*- 

13  Hannah,   bapt.  at  Newbury,   April   6,    1700.     Ambrose  Berry  and 

Hannah    Kingsbury   married   Jan.    10,    1716/17.      Newbury 
Town  Records. 

14  Elizabeth,  bapt.  at  Newbury  April  6,   1700.      Samuel   Greenleaf, 

born  in   Newbury,  April,  1697,  son   of  John   and   Elizabeth 
(Hill)  Greenleaf,  married  Elizabeth  Kingsbury. 

15  Henry,  born  at  Newbury,  Oct.  23,  1695.  a:  > 

16  Joseph.  s->- 

12  John'  Kingsbury  {/oh?f,  John^,  Henrys),  of  York, 
Maine,  married  at  Newbury,  Dec.  29,  17 15,  Mary,  daughter 
of  John  and  Mary  (Poor)  Stickney,  born  in  Newbury,  July 
I,  1691;  he  settled  in  York;*  he  died  there  March  2,  1723. 
Inventory  taken  Sept.  30;  Widow  Mary  administratrix. 


17  Mary,  born  at  Newbury,  Dec.  6,  1716. 

18  Hannah,  born  at  Newbury,  July  19,  1719;  published  at  York,  Sept. 

20,  1740,  to  John  Bane.  (?) 

19  Sarah,  born  at  Newbury,  Dec.  8,  1720;  married  at  York,  Jan.  17, 

1740,  Benjamin  Donnell. 

20  Abig.'VIL,  born  at  Newbury,  July  4,  1722. 

15  Henry^  Kingsbury  {/ohn\  John^,  Jlefiry^),  of  New- 
bury, married  (i)  March  14,  1716/17,  Rebecca,  daughter  of 
John  and  Rebecca  (Somerby)  Kent  of  Newbury.  He  was 
a  Mariner,  and  it  seems  probable  that  his  title  of  Captain 
was  derived  from  his  being  commander  of  a  vessel.  He 
married  (2)  July  29,  1754,  Elizabeth  Greenough.  His  will  is 
dated  June  13,  1748;  proved  Nov.  18,  1754;  mentions  wife 
Rebeckah,  sons  John  and  Benjamin,  dau.  Elizabeth  Tit- 
comb,  dau.  Emma;  he  gives  his  wife  "the  westerly  end  of 
my  new  dwellinghouse,  and  half  my  Cellar,  during  her  na- 
tural life"  —  gives  son  Benjamin  half  his  dwellinghouse 
and  half  his  cellar  —  to  have  the  whole  after  his  wife's  de- 

*  John  More,  of  York,  conveyed  land  to  John  Kingsbury,  of  York,  blacksmith, 
on  the  northeast  side  of  York  River,  March  12,  1715/16.     York  Deeds,  IX,  46. 


cease  —  gives  dau.  Emma  half  his  household  goods,  and  also 
the  liberty  of  a  room  in  the  Westerly  end  of  his  house  till 
marriage  —  dau.  Elizabeth  ^lo.  Essex  Registry  of  Wills, 
JJ2, 426.  John  Kingsbury  was  appointed  guardian  of  Emma 
Kingsbury,  a  minor,  14  years  of  age,  April  14,  1755. 

Here  lies  Buried  Here  lies  Buried 

The  body  of  Mr»  The  body  of  M"' 

Rebekah  Y"  wife  Henry  Kingsbury 

OF  M''  Henry  Who  departed  this 

Kingsbury  who  Life  November  Y"  7"> 

Died  Nov  18  1753  1754  in  the  60"" 

IN  the  50""  Year  Year  of  His  Age. 

of  her  Age. 

Here  lyes  y"  Body  of 

M"  Elizabeth  Kingsbury 

Widow  of  Cap' 

Henry  Kingsbury 

who  departed  this  Life 

June  the  30'*'  1765  in  y« 

63d  Year  of  her  Age. 

From  gravestones  on  old  Burying  Hill,  Newburyport. 
These  remains  and  graves  were  removed  to  Salisbury  Point 
by  Henry  Kingsbury,  Esq^,  of  Salisbury  Point,  great-great- 
grandson  of  Capt.  Henry. 


21  John,  born  at  Newbury,  Feb.  3,  1717/18.  s->- 

22  Benjamin,   born   at   Newbury,  in    1728;   said  to   have  removed  to 

the  Coos  settlement  in  New  Hampshire.  He  was  2d  Lieut, 
in  his  brother's  regiment,  Feb.  18,  1756,  to  Nov.  27.  Benja- 
min Kingsbury  of  Newbury,  and  Eunice  Rowell  of  Almsbury, 
intend  marriage,  April  14,  1753.  — Newbury  Records. 

23  Elizabeth.  =  > 

24  Emma,  b.  1741. 

16  Joseph*  Kingsbury  ( /<?//«',  John"-,  Henry'),  of  York, 
Maine,  married,  in  1722,  Patience,  daughter  of  Samuel 
Came,  of  York.  He  was  probably  the  Joseph  Kingsbury  who 
was  Sergeant  in  Capt.  Wright's  company,  1755. 

He  died  in  1762;  in  his  will,  dated  April  14,  proved  May 
18,  1762,  he  mentions  sons,  John,  Eliphalet,  Joseph,  and 
Samuel;   daughters,  Tabitha,  Lucy,  Mary,  Hepzibah,  wife 



of  Joshua  Linscot ;  Elizabeth,  wife  of  James  Jenkins  ;  Han- 
nah, wife  of  Samuel  Paul.      York  JVi/ls,  xi,  S. 


25  Taiutha,  born  at  York,  June  19,  1722. 

26  John,  born  at  York,  Dec.  26,  1724.  ^r-»- 

27  Hepzibah,  born  at  York,  Oct.  4,  1727;  married  Joshua  Linscott. 

28  Elizaheth,  born  at  York,  Feb.  13,  1729/30;  married  James  Jenkins. 

29  Joseph,  born  at  York,  Dec.  7,  1732  ;  married  at  York,  Dec.  2,  1756, 

Elizabeth  Mulberry  ;  she  died  and  he  m.  (2)  March  13,  1766, 
at  York,  Sarah  Mulberry.  He  was  taxed  in  the  North  Parish 
of  Kittery,  1783. 

30  Samuel*,  born  at  York,  April  9,  1735. 

31  Hannah,  born  at  York,  July  9,  1737;  married  Samuel  Paul. 

32  LnY,  born  at  York,  Nov.  13,  1739.     J^^-  20,  1763,  Jo.  Minter  and 

Lucy  Kingsbury  were  m"*  in  York.  S^Johtt  Bradbiirys  Diary. 
Maine  Hist.  Soc.  Coll.  2  Series,  /,  jj/.] 

33  Mary,  born  at  York,  April  13,  1742  ;  died  Feb.  7,  1743. 

34  Eliphalet,  born  at  York,  Feb.  6,  1745  ;  the  inventory  of  Eliphalet 

Kingsbury  is  given  in  York  Wills,  xiii,  2j6;  dated  1 775. 

35  Mary,      *  ;  living  in  1762. 

21  Colonel  John*  Kingsbury  {Henry*,  Jo/i/i\  John'', 
Henry')  was  a  merchant  and  ship-owner  at  Newburyport, 
but  a  few  years  before  his  death  he  removed  to  Maine,  and 
was  one  of  the  founders  of  Pownalborough.  He  married  at 
Newbury,  June  5,  1739,  Patience  Tappan,  born  in  Newbury 
April  20,  1720,  daughter  of  Abraham  Tappan  and  his  wife, 
Esther,  daughter  of  Rev.  Michael  Wigglesworth,  author  of 
the  "  Day  of  Doom."  Colonel  Kingsbury's  military  services 
were  distinguished,  especially  in  the  winter  campaigns  at 
Lake  George,  in  1755-6  and  1756-7.  Previously  he  had 
been  a  captain  in  the  regiment  of  Col.  John  Greenleaf. 
Early  in  the  season  of  1755  the  erection  of  a  fort  at  Lake 
George  was  authorized.  The  French  and  the  Indians  were 
continually  making  inroads  and  devastations  upon  the  set- 
tlers up  and  down  the  lakes,  thus  causing  them  to  be  a  high- 
way for  the  destruction  of  the  English  people.  Colonel 
Moses  Titcomb  of  Newbury  led  his  Essex  County  regiment 
to  that  region,  to  join  the  army  under  the  command  of  Lord 

*  1766,  Sept.  6.  Intentions  of  Marriage  in  Kittery.  Rebecca  Haley  to  Samuel 
Kingsbury.  Saco  Valley  Settlements,  707.  Perhaps  this  Samuel.  Died  in  York, 
March  9,  1826,  Rebecca,  relict  of  .Samuel  Kingsbury,  set.  81  ;  on  March  10,  Mary  Mc- 
Intire,  her  granddaughter,  aet.  21.  (Xewspaper).  Elisha  Kingbury,  of  York,  mar- 
ried Oct.  6,  1770,  Molly  Gowen,  of  Berwick. 



Amherst.  In  an  engagement,  September  8,  1755,  Colonel 
Titcomb  was  killed.  During  the  summer  it  was  known  that 
warlike  operations  were  imminent,  and  in  August,  1755,  a 
reinforcement  was  summoned,  men  being  wanted  who 
should  not  only  render  full  military  duty,  but  who  could 
also  construct  vessels  and  storehouses.  To  this  summons 
John  Kingsbury  and  picked  men  from  various  military  bod- 
ies of  Essex  county  responded.  These  soldiers  were  also 
ship-carpenters.  John  Kingsbury  is  styled  in  the  muster- 
rolls,  Lieutenant-Colonel  and  Captain,  aged  thirty-eight 
years,  and  a  resident  in  the  town  of  his  birth  —  Newbury. 
His  service  began  Sept.  9,  1755,  and  continued  until  the  fol- 
lowing February,  though  some  of  his  men  were  relieved  a 
few  weeks  earlier.  His  company  was  attached  to  the  regi- 
ment of  Colonel  Ichabod  Plaisted.  In  one  of  the  muster- 
rolls*  he  is  styled  "  Colonel,"  with  "a  Company  of  Carpen- 
ters at  Lake  George,"  "Building  vessels  at  the  Lakes,  store- 
houses, &c."  His  first  term  of  service  comprised  "  23  weeks 
and  5  days,"  and  he  was  allowed  "15  days  travel  from  Al- 
bany." His  company  of  carpenters  was  made  up  largely  of 
Newbury,  Ipswich,  and  Salisbury  men.  The  flotilla  which 
they  assisted  in  constructing  became  famous  in  the  annals 
of  the  French  and  Indian  War.  The  two  winter  seasons  at 
the  lakes,  doing  nominal  military  duty,  since  the  lakes  were 
frozen,  and  active  military  operations  well-nigh  impossible, 
was  a  service  which  called  for  men  skilled  as  well  as  patri- 
otic. The  "  Reduction  of  Canada  "  was  largely  due  to  the 
splendid  service  of  this  "flotilla,"  which  was  constructed  by 
men  who  were  well  informed  both  about  military  matters 
and  ship-building.  After  his  campaigns  were  over.  Colonel 
Kingsbury  returned  to  an  active  business  life  in  Newbury, 
and  also  resumed  his  place  in  the  Newbury  train-band.  In 
1762  he  removed  to  Pownalborough,  where  he  became  a  very 
prominent  citizen.  At  a  special  town  meeting,  held  July  24, 
1764,  it  was  "  voted  to  raise  the  sum  of  One  Hundred  Pounds 
L.  M.  to  build  a  Town  House,  or  a  House  for  the  Publick 
Worship  of  God  &  that  a  Committee  be  Chose  for  the  Man- 

*  Muster-Rolls  of  the  Campaigns  of  1755-6,  and  7,   Vols.  g4a7idgj, 
Mass.  State  Archives. 




ag-ement  of  said  Sum  &  that  Job  Avrill,  John  Decker  &  John 
Kingsbury  Esq"",  be  j'*-'  Committee."  He  built  the  first  two- 
storied  house  in  that  part  of  Pownalborough  (now  Wiscas- 
set)  where  he  lived.  He  died  in  Boston  Aug.  22,  1764,  where 
he  had  gone  on  business  connected  with  building  the  meet- 
ing-house at  Pownalborough.  The  following  account  of  his 
death  is  from  the  Massachusetts  Gazette^  Thursday,  Aug.  23, 
1764:  "Monday  last  arrived  here  Capt.  Robert  Hodge 
from  Pownalborough  at  the  Eastward,  with  whom  came 
passenger  John  Kingsbury,  Esq"^,  who  the  same  night  was 
seiz'd  with  a  Fit  of  Apoplexy  and  continued  in  a  stupid 
frame  till  Yesterday  Afternoon  when  he  expir'd,  being  in  the 
47'''  Year  of  his  Age.  He  was  lately  a  Colonel  in  the  Pro- 
vincial Service  to  the  Westward,  and  one  of  his  Majesty's 
Justices  of  the  Peace  for  the  County  of  Lincoln  ;  both  of 
which  Trusts  he  executed  to  the  honor  of  himself  and  Ben- 
efit of  the  Community.  His  remains  are  to  be  interred  This 
Afternoon,  from  Mrs.  Maverick's  at  the  North  End."  Mrs. 
Maverick  lived  in  Union  street,  on  the  corner  of  Salt  Lane 
nearest  Dock  Square.*  His  estate  was  administered  upon 
Sept.  7,  1764,  by  his  widow  Patience.  Inventory  taken  Nov. 
21,  1764,  by  Benjamin  Woodbridge  of  Newcastle,  Michael 
Sevey  and  Jonathan  Williamson,  both  of  Pownalborough  : 
^966  :  16  :  10.  Mrs.  Patience  Kingsbur}'  survived  her  hi:s- 
band  many  years,  dying  about  1792  at  the  residence  of  her 
son-in-law,  Thomas  Rice,  Esq.,  in  Wiscasset.  She  was  bur- 
ied in  the  Federal  Street  burying-ground,  Wiscasset. 


36  Hannah,  born  in  Newbury,  April  22,   1740  ;  married  there,  March 

24,  1757,  Timothy  Pike,  Jr.  :  :  > 

37  Mary,  b.  in  Newbury  Dec.  20,  1741;  married  Major  John  Hues.  •-. ^-^ 

38  Emma,  ;   married  Isaac  Waite  of   Falmouth,  April   12, 

1763;  no  children. 

39  Betsey,  ;  married  Samuel  Barnett  of  Newburyport;  had 

2  children. 

40  Rebecca,  bom  in  Newbury  Dec.   16,  1746:   married  Hon.   Thomas 

Rice.  ^=-^- 

41  John,  born  in  Newbury  July  3,  1749.     — v 

*  N.  E.  Hist. -Gen.  Register,  xxxii,  239. 


42  Ann,  ;  married  July  i,  1776,  Rev.  Thomas  Moore  (Har- 
vard College,  1769);  minister  at  Pownalborough;  ch.:  i.  Sally, 
m.  Capt.  Babbage,  ship-master,  of  Wiscasset.  2.  Mary,  d. 
young.  3.  Harriet,  d.  young.  4.  Thomas,  said  to  have  settled 
at  Nassau,  New  Providence.  5.  Peter,  died  young.  She 
married  (2) Dalton. 

23  Elizabeth'  Kingsbury  {Henry\  John*,  John'',  Hen>y^), 
married,  Sept.  2,  1740,  Samuel  Titcomb,  of  Newbury,  born 
Aug-.  12,  1 7 15,  son  of  John  and  Lydia  (Morse)  Titcomb. 


1  John,  b.  Feb.  i,  1746  ;  m.  Elizabeth  Pierson,  of  Newburyport. 

2  Moses. 

3  Sarah,  ;  m.  Benjamin  Bradford. 

4  William. 

5  Samuel. 

6  Rebecca,  ;  m.  Capt.  John  Buntin,  of  Newburyport. 

26  John^  Kingsbury  {Joseph*,  John\  John',  Hemy).  He 
married  at  York,  Maine,  April  22,  1750,  Sarah,  daughter  of 
Lieutenant  John  Carlisle.  John  Kingsbury  of  Old  York 
was  Sergeant  of  the  company  commanded  by  Capt.  Samuel 
Darby  in  Col.  Scamman's  regiment  from  May  to  Aug.,  1775. 
Maine  Hist.  Mag.  Ill,  108.  Probably  this  John,  or  possibly 
his  son.     He  was  taxed  in  the  North  Parish  of  Kittery,  1783. 


43  Tahitha,  born  Oct.  25,  1750,  in  York,  Maine. 

44  John,  born  Jan.  17,  1753,  in  York,  Maine,  had  a  son,  Henry,  who 

was  living  in  Kennebunk,  Me.,  in  1854,  and  his  son,  George 
H.,  was  in  1859  a  lawyer  in  Boston.  Samuel  and  Mary,  chil- 
dren of  John  and  Mary  Kingsbury,  were  baptized  at  York, 
Oct.  28,  1796. 

45  Patience,  born  Jan.  15,  1755,  in  York,  Maine. 

46  Benjamin,  born  April  12,  1757,  in  York,  Maine. 

47  Sarah,  born  April  27,  1759,  in  York,  Maine. 

48  Joseph,*  born  July,  1762,  in  York,  Maine. 

49  Maky,  born  Dec.  31,  1764,  in  York,  Maine. 

50  Hannah,  born  Sept.  13,  1766,  in  York,  Maine. 

51  Abigail,  born  Dec.  9,  1768,  in  York,  Maine. 

52  Timothy,  born  July  12,  1771,  in  York,  Maine. 

*  Capt.  Joseph  Kingsbury  and  Hannah  Miller  were  married  at  Kennebunkport, 

Oct.   25,    I7Q2. 

Capt.  Joseph  Kingsbury  and  Sally  Derborne  of  North  Hampton  were  published 
at  Kennebunkport,  Feb.  4,  1797.     Perhaps  Joseph,  son  of  John  and  Sarah. 



36  Hannah"  Kingsbury  (/o////\  Henry\  John'',  Jo/m^, 
Heiiry^),  married  in  Newbury,  March  24,  1757,  Captain  Tim- 
othy Pike,  Jr.,  a  descendant  of  Joseph  and  Susanna  (Kings- 
bury) Pike.  He  was  called  captain  because  in  early  life  he 
commanded  a  tender,  a  vessel  which  carried  supplies  to  the 
army  in  the  old  French  war,  and  it  is  the  tradition  that  he 
was  attached  to  that  part  of  the  army  in  which  Col.  Kings- 
bury was  an  officer.  He  became  a  manufacturer  of  scythes 
and  other  edged  tools,  and  removed  from  Newbur}'  to  Fal- 
mouth (now  Portland).  In  IVilliss  History  of  FortlanJ,  jj6, 
it  is  stated  that  Mr.  Pike  was  one  of  the  sufferers  from  the 
burning  of  Falmouth  by  the  British  Oct.  18,  1775,  and  he  was 
one  of  a  committee  who  signed  an  address  to  the  people  of 
Ireland  on  that  subject.  Mrs.  Hannah  (Kingsbury)  Pike 
died  May  22,  1774,  in  Portland,  and  Mr.  Pike  married  Oct. 
18,  1774,  a  second  wife,  Elizabeth  Jones,  by  whom  he  had 
several  children.  In  1785  he  was  one  of  the  signers  of  a 
petition  for  the  incorporation  of  the  town  of  Portland.  A 
few  years  before  his  death  he  removed  to  Sacarappa  village, 
within  the  limits  of  ancient  Falmouth,  now  Westbrook,  and 
there  he  died. 


1  Hope,  ra.   a  Mr.   Darling  ;   died  in   Westbrook   about 

1835,  s.p. 

2  Sally,  married Cobb,  and  had  several  children  ; 

died  before  1834. 

37  Mary"  Kingsbury  {John\  Henry*,  John^,  J<^fi'i^,  Hemy'), 
married  Oct.  25,  1763,  Major  John  Hues  of  Pownalborough, 
Me.  He  was  a  ship  carpenter,  and  afterwards  a  merchant 
in  Wiscasset.  He  married  (2)  Dec,  1778,  Jemima  Elwell, 
from  Cape  Ann.  He  died  Dec.  15,  1805,  aged  65.  Mrs. 
Jemima  Hues  died  Sept.   16,  1823,  aged  82. 


1  Polly,  married  May  24,    1785,    Major   Seth  Tinkham 

of  Wiscasset  as  his  second  wife  ;  she  left  one  child,  who  died 
young.     He  died  Sept.  29,  1828,  aged  68. 

2  Betsey,  married  Capt.  Peter  Brayson,  or  Bryson  (pub. 

Aug.  2,  17S6);  he  was  a  native  of  Scotland,  and  a  merchant  in 

Wiscasset  ;  she  died  s.p. 



3  Sally,  married   (i)   Dec.   30,    1788,   Capt.    Joseph   Hol- 

brook,  shipmaster,  of  Wiscasset,  and  had  several  children  ; 
(2)  Col.  Ezekiel  Cutter,  sail-maker,  who  died  Jan.  29,  1B50, 
aged  86,  in  Wiscasset. 

4  Nancy,  married   April  4,    1786,    (i)   William    Thaxter, 

goldsmith,  of  Wiscasset,  by  whom  she  had  three  children  ;  (2) 
Thomas  Dow,  caulker  and  graver,  by  whom  she  had  five 
children  ;  (3)  Capt.  John  Decker,  shipmaster. 

5  Hannah,  married  Capt.   Daniel  Baker,  shipmaster,  of 

Wiscasset  (pub.  June  27,  1795)  ;  had  seven  children. 

6  John,  married  Elizabeth  Clough  (pub.   Oct.  31,  1795)  ; 

had  one  child,  who  died  young.  He  died  Sept.  14,  1796,  aged 
23,  in  Wiscasset. 

40  Rebecca  Kingsbury"  ( Joh/i\  Henry\  John\  John^, 
Henry^),  married  Jan.  15,  1767,  Dr.  Thomas  Rice,  born  in 
Westboro',  Mass.,  1737,*  son  of  Noah  and  Hannah  (Warren) 
Rice;  Harvard  College,  1756  ;  he  studied  medicine  with  Dr. 
Oliver  Prescott,  of  Groton,  Mass.,  and  settled  in  the  practice 
of  his  profession  at  Pownalboro',  1 760-1.  He  was  the  second 
regular  physician  who  settled  east  of  the  Kennebec  River. 
Dr.  Rice  was  eminent  in  his  profession  and  had  a  large  and 
successful  practice.  He  was  the  first  Representative  to  the 
General  Court  east  of  Kennebec  River,  1774.  He  was  Judge 
of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  for  the  Coimty  of  Lincoln, 
forty  years,  Register  of  Deeds,  Senator,  1780-3,  one  of  the 
early  trustees  of  Bowdoin  College,  and  a  member  of  the 
State  Convention  that,  on  the  part  of  Massachusetts,  adopted 
the  Constitution  of  the  United  States,  and  voted  for  it.  He 
died  April  21,  1812,  aged  74  years  and  4  months.  His 
widow,  Rebecca,  died  Aug.  19,  1816. 


I  Thomas,  born  March  30,  1768,  Wiscasset  ;  Harvard  College,  1791  ; 
studied  law  with  Timothy  Bigelow,  and  settled  at  Winslow, 
Me.,  April,  1795  ;  married  1806,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Hon. 
William  and  Mercy  (Porter)  Swan,  of  Gardiner,  Me.,  b.  in 
1777,  in  Groton,  Mass.;  she  died  1840,  s.p. ;  (2)  Susannah 
Green,  who  died  Dec.  i,  1879.  He  was  member  of  Con- 
gress, 1815-1819.  He  died  Aug.  25,  1854.  He  had  one  son, 
Thomas  Green,  a  soldier  in  the  Civil  War  ;  died  at  Vandalia, 
La.,  Oct.  4,  1865. 

*  Nov.  27,  1734.     Rice  Genealogy. 


2  Rebecca,  born  March  4,  1770.  Wiscasset  ;  died  Sept.  25,  1772. 

3  John,  born  August  24,  1771,  Wiscasset  ;  died  Oct.  7,  1772. 

4  Rebecca,  born  May  6,  1772,  Wiscasset ;  d.  May  13,  1773. 

5  William,  born  Jan.  7,  1776,  Wiscasset  ;  settled  in  Bangor,  a  mer- 

chant, and  ship-builder  ;  died  unmarried,  Dec.  13,  1842. 

6  Charles,  born  Aug.   14,  1779,  Wiscasset  ;  settled  in   Bangor  about 

iSoo,  as  a  merchant ;  removed  to  Brewer.  Postmaster  there 
i8ig  to  1827,  when  he  went  back  to  Bangor.  He  was  Regis- 
ter of  Deeds,  and  held  other  official  positions.  He  married 
July  31,  1S14,  Miranda,  daughter  of  Capt.  William  Hammond, 
Sen^  of  Bangor.  She  died  Dec.  4,  1834.  He  died  Dec.  25, 
1836.     They  had  10  children. 

7  Rebecca,  born  March  9,  1781;  married,  1804,  Rev.  Freeman  Parker, 

born  in  Barnstable,  Mass.,  July  13,  1776;  Harvard  College, 
1797;  ordained  minister  at  Dresden,  Me.,  Sept.  2,  1801  ;  re- 
signed his  charge  at  Dresden  in  1826,  and  removed  to  Wis- 
casset, where  he  died  April  24,  1S54.  She  died  before  1847. 
They  had  5  children. 
S  Warren,  born  Jan.  iS,  1783;  married  (i)  Jan.  27,  1S07,  Jane  Wood  ; 
she  died  in  Wiscasset,  March  4,  181 8;  (2)  June  i,  18 19,  Mrs. 
Mary  (Webster)  Merrill.  He  was  a  magistrate,  and  for  more 
than  20  years  Register  of  Deeds  for  the  count}'  of  Lincoln. 
He  died  Dec.  13,  1851.  His  wife  died  May  i,  1854.  He  had 
6  children  by  his  ist  wife. 

9  Hannah,  born  Jan   8,    17S6;  married,   1S21,   William  Hovey  of  Box- 

ford,  afterwards  of  Warren,  Me.,  as  his  second  wife. 

10  Sophia,  born   March  2,    17S9  ;    married,   Sept.    12,    1821,   Jonathan 

Thayer,  born  1779,  son  of  Elijah  and  Sarah  (Robinson)  Thayer, 
of  Milford,  Mass.;  Brown  University,  1803.  He  was  a  lawyer; 
admitted  to  practice  in  180S;  in  1811  settled  in  Camden,  Me.; 
he  was  State  senator,  member  of  the  Executive  Council,  and 
Judge  of  Probate  seven  years  for  Waldo  County;  he  died  at 
Camden,  .Sept.  20,  1S53.     They  had  2  children. 

41  John  Kingsbury'  {JoJiii'\  He/in  \  John^,  John^, 
Henry^),  a  ship-carpenter  and  farmer  at  Wiscasset  ;  married 
1768,  published  July  10,  1768,  Miriam,  daughter  of  Samuel 
and  Mary  (Rhodes)  Place,  of  Pownalboroug-h  ;  born  Sept., 
1747.  He  learned  the  ship-carpenter's  trade  of  his  brother- 
in-law,  John  Hues  ;  about  the  time  of  the  Revolutionary  War 
his  business  became  depressed,  and  he  sold  his  hoitse  and  land 
on  the  shore,  and  removed  inland  a  few  miles  from  the  vil- 
lage of  Wiscasset.  He  died  there,  April  9,  1798.  She  died 
Sept.  9,   1822. 



53  Betsey,  born  Sept.    1769,   Pownalborough,    married  March,    1797, 

Charles  Elder,  of  Windham,  Me.,  born  June  29,  1767,  son  of 
William  and  Mary  (Akers)  E.;  she  died  Dec.,  1797,  leaving 
twin  sons,  Charles,  born  Nov.  23,  1797;  died  young  ;  John, 
born,  Nov.  23,  1797  ;  brought  up  by  his  gi-andmother  Kings- 
bury in  Wiscasset ;  living  in  Portland  in  1S24. 

54  Emma,  born  Aug.,  1770,  Pownalborough;  married,  1798,  John  Wil- 

lard,  of  Wiscasset ;  children  :  'Betsey,  died  young  ;  'Mary,  b. 
Dec.  27,  1800  ;  married  James  Tewksbury,  of  Chelsea,  Mass., 
who  died  Oct.,  1840  ;  she  died  Dec.  28,  1849  ;  'Margaret,  born 
1803;  married  Thomas  Pratt,  of  Boston  ;  had  two  children. 

55  John,  born  July  31,  1772,  Pownalborough.  t>^- 

56  William,  born  Dec,  1774,  Pownalborough;  seaman      He  entered 

the  U.  S.  Navy  about  the  time  of  the  War  of  18 12,  and  was  in 
1825  stationed  in  the  Brooklyn  Navy  Yard.  Said  to  have 
died  there. 

57  Samuel,  ;  died  young. 

58  Patience,  born  Nov.  16,  1779,  Wiscasset.  r:  > 

59  Samuel,  born  March  4,  1782,  Wiscasset.  :;:.:  > 

60  Henry,  born   Feb.,  1785,  Wiscasset;  went  to   sea,  and  was  never 

heard  of  again  ;  probably  died  abroad. 

61  Rhodes,  born  Feb.,  1787,  Wiscasset.  &:;-»- 

62  Edward,  born  fall  of  1788,  Wiscasset  ;  died  fall  of  1793. 

63  Tryphena,  born  July,  1790,  Wiscasset  ;  died  fall  of  1793. 

64  Mary,  born  spring  of  1793,  Wiscasset ;  died  spring  of  1793. 

52     Timothy    Kingsbury'   {John\  Joseph\  John",  /ohn\ 

Henry^),  of  York,  Maine,  married  Ruth ,  who  died 

in  York,  March  29,  1813. 


65  Sarah  Carlisle,  born  June  12,  1806,  York. 

66  John,  born  April  30,  1809,  York. 

67  Joseph,  born  March  17,  1811. 

55  John  Kingsbury'  {Jo/w\  Joint',  Henry\  Jo/in\  John', 
He?irJ),  of  Wiscasset,  married  at  Baltimore,  Md.,  July  28, 
1800,  Margaret  Killigreed  ;  he  was  a  sailor  for  many  years, 
and  when  he  returned  to  Wiscasset  was  a  rigger  by  trade, 
and  carried  on  that  business  there. 


68  John,  born  Nov.  2,  1801  ;  died  Sept.  i,  1802,  at  Boston. 

69  Edward,  born  Nov.  2,  1803  ;  went  to  sea  when  he  was  21,  and  was 

never  heard  of  again. 

^^^/d-^^     ^S^^O?<l    /)~e.Qyc^ 


70  John,  born  Jan.  15,  1S06,  at  New  York.  i^i->- 

71  William  Henry,  born  Feb.  10,  1810  ;  died  June  22,  iSir. 

72  William,  b.  Nov.  11,  1812  ;  died  Nov.  16,  1813. 

73  Margaret  Mary,  b.  Sept.  6,  1814.  i  ^->- 

58  Patience''  Kingsbury  {John^,  Jo/in%  Henry',  John\ 
Johi^,  ffenry^),  married  at  Wiscasset^  Oct.,  1805,  Charles  Dean, 
born  at  Exeter,  N.  H,,  Oct.  9,  1779,  son  of  John  and  Sarah 
(Bridges)  Dean  ;  he  was  a  saddler  and  carried  on  that  busi- 
ness in  Wiscasset  until  181 7,  then  in  Mount  Vernon,  and  in 
1823  settled  in  Portland,  Maine.  He  died  in  Portland,  Jan. 
I,  1829  ;  his  widow  died  in  Charlestown,  Mass.,  Oct.  27,  1869. 


1  Sarah  Bridges,  born  in  Wiscasset,  July  22,  1806;  died  unmarried, 

in  Boston,  May  18,  1892.  For  more  than  fifty  years  a  member 
of  the  First  Baptist  Church,  Boston. 

2  Mary  Moses,  born  in  Wiscasset,  Nov.  5,  1807;  died  unmarried,  in 

Boston,  March  13,  1876. 

3  Charles,  born  in  Wiscasset,  April  4,  1809;  died  there  April  26,  1810. 

4  Charles,  born  in  Wiscasset,  Oct.  26,  1811  ;  he  was  a  printer  in  New 

York;  married  Sept.  7,  1843,  Jane  Maria  Wright;  he  died  in 
New  York,  June  23,  1848;  2  ch.:  1  Emma  Jane,  born  in  Bos- 
ton, May  6,  1845;  died  in  New  York,  Oct.  23,  1848;  2  Charles 
John,  born  in  New  York,  July  11,  1847;  resides  in  Lunenburg, 
Mass.  (1892). 

5  John  Ward,  born  in  Wiscasset,  March  13,  181 5;  married  in  Boston, 

June  29,  1853,  Lydia,  dau.  of  John  Scott;ow  and  Abigail  (Em- 
erson) Dean,  born  in  Woburn,  Mass.,  Sept.  5,  1826;  they  have 
no  ch.  Mr.  Dean's  schooling  began  in  the  district  school  of 
the  village  of  Mount  Vernon,  when  he  was  five  years  old, 
where  he  attended  a  man's  school  in  winter  and  a  woman's 
school  in  summer,  as  was  then  customary  in  small  villages. 
His  schooling  ended  with  four  months  in  the  Portland  High 
School.  Then  he  learned  the  bookbinder's  trade.  In  his  boy- 
hood Mr.  Dean  was  very  fond  of  reading,  but  he  had  very 
little  opportunity  for  selection  ;  he  read  Rogers'  "  Pleasures 
of  Memory,"  Young's  "  Night-Thoughts,"  Thomson's  "Sea- 
sons," and  during  his  apprenticeship  he  purchased  Aiken's 
"  British  Poets."  After  he  went  into  the  bookbinding  trade 
he  had  books  enough  to  read,  and  soon  began  to  collect  a 
library.  In  pursuit  of  his  trade  he  came  to  Boston  in  1835, 
and  subsequently  was  in  the  employ  of  bookbinders  in  Provi- 
dence, New  York,  and  Philadelphia.  In  1841  he  went  into 
the  bookbinding  business  for  himself  in  Providence,  and  sub- 
sequently in  Boston.     After  a  few  years  he  confined  his  busi- 


ness  to  stamping  and  gilding,  an  enterprise  which  he  success- 
fully conducted  until  1872.  But  the  life  of  John  Ward  Dean 
has  centered  about  the  New  England  Historic  Genealogical 
Society.  To  it  he  has  given  his  best  thought  and  his  unwea- 
ried service.  He  has  been  a  member  since  1850,  and  a  life- 
member  since  1859  ;  from  1855  to  1857  he  was  treasurer  ;  from 
1857  to  1858,  recording  secretary;  from  1859  to  1862,  corre- 
sponding secretary;  director  from  1855  to  1889;  member  of 
the  council  from  1892  until  the  present  time  ;  on  the  commit- 
tee of  publication  since  1854  ;  librarian  from  1872  to  1889  ;  the 
latter  year  he  gave  up  his  position  and  devoted  himself  to 
editing  the  Register,  but  was  reappointed  in  1892,  and  still 
holds  the  office  ;  he  has  been  editor  of  the  New  England 
Historic  Genealogical  Register  since  1876,  and  before  that 
date  he  was  associate  editor  for  several  years,  and  from  1864 
to  1876  a  member  of  the  club  pledged  to  support  the  maga- 
zine. The  value  of  his  labors  in  connection  with  the  Regis- 
ter cannot  be  overestimated.  To  him,  more  than  to  any  one 
else,  is  due  its  success.  The  Register  has  stimulated  re- 
search in  fields  which  would  otherwise  have  remained  unin- 
vestigated, and  has  made  invaluable  contributions  to  the  his- 
tory and  genealogy  of  New  England.  The  positions  which 
he  has  held  in  the  N.  E.  Historic  Genealogical  Society,  and 
his  intense  interest  in  historical  matters,  have  combined,  with 
an  accurate  memory,  to  give  Mr.  Dean  the  vast  fund  of  de- 
tailed historical  knowledge  which  he  has  at  easy  command, 
and  has  been  ready  to  share,  in  his  modest  and  kindly  way, 
with  all  who  have  sought  his  assistance  Indeed,  he  has 
often  suggested  the  writing  of  a  book  which  has  proved  a  val- 
uable addition  to  historical  literature.  All  efforts  to  render 
the  early  history  of  our  country  more  accessible  to  the  gen- 
eral reader  have  enlisted  Mr.  Dean's  heartiest  support.  He 
was  one  of  the  charter  members  of  the  Prince  Society,  organ- 
ized in  1858,  whose  object  was  the  publication  of  rare  works 
in  print  or  manuscript,  relating  to  America,  and  he  was  also 
president  for  ten  years.  Space  does  not  permit  the  mention 
of  all  the  historical  societies  of  which  Mr.  Dean  is  a  member. 
More  than  twenty-five  societies,  not  all  confined  to  the  United 
States,  have  placed  his  name  on  their  rolls.  In  1869  Dart- 
mouth College  recognized  Mr.  Dean's  attainments,  and  hon- 
ored him  with  the  degree  of  A.M.  Mr.  Dean's  writings  have 
been  mainly  confined  to  short  biographical  sketches  and  some 
genealogical  work.  The  sketch  of  ' '  Henry  Kingsbury  and 
his  Descendants,"  published  by  him  in  the  Register  of  1S59, 
was  the  first  attempt  to  print  any  account  of  the  Kingsbury 
family.  He  wrote  Memoirs  of  his  ancestors.  Rev.  Nathaniel 
Ward,  author  of  the  "  Simple  Cobbler  of  Agawam,"  in  1868, 


and  of  Rev.  Michael  Wigglesworth,  in  1871.  Among  his  an- 
cestors were  also  Governor  Thomas  Dudley,  Henry  Sewall, 
Mayor  of  Coventry,  in  England,  and  Rev.  John  Woodbridge, 
of  Andover  and  Newbury.  To  sum  up,  it  may  fairly  be  said 
that  Mr.  Dean  has  done  more  to  awaken  an  interest  in  care- 
ful research  into  the  early  history  of  New  England  than  al- 
most any  other  man.  [Condensed  from  a  sketch  of  Mr.  Dean, 
by  Ruth  Wood  Hoag,  A.B.,  in  the  Genealogical  Advertiser, 
Dec  ,  1899,  n.,  97-104.] 
6  Jeremiah,  born  Oct.  6,  1S16,  Wiscasset ;  married  Sept.  16,  1852, 
Martha  Ann  Nelson  ;  he  learned  the  bookbinder's  trade  of 
George  Coleman  of  Portland,  and  carried  on  business  in  Bos- 
ton ;  he  died  in  Charlestown,  Mass.,  June  4,  1882,  leaving  one 
son,  Henry  Kingsbury,  born  July  6,  18C6. 

59  Samuer  Kingsbury  {John\  /o/i>i\  Henry\  Jo/in\ 
Jo/ui',  Henry'),  of  Bath  and  Biddeford,  Me.;  married,  (pub- 
lished July  22,  1812,)  (i)  Miriam,  daughter  of  Dominicus 
and  Miriam  (Tarbox)  Gilpatrick,  born  in  Biddeford,  Sept. 
14,  1784;  she  died  Oct.  4,  1829;  married  (2)  at  Bath,  Mrs. 
Lydia  (Rideout)  Todd.  He  was  a  rigger  by  trade.  He 
died  in  Bath,  June  22,   1852. 


74  Hann.\h,  born  May,  1806  (?) ;  died  Aug.  5,  1S77,  unmarried. 

75  Henry,  born  May  4,  1814,  Wiscasset.     — >- 

76  Harriet,  born  June  18,  1816,  Bath  ;  m.  Feb.  g,  1837,  Joseph  Ham- 

mond Curtis  ;  she  died  May  5,  1856. 

77  Mary  Elizabeth,  born  Feb.  13,  1819,  Bath.  -^-»- 

78  Geori-.e,  born  Feb.  10,  1821,  Bath,  Me.;  married  May  7,  1851,  Susan 

Chute  Abbott,  born  in  South  Windham,  Maine,  Oct.  7,  iBig, 
dau.  of  William  and  Mary  Abbott ;  he  was  a  mechanic  in 
Portland,  but  removed,  before  his  death,  to  Bolsters  Mills, 
Me.,  where  he  died  June  28,  1892.   His  wife  died  April  9,  1889. 

79  Dominicus    Gilpatrick,    born    June    28,    1824,    Biddeford  ;    name 

changed  to  Leonard  by  law.  -.:  > 

80  IsAHEi.LA,  born  April  13,  1827,  Biddeford.  ^^^->- 

61  R hodes'  Kingsbury  {JoJuf,  John'',  Henry*,  John\  John'', 
Henry'),  of  Bath,  Maine,  married,  in  Bath,  Sept.  19,  1813, 
Betsey  Gould. 

He  was  a  rigger,  and  carried  on  the  business  in  Bath  and 
Wiscasset.  He  invented  and  patented,  about  1824,  an  ap- 
paratus for  steering  vessels.  He  died  in  Bath,  June  27, 
1866,  ae.  77  years  and  5  months.  His  widow,  Betsey,  died  in 
February,  1888. 




8i  William,  born  Oct.  i,  1814,  Bath,  Me.  He  went  away  from  home 
when  about  21,  and  never  returned.  In  1846  he  was  living  in 
Mobile,  Ala. 

82  James  Henry,  born  July  28,  1816,  Bath  ;  married  Sarah  Dunham  of 

Bath;  lost  at  sea,  April  2,  1848.  3  Ch.:  r.  WiUiam  Henry, 
b.  June  9,  1842.     2.  Mary  Eliza.     3.  Sarah  Adelaide. 

83  Betsey,  born  Oct.  14,  1818,  Bath  ;  see  No.  73. 

84  Joanna,    born   May,  1820,  Bath  ;    married    in  Boston,   Jan.,    1847, 

James  McConologue.  Ch. :  i.  James  Sheridan,  b.  1847;  died 
many  years  ago. 

85  Charles  Dean,  born  May  10,  1821,  Bath;  died  Dec,  1850,  at  Bath, 


86  Sarah  Jane,  born  April  10,  1S25,  Bath;  died  Aug.  11,  1826. 

87  Sarah  Jane,  born  July  17,  1826,  Bath;  died  Feb.   4,  1851,  at  Bath, 


88  John  Rhodes,  born  June  20,  1828,  Bath;  died  in  1844,  at  Wiscasset. 

89  Susan   Ella,  born  Oct.  27,    1829,  Bath;  married  (i)  Oct.  20,  1851, 

Fred  Hyman  Hall;  (2)  in  Milan,  Italy,  Jan.  6,  1872,  Signor 
Ernesto  Baldanza;  he  died  in  New  York,  April  4,  1900;  she 
lives  in  New  York  city,  5  East  14th  street. 

90  Margaret  Mary,  born  vSept.  5,  1834,  Bath. 

91  John  Gould,  born  1842,  Wiscasset;  married .      He  died  May 

20,  1891,  at  Hudson,  Mass.;  s.  p. 

70  John'  Kingsbury  {Jo/ui\  /o/in\  Johii\  Hairy',  John\ 
John",  Henry^),  of  Wiscasset,  married,  in  New  York,  Katharine 

;  he  was  first  a  sailor,  then  a  merchant  in  Wiscasset, 

where  he  died,  March  4,  1853  ;    his  widow  married  Orrin  S. 
Alley,  master  mariner;  she  died  Feb.  26,  1878,  se.  66. 


92  Edward. 

93  John  Henry,  born  1835;  he  served  in  the  Civil  War  as  a  member  of 

the  Second  Maine  Cavalry;  died  at  Pensacola,  Fla  ,  Oct.  24, 
1864,  ae.  29. 

94  Sarah. 

95  WiLMOT  Cutter,  born  Feb.,  1840;  died  Aug.  18,  1841. 

96  Sidney  C,  born  1848;  served  in  the  Civil  War  as  a  member  of  the 

Second  Maine  Cavalry;  died  at  Pensacola,  Fla.,  Sept.  27, 
1864,  ae.  16. 

73  Margaret'  Mary  Kingsbury  {John\  John\  /o/m\ 
JIenty\  Jo/ui^,  John\  He/iiy^),  married  at  Wiscasset  John  R. 
C.  Stimson,  blacksmith.  She  died  there,  Aug.  13,  1839, 
se.  24.     He  married  (2)  Betsey  Kingsbury,  his  wife's  cousin, 


'^^^T^^-'::>n  ^i>2yi^/;i^: 




daughter  of  Rhodes  Kingsbury  (see  No.  83).     He  died  in 
Bath,  Sept.  17,  1875. 


1  Edward,  born  June,  1837,  Wiscasset. 

2  Margaret  Mary,  born  Aug.,  1839,  Wiscasset;  died  Aug.  30,  1839. 


3  Frederick,  married;   in  1875  residing  in  Springfield,  Mass. 

4  Jennie  Salome,  born  Oct.,   1845,   Wiscasset;    married  and  lives  in 


5  William,  married;  in  1875,  residing  in  Springfield,  Mass. 

6  Charles  ;  residing,  in  1S75,  in  Bath,  Me. 

75  Captain  Henry'  Kingsbury  {SannteP,  John",  John", 
Henry\  John^,  John',  Henry^\  of  Bath,  Maine,  married,  Nov. 
14,  1838,  Nancy  Pike,  daughter  of  Benjamin  W.  and  Martha 
(Pike)  Lowell,  born  in  Salisbury,  Mass.,  March  28,  181 7. 
When  about  eleven  years  old  he  was  placed  in  the  care  of 
Captain  Reuben  Osgood  of  Salisbury  Point,  while  running 
a  vessel  between  Salisbury  and  the  coast  of  Maine.  From 
a  cabin  boy  he  advanced  to  second  and  first  mate  of  several 
ships,  all  the  while  studying  thoroughly  the  system  of  navi- 
gation, and  fitting  himself  for  the  position  he  sought,  that  of 
captain  of  a  merchant  vessel.  He  was  finally  placed  in 
charge  of  a  ship  belonging  to  Caleb  Cushing,  and  sailed  out 
of  Newburyport  on  several  voyages  to  foreign  parts,  see- 
ing service  on  the  ocean  for  twenty-four  years.  In  1846  he 
entered  the  West  India  goods  trade  at  Salisbury  Point,  in 
company  with  Robert  Fowler.  The  firm  continued  for 
several  years,  when  Captain  Kingsbury  purchased  Fowler's 
interest  at  Salisbury  Point,  and  largely  increased  the  busi- 
ness, adding  coal  supply,  purchasing  coal  by  the  ship  load. 
He  constructed  coal  sheds  and  was  the  pioneer  in  this 
branch  of  trade,  and  at  one  time  he  was  one  of  the  wealth- 
iest men  of  the  town,  and  active  in  advancing  its  interests  ; 
but  reverses  of  fortune  followed  to  some  extent,  and  he  re- 
tired from  active  business  life.  Captain  Kingsbury  was  the 
oldest  member  of  the  Powow  River  Lodge  of  Odd  Fellows 
at  the  time  of  his  death.  His  wife  died  Sept.  3,  1888.  He 
died  in  Salisbury  Point,  Amesbury,  Aug.  6,  1890. 



97  Henry  Lowell,  b.  June  6,  1840,  Salisbury  Point,  ur.  > 

98  Charles  Benjamin,  b.  June  4,  1846,  Salisbury  Point,  s-*- 

99  Annie  Kingsbury,  b.   Sept.  8,  1853  (see  No.  77);  m.,  July  28,  1874, 

Rev.  Otis  Olney  Wright,  a  clergyman  of  the  Protestant  Epis- 
copal Church;  formerly  of  Riverside,  R.  L,  now  of  Sandy 
Hook,  Conn. 

Ch.:  (i)  Henry  Kingsbury,  b.  Sept.  7,  1S75;  d.  Feb.  21, 
1893.  (2)  Lucy,  b.  Dec.  9,  1876;  grad.  Wellesley  Col- 
lege, igoo.  (3)  Selah  Howell,  b.  Jan.  21,  1S82.  (4) 
Cecil,  b.  March  4,  1S86. 

76  Harriet'  Kingsbury  {Samiicl\  Jo/in^,  Johtv',  Henry", 
John^,  John^,  Henry''),  married,  Feb.  9,  1837,  Captain  Joseph 
Hammond  Curtis,  born  in  Biddeford,  Me.,  Feb.  5,  181 1.  She 
died  in  Kennebunkport,  Me.,  May  5,  1856.  He  died  Jan. 
25,  1879. 


1  Mary    Elizabeth,   b.  June    17,   1838;   m.,   Sept.   29,  1861,  John    F. 

Drown  of  Boston. 

2  Albert,  b.  July  23,  1843;  d.  July  5,  1850. 

77  Mary  Elizabeth'  Kingsbury  {Saniuel\  Jo/in\  Jo/in\ 
Henry\  Jolm^,  Jo/ur,  Henry'),  married.  May  23,  1841,  Cyrenius 
Foss,  born  in  vScarboro,  Me.,  Jan.  29,  18 16,  son  of  Ezekiel 
and  Hannah  (Edgecomb)  Foss.  He  was  for  many  years  a 
successful  teacher,  and  a  man  of  ability  and  influence.  She 
died  in  Hollis,  Me.,  Dec.  30,  1857.     He  died  Nov.  23,  1889. 


1  John  Fairfield,  b.  Dec.  5,  1842;  m.,  June  29,  1866,  Augusta  N.  Per- 

ham;   resides  Tewksbury,  Mass. 

2  Enos  Lord,  b.  July  28,  1844;    m.,  July  28,  1864,  Susan  A.  Johnson; 

resides  in  Greenville,  N.  H. 

3  Mary  Frances,  b.  Aug.  18,  1846;  lives  in  Taunton,  Mass. ;  unmarried. 

4  Emma  Anna,  b.  Dec.  30,  1848;    m.,  Jan.  12,  1871,  James  P.  Johnson; 

resides  in  Stoneham,  Mass. 

5  Miriam  Elizabeth,  b.  Sept.  10,  1851;    m.,  Feb.  3,  1876,  John  C.  A. 

Robinson;   resides  in  Charlestown,  Mass. 

6  Nancy  Kingsbury*,  b.  Sept.  8,  1853. 

•Nancy  Kingsbury  Foss  was  adopted  by  her  uncle,  Captain  Henry  Kingsbury, 
of  Salisbury  Point,  in  1858,  and  was  afterwards  known  as  Annie  Kingsbury. 


7  Henry   Cyrenius,  b.   Oct.  31,   1S55;    m.,   Feb.  20,    1S81,  Martha  M. 

Smith;  resides  in  Hollis,  Me. 

8  Samuel  Elroy,  b.  Sept.,  1S57;  d.  Oct.  5,  1880. 

79  Leonard'  Kingsbury  {Samuel\  JoJuf,  John",  Henry*, 
John'',  John'-,  HenrJ),  "spent  my  early  life  on  the  rivers  in 
Maine,  the  best  of  my  life  in  the  Wisconsin  woods  ;"  he 
liv^ed  for  a  time  in  Alfred,  Me.,  then  removed  to  Wisconsin. 
He  married  (i)  Dec.  25,  1850,  Mary  Small,  daughter  of  Benja- 
min Loring  Dunwell  Lane,  and  Lucinda  Leavett,  his  wife. 
She  was  born  in  Buxton,  Maine,  March  16,  1S28,  died  May 
25,  1882,  in  Minneapolis,  Minn.  He  married  (2)  Oct.  20, 
1886,  Lucy  J.  McMillan,  widow  of  William  A.  Hall,  and 
daughter  of  Dr.  Andrew  and  Efifie  D.  (Wheeler)  McMillan, 
of  Clarksfield,  O.,  born  July  22,  1834,  in  Clarksfield.  He  set- 
tled in  Minneapolis,  engaged  in  the  real  estate  business,  and 
died  there  Oct.  5,  1895. 


100  Frederick  Bailey,  b.  Oct.  27,  1851,  Barr  Mills,  Buxton.  fe^>- 
loi  Anna  Belle,  b.  Feb.  12,  1856,  Mosinee,  Wis.;  m'*  Jan.  9,  1883, 
Charles  Herbert  Howes,  of  Omaha,  Neb.,  b.  May  12,  1854, 
son  of  Charles  Howes,  of  Essex,  Mass  ;  County  Surveyor  of 
Douglas  Co.  They  now  reside  in  Jamaica  Plain,  Mass. ,  where 
he  is  employed  in  the  engineering  department  of  the  Metro- 
politan Park  Commission. 

Ch. :  (i)  Charles  Edward,  b.  June  17,   1S84.     (2)  Mildred 
Kingsbury,  b.  Sept.  8,  1889. 

102  John  Lane,  b.  Feb.  9,  1858;  died  Jul}' 16,  1S65. 

103  Lucinda,  b.  Sept.  30,  i860;  m.  Jan.  7,  1890,  Nathan  J.  Harrison, 

b.  Aug.  6,  1858,  in  Chicago,  111.,  son  of  Nathan  B.  and  Ella 
(Ives)  Harrison  ;  resides  in  Denver,  Colorado. 

Ch. :  (1)  Clara  Natalie,  b.  June  4,  1892;  d.  Dec.  30,  1S92. 

104  George  Henry,  b.  Sept.  27,  1866;  died  Nov.  25,  1866. 

105  Miriam  Blanche,  b.  Oct.  18,  1870;  unm.  ;  living  in  Denver,  Colo- 


80  Isabella'  Kingsbury  {Samuel',  John",  John\  Henry*, 
Johfi^,  Johi^,  Henry^),  married  May  21,  1844,  Lorenzo  Dow 
Evans,  born  May  i,  1824,  in  Wakefield,  N.  H.,  son  of  Na- 
thaniel and  Mary  (Dow)  Evans.  They  removed  to  Wey- 
mouth, Mass.,  in  May,  1850,  and  in  1866  to  Boston.  He  died 
Feb.  18,  1867.  Mr.  Evans'  grandfather,  Benjamin  Evans, 
served  seven  years  in  the  Revolutionary  War.  She  died 
March  31,  1899,  in  Dorchester,  Mass. 



1  Lorenzo,  b.  Oct.  lo,  1845,  Dedham;  died  Sept.  20,  1846. 

2  Lafayette,   b.   March  14,  1850,  Biddeford  ;  died  Oct.   25,   1869,  in 


3  Malvina   F.,   b.    June  14,    1853,  Weymouth;   m'^    Dec.   2,    1873,   in 

Boston,  WilHam  D.  Gillpatrick,  her  cousin,  a  descendant  of 
Dominicus  Gillpatrick,  of  Biddeford;  now  resides  in  D.orches- 
ter;  has  3  ch. :  i.  Fred  Byron,  b.  July  g,  1877  ;  2.  Isabella 
May,  b.  Aug.  12,  1883;  3.  Chfton  Grey,  b.  April  9,  1886. 

4  Byron  H.,  b.  May  29,   1856,  Weymouth;    m.  in  Providence,  Sept. 

1876,  Emogene  Moraty;  resides  in  Thompson,  Conn.;  has  2 
ch.:  I.  John  Harry,  b.  June  15,  1877;  2.  Lafayette  E.,  b.  June 
4,  1880. 

97  Henry"  Lowell  Kingsbury  (Capt.  Henrf^  Samuer, 
John^,  Jo/in^,  Henry*,  Johh\  JoJiii^,  Henry^),  of  Amesbury, 
Mass.;  married  May  24,  1863,  Caroline  Marcella  Carr,  born 
in  Newburyport,  Mass.,  March  3,  1844,  daughter  of  Levi  and 
Mary  J.  (Ireland)  Carr.  He  was  a  merchant  in  Amesbury  ; 
died  there,  Oct.  24,  1893. 


106  Charles  Fabius,  b.   May  7,  1865  ;  in  1892  engaged  in  the  flour  and 

produce  business  in  Boston  ;  m.  June  20,  1895,  Fannie  L. 

107  Edward  Sargent, 'b.  July  13,  1869. 

108  Emma  Gray,  b.  Aug.  27,  1875. 

98  Charles'  Benjamin  Kingsbury  (Capt.  Henrf,  Sam- 
uel\  Jo/in^,  John^,  Henry*,  John^,  JoJuf,  Henry^\  of  Ames- 
bury; married,  Nov.  5,  1869,  Phoebe  Ann  Powell,  born  Sept. 
28,  1852,  in  Gloucester,  Mass.,  daughter  of  James  and  Mar- 
tha (Reed)  Powell. 


109  Mattie  Dean,  b.  May  22,  1871;  m.  Aug.  26,  1888,  Frank  H.  Tux- 

bury,  of  Amesbury,  b.  in  South  Hampton,  N.  H.,  Sept.  25, 
1865;  she  died  April  30,  1898. 
no    George  Frank,  b.  July  16,  1873. 

111  Arthur,  b.  May  6,  1876,  in  Boston;  dead. 

112  J. —  Herbert,  b.  May  28,  1878. 

113  Chester  Plummer,  b.  Feb.  i,  1885. 

114  Perry  Kingsbury,  b.  July  8,  1888. 



100  Frederick'  Bailey  Kingsbury  {Leonard*,  Sa?nuer, 
Johu\  Johu\  Htiiry\  John\  John\  Henry'),  of  Maiden,  Mass.; 
in  business ;  graduated  from  the  Putnam  school,  Newbury- 
port,  Mass.;  married,  March  8,  1873,  Emma  Frances  Bagley, 
born  Sept.  i,  1849,  at  Georgetown,  Mass.,  daughter  of 
Hiram  A.  and  Mary  E.  (Boardman)  Bagley.  He  removed 
from  Maiden  to  Worcester,  where  he  now  lives. 


115  Mary  Adele,   b.    Feb.    22,    1874 ;   rn.    Sept.    26,   1900,  John   Olin 

McDavitt,  of  19  Norway  St.,  Boston. 

116  William  Henry  Smiley,  b.  April  9,  1879. 

117  Fred  Bailey,  Jr.,  b.  Dec.  25,  1880. 


IV  James'  Kingsbury  {Hemy),  married,  at  Haverhill, 
January  6,  1673,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Matthias  and  Lettyce 
Button,  of  Haverhill,  born  in  1650,  sister  of  his  brother 
John's  wife.  He  removed  before  1699  to  Plainfield,  Conn. 
This  tract  of  land  was  bought  by  Governor  John  Winthrop, 
Jun"".,  of  Allumps,  the  Indian  Sachem,  and  the  purchase  was 
confirmed  by  Charles  H.,  so  apparently  James  Kingsbury 
was  still  keeping  to  the  family  tradition  in  going  where 
the  Winthrops  went.  But  the  land  was  also  claimed  by 
Owaneco,  Sachem  of  Mohegan,  and  he  made  grants,  and 
sold  portions  of  it  to  various  individuals,  notably  Major 
Fitch,  and  the  Gallups.  After  the  election  of  Fitz  John 
Winthrop  as  Governor  of  Connecticut  in  1698,  his  request 
for  the  confirmation  of  his  Quinebaug  lands  received  due 
consideration  from  the  General  Assembly.  In  May,  1699, 
the  inhabitants  east  and  west  of  Quinebaug  river  presented 
to  the  General  Court  a  petition  that  their  settlement  be 
made  a  township,  and  that  the  land  be  laid  out  in  accord- 
ance "with  our  Honorable  Governor's  claim,"  and  that  the 
Assembly  would  appoint  Captain  Wetherell,  Mr.  Pitkin,  and 
Mr.  Ely,  to  inquire  into  the  legal  proceedings,  "and  inform 
tlie  weak  and  feeble  that  they  may  have  a  more  speedy  and 
peaceable  settlement,  so  that  we  may  have  the  worship  of 
God  among  us."  James  Kingsbury  was  one  of  the  peti- 
tioners. He  also  signed  a  petition,  Nov.  13,  1699,  that  the 
town  might  be  incorporated,  and  that  they  might  have  "an 
able,  faithful,  orthodox  gospel  minister,  so  that  the  sure 
worship  of  God  may  be  at  all  times  upheld  and  maintained 
amongst  us."*  In  Oct.,  1700,  the  General  Assembly  author- 
ized Fitz  John  Winthrop  to  name  the  new  plantation  at 
Quinebaug.  James  Kingsbury's  land  was  in  the  fourth 
division,  abutting  north  on  Moosup  river,  and  he  was  one 
of  the  patentees  named  in  the  Plainfield  patent,  Dec.  17, 
1706,  granted  by  the  Colony  of  Connecticut.  James  Kings- 
bury conveyed  to  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  of  Plainfield,  all  his 

•  Miss  Larned's  History  of  Windha?n  County,  Conn.,  I.  loj-ij. 


right,  title,  and  interest  in  y''  Common  and  undivided  lands, 
lying  in  Plainfield,"  Dec.  4,  1730.  The  date  of  his  death  is 


118  Susannah,  b.  April  18,  1675,  ^^  Haverhill. 

119  Sarah,  b.  Aug.  13,  1677,  in  Haverhill,  s-^ 

120  Mary,  b.  Aug.  18,  1679,  in  Haverhill.  ^  > 

121  Ephraim,  b.  April  13,  168 1,  in  Haverhill,  s  > 

122  Abigail,  b.  Feb.  26,  1686,  in  Haverhill.  ~  > 

123  Samuel,  b.  July  18,  1690,  in  Haverhill.  s->- 

120  Mary'  Kingsbury  { James" ^  Henry^),  married  Jan- 
uary 2,  1693,  Samuel  Cole,  of  Hartford,  son  of  Samuel  and 
Mary  Cole,  born  in  1672,  in  Hartford.  He  was  admitted  to 
the  Second  Church,  Hartford,  March  15,  17 12/13.  He  re- 
moved to  Norwalk  before  1746,  when  he  is  called  of  Nor- 
walk  in  a  deed  of  land  in  Hartford.  Jonathan  Cole  and 
John  Cole  were  appointed  administrators  on  the  estate  of 
Samuel  Cole,  deceased,  of  Norwalk,  Dec.  22,  1760;  inven- 
tory taken  Dec.  24,  1760,  by  Daniel  Belden  and  Nathaniel 
Hubble,  Jr.  — Fairfield  Probate  Records. 


1  Jonathan,  bap.  June  11,  1693,  i^'  Church,  Hartford. 

2  Jabez,  born  in  Hartford,  Feb.  9,  1698. 

3  Nathaniel,  born  in  Hartford,  Aug.  18,  1701. 

4  Caleb,  born  in  Hartford,  Feb.  8,  1703;  m.  (i)  Rebecca,  daughter  of 

Daniel  and  Ann  (Seeley)  Beardsley,  bap.  Sept  7,  1707,  in 
Stratford  ;  she  died  before  1753.  (2)  Anna  St.  John.  He  set- 
tled in  Cornwall,  Conn.;  ch.:  David,  firstborn,  bap.  Aug.  15, 
1731,  Stratfield ;  Anne,  bap.  do.,  March  4,  1732/3;  Samuel, 
bap.  do.,  Sept.  8,  1734  ;  Joseph,  bap.  do.,  July  13,  1735. 

5  Sarah,  born  in  Hartford,  Feb.,  1705  ;  died  Sept.,  '96,  qu.  '06.    (T.R.) 

6  Abigail,  born  in  Hartford,  Sept.  18,  1706;  bap.  2''  Church,  Hartford, 

Sept.  22,  1706. 

7  Mary,  born  in  Hartford,  July  10,  1707. 

8  Samuel,  born  in  Hartford,  Feb.  7,  1710/11  ;  bap.   1"  Church,  Hart- 

ford, Feb.  II,  1710/11.  Graduated  from  Yale  College,  1731;  he 
appears  to  have  resided,  soon  after  leaving  college,  at  North- 
bury,  then  part  of  Waterbury,  Conn.  Soon  after  1740  he  con- 
formed to  the  Church  of  England,  and  for  a  number  of  years 
he  officiated  as  a  lay  reader  to  the  Episcopalians  in  Litchfield, 
entertaining  until  at  least  as  late  as  1747  a  design  of  crossing 
the  Atlantic  to  obtain  holy  orders  ;  his  fear  of  the  dangers  of 
the  sea,  however,  prevented  the  accomplishment  of  this  pur- 


pose.  He  seems  to  have  spent  his  life  mainly  as  a  school- 
teacher. About  1767  he  was  one  of  the  prominent  settlers  of 
Claremont,  N.  H.;  justice  of  the  peace;  town  clerk,  1771,  1772, 
1773  ;  in  1769  he  received,  from  the  Venerable  Society  for  the 
Propagation  of  the  Gospel,  the  appointment  of  Catechist  and 
Schoolmaster  at  that  place,  with  an  annual  stipend  of  ;C^S- 
He  conducted  the  services  of  the  Church  of  England  there 
until  the  arrival  of  an  ordained  clergyman  in  1773.  At  the 
outbreak  of  the  Revolution  his  sympathies  were  with  the  Brit- 
ish. He  died  in  Claremont,  Oct.  19,  1777,  in  his  67th  year. 
He  married  Mary  Dean,  at  Stratford,  Conn.,  April  6,  1753. 
She  was  probably  Mary  Brown,  the  widow  of  Rev.  Barzilla 
Dean  (Y.  C.  1737).  Mr.  Cole  had  two  daughters.  Dexter'' s 
Yale  Biographies,  pp.  42J-6.  Ch.:  i,  Mary,  married,  in 
1777,  Asa  Cossitt,  b.  Granby,  Conn.;  2,  Ann,  m.  Ambrose 
Cossitt,  b.  Granby,  Conn.;  Town  Clerk  and  Treasurer,  Clare- 
mont ;  d.  July  13,  1809,  aged  74.   She  died  May  18,  1828,  aged 

9     IcHABOD,  born  March,  1712  ;  bap.  2''  Church,  Hartford,  March  15, 

10  Dorothy,  born  Nov.  27,  1714;  bap.  2''  Church,  Hartford,  Nov.  28, 


11  Sarah,  bap.  May  27,  1716,  Stratfield. 

12  Timothy,  bap.  Jan.  12,  1717/18,  Stratfield. 

13  Hannah,  bap.  May,  1719,  Stratfield. 

121  Ensign  Ephraim'  Kingsbury  {James'',  Henrf),  of 
Plainfield,  married  Phoebe,  daughter  of  Ezekiel  Main,  of 
Stonington*  ;  he  had  leave  to  vote  for  town  officers  in  1709  ; 
he  represented  Plainfield  in  the  General  Assembly,  1720,  '21, 
'27,  '28,  '31,  '32,  '33,  '34,  '35,  '36,  '38,  '41  ;  appointed  Ensign  of 
the  trainband  in  Plainfield,  May,  1725.  He  was  appointed 
on  a  committee  of  the  General  Assembly  in  May,  1733,  to 
select  a  place  for  a  meeting-house  in  the  new  Society  formed 
from  Canterbury,  Pomfret,  and  Mortlake. 

His  will  is  dated  March  5,  1756  ;  exhibited  in  court  Oct. 
8,  1756.  He  says  :  "Being  advanced  to  old  age,"  and  men- 
tions wife  Phebe  —  leaves  her  all  his  property,  with  a  pro- 
vision that  after  her  death  the  estate  is  to  be  divided 
between  "my  two  daughters,  viz.:  Phebe  Cady  and  Rachel 
Lawrence,"  the  heirs  of  sons  Ephraim  and  John  to  be 
"content  with  what  he  gave  the  s"  Ephraim  and  John  by 
Deed  of  gift"  ;  constitutes  William  Cady,  jun^,  "  my  Grand- 
son," executor. 


124  Ephraim,  b.  Oct.  15,  1702.  e  > 

125  Phoebe,  b.  Jan.  8,  1703/4.  s  > 

126  Rachel,  b.  April  16  (14,  T.  R.),  1705.  s-^- 

127  John,  b.  June  19,  1713.  r;  > 

*  Ezekiel  Main  mentions  in  his  will,  dated  1714,  his  daughter,  Phebe  Kingsbury, 
and  there  was  no  other  Phebe  K.  at  that  time. 


122  Abigail'  Kingsbury  {/af/ies\  Hairf\  married  Elea- 
zar  Spaulding-,  of  Plainfield,  Nov.  14,  171 2  (according  to 
Plainfield  record  ;*  the  Spaulding  Memorial  has  it  Nov.  17). 
He  was  born  in  Chelmsford,  Mass.,  Aug.  13,  1690,  son  of 
John  and  Ann  (Ballard)  Spaulding,  afterwards  of  Plainfield. 
Sam"  Kingsbury  conveyed  to  Elezer  Spaulding  land  and  a 
dwelling-house  thereon,  "  at  y®  north-easterly  corner  of  s"* 
Plainfield,"  "on  a  brook  known  by  y'^  name  of  snake  medow 
brook,"  April  2,  1725. 

The  wife  of  Elezer  Spaulding  died  Sept.  9,  1758.  \Ch. 


1  Dorcas,  b.  Feb.  8,  1713;  m.,  May  12,  1730,  Samuel  Kingsbury. 

2  Eunice,  b.  Dec.  22,  1723  ;  died  Jan.  10,  1737/8. 

3  Anna,  b.  May  7,  1717;  m.  Nathaniel  Maine,  of  Stonington,  who  set- 

tled in  Plainfield;  she  died  April  19,  1738. 

4  Hezekiah,  b.  June  7,  171Q;  died  July  10,  1719. 

5  Penuel,  b.  June  20,  1720;  died  July  5,  1720. 

6  Eleazar,  b.  July  3,  1721;  m.  Lois  Spalding,  daughter  of  his  uncle, 

Jonathan  Spalding;  removed  to  Windsor,  Vt.,  where  he  died 
Sept.  17,  1805;  his  wife  died  at  Windsor,  Jan.  8,  1790,  se.  68; 
8  ch. 

7  Timothy,  b.  Jan.  14,  1725;  died  Dec.  15,  1737. 

8  David,  b.  Dec.   23,   172S,  letter  of    Enos   Spalding  (Dec.   25,  1731, 

Plainfield  Records);  m.  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Joseph  and 
Lydia  Barrett,  born  Oct.  28,  1736;  he  died  Aug.  23,  1803, 
aged  71;  8  ch. 

123  SamueT  Kingsbury  {James^^  Henry^),  married  Nov. 
26,  1 7 14,  Hannah,  daughter  of  Joshua  and  Mary  Kibbe. 

Samuel  Kingsbury,  in  1735,  living  on  the  "mile  "  of  land, 
so-called,  adjoining  the  additional  grant  to  Voluntown,  asks 
to  purchase  two  pieces  of  land  of  50  or  60  acres  from  the 
Colony  on  such  terms  as  they  should  fix  —  to  be  surveyed 
at  his  expense  ;  this  was  done,  and  the  land  sold  him  for 
^22  I4^  3''.  "Samuel  Kingsbury,  formerly  of  Plainfield, 
now  lyving  on  y^  mile  of  land  fo-called  in  y'^  Colony  of  Con- 
necticut," conveys  land  in  Plainfield  to  Benjamin  Wheeler, 
Sept.  13,  1739,  and  Mch.  23,  1743,  he  conveys  land  on  the 
north  side  Moosup  river  to  loving  son,  Ebenezer  Kingsbury. 

*  It  is  twice  recorded  in  Plainfield  Town  Records,  once  as  Nov.  14,  and  again  Nov. 
17,  1712. 



Letter  of  adm°°  granted  on  the  estate  of  M^  Samuel  Kings- 
bury, late  of  Plainfield,  dec'*,  unto  Cap^  James  How,*  April 
i6,  1777.  June  3,  1777,  a  distribution  was  ordered  to  Han- 
nah, Widow  of  the  dec^ — to  James,  the  Eldest  son  —  to 
Ebenezer,  Second  son  —  to  the  Heirs  of  David  Dec'^,  the 
third  Son  —  to  the  Heirs  of  Oliver,  the  fourth  Son  —  to  Mary, 
eldest  Dau""  —  to  Abigail,  second  Dau''  —  to  Heirs  of  Sarah, 
now  Dec"* — to  Patience." 

Widow  Kingsbury,  Relict  of  Sam'  Kingsbury,  died  Oct. 
24,  1779.     [C/i.  -RiY.^ 


128  James,  b.  April  27,  1716.  :r:  ■> 

129  Ebenezer,  b.  Feb.  28,  1717/18  (Feb.  25,  1717/18).  s->- 

130  Mary,  b.  Feb.  29,  1719/20;  m.  James  Welch,   son  of  James  and 

Mary  (Sabin)  Welch,  of  Plainfield;  living  in  Bolton  in  1768. 
She  died  in  North  Bolton,  May  21,  1794,  aged  74. 

131  Abigail,  b.  March  3,  1721/22;  m.  Daniel  Hulet,  of  Killingly. ::;;,;  > 

132  Nehemiah,  b.  June  2,  1724;  died  Jan.  (June,  T.  R.)  3,  1725. 

133  Sarah,  b.  Aug.  5,  1726  ;  married . 

134  Nathaniel,  b.  Feb.  i,  1728;  died  Oct.  26,  1758;  unmarried  (?) ;  let- 

ters of  administration  granted  on  his  estate  to  Mr.  James 
Kingsbury,  of  Plainfield,  Jan.  9,  1759. 

135  David,  b.  May  29,  1731;  died  Oct.  22,  1753,  in  Plainfield.    Supposed 

to  have  married,  from  the  above  reference  in  his  father's  will. 

136  Oliver,  b.  Sept.  2,  1732  (1733,  T.  R.).  :. ■:  > 

137  Patience,  b.   Aug.  25,   1736  (1737,  T.   R.) ;  m.    John  Robison  or 

Robeson,  of  Killingly,  afterwards  of  Dutchess  Co.,  N.  Y.f 
John,  son  to  John  Robison,  was  bapt.  Oct.  20,  1760.  [Sou^/i 
Killingly  Ch.  Rec] 

On  the  Plainfield  books  is  recorded  the  birth  of  Frederick, 
son  of  Samuel  and  Hannah  Kingsbury,  b.  May  17,  17 16. 

124  Ephraim"  Kingsbury  {Ephraim^,  James",  Henry''),  of 
Plainfield,  Conn.  ;  married  Lydia J. 

His  father  conveyed  to  him  land  "on  y*"  north  side  of 
Moosup  River,"  Aug.  11,  1724.     He  was  Selectman  in  1749. 

He  died  in  Plainfield,  April  14,  1751.     Letters  of  adminis- 

•  Jonathan  How  and  Kezia,  his  wife,  convey  to  Ebenezer  Kingsbury  land  in 
Plainfield,  which  is  a  lot  that  Mr.  Samuel  Kingsbury  died  seized  of,  Feb.  28,  1778. 

t  John  Robeson  and  Patience,  his  wife,  as  heirs  to  some  part  of  the  estate  of 
Nathaniel  Kingsbury  of  Plainfield,  Dec*,  give  a  quitclaim  deed  to  Ebenezer  Kings- 
bury, Feb.  22,  1768.    Plainfield  Land  Records. 

X  Perhaps  Peirce;  see  No.  138. 



tration  granted  unto  Mrs.  Lydia  Kingsbury,  April  23,  1751, 
on  his  estate.  Mrs.  Lydia  Kingsbury  was  appointed  guar- 
dian of  Jeduthan,  Dec.  11,  1752. 


138  Asa,  b.  March  29,  1722.  ? >->- 

139  Ruth,  b.  Jan.  15,  1723/24.  ;r  > 

140  Jeremiah,  b.  Feb.  4,  1729. 

141  Phceue,    ),     ,,      ,  m.,  Dec.  28,  1750,  D,  Parkhurst.  ?£->- 
„               hb.  March  29,  1731;  t-t  „  t  u     -n.  1 

142  Rachel,  )  ^      /j   -  j^-,^  Nov.  28,  1752,  John  Delop. 

143  Lydia,  b.  April  7,  1736;  m.,  March  8,  1758,  Josiah  Russel.  :z  > 

144  Jeduthan,  b.  ,  1743.  ™  > 

125  Phoebe'  Kingsbury  {Ej>/iraim\  James",  Henry>), 
married  William  Cady,  Nov.  11,  1729,  of  Plainfield;  he  died 
before  1747. 


William,  b.  June  8,  1729  {sic.  Plainfield  records). 

Jeremiah,  b.  Oct.  17,  1731;  m.,  Jan.  8,  1755,  Abigail  Lawrence,  dau. 

of  Thomas. 
Phebe,  b.  Sept.  30,  1733;  m.,  March  3,  1757,  David  Shepard. 

William  Cady,  a  minor,  son  to  William  Cady  of  Plainfield, 
dec'',  made  choice  of  Abijah  Cady  of  Plainfield  to  be  his 
guardian,  May  9,  1747.  He  was  executor  of  the  will  of  his 
grandfather,  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  in  1756. 

126  Racher  Kingsbury  {Ephraim^,  James",  Henry'), 
married  in  Plainfield,  May  31,  1725,  Daniel  Lawrence,  Jr.,  of 
Plainfield.  Daniel  Lawrence  was  born  in  Groton,  Mass., 
April  22,  1702,  son  of  Capt.  Daniel  and  Sarah  Lawrence, 
of  Groton,  afterwards  of  Plainfield.  He  removed  to  Canaan, 
Conn.,  in  1738.  Daniel  Lawrence  died  Jan.  27,  1790,  in  Shef- 
field, Mass.  Mrs.  Rachel  Lawrence  died  March  3,  1767,  in 


1  Rachel,  b.  in  Plainfield,  April  6,  1726;  d.  Sept.  8,  1729. 

2  Sibel,  b.  in  Plainfield,  Sept.  6,  1729. 

3  Gideon,  b.  in  Plainfield,  Nov.   21,   1727;   m.,  Oct.  12,  1749,  Jerusha 

Richards  of  Norfolk. 

4  Sarah,  b.  in  Plainfield,  April  15,  1731;  m.,  May  3,  1750,  Thomas 

Fellows,  of  Canaan. 


5  Nathaniel,  b.  in  Plainfield,  June  21,  1733. 

6  RuFus,  b.  in  Plainfield,  Aug.  3,  1735. 

7  Esther,  b.    about  1738   or   1739;   m..   May   6,   1756,  Capt.  Samuel 

Ransom  of  Canaan,  afterwards  of  Norfolk,  removed  to  Wyom- 
ing. Samuel  Love  conveyed  to  Samuel  Ransom,  "late  of  Nor- 
folk, now  being  of  Susquehanna,"  Nov.  5,  1773,  land  in  the  south 
part  of  the  present  town  of  Plymouth,  Pennsylvania.  March  2, 
1774,  he  was  chosen  a  Selectman  of  Westmoreland,  and  Sur- 
veyor of  Highways.  Aug.  26,  1776,  Congress  commissioned 
Samuel  Ransom  to  be  Captain  of  a  company  raised  for  the 
defense  of  Westmoreland.  This  was  known  as  the  Second 
Independent  Company  for  the  Revolutionary  service,  and  was 
attached  to  the  Connecticut  line.  They  joined  the  Continental 
army  at  Morristown,  N.  J.,  in  January,  1777,  and  were  engaged 
in  the  battles  of  Millstone,  Brandywine,  Germantown,  Bound 
Brook,  and  Mud  Fort,  and  in  other  lesser  engagements.  In 
June,  1778,  Captain  Ransom  resigned  to  go  to  his  home  and  de- 
fend it  against  the  British  and  Indians  under  Col.  John  Butler. 
He  reached  Forty  Fort  on  the  morning  of  the  massacre,  July  3, 
1778,  and  reported  to  Col.  Zebulon  Butler,  the  American  com- 
mander, as  a  volunteer  aide.  He  fully  sustained  his  reputation 
as  a  cool  and  fearless  soldier,  and  was  killed  in  the  heat  of  the 
fight.  His  house  was  burned,  and  his  family  fled  down  the 
valley  with  the  other  refugees.  After  the  advance  of  Sullivan's 
army  the  family  returned  and  occupied  their  land,  only  to  be- 
come involved  in  the  troubles  growing  out  of  the  struggle  for 
the  ownership  of  the  valley  between  the  Connecticut  and  Penn- 
sylvania authorities.  In  Nov.  1783,  Mrs.  Ransom  and  her 
daughters  were,  in  the  most  inhuman  manner,  turned  out  of 
their  house  in  a  cold  and  bitter  storm  to  seek  shelter  as  best 
they  might,  by  the  Pennsylvanians.  Mrs.  Esther  Ransom  m. 
(2)  Captain  James  Bidlack,  Setf ,  who  moved  from  Windham 
County  to  Wyoming  in  1777.  They  returned  to  Norfolk,  Conn., 
where  she  died  in  Aug.,  1794.  A  Genealogical  Record  of 
Captain  Samuel  Ransom  of  the  Continental  Army.  By 
Captain  Clinton  B.  Sears. 

8  Stephen,  b.  in  Canaan,  February  y"  21=',  1740/41. 

9  Lois,  b.  in  Canaan,  April  12,  1743;  m.,  April  10,  1760,  Oliver  Strong, 

of  Canaan. 
10    Daniel,  b.  in  Canaan,  Aug.  30,  1748. 

127  John*  Kingsbury  {Ephraim^.,  James",  Henry"),  of 
Plainfield;  married  Esther,  daughter  of  David  and  Elizabeth 
(Warren)  Whitney,  b.  in  Plainfield,  May  i,  17 14.* 

*  Esther,  dau.  of  David  and  Elizabeth  (Warren)  Whitney,  m* Kingsbury, 

and  died  before  1769,  leaving  heirs  who  were  mentioned  in  her  father's  will.     Whit- 
ney Genealogy,  3b. 



She  d.  April  5,  1752,  in  Plainfield.  He  d.  in  Plainfield, 
April  18,  1753.  \^Church  Record.']  Will  exhibited  in  Court, 
May  8,  1753,  Benjamin  Wheeler,  executor,  dated  April  13, 


Stephen,  Lemuel,  Willard,  and  Andrew  Kingsbury,  convey 
to  John  Pierce,  land  in  Plainfield,  "  known  by  y*  name  of 
Dumplin  Hill,"  "  being  one  Half  of  the  land  that  fell  to  us 
and  our  sister,  Elizabeth,  by  the  Death  of  our  Brother, 
Jacob  Kingsbury,"  Jan.  14,  1769. 


145  Stephen,  b.  Dec.  7,  173 5 ■:.:.::  > 

146  Elizabeth,  b.  May  15,  1737.:,:':  > 

147  Jacob,  b.  Feb.  26,  1740;  d.  in  the  army,  at  Lake  George,  July  16, 


148  Lemuel,  b.  April  14,  1743. :::::■> 

149  Andrew,  b.  Jan.  12,  1745. -z:  > 

150  Willard,  b.  Aug.  26,  1747.!™  > 

151  Lois,  b.  Jan.  15,  1749;  d.  Jan.  14,  1751. 

152  Infant,  d.  March  30,  1752. 

128  James^  Kingsbury  [SamueP,  James",  Henrf),  of 
Plainfield,  married  Dorcas,  widow  of  his  second  cousin, 
Samuel  Kingsbury  of  Plainfield,  and  daughter  of  Eleazar 
and  Abigail  (Kingsbury)  Spalding  of  Plainfield. 

James  Kingsbury  and  Darkhurst  Kingsbury,  his  wife, 
both  of  Plainfield,  give  a  quit-claim  deed  to  Thomas  Kings- 
bury, of  all  the  right,  title,  and  interest  s''  Darkhurst 
Kingsbury  had  in  the  estate  of  her  first  husband,  Sam'' 
Kingsbury,  deC^,  March  6,  1753. 

A  child  of  James  Kingsbury  died  Sept.  6,  1754. 

Robert  Willson  conveys  to  James  Kingsbury  of  Plainfield, 
land  in  Plainfield  "joining  land  that  Samuel  Kingsbury 
now  lives  on,"  Feb.  9,  1762. 

He  appears  as  one  of  the  petitioners  to  form  a  new 
Ecclesiastical  Society  in  1760.  These  memorialists  state 
that  they  have  soberly  differed  from  the  articles  of  discipline 
of  the  established  church  in  said  town,  and  have  gathered 
into  church  state  agreeable  to  Cambridge  Platform,  built  a 
meeting-house  and  settled  a  minister  accordingly,  and  that 
the  memorialists  have  mutually  and  unanimously  agreed  to 


to  be  two  distinct  societies,  and  they  ask  that  one  third  part 
of  their  rateable  estate  be  exempted  from  being  rated  for 
the  support  of  the  said  established  church,  and  that  the 
brethren  differing  as  aforesaid  have  the  benefit  of  the  said 
one  third  part  of  their  rateable  estate  for  the  support  of  the 
worship  of  God  among  them  annually.  [Colonial  Records, 
XI.  461.'] 

James  Kingsbury  and  Dorcas,  his  wife,  of  Plainfield,  con- 
vey to  Benjamin  Fuller  "in  consideration  for  our  mainten- 
ance during  life,"  land  in  Plainfield,  Feb.  28,  1794. 

"Rachel,  wife  of  Benjamin  Fuller,  died  June  i,  1796,  in 
the  39th  year  of  her  age."  Tombstone  in  Moosup  burying 

129  Ebenezer'  Kingsbury  {Savmer,  James",  Henry"),  of 
Plainfield,  married,  in  Plainfield,  Feb.  23,  1743-44,  Ex- 
perience Hulet,  baptized  in  Killingly,  May  18,  1721,  daugh- 
ter of  Michael  Hulet,  or  Hewlett. 

He  also  was  one  of  the  petitioners  to  form  a  new  ecclesi- 
astical society  in  1760. 

Oliver  Kingsbury,  Dec'',  owned  certain  land  in  Plainfield 
under  encumbrance  of  Samuel  Kingsbury,  and  his  wife 
bought  out  by  Ebenezer  Kingsbury,  April  12,  1761. 

Oliver  Hulet  and  Seth  Hulet,  as  heirs  to  some  part  of  the 
estate  of  Nathaniel  Kingsbury  of  Plainfield,  dec^,  give  a  quit- 
claim deed  to  Ebenezer  Kingsbury,  of  Plainfield,  May  11, 
1767.  Daniel  Hewlet  and  Abigail,  his  wife,  give  a  similar 
deed  of  land  joining  south  on  James  Kingsbury's  land,  "M^ 
Sam"  Kingsbury  now  lives  on,"  May  25,  1767.  Ebenezer's 
will  is  dated  January  13,  1796  ;  exh.  in  Court  March  i,  1796; 
mentions  Wife  Experience  —  Sam'  Kingsbury,  "son  to  my 
Brother,  Oliver  Kingsbury "  —  "  friend  Marcy  Bassett,  of 
Killingly"  —  Jonathan  Hammett,  of  Plainfield,  Executor. 
The  will  of  his  widow.  Experience,  is  dated  June  7,  1797; 
exh.  in  Court,  Dec.  6,  1803;  mentions  eldest  Brother,  Josiah 
Hulet,  of  Killingly,  second  brother,  Oliver  Hulet,  of  Kil- 
lingly—  also  several  friends. 

131  Abigail*  Kingsbury  {Sann/cP,  James'',  Henry"),  mar- 
ried Daniel  Hulet,  of  Killingly,*  son  of  Michael  Hulet,  bap- 

*  See  No.  lag. 


tized  June  12,  1715,  in  Killingly.  He  died  in  1789;  will 
presented  in  court,  July  7,  1789,  dated  June  9,  1782;  he  men- 
tions daughter  Saborah  Basset,  nephew  David  Hulet;  to  his 
grand-daughter,  Mercy  Basset,  he  gave  "  one  chest  and  one 
table,  that  was  my  honored  father-in-laws,  Sam'^  Kings- 
bury's." The  distribution  was  made  to  Saborah  Basset,  the 
only  child  and  daughter  of  the  said  deceased.*  \_Flai>ifield 
Probate  Records.^ 


Saborah  or  Sabarah;  m. Basset. 

136  Oliver^  Kingsbury  {SamueP,  James",  Henry"),  of 
Plainfield,  married  Sept.  17,  1754,  Hannah  Cory,  born  Jan. 
29)  1736,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Jerusha  Cory,  of  Plainfield. 
He  was  a  soldier  in  the  last  French  and  Indian  war,  and 
died  in  the  West  Division,  Hartford,  Conn.,  buried  Nov.  28, 
1760,  on  his  way  home  from  the  army.  [Tl'esf  Hartford 
Church  Recordi\  \ 

"  Oliver  Kingsbury  Departed  this  Life  November  y' 27*'' 
Day,  A.  D.  1760,  Returning  Home  from  y'  Campaign  in 
1760."     \Plainfield  To7vn  Records?^ 


153  Oliver,  b.  Aug.   28,   1755;   made  choice  of  Mr,  James  Fairmon, 

of  Killingly,  to  be  his  "Gardien,"  Nov.  7,  1769.  He  is 
called  "of  Killingly,"  Mch.  5,  1778,  when  he  conveyed  land 
in  Plainfield  to  James  How,  Jr.  —  "  y"  Old  Field  formerly  be- 
longing to  Samuel  Kingsbury,  late  of  Plainfield,  Dec*."  :. :  > 

154  Samuel,   b.    May  10  (30,  T.   R.),   1758;   made  choice  of  Benajah 

Spaulding,  of  Killingly,  to  be  his  guardian,  Sept.  20,  1773.  ::::  > 

155  Joseph,  b.  Aug.  5,  1760.  -.^^-^>- 

138  Asa*  Kingsbury  {Ephraim*,  Ephraim^,  fames'^, 
Henrf),  of  Plainfield,  married,  Sept.  5,  1748,  Elizabeth 
Pierce. \ 

Edward  Spaulding,  jr.,  conveyed  to  Asa  Kingsbury  land 
in  Plainfield,  "lying  on  y*^  north  side  of  Moosup  river." 
Mch.  15,  1751. 


♦See  No.  129. 

+  "  Oliver  Kingsbury,  a  soldier  of  Plainfield  —  malignant  fever  —  30." 

tThomas  Pierce,  of  Plainfield,  who  died  in  1762,  left  "to  each  of  my  cousin  Asa 

Kingsbury's  children  one  Ewe  and  lamb  out  of  those  sheep  that  is  now  in  s*  Asa's 

custody."    Pierce  Genealogy,  30 ;  F.  B.  Pierce,  Worcester,  1882. 


Asa  Kingsbury  was  one  of  the  Sectaries,  or  Separates. 

He  was  living  in  Killingly  at  the  time  of  his  death;  will 
dated  January  i6,  1795;  ^^^-  ^^  Court,  July  7,  1795;  mentions 
his  wife  —  Tilly,  Eldest  Son  —  Charles,  second  son  —  eldest 
dau"",  Betty  Parkhurst  —  the  heirs  of  Zipporah  Grover,  our 
eldest  Dau""  Dec"^  —  third  dau'',  Lydia  Bold."  \Plainfield 
Probate  Records^ 


156  Zipporah,  b.  May  6,  1749;  m.  Stephen  Grover.  v^-^ 

157  Jeremiah,  b.  June  18,  1751.    Perhaps  this  Jeremiah  Kingsbury  was 

the  one  who  was  a  private  in  Capt.  David  Down's  Co.,  Col. 
Burrall's  Regt. ,  Conn,  troops,  taken  prisoners  at  the  Cedars, 
Canada,  May  19,  1776.  This  regiment  was  raised  in  Canaan, 
Salisbury,  and  Norfolk.     \Conn.  Men  in  the  Revolution,  112.] 

158  Nathan,  b.  May  15,  1753.* 

159  RosEL,  ;  died   March  14,   1754.     A  child   of  Asa   Kings- 

bury died  Mch.  18,  1754.     [C/i.  Rec] 
i6q     One  record  has  William,  also,  b.  Mch.  16,  1752.     "  William  Kings- 
bury, son  to  Asa  Kingsbury,  Departed  this  Life  May  y"  15"", 
I755-"     {^Plainfield  Town  Records.'] 

161  Tilly,  or  Tilley.  :,::  ■> 

162  Charles.     Charles  K.,  of   Plainfield,   millwright,    and   Anna,  his 

wife,  convey  land  in  Plainfield  to  Samuel  Pierce,  of  Provi- 
dence, March  12,  1796.     \^Plai}ifield  Records.] 

163  Elizabeth,   b.   1764;  m.  Jonathan  Parkhurst,  son   of  David   and 

Phebe  (Kingsbury)  Parkhurst.     (See  No.  141.) 

164  Lydia,  ;  m.  Robert  Boyd. 

165  "  A  child  of  Asa  Kingsbury  died  Nov.  8,  1754."     \Ch.  Rec] 

"Asa  Kingsbury's  son  was  killed  at  Fort  Mifflin,  nigh 
Philadelphia,  1777."  Old  Church  Record^Y\Q.\rA.Q\^.  [Nathan 
or  Jeremiah  (?)  ] 

139  Ruth'  Kingsbury  {Ephraivi\  Ephraim^^  James'', 
Henry^),  married,  July  9,  1744,  Edward  Spalding,  born  in 
Plainfield,  Aug.  18,  1722,  son  of  Isaac  and  Elizabeth 
(Haynes)  Spalding;  died  Aug.  23,  1750,  in  Plainfield. 


1  Ezarah,  son  to  Edward  Spalding,  b.  April  17  (25,  T.  R.),  1745. 

2  Sarah,  b.  April  7,  1748. 

*  Nathan  Kingsbury  killed  at  Wyoming,  Nov.  2,  1778.  Kulfs  Wyoming^  Vol. 
III.     Perhaps  this  Nathan. 


141  Phebe'  Kingsbury  {Ep/inum\  Ephraini',  Ja»tes\ 
Ifenry^),  married  in  Plainfield,  Dec.  28,  1750,  David  Park- 
hurst.  He  was  bapt.  in  Killingly,  March  31,  1728,  son  of 
Timothy  Parkhurst  and  Elizabeth  Cady,  his  wife.  He  was 
one  of  the  signers  of  the  memorial  for  a  separate  ecclesiasti- 
cal society  in  Plainfield,  where  he  lived. 

He  died,  Oct.  29,  1794,  in  the  67'''  year  of  his  age;  buried 
in  the  Moosup  burying-ground.  Mrs.  Phebe,  wife  of  Mr. 
David  Parkhurst,  died  Nov.  23,  1797,  in  the  68'''  year  of  her 
age;  buried  beside  her  husband.  Agreement  between  Da- 
vid Parkhurst's  heirs,  viz.:  sons  Jonathan,  Jeduthan,  James 
Miller  and  Lois,  his  wife,  dau''  to  the  s**  Dec'^  —  Phebe  Park- 
hurst, widow  to  M''  David  Parkhurst,  Nov.  5,  1794.  Plain- 
field  Prob.  Pec. 


1  Lois,  born  in  Plainfield,  June  14,  1753;  married  James  Miller. 

2  Jonathan,   born  in  Plainfield,   March  13,  1757;  married  Elizabeth, 

daughter  of  Asa  and  Elizabeth  (Pierce)  Kingsbury,  of  Plain- 
field;  he  died  in  Moosup,  Dec.  27,  1812;  she  died  March  30, 
1857,  *iii  the  93''  year  of  her  age. 

3  Jeduthan. 

143  Lydia^  Kingsbury  {Ephraim^,  Ephraim^,  James-, 
Henry^),  married  in  Plainfield,  March  8,  1758,  Josiah  Russel, 
of  Plainfield.  He  removed  to  Plainfield,  N.  H.;  Captain  of 
a  company  of  Rangers  in  the  Revolutionary  War. 

I     Josiah,  born  in  Plainfield,  March  19,  1759. 

144  Jeduthan'  Kingsbury  {Ephraim\  Ephraim\  /antes'', 
Henry^),  of  Plainfield  and  Coventry,  married,  Nov.  14,  1764, 
Susanna  Woodward,  born  in  Plainfield,  April  17,  1740, 
daughter  of  Jonathan  and  ]\Iargaret  Woodward.  They  re- 
moved to  Sharon,  N.  Y.,f  and  then  to  Plainfield,  N.  H., 
where  he  had  relatives  living.     Afterwards,  about  1790,  they 

*  See  No.  163. 

t  Nathaniel  Adams,  of  Westbury,  in  the  County  of  Worcester,  Province  of 
Mass.  Bay,  conveys  to  Duthan  Kingsbury,  of  Sharon,  in  the  Province  of  New 
York,  land  in  Plainfield  in  the  Province  of  New  Hampshire,  Sept.  24,  1770.  Cheshire 
Registry  of  Deeds. 

Abel  Gates,  of  Plainfield,  conveys  to  Duthan  Kingsbury,  of  Plainfield,  in  the 
County  of  Cheshire,  N.  H.,  land  in  Plainfield,  Feb.  15,  1772.  Cheshire  Registry  of 


returned  to  Connecticut,  and  settled  in  Coventry,  where 
they  spent  the  remainder  of  their  lives.  She  died  June  2, 
1812,  aged  72.*  He  m.  (2.)  Mary  Curtis,  b.  1757;  d.  Sept. 
28,  1816.  (3.)  January  20,  1818,  Anna  Greenleaf,  born  in 
Lancaster,  Mass.,  June  12,  177 1,  daughter  of  David  and 
Mary  (Johnson)  Greenleaf.  He  died  in  Coventry,  July  9, 
1822,  aged  79.  He  served  in  the  Revolutionary  war,  in 
Capt.  Russell's  company,  of  Plainfield,  N.  H.,  from  May  3 
to  June  13,  1777.  iV.  H.  State  Papers,  XIII,  200.  He  enlisted, 
June  16,  1777,  as  a  private  in  Col.  Chase's  Regiment,  New 
Hampshire  troops,  which  reinforced  the  Northern  Conti- 
nental Army  at  Ticonderoga.     Ibid.,  XV,  15. 

Duthan's  will  mentions  wife  Anna,  dau"  Ruth  Stafford 
and  Susannah  Cady,  son  John  ;  dated  May  13,  1818.  Distri- 
bution to  John  Kingsbury,  to  Duthan  Kingsbury,  to  Asa 
Kingsbury,  to  Ruth  Stafford,  to  Susannah  Cady,  January 
6,  1824. 


166  Ruth,  b.  July  8,  I766,.  in  Plainfield;  m.  Stafford,  of  Vermont. 

167  John,  b.  Feb.  13,  1767/8.     (Feb.  11,  1767,  Plainfield  T.  R.)  s-»- 

168  Ezra,  b.  Feb.  18,  1770;  d.  June  23,  1790. 

169  Asa,  b.  Feb.  25,  1772.  :,..::  ■  > 

170  Duthan  f  or  Jeduthan,  b.  May  20,  1775. 

171  Susannah,  b.  May  22,  1777;  m. Cady,  in  Rhode  Island (?). 

172  Lydia,  b.  Jan.  9,  1779;  d.  Aug.  5,  1783. 

145  Stephen'  Kingsbury  {John\  Ephraim^,  James", 
Ilenry^),  married  Dec.  10,  1755,  Sarah  Spalding,  daughter 
of  Nathaniel  Spalding,  of  Plainfield;  lived  in  Plainfield; 
appointed  on  the  school  committee  there  in  1766;  selectman, 
1 77 1.  {Miss  Lamed' s  Hist.  Windham  Co.,  Vol.  II,  p.  75.) 
Elisha  Baker  and  Elizabeth  Baker,  of  Canaan,  convey  to 
Stephen  Kingsbury,  of  Plainfield  — "  they  being  proper 
heirs  to  Jacob  Kingsbury,  Late  of  Plainfield,  now  De*^'^  — 
the  one-fifth  part  of  the  farm  s*^  Stephen  now  lives  on," 
Feb.  2,  1763.  He  removed  to  Norfolk,  Conn.,  in  1783,  and 
died  there  in  1799.     Rev.  Thomas  Robbins  mentions  in  his 

*  Her  grave  is  in  the  burying-ground  at  South  Coventry,  "in  her  74"'  year." 
t  Duthan  Kingsbury  of  Plainfield,  and  Miranda  Knights,  married  in  Claremont, 
N.  H.,  July  10,  1794.    (Probably  this  Duthan.) 


diary,  under  date  of  Feb.  22,  1798:  "At  evening  saw  S. 
Kingsbury  from  Norfolk."*     He  was  then  at  Torringford. 

Stephen  Kingsbury  and  Sarah,  his  wife,  convey  to  Joseph 
Kinne,  land  in  Plainfield,  "  Set  out  to  y*  s*^  Sarah  in  y^  Distri- 
bution of  y*  Estate  of  Nathan'  Spalding,  Dec'*,  bounded  by 
land  set  out  to  Merriam,  dau'  of  s**  NathanV  Jan.  23,  1772. 

He  bought  of  Jonathan  and  Miriam  Smith,  of  Bolton, 
land  in  the  settlement  part  of  Plainfield,  nigh  y'  dwelling- 
house  of  s"^  Kingsbury,  "part  of  the  tract  known  as  the 
Whitney  lot,"  Oct.  25,  1774. 

Stephen  Kingsbury  bought  land  in  Norfolk  of  Eleazar 
and  Elizabeth  Aspinwall,  Dec.  25,  1783. 

Feb.  15,  1786,  Stephen  Kingsbury,  with  four  others  from 
Norfolk,  met  at  Ezekiel  Willcock's,  in  New  Marlborough, 
Mass.,  to  organize  an  Episcopal  "Society".  In  1792  he  de- 
clared his  preference  for  what  he  called  the  "  Separate 
method,"  under  the  Rev.  Mr.  Jos.  Marshall,  of  Canaan,  in  a 
certificate  entered  upon  the  town  book. 

It  is  said  that  there  is  a  tract  of  land  in  Norfolk,  in  the 
north  part  of  the  town,  not  far  from  the  State  line,  still 
called  the  "  Kingsbury  Lot."  His  widow  died  in  1802,  in 
Orwell,  Vt. 


173  John,  b.  July  3,  1757;  enlisted  at  the  age  of  18  in  the  Revolutionary 

war;  taken  prisoner  at  the  battle  of  Long  Island;  kept  on 
the  prison  ship  at  New  York,  and  died  in  1777.!  "John 
Kingsbury's  clothes  were  sent  home  to  his  friends,  and  in 
one  of  his  pockets  was  found  a  description  of  his  food  and 
sufferings,  written  in  poetry.  I  have  heard  my  father  repeat 
some  of  the  lines."  Letter  of  George  D.  Kingsbury,  of 
Stockhohn,  N.  V.,  Feb.s,  1883. 

174  Tarbel,  b.  Feb.  10,  1759;  d.  Feb.  29,  1760,  in  Plainfield. 

175  Jacob,  b.  Jan.  21,  1761,  in  Plainfield.  :  :  > 

176  Stephen,  b.  March  25,  1763,  in  Plainfield.  r:  > 

177  Molly,  b.  Nov.  5,  1765,  in  Plainfield.  :::  > 

178  JosEi'H,  b.  March  20,  1768,  in  Plainfield.  -r^— >- 

•Vol.  I,  p.  51. 

+  "Ace'  of  men  Killed  and  Died  in  the  army  and  navy  after  April,  1775,  belong- 
ing to  Plainfield. 

"John  Kingsbury,  New  York  ward,  a  prisoner  early  in  1777. 

"Sam"  Cole,  New  Vorkward,  1776. 

"  Asa  Kingsbury's  Sou  Killed  at  Fort  Mifflin,  nigh  Philadelphia."  Church  Record. 



179  Almira,  b.  ;  m.   Samuel  Cravath,  of   Norfolk,  who  joined 

the  church  in  1784,  and  was  dismissed  to  Homer,  N.  Y.;  she 
joined  the  church,  1797,  and  was  also  dismissed  to  Homer. 
She  had  a  daughter,  Mrs.  Blodgett. 

180  Sarah,  b.  Dec,   1770;  m.  (i.)  1792,  Morris   Holt,  of   Norfolk  and 

Canaan;  he  was  born  in  East  Haven,  April  13,  1763;  died  in 
Norfolk,  Mch.  19,  1815.  (2.)  a  man  from  Green  River,  N.  Y. 
Said  to  have  had  9  children  by  Holt,  viz.:  Horace,  Isaac, 
Sally,  Stephen,  lived  in  Canaan;  Betsey,  m.  Marcene  How- 
land;  Mary,  Ann,  and  perhaps  two  others.  She  died  in 
Austerlitz,    N.  Y.,  April  9,  1835. 

181  WiLLARD,  born  1778.  St-»- 

146  Elizabeth'  Kingsbury  {John\  Ephraim\  fames'^, 
Hetirf)^  m.  before  1761,  Dr.  Elisha  Baker  of  Canaan,  Conn. 
He  was  admitted  to  the  First  church  in  Canaan  from  North- 
ampton; was  one  of  the  members  dismissed  to  form  the 
Second  Society  in  Canaan  (now  East  Canaan),  Dec.  5,  1769. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  Baker  d.  Sept.  5,  1769.  He  married  again, 
and  died  in  East  Canaan,  July  24,  1807,  aged  80. 


1  Sereno,  b.  April  4,  1761,  in  Canaan.  « 

2  Esther,  b.  in  Canaan,  Nov.  28,  1763  ;  bap.  Jan.  5,  1764. 

3  Rebeckah,  b.  July  14  ;  bap.  in  Canaan,  July  23,  1765. 

4  Elisha,  b.  in  Canaan,  March  13,  1767  ;  bap.  May  6,  1767. 

5  William,  b.  in  Canaan,  Dec.  5,  1768  ;  bap.  Dec.  18,  1768. 

148  Captain  Lemuer  Kingsbury  {John\  Ephraim^^ 
James'',  Henry'),  of  Canaan,  Conn,  (now  East  Canaan),  after- 
wards of  Poultney,  Vt.;  m.  in  Canaan,  May  7,  1767,  Mary, 
dau.  of  Joshua  and  Ann  (Blodgett)  Whitney,  of  Canaan,  b. 
January  7, 1743.  Joshua  Whitney  was  a  lawyer,  a  prominent 
man  in  Canaan,  and  one  of  the  first  settlers  there,  like 
the  Kingsburys,  and  many  other  Plainfield  people.  Lemuel 
Kingsbury  was  a  Cornet  in  Sheldon's  Light  Dragoons,  a 
dashing  troop  of  cavalry,  in  1776,  and  later.*  April  13, 
1780,  he  liberated  his  negro  servant.  Cuff.  Although  he 
removed  to  Poultney,  he  appeared  to  have  returned  to  East 
Canaan,  for  he  died  there  on  Nov.  24,  1804.  Is  called  "of 
Poltney  "  in  a  deed  to  William  Kingsbury,  of  land  in  Nor- 

•  Conjiecticut  Men  in  the  Revolution,  444.. 



folk,    Feb.  23,  1803.     His  widow,  Mary,  d.  Nov.  22,  1817,  in 
East  Canaan. 

Captain  Lemuel  Kingsbury  was  representative  from  Ca- 
naan, in  the  General  Assembly,  1784. 


182  Joshua,  b.  Feb.  13,  1768.  ;"■> 

183  George,  b.  Jan.  23,  1770.  -:':  > 

184  Abigail,  b.  Feb.  24,  1772  ;  d.  Aug.  12,  1776. 

185  William,  b.  Jan.  16,  1774.  r;:  > 

186  Amy,  b.  Aug,  4,  1776  ;  d.  1787. 

187  Lucy,  b.  Dec.  4,  1778  ;  d.  Jan.  23,  1786. 

188  Esther,  b.  Feb.  2,  1784 ;  d.  June  16,  1786. 

189  Mary,  b.  Nov.  12,  1785  ;  d.  Sept.,  1786. 
All  these  born  in  Canaan. 

149  Andrew'  Kingsbury  {John\  Ephraivi",  James", 
Henry^),  of  Canaan,  Conn.;  m.  Prisilla . 


190  Elizabeth,  b.  in  Canaan,  Jan.  31,  1777. 

191  John,  b.  in  Canaan,  Nov.  24,  1779.  s  > 

150  Willard'  Kingsbury  {John\  Ephraim^,  Jat/ies'', 
Henry^),  m.  Hannah,  dau.  of  Isaac  and  Lydia  (Hewitt) 
Lawrence,  of  Canaan,  Conn.,  b.  May  25,  1750;  settled  in 
Canaan,  and  afterwards  in  Western  New  York.  Deeded 
land  in  Norfolk  in  1770,  and  called  "of  Canaan".  Said  to 
have  died  in  181 7,  in  Wayne,  N.  Y.,  "near  the  Crooked 
Lake".  His  wife  d.  in  Monroe  Co.,  N.  Y.,  with  her  son 


192  John,  b.  Feb.  18,  1769.  ^^-?- 

193  Josiah,  b.  in  Canaan,  Conn.,  Sept.  23,  1771  ;  had  a  son,  Andrew, 

who  was  li\ang  in  1892,  in  Warren,  Michigan  ;  he  had  a  son, 
Jesse,  who  was  living  a  few  years  ago  in  Columbiaville,  Mich. 

194  Lydia,  b.  in  Canaan,  Feb.  i,  1775  ;  never  married  ;  died  in  Rush, 

N.  Y. 

195  Isaac,*  b.  in  Canaan,  May  30,  1777. 

196  Ardon,  b.  in  Canaan,  Oct.  9,  1779  ;  lived  in  Elmira,  N.  Y. 

197  Hannah,  b.  in  Canaan,  Oct.  4,  1781.  £4-^ 

198  Philo,  b.  in  Canaan,  April  22,  1784  ;  lived  in  Owego,  Tioga  Co., 

N.  Y. 

199  Andrew,  b.  in  Canaan,  Conn.,  Jan.  io,f  1788.  ffv->- 

•Mrs.  Theresa  B.  Holmes  Brown,  of  Belknap.  Young  Co.,  Tex.,  in  a  letter  writ- 
ten in  1883,  speaks  of  her  grandfather,  Isaac  Kingsbury, 
t  January  9,  1768  [Mrs.  Angeline  E.  Brown]. 


153  Oliver'  Kingsbury  {Oliver",  Samuer,  James",  Hetiry''), 
of  Plainfield,  served  in  the  Lexington  alarm,  at  that  time 
residing  in  Killingly,  Conn.  In  May,  1775,  he  joined  the 
company  commanded  by  Capt.  Joseph  Elliott  in  Col.  Israel 
Putnam's  regiment,  for  the  siege  of  Boston,  and  was  in  the 
fight  at  Bunker  Hill.  In  Sept.,  1781,  he  "  turned  out,"  under 
Capt.  wSilas  Hotchkiss  and  Col.  Howe,  at  the  time  the  British 
troops  burnt  New  London.  He  m.  January  i,  1777,  at  Scit- 
uate,  Providence  Co.,  R.  I.,  Sail}'  Baker,  and  the  next  day, 
going  to  Killingly,  they  commenced  housekeeping  in  the 
house  of  his* relative,  Oliver  Hatch.  About  17S2,  he  settled 
in  Plainfield,  N.  H.,  where  he  continued  to  live  until  his 
death,  Oct.  i,  1839.  His  widow  died  there,  June  26,  1856, 
and  her  age  was  reported  to  be  104  years,  but  taking  the 
statement  in  her  pension  papers,  it  was  between  loi  and  102 


200  Waty,  b.  Dec.  3,  1777. 

201  Phebe,  b.  March  17,  1780  ;  d.  May  2,  1798. 

202  Sally,  b.  July  14,  1782  ;  d.  March  3,  1833. 

203  Oliver,  b.  Oct.  8,  1784,111  Plainfield,  N.  H. 

204  Hannah,  b.  Dec.  14,  1786,  in  Plainfield,  N.  H. 

205  Joseph,  b.  Jan.  15,  1790,  in  Plainfield,  N.  H. 

206  Milly,  b.  Dec.  3,  i79i,in  Plainfield,  N.  H.  ;  d.  April  10,  1837. 

207  John,  b.  April  4,  1796,  in  Plainfield,  N.  H.  :,:-> 

208  Phebe,  b.  Aug.  13,  1798,  in  Plainfield,  N.  H. 

154  Samuer  Kingsbury  {Olivef\  Samuer,  James",  Henry"), 
of  Windham  and  Killingly,  Conn.;  m.  Phoebe  Ginnings, 
Feb.  10,  1778.  He  enlisted  March  25,  1776,  in  Capt.  James 
Osgood's  company,  in  Col.  Bedel's  regiment  of  New  Hamp- 
shire troops,  and  served  10  months.  The  regiment  marched 
to  join  the  Northern  army  ;  he  was  taken  prisoner  at  the 
battle  of  the  "  Cedars,"  on  the  St.  Lawrence  river,  Canada, 
May  19,  1776,  and  after  being  exchanged,  he  was  discharged 
at  Ticonderoga,  January,  1777.  N.  H.  State  Papers,  XIV, 
2'j8.  It  is  stated  that  he  was  19  years  of  age.  He  enlisted 
again  June  17,  1780,  under  Capt.  John  Palsgrave  Wyllys,  in 
Col.  S.  B.  Webb's  regiment,  Connecticut  troops  ;  discharged 
December,  1780;    engaged  in  several  skirmishes.     Records 



U.  S.  Pension  Office.  Record  of  Connecticut  Men  in  the  Revolu- 
tion, 6js- 

He  is  called  "of  Plainfield"  in  a  deed  from  his  uncle, 
Ebenezer  Kingsbury,  of  land  in  Plainfield,  and  also  in 
another  deed  from  him  to  Stephen  Rude,  of  the  same  land, 
March  22,  1783.  Samuel  Kingsbury,  of  Plainfield,  conveys 
land  in  Plainfield  to  Stephen  Rude,  "  beginning  at  a  White 
Oak  tree  which  was  formerly  called  the  Old  Town  Corner," 
&c.  Samuel  Kingsbury,  of  Plainfield,  conveys  to  James 
How,  Jr.,  of  Plainfield,  land  in  a  place  called  "y"  Old  Field, 
which  belonged  to  Samuel  Kingsbury,  late  of  s*^  Plainfield, 
dece*^,  and  is  one-third  part  of  the  Six  Acres  so-called,  which 
was  Set  off  to  y*=  Heirs  of  Oliver  Kingsbury,  de'',  beginning 
at  an  Heap  of  Stones,  which  was  on  the  S.  W.  Corner 
of  Mr.  Davis'  Land  on  the  West  Side  of  the  Highway, 
thence  Southerly  by  s'^  Highwa)'  to  vSpalding  and  Bliss' 
land,  and  Winthrop's  Land,  to  an  heap  of  Stones,  which  is  a 
Corner  of  Land  formerly  set  off  to  Kezia,  the  wife  of  Jona- 
than How,"  &c.  April  6,  1780.  He  was  a  Revolutionary 
pensioner,  and  when  he  applied  for  a  pension,  April  9,  181 8, 
he  was  a  resident  of  Killingly,  age  65. 

Mrs.  Phebe  Kingsbury,  wife  of  Mr.  Samuel  Kingsbury, 
died  at  Windham,  aged  58.     Conn.  Couranf,  March  8,  181 2. 


209  Sarah,  b.  Aug.  20,  177S.* 

210  Eunice,  b.  Nov.  19,  1782.! 

211  Mason,  b.  June  18,  178S  ;  served  as  private  under  Captain  Charles 

Palmer,  at  New  London,  from  June  7,   1S13,  to  July  14,  1813; 
settled  in  Ohio. 

212  Sanford,  b.  Nov.  7,  1791.  '  :  > 

155  Joseph'  Kingsbury  (6^//W/-*,  Saniuel\  fames',  Henry^), 
lived  in  Plainfield.  He  enlisted  in  March,  1776,  aged  16,  in 
Capt.  James  Osgood's  company.  Col.  Bedel's  regiment,  New 
Hampshire  troops,  with  his  brother,  Samuel,  and  was  also 
taken  prisoner  at  the  battle  of  the  Cedars. 


213  Simeon,  oldest  son.    Went  west,  and  had  a  large  family.    He  went 

first  to  New  York  State,  and  then  to  Michigan  ;  had  a  son, 

•Daniel  Robinson  and  Sarah  Kingsbury  married  Nov.  24,  1803.  ll'indham 
Church  Record.     Probably  this  Sarah. 

t  Barzillai  Reed  and  Eunice  Kingsbury  married  Nov.  26,  1810,  in  Windham. 
Weaver's  MSS.,  in  pcssession  of  Conn.  Historical  Society.    Probably  this  Eunice. 


Ezra  P.  Kingsbury,  who  was  living  in  Harbor  Springs, 
Emmet  Co.,  Mich.,  in  1885,  and  had  a  dau. ,  Elfie  E.,  aged  19 
at  that  time.  Simeon  had  other  children,  five  more  sons  and 
one  daughter,  all  living  in  the  southern  part  of  Michigan. 

214  Oliver,  b.  1787.  j^t— >- 

215  Joseph,  b.  m.  RuthCady  of  Brooklyn  ;  went  to  Penn- 

sylvania ;  had  two  children,  George  and  Mary. 

156  Zipporah"  Kingsbury  {Asa\  Ephraim\  Ephratm\ 
fames'^,  Henry"),  married  Stephen  Grover,  of  Killingly,  son  of 
Jonathan  and  Melicent  Grover,  baptized  1747,  in  Killingly. 
She  was  "baptized  on  her  own  account,"  in  the  South  Kill- 
ingly Church,  April  29,  1765.     She  died  before  1795. 


1  Abilene,  \    ^       ^^^_  ^^^  ^^^^_     ^ovXh.  Killingly  Church  Record. 

2  Hannah,  \ 

3  Betty,  bap.  July  17,  1789,  South  Killingly. 

161  Tilley''  Kingsbury  {Asa^,  Ephraim'^,  Ephraim\  James", 
Hetn-y"),  of  Voluntown,  Conn.  ;  tn.  in  March,  1779,  Anne 
Clark,  of  Nantucket ;  he  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War, 
enlisting  from  Plainfield,  N.  H.,  as  a  private  in  Captain 
Watkins's  company.  Colonel  Patterson's  regiment,  with  the 
8  months  arm}''  at  Boston  in  1775.* 

He  lived  for  a  time  at  Voluntown,  then  removed  to  Nan- 
tucket for  a  time  ;  then  returned  to  Voluntown,  where  they 
lived  for  a  number  of  years ;  then  removed  to  Broadalbin, 
Montgomery  Co.,  N.  Y.,  and  from  there  to  Northampton, 
Fulton  Co.,  N.  Y,  He  d.  in  Sept.,  1802,  and  his  widow  m.  at 
Northampton,  March  14,  18 18,  Henry  King,  who  d.  May  27, 
1824;  then  she  m.  at  Mayfield,  N.  Y.,  Sept,  12,  1824,  David 
Seymour.  He  d.  Dec.  i,  1833.  She  d.  at  Northampton, 
N.  Y.,  June  14,  1844.  She  was  said  to  have  been  a  consist- 
ent member  of  the  Baptist  Church  at  Northampton  for 
thirty  years.  '1 


216  Jabez. 

217  Clark. 

218  Asa. 

219  Lovey. 

220  Jonathan. 

•  Massachusetts  Revolutionary  Rolls. 


221  Uriah. 

222  Hiram. 

223  Marvin,  ,who  in  1845  gave  his  age  as  42,  and  must  have 

been  a  posthumous  child.     At  the  time  of  his  mother's  death, 
he  vras  her  only  living  child  ;  residence,  Northampton,  N.  Y. 

167  John'  Kingsbury  {Jeduthan",  Ephraim\  Ephraim^, 
/ames^,  Henry^),  of  Killingly,  afterwards  of  South  Coventry, 
m.  (i.)  Dorothy  Leavens,  January  15,  1792,  in  Killingly; 
Dorothy  Leavens  was  daughter  of  Benjamin  Leavens  of 
Killingly,  and  his  wife  Dorothy  Perrin,  born  January  21,  1765. 
[i  766,  Mrs.  Hoag.]  John  Kingsbury,  Jun'',  admitted  to  church 
in  Coventry,  18 16.  Wife  of  John  Kingsbury  admitted  to 
church  in  Coventry,  1828  ;  she  died  Dec.  25,  1820,  se.  55  ;  he 
m.  (2.)  Widow  Edith  Ticknor,  of  Columbia,  Conn.  He  died 
in  South  Coventry,  Aug.  12,  1841,  aged  73.  [April,  Mrs. 
Hoag.]  John  Kingsbury,  of  Coventry,  in  his  will  mentions 
wife  Edith,  dau"  Lydia  White  and  Dorothy  Hosmer — son 
John,  son  Ezra  —  son  Ezra  and  James  White,  executors  — 
dated  July  18,  1839  —  exhibited  in  Court,  Sept.  i,  1841.  An- 
dover  Frob.  Rec. 


224  Lydia,  b.  Dec.  27,  1792,*  Killingly  Records,  s-^ 

225  Laura,  b.  Nov.  22,  1795  ;  died  young. 

226  Dorothy  Leavens,  b.  Dec.  9,  1799.  z:  > 

227  John,  b.  May  26,  1801.  s:  > 

228  Ezra,  b.  Jan.  26,  1804.  r:  > 

169  Asa'  Kingsbury  {/eduthan^,  Ephrattn\  Ephraim^, 
fames'^,  Henrf')^  removed  from  Plainfield,  Conn.,  when  about 
fifteen  years  of  age,  went  to  New  Hampshire,  learned  the 
carpenter's  and  joiner's  trade,  and  settled  in  Plainfield, 
N.  H.  He  m.  Sarah  P.  Swan,  b.  1773;  died  July  21,  1843. 
He  died  March  27,  1851. 


229  TiRZAH,  b.  Jan.  (June)f  25,  1796  ;  m.  Moses  Bryant.  -s->- 

230  Caleb,  b.  Dec.  24,  1798  ;  d.  Jan.  11,  1809. 

231  Mahala,  b.  Jan.  7,  1800  ;  m.  Jan.  9,  1825,  Bushrod  W.  Russell,  s-^ 

232  Sarah,  b.  Sept.  17,  1801  ;  d.  July,  1802. 

•Dec.  25,  I7Q3,  letter  of  Mrs.  James  Stanley,  Aug.  25,  1894. 
t  Letter  of  C.  F.  Gallup,  Sept.  24,  1879. 


233  Sarah,  b.   Sept.  25,  1804  ;  m.    Ai  Reed,  1824,  born  in  Amherst, 

Mass.;  one  daughter,  Sarah,  b.  June  6,  1830;  d.  Dec.  6,  1830. 
She  died  July  24,  1830,  in  Plainfield. 

234  Louisa,  b.  Oct.  i,  1806  ;  d.  April  18,  1852. 

235  Asa  D.,  b.  Aug.  11,  1808.  irSh^^ 

236  Caleb  Swan,  b.  May  i,  1811.  =:  > 

237  Philinda,  b.  Nov.  22, 1813.  ss-^ 

238  Amanda  Maria,  b.  July  6,  1816.  'w^^;^ 

175  Dr.  Jacob"  Kingsbury  {Stephen'',  John\  Ephraim^, 
James^,  He/iry^),  settled  in  Pawlet,  Vt.,  as  a  physician  ;  m. 

.     Josiah  Brewer,  of  Tyringham,  conveys  to  Jacob 

Kingsbury,  physician,  of  Tyringham,  land   in   T.,  Dec.  20, 
1787,  and  he  was  living  there  in  1793. 


239  Sally. 


176  Stephen'  Kingsbury  {Step/ien\  Jo}m\  Ephraim"^, 
James'',  Henrys),  m.  in  Canaan,  Aug.  20,  1784,  Susanna  Fel- 
lows ;  he  went  from  Canaan,  Conn.,  to  Huntington,  Luzerne 
Co.,  Penn.,  about  1790,  as  appears  from  deeds  on  the  Canaan 


242  Elizabeth,  born  in  Canaan,  Feb.  3,  1787;  m.  John  Fuller;  died  1886. 

243  Nancy,  born  in  Canaan,  Aug.  11,  1789  ;  m.  Almond  Stevens  ;  died 

Dec.  10,  1857. 

244  Amelia,  b.  ;  m.  Alvin  Seward. 

245  Andrew,  born  in  Huntington,  July  19,  1792.  =  > 

246  Henry,  born  in  Huntington,  Oct.  5,  1793.  ::.-:  > 

247  Lucy,  b.  ;  m.  James  McBeth;  died  Feb.  10,  1858. 

248  Sarah,  b.  ;  m.  (i)  James  Calender;  (2)  Robert 

McLadie;  died  Sept.  i,  1858. 

177  Molly"  Kingsbury  {Stephen^,  John'^,  Ephraivf,James^, 
Henry^),  m.  Dr.  Luman  Pettibone,  born  in  Norfolk,  Conn., 
July  10,  1766,  son  of  Lieut.  Samuel  and  Martha  (Phelps) 
Pettibone ;  he  studied  medicine  with  Dr.  Ephraim  Guiteau, 
of  Norfolk,  and  after  two  or  three  years'  practice  there  he 
went  to  Orwell,  Vt.  After  ten  years  in  Orwell  he  removed 
to  Stockholm,  N.  Y.     At  that  time  (1802)  Stockholm  was  a 


James  kingsbury  of  plainfield.  j^t 

frontier  settlement.  The  nearest  white  neighbors  on  the 
east  were  at  Malone,  33  miles  away,  and  on  the  west  at 
Canton,  20  miles  away.*  Dr.  Pettibone  took  320  acres  of 
land,  and  built  two  log-  houses,  about  20  x  30,  with  a 
"  space  "  of  6  or  8  feet  between  them,  which  was  roofed 
over.  In  these  houses  not  a  board  was  used.  The  floors 
were  made  of  split  bass-wood,  and  the  doors  were  of  rived 
cedar  shingles,  hung  upon  wooden  hinges,  with  a  wooden 
latch  and  a  leather  string.  The  family  raised  flax  and  hemp 
and  their  own  wool,  to  be  made  into  cloth  upon  the  loom  in 
the  west  building,  or  kitchen.  In  summer  time  the  boys 
wore  only  tow  frocks  and  trousers,  going  barefoot,  and 
generally  bareheaded.  They  made  their  entire  supply  of 
sugar  from  the  maple  sap,  and  raised  for  breadstuff  all  the 
wheat,  rye,  and  corn  that  was  used.  At  first  the  grain  was 
pounded  in  a  hollow  stump,  with  a  primitive  pestle  attached 
to  a  bent  sapling.  The  nearest  grist  mill  was  forty  miles 
away.  In  the  earliest  days  they  "  slashed  "  the  trees,  and 
burned  over  pieces  of  land,  then  took  a  hoe  and  buried  the 
seed  corn,  and  the  crop  was  not  again  touched  until  harvest 
time.  In  1806  or  7  Dr.  Pettibone  built  the  first  frame 
building  in  the  town,  and  in  this  structure  the  first  church 
in  Stockholm  was  organized,  (Congregational,)  with  seven 
members,  by  Rev.  Amos  Pettengill,  a  missionary  sent  out 
by  the  Connecticut  Missionary  Society.     The  first  school  in 

*  It  is  stated  that  "Lezzor"  Tarbell,  an  Indian  chief,  and  other  Tarbells,  fre- 
quently came  to  the  home  of  Dr.  Pettibone  to  see  his  wife,  their  "  cousin,"  and  that 
they  were  related  to  the  Kingsburys.  Lezzor  was  accustomed  to  sleep  on  the  kitchen 
floor,  and  could  not  be  induced  to  get  into  a  bed.  He  was  a  son  of  one  of  the  three 
Tarbell  children  wlio  were  carried  off  June  20,  1707,  by  the  Indians  from  Groton, 
Mass.,  while  picking  cherries  one  evening  —  so  tradition  says— being  captured 
before  they  had  time  to  get  down  from  the  trees.  They  were  taken  to  Canada, 
and  the  boys  remained  with  their  captors  at  Caughnawaga.  They  were  children  of 
Thomas  and  Elizabeth  (Blood)  Tarbell,  and  were  probably  related  to  the  Kingsburys 
through  the  Whitneys.  (See  p.  116.)  Governor  Hutchinson  met  them  near  Albany 
in  1744,  when  they  had  become  important  men  and  chiefs.  With  their  families,  and 
others  of  the  tribe,  they  established  the  village  of  St.  Regis  on  the  St.  Lawrence. 
Their  descendants  were  also  chiefs,  and  one  of  them  was  a  scholar  in  Wheelock's 
Charity  School,  at  Hanover,  N.  H.  Ira  Pettibone  once  came  to  Albany  with  horses 
and  sleigh  to  bring  the  St.  Regis  headmen  to  receive  their  Government  annuity, 
and  with  them  also  came  Jacob  Peter  Tarbel,  a  student  in  the  Foreign  Mission 
School  at  Cornwall,  Conn.,  in  1S23.  See  //oitg^/i's  History  of  St.  La7L<rence  and 
F}-ankhn  Counties,  N.  Y.  .■  Lossing's  Pictorial  Field  Book  of  the  War  of  1S12  ;  Mrs. 
Sigourney' s  poem,  "  Tlie  Bell  of  St.  Regis":  Historical  Address  delivered  at  Groton, 
Feb.  20, 1S80,  by  Dr.  Samuel  A.  Green,  42,  et  sequttur. 



the  town  was  also  taught  in  this  building  by  Miss  Almira 
Pettibone.  During  the  war  of  1812,  by  vote  of  the  town, 
a  stockade  of  pickets,  15  feet  high,  was  built  around  Dr. 
Pettibone's  house,  (inclosing  the  well  also,)  as  a  safeguard 
against  attacks  by  the  Indians.  One  son  of  the  family  vol- 
unteered in  a  company  going  to  Ogdensburg,  and  another 
was  drafted  into  the  service  for  a  short  time. — Letter  of 
Mr.  Benj.  W.  Pettibone.  Dr.  Pettibone's  wife  died  Feb.  8, 
1813,  aged  48.  He  m.  (2.)  his  cousin,  widow  Sarah  Bingham 
Guiteau,  widow  of  Philo  Guiteau.  He  died  Feb.  3,  1823. 
His  widow,  Sarah,  died  in  Waterbury,  Conn.,  aged  83,  Nov. 
13,  i860. 


1  Almira,  b.  in  Norfolk,  Dec.  24,  1789  ;  m.  July  20,  1808,  Alba  Wood- 

ward, in  Stockholm.  Theirs  was  the  first  marriage  in  Stock- 
holm, and  the  ceremony  was  performed  by  her  father  as  Jus- 
tice of  the  Peace.  He  died  between  1850  and  1855.  She  d. 
at  Stockholm,  N.  Y.,  March  22,  1875.  They  had  8  sons  and  3 

2  LuMAN,  b.  Oct.  20,  1791,  at   Orwell,   Vt.  ;  m.  July  25,  1813,  Almira 

Rudd  ;  he  was  a  pioneer  settler  in  Northern  Illinois,  at  Rock- 
ton  ;  his  wife  and  daughter  were  the  first  white  women  in 
that  region  ;  was  Deacon  of  the  Congregational  church  ;  his 
wife  died  at  Rockton,  Sept.  18,  1864,  as.  67.  They  had  four 
daughters,  who  married  and  had  ch.  ;  he  died  at  Rockton, 
April  2,  1880. 

3  RoswELL,  b.  Aug.  26,  1794,  at  Orwell,  Vt. ;  grad.  Middlebury  College, 

1820  ;  entered  the  ministry  ;  m.  his  step-sister,  Delia  Guiteau, 
Nov.  15,  1821  ;  he  died  Aug.  13,  1863,  at  Dannemora,  N.  Y., 
while  chaplain  of  the  Clinton  Co.  prison,  which  post  he  had 
held  for  ten  years  ;  his  widow  died  at  Rockford,  111.,  Dec.  18, 
1876,  se.  79.  He  was  also  settled  in  Hopkinton,  Leroy,  and 
Canton,  all  in  N.  Y. ;  4  ch.  :  Roswell  G.,  grad.  Union  College, 
1848;  m.  Delia  Barnes  of  Canton,  N.Y. ;  for  twenty  years  Post- 
master at  Ogdensburg,  N.  Y.  ;  elder  in  the  Presbyterian 
church,  and  superintendent  of  its  Sunday-school ;  later  he 
removed  to  Tacoma,  Wash. ;  where  he  was  ordained  to  the 
ministry  of  the  Presbyterian  church,  and  was  the  successful 
pastor  of  the  churches  at  Tenino  and  Hoquiam  in  Washing- 
ton ;  he  died  in  Utica,  N.  Y.,  April  17,  1899  ;  Luman  P.,  of 
Rockford,  111.,  and  2  daughters. 
Sylvester,  b.  June,  1796,  at  Orwell,  Vt.  ;  died  at  Stockholm,  N.  Y., 
March  31,  1813, 




5  DoRUS,  b.  June  i8,  179S,  at  Orwell,  Vt. ;  m. ,  1822,  Eliza  Anne  Petti- 

bone;  he  was  Deacon  and  Postmaster  at  Stockholm;  removed 
to  Rockton,  111.,  about  1850  ;  his  wife  died  there  March  i, 
1862,  se.  59  ;  he  died  Aug.  27,  1865  ;  had  three  ch.,  one  son, 
Rev.  Ira  F.  Pettibone.b.  March  24,  1824,  grad.  Union  College, 
1849,  missionary  A.  B.  C.  F  M.  at  Constantinople  ;  in  1864-5 
chaplain  of  the  74th  Illinois  Regt.,  U.  S.  Vols.  ;  returned 
again  to  Turkey,  and  remained  there  until  1893,  when  he 
came  back  to  this  country  ;  died  at  Rockton,  111.,  March  21, 
i8gS;  unm.;  and  2  daughters. 

6  Ira,  b.  Sept.  7,  1801,  at  Orwell,  Vt.,  grad.  Middlebury  College,  1828  ; 

m.  Oct.  4,  1830,  Louisa  P.,  dau.  of  Dr.  Benjamin  Welch,  of 
Norfolk,  Conn.;  a  clergyman.  His  wife  died  April  8,  1865, 
se.  64,  at  Winchester,  Conn.  ;  he  was  settled  in  Whitesboro, 
and  New  York  Mills,  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y.,  and  in  Winsted, 
Winchester,  and  West  Stafford,  Conn.  ;  he  also  taught 
many  years,  and  was  a  successful  educator;  died  1889;  had 
four  ch.,  3  sons  and  one  daughter;  his  son,  Ira  W. ,  grad. 
Yale  College,  1854,  Colonel  loth  Conn.  Vols.,  Professor  at 
Beloit  College,  and  teacher  in  Chicago  ;  Asa  G.,  banker  in 
Chicago,  now  resides  New  York  Mills,  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y. ; 
and  Benjamin  W.,  Amherst  College,  i860,  resides  in  Win- 
chester, Conn. 

178  Joseph'  Kingsbury  {Stephen^ ^  /ohn\  Ephraim^, 
fames'^,  Henry),  lived  in  Norfolk  and  Canaan  for  a  time, 
married  in  Canaan,  March  4,  1791,  Elizabeth  HoUenbeck. 
He  removed  to  Pennsylvania,  and  settled  on  the  Susque- 
hanna River.  He  is  called  "  of  Huntington,  in  the  county 
of  Luzerne,  State  of  Pennsylvania,"  in  a  deed  from  his 
father,  dated  May  18,  1795,  of  land  in  Norfolk.  Lemuel 
Kingsbury  of  Poultney,  Vermont,  conveys  to  Joseph  Kings- 
bury, of  Norfolk,  land  in  N.  "  latel}^  owned  &  occupied  by 
Stephen  Kingsbury,  dec**.  Feb.  6,  1801."  Norfolk  Land 
Records.     He  removed  from  Pennsylvania  to  Hudson,  Ohio. 


249  Sarah,  ;  m.  Willis  Butler,   of  Stow  ;  lived  there   many 

years  ;  moved  to  Peoria,  111. ,  where  they  both  died. 

250  Betsey,  ;  m.    Capt.  Henry  W.  Butler,    of   Stow,  Ohio  ; 

lived  and  died  there,  si-^- 

251  Lot,  •;  lived  many  jrears  in  Hudson,  O.  "  Lott  Kingsbury, 

of  Hudson,  Ohio,  married  to  Polyphemia  Cook,  Nov.  27, 
1814."  East  Canaati  Ch.  Record.  Removed  to  Iowa,  and 
died  there,  leaving  two  sons,  William  and  Edward,  who 
went  to  California. 



252  Harlow,  ;  drowned,  aged  about  14. 

253  Cynthia,*  ;  m.  Chester  Cobb. 

254  Lavinia,  ;  m.  Aaron  Foals  (?) . 

255  John,  b.  Dec.  28,  1814,  at  Hudson,  s-^ 

181  Willard'  Kingsbury  {Stephen''^  Jo/m\  Ephraitn^ 
fames'^,  Henry^),  of  Stockholm,  N.  Y.,  married  there  the 
"  Widow  Bisbee,"  maiden  name  Margaret  Gray,  from  Ver- 
mont. Land  deeded  to  him  by  his  father  May  18,  1795  ;  liv- 
ing in  Norfolk  in  1795,  removed  to  Stockholm  about  1805  or 
6.  His  wife  died  in  March,  1827,  aged  54,  in  Stockholm. 
He  died  in  Sept.  1831,  aged  53. 


256  Wii.LARD,  born  June  20,  1808  ;  m.  Amanda  Blowers,  x:  > 

257  Jacob,  born  1810,  died  in  Stockholm  in  1890  ;  unm. 

258  Stephen,  born  1812.  s-^- 

259  Amanda,  born  18 14  ;  m.   (i)  Martel  Hillyard  ;  (2)  Joseph  Gray,  of 

Brasher,  N.  Y. ,  4  ch.  by  her  first  husband,  and  3  by  her  second. 
She  d.  in  Brasher  in  1898. 

260  Morris,  born  1816.  ^:^-^ 

182  Joshua"  Kingsbury  {Lemuel,  John\  Ephraiiii\ 
James'',  Henrf),  of  Canaan,  Conn.,  m.  Susanna  Marsh  ;  died 
at  Canaan,  January  23,  18 14;  his  widow  died  March  27,  1818. 
According  to  the  East  Canaan  Church  Record  she  was  ad- 
mitted to  that  church,  Feb.  23,  1818,  and  died  Feb.  28,  1818, 
aged  53.  He  lived  in  East  Canaan  (at  that  time  called 
North  Canaan),  near  the  Norfolk  line.  "An  infant  child  of 
Joshua  Kingsbury  died  June  9,  1804."! 


261  Amy,  b.  Sept.,  1790  ;  d.  July  2,  1815. 

262  Lucy,  b.  Sept.,  1793  ;  d.  Sept.  16,  1816. 

263  Abigail,  b.  July  13,  1795  ;  died  April   24   (Feb.  26,  Mrs.  Stevens' 

Record),  182 1. 

264  Lemuel,  b.  Feb.  13,  1798  ;  died  April  23,  1816  (Feb.  13  or  16,  Mrs. 

Stevens'  Record  and  Ch.  Record). 

265  Warren,  b.  Dec.  9,  1801  ;  died  June  25,  1824. 

266  William,  b.  Nov.  i,  1807  ;  m.  Lydia  J.  Hier.  ~  > 

♦  Isaac  Hollister,  Jr.,  and  Cynthia  Kingsbury,  married,  Feb.  10,  1812.    Salisbury 
Church  Record. 

+  Mrs.  Henry  Stevens'  Record. 



183  George'  Kingsbury  {Lemuel",  John\  Ephraim", 
fames'',  He/iry'),  was  for  a  time  in  Winsted,  Conn.,  a  lawyer  ; 
settled  later  in  Poultney,  Vt.  ;  m.  Betsey  Goddard  ;  died  in 
Poultney,  April  30,  1803. 


267  Blodgett  G.  ,b.  March  13,  1800.  -;^-^- 

268  Mary,  b.  June  12,  1802.  ;::  > 

185  William'  Kingsbury  {Lemuel\  John\  Ephraim^, 
James\  Henry^),  of  Canaan;  m.  July  22,  1801,  Sally  Abigail 
Marsh,  born  January  11,  1778,  in  Canaan,  daughter  of  Rufus 
and  Sarah  (Way)  Marsh.  He  lived  in  East  Canaan,  near 
the  Norfolk  line.  About  1826  he  left  Canaan;  called  of 
Salem,  Columbiana  Co.,  Ohio,  in  a  deed  given  by  him  and 
his  sons,  Guy,  John,  and  Charles.  In  1833  he  removed  to 
Alliance,  Clark  Co.,  Ohio,  where  he  died  January  14,  1859. 
His  widow  died  January  17,  186 1.  In  181 2  he  served  in  the 
U.  S.  Army,  was  wounded  at  the  battle  of  Williamsburgh, 
Upper  Canada,  Nov.  11,  1813;  the  ball  remained  in  his  head 
sixty-five  days  before  it  was  extracted,  and  was  in  the  pos- 
session of  his  son,  John  A.  K.,  of  Alliance,  in  1880.  He  re- 
mained in  Burlington  hospital  until  the  close  of  the  war, 
and  was  honorably  discharged.  He  is  said  to  have  been  a 
Quaker,  but  I  should  judge  that  was  a  mistake,  as  he  would 
hardly  have  served  in  the  army  if  that  had  been  the  case. 
His  wife  was  a  decided  Quaker,  and  dressed  accordingly. 


269  Guy  Marsh,  b.  Aug.  iS,  1809.  ':::  > 

270  John  Arthur,  b.  Nov.  30,  1811.  \:'.  > 

271  Charles  William,  b.  Aug.  25,  1816.-::  > 

"  William  Kingsbury's  child  died  March  11,  1820,"  in  East  Canaan. 
(Mrs.  Henry  Stevens'  Record.) 

191     John'  Kingsbury  {Andrew",  John\  Ep/iraim\  James'', 

Henry^),  married  Bathsheba ,  born  in  Pawlet,  Vt., 

April  29,  1774.     He   lived   in   Vermont,  and  in    New  York 



272  Horace,  born  in  Poultney,  Vt.,  Oct.  17,  1805;  d.  Aug.  10,  1837. 

273  Anna,  born  in  Enosburg,  Vt.,  Sept.  8,  1807;  d.  June  i,  1881. 

274  Andrew,  born  in  Enosburg,  Vt.,  Dec.  26,  1809;  d.  Apr.  18,  1864. 

275  Mary,  born  in  Enosburg,  Vt.,  March  i,  1812;  d.  July  31,  1864. 

276  John,  born  in  Westfield,  Vt,  July  27,  1814;  d.  May  i,  1858. 

277  Abiram,  born  in  Antwerp,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  28,  1817;  d.  June  11,  1837. 

278  Augusta,  born  in  Lisbon,  N.  Y.,  March  25,  1821. 

279  Charlotte,  born  in  Ogdensburg,  N.  Y.,  April  24,  1824;  died  Jan. 

9,  1S69. 

192  John"  Kingsbury  {WillanP,  Johii\  Ephraim^,  James' ^ 
ffenry^),  of  Granby,  Conn.,  married  May  8,  1794,  Rebeccah 
Griswold.  He  removed  later  to  Bloomfield,  Conn.,  where 
he  died  January  19,  1841  [aged  74,  T.  S.].  Mrs.  Rebeccah 
Kingsbury  died  in  Bloomfield,  April  9,  1833  [T.  S.]. 


280  Rebeccah,  b.  in  Granby,  Jan.  i,  1795;  died  March  21,  1799. 

281  John,  b.  in  Granby,  May  14,  1796.  s-»- 

282  Harlow,  b.  in  Granby,  April  22,  1798  ;  died  in  Augusta,  Georgia, 

Aug.  22,  1822. 

283  Lyman,  b.  in  Granby,  Apr.  14,  1800;  m.  Feb.  4, 1835,  Almira  Brown. 

284  Eliza,  b.  in  Granby,  Feb.  14,  1802  ;  died  May  19,  1807. 

285  Caroline,  b.  in  Granby,  Jan.  5,  1804  ;  m.  at  St.  Andrew's  church, 

Simsbury,  Nov.  18,  1822,  Charles  Palmer,  of  Mansfield;  3ch.: 
1.  Eliza  S.;  2.  ChaunceyH.;   3.  Caroline  D. 

286  WiLLARD  L.,  b.  in  Granby,  Feb.  3,  1808  ;  m.  Elvira ;  died 

in  Bloomfield,  March  7,  1842,  aged  36,  [T.  S.]  s.  p.  George 
G.  Peck  appointed  adm''  on  his  estate,  1842  ;  widow's  dower 
set  out  to  Elvira  Kingsbury,  1842.  Distribution  made  to  John 
Kingsbury,  brother  of  the  dec^;  to  Lyman  Kingsbury,  brother 
of  the  dec'';  to  Hannah  Kingsbury;  to  Mary  Hoskins,  wife  of 
Harrison,  sisters  of  the  dec**  ;  to  Eliza  S.,  Chauncey  H.,  and 
Caroline  D.  Palmer,  ch.  of  Caroline  Palmer,  dec''  ;  April  21, 
1843.     Simsbury  Probate  Records,  XI V,  ig4-204. 

287  Hannah,  b.  in  Granby,  May  27,  1812;  m.  Amos  P.  Buckley  of  Mass. 

288  Mary,  b.  in  Granby,  April  14, 1815;  m.  May  8,  1841,  Harrison  Hos- 

kins of  Simsbury. 

289  Sophia,  b.  in  Granby,  Aug.  11,  1817;  died  Oct.  3,  1818. 

197  Hannah  A.'  Kingsbury  ( Wtllard^  John\  Ephraifn\ 
James\  Henry^),  married  April  25,  1802,  Hezekiah  Goodwin, 
of  Bloomfield,  Conn.,  born  Dec.  12,  1779,  son  of  Joseph  and 



Rosanna  (Gillett)  Goodwin.  She  died  in  Bloomfield,  June 
14,  1813,  aged  31.  He  married  (2)  Aug.  3,  1815,  Widow 
Percy  (Humphrey)  Cadwell,  and  died  Aug.  30,  1818. 


1  Hezekiah  Freeman,  born  Nov.  23,  1803  ;  m.  April  3,  1S21,  Pamelia 

A.  Edgerton;  d.  in  New  Brunswick,  N.  J.,  Oct.  15,  1867.  His 
wife  d.  July  7,  1870,  aged  63  ;  6  ch. 

2  Mary  Anna,  b.  July  25,  1805;  m.  David  Lemon  ;  removed  to  Illinois, 

where  she  d.  Aug.  23,  1877  ;  6  ch. 

3  Philo  Ashley,  born  May  8,  1807  ;  m.  Nov.  29,  1832,  LaviniaH.  Har- 

vey, of  Southwick,  Mass.  She  died  July  i,  1855,  and  he  m. 
(2)  Nov.  19,  1855,  Elizabeth  H.  (Barlow)  Eastland,  b.  June  27, 
1824,  in  Bethany,  N.  Y.  He  studied  law,  and  was  admitted 
to  the  bar  in  Hartford,  where  he  resided  many  years  ;  about 
1845  he  removed  to  Quincy,  111. ,  where  he  was  elected  a  Judge. 
He  died  in  Quincy,  June  12,  1873  !  3  ch. 

4  Lavinia,  born  May  11,  1809;  m.  Aug.  9,  1827,  Edward  Miller,  b.  Dec. 

18,  1802,  son  of  Elijah  and  Chloe  (Ailing)  Miller,  of  Avon, 
Conn.     She  d.  in  Avon,  Sept.  29,  1865  ;  14  ch. 

5  Olive,  born  April  15,  1811;  m.   May  4,  1831,  Beuajah  Humphrey,  b. 

Dec.  4,  1805,  son  of  Dositheus  and  Louisa  (Terry)  Humphrey, 
of  Simsbury.  He  d.  March  20,  1882.  She  was  Hving  in  1890  ; 
5  ch. 

6  Andrew,  born  April  11,  1813;  m.  July  15,  1839,  Clarissa  Ann  Sweet- 

land,  of  Farmington,  who  d.  January  16,  1856.  He  d.  in 
Simsbury,  June  18,  18S7  ;  i  ch. 

199  Dr.  Andrew"  Kingsbury  {Winard\  John\  Ephraim", 
fames'^,  Henry^)^  of  Wayne,  Steuben  Co.,  N.  Y.;  he  was  a 
vSurgeon's  Mate  in  the  war  of  181 2,  in  Col.  McBurney's  regi- 
ment, N.  Y.  Militia;  married  (i)  Dec.  11,  1814,  Sally  Silsbe, 
born  Dec.  12,  1798,  in  Muncy,  Pa.,  daughter  of  Enos  and 
Margaret  Silsbe.  She  died  Sept.  11,  1846;  (2)  April  15,  1847, 
Lavina  Price,  born  Aug.  12,  1812,  in  Rush,  N.  Y.  He  died 
Dec.  10,  i860,  in  Rush.     His  widow  died  Dec.  5,  1894. 


290  Horace,  born  April  25,  1816.  ^s?=-^- 

291  Harriet,  born  Jan.   15,  1820,   at  Wayne,  N.Y.  :r.  > 

292  Mary,  born  June  23,  1825  ;  died  Dec.  29,  1828. 

293  Cyrus,  born  Oct.  17,  1827  ;  died  Jan.  11,  1829. 

294  Maria,  born  July  4,  1830  ;  died  May  3,  1836. 


295  Eliza,  born  June   15,  1833;  married  Dec.  15,  1852,  Anson  Davis, 

Rush,  N.  Y.;  died  April  29,  1896. 

296  Albert,  born  April  6,  1840.  r:  > 

297  Addison,  born  Feb.  13,  1850,  at  Rush,  N.  Y.  ss-^- 

298  Franklin,  born  Dec.  31,  1851,  Rush,  N.  Y  s-*- 

207  John"  B.  Kingsbury  {Oliver^,  Oliver\  SamueP^  James', 
Ifenry^),  of  Goshen  Gore,  now  Stannard,  Vermont  ;  mar- 
ried (i)  Phebe  Johnson,  born  Sept.  14,  1802';  died  July  2, 
1832  ;  (2)  in  1833,  Eliza  Batchelder,  widow  of  Luke  Burn- 
ham ;  *  died  in  Stannard  about  1866. 


299  LoDEMA,  ;  m.  (i)  Joseph  Bean  of  Wheelock, 

Vt. ;  (2)  William  Folsom,  of  Wheelock. 

300  Harvey  Nicholas,  born  May  23,  1830,  in  Goshen  Gore,  s:  > 

301  Amanda. 

by  second  wife. 

302  Sarah  P.,  ;  m.  (i)  Fernando  V.  Lowe  ;  (2)  S.  K. 


303  Norman  Joseph,  ;  died  in  the  Civil  War,  in  a  Southern 

prison,  from  the  effects  of  a  bullet  wound.  He  was  shot 
through  the  body,  taken  prisoner,  and  carried  two  hundred 
miles  inside  the  Confederate  lines  ;  lived  two  weeks. 

304  Saloma  E.,  ;  m.  Samuel  King  of  Stannard,  Vt. 

305  Carlos  John,  ;  m.  Augusta  Beckwith;  lives  in 

South  Washington,  Vt.  He  served  in  the  Cavalry  during  the 
Civil  War. 

212  Sanford^  Kingsbury  {SamueP,  Oliver\  SamueP, 
James",  ffeniy^),  qf  Tolland  ;  m.  Cynthia  Baxter,  of  Tolland, 
born  Dec.  9,  1793.  He  died  June  [July  2,  Dr.  D.  K.J,  1856; 
his  wife  died  January  30,  1883. 

Sanford  Kingsbury  went  to  sea  when  14  years  old;  after- 
wards lived  for  a  while  in  New  York  State,  then  in  Hartford, 
and  finally  settled  in  Tolland,  where  he  died. 


306  Simeon,  b.  1813;  d.  1853,  in  Tolland;  married  and  had  one  child, 

who  died  young. 

•  Her  son,  Alonzo  Luke  Burnham,  chose  to  be  called  by  the  name  of  his  step- 
father ;  he  went  to  California  at  the  time  of  the  gold  discovery  ;  now  living  at  Santa 
Rosa,  Cal.,  on  a  fruit  ranch  ;  married,  but  has  no  children. 


307  John   M.,  b.   1819;  of   Mansfield,  Conn.;  died  in   Mansfield,  Jan. 

22,  iSSS.  His  widow  died  in  Willington,  Dec.  9,  1888;  no 

308  Daniel,  b.  Jan.  22,  i82S,in  Hartford,  j  >-s- 
309,    Henry  W.,  b.  1S29;  lost  at  sea  1857,  aged  28. 

310  Cynthia,  b.  in  Hartford;  d.  aged  10  months. 

214  Oliver"  Kingsbury  {Joseph  \  Oliver",  SavmeP,  fames', 
Hefity}),  of  Killingly;  married  Lucy  Phillips,  who  was  born 
in  Sterling  in  1788.  He  served  in  the  War  of  1812  at  New 
London,  under  Captain  Samuel  West,  from  January  7,  1813, 
to  July  14,  1814  ;  married  not  long  before. 

He  died  Oct.  13.  1862,  aged  75;  buried  in  Hewlet  Town, 
Killingl3^  Lucy,  his  wife,  died  April  i,  1878,  aged  89  years 
and  7  months. 


311  Hannah,  married  Nathan  Wilcox;  died  Dec.  29,    1892,  aged  76; 

had  a  daughter  who  married Baker,  of  South  Killingly. 

312  Abby,  married  Alden  Burgess,  Brooklyn,  Conn.;  died  July  3,  1899, 

aged  80  ;  her  son,  Ira,  was  a  member  of  Co.  D,  ist  Conn. 
Heavy  Artillery,  and  was  killed  at  Piedmont,  Va. 

313  Jane,  m.  Archibald  Morse,  of  Greene,  R.  I.;  died  May  26,  1868  ; 

8  ch. 

314  Mary  A.,  born  July  12,  1824,   in  Killingly;  married  (i)  Cyrus  W. 

Brewer,  who  died  Aug.  22,  1846,  ae.  25;  (2)  George  R.  Bishop 
of  Killingly,  who  died  Aug.  10,  1888,  se.  70.  She  died  Feb. 
II,  1901. 

315  Fanny,  m.  Willard  Sanford  Eddy,  of  Cranston,  R.  I.;  died  Feb. 

14,  1899,  aged  73. 

316  Olive,  born  March  12,  1830  ;   married  Edwin  A.    Battey,  of  Kill- 

ingly ;  died  April  2,  1862. 

224  Lydia'  Kingsbury  {John\  /eduthan\  Ephraim\  Eph- 
raim^,  James'',  Henry^),  married  May  6,  1819,  Col.  James 
White,  of  Coventry,  born  Feb.  4,  1777,  son  of  Abner  and 
Jerusha  White.  He  died  July  16,  1861,  aged  83.  She  died 
Dec.  7,  1870,  aged  78. 


1  Almira  Cady,  born  iji  Coventry,  May  8,  1820;  married  May  17, 
1843,  James  Stanley,  of  Coventry,  born  in  Cairo,  N.  Y.,  March 
24,  1818,  son  of  Ashbel  and  Sarah  (Griggs)  Stanley;  died  June 
10,  1858.    She  left  4  ch. :  (i)  Charlotte  E.,  born  in  1844;  married 



in  1871,  F.  C.  Spaulding,  of  Coventry;  2  ch. ;  (2)  James  W.,  b. 
in  1849;  married  in  1870,  Mary  A.  Bowen;  died  in  Providence 
in  1874;  2  ch.;  (3)  Frederick  W.,  b.  in  1852;  lives  in  Coventry; 
(4)  Norman  W.,  b.  in  1855;  married  in  1891,  Mary  A.  Stanley; 
lives  in  Coventry. 

2  Elizabeth,  born  in  Coventry,  1823;  died  in  1837. 

3  Charlotte,  born  in  Coventry,  1825;  died  in  1830. 

4  James,  born  in  Coventry,  1827;  died  in  1830 

5  Charlotte,  born  in  Coventry  June  22,  1830;  married  (i)  1853,  S.  P. 

Rindge,  of  Rockville,  who  died  in  1857;  (2)  July  3,  1859,  James 
Stanley,  of  Coventry,  whose  first  wife  was  her  sister;  he  died 
January,  1895  ;  4ch.;  (i)  George  Clinton,  b.  1862;  married  1891, 
Fanny  C.  Lathrop;  2  ch.;  (2)  Sarah  E.,  b.  1864;  married,  1884, 
Rev.  F.  E.  Jenkins,  of  Palmer,  Mass.;  i  ch.;  (3)  Grace  W., 
b.  1867;  a  teacher  ;  lives  in  Coventry;  (4)  Alice  L. ,  b.  1874; 
lived  with  her  mother  in  Coventry.  Mrs.  Stanley  died  in 
Hartford,  in  Aug..  1901. 

226  Dorothy'  Leavens  Kingsbury  {Johti\  Jeduthan", 
Ephraim\  Ephraim^,  James',  Henry").,  m.  January  19,  1826, 
James  Downer  Hosmer,  of  Coventry,  Conn.,  afterwards  of 
Willimantic.    He  was  born  Sept.  26,  1796.    She  died  in  1880. 


1  John  Kingsbury,  b.  Nov.  14,  1826;*  married  in  Hartford,  April  2, 

1850,  Maria  Luthera,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Hannah  (Harris) 
Hovey  of  Greenfield,  Mass.,  born  April  6,  1828,  Lyme,  N.  H. 
He  was  living  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  in  1890  ;  died,  1896. 

2  Frederick  Norton,  b.  Jan.   11,  1828;  married  Minerva  Keith;  lives 

in  Ware,  Mass. 

3  Harriet  E.,  b    Oct.  29,  1829;  m.  George  D.  Watrous,  of   Coventry, 

April  2,  1850;  ch.  (1)  Belle,  married  J.  L  Baker,  of  New  York; 
(2)  Frederick,  living  in  Boston,  1894.  She  died  in  Coventry 
in  1899. 

4  Stephen  E.,  b.  March  31,  1831;  died  May  27,  1842. 

227  John'  Kingsbury  {Joluf,  Jeduthan^,  Ephraim*,  Eph- 
raitn^,  James',  Henry"),  grad.  from  Brown  University,  J826; 
m.  Aug.  19,  1834,  Mary  Mackie  Burgess,  born  in  Providence, 
Oct.  10,  1813,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Mary  (Mackie)  Bur- 
gess. She  died  in  Providence,  Feb.  28,  1872.  He  died, 
Dec.   24,    1874.     While   yet  a  student  within   a  few  weeks 

•  According  to  another  account,  Nov.  30,  1825. 


of  his  graduation,  having  already  fixed  upon  teaching  as 
his  chosen  profession,  he  became  associated  with  Mr.  G. 
A.  Dewitt,  in  the  instruction  and  management  of  the 
Providence  High  School.  At  the  end  of  two  years  he 
commenced  the  "  Young  Ladies'  High  School,"  at  the 
solicitation  of  many  leading  citizens  of  Providence,  who 
had  long  felt  the  need  of  such  an  establishment  for  the 
education  of  their  daughters.  The  new  school,  both  in  its 
instruction  and  in  all  its  appointments,  was  of  a  higher 
grade  than  had  been  before  known  in  Providence.  This 
school  he  maintained  with  unexampled  prosperity  for  thirty 
years,  during  which  time  he  superintended  the  education  of 
two  generations  of  a  large  proportion  of  the  foremost  women 
of  Providence,  and  of  many  from  abroad.  He  retired  from  his 
long  and  successful  work  in  1858.  At  that  time  he  received 
from  the  Governor  the  appointment  of  vState  Commissioner 
of  Public  Schools  ;  but  he  held  this  position  but  a  single 
year,  not  finding  its  duties,  as  then  arranged,  compatible 
with  his  health.  He  resigned  in  1859,  and  was  immediately 
made  President  of  the  Washington  Insurance  Company,  an 
office  which  he  continued  to  hold  until  his  death.  This 
record  embraces  but  a  small  part  of  the  work  which  Mr. 
Kingsbury  performed  for  the  benefit  of  the  community. 
Though  the  founder  and  instructor  of  a  private  school  on 
which  he  depended  for  his  living,  he  was,  from  the  begin- 
ning, one  of  the  most  earnest  and  active  friends  and  pro- 
moters of  public  education.  He  aided  largely  in  bringing 
public  opinion  to  sanction  and  demand  the  legislation  by 
which  the  present  common  schools  of  Rhode  Island  were 
created.  He  was  the  most  active  founder  and  long  the 
President  of  the  "  Rhode  Island  Institute  of  Instruction," 
which  did  so  much  to  sustain  the  labors  of  Mr.  Barnard,  the 
first  Commissioner  of  the  Rhode  Island  State  schools,  and 

iin  a  great  variety  of  ways  he  rendered  services  which,  pos- 
sibly, no  other  man  among  us  at  that  time  would  have  been 
able  to  render.  In  the  promotion  of  the  general  cause  of 
education  he  also  assisted  in  founding  the  "  American  Insti- 
tute of  Instruction,"  that  national  association  of  teachers, 
r " 


fession  throughout  the  country.     He  was  the  President  of 

this  organization  for  two  years,  and  for  more  than  twenty 
years  one  of  its  councillors  and  managers. 

With  the  social  interests  and  many  of  the  philanthropic 
and  religious  institutions  of  Providence  Mr.  Kingsbury  was 
closely  identified.  In  the  early  scientific  pursuits  of  the 
"  Franklin  Society"  he  took  a  leading  part,  and  was  for  sev- 
eral years  President.  He  was  for  many  years  at  the  head  of 
the  "Young  Men's  Bible  Society";  and  he  was  also  for 
twenty  years  one  of  the  trustees  of  the  "  Butler  Hospital 
for  the  Insane."  In  1844  he  was  chosen  a  member  of  the 
Board  of  Trustees  of  Brown  University,  and  in  this  capacity 
he  rendered  most  useful  services  to  his  Alma  Mater,  In 
1853  he  was  raised  to  the  Board  of  Fellows,  and  at  the  same 
time  was  chosen  wSecretary  of  the  Corporation,  an  office 
which  he  continued  to  hold  to  the  close  of  his  life.  In 
recognition  of  his  various  and  eminent  services  in  the  cause 
of  education,  the  University,  in  1856,  conferred  on  him  the 
honorary  degree  of  Doctor  of  Laws. 

He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Central  Congregational 
Church,  in  185 1,  having  previously  belonged  to  the  Rich- 
mond Street  Congregational  Church,  and  in  connection 
with  both  of  these  churches  he  maintained  Bible  classes, 
which  embraced  not  only  large  numbers  of  young  men  of 
the  city,  but  first  and  last,  upwards  of  two  hundred  stu- 
dents of  the  University.  This  record  is  condensed  from  an 
account  which  appeared  in  the  Providence  Journal^  of  Dec. 
25,  1874,  written  by  Professor  Gammell,  of  Brown  Univer- 
sity. He  says  finally :  "  It  is  services  such  as  these,  gener- 
ously and  quietly  rendered  to  so  many  of  the  most  important 
social  and  religious  interests  of  the  community,  that  have 
ennobled  the  career  which  we  have  thus  imperfectly 
sketched.  .  .  .  Mr.  Kingsbury  has  furnished  an  illus- 
trious example  of  how  much  even  the  busiest  among  us 
may  do  in  a  most  unostentatious  way  to  make  others 
wiser  and  better,  and  to  render  the  community  a  more 
desirable  home  for  the  generations  which  are  to  come 
after  them." 


317  Mary  Burgess,  b.  June  13,  1835.  s  > 

318  Thomas  Burgess,  b.  Jan.  7,  1837;  died  May  27,  1842. 


319  Sarah,  b.  Oct.  i,  1838;  died  Sept.  26,  1848. 

320  Elizabeth  Helen,  b.  June  19,  1840.  ^;S-»- 

321  John,  b.  July  i,  1842;  died  Oct.  11,  1843. 

322  Alice,  b.  July  21,  1844.  s^-^ 

323  Anna,  b.  April  5,  1847;  died  January  4,  1S71,  unmarried. 

324  Henry  James,  b.  Jan.  30,  1851;  died  March  19,  1863. 

325  Emily  Rebecca,  b.  April  15,  1853;  unmarried;  living  in  Providence. 

228.  Ezra'  Kingsbury  {John*,  Jeditthan^,  Ephrati?i*, 
Ephraim^,  James'',  Henry  ^),  of  South  Coventry;  m.  Eunice 
Hovey  Griggs,  of  Tolland,  born  April  27,  1802.  He  died 
March  5,  1861  ;  she  died  June  26,*  1874,  aged  73. 


326  Dorothy  Jane,  b.  Dec.  7,  1827  ;  m.  F.  Amidon  ;  lives  in  Newton- 

ville,  Mass. 

327  John  Watson,  b.  June  11,  1830,  in  South  Coventry  ;  m.  Mary  Ann 

Hyde,  in  Hartford  ;  living  in  Oakland,  Cal  ;  no  ch. 

328  Ezra  Wolcott,  b.  June  11,  1830,  in  South  Coventry,  r:  > 

329  Mary  Susan,  b.  July  4,  1836.  r,:  > 

330  James  W.,  b.  Jan.  29,  1838  ;  lived  in  Colorado,  1894  ;f  unm. 

229  Tirzah'  Kingsbury  {Asa'',  Jedui/ian",  Ephraitn*, 
Ephraim"^,  James'',  Henry^),  married,  January  31,  1816,  Moses 
Bryant,  born  May  21,  1786,  in  Cornish,  N.  H.,  son  of  Sylva- 
nus  and  Judith  (Chase)  Bryant. 

They  lived  in  Plainfield,  N.  H.,  where  she  died  Oct.  14, 
1854.     Mr.  Bryant  died  May  14,  1881. 


1  Edwin  K.,  bom  Sept.  26,  1817  ;  resides  in  Plainfield,  N.  H. 

2  Emily,  born  July  11,  1819  ;  m.  July,   1840,  Francis  Daniels,  of  Plain- 

field  ;  died  Nov.  22,  1840. 

3  Horace,  born  Sept    21,  1821  ;  died  in  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  Dec.  i,  1846. 

4  George  S.  ,  born  Nov.   10,  1824  ;  m.  (i)  July  16,  1856,  Mary  F.  Ken- 

dall ;  (2)  Aug.  27,  1872,  Amy  L.  Sawyer  ;  resides  in  Newton 
Highlands,  Mass  ;  in  business  in  Boston. 

5  Alfred,  born  Feb.  18,  1827  ;  resides  in  Chicago,  111. 

6  Moses,  born  July  21,  1837  ;  resides  in  Chicago,  111. 

231  Mahala'  Kingsbury  {Asa\  Jcduthan^,  Ephraitn\ 
Ephriam^,  James^,  Henry\  married,  January  9, J  1825,  Bush- 

•  June  24,  letter  of  Mrs.  Mary  S.  K.  Sanborn,  April  29,  1901. 
t  California  ;  letter  of  Mrs.  Stanley,  Aug.  26,  1894. 
X  July  7th.     C.  F.  Gallup,  letter,  Aug.  ig,  1889. 



rod  Washington  Russell,  born  Sept.  2,  1800;  died  Aug.  23, 
1848.  They  lived  in  Johnson,  Vt.,  and  Nashua,  N.  H.  She 
died  Sept.  26,  1866,  in  Plainfield,  N.  H. 


1  Infant,  born  April  16,  1S26  ;  died  April  18. 

2  George  Russell,  born  May  24  or  28,  1827  ;  m.  Mary  Edwards,  of  Sa- 

lem, Mass.,   Nov.,  1847  ;  died  before   1879  '.  2  ch.,  Annie  and 

3  Ellen,  born  Feb.  15  or  16,  1829  ;  m.  Oct.  9,  1851,  Nathan  B.  Clark,  of 

Cambridge,    Mass.  ;    died  before    1879,  in   Colorado;  2    ch., 
Charles  and  Arthur. 

4  Sarah  Louisa,  born  March  22,  1831  ;  m.  Aug.  5  or  7,  1854,  John  E. 

Gallagher,  of  Boston  ;  no  ch.  ;  she  died  before  1879,  in  Wau- 
kesha, Wisconsin. 

5  Charles,  born  Aug.  10,  1835  ;  died  Feb.  10,  1836. 

235  Asa'  D.  Kingsbury  {Asa^,  Jeduthan*,  Ephraiitt", 
Ephraim'^,  fames'^,  Henry"),  of  Plainfield,  N.  H.  ;  m.  Sept.  17, 
1835,  Laura  Wardner,  daughter  of  Dr.  James  and  Hannah 
(Hammond)  Wardner,  b.  in  Plainfield,  Dec.  8,  1818.  He 
died  in  Plainfield.  Nov.  6, 1848.* 


331  An  Infant,  d.  May  17,  1839. 

332  Laura  A.,  ;  died  Aug.  28,1841. 

236  Caleb'  Swan  Kingsbury  {Asa",  JeduthaTv',  Ephraun\ 
Ephraim^,  James^,  Henry"),  of  Plainfield,  N.  H.,  m.  Nov.  21, 
1830,  Caroline  Rebecca  Gallup,  born  in  Plainfield,  May  25, 
181 2,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Sally  (Cutler)  Gallup;  she 
died  July  4,  1844  ;  he  died  in  Bethel,  Vt.,  January  12,  1889. 
He  was  a  farmer  in  Plainfield. 


333  George  Henry,  b.    Oct.  11,   1833  ;  died  July  12,  1876,  in  Boston, 


334  Benjamin  Cutler,  b.  July  3,  1835.     Went  West  in  1856;  settled  in 

Butte  City,  Montana,  in  1866  ;  engaged  in  the   mining  busi- 
ness ;  now  resides  in   Spokane,  Washington  ;  never  married. 

335  Sarah  Maria,  b.  Feb.  15,  1837.  £:■■> 

336  Byron  Francis,  b.  March  3,  1839.  s-»- 

•  Letter  of  C.  F.  Gallup,  Aug.  ig,  1889. 




337  Charles  Gallup,  b.  Aug.  23,  1840  ;  m.  Oct.  15,  1867,  Laura  Shad- 
dinger,  in  Cincinnati,  O.  ;  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Charlotte 
(Duport)  Shaddinger,  born  Nov.  5,  1843.  He  went  from 
Plainfield  to  Indianapolis  in  1S59;  removed  to  Cincinnati  in 
1862  ;  to  Toledo  in.  1873  ;  to  Cleveland  in  1875  ;  to  Cincinnati 
1885  ;  superintendent  of  the  Ohio  and  Pennsylvania  Division 
of  the  American  Express  Company  in  1890. 

237  Philinda'  Kingsbury  {Asa\  /eduf/ian%  £j>/iraim\ 
Ephraiiii^^  James",  Henry^),  married  January  24,  1836,  Moses 
Kimball  Stickney,  born  in  Plainfield,  Feb.  28,  1810,  son  of 
Dut}^  and  Sarah  (Kimball)  Stickney.  They  removed  June 
12,  1844,  to  Dodge  Co.,  Wisconsin,  and  then  a  few  years  later 
to  Otsego,  Allegan  Co.,  Michigan.  Aug.  5,  1890,  they  re- 
moved to  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  where  they  were  living  in 


1  Elizabeth  Martin,  b.  Oct.  5,  1836  ;  m.  Jan.  i,  1856,  Jacob  Breyer  ; 

living  in  1S91,  at  631  East  i6th  St.,  Minneapolis. 

2  Kimball,  b.  May  9,  1838  ;  died  April  24,  1840. 

3  William  K.,  b.  Aug.  24,  1840  ;  died  Sept.  7,  1840. 

4  Asa  Kingsbury,  b.  Sept.  24,   1841  ;    m.  Dec.   24,  1S67,  Sarah   A. 

Vernold  ;  living  (1891)  in  Gillett,  Oconto  Co.,  Wisconsin. 

238  Amanda  Maria'  Kingsbury  (Asa",  Jeduthati" , 
Ephraim\  Ephraim\  Jatnes'',  Henry^),  m.  April  20,  1839, 
Charles  Frederick  Gallup,  of  Plainfield,  N.  H.,  son  of  Thomas 
and  Sally  (Cutler)  Gallup,  born  in  Plainfield,  May  23,  18 14. 
She  died  in  Plainfield,  Oct.  i,  1888. 


1  Emily  D.,  b.  Oct.  31,  1840;  m.  Jan.  i,  1862,  William  Henry  Case,  of 

Plainfield,  N.  H.;  died  May  5,  1874  ;  ch.  (i)  Nellie  Amanda,  b. 
Nov.  19,  1863  ;  (2)  William  Francis,  b.  Feb.  17,  1865  ;  (3)  Rob- 
ert Anderson,  b.  Aug.  2,  1868  ;  (4)  Stella  Emily,  b.  Nov.  2, 

2  An  Infant,  b.  March  31,  1842  ;  died  same  day. 

3  Francis  Daniels,  b.  Aug.  10,  1843  ;  m.  1873,  Maria  I.  Reding  ;  resi- 

dence Waltham,  Mass.  (1889)  ;  ch.,(i)  George  Walter,  b.  Oct. 
1,  1873  ;  (2)  Maria,  b.  1874  ;  (3)  Carl  Edward,  b.  1877  ;  died 
June  26,  1883. 


4  Amanda,  b.  Feb.  28,  1846  ;  m.  Dec.  24,  1866,  William  Hall,  of  Plain- 

field,  N.  H.  ;  ch.,  (I)  William  Israel,  b.  April  14,  1868  ;  (2) 
Hattie  Elizabeth,  b.  April  7,  1S72  ;  (3)  Charles  Gallup,  b.  Jan. 
9,  1880. 

5  Charles  Henry,  b.  Oct.  23,  1848  ;  died  Oct.  28,  1850. 

6  Stella  Hatch,  b.  Dec.   8,  1850;  m.  Nov.  11,  1869,  Norman  E.   Wil- 

liams, of  Plainfield,  N.  H.  ;  ch.,  Walter  C,  b.  Nov.  26,  1870. 

7  Charles  F. ,  Jr.,  b.  June   4,  1853  ;  res.   Boston  ;  m.  Sept.,  1883,  Ab- 

bie  J.  Smith,  of  Mansfield,  Mass.  ;  ch.,  (i)  Alice  May,  b.  May 
9,  1884  ;  (2)  Charles  Albert,  b.  Jan.  28,  1888. 

8  Benjamin  Kingsbury,  b.  Feb.  3,  1856  ;  m.  Tamah  Howe,  of  Clinton, 

Mass.,  June,  1878  ;  lives  in  Lancaster,  Mass.  (1889). 

9  George  Russell,  b.   J^ily  18,  i860  ;  m.    July  8,   1889,   Helen  Maria 

Truell  ;  residence  Northboro,  Mass. 

245  Andrew'  Kingsbury  {Stephen^  Stcphen\  JoIm\  Eph- 
raiin^,  James",  Ifciny^),  of  Huntington,  Pa.,  married  in  1809, 
Rebeckah,  daughter  of  David  and  Betsey  (Tubbs)  Woodard, 
born  in  Huntington,  Pa.,  Dec.  27,  1793.  He  was  a  farmer. 
He  died  in  Huntington,  February  26,  1852.  His  wife  died 
April  28,  1875. 


338  Elizabeth,    b.   July    10,    1813  ;    m.    Gilbert   McQuene,    of    Shick- 

shinney.  Pa.;  died  Oct.  10,  1876. 

339  Stephen  J.,  b.  Aug.  29,  1816.  s:  ■> 

340  David  Woodard,  b.  Aug.  15,  1820.  s;;  > 

341  Susannah,  b.  April  4,  1826  ;  died  July  14,  1828. 

342  Daniel  H.,  b.  Oct.  15,  1830.  =  > 

343  Anderson  Dana,  b.  March  9,  1832  ;  died  Sept.  ig,  1S52. 

246  Henry'  Kingsbury  {Stephen^  Stephen\  John\  Eph- 
raini^,  James'^,  Heniy),  of  Huntington,  Pa.;  a  farmer  ;  mar- 
ried, May  10,  1819,  Amanda,  daughter  of  Lyman  and 

(Blanchard)  Culver,  of  Huntington,  born  May  6,  1800.  He 
died  in  Huntington,  March  17,  1870.  She  died  February 
17,  1880. 


344  Hannah,  b.  July  i,  1820  ;  m.  Daniel  Fulmer  of  Bloomsburg,  Pa.; 

had  3  ch.  Clinton,  the  oldest  son,  was  in  the  U.  S.  army, 
died  in  Andersonville  prison,  in  1S62. 

345  Bertow,  b.  Aug.  16,  1823  ;  died  young. 

346  Lyman,  b.  July  24,  1824;  died  young. 



347  Mary,   b.   May   28,   1826  :   m.    Dr.   John   W.   Fulmer,  of   Fishing 

Creek,  Pa.;  died  May  7,  1857. 

348  Nancy,  b.  March  20,   1S28  ;   m.,  in    1S59,   Dr.   John   W.  Fulmer; 

removed  to  IlHnois. 

349  Eliza,  b.  Dec.  6,  1831  ;  died  young. 

350  Charles,  b.  Dec.  21,  1829.  ss^^- 

351  MiLFORD,  b.  Oct.  8,  1833.  r:  > 

352  Stephen  J.,  b.  Oct.   5,  1835  ;  m.  Catharine  Barney;  lives  in  East 

Liberty,    Ohio,    ch.  :    i,    Joseph  ;    2,  Mary  ;    3,  Lorenzo  ;  4, 
Amanda  ;  all  living  in  the  West. 

353  Susan,  b.  Nov.  i,  1837  ;  died  Sept.  i,  1858  ;  unm. 

354  Minerva,  b.  April  5,  1840  ;  m.  Jackson  Labour,  of  Shickshinney, 

Pa  ;  died  Aug.  29,  1898. 

250  Betsey'  Kingsbury  {Joseph^,  Stephen'',  /ohn\Ep/irattn*y 
James",  Henry^),  married  Capt.  Henry  W.  Butler,  of  Stow, 


I  Julia,  b.  in  Stow,  July  12,  1830;  married  Dec.  16,  1846,  Josiah 
Starr,  of  Stow,  son  of  Josiah  and  Mary  (Cannon)  Starr,  born 
March  7,  1821. 

255  John'  Kingsbury  {Joseph\  Step/ie?i\  John\  Eph- 
raim^,  James\  Henry'),  of  Ravenna,  O.,  married  (i)  June  9, 
1836,  Angeline  Bishop,  of  Charlestown,  O.;  she  died  Feb. 
14,  1877  ;  he  married  (2)  Feb.  8,  1880,  Mrs.  Jane  Nash,  of 
Streetsborough,  O. 


355  Daviu  B.,  b.  in  Hudson,  O.,  Oct.  8,  1837. 

356  Otis  D.,  b.  in  Hudson,  Aug.  12,  1839. 

357  John  H.,  b.  in  Hudson,  Aug.  7,  1841. 

358  Son,  b.  in  Parkman,  O.,  Dec.  16,  1843;  d.  same  day. 

359  Leander,  b.  in  Parkman,  April  10,  1845. 

360  Eugene  E.,  b.  in  Parkman,  July  15,  1849. 

361  Bradford   E.,   b.    in   Ravenna,  January  8,   1851  ;   living  in    1880 

in  Kingston,  Tusceola  Co.,  Mich. 

256  Willard'  Kingsbury  {Willard\  Stephen',  John\ 
Ephraim^,  James-,  Henry'),  of  Stockholm,  N.  Y.,  married  Oct. 
I,  1836,  Amanda    Blowers,  of  Brasher,   N.   Y.,  daughter   of 

iDavid  and (Kelsey)  Blowers,  born  in  181 6,  in  Brasher. 

[He  died  Feb.  27,  1879,  on  the  farm  where  he  was  born  ;  his 
[wife  died  May  28,  1876;  both  in  Stockholm. 



362  Polly,  b.  in  Stockholm,  June  4,   1837  ;  married  George  Flint,  of 

Erie,  Pa.,  where  she  died  Dec.  14,  1881  ;  no  ch. 

363  LovisA,  b.  in  Stockholm,  Oct.  27,  1838  ;   married   John   Flint,  of 

Erie,  Pa.  ;  no  ch. 

364  George  D.,  b.  in   Stockholm,  Feb.  19,  1844.  ::z  > 

365  Sidney,  b.  in  1846,  in  Stockholm  ;  died  in  1848. 

258  Stephen'  Kingsbury  (  IVi7/ard\  Stephen\  John\ 
Ephraiin'^,  /aines'',  Jlenry^),  married  Clarissa  Jackson  from 
Ohio.  He  "went  west";  made  a  claim  of  land  near  Janes- 
ville,  Wisconsin,  afterwards  went  to  La  Porte,  Indiana, 
where  he  died  about  1850. 


366  Stebhen. 

367  Dudley. 

368  Delbert. 

260  Morris'  Kingsbury  {Willard\  Stephen^,  John\ 
Ep/u-aiin^,  James-,  Henr/),  of  wStockholm  ;  married  Samantha 
Emerson.     He  died  April  14,  1880. 


369  Arden,  ;  living  in  Winthrop,  N.Y. ,  in  1900;  unm. 

370  Lenman,  ;  diecf  before  1883. 

266  William'  Kingsbury  ( Joshua\  Lemiiel\  John\  Eph- 
raim^,  fames'^,  Henry^),  lived  in  Ohio;  m.  April  30,  1846,  Lydia 
J.  Hier,  of  Brooklyn,  Cuyahoga  Co.,  O. 


371  Letitia,  b.  at  Royalton,  O.,  May  18,  1848;  m.  April  3,  1867,  Edwin 

;  has  3  sons  and  2  daughters;  P.  O.  Berea,  O. 

372  Blandford  W.,  b.  at  Royalton,  April  11,  1850;  m.  Nov.  28,  1872, 

Lydia  A.  Stevenson,  Mansfield,  O. 

373  Susanna  V.,  b.   at  Royalton,  March  26,  1852;  m.  Sept.    14,   1871, 

WiUiam  Deming;  2  sons,  i  dau. 

374  Lemuel  M.,  b.  Dover,  O.;  lived  with  his  father. 

267  Blodgett  G.'  Kingsbury  {George\  Lemuel'',  John*, 
Ephrainv',  fames'^,  Henry^)^vsx.  Sarah  Smith;  lived  at  Vineland, 
N   J.  (1880). 



375  Squire,  b.  Nov.  23,  1823;  d.  Dec.  10,  1823. 

376  P.A.MELI.A.,  b.  Nov.  21,  1824;  m.  John  Groger;  lived  in  Illinois;  onech.: 

John  T.,  b.  May  29,  1848. 

377  Polly,  b.  March  31,  1826;  m.  George  Tower;  lived  in  Minnesota. 

She  d.  May  7,  1864;   ch.:  (i)  Clayton;   (2)  Alice  P.;   (3)  Clar- 
ence; (4)  Carlos. 

378  John  Allen,  b.  Oct.  6,  1831;  m.  Emily  Groger;  ch.  (i)  Cora  M.,  b. 

June  21,  1857.     He  is  a  clergyman  of  the  M.  E.  Church  in 
New  Jersey;  residence,  White  House,  N.  J. 

379  LoRA  S.,  b.  Sept.  28,  1836;  m.-  Rev.  D.  F.  Hallock,  of  Long  Island; 

ch.  (i)  Lora,  b.  April  18,  1862;  she  d.  Nov.  10,  1868. 

380  Willard  F.,  b.  Jan.  4,  1843;  d.  May  20,  1849. 

268  Mary'  Kingsbury  {George^,  LemueP,  John\  Ephraim^, 
James'',  Henry  ^),m..  -— ^—  Ormsbee;  settled  in  Ogle  County, 
Illinois,  where  she  died  1876  or  '77. 


1  Carlton  S.,  b.  May  16,  1828,  Ogle  Co.,  Illinois. 

2  Myron  Dennis,  b.  June  11,  1831;  lived  in  California. 

3  Charles  Clark,  b.  Dec.  2,  1835,  Ogle  Co.,  Illinois. 

269  Guy  Marsh'  Kingsbury  {William\  Lemuel",  J ohn\ 
Ephraim^,  James'',  Henry^),  married,  May  13,  1836,  Lydia  Ann 
Webb;  residence,  Alliance,  O.  He  died  in  Alliance,  August 
31,  1846. 


381  William  W.,  b.   March  27,   1841;  was  editor  of  the  Newark,  O., 

Advertiser;  d.  at  the  Hot  Springs,  Ark.,  whither  he  had 
gone  for  his  health. 

382  Charles,  b.  Oct.  18,  1842;  residence,  Springfield,  O.  (1880). 

383  Horace  G.,  b.  Oct.  3,  1844;  m.;  residence,  Newark,  O.  (1880). 

270  John  Arthur'  Kingsbury  {William^,  Letmiel",  John*, 
Ephraim^,  James'',  Henry"),  of  Alliance,  O.;  m.  (i)  Dec,  1834, 
Elizabeth  Gates;  (2)  Sept.  19,  1839,  Lucretia  Elbertson. 
(3),  ;  died  in  Alliance,  May  31,  1889. 


384  Irene  L.,  b.  at  Alliance,  March  27,  1835;  married  January  19,  1857, 

Ephraim  Transler,  carpenter  and  farmer;  removed  from 
Alliance,  Ohio,  to  Saranac,  Michigan;  died  December  9,  1887; 
ch,:  Nora  A.,  born  November  5,  1857. 



385  George  W.,  b.  July  16,  1840;  m.  Aug.,   i860,  E.  E.  Woods;  lived 

in  Alliance;  died ;  a  railroad  engineer;  3ch.:  i  Frank,  m. 

Minnie  Transler;  lives  in  Alliance;  ch. :  i  Ferris;  2  Sue,  m. 
Lyman  Beardsley,  of  Alliance;  2  ch.,  Daisy  and  Roy;  3 
Maude,  m.  Jack  Taylor;  lives  in  Canton,  Stark  Co.,  O. 

386  Charles  E.,  b.  Oct.  6,  1845;  d.  Sept.  5,  1863. 

387  Sallie  E.,  b.  Feb.  23,  1847;  m.  Aug.  15,  1869,  John  B.  Day,  of  Alli- 

ance; she  died  Dec.  7,  1891;  one  daughter,  Ollie,  m.  Samuel 
Godfrey  Gallup,  son  of  General  George  Shelden  Gallup; 
employed  Columbia  National  Bank,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.;  lives  in 
Pittsburgh,  Pa.;  ch. :  Sadie  Marie,  b.  May  10,  1893. 

388  Samuel  W.,  b.  in  Ravenna,  Nov.  13,  1848. 

271  Charles  William'  Kingsbury  {William^  Lemuel", 
John'',  Ephraim^,  James",  Hcnrf),  graduated  from  a  medical 
college  in  Stark  Co.,  Ohio,  in  the  late  '30s,  and  began  the 
practice  of  medicine  in  Rushsylvania,  O.;  he  married  Eliza- 
beth, daughter  of  Jacob  and  Susanna  (Porter)   Neibarger; 

he   died   November    15,    1841  ;  his  widow  married  (2)  

Sutton  ;  (3) Terry  ;  resided  at  Anderson,  Ind.,  but  now 

lives  in  Kenton,  Ohio  (1903). 


389  William  Jacob,  born  July  25,  1841,  in  Rushsylvania,  O. 

281  John'  Kingsbury  (/^////,  lVinard\  John\Ephratm^, 
James"",  Henry''),  married,  Feb.  9,  1820,  Fanny  Fox,  daugh- 
ter of  Chrisbus  and  Susan  (Griswold)  Fox,  born  in  Granby, 
Conn.,  May  14,  1799.  He  removed  to  Chili,  N.  Y.,  in  Octo- 
ber, 1839.     He  died  Dec.  3,  1877.     She  died  Sept.  8,  1886. 


392  RoxY  SoPHRONiA,  b.  Aug.  30,  1820,  in  Granby;  married  October  1, 

1845,  Charles  A.  Palmer,  in  Riga,  N.  Y.;  died  May  3,  1847. 

393  Harlow  C,  b.  May  3,  1822,  in  Bloomfield;  married,  Dec.  2,  1849, 

Elizabeth  Henderson;    died  Nov.  29,  1864,  in  Chili,  N.  Y. 

394  Harriet  C,  b.  Oct.  27,  1829,  in  Bloomfield;  married  July  10,  1848, 

Charles  A.  Palmer;  died  March  15,  1852,  in  Riga,  N.  Y. ;  one 
son,  Jerome  Palmer,  born  Aug.  18,  1849;  died  April  7,  1901, 
at  his  home,  one  mile  east  of  Churchville,  N.  Y. 

395  Adaline  M.,  b.  July  22,  1832,  in  Bloomfield;  died  in  Chili,  N.  Y., 

July  2,  1848. 

396  Angeline  Eliza,  b.  July  22,  1832,  in  Bloomfield.  -:r  > 

290  Horace'  Kingsbury  {Dr.  Andrew\  JVillard",  John*, 
Ephraim^,  James",  Henry^),  married.  May  24,  1849,  Eliza 
Brace,  born  in  Pompey,  Onondaga  Co.,  N.  Y.,  June  27,  1814, 


daughter  of  Asa  and  Eunice  Brace  ;  she  died  in  Lockport, 
N.  Y.,  Dec.  13,  1894.  His  business  is  that  of  a  gardener  in 


397  Isabel,  b.  Sept.  16,  1852,  in  Lockport ;  lives  in  Lockport ;  unm. 

291  Harriet'  Kingsbury  {Dr.  Andre%v\  Willard\  John\ 
Ephraim^,  fames'^,  Henry^),  married,  February  22,  1844,  Fran- 
cis Granger,  of  Toledo,  Ohio,  son  of  John  Granger,  born  at 
Parma,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  4,  1819  ;  he  died  Oct.  6,  1885  ;  she  died 
January  6*  igoi,\xv  Toledo. 


1  Miranda,  b.  Dec.  26, 1844;  m.  William  Van  Wormer,  of  Toledo. 

2  Julia  Harriet,  b.  July  30,  1847;  m.  Horace  Green. 

3  Eliza  Almira,  b.   April  3,  1S50;  m.  William  Rotherick  ;  died,  aged 

about  40. 

4  Clara  Alice,  b.  July  16,  1852.  • 

5  Eli  Henry,  b.  May  2,  1856. 

6  Susan,  b.  Nov.  15,  1858. 

7  Florence,  b.  Sept.  7,  1868  ;  m.  George  Lewis  of  Toledo. 

296  Albert'  Kingsbury  {Dr.  Andreiv\  Willard'\  John*, 
Ephraim^,  James^,  Henry'),  of  Leroy,  N.  Y.,  married,  July  3, 
1865,  Emily  A.  Chapel,  He  died  July  2,  1878.  His  widow 
resides  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. 


398  Alice  Emily,  b.  March  i3,  1868  ;  m.  Oct.  8,  1890,  Chester  A.  Tut- 

tle,  of  Atlantis,  Iowa;  now  lives  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

399  Ernest  A.,  b.  Jan.  30,  1875  ;    resides  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. ,  with  his 


297  Addison'  Kingsbury  {Dr.  Andretv\  IVillard",  /ohn\ 
Epkraim',  fames'^,  Henry'),  of  Mumford,  N.  Y.;  married  June 
30,  1897,  Emma  L.,  daughter  of  Ambrose  and  Hannah 
(Crimin)  Rathbun,  born  Sept.  4,  1859,  in  Avon,  N.  Y.  He  is 
a  gardener  at  the  N.  Y.  State  Fish  Hatchery,  Caledonia, 
N.  Y. 

♦  January  5,  another  authority. 



400  Burton  Addison,  b.  January  5,  1899. 

401  Marian  Lavinia,  b.  Oct.  25,  1900. 

298  Franklin'  Kingsbury  {Dr.  Andrew\  Willard\John\ 
Ephraiiii',  James',  Henry'),  of  Wheatland  Center,  N.  Y.,  mar- 
ried, October  29,  1884,  Ella  R.,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Eliza- 
beth (Robertson)  Shoudler,  born  in  Scottsville,  N.  Y.,  Sept. 
23,  1856.     He  is  a  farmer  at  Garbutts,  in  Wheatland. 


402  Herbert  Willard,  b.  Oct.  27,  1886. 

403  Deane  Shoudler,  b.  July  3,  1S88. 

300  Harvey  Nicholas'  Kingsbury  {John^  B.,  Oliver", 
Oliver\  SamueP,  James',  HenrJ),  of  Walden,  Vermont,  mar- 
ried April  3,  1854,  Polly  N.  Lowe,  born  Aug.  20,  1834,  in 
Warren,  N.  H.,  daughter  of  Daniel  P.  and  Mary  L.  (Brown) 
Lowe.  He  is  a  farmer,  and  lived  in  Hardwick,  Vt.,  from 
1854  to  1871;  in  Danville,  Vt.,  1871  to  1880;  in  Barnet,  Vt., 
from  1880  to  1890;    now  resides  in  Walden. 


404  George  Harvey,  b.  July  26,  1855.  :;.:  > 

405  Otis  D.  ,  b.  Aug.   27,  1859;    m.   March  5,   1881,  Mattie   J.  Gillis, 

resides  East  Hardwick,  Vt. 

406  Newell  J.,  b.  January  12,  1862.  ::•::  > 

407  Frederick  V.  b.  Sept.  14,  1870.  zr.  > 

408  Jessie  May,  b.   January  6,   1875;  m.  July  19,  1900,  Herbert  Gib- 

son of  Ryegate,  Vt. 

308  Dr.  Daniel'  Kingsbury  {Sanford\  SamueP,  Oliver', 
Sa?nuel\  James',  Henry'),  of  Glastonbury,  Conn.  ;  m.  Oct. 
9,  1853,  Caroline,  b.  March  13,  1835,  daughter  of  Elmer 
and  Cynthia  (Davis)  Loomis,  of  Tolland.  He  has  practiced 
medicine  since  1852  in  Glastonbury,  Conn.  Mrs.  Caroline 
Kingsbury  d.  Aug.  10,  1859,  and  he  m.  (2)  Lucy  Melissa, 
daughter  of  Erastus  and  Lucy  B.  (Beebe)  Cone,  b.  in  East 
Haddam,  Conn.,  Aug.  22,  1829. 




409  Frances  Estelle,  b.  in  Glastonbury,  April  13,  1856;  m.,   Dec.  30, 

1880,  Rev.  Thomas  H.  Gordon,  of  Chews,  N.  J. ;  no  ch. 

410  Carrie  Alice,  b.  in  Glastonbury,  March  4,  1858. 

411  Mary  Aurelia,  b.  in  Glastonbury,  July  3,  1865. 

412  William  Sanford,  b.  in  Glastonbury,  Sept.  17,  1867;  grad.  Trinity 

College,  1891;  Yale  Medical  School,  1896;  practiced  for  a  time 
in  Lowell,  Mass.;  a  physician  in  Glastonbury;  m.  Sept.  28, 
1898,  Mary  L.  Raymond. 

413  Lucie,  b.  in  Glastonbur3^  July  4,  1S69. 

414  Daniel  Arthur,  b.  in  Glastonbury,  April  22,  1872;  d.  Sept.  16,  1872. 

317  Mary  Burgess**  Kingsbury  {Johii\  Johii\  Jedu- 
thaii^,  Ephraim*,  Ephraii/i^,  James',  He/uy^),  m.,  Dec.  13,  1855, 
Edward  Phillips  Burgess,  b.  June  28,  1827;  grad.  Amherst 
Coll.,  1852;  resides  in  Dedham,  Mass. 


1  William  Phillips,  b.  May  13,  1857;  d.  March  8,  1883. 

2  Sarah  Kingsbury,  b.  Jan.  29,  i860. 

3  John  Kingsbury,  b.   Jan.   20,  1863;  m.  April  24,   1889,  Antoinette  C. 

Starkweather;  resides  in  New  York. 

4  Edward  Phillips,  b.  March  19,  1868. 

320  Elizabeth  Helen'  Kingsbury  {John\  John'',  Jedu- 
thati",  Ephraim*,  Ephraim^,  Ja/nes\  Heiiry^),  m.,  April  19, 
1865,  Hon.  Edward  Lillie  Pierce,  b.  in  vStoughton,  Mass., 
May  29,  1829,  son  of  Col.  Jesse  and  Elizabeth  S.  (Lillie) 
Pierce;  Brown  University,  1850;  LL.D.  1882;  Harvard 
Law  School,  1852;  from  the  Law  School  he  went  to  Cin- 
cinnati, and  entered  the  law  office  of  the  Hon.  Salmon  P. 
Chase,  and  he  became  the  private  secretary  of  Mr.  Chase  at 
Washington;  later,  he  returned  to  Boston  and  began  the 
practice  of  law.  Mr.  Pierce  was  active  and  influential  in 
the  formation  of  the  Free  Soil  party,  which  afterwards  be- 
came merged  into  the  Republican  party.  In  i860  he  was  a 
member  of  the  Republican  presidential  convention  which 
nominated  Abraham  Lincoln,  and  he  took  an  active  part  in 
the  canvass  which  followed.  In  the  very  first  week  of  the 
war  he  enlisted  as  a  private  in  Co.  L,  Third  Massachusetts 
Regiment,  and  at  Fortress   Monroe  he  had  charge  of  the 



contrabands  under  General  Butler.  In  1862  Mr.  Pierce  was 
appointed  by  Secretary  Chase  .to  take  charge  of  the  freed- 
men  and  the  plantations  of  the  Sea  Islands  of  South  Carolina. 
In  August,  1863,  while  on  duty  at  Morris  Island,  he  was 
appointed  Collector  of  Internal  Revenue  for  the  Third 
Massachusetts  District,  and  District  Attorney  for  the  same 
District.  In  1869  he  was  appointed  Secretary  of  the  Board 
of  State  Charities,  and  held  that  position  until  1874,  when 
he  resigned.  He  was  a  member  of  the  National  Republican 
Conventions  of  1876  and  1884.  He  was  elected  a  member  of 
the  Massachusetts  Legislature,  House  of  Representatives,  in 
1875  ^^d  1876,  and  again  in  1896,  and  held  the  ofifice  at  the 
time  of  his  death,  Sept.  7,  1897,  in  Paris,  France.  During  all 
his  life,  even  while  he  was  in  college,  Mr.  Pierce  did  much 
literary  work,  frequently  contributing  to  the  Atlantic  Monthly. 
He  published  in  1857  a  book  on  "American  Railroad  Law," 
which  is  still  the  standard  authority  on  the  subject.  But 
his  most  important  work  was  the  "  Memoir  of  Charles  Sum- 
ner," in  four  volumes,  1877-1896.  He  also  compiled  a 
"Genealogy  of  the  Pierce  Family."  His  wife  died  March 
30,  1880,  and  he  married  a  second  time. 


1  Edward  Lillie,  b.   March  28,  1866  ;  grad.  Mass.  Institute  of  Tech- 

nology,   1886;  resides  in  Syracuse,   N.   Y. ;  m.   July  3,   1901, 
Mary  Hortense  Nelson. 

2  Mary  Mackie,  b.  Nov.  14,  i86g  ;  m.  April  24,  1895,   Rev.   Franklin 

E.  E.  Hamilton,  of  Newton,  Mass. 

3  George  Burgess,  b.  Jan.  21,  1872  ;  Harvard  University,  1893  ;  Har- 

vard  Medical   School,   1898  ;    Harvard   Law  School,  class  of 

4  Charles  Sumner,  b.   Sept.  5,  1874  ;  Harvard  University,  1895  ;  Har- 

vard Law  School,  1900. 

5  Arthur  Johnson,  b.  July  15,  1876. 

6  Reginald  Kingsbury,  b.  July  20,  1878. 

322  Alice'  Kingsbury  {John\  John\  Jeduthan\  Ephraim\ 
Ephraim'^,  Janies^,  Henry^)^  m.,  June  i,  187 1,  Rev.  Leonard 
Kip  Storrs,  b.  Nov.  4,  1842,  in  Yonkers,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Rev. 
Henry  Lemuel  and  Elizabeth  (Kip)  Storrs  ;  rector  of  St. 
Stephen's  Church,  Pittsfield,  Mass.,  1870  to  1875.  She  died 
Dec.  7,  1874,  in  Pittsfield. 



1  Anna  Elizabeth,  b.  May  29,  1873. 

2  Henry  Randolph,  b.  Nov.  29,  1874. 

328  Ezra  Wolcott'  Kingsbury  {Ezra\  John\  Jedu- 
than",  Ephraim\  Ephraim^,  James^,  Henry^),  of  Chicago,  Ills., 
married  March  3,  1857,  Celia  Ann,  daughter  of  Edmund  and 
Cinthy  (Stewart)  Scott,  born  Nov.  9,  1841,  in  Genesee  Co.,  N. 
Y.  The  following  is  taken  from  the  "  Military  Order  of  the 
Loyal  Legion  of  the  United  States."  "  In  memoriam,  Cap- 
tain Ezra  Wolcott  Kingsbury,  died  at  Chicago,  Illinois,  Feb- 
ruary 9,  1900."  "  In  May,  1862,  he  was  appointed  by  the  Gov- 
enor  of  Colorado  to  assist  in  organizing  and  recruiting  the 
Third  Colorado  Infantry.  In  October  of  that  year  he  was 
commissioned  First  Lieutenant,  and  subsequently  Captain. 
Thereafter  the  regiment  was  consolidated  with  the  Second 
Colorado  Infantry,  and  became  the  Second  Colorado  Cav- 
alry, in  October,  1863.  Our  companion  was  commissioned 
as  Captain  of  Company  I,  Second  Cavalry,  and  was  mus- 
tered in  January  12,  1863.  He  was  mustered  out  of  the  serv- 
ice, August,  1865.  He  served  in  Missouri  and  Arkansas, 
and  participated  in  the  campaign  which  resulted  in  the 
defeat  and  capture  of  Jeff  Thompson,  and  in  the  battle  of 
Prairie  Grove,  as  volunteer  aide  on  General  Blunt's  staff, 
when  he  was  wounded.  Subsequently  he  participated  in 
actions  at  Little  Blue,  Washport,  Mine  Creek,  and  New- 
tonia,  where  he  was  again  wounded.  Then  he  was  sent  to 
Fort  Riley,  Kansas,  for  Indian  service,  where  he  remained 
until  mustered  out.  Our  honored  companion  came  out 
with  v/ounds  and  shattered  health,  but  no  price  counted  in 
dollars  would  have  bought  from  him  his  scars.  He  was  a 
genial  gentleman,  a  welcome  and  honored  companion  in  our 
Order,  sociable,  unobtrusive,  helpful  to  those  who  needed 
help.  He  was  as  good  a  member  of  our  Order  as  he  was  a 
soldier,  and  nothing  more  could  be  said."  He  held  in  Chi- 
cago the  position  of  General  Storekeeper  for  the  U.  S.  Gov- 


415     Celia   A.,    b.    May   6,    1863  ;    m.    Oct.    16,    1900,    F.    H.  Post,  of 


416  Walter  S.,  b.  May  16,  1866  ;  died  in  Kansas  City. 

417  John  L.,  b.  Sept.  30,  i868;  died  in  Kansas  City. 

418  Ezra  W.,  b.  July  3,  1870;  living  in  Chicago. 

419  John  W  ,  b.  May  29,  1872  ;   m.  March  26,  1894,  Ruth  Cohn  ;  living 

in  Chicago. 

329  Mary  Susan'  Kingsbury  {Ezra\  John",  /cduf/ian\ 
Ephraim\  Ephraim^,  James'',  Henry^),  married  Sept.  12,  1861, 
John  Crockett  Sanborn,  of  Lawrence,  Mass.;  born  Aug,  26, 
1832,  in  Sanbornton,  N.  H.,  son  of  Jonathan  C.  and  Polly 
(Rowe)  Sanborn;  grad.  Bowdoin  College,  1857  ;  a  lawyer  in 
Lawrence,  Mass.;  a  member  of  the  Massachusetts  Legisla- 
ture, 1876-77;  head  of  the  firm  of  Sanborn  &  Sanborn, 


1  Kingsbury,  b.  Dec.  10,  1863;  grad.  Boston  University  1886;  is  a  civil 

engineer  at  Riverside,  California;  m.  in  1892,  Delia  Patten. 

2  John  Crockett,  b.  Dec.  i,  1868;  grad.  Dartmouth  College,  1891,  and 

Boston  Law  School,  1896  ;  practicing  law  with  his  father  in 

3  Paul  Rowe,  b.  March  11,  1870;  died  Feb.  21,  1897. 

4  Mary  Kingsbury,  b   May  16,  1872. 

5  Everett  Wo LCOTT,  b.  Dec.  22,  1875;  graduated  Nautical  Training 

School,  1896;  lives  in  East  Tilton,  N.  H.;  m.  Sept.  28,  1898, 
Florence  Gerald. 

335  Sarah  Maria'  Kingsbury  {Calel>  Sivan',  Asa",  Jedu- 
i/ian^,  Ep/iraim*,  Ephrai/n^,  Jamcs^,  Henry^),  m.,  February  9, 
1863,  Joel  Gilson,  of  Queechee,  Vt.,  b.  August  20,  1837,  in 
Hartland,  Vt.,  son  of  Leonard  and  Fannie  (Spaulding)  Gil- 
son.  He  died  Sept.  17,  1872.  Mrs.  Gilson  resides  at  313 
Maple  street,  Holyoke,  Mass. 


1  Caroline  Rebecca,  b.  in  Bethel,  Vt.,  August  10,  1864;  died  Sept.  10, 


2  Minnie  Emma,  b.  in  Bethel,  Vt.,  Aug.  18,  1867  ;  m.   Dec.   13,  1892, 

Ernest  C.  Maynard,  of  Granville,  Vt. 

3  Bennie  Kingsbury,  b.  in  Bethel,  Vt.,  Oct.  25,  1869;  d.  Aug.  14,  1872. 

336  Byron  Francis"  Kingsbury  (Caleb  S.',  Asa\  Jedu- 
tha/i",    Ep/iraim\    Ephraim^,    Janus'^,    Henry^),     of    Taunton, 



Mass.;  m.  (i)  Dec.  25,  1867,  Caroline  McDuffee  Clark,  b. 
Dec.  3,  1829,  in  Dover,  N.  H.,  daughter  of  Jacob  and 
Caroline  (McDuffee)  Clark.  She  d.  Dec.  10,  1885.  He 
m.  (2)  March  9,  1887,  Edna  Augusta  Wales,  b.  Aug.  26, 
i860,  in  Taunton,  Mass.,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Bolton 
and  Sarah  Robinson  (Oilman)  Wales;  she  d.  Oct.  30,  1893, 
and  he  m.  (3)  Dec.  25,  1894,  Millie  M.  Burt.  He  is  a  rail- 
road agent  in  Taunton. 


420  Helen  Frances,  b.  Dec.  8,  18S7. 


421  Byron  Cutler,  b.  Nov.  6,  1895. 

422  Charles  Mason,  b.  Dec.  30,  1898. 

339  Stephen  J.'  Kingsbury  {Andrew',  Stephen\  Step/ien% 
John\  Ep/iraivi^,  fames'^,  Henty^),  of  Huntington,  Pa.  ;  mar- 
ried Oct.  II,  1838,  Elizabeth  Emeline,  daughter  of  John  and 
Phebe  (Tubbs)  Chapin,  born  Aug.  25,  181 1,  in  Huntington, 
Pa.  He  was  a  farmer  and  stone-mason  in  Huntington,  and 
died  there  Nov.  15,  1898.  His  wife  died  Nov.  12,  1897.  He 
was  a  trustee  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 


423  John  Willard.  b.  March  11,   1840;  m.  (i)  Millie  Sutliff;  she  died 

Jan.  24,  1899  ;  (2)  Feb.  7,  1900,  Lottie  Douglas;  res.  Hunting- 
ton Mills,  Pa.;  one  dau.,  b.  Nov.  20,  1879. 

424  Anderson  Chapin,  born  Sept.  13,  1844.  s->- 

425  Amy   Oliva,    b.    May  6,    185 1  ;   m.   Aug.    12,   1875,  (i)   Ross  Sut- 

liff, of  Huntington,  Pa.  ;  (2)  Aug.  2,  1S91,  Binley  Franklin  ; 
res.  Huntington,  Pa.;  one  ch.,  Dana  Stephen  Sutliff,  born 
May  23,  1S78. 

340  David  Woodard'  Kingsbury  {Andrew\  Stephen", 
Stephen'',  John*,  Ephraini^,  James" ,  Hen?-}'^),  of  Huntington  and 
Montaudon,  Pa.,  where  he  was  in  business,  as  a  cabinet 
maker  and  undertaker.  He  married  (i)  November  30,  1840, 
Oliva  King;  she  died  January  14,  1851,  in  Townhill,  Pa.; 
(2)  October  20,  1853,  Henrietta,  daughter  of  John  and  Eliz- 
abeth Ann  (Robins)  Andrews,  born  in  Asbury,  Pa.,  Sept. 
6,    1830;  died    Sept.   10,   1867;    (3)  January  17,  1870,  Sarah 


Jane,  daughter  of  William  and  Hannah  Rose  (Irwin)  Cum- 
mings,  born  Chiliaquaque,  Pa.,  Aug.  11,  1839.  He  was  a 
trustee  for  many  years  in  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 
He  died  in  Montaudon,  Pa.,  Nov.  16,  1884. 


426  Julius  Octavus,  b.  July  23,  1846;  died  Aug.  18,  1849. 

427  Lester  Leonia,  b.  Oct.  25,  1857,  Townhill,  Pa.  s  > 

428  Elizabeth  Andrews,  b.  April  26,  i860;  died  July  10,  1864, 

429  Arthur  Wellington,  b.  Nov,  29,  1871.  r:  > 

341  Daniel  H.'  Kingsbury  {Andrew',  Step/ien\  Stephen\ 
John*,  Ephraini',  James^,  Henry^),  of  Huntington,  Pa.,  mar- 
ried Oct.  2,  1 85 1,  Esther,  daughter  of  Ammi  and  Mary 
(Blish)  Chapin,  born  in  Huntington,  May  3,  1832.  He  is  a 
farmer  in  Huntington,  and  has  been  a  trustee  for  many 
years  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 


430  Dana  William,  b.  July  12,  1852.  s  > 

431  Gilbert  Chapin,  b.  April  20,  1854.  ;z  > 

432  Ezra  Adlaska,  b.  Jan.  i,  1857.  :::'  > 

433  Andrew  Boyd,  b.  Dec.  22,  1859;  m.  Feb.   17,  1884,  Susie  Kline; 

lives  in  Kalamazoo,  Michigan  ;  no  children. 

434  Mary  Luella,  b.  July  22.  1862.  r:  > 

435  Rebecca  Dora,  b  Oct.  2,  1865.  c  > 

436  Sarah  Jane,  b.  Feb.  24,  1868.  r:  > 

437  Eva  Burnetta,  b.  Oct.  19,  1870.  rs  > 

438  Clara  G.,  b.  Nov.  2,  1873.  s:  > 

439  Adelbert  Raymond,  b.  Dec.  22,  1878  ;   unmarried  ;   lives  in  Mil- 

ton, Pa. 

350  Charles'  Kingsbury  {Henry\  Stephen\  Stephen\ 
John\  Ephraim\  James",  Henry"),  of  Huntington,  Pa.,  mar- 
ried Sarah  Jane  Sanders,  of  Huntington. 


440  Elizabeth,  b.  July  11,   1853;  m.   Robert  Boody,  of  Wilkes-Barre, 

Pa.;  died ;  ch.:  i,  Edith;  Harriet;  Elizabeth; 

Eva  ;  Howard. 

441  William  H.,  b.  May  22,  1855.  «-^- 


442  Ida  p.,  b.  April  8,   1S57;  m,  Tille  L.  Runyan,  of  Fishing  Creek, 

Pa.;  ch.;  i,  Calvin;  2,  Dana;  3,  Robert. 

443  John,  b.  Jan.  iS,  1S59.  ;?s-^ 

444  Fr.'Vnk  a.,  b.  Jan.  7,  1861.  ?:=-*- 

445  Hannah,   b.    Aug.    12,    1S63  ;   m.  William  A.   France  of   Wilkes- 

Barre,  Pa.;  ch.;  i,  Lena,  b.  June  20,  1886. 

446  Adelbekt  C.  b.  Jan.  24,  1867;  died  in  1870. 

447  George  F.,  b.  Jan.  24,  1870.  r;  > 

351  Milford'  Kingsbury  {Henrf,  Stephen^  Stephen\ 
John\  Ep/iraim^,  /awes'',  He/zry'),  of  Shickshinny,  Pa.,  mar- 
ried March  10,  1855,  Susan  Kocher,  of  Huntington,  Pa. 


448  Walter  E.,  b.   May  18,  1S56.  «►-*► 

449  Harry,  b.  Aug.  25,  1859;   m.   Hannah  Jones;   res.    Huntington, 

Pa  ;  no  ch. 

450  Laura,  b.  Feb.  17,  1S61  ;  m.   Bowman  Cartwright  of  Shickshinny, 

Pa.;  ch.  Laurance,  b.  Feb.  10,  1881. 

451  Chester,  b.  April  4,  1863;  ra.  Alice  Fedder  ;  res.  Wheeling,  W. 

Va. ;  ch.  Eva. 

452  Dana,  b.  Oct.  29,  1867.  r;  > 

453  Jesse  Yocum,  b.  April  4,  1870.  jp=-^- 

454  Eva,  b.  April  12,  1872. 

364  George  D/  Kingsbury  {VViIlard\  Willard\  Stephen^ 
John'',  Ep}iraii)i^,James^,  Heniy),  of  Stockholm,  N.  Y. ;  married 
Fanny  Marsh,  of  Stockholm,  who  was  born  May  26,  1853. 
He  is  living-  in  Winthrop,  N.  Y.  (1901). 


456  WiLLARD,  b.  Oct.  20,  1873,  iri  Stockholm. 

457  George,  b.  Jan.  7,  1875,  in  Stockholm. 

388.  Samuel  W/  Kingsbury  {/o/in\  ArtJmr\  William', 
Samuel',  Jo/in*,  Ephraim^,  fames'^,  Henry^),  of  Alliance,  O.,  m. 
Oct.  5,  187 1,  Rebecca,  daughter  of  Peter  and  Eva  (Bates) 
Weikert,  b.  in  Leetonia,  Col.  Co.,  Ohio,  July  11,  1854.  He 
came  to  Alliance  with  his  father,  about  1853,  and  has  lived 
there  since;  an  employe  of  the  Pennsylvania  Railroad  Com- 



458  Dora,  b.  Aug.  16,  1872  ;  d.  March  4,  1896. 

459  J.,  b.  Jan.  26,  1874  ;  m.  June  22,  1S99,  Florence  E.  Day  ; 

lives  in  Alliance. 

396  Angeline  Eliza'  Kingsbury  {John\  JoJin\  WiUard\ 
John'',  Ephraim^,  James",  Henry^),  married  April  9,  1856,  An- 
drew C.  Brown,  born  in  Chili,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  15,  1826,  son  of 
Truman  Brown.     Residence,  Chili,  N.  Y. 


1  Addie  Augusta,  b.  Dec.  8,  1858,  m.  April  26,  1883,  to  Emmanuel 

Caudle,  of  Gates,  N.  Y.  Ch. :  Dora  Augusta,  b.  in  Gates, 
Nov.  4,  1884.    2.  Charlotte  Irene,  b.  in  Rochester,  June  i,  1890. 

2  Clifford   Kingsbury,  b.  Sept.   24,   1872;  m.  Aug.   i,  1894,    Grace 

Cook;  lives  in  Rochester.  Ch.  :  i.  Evelyn  Hilda,  b.  May  28, 
1S95.  2.  Hilda  Angeline,  b.  Aug.  8,  1897.  3.  Donald  Cook, 
b.  June  II,  1899;  d.  Dec.  i,  1899. 

404  George  Harvey"  Kingsbury  {Harvey  N^,  John  B.\ 
Olive?-'',  Oliver',  SamueP,  James",  He?iry^),  of  Danville,  Ver- 
mont;  married  February  7,  1877,  Florence  Mary,  daughter 
of  Archibald  L.  and  Martha  (  Jones)  Gillis,  born  in  Danville, 
Vt.,  June  19,  1857.     He  is  proprietor  of  a  saw  and  grist  mill. 


460  Elwin  Harvey,  b.  July  26,  1880. 

461  Lvle  Julian,  b.  Sept.  15,  1S98. 

406  Newell  J/  {Harvey  N.\  John  B.\  Oliver\  Oliver\ 
SamiieP,  James",  Hcnry^),  of  Walden,  Vermont  ;  married 
March  11,  1884,  Jennie  L.,  daughter  of  William  and  Lucinda 
(King)  Robertson,  of  Trout  Brook,  Province  of  Quebec. 


462  Inez  L.,  b.  Feb.  23,  1886. 

407  Frederick  V.'  Kingsbury  {Harvey  N.\  John  B.\ 
Oliver^,  Olivcr\  Samuel^  James"",  Henry^),  of  East  Barnet,  Vt., 
married  March  12,  1894,  Rosa  L.  Cox,  of  Walden,  Vt.,  born 
Nov.  23,  1871. 




463  Charley  H.,  b.  Dec.  31,  1S98,  in  Walden. 

424  Anderson  Chapin"  Kin^shxivy  {Stejy/ien  J.^,  AtidreiiP, 
Stephen^,  Stephen^,  John\  Ephraiin^,  James",  Henry^),  of  Fair- 
mount,  Pa.;  married  Dulcie  Fulmer;  died  August  30,  1879. 


464  John  Willard,  b.  Jan.  25,  1S78. 

465  Jennie. 

427  Lester  Leonia'  Kingsbury  {David  JV.\  Andrew^, 
Stephen*,  Step/ien\  John\  Ephraivf,  James",  Henry"),  of  Balti- 
more, Md.,  married,  Oct.  20,  1880,  in  Sunbury,  Pa.,  Clara 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Wesley  and  Anna  Catharine  (Cum- 
mings)  Auten,  born  in  Chiliaquaque,  Pa.,  Dec.  6,  i860.  He 
removed  from  Montaudon,  Pa.,  to  Baltimore  in  1886,  where 
he  is  an  electrical  engineer  and  contractor,  and  agent  for  the 
Eddy  Electric  Mfg.  Co. 's  dynamos  and  motors  for  Maryland, 
Delaware,  and  the  District  of  Columbia.  He  is  Captain  and 
Regimental  Commissary  in  the  Fourth  Infantry,  Maryland 
National  Guard,  and  on  the  staff  of  Col.  Willard  Howard, 
commissioned  Sept.  25,  1899. 


466  Wesley  Auten,    b.    Dec.   12,    18S1  ;  died  in  Baltimore,   June    17, 


429  Arthur  Wellington'  Kingsbury  {David  IV.\  An- 
drezi<\  Stephen'^,  Stephen^,  John*,  Ephraim^,  James"",  ffenry^),  of 
Baltimore,  Md.,  married,  September  2,  1890,  Mary  Ellen  Sha- 
fer,  of  Lewisburg,  Pa. 

|[  CHILD. 

467  Russell  Lester,  b.  August  13,  1892. 

430  Doctor  Dana  William'  Kingsbury  {Daniel  H.\ 
Andrew\  Stephen*,  Stephen^,  John*,  Ephraim'^,  James",  Henry"),  of 
Nanticoke,  Pa.,  married,  Dec.  31,  1882,  Emma  Sharpless,  of 
Orangeville,  Pa. 



468  Oscar  J.,  b.  July  17,  1884. 

469  Eben  p.,  b.  Feb.  16,  1886. 

470  Erma  v.,  b.  May  20,  1889. 

471  Russell. 

472  Arthur. 

473  Marjorie,  b.  Feb.  24,  1894. 

431  Gilbert  Chapin'  Kingsbury  {Daniel  H\  Andrew', 
Stephen^,  Stephen^,  /o/in*,  Ephraini^,  Jatnes'^,  Henry"),  of 
Huntington,  Pa.,  married.  May  3,  1877,  Grace  Dodson,  of 


474  Maud  G,,  b.  Nov.  3,  1878. 

475  Ethel,  b.  July  31,  1886. 

476  Almond  D.,  b.  June  13,  1895. 

432  Ezra  Adlaska"  Kingsbury  {Daniel  H.\  Andre%v\ 
Stephen'',  Stephen",  John",  Ephraim^,  fames'^,  Henry^),  of  Wilkes- 
barre,  Pa.;  married  (i)  Etta  Gearhart;  (2)  July  7,  1894, 
Emma  Witt,  of  Wilkesbarre. 


477  Harold  G.,  b.  April  20,  1895. 

478  Harriet,  b.  Nov.  27,  i8g8. 

434  Mary  Luella"  Kingsbury  {Daniel  H.^,  Andreju', 
Stephen^,  Stephen^,  John\  Ephrainf',  fames'^,  ffenry^),  married, 
July  22,  1886,  Montrose  F.  Williams,  of  Huntington,  Pa. 



1  Nellie  S.,  b.  April  18,  1892. 

2  Archie,  b.  Feb.  10,  1895. 

3  Frederick,  b.  April  19,  1898. 

435  Rebecca  Dora*  Kingsbury  {Daniel  H.^,  Andrew\ 
Stephe7i^,  Stephen",  John"",  Ephrai/n^,  James'',  Henry^),  married, 
April  6,  1892,  Archie  C.  Hoag,  of  Nestipeak,  Pa. 


1     Martha,  b.  Feb.  14,  1893. 


2  Norma,  b.  July  12,  1895. 

3  Esther,  b.  Jan.  27,  iSg8. 

4  William  A.,  b.  April  14,  1900. 

436  Sarah  Jane'  Kingsbury  {Daniel  H.^,  Afidrew\  Ste- 
phen", Stephen'',  John\  Ephraim\  fames',  Henry^),  married,  Sept. 
6,  1888,  Henry  E.  Walton,  of  Huntington  Mills,  Pa. 


1  Frederick  M.,  b.  June  18,  1889. 

2  EuDORA  E.,  b.  Aug.  24,  1891. 

3  George  W.,  b.  Oct.  9,  1892. 

4  Daniel  Kinc.sbury,  b.  Feb.  15,  1895. 

5  Lena  E.,  b.  May  28,  1897. 

6  Caroline,  b.  Sept.  26,  1899. 

437  Eva  Burnetta'  Kingsbury  {Daniel  H\  Andrew\ 
Stephen^,  Stephen",  John*',  Ephraim^,  James'',  Henry^),  married, 
Dec.  4,  1890,  Ernest  B.  Koons,  of  Shickshinny,  Pa. 


1  Esther  R.,  b.  March  5,  1892. 

2  Caroline,  b.  Dec.  30,  1893. 

3  James  S.,  b.  Nov.  26,  1895. 

4  Elizabeth  H.,  b.  May  26,  1897. 

438  Clara  G/  Kingsbury  {Daniel  H.\  AtidreuP,  Stephen", 
Stephen^,  J ohn\  Ephraim'',  J  antes',  Henry^),  married,  Nov.  4, 1896, 
John  T.  Ridall,  of  Huntington,  Pa. 


1  Beatrice,  b.  Sept.  19,  1897. 

2  Frank,  b.  Jan.  10,  1900. 

441  William  H,"  Kingsbury  {Charles^,  Henrf,  Stephen\ 
Stephen^,  John*,  Ephraim^,  James'',  Henry^),  of  Huntington,  Pa.; 
married,  May  9,  1877,  Ida  Doty,  of  Huntington. 


479  Harry,  b.  Oct.  30,  1883. 

480  Ettie,  b.  Sept.  10,  1886. 

481  Lloyd,  b.  June  21,  1892. 


443  John'  Kingsbury  {Charles\  Henry\  Stephen\  Stephen\ 
John*,  Ephraim^,  James^,  Henry^),  of  Huntington,  Pa.;  married, 
May  2,  1877,  Adelia  Z .     He  died  July  29,  1882. 


482  Verna,  b.  Dec.  9,  1878. 

444  Frank  A.°  Kingsbury  {Charles\  Henry\  Stephen\ 
Stephen'',  /o/in\  Ephraim\  Jatnes",  Henry^),  of  Hobbie,  Pa.; 
married,  July  4,  1885,  Mira  Swank. 


483  Edward,  b.  April  13,  1886. 

447  George  F.'  Kingsbury  {C/iarles\  Henrf,  Stephen^ 
Step/ieir',  /ohn\  Ephraim^,  Jai/ies'',  Henry^),  of  Huntington,  Pa.; 
married,  Nov.  20,  1886  (.?),  Tillie  Chapin. 


484  Gardner,  b.  Feb.  17,  1896. 

448  Walter  E.°  Kingsbury  {Milford\  Henrf,  Stephen', 
Stephen'',  John*,  Ephraim^,  fames'^,  Henry^),  Professor  of  Music 
in  Harrisburg,  Pa.  ;  married,  May  18,  1881,  Mary  Patterson. 


485  Bertha  B.,  b.  July  23,  1882. 

486  George  M.,  b.  Sept.  i,  1883. 

487  Myrtle  A.,  b.  May  6,  1887. 

488  Frank  E.,  b.  July  12,  1890. 

489  Laura  E.,  b.  March  12,  1891. 

490  Harry  H.,  b.  Aug.  26,  1894. 

491  Vera  H.,  b.  Aug.  13,  1897. 

452  Dana'  Kingsbury  {Milford\  Henrf,  Stephen^,  Stephen\ 
John*,  Ephraim^,  James^,  Henry^),  of  Scranton,  Pa.;  married 
Lennie  Sober. 


492  Sober. 

493  Milford. 



454  Jesse  Yocum'  Kingsbury  {Milford^,  Henrf,  Ste- 
phen', Stephen",  Joh/i.\  Ephraim^,  James^,  Henry"),  of  Shick- 
shinny,  Pa.;  married  Jennie  Kelley. 

494    Paul,  b.  April  15,  1900. 



V.  Samuel'  Kingsbury  {He/uy),  married,  Nov.  5,  1679, 
Huldah,  daughter  of  George  and  Joanna  (Davis)  Corliss,  b. 
Nov.  18,  1661,  at  Haverhill.  He  testified  that  he  was  aged 
40,  on  the  25  I  m",  1689/90.  —  Essex  Court  Records.  He  died 
in  Haverhill,  Sept.  26,  1698.  Huldah  Kingsbury,  of  Haver- 
hill, "  widow  and  Rellixe  of  Samuel  Kingsbury,  DecV  gives  a 
quitclaim  deed  to  her  son,  Thomas  Kingsbury,  Dec.  27,  1704; 
Josiah  Gage,  Samuel  Hutchins,  and  Lucy  Merrill,  witnesses. 
— Essex  Coufity  Registry  of  IVtlls.  The  widow  Huldah  Kings- 
bury married,  Dec.  27,  1704,  in  Haverhill,  Abraham  Whitta- 
ker,  son  of  Abraham  and  Hannah  (Beane)  Whitaker,  born 
May  20,  1683. 


49s  Huldah,  b.  Aug.  16,  1680,  in  Haverhill ;  m.  John  Eastman,  Jun', 
of  Salisbury,  Mass.  John  Eastman,  Jun'',  of  Salisbury,  and 
Huldah  Eastman,  his  wife,  dau''  to  Sam"  Kingsbury,  late  of 
Haverhill,  Dec^,  give  a  quitclaim  deed  to  their  Brother,  Tho» 
Kingsbury,  for  her  share  of  her  father's  estate.  May  9,  1722. 
—  Essex  County  Registry  of  Wills,  jij,  4j^.  s:  > 

496    Thomas,  b.  Oct.  29,  1681,  in  Haverhill.  ;.::  > 

495  Huldah'  Kingsbury  {Samitel'',  Henry"),  married,  July 
21,  1697,  John  Eastman,  Jun'',  born  Aug.  24,  1675,  son  of  John 
and  Mary  (Boynton)  Eastman,  of  Salisbury,  Mass. 


1  Hannah,  b.   May  26,   1698;   m.   Jan.  28,   1722,  Samuel  George,  of 


2  Mary,  b.  Jan.  19,  1700;  m.  Dec.  29,  1726,  John  Hoyt. 

3  John,  b.  Dec.  27,  1701;  ra.  April   i,   1727,  Martha,  dau.  of  Richard 

Fitz,  or  Fitts,  of  Salisbury. 

4  Samuel,  b.  Aug.  18,  1705;  died  young. 



5  Roger,  b.  May  29,  1707;  m.  Jan.  25,  1730,  Jerusha,  dau.  of  Richard 

Fitz.  He  had  4ch.:  Ezekiel,  b.  1731;  Daniel,  b.  1733;  Sarah, 
b.  1735,  m.  William  Walton;  Abigail,  b.  Sept.  27,  1739,  d. 
April  14, 1816,  m"*  Ebenezer  Webster,  Oct.  13,  1774,  and  was  the 
mother  of  the  Hon.  Daniel  Webster,  the  great  "  Expounder 
of  the  Constitution." 

6  Elizabeth,  b.  March  3,  1709;  m.  Daniel  Flanders. 

7  Mehitabel,  b.  July  25,  1711;  died  Oct.  16,  1721. 

8  HuLDAH,  b.  Oct.  7,  1714;  m.  Aug.  17,  1742,  Daniel  Folsom,  of  Exe- 

ter, N.  H.;  6  ch.  One  son,  Abraham,  had  a  son,  Asa,  m. 
Fanny  Bennet ;  d.  1813,  leaving  3  sons.  The  3d,  John  B. 
Folsom,  of  Folsomdale,  Wyoming  Co.,  N.  Y. ,  m.,  1811,  Cla- 
rinda  Harndon  ;  died  1886  ;  their  son,  Oscar,  m.  Emma  Har- 
mon, died  1875  ;  and  their  only  ch.  was  Frances,  born  July 
21,  1864,  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y. ;  m.  in  the  Blue  Room  of  the  Ex- 
ecutive Mansion,  Washington,  D.  C,  June  2,  1886,  to  the  Hon. 
Grover  Cleveland,  President  of  the  United  States  ;  now  resides 
in  Princeton,  N.  J. 

9  Daniel,  b.  June  11,  1720;  m.  Aug.  17,  1742,  Susannah  Flanders. 
10    Tabitha,  b.  1722;  died  young. 

496  Thomas'  Kingsbury  {Samuer,  Henry'),  removed 
from  Haverhill,  Mass.,  to  Windham,  Conn.,  that  part  of 
Windham  now  Hampton.  He  married  in  Haverhill,  Nov.  25, 
1706,  Margaret  Haynes,  born  (ace.  to  record)  March  3,  1686/7, 
daughter  of  Jonathan  and  Sarah  (Moulton)  Haynes,  of  Ha- 
verhill. His  name  is  among  those  of  the  signers  of  a  peti- 
tion to  the  General  Court  of  Massachusetts  from  the  inhab- 
itants of  Essex  Co.,  for  the  settlement  of  Pennacook,  May 
31,  1721.  He  died  in  Hampton,  April  20,  1751,  in  the  70th 
year  of  his  age;  his  widow,  Margaret,  died  Feb.    10,   1753, 

aged  71. 

Here  Lies  y«  Body  Here  Lies  y"  Body  of  M"  Mar- 

of  M^Thomas  Kingsbery  y«  gret  Kingsbery  late  deceased 

Husband  of  M"  Margeret  Kings-  who  Departed  this  life  Feb^y 

bery,  who  died  April  y  20'''  1751  y^  lo""  AD  1753,  in  y^  71"  year 

in  y«  70""  year  of  his  age.  of  her  Age. 

*  James  and  Mary  Utley,  of  Windham,  quitclaim  to  Jonathan  Kingsbury  their 
right  in  land  in  W.  belonging  to  Thomas  Kingsbury,  Dec^,  also  James  and  Sarah 
Halkins  of  Coventry,  and  Thomas  Kingsbury,  May  i,  1757.  Windham  Land 



497  Samuel,  b.  Oct.  20,  1707.  i:.:  > 

498  Sarah,  b.  March  7,  1708/9.  s^^* 

499  Jonathan,  b.  Jan.  9,  1711/12.  E^-*' 

500  Elizabeth,  b.  May  22,  1714.  :s  > 

501  Thomas,  b.  April  2,  1717.  s  > 

502  Mary,  b.  ,  1721. 

497  Samuel'  Kingsbury  {Thomas',  SaumeP,  Henrf),  re- 
moved from  Windham  to  Plainfield,  Conn.  He  married,  May 
12,  1730,  Dorcas,  daughter  of  Eleazer  and  Abigail  (Kings- 
bury) Spalding,  of  Plainfield,  born  Feb.  8,  1713.*  Sam" 
Kingsbury  of  Windham,  and  Darkhas,  his  wife,  acknowledge 
that  they  have  rec"^  their  full  portion  of  "  our  Honerd  Father 
Elezer  Spaulding's  Estate,"  Nov.  15,  1738. — Plainfield  Land 
Records.  He  died  Aug.  21,  1739.  His  will,  dated  July  24, 
1739,  names  wife,  Dorcas,  only  son,  Thomas,  daughters  Sarah 
and  Eunice;  brother  Jonathan  to  have  the  use  and  improve- 
ment of  his  lands  until  his  son  be  of  age  ;  Hon''  Father, 
Thomas  Kingsbury  ;  witnesses,  Thomas  White  and  Nathan- 
iel Kingsbury,  of  Bolton,  also  Jabez  Kingsbury. 

Here  Lyeth 

the  body  of 

M''  Samuel  Kingsbery 

of  Windham  Village 

son  of  Thomas  and 


Remainder  illegible  ;  South  Coventry  graveyard. 


503  Thomas,  b.  Nov.  4,  1730,  in  Plainfield.  s->- 

504  Sarah,  b.   Feb.   23,    1732,  in  Plainfield.  s-^- 

505  Eunice,  b.  March  5,  1735,  in  Plainfield.  s-»- 

498  Sarah'  Kingsbury  {T/ionias\  Sai?iuel\  Henry'),  mar- 
ried, July  6,  1728,  James  Hawkins,  of  Coventry.  He  died  in 
Coventry,  January  28,  1776,  in  y«  71^''  year  of  his  age.  Sarah, 
his  "Realick,"  died  in  Coventry,  vSept.  3,  1777,  in  ye  69'^''  year 
of  her  age.     Both  buried  in  South  Coventry. 

*  See  pp.  113,  117. 

Samuel  kingsbury  of  haverhill.         169 


1  Joseph,  b.  in  Coventry,  Feb.  6,   1730/31;  m.  March  8,  1752,  Sarah 

Southworth  ;  7  ch.     She  died  in  Coventry,  Feb.  25,   1778,  in 
y"  43"*  year  of  her  age.     [Tombstone,  South  Coventry  ] 

2  James,  b.   in  Coventry,  Nov.   24,  1733;    m.    May   12,   1757,    Phebe 

Dimock  ;  he  died  in  Coventry,  Sept.  3,  1773,  aet.  40;  6  ch. 

499  Jonathan*  Kingsbury  {Thomas',  SamueP,  Henrf),  of 
Hampton,  in  Windham;  married,  (i)  Dec.  3,  1736,  Abigail, 
daughter  of  Paul  and  Abigail  Holt,  b.  Aug.  21,  17 15;  she 
d.  Nov.  3,  1749,  aged  34.  Weavers  Notes. —  Mr.  F.  J-  K.  says 
Nov,  23,  and  MS.  authority  says  March  17,  1749.  Letter  of 
H.  Tweedy,  Oct.  22,  1880,  says  Nov.  23,  1749, — apparently 
from  tombstone,  Nov.  23,  [T.  S.]  He  m.  (2)  January  9,  1751, 
Hannah,  daughter  of  Deacon  John  and  Ruth  (Haskell)  Clark, 
b.  Dec.  14,  1727;  d.  May  6,  1760,  aged  32;  May  6,  1759,  ac- 
cording to  H.  Tweedy.  He  m.  (3)  January  14,  1761,  widow 
Sarah  Ballard. 

He  was  Ensign  of  the  trainband,  1751  ;  Lieutenant,  1755  ; 
Captain,  1764,  of  the  6th  company,  5th  regiment,  Connecti- 
cut militia.  He  was  member  of  a  committee  appointed  Dec. 
7,  1767,  to  discourage  the  use  of  foreign  fabrics  and  manu- 

He  died  Dec.  28,  1770.  His  will,  dated  Oct.  12,  1770,  men- 
tions wife,  Sarah;  son,  Jonathan;  daughter,  Abigail  Abbot; 
daughter,  Hannah  Kingsbury;  daughter,  Elizabeth  Kings- 
bury; daughter,  Mary  Kingsbury;  daughter,  Esther  Kings- 
bury; grandson,  John  Goold;  grandson,  Jonathan  Goold. 
Inv.  ;!{^i 755.6.4.  His  widow,  Sarah,  died  June  2 1,  1 7 7 1 ;  an  in- 
ventory of  her  estate  was  exhibited  in  court,  and  the  executor 
of  the  estate,  Mr.  Sherebiah  Ballard,  of  Monson,  Mass.,  was 
ordered  to  make  a  division  to  the  heirs,  Sherebiah,  Israel, 
Sarah,  John,  Daniel,  Lydia,  and  Joel  Ballard,  and  Esther 
Kingsbury,  children  and  heirs  of  the  deceased. 

In  Memory  of 
Cap"  Jonathan 
Kingsbery,  who 
died  dec'*"  28""  1770, 
in  y  69"'  Year 
of  his  age. 



506  Abigail,  b.  March  17,  1742;  b.  March  6,  according  to  letter  of  M.  L. 

Roberts,  Nov.  11,  1889.  s-^ 

507  Jonathan,  b.  April  25,  1745;  bap.  April  28.  s-> 


508  Hannah,  b.  Dec.  22,  1751;  bap.  Jan.  26,  1752;  d.  Nov.  6  (i,T.  S.),  1754. 

509  Daniel,  b.  April  3/14,  1753;  bap.  April  22;  d.  Oct.  3,  1753. 

510  Hannah,  b.  Sept.  29,  1755;  bap.  Oct.  5.     Weaver's  MS.  says  that 

Hannah  m.  Joel  Greenslit.     Miss  Tweedy  says  one  of  Jona- 
than's daughters  married  Joel  Greenslit. 

512  Elizabeth,  b.  March  14,  1757/8;  bap.  March  26.  =;;-> 

513  Mary,  b.  April  24,  1760;  bap.  April  30.  =■■> 


514  Daniel,  b.  Nov.  23,  1761;  bap.  Jan.  21,  1762;  d.  Aug.  4,  1767,  aged 

5  years  —  T.  S. 

515  Esther,  b.  April  4,  bap.  April  8,  1764;   m.  Joel  Greenslit  (?)  and 

lived  in  the  State  of  New  York. 

500  Elizabeth*  Kingsbury  {Thomas',  Saviuer,  Henry'), 
married,  Sept.  26,  1734,  in  Hampton,  by  Rev.  Samuel  Moseley, 
Jonathan  Haynes,  of  Haverhill,  Mass.,  b.  April  25,  1712,  son 
of  Thomas  and  Hannah  (Harriman)  Haynes.  She  died 
Sept.  17,  1 741;  he  died  April  28,  1786,  in  Bennington,  Vt., 
having  married  a  second  wife,  Ruth  Page,  April,  1743. 


1  Thomas,  b.  July  23,  1735. 

2  Margret,  b.  Dec.  4,  1737. 

3  Elizabeth,  b.  June  12,  1740. 

501  Thomas^  Kingsbury  {Thomas^,  SamueP,  Henry"),  of 
Coventry.     He   married,  July  30,  1749,  Anne 

He  died  in  Coventry,  July  15,  1754.  His  widow  died  May 
10,  1755,  in  the  26th  year  of  her  age  ;  both  buried  in  an  old 
graveyard  in  Coventry,  near  the  Skungamug  river,  on  the 
road  to  Andover  and  Bolton.  His  will,  dated  May  29,  1754, 
mentions  son  Samuel,  daughter  Ann  "  when  she  shall  reach 
the  age  of  19,"  "Child  tha^t  is  yet  unborn,"  wife  Ann; 
Brother  James  Hawkins,  executor.  Administration  on  the 
widow's  estate  was  granted  to  James  Hawkins,  of  Coventry, 
June  27,  1755. 


In  Memory  of  Mr' 

Anne  Kingsbury 

Cons'  to  M' 

Thomas  Kingsbury 

who  died  May  y« 

10"'  1755  in  y« 

25th  Year  of  her  Age. 

Thomas  Kingsbury's  stone  has  fallen  over,  but  the  foot- 
stone  is  standing,  marked  "  M''  Thomas  Kingsbury." 


516  Samuel,  b.  Feb.  5  (15,  Mrs.  Williams),  1745/6,  in  Coventry,  s-^ 

517  Hannah,  b.  Aug.  30,  1748  ;  d.  Sept.  15,  1748. 

518  Sarah,  b.  April  5,  1752  ;  d.  May  9,  1753. 

519  Thomas,  b.  Sept.  i,  1754.    March  28,  1777,  Thomas  Kingsbury  gives 

a  discharge  to  his  guardian,  James  Hawkins,  of  Coventry. s-^- 

520  Ann,  b.  Sept.  29,  1749  '<   mentioned  in  her  father's  will.     April  6, 

1767,  Samuel  Kingsbury,  of  Coventry,  claims  from  the  will  of 
his  father,  Mr.  Thos.  Kingsbury,  deceased,  land,  etc.,  out  of 
which  he  is  to  pay  to  his  sister,  Ann,  a  portion,  etc.  Nov.  4, 
1769,  Samuel  Kingsbury  and  Anne  Kingsbury  sign  a  receipt 
in  full  to  James  Hawkins,  executor  of  the  estate  of  Thomas 
and  Anne  Kingsbury. 

502  Mary*  Kingsbury  (T/iomas\  SamiieP,  Henrys),  mar- 
ried, by  Rev.  Samuel  Moseley,  in  Hampton,  Aug.  10,  1742, 
to  James  Utley,  of  Hampton.  He  died  in  Hampton,  Sept. 
22,  1774,  aged  54.  She  died  in  Hampton,  Dec.  31,  1797,  in 
the  76th  year  of  her  age. 

In  Memory  of  Mrs.  Mary  In  Memory  of  M'' 

Utley,  Relict  of  Mr.  James  James  Utley,   He 

Utley,  who  died  December  Departed  this  life 

31''  1797,  in  the  76""  Sep'.  22,   1772,  in 

Year  of  her  Age.  y*  54""  Year  of  his  Age. 


1  Mary,  b.  in  Windham  (Hampton),  Oct.  30,  1747  ;  d.  Nov.  8,  1747. 

2  Mary,  b.  in  Windham  (Hampton),  June  29,  1749  ;  d.  Oct.  20,  1754. 

3  James,  b.  in  Windham  (Hampton),  Dec.  11,  1751  ;  d.  Oct.  16,  1754. 

4  Thomas,  b.  in  Windham  (Hampton),  April  20,  1754. 

5  Anna,  d.  Oct.  19,  1754. 

6  James,  b.  in  Windham  (Hampton),  Aug.  15,  1755. 

7  Samuel,  b.  in  Windham  (Hampton),  Nov.  8,  1758, 



503  Thomas^  Kingsbury  {Samuel\  Thomas^,  SamueP^ 
Hen/y^),  of  Windham  ;  married  (i),  Nov.  4,  1749,  Sarah  Pres- 
ton;  (2),  March  i,  1759,  Content  Neff.  He  died  Nov.  13, 
1767.  His  widow,  Content,  married,  Sept.  18,  1768,  John 
Wightman,  of  Norwich.*     [Windham  T.  R.] 


521  Samuel,  b.  April  i,  1750. 

522  Thomas,  b.  April  24,  1752.  ts— >- 

504  Sarah^  Kingsbury  [Sattmel*,  Thomas\  SamiieP,  Henry^), 
married  in  Windham  (Hampton),  by  Rev.  Samuel  Moseley, 
January  10,  1749/50,  to  John  Ginnings,  Jr.,  of  Windham. 
[The  wife  of  John  Ginnings  died  Aug.,  1778.     Weaver  MSS.I 

I     Joseph,  b.  in  Windham,  Oct.  4,  1750. 

505  Eunice'  Kingsbury  {Samuel",  T/iomas%  SamueP^ 
Heniy^),  married  in  Windham,  January  3  [T.  R.]  2  \Ma7isfield 
Ch.  Rec\  1755,  Josiah  Read,  of  Windham. 

"  The  above  Josiah  Read. 

"He  was  killed  by  Indians  in  the  year  1756  in  his  march 
from  Fort  Edward  to  with  Lieut.  Grant  &  party." 

Windham  Town  Records. 

I     Hannah,  b.  Sept.  27,  1755. 

506  Abigail'  Kingsbury  {Jonathan",  Thomas^,  SamueP, 
Henry^),  married,  Nov.  13,  1759,  John  Gould,  of  Windham, 
son  of  Henry  and  Rebecca  (Cole)  Gould,  born  March  23, 
1731.  He  died  Oct.  28,  1765,  and  she  married  (2),  before 
Oct.  12,  1770,  John  Abbot,  of  Ashford. 


1  Abigail,  b.  in  Windham,  Feb.   14,  1760. 

2  John,  b.  in  Windham,  Aug.  12,  1761. 

3  Jonathan,  b  in  Windham,  April  28,  1763. 

4  Sally,  b.  in  Windham,  July  8,  1765. 

*The  Windham  Church  Record  has  it:  "John  Wight  of  Norwich,  married 
Sept.  18,  1768,  Content  Kingsbury." 



507  Jonathan^  Kingsbury  {Jonathaii\  T/iomas",  SamueP, 
Henry^),  of  Hampton,  Conn.,  graduated  from  Yale  College, 
1767  ;  was  a  farmer  on  a  large  scale  ;  owned  about  five  hun- 
dred acres  of  land,  kept  sixty  head  of  cattle  and  ten  or  twelve 
riding  horses.*  He  was  married  (i),  by  Rev.  Samuel  Moseley, 
January  14,  1768,  to  Anne  Geer,  of  Hampton.  She  was  bap- 
tized Dec.  16,  1770  ;  died  Oct.  23,  1773,  aged  28.  (2),  June  21, 
1775,  Lodemia  (or  L'odema)  Ransom,  of  Kent.  He  died 
September  25,  1802,  aged  57,  in  Hampton.  His  widow  died 
March  24,  1814,  aged  63.! 

CHILDREN  (From  family  Bible  at  Hampton). 

523  Anne,  b.  "  Monday,  Nov.  21,  1768"  ;  bap.  Dec.  16,  1770.  ss-^ 

524  LoRA,  b.  "  Sunday,  Sept.  8,  1771  "  ;  bap.  Oct.  6,  1771.  s-^- 

525  Mercy,  b.   "Saturday,   Oct.  9,  1773";  bap.  Oct.  25;    d.  May  12, 


526  Artemisia,  b.  "  Saturday,  June  15,  1776  "  ;  bap.  July  7.  s-^- 

527  Rhoda,  b.  "  Tuesday,  March  31,  177S  "  ;  bap.  May  24.  ss-^ 

528  Lodemia,  or  Lodema,  b.  "Thursday,  Feb.  24,  1780"  ;  bap.  May  7  ; 

m.  ■  Nettleton  ;  he  went  to  Kentuckj?  on  some  business 

and  died  there  ;  his  widow  went,  after  his  death,  to  settle  his 
affairs,  going  on  horseback  from  Connecticut  to  Kentucky  ; 
she  was  taken  ill,  on  her  return,  and  died  somewhere  in  West 
Virginia,  on  the  Ohio  River. 

529  Amy,  b.  "Tuesday,  Aug.  13,  1782."  i::.  > 

530  Lewis,  b.  "  Saturday,  March  5,  1785  ";  d. ,  unm.,  in  Coldwater,  Mich. 

531  Lester,  b.  "  Monday,  May  28,  1787."  s3->- 

532  Ransom,  b.  "  Monday,  March  10,  1789."  :r  > 

533  Jonathan,  b.  "  Sunday,  April  15,  1792."  s  > 

512  Elizabeth'  Kingsbury  {Joiiathan\  Thojnas^,  SamueP, 
Henry^),  married,  Dec.  11,  1777,  Capt.  Nathaniel  Root,  of 
Coventry,  son  of  Capt.  Ebenezer  and  Phebe  (Hawkins) 
Root,  born  March  25,  1757.  When  the  news  of  the  battle  of 
Lexington  arrived,  Capt.  Root  was  laboring  in  the  field,  but 
left  his  plough  without  delay  and  departed  for  the  field  of 
conflict.  He  continued  in  the  army  until  March,  1777,  taking 
part  in  the  battles  of  Long  Island,  Trenton,  and  Princeton. 
He  was  called  to  various  offices  of  trust  and  responsibility 

•Letter  of  H.  Tweedy,  May  i,  1880. 

t  Died  at  Hampton,  Widow  Lodema  Kingsbury,  aged  67.     Conn.  Courant,  April 
iq,  1S14. 


in  his  native  town,  and  several  times  represented  Coventry 
in  the  General  Assembly.  In  1781  he  and  his  wife  united 
with  the  Congregational  Church.  She  died  Aug.  3,  1790, 
aged  32,  and  he  married  (2),  May  26,  1791,  Candace  Ham- 
mond, of  Bolton,  Conn.  He  died  Sept.  21,  1840,  aged  83. 
His  second  wife  died  January  i,  1835,  aged  71. 


1  Elizabeth,  b.  Nov.  14,  1778  ;  m.  (i),  Amariah  Avery  ;  (2),  Abel  Case; 

d.  Nov.  23,  1840  ;  5  ch. 

2  Clarissa,  b.  Aug.  20,  1780;  m.  Abel  Case  ;  d.  July  2,  1808  ;  2  ch. 

3  Ebenezer,  b.  Nov.  26,  1782  ;  m.  Nov.  27,  1806,  Anna  Grant,  b.  Aug. 

7,  1782  ;  she  died  Jan.  15,  1841 ;  i  ch. 

4  Nathaniel,  b.   Feb.    i,    1785  ;  m.  Nov.  29,  1809,  Almaria  Page,  sis- 

ter of  Harlan  Page,  b.  Sept.  30,  1789  ;  lived  in  North  Coven- 
try, where  he  died  in  1880.  His  wife  was  then  living.  Their 
son,  Kingsbury  Root,  was  living  in  Chicago  in  1889.  He  mar- 
ried Elizabeth  T.  Lillie,  who  died  in  Chicago,  Feb.  3,  1888. 

5  Lora,  b.  Sept.  17,  1787  ;  m.  Nov.  18,  1807,  Francis  Grant,  b.  Dec.  6, 

1777  ;  d.  Feb.  11,  1856  ;  she  died  Nov.  25,  1809,  in  Vernon  ;  i 
ch.,  Harlow,  died  in  Vernon,  Sept.,  1854. 

6  Daniel,  b.  July  22,  1790  ;  died  the  same  day. 

513.  Mary^  Kingsbury  {Jonathan*,  Thomas^,  SamueP, 
Henry\  m.  Josiah  Brown,  of  Coventry.  He  marched  with 
Major  Thomas  Brown's  company  from  Coventry  in  "the 
Lexington  Alarm."  He  served  later  in  Captain  Paul  Brig- 
ham's  company,  in  Col.  Chandler's  regiment,  for  8  months 
from  April  28,  1778.  Connecticut  Men  in  the  Revolution,  7,  2j2. 
She  died  in  1802.  Josiah  Brown  died  in  Coventry,  March 
18,  1830,  aged  73. 


1  Hannah,  b.  July  19,    1781  ;    m.   April    4,  1806,    Duthan   Avery,   of 

Coventry,  b.  Feb.  15,  1780;  ch.  (i)  infant,  b.  Feb.  5,  1808  ;  d. 
Feb.  6,  1808  ;  (2)  Lydia  M.,  b.  Oct.  18,  1810  ;  d.  Dec.  14,  1836  ; 
(3)  Josiah  B.,  b.  May  6,  1813  ;  d.  Nov.  3,  1880;  (4)  Anna  E.,  b. 
April  9,  1816.     She  died  Nov.  i,  1862.     He  died  Dec.  16,  1863, 

2  Abigail,  b.  Nov.  20,  1782  ;  d.  Dec.  25,  1782. 

3  Selah,  b.  Dec.    11,  1784  ;  m.  Betsey  Dunham  ;  ch.    (i)   Mary  Kings- 

bury, b.  Jan.  23,  1805  ;  d.  Feb.  1817  ;  (2)  Selah  Ashley,  b. 
April  8,  1807  ;  (3)  Eliza,  b.  Feb.  23,  1809  ;  (4)  Mary,  b,  June  22, 
1811  ;    (5)   Lewis   Dunham,   b.    April    10,    1814 ;    (6)   Andrew 




Kingsbury,  b.  April  6,  1816;  (7)  Sylvester,  b.  Feb.  22,  1818' 
(8)  Oliver  Wolcott,  b.  June  20,  1820;  d.  young;  (9)  Oliver,  b. 
Feb.  26,1822;  (10)  Cyrus  Bicknell,  b.  May  6,  1824;  (11)  Charles 
Austin,  b.  Sept.  19,  1S27;  (12)  Caroline,  b.  June  6,  1830.  He 
died  Jan.  22,  1867. 

4  Jonathan  Clark,  b.  Oct.  18,   1786;   m.  Oct.  8,   1807,  Sophia,  dau.  of 

Ithamar  and  Hannah  (Button)  Bingham,  of  Ellington;  d. 
Aug.  21,  1821;  ch.  (i)  Jonathan  Clark;  (2)  Sophia  Bingham, 
b.  June  8,  1810  ;  m.  Eli  Barnes;  d.  Aug.  26,  1S90  ;  (3) 
Melissa,  b.  March  21,  1812  ;  m.  Almon  Lewis,  d.  Nov.  5, 
1889,   7  ch. ;    (4)  Cyrus,   b.   Nov.   21,  1814;    d.  Nov.   14,  1823; 

(5)  Josiah,  b.  Dec.  2,  1816;  m.  Mary  Waters  ;   d.  1899,  2  ch.  ; 

(6)  Hannah  Harriet,  b.  April  10,  1S18;  m.  (i)  Chauncey 
Pomeroy  and  had  3  ch.;  (2)  Edwin  Olmsted  Goodwin,  and  had 
4  ch.,  one  of  whom  is  Mrs.  John  M.  Holcombe,  Regent  of 
Ruth  Wyllys  Chapter,  D.  A.  R.,  Hartford,  Conn.;  (7)  Anson, 
b.  Aug.  28,  1820;  m.  Mary  ;  no  ch. 

5  Josiah,  b.  June  26,   1790;   m.  Sally  Wales;    married  late   "after  a 

courtship  of  30  years";  no  children. 

6  Zalvah,  b.  Feb.  11,  1788;   m.  Dec.  14,  1814,  Mary  White  ;   d.  Jan.  27, 

1868;  ch.  (i)  Mary  Kingsbury,  b.  Sept.  15,  1815;  (2)  George 
Oliver,  b.  Aug.  7,  1819;  killed  at  Conn.  State  Prison,  Nov. 
16,  1849;  (3)  Emeline  Francis,  b.  May  7,  1823;  (4)  Catherine 
Porter,  b.  July  22,  1S24  ;  (5)  Walter  Clark,  b.  Oct.  11,  1830; 
all  born  in  Coventry. 

7  Oliver,  b.  Sept.  11,  1792;  d.  January  10,  1795. 

8  Polly,  b.  July  31,  1794  ;  d.  January  22,  1795. 

516  SamueP  Kingsbury  {T/iomas\  T/io??ias^,  Saviuel^, 
JIe?ify),  of  Coventry,  m.,  January  6,  1771,  Olive  Scribner,  b. 
in  Norwalk,  March  7,  1749.  He  owned  a  paper  mill  in 
Andover.  His  will  is  dated  Nov.  9,  1793,  mentions  wife 
Olive,  sons  Josiah  and  Ira,  daughter  Olive.  Inventory  of 
his  estate  taken  Feb.  10,  1794.  Daniel  White  and  Olive 
Kingsbury  executors.  He  died  January  6,  1794,  in  the  48th 
year  of  his  age.  Tombstone  in  old  burying  ground  at  Cov- 
entry, on  the  road  to  Andover  and  Bolton.  His  widow  re- 
moved to  Paris  Hill,  N.  Y.,  soon  after  his  death,  about  1795, 
[in  a  wagon,  with  her  children,  and  nine  hundred  dollars  in 
silver  in  their  feather  bed.*  Mrs.  Olive  Kingsbury  married 
[in  Sangersfield,  N.  Y.,  June  20,  1798,  Captain  Nathan  Daniels- 
She  died  in  Paris,  N.  Y.,  March  15,  1806. 

*  Josiah  Kingsbury,  of  Sangersfield,  in  the  County  of  Chenango,  and  State  of 
iNew  York,  appoints  Ira  Kingsbury,  of  said  Sangersfield,  to  be  his  "  true  and  lawful 
[attorney,"  Jan.  29,  17Q4. —  Coventry  Land  Records. 



534  JosiAH,  b.  Sept.  7,  1772.  r:  > 

535  Olive,  b.  Dec.  22  or  24,  1775.  s-^ 

536  Ira,  b.  May  31,  1777.  :n  > 

519  Thomas^  Kingsbury  {Thomas^,  Thoinas^,  Samuel'^, 
HeiDj^).  He  enlisted  in  Capt.  Elias  Biiell's  company,  Cov- 
entry, in  "  the  Lexington  Alarm."  In  January,  1776,  he  en- 
listed in  Coventry  for  three  months  with  Capt.  James  Sted- 
man,  in  Col.  Douglas'  regiment,  going  to  Cambridge,  Mass., 
with  quarters  in  the  College,  for  about  two  months;  then  was 
ordered  with  part  of  the  regiment  to  Dorchester  Heights,  to 
strengthen  the  fortifications.  He  was  drafted  in  April,  1777, 
for  two  months  to  go  to  Fort  Griswold,  in  Groton,  under 
Capt.  Amaziah  Rust,  in  Col.  Ephraim  Storrs'  regiment,  to 
assist  in  building  the  fort,  under  the  superintendence  of  Col. 
Ledyard.  In  July,  1777,  he  enlisted  for  six  months  with  Capt. 
James  Dana,  in  Col.  John  Ely's  regiment,  stationed  at  Fort 
Trumbull  until  early  in  the  Fall,  when  he  marched  to  Rhode 
Island,  to  be  stationed  on  the  coast,  at  the  time  Gen.  Spencer 
was  in  command.  Later  Col.  Ely's  regiment  was  sent  to  Long 
Island.  Was  again  in  service  at  Fort  Griswold  in  Aug.- 
Oct.,  1778,  and  in  July- Sept.,  1779,  and  again  in  1780. 

At  the  close  of  the  Revolution  he  was  residing  at  Benning- 
ton, Vt. ;  from  thence  he  moved  to  Dorset,  Vt.;  married  in 
Pawlet,  Vt.,  Feb.  9,  1786,  Esther  Baker.  He  removed  in  1802 
to  Canton,  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.,  where  he  purchased  a 
farm  of  300  acres.  He  died  in  Norfolk,  St.  Lawrence  Co., 
N.  Y.,  March  7,  1839.  His  widow,  Esther,  died  in  Canton, 
N.  Y,,  July  22,  1842. 


537  Lathrop,  b.  in  Dorset,  Oct.  20,  1786.  s  > 

538  Polly,  b.  in  Dorset,  Feb.  22,  1788  ;   m.  Jonathan  Harvey,  of  Can- 

ton, N.  Y. 

539  Ezra,  b.  in  Dorset,  Jan.  6,  1790;  m.  Candace  Dimmock;  d.  in  Can- 

ton, N.  Y.,  in  1827. 

540  Anna,  b.  in  Dorset,  Oct.  20,  1791;  m.  Joseph  Chandler,  of  Canton, 

N.  Y. 

541  Lydia,  b.  in  Dorset,  Nov.  14,  1793  ;    m.  Kneeland  Abbot;    d.  Oct 

20,  1842,  in  Norfolk,  N.  Y. 

542  Esther,  b.  in  Dorset,  Feb.  26,  1796. 

543  Olive,  b.  in  Dorset,  July  24,  1797. 



544  Lois,  b.  in  Canton,  N.  Y. ;  m.  David  Raymond,  of  Canton,  N.  Y. 

545  Thomas,  born  in  Canton,  X.  Y.,   1804;  m.   Olive  Simpson;   d.  in 

Norfolk,  N.  Y.,  in  1842. 

546  SopHRONiA  (12th  and  youngest  child),  b.  in  1809  ;  m.  Hiram  Baker, 

of  Canton,  N.  Y.,  in  1846.  Removed  to  Elgin,  111.,  where  she 

522  Thomas"  Kingsbury  ( Thomas^,  Samnel\  Thomas'^,  Sam- 
ueP,  Henrf),  of  Windham,  m.  April  12  [2,  Windhain  Ch.  Rec\ 
1778,  Patience  Stoell.  He  enlisted  in  the  Lexington  Alarm 
from  Windham,  and  served  28  days.  Connecticut  Men  in  the 
Revolution,  26.  He  enlisted  at  Windham,  in  January,  1776, 
for  one  year,  with  Capt.  Nathan  Hale,  in  Col.  Charles  Webb's 
regiment,  and  was  in  the  battles  at  White  Plains,  and  at 
Trenton.  The  next  year  he  enlisted  with  his  team  for  six 
months.  Removed  to  Cortland  Co.,  N.  Y.  In  1818  he  was 
residing  in  Virgil,  Cortland  Co.,  N.  Y.  In  Sept.,  1820,  he 
stated  his  age  as  68  years,  and  his  wife.  Patience,  was  67.* 


547  Phila,  b.  in  Windham,  Dec.  29,  177S  ;  d.  March  2,  1779. 

548  Phila,  b.  in  Windham,  April  5,  1780.  s-^- 

549  Royal,  b.  in  Windham,  Nov.  24,  1781. 

550  Lucy,  b.  in  Windham,  Feb.  2  {Pension  Office  Records),  12  (F.  J.  K.), 

1784  ;  d.  March  13  (F.  J.  K.),  17  {Pension  Office  Records),  179S, 
in  Windham.  (Child  of  Capt.  Thomas  Kingsbury  died  Mch. 
13,  1798,  aged  13.      Weaver's  MSS.) 

551  Hannah,  b.  July  8,  1785,  in  Windham. 

552  Fanny,  b.  April  28,  1790. 

553  LuRY,  b.  Nov.  28,  1797. 

554  Uriel,  b.  17S2  (aged  38  in  1820). 

555  A  Daughter,  b.  1779.  (aged  21  in  1820). 

523  Anne"  Kingsbury  {Jonathan"^  Jonathan\  T/ionias^, 
Sa>nuel",  Henrf),  m.  Thomas  Rindge,  a  farmer  in  Hampton, 
afterwards  removed  to  Bolton,  but  returned  to  Hampton, 
where  he  died  Oct.  5,  1821,  aged  54  (58,  T.  S.j.  She  died 
May  16  (15,  T.  S.),  1857,  aged  88. 


1  Thomas,   b.    about     1787  ;    bapt.   in     Bolton,  June    i,    1794  ;  m.  (i) 

Betsey  Howard ;  (2)  Lora  Spencer  ;  he  lived  in  Chaplin  ;  d. 
about  1868,  aged  81  ;  no  ch. 

2  Anna,  bapt.  in  Bolton,  June  i,  1794  ;  m.  John  Kingsley,  of  Scotland. 

*  Pension  Office  Rolls. 


3  LoRA,  bapt.  in  Bolton,  Jan.  i,  1794  ;  married Holmes,  of  Web- 

ster, Mass.;  no  ch. 

4  Jonathan  Kingsbury,  bapt.  in  Bolton,  Jan.  10,  1796  ;  married  Joanna 

D.  Griggs,  of  Ashford  ;  died  in  Hampton,  April  19,  1876,  aged 
81.  His  wife,  Joanna,  died  Feb.  14,  1894,  aged  91  years,  6 
mos. ;  8  ch.  The  oldest  son,  Samuel  D.,  b.  Nov.  11,  1826,  m. 
Nov.  23,  1856,  Maria  Polk,  of  Willington  ;  living  in  Willimantic 
in  1880. 

5  LoDEMA,  bapt.  in  Bolton,  Oct.  14,  1798  ;  married  Jonathan  Logan,  of 

Webster,  Mass. ;  6  ch. 

6  Mary,  bapt.  in  Bolton,  Nov.  7,  1802,  died  about  1S63,  aged  61,  unm. 

7  Julius,  bapt.  in  Bolton,  June  2,  1805,  lived  in  Oxford,  Mass.;   had 

two  sons,  both  died  in  the  army,  in  the  Civil  War. 

524  Lora'  Kingsbury  {Jonathan" ,Jonathan\  Thomas^,  Sam- 
ueP ,  Henry"),  vci.  Nov.  16,  1797,  Lemuel  Hammond,  of  Bol- 
ton, son  of  Nathaniel  and  Dorothy  (Tucker)  Hammond, 
grandson  of  Elijah  arid  Mary  (Kingsbury)  Hammond,  bapt. 
in  Bolton,  Nov.  9,  1766.  He  died  October  31,  1803,  aged  39. 
She  died  in  Vernon,  January  17,  1810  ;  both  buried  in  Bolton. 

I  LoRA  Emilia,  born  Oct.  9,  1799  !  ™-  Nov.  21,  1816,  Dr.  Jabez  Loomis 
White,  of  Bolton,  b.  June  18,  1792  ;  d.  Aug.  4,  1844  ;  their 
dau. ,  Lora  Cornelia  Kingsbury  White,  b.  18 17,  m.  1835, 
Henry  C.  Woodbridge,  of  Manchester  ;  d.  Sept.  7,  1849  ;  her 
husband  d.  Jan.  23,  1853,  aged  40.  Col.  Jabez  Loomis  Wood- 
bridge,  b,  March  10,  1839,  is  their  son. 

526  Artemisia"      Kingsbury      {Jonathan^,      Jonathan\ 

Thomas^,  Samuel'^,  Henry"),  m.  Wallis,   of    Ellington  ; 

removed  from  Hampton  to  Scipio,  N.  Y.,  and  later  to  Mich- 
igan, near,  or  at,  Ann  Arbor;  d.  Dec.  9,  1835. 


I     Kingsbury,  Sheriff  of  Lenawee  County,  Michigan. 

And  seven  others.     (See  page  173.) 

527  Rhoda"  Kingsbury  {Jonathan;\  Jonathan^,  Thomas'^, 
SamueP,  Henry"),  married,  Oct.  20,  1801,  John  Tweedy,  of 
Danbury.  They  resided  in  Hampton,  Conn.  She  died 
June  6,   1852. 


1  Philo  Kingsbury,  born  Jan.  29,  1803  ;  died  Sept.  5,  1874  ;  unm. 

2  Edwin  Augustus,  born  Feb.  3,  1805  ;  m.  (i)  Nov.  24,  1831,  Sarah  G. 

Fox,  of  Hampton  ;  she  died  at  Norwich,  Feb.  15,  1835,  ^-  23. 


(2)  July  3,  1838,  Harriet  N.  Mott,  of  Norwich.  He  studied 
medicine  with  Dr.  Brewster,  in  his  native  place  ;  grad.  Yale 
Medical  School, '183 1.  He  practiced  his  profession  in  Tolland 
for  three  years,  but  in  the  fall  of  1834  he  removed  to  Norwich 
to  engage  in  the  dry  goods  trade.  In  1S50  he  went  to  New 
York  City,  and  continued  in  the  same  business  there  till  Jan- 
uary, 1S79,  when  he  retired  with  an  ample  fortune.  He  died 
in  Norwich,  Feb.  23,  i8Sr,  leaving  one  son,  John  Augustus, 
born  Nov.  20,  1S34  ;  he  is  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Lee, 
Tweedy  &  Co.,  wholesale  dry  goods  house.  Canal  St.,  New 
York  City;  resides  in  Brooklyn;  m.  Dec.  27,  1866,  Anna  T. 
Richards,  of  North  Attleboro',  Mass.  i  son,  John  Edmund, 
b.  Jan.  2,  1869. 

3  John   R.ansom,  born  April  12,   1810;    m.  (i)  Oct.  eo,  1846,  Cornelia 

Smith,  of  Hampton  ;  she  died  Oct.  29,  1850,  se.  26  ;  (2)  Sept. 
14,  1863,  Delia  J.  Fuller,  of  Hampton.  Has  one  son,  D wight 
Smith,  born  Aug.  5,  1850;  an  engineer  in  Norwich  (1899). 

4  Henrietta,  born  Sept.   11,   1815  ;    unm. ;   resides  with   her  brother, 

John  R.  Tweedy,  in  Hampton  (1899). 

529  Amy"  Kingsbury  {J ouathatf ,  Jonathan^ ,  Thomas^,  Sam- 
i/ep,  IIen>y),  married  Sept.  12,  1805,  at  Hampton,  Robert  Dur- 
kee,  born  Feb.  23,  1779,  in  Hampton,  son  of  Andrew  and 
Mary  (Benjamin)  Durkee ;  they  removed  to  Scipio,  Cayuga 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  now  Ledyard,  after  their  marriage,  and  remained 
there  until  1853,  when  they  removed  to  Perry,  N.  Y.  She 
died  in  Perry,  Dec.  13,  1861.  Robert  Durkee  died  in  Perry, 
February,  1867. 


1  DiMis,  born  in  Scipio,  June  23,  1806  ;  m.  at  Ledyard,  N.  Y.,  Feb.  26, 

1826,    Ely  Lockwood.      Ch. :  (i)  Norman;  (2)  Henrietta,   m. 

about  1S46  or  '47,  Merritt ;  living  at  Venice,  Cayuga 

Co.,  N.  Y.,  P.  O.,  Smith's  Corners  (18S3).  Mrs.  Dimis  Lock- 
wood  died  on  a  visit  in  Massachusetts,  Sept.  26,  1846. 

2  Julia,  born  in  Scipio,  June  14,  1808  ;  m.  at  Ledyard,  Sept.  18,  1823, 

William  Hillaker  ;  in  1883,  living  at  New  London,  Ohio.  Ch.: 
(i)  Eveline  ;  (2)  George  ;  (3)  Horace  ;  (4)  Martin  ;  (5)  Robert ; 
(6)  Clarinda. 

3  Norman,  born  in  Scipio,  Nov.   15,  1811;  killed  by  the  cars  near  St. 

John,  Mich.,  May  20,  1877. 

4  Emily,  born  in  Scipio,  N.  Y.,  Jan.  25,  1817  ;  m.  at  Ledj^ard,  April  8, 

1836,  Jedediah  Macomber  ;  moved  to  Perry,  N.  Y.,  in  1840; 
he  died  Nov.  26,  1871.  Ch.:  (i)  Norman,  b.  Feb.  27,  1842; 
m.    in    1867,    Mary   Cleveland  Perry ;   now  lives    in   Irving- 


ton,  N.  Y.;  has  4  ch.;  (2)  Mary  D.,  b.  July  4,  1842  ;  m.  in 
1S66,  Rev.  Benjamin  Bennett,  Universalist  minister  at  Perry, 
at  that  time  ;  now  living  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.;  (3)  Arostena,  b. 
Sept.  6,  1856;  unm.;  (4)  Jennie  A.,  b.  June  27,  1859;  unm. 
Mrs.  Macomber  now  lives  with  her  daughters  in  Perry. 
5     Clorinda,  born  Oct.  25,  1825  ;  died  in  infancy. 

531  Lester'  Kingsbury  {Jonathan",  Jonathan^  Thomas\ 
SamueP,  Henry'),  of  Hampton;  removed  to  Livonia,  N.  Y., 
in  1813,  engaged  in  mercantile  business;  later  to  Dansville, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  was  a  hotel  keeper  in  the  winter  of  1817. 
He  married,  18 14,  according  to  letter  of  Heman  W.  Kings- 
bury, Anne  Spencer,  born  in  1796,  in  Litchfield,  Conn.,  dau. 
of  Samuel  W.  and  Lucretia  (Parsons)  Spencer.  He  died  in 
Dansville,  N.  Y.,  March  31,  1836.  His  widow  died  in  Rock- 
ford,  III,  Feb.  14,  1877. 


556  Mary  Ann,  born  Nov.  9,  1817  ;  lived  in  Rockford,  111.;  died  unm., 

March,  1S99. 

557  Heman  W.,  born  April  20,  1820,  in  Geneseo,  N.  Y.  is->- 

558  Henry  Lee,  born  May  11,  1825.  s-^- 

559  Edwin  Spencer,  born  Dec.  12,  1827  ;  died  Dec.  14,  1859  ;  unm.  ' 

532  Ransom'  Kingsbury  [Jonathan^  Jonathan',  Thomas\  \ 
SamueP,  Henrf),  of  Hampton  ;  married,  in  Mansfield,  April 
28,  1813,  Maria  Francis,  of  Canterbury.  He  was  chosen 
Deacon  of  the  church  in  Hampton  ;  April  i,  1824,  he  removed 
from  the  old  Kingsbury  Homestead  in  Hampton  to  Willing- 
ton,  Conn.,  where  he  carried  on  a  saw  and  grist-mill.  His 
wife,  Maria,  died  in  Willington,  May  24,  1834,  ae.  40.  He 
married  (2)  in  Willington,  Nov.  3,  1835,  Hannah  Crocker; 
removed,  in  April,  1837,  to  Pomfret,  that  part  now  Abington. 
He  represented  Pomfret  in  the  Legislature. 

He  died  in  Abington,  Aug.  19,  1869.     His  widow,  Hannah, 
died  at  Fillmore,  N.  Y.,  March,  1881,  aged  87.  - 


560  George  Ransom,  born  in  Hampton,  June  13,  1814;  died  in  Louisi- 

ana, Oct.  16,  1852,  of  climatory  fever. 

561  Washington  Francis,  born  in  Hampton,  Dec.  16,  1815.  ss-^ 

562  Mariah,  born  in  Hampton,  Jan.  14,  1817  ;  died  Aug.  25,  1820. 

563  William  Lee,  born  in  Hampton,  June  9,  1819  ;  died  July  15,  1823. 

564  Jonathan  Lee,  born  in  Hampton,  Dec.  27,  1823.  s-^ 

565  Philo  Tweedy,  born  in  Willington,  July  31,  1826.  s-^  ■ 


533  Jonathan'  Kingsbury  {Joiiafha/i\Jo7iaf/ian\  TJwmas^, 
Saiinier\  Heiiry^)^  removed  to  Brooklyn,  Conn.,  to  learn  the 
cabinet-maker's  trade  of  Deacon  Moses  Clark,  about  1810. 
He  married,  March,  1815,  Artemisia,  daughter  of  Deacon 
Moses  Clark,  and  removed  to  Livonia,  N.  Y.,  where  he 
engaged  in  the  cabinet-making  business,  until  he  gave  it  up 
for  farming  about  1825.  He  was  a  temperance  man  from  the 
first  temperance  lecture  he  ever  heard.  He  never  voted 
for  President  until,  in  1844,  he  voted  for  James  G.  Birney. 
He  was  an  abolitionist  of  the  most  pronounced  type,  and 
his  motto  was,  "No  Compromise."  He  was  Deacon  in  the 
Presbyterian  Church  at  Livonia  Center.  He  sold  his  farm 
in  Conesus,  and  from  that  time  to  his  death  was  not  engaged 
in  business.     He  died  in  Livonia,  in  November,  1869. 


566  Lewis  Clark,  born  Dec.  31,  1S15,  in  Livonia.  ':';  > 

567  Emily,  born  in  Livonia,  May  9,  18 19  ;  died  March  25,  1844. 
56S     Paulin.a.,  born  Aug.  20,  1S24,  in  Livonia  ;  died  May  4,  1858. 

569  Jonathan,  born  July  2,  1S27,  in  Livonia  ;  died  March  25,  1828. 

570  Henry  D.,  \  born  in  Livonia,  May  24,  1830;  lives  in  Livonia  Sta- 

tion, N.  Y.  5ss-^ 

571  Henrietta,  )  born  in  Livonia,  May  24,  1830;  died  May  5,  1851. 

572  Amelia  B.,  born  in  Livonia,  Feb.  26,  1S32  ;  died  March  18,  1832. 

534  Josiah"     Kingsbury     {Samuel'^     T/wmas*,     Thomas^^ 
SamueP^Henrf^,  of  Paris,  Oneida  (£0.,  N.  Y. ;  married,  April 

I,  1798,  Susannah,  daughter  of  Samuel  Miller,  born  in  1770, 
in  Sangersfield,  N.  Y.  After  his  father's  death  he  removed 
from  Coventry  with  his  mother,  brother,  and  sister,  to  San- 
gersfield, and  afterwards  to  Paris,  N.  Y.,  where  he  became  a 
farmer.  He  was  drafted  for  three  months  in  the  War  of 
18 1 2.     He  died  in  Paris,  N.  Y.,  May  29,  1858. 


573  Olive,  born  Oct.  2,   1799,  in  Sangersfield,  N.  Y. ;  never  married; 

died  Oct.  2,  1863,  in  Berwick,  111. 

574  Zeriah,  born  1801,  in  Paris,  N.  Y.  r:  > 

575  Ira,  born  June  8,  1803,  in  Paris.  ;.~  ->- 

576  Amanda,  born  Nov.  13,  1804,  in  Paris,  z:  > 

577  Almira,  born  1806,  in  Paris,  ts-^ 

578  JosiAH,  born  Feb.  20,  1808,  in  Paris.  =:  > 

579  Thomas,  born  Aug.  19, 1810,  in  Paris,  s-^ 


535    Olive"  Kingsbury  {SamifcP,  Thomas*,  Tliomas^,  SamueP, 
Henry^),  married,  Aug.  31,  1798,  Capt.  David  Norton. 


1  David  Luman,  born   Dec.   ig,   1799  ;  married   Polly  Holbridge  ;   he 

died  Jan.  31,  1859  ;  she  died  Sept.  2,  1874.  Ch.:  (i)  Olive  S., 
b.  May  7,  1820;  d.  June  8,  1841  ;  (2)  Mary,  b.  Sept.  16,  1822  ; 
d.  Aug.  4,  1823  ;  (3)  George  S.,  b.  April  2,  1824  ;  d.  1890  ;  (4) 
William  S.,  b.  Dee.  2,  1825  ;  (5)  Philo  M.,  b.  May  13,  1829  ;  d. 
Nov.  26,  1852  ;  (6)  David  A.,  b.  Aug.  12,  1832  ;  (7)  Erdley  S., 
b.  Dec.  21,  1834;  (8)  John  D.,  b.  June  18,  1836. 

2  Olive,  born  March  30,  1809;  married,  June  11,  1828,  William  Wol- 

cott,  b.  May  27, 1804  ;  died  April  21,  1869.  Ch. :  (i)  Sarah  W., 
b.  July  26,  1829;  m.  March  17,  1852,  James  Cavana  (Kava- 
naugh?);  d.  April  8,  1883  ;  2  ch.;  (2)  James,  b.  Dec.  27,  1831; 
m.  Jan.  20,  1857,  Henrietta  Roberts  ;  (3)  Marietta  H.,  b.  May 
12,  1834 ;  m.  June  12,  i860,  James  Moulton  ;  2  ch.;  (4)  Norton, 
b.  Oct.  20,  1837  ;  m.  June  17,  1876,  Harriet  M.  B.  Mcintosh  ; 
d.  April  7,  1884  ;  (5)  William  Wallace,  b.  Aug.  29,  1840  ;  died 
March  6,  1861;  (6)  Henry  B.,  b.  July  19,  1842  ;  a  member  of 
Co.  I,.  81st  Regiment,  N.  Y.  S.  V.;  died  in  hospital  at  Point 
Lookout,  Md.,  July  25,  1864  ;  (7)  Melvin  A.,  b.  Sept  23,  1844  ! 
m.  Dec.  3,  1873,  Mary  Wing;  died  Dec.  25,  1878  ;  he  vyas  a 
Methodist  clergyman  ;  (8)  Olive  Elizabeth,  b.  June  28,  1849  ; 
d.  April  25,  1S88  ;  (9)  Frances  Ellen,  b.  ;  d.  ; 

(10)  David  Clinton,  b.  Oct.  27,  1854  ;  m.  Jan.  19,  1887,  Marian 
Benedict ;  a  lawyer  ;  2  ch. 

536  Ira^  Kingsbury  {SamueP,  T/iomas,'^  Thomas'^,  SamueP, 
Henry^),  removed  to  Sangersfield,  N.  Y.,  with  his  mother ; 
he  was  a  miller;  married,  January  16,  1806,  Therzia  Rich- 
mond, of  Herkimer,  N.  Y.;  he  removed  to  Sheffield,  Ashta- 
bula Co.,  Ohio,  where  he  died  June  2,  1838.  His  wife  died 
November  18,  1843. 


580  Samuel  Daniel,  born  March  7,  1807,  in  Herkimer,  N.  Y.  ss-W 

581  Nathaniel,  born  July  11,  1813,  in  Herkimer,  N.  Y. ;  owned  a  mill 

with  his  brother,  at  Floyd,  N.  Y.;  married  (i)  in  Floyd,  N.  Y., 
Dec.  31,  1829,  Mary  Jepherson  ;  removed  to  Ashtabula  Co., 
Ohio  ;  divorced  May  28,  1836,  in  Jefferson,  Ohio  ;  m.  (2)  in 
Sheffield,  Sept.  18,  1S36,  Lucinda  Dewey;  he  had  a  number 
of  children  by  his  second  wife. 

582  Pierce  H.,  born  Feb.  7,  1823,  in  Herkimer,  N.  Y.  s-^ 


537  Lathrop'  Kingsbury  {Thomas'',  Thoinas\  Thomas^, 
Sa/iiuii",  Hen>y),  of  Canton  and  Norfolk,  St.  Lawrence  Co., 
N.  Y.,  where  he  removed  in  1801  from  Connecticut  with  his 
father;  he  was  a  farmer  and  millwright;  married  Samantha, 
daicghter  of  Philo  Dimmock.  He  died  in  Norfolk,  N.  Y., 
•March  21,  1842,  aged  55  years. 


5S3  Harriet,  born  Jan.  10,  1817.  r:  > 

584  Albert  Gallatin,  born  April  27,  1818.  ::.::-> 

585  Olive,  born  April  18,  1820.  ;;;  > 
5S6  Ira,  born  April  28,  1822.  r;  > 

587  Candace,  born  May  10,  1824,  s  > 

588  Darius,  born  Oct.  26,  1826.  s-^- 

589  Christopher  Columbus,  born  Feb.  11,  1828.  5=^-^ 

590  Laura,  born  Dec.  11,  1830.  s  > 

591  Luthera,  born  Dec.  10,  1834.  z:  > 

592  Lathrop,  born .  z:  ■>. 

593  Emily,  born  June  10,  1837.  s  > 

548  Phila'  Kingsbury  {T/io»ias\  TJwmas'',  Samuel'', 
Thomas^,  SamueP,  Henry^),  married,  January  i,  1799,  Erastus 
Bibbins,  of  Windham,  bap.  April  18,  1773,  son  of  William 
and  Louisa  (Simons)  Bibbins.     She  died  February  3,  1804. 


1  Stowell,  born  in  Windham,  April  26,  iSoo;  killed  by  the  explosion 

of  a  powder  mill  at  Manchester,  Conn. ,  aged  about  30. 

2  Phila,  born  in  Windham,  Aug.  25,  1803  ;  married  Royal  Lincoln. 

557  Heman  W.'  Kingsbury  {Lester\  Joiiathati\Jonaf/ian\ 
T/ioinas\  SamueP,  Henrf),  of  Rockford,  III;  married  (i) 
March  12,  1847,  Elizabeth  Hammond,  born  Feb.  8,  1821,  in 
Elkland,  Pa.,  daughter  of  David  Hammond;  she  died  in 
Rockford,  Dec.  17,  1864;  (2)  Nov.  16,  1865,  Sarah  Shuttle- 
worth  Rugg,  daughter  of  Henry  S.  and  Sarah  (Facon) 
Shuttleworth,  born  Dec.  27,  1836,  in  London,  England;  (3) 
not  long  before  his  death,  Mrs.  Hannah  Conklin,  of  Rock- 
ford. He  died  Aug.,  1897,  in  Rockford.  He  left  an  adopted 
daughter,  Anna,  born  in  Rockford,  April  14,  1867;  married 

558  Henry  Lee'  Kingsbury  {Lester'',  /o/iathan\  fona- 
than",  Thomas'",  SamueP,  Henry^),  of  Rochester,  N.  Y.,  where 
he  was  a  harness-maker  ;  married,  September  i,  1847,  Julia 


L.  Foote,  born  May  8,  1826,  in  Dansville,  N.  Y.,  daughter  of 
William  and  Clarissa  (Whitney)  Foote  ;  she  died  February 
13,  1870.     He  died  in  Dansville,  N.  Y.,  January  15,  1864. 


594  Mary  L.,  born  July  7,  1849;  unm  ;  has  lived  in  New  York  City, 

but  is  now  matron  at  Rockford  College,  Rockford,  111. 

561  Washington  Francis'  Kingsbury  {Ransom\  Jona- 
t/ian^,  Joiiat/ian",  Thomas^,  SamueP,  Henry^),  of  Warsaw,  N.  Y., 
married,  March  6,  1S45,  at  Perry,  Wyoming  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Mary 
A.  Brown,  born  May  15,  1826,  in  Sutton,  England.  He  was 
engaged  in  the  oil  business,  and  owned  oil  lands  in  Pennsyl- 
vania. He  lived  in  Warren,  Pa.,  from  1850  to  1867;  then 
removed  to  Warsaw,  N.  Y.,  and  in  1890  to  Erie,  Pa.,  where 
he  died  November  19,  1891. 


595  Charles  Ransom,  born  Aug.  15,  1846,  at  Perry,  N.  Y.  rs  > 

596  William  Thomas,  born  Oct.  31,  1848,  at  Buffalo,  N.  Y.  s-^ 

564  Jonathan  Lee'  Kingsbury  {Ransfl!/i\  Jonat/ia>i\  Jon- 
athan\  Thomas^,  Samuel'',  Henry'),  of  Titusville,  Pa.,  married 
February,  1866,  at  Titusville,  Julia  Green.     No  ch. 

565  Philo  Tweedy'  Kingsbury  {Raiisoin\  Jonathan",  Jon- 
athan'^,  Thomas^,  Samuel',  Henry''),  of  Willington  and  of  Abing- 
ton,  Conn.,  married  November  29,  1849,  Lucretia  T.  Fay,  at 
Pomfret,  Conn.  He  lives  on  his  father's  old  farm  at  Abing- 
ton.  Conn.;  they  have  no  children.     (1890.) 

566  Lewis  Clark'  Kingsbury  {Jonathan^,  Jonathan^,  Jona- 
than'', Thomas^,  Samuel",  Henry'),  of  Corning,  N.  Y.  As  a  boy 
and  a  young  man  he  worked  on  his  father's  farm  in  Livonia, 
and  also  taught  the  district  school  two  winters.  In  1842  he 
became  a  clerk  in  a  store  in  Livonia  Center,  and  the  next 
spring  he  purchased  the  business.  He  married,  Aug.  22, 
1843,  Eliza  Ann,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Louisa  (Rice)  Dix- 
son,  of  Livonia,  born  April  3,  1825,  in  Livonia.  The  next 
spring  he  removed  his  mercantile  business  to  Conesus,  and 
continued  in  trade  for  nine  years.  In  1853  he  became  con- 
nected with  the  Coshocton  R.  R.,  afterwards  absorbed  in 
the  Erie  R.  R.,  and  removed  to  Corning  in  1854.  He  held 
the  position  of  passenger  conductor  on  this  railroad  for  fif- 



teen  years.  Then  he  became  partner  in  a  firm  carrying-  on 
a  carriage  factory  in  Corning.  In  1879  he  purchased  a  farm 
in  conjunction  with  his  son,  Frank  D.  Kingsbury,  and  became 
prominent  as  a  scientific  and  successful  farmer.  He  held  a 
number  of  local  offices,  was  president  of  the  Corning  Gas 
Works,  and  trustee  in  the  Presbyterian  Church.  He  was  a 
popular  citizen,  and  general  confidence  was  felt  in  his  fidel- 
ity and  good  judgment.  He  died  in  Corning,  Sept.  5,  1889. 
His  widow  survived  him. 


597  Frank  Dixson,  born  Feb.  26,  1S47,  in  Conesus,  N.  Y.,  resides  in 

Corning,  N.  Y. ;  director  and  treasurer  of  the  Corning  Gas 
Co. ;  president  of  the  Corning  Co-operative  Savings  and  Loan 
Association,  and  also  in  the  insurance  business,  and  some- 
thing of  a  farmer. 

598  Frederick  Stewart,  born  May  5,  1853,  in  Conesus,  N.  Y.  :r,  > 

570  Henry  D.'  Kingsbury  {Joiiathan\  Jonathan'',  Jona- 
than\  Thomas^,  Samuel'-,  Henry'),  of  Livonia  Station,  N.  Y., 
married,  Nov.  15,  1855,  to  Marietta  Stedman,  of  Livonia. 
He  was  from  1855  to  1858,  station  agent  for  the  Erie  R.  R., 
in  Livonia,  then  became  a  produce  and  commission  dealer, 
1 85 8-1 868.  Then  removed  to  Rochester,  when  he  was  en- 
gaged in  the  Turkish  bath  business  ;  returned  to  Livonia, 
where  he  is  now  living.  Mrs.  ]\Iarietta  Kingsbury  died 
January  31,  1891. 


599  Bell  I.,  born  ,  i860  ;  m.  1891,  Prof.  Julius  E.  Meyer,  of 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y. ;  he  was  born  in  Altenburg,  Germany,  was 
a  pupil  of  the  great  Mendelssohn,  and  was  for  several  years 
first  vioHnist  of  his  orchestra  in  Leipsic.  He  followed  his 
profession  as  a  voice-builder  over  thirty  years  in  New  York 
and  Brooklyn,  until  his  death  in  September,  1S99. 

600  Ida,  born  ,  1865  ;  is  a  graduate  of  the  Johns  Hopkins 
Training  School  for  Nurses  ;   resides  in  Baltimore. 

574  Zeriah"  Kingsbury  {/osiah,^  Samuel^,  Thomas'", Thom- 
is\  SamueP,  iTd-zz/j'),  married  in  1820,  Rev.  Washington  Kings- 
ley,  a  Baptist  minister  of  Rutland,  Vt.     She  died  in  1856. 


Victor,  born  ;  for  some  time  at  McGrawville,  then  connected 

with  N.  Y.  Central  R.  R. ;  resides  (1894)  at  Fayetteville,  N.  Y. 


575  Ira'  Kingsbury  {/osia/i^,  Samuel^,  Thomas*,  Thoi/ms^, 
SamueP,  Ilenry^),  of  Zambrota,  Minnesota,  married,  October 
28,  1827,  Sally  Parks,  daughter  of  Ephraim  and  Ruth  (Bush) 
Parks,  born  August  10,  1810,  in  Hamilton,  N.  Y.  He  was  a 
carpenter  and  builder.  He  removed  from  Hamilton,  N.  Y., 
to  Zumbrota,  Minn.,  in  1857,  and  in  1878  to  Appleton,  Minn. 
He  died  November  i,  i88r,  at  Akron,  Big  Stone  county, 
Minn.     His  wife  died  September  i,  1896. 


601  Orrin  Parks,  born  Nov.  19,  1828.  s  ■> 

602  EvANDER  L.,  born  June  13,  1831.  ;—  > 

603  RosiNA  Janett,  born  July  30,  1833.  =  > 

604  BiANCA  Jane,  born  Nov.  10,  1834.  s;  > 

605  Sarah  M.,  born  Aug.,  1846;  m.  (i)  May,  1861,  Christopher  East- 

man, of  Minneapolis,  Minn.;  (2)  A.  Gerson. 

606  Mary  A.,  born  July  8,  1850;  d.  1851. 

576  Amanda'  Kingsbury  {/osiah\  SamneP,  Thomas', 
Thomas^,  SamueP,  Henry"),  married,  March  12,  1827,  Surrial 
Williams,  of  Holland  Patent,  N.  Y. ;  she  died  January  18,  1869. 


1  Albert. 

2  James  B.,  ,  living  at  Holland  Patent  ;  married  Susannah  M. 

Kingsbury,  daughter  of  his  uncle,  Thomas  Kingsbury.  (See 
No.  612.) 

3  Mary. 

577  Almira'  Kingsbury  {Josiah\  Samuel\  Thomas\  Thomas'", 
Samiicr,  Henry"),  married  James  Brown,  of  Holland  Patent; 
died  1849. 


1  JosiAH  Kingsbury,  born  Sept.   14,  1833  ;  he  studied  law  in  the  same 

class  with  Grover  Cleveland  at  Albany;  became  a  lawyer, 
and  was  appointed  by  Cleveland  State  Dairy  Commissioner, 
which  office  he  held  for  two  years;  he  married  Sarah  Mc- 
intosh, of  Steuben,  N.  Y  ;  died  at  Holland  Patent  in  i8g6. 

2  Sherman  W.,  born  Oct   5,  1834;  in  1S56  went  to  Chicago,  and  was  in 

the  employ  of  the  Galena  &  Chicago  R.  R. ;  m.  Sophia  Galli- 
ger;  had  one  son;  now  living  in  Holland  Patent. 



578  Josiah'  Kingsbury  {Josia/t\  Sa»ii/el\  Thomas*, 
T/iomas^,  Saini/cl-,  Henty),  of  Zumbrota,  Minn.,  married  (i) 
Oct.  7,  1829,  Fannie  Metcalf,  daughter  of  David  and  Ma- 
belle  (Ball)  Metcalf,  born  in  Montague,  Mass.,  August  23, 
1808;  she  died  April  16,  1833;  (2)  January  21,  1834,  Julia 
Ann  Wilcox,  born  in  Oxford,  Greene  Co.,  N.Y.,  February  20, 
1844,  daughter  of  Ebenezer  and  Lucinda  (Plumb)  Wilcox, 
He  was  a  farmer  for  many  years  in  Paris,  N.  Y.,  but  remov- 
ed in  1867  to  Zumbrota,  Minn.  He  died  January  15,  1873. 
She  died  December  11,  1892. 


607  Marshall,  born  Oct.  28,  1834,  in  Paris,  N.  Y.  rz  > 

608  Milton,  born  May  i,  1836;  died  Jan.  ig,  1841. 

609  MiLON  W.,  born  June  22,  1838.  s  > 

610  Julia  Maria,  born  Jan.  12,  1844.  zz  > 

579  Thomas''  Kingsbury  {/osia/f,  Sa)nuel\  T/iomas\ 
Thomas^,  Samiiti'',  Heur/),  married,  Feb.  24,  1834,  Eusebia 
Baldwin,  born  in  Lowville,  N.' Y.,  Nov.  24,  181 8,  daughter  of 
William  and  Lucinda  (Ladd)  Baldwin.  He  lived  for  many 
years  in  Paris,  N.  Y.,  on  the  farm  his  father  purchased  on 
his  coming  from  Connecticut.  In  1859  he  removed  to  Port- 
age, Ohio,  and  in  i860  to  Berwick,  Illinois,  where  he  died 
April  18,  1886.  He  was  a  man  of  sterling  character,  honest, 
upright,  a  good  neighbor,  a  kind  father;  many  years  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Baptist  church.  His  widow,  Mrs.  Eusebia  Kings- 
bury, died  in  Berwick,  January  31,  (January  22,  another 
account),  1899. 


611  Sarah  Ann,  born  Aug.  16,  1837,  Paris,  N.  Y.;  d.  Nov.  22,  1858,  unm. 

612  Susannah  Miller,  born  June  28,  1839,  Paris,  N.  Y.  ^>^- 

613  Sophia  Lucinda,  born  January  i,  1845,  Paris,  N.  Y. ;  m.  January  i, 

i860,  Albert  Bay  of  Monmouth,  111.;  d.  July  i,  1871. 

614  Henry  Milton,  born  Sept.  2,  1847,  Paris,  N.  Y.;  d.  Sept.  2,  1850. 

615  Herman  Baldwin,  born  Feb.  14,  1850,  Paris,  N.  Y. ;  d.  Feb.  7, 1868. 

616  Hubert  Milton,  born  Dec.  14,  1854,  Paris,  N.  Y. ;  living  in  East 

Oakland,  Cal. ;  m.  January  15,  1882,  Marietta  Augusta,  dau. 
of  Josiah  Bacon  and  Martha  Ann  (Cutter)  Hancock,  b.  in 
Boston,  Mass. ;  no  ch. 

617  Henry  William,  born  March  29,  1856,  Paris,  N.  Y.  s-»- 


6i8  Alfred  Thomas,  born  Oct.  21,  1858,  Paris,  N.  Y. ;  went  to  Berwick, 
111.,  with  his  father;  attended  Knox  College,  but  did  not 
graduate;  removed  to  Akron,  O.,  at  21  years  of  age;  is  a 
dealer  in  Fine  Art  Goods  and  Antiques,  in  Akron;  member  of 
the  Board  of  Education,  and  Sunday-school  Superintendent ; 
m.  Oct.  II,  1S88,  Viola  Mary,  daughter  of  George  W. ,  and 
Mary  (Coon)  Weeks,  b.  in  Copley,  Ohio,  Aug.  4,  1862.    No  ch. 

619  Chauncey  Lincoln,  born  Feb.  17,  1864,  Berwick,  Warner  Co.,  111. ;  a 

farmer  in  Ontario,  111.;  m.  May  5,  1899,  Martha  E.,  daughter 
of  Joseph  and  Mary  Ann  (Smith)  Kershner,  born  in  Henry 
Co.,  Ohio,  Feb.  13,  1862.     No  ch. 

580  Samuel  Daniel'  Kingsbury  (Ira%  Sawue/\  Thomas'^, 
Thomas^,  Sa Diner,  Henry^^,  removed  in  1835  to  Sheffield,  Ash- 
tabula Co.,  Ohio;  married,  February  3,  1824,  Clarissa  Stone. 
He,  like  his  father,  was  a  miller;  he  was  a  class  leader  in  the 
Methodist  church,  trustee  and  steward  ;  his  grandson,  G.  G. 
Kingsbury,  writes  "  My  grandfather  was  a  deeply  religious 
man,  and  made  an  impression  for  good  on  the  community 
that  has  not  passed  away  to  this  day.  His  funeral  was  the 
largest  I  have  ever  seen  in  Kingsville."  His  wife  died 
October  21,  1871.     He  died  July  8,  1873. 


620  MuNSON  Ira,  born  May  25,  1827,  Floyd,  N.  Y.  :;"  > 

621  Almira  EvALiNE,  bom  July  28, 1831;  m.  Aug.  7,  1850,  Allen  Terrill; 

residence.  Union  City,  Pa.;  died  Feb.,  1S99. 

622  Mary  Jane,  born  June  17,  1840;  m,  March  5,  1879,  Anthony  Whipple 

of  Camden,  N.  J. 

623  Melville  Baxter,  born  May  15,  1842  ;  m.  1870,  Adeha  Miller ;  lives 

in  Kingsville,  O. 

624  Clarissa  Ellen,  born  April  19,  1845  ;  m.  May  6,  1866,  Joseph  Mul- 

lett ;  residence,  Madison,  O. 

582  Pierce  N.'  Kingsbury  {Ira\  Samuel  \  Thomas\ 
Thomas^,  SamueP,  Henry^)  married,  in  Sheffield,  Ohio,  May 
28,  1839,  Mary  Ann  Mack.  He  died  in  Athens,  Michigan, 
December,  1833.     His  widow  is  living  in  Athens  (1902). 


625  Rexford  L.,  born  April  11,  1842,  in  Sheffield,  O. ;  died  in  Sheffield, 

Dec.  17,  1850. 


583  Harriet'  Kingsbury  [Lat/n-op'^,  Thomas^,  Thomas*, 
Thomas',  Sa/niiel',  Ht'ii>y),  married (i)  Alexander  Rogers;  (2) 
in  1839,  William  Rogers,  both  of  Norfolk,  N.  Y.  She  died 
in  Norfolk,  N.  Y.,  in  1897. 


1  Eleanor. 

2  James,  residence,  Norfolk,  N.  Y. 

3  Darius,  residence,  Stockholm,  N.  Y. 

4  Elizabeth,  m. Wilcox;  resides  in  Madrid,  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.Y. 

5  Wesley,  -  residence,  Norfolk,  N.  Y. 

584.  Albert  Gallatin^  Kingsbury  {Lathrof,  Thomas", 
Thomas\  Thomas',  Samitel",  Henry^),  of  Brasher  and  Stock- 
holm, N.  Y. ;  married,  October  4,  1842,  Elvira,  daughter  of 
Captain  Guy  Carleton  and  Rhoda  (Richardson)  Nichols,  of 
Stockholm;  she  was  born  in  Agawam,  Mass.,  May  13,  1819. 
He  removed  to  Stockholm  in  1867,  where  he  now  resides. 


626  RosELTHA  E.,  born  Feb.  16,  1844.  z:  ■> 

627  Hiram  A.,  born  Aug.  6,  1849,  in  Brasher,  N.  Y.  ~  ■> 

628  Herbert  Nichols,  born  Oct.  28,  1S53,  in  Brasher,  N.  Y.  ss-^- 

585  Olive'  Kingsbury  {Lathrop\  Thomas",  Thomas', 
Thomas',  SamueP,  Henry^),  married,  in  1839,  Leonard  Hay- 
wood, of  Norfolk,  N.  Y.;  she  died  in  1901. 


1  Henry,  born  in  Norfolk,  N.  Y. ;  residence,  Potsdam,  N.  Y. 

2  Harriet,  born  in  Norfolk,  N.  Y. ;  resides  there. 

3  Emerenza,  born  in  Norfolk,  N.  Y.;  died  in  Norfolk,  N.  Y. 

4  Villetta,  born  Norfolk,  N.  Y. ;  resides  there. 

5  Laura,  born  Norfolk,  N.  Y. ;  resides  there. 

586  Ira'  Kingsbury  {Lathrof,  Thomas",  Thomas*,  Thomas', 
SamiieP,  Henry^),  of  Norfolk,  N.  Y.,  married  Eliza  King;  he 
was  in  the  Union  army,  and  was  wounded  at  the  battle  of 
Fair  Oaks,  Virginia,  in  June,  1862;  returned  home  to  Nor- 
folk, and  died  there  the  same  year.  His  widow  is  still  living 
somewhere  in  the  West. 

1 90 



629  Nathaniel, 

630  Darius, 

631  Walter, 

632  A  Daughter. 

resides  in  Nebraska, 
resides  in  Nebraska, 
resides  in  Nebraska. 

587  Candace'  Kingsbury  {Lathrop^,  Thomas^,  Tho/nas*, 
Thomas^,  SamueP,  Henry^),  married  Robert  Seaver,  of  Stock- 
holm, N.  Y.     She  died  in  1872  in  Stockholm. 


1  Maria,  born  about  1852,  in  Stockholm,  N.  Y. ;  m.  A.  C.  Munson,  of 

Winthrop,  N.  Y. 

2  Chalon,  resides  in  Chicago,  111. 

3  Emily,  m.  and  living  in  Stockholm,  N.  Y. 

4  Linden,  resides  in  Stockholm. 

5  Ada,  resides  in  Gouverneur,  N.  Y. 

6  Alma,  resides  in  Gouverneur,  N.  Y. 

588  Darius'  Kingsbury  {Lathrop\  Thomas\  Thomas', 
Thomas^,  SamueP,  ffenry^),  of  Norfolk,  N.  Y.,  married  Sarah 


633  Mary, 

634  Wealthy, 

635  Jessie, 

resides  in  Stockholm,  N.  Y. 
d.  Oct.,  1900. 
d.  1900. 

589  Christopher  Columbus'  Kingsbury  (^Lathrop", 
Thomas'',  Thomas^  Thomas^,  SamiieP,  Henry^),  of  Norfolk,  N. 
Y.,  married  Rhoda  Henegan. 

636  Martha, 

637  Charles, 

638  William, 

639  Ethel, 


m.  Darius  Rogers,  of  Stockholm,  N.  Y. 
residence  Lawrence,  N.  Y. 
died  in  Norfolk,  N.  Y. 
residence  Stockholm,  N.  Y. 

590  Laura'  Kingsbury  {Lathrop\  Thomas\  Thomas', 
Thomas^,  SamueP,  Henry^),  married  (i)  James  Fitch;  (2)  Par- 
ker Rose,  of  Stockholm.     She  died  in  Stockholm. 

1  George. 

2  Marietta. 

3  Flora. 

children  of  first  husband. 



4  Myron.  resides  in  Stockholm. 

5  Bert,  resides  in  New  Hampshire. 

6  Parker,  resides  in  Lawrence,  N.  Y. 

591  Luthera'  Kingsbury  {Lat/irop\  rkoiiias\  Thomas^ 
Thomas^,  Samuel',  He/uy),  married  John  McClennan,  of 
Stockholm,  afterwards  of  Pentwater,  Michigan. 


1  Della,  born  in  Norfolk;  m.  Ira  Munson,  of  Pentwater. 

2  Bert,  born  in  Stockholm;  resides  in  Pentwater. 

3  Harriet,  born  in  Stockholm. 

592  Lathrop'   Kingsbury   {Lathrop^,    Thomas",    Thomas\ 

Thomas^,  Samuel",  Henry^),  of  Muskegon,  Mich.,  married 

Smith,  daughter  of  Marvin  Smith,  of  Stockholm,  N.  Y. 


640  Lathrop,  born  Sept.  7,  1871;  resides  in  Muskegon. 

593  Emily'  Kingsbury  {Lathrop^,  Thomas^,  T/iomas\ 
T/iomas\  Samuel'^,  Ilenry^),  married  Martin  Reed,  of  Norfolk, 
N.  Y. 


1  Ada,  born  in  Norfolk,  N.  Y. 

2  Nelson,  born  in  Norfolk,  N.  Y. 

594  Charles  Ransom'  Kingsbury  ( Washington  F.\  Rati- 
som^,  Jonathan",  Jonathan^,  Thomas^,  SamueP,  Henry^'),  of  Erie, 
Pa.,  married,  Nov.  6,  1868,  Ida  Johnson,  at  Erie.  He  was 
connected  with  the  Standard  Oil  Co.  in  Erie,  Pa.,  in  1883; 
now  engaged  with  the  United  States  Sugar  Refinery  in 
Waukegan,  Illinois. 


641  Frank  Newton,  born  at  Erie,  Pa.,  June  6,  1877. 

642  Charles  Brown,  born  Dec.  17,  1885. 

595  William  Thomas*  Kingsbury  {Washington  F.\  Ran- 
som^, Jonathan",  Jonathan'',  Thomas^,  SamneP,  Henry^),  of  Dun- 
kirk, N.  Y.,  married,  February  14,  1877,  Margaret  M.  Hen- 
essy,  at  Dunkirk.     He  was  employed  by  the  Standard  Oil 



Co.     He  died  in  Dunkirk,  March  25,  1880  ;  buried  in  Warsaw. 
His  widow  lives  in  Dunkirk. 


643     Charles  W.,  born  at  Dunkirk,  April  23,  1878  ;  resides  in  Livington, 

598  Frederick  Stewart"  Kingsbury  {Lewis  C.\Jonat/ian\ 
Jonathan^,  Jonathan'',  Thomas^,  Saniiier\  Henry^),  of  Corning, 
N.  Y.,  where  he  was  an  accountant  and  bookkeeper ;  mar- 
ried, November  21,  1877,  Carrie  Louise,  dau.  of  Edward  H., 
and  Ellen  (Bronson)  vSmith,  of  Painted  Post,  N.  Y.,  born  Dec.  3, 
1854,  in  Chester,  Warren  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  died  May  20,  1883, 
in  Corning.     She  died  January  31,  1887,  at  Painted  Post. 


644  Ella,  born  May  i,  1881,  in  Painted  Post,  N.  Y. 

601  Orrin  Parks'  Kingsbury  {Ira\  Josiah\  Samuel'% 
Thomas^,  Thomas',  Samuel",  Hcnry^),  of  Ganges,  Michigan, 
married  Lucinda,  daughter  of  Isaac  and  Hannah  (Smith) 
Skinner,  of  Allegan,  Mich.,  born  in  Hamilton,  Madison  Co., 
N.  Y.,  October  18,  1827;  he  was  a  farmer  and  carpenter,  in 
Ganges;  he  served  in  the  Civil  War,  enlisting  in  the  Thir- 
teenth Michigan  Regiment;  he  died  April  19,  1862,  of  typhoid 
fever,  in  Nashville,  Tenn.  His  widow  married  (2)  Septem- 
ber II,  1870, Smith,  of  Ganges. 


645  Albro  C,  born  Dec.  25,  1S56,  in  Ganges;  m.  Dec.  25,  18S4,  Lucy 

Staring  ;  lives  in  Ganges. 

646  LiLLA  A.,  born  Dec.  13,  1858,  in  Ganges  ;  m.  March  19,  1899,  Glen 

O'Brien  ;  resides  in  Warnego,  Kansas  ;  teaching  school. 

647  Elmer  E.  ,  born  June  24,  1861,  in  Ganges,  f  ^->- 

602  Evander   L.'    Kingsbury   {Tra\   Jos!ah\    Samuel", 
Thomas^,    Thomas'^,  Samuel',  Henry^),  of  Appleton,  Minnesota;    ^{ 
married,  June  13,  1855,  Elsie  Ann  Curtis,  born  in  Gainesville, 
N.  Y.,  Nov.    12,    1832,    daughter   of    Henry    M.    and    Mary 



(Holmes)  Curtis.  He  settled  in  Armada,  Michig-an,  in  1854; 
removed  to  Minnesota  in  1856.  He  followed  the  occupation 
of  a  general  builder  for  thirty  years;  has  been  a  farmer 
since  1878. 

64S     Hattie  F.,  born  Aug.  23,  1859;  m.  Dec,   1S76,  Fred  C.  Hill,  of 

Ortonville,  Minn.;  ch.:  i  Harry  A.,  b.  June  i,  1878;  2  Grace 

E.,  b.  April  16,  1880. 
649     Orrin  a.,  born  Sept.  12,  1865;  lives  in  Appleton,  Minn. 

603  Rosina  Janett'  Kingsbury  {Ira\  Josiah\  Samuel", 
Thomas^,  Thomas^,  SamueP,  Henry^),  married,  November  17, 
1853,  William  H.  Crowell,  born  in  1830,  in  Hamilton,  Madison 
Co.,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Joseph  and  Maria  (Peck)  Crowell;  they 
removed  in  1857  to  Zumbrota,  Goodhue  Co.,  Minnesota, 
where  he  purstied  the  business  of  farming;  they  lived  there 
2,^  years,  then  removed  to  Monticello,  Michigan,  where  they 
now  live.     (1902.) 


1  William  H.,  born  July  31,  1855  ;  died,  1855. 

2  Edward  Payson,  born  June  15,  1857;   m.  Nov.  24,  1897,  Eunice 

Minerva  Sumner  ;  residence  in  Monticello. 

3  Alice  Marie,  born  July  14,  1859  !  ™-  (i)  Sept.  28,  1887,  Lucius  Bab- 

cock  Maxson  of  Monticello  ;  (2)  Oct.  10,  1896,  Truman  Walter 
Herrick  of  St.  Paul,  Minn. 

4  Albert  Eugene,  born  Oct.  16,  1867  :  rn.  Aug.  2,  1894,  Jettia  Lillian 

Tilton ;  residence,  St.  Paul,  Minn. 

5  Howard  Milton,  born  July  17,  1872  ;  died  Sept.  7,  1872. 

604  Bianca  Jane*  Kingsbury  {Ira',  Josiah^,  SamueP, 
Thomas^,  Thomas^,  SawueF',  JTe/iry^),  married,  October  4,  1861, 
William  D.  Hubbs,  of  Appleton,  j\Iinn.,  born  in  1831,  near 
Boston,  N.  Y.,  son  of  William  and  Mary  (Hemstreat)  Hubbs. 
He  served  in  the  Civil  War  in  the  First  Minnesota  Infantry, 
Co.  F;  mustered  into  service,  April,  1861,  discharged  in  June 
on  account  of  sickness.     He  died  November  21,  1884. 


1  Mary  Elizabeth,  born  June  17,  1862  ;  m.  Aug.  23,  1878,  Holmes 

Congdon  of  Eagle  Bend,  Todd  Co.,  Minn. 

2  Nellie  Artalisa,  born  Feb.  29,  1864  ;  m.  Sept.  3,  18S6,  Albert  Vre- 

land  of  Appleton,  Minn. 

3  Martha  Louisa,  born   March   23,    1866 ;   m.    Dec.    8,    18S2,    Ross 

Atkens  of  Milbanks,  South  Dakota. 


607  Marshall"  Kingsbury  {Josiah\  Josiah\  SamueP, 
Thomas',  Thomas\  Samucl\  Henrf\  of  Winchester,  Virginia; 
married  May  4,  1865,  Aurelia  Ogden,  born  May  8,  1842,  m 
Winchester,  Va.,  daughter  of  Thomas  C.  and  Mary  (Whis- 
son)  Ogden.  He  was  a  soldier  in  the  Civil  War,  serving  as 
private  in  Co.  H,  nth  Ohio  Volunteer  Infantry,  from  April 
19  to  July  19,  1861. 


650  William  M.,  born  Feb,  12,  1866;  d.  Nov.  25,  1883. 

651  Edward  M.,  born  Aug.  15,  1867;  d.  April  21,  1884. 

609  Milon  W/  Kingsbury  {Josia/i\  Josiah\  Samuel\ 
TIiomas\  Thomas',  Samuel',  Henrf),  of  Monticello,  Minn. ;  a 
retired  farmer;  married,  September  25, 1861,  Adelia  Valentia, 
daughter  of  George  Riley  and  Angeline  (Maxon)  Loomis, 
of  Cassville,  N.  Y.,  born  November  9,  1839  ;  lived  in  Pompey 
Hill,  N.  Y.;  removed  to  Minnesota. 


652  Milton  J.,  born  April  7,  1863,  in  Pompey  Hill,  N.  Y.  ss-^ 

653  Jennie  M.,  born  Nov.  26,  1866;  d.  January  16,  1868. 

654  Clara  A.,  born  Oct.  28,  1874. 

655  Victor  H.,  born  Sept.  25,  1878;  d.  Aug.  5.  i879- 

656  Harry  E.,  born  Sept.  8,  1880;  d.  May  23,  1890. 

610  Julia  Maria"  Kingsbury  {Josiah\  Josiah\  Samuel', 
Thomas',  Thomas',  SamueP,  Henrf),  married  February  13, 
1867,  Hiram  Bennet  Carpenter,  of  Cassville,  Oneida  Co.,  N. 
Y.     They  now  live  in  Plainview,  Wabasha  Co.,  Minn. 


1  Mary  Emma,  born  Feb.  16,  1869,  at  Zumbrota,  Minn.;  m.  William 

Francis  Roche. 

2  Ella  Amelia,  born  June  25,  1874. 

3  Helen  Althea,  born  June  23,  1885  ;  d.  July  i,  1886. 

612  Susannah  M.'  Kingsbury  {Thomas',  Josiah\  Sam- 
uel', Thomas',  Thomas',  SamueP,  Henry'),  married  (i)  January 
17,  1861,  Squire  M.  Osborn,  of  Rome,  N.  Y.  He  was  born 
Dec.  I,  1835,  in  Floyd,  Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y.;  died  February 
9,  1885.*     She  married  (2)  May  31,  1889,  James  B.  Williams, 

*  February  i8,  1884,  another  letter. 


son  of  Surrial  and  Amanda  (Kingsbury)  Williams.  He  was 
hvmg  m  New  York  City,  but  removed  to  Holland  Patent 
iN.  Y.,  where  they  now  reside. 

(By  First  Husband.) 

1  Carrie  Olive,  born  Dec.  28,  1S62,  in  Galesburg,  111. ;  m.  John  Lind- 

berg,  of  Mt.  Ayr,  Iowa. 

2  Everett  Kingsbury,  born  Sept.  10,  1866  ;  m.  and  lives  in  Holland 


617  Henry  William^  Kingsbury  (TAo;.as\  Josiah\ 
Samuel  ,  Thomas\  Thomas\  SamueP,  Henrf),  of  Berwick  Illi- 
nois; removed  with  his  parents  from  Paris,  N.  Y  to  Ohio 
m  1859,  and  thence  to  Berwick,  Illinois,  in  i860,  where  he 
IS  a  farmer;  married,  October  16,  1890,  Edla  Catherine  Ryd- 
gren  born  August  4.  1870,  in  Bersbo,  Sweden,  daughter  of 
Carl  Nicholas  and  Helena  C.  (Swarson)  Rydgren. 


657  Clarence  Rydgren,  born  May  30,  1894. 

658  Viola  Eusebia,  born  Jan.  7,  1899. 

620  Munson  Ira'  Kingsbury  {Samuel  D.\  Ira\  SamuelK 
Thomas,  Thomas\  SarnueP,  Henry\  of  Kingsville,  Ohio-  re- 
moved with  his  father  to  Sheffield,  Ohio;  settled  in  Kings- 
ville as  a  miller;  married  (i)  May,  1853,  Hulda  Almira, 
daughter  of  Silas  and  Betsey  (Taft)  Davis,  born  in  Kings- 
villa,  August  1834;  died  February  26,  1867;  (2)  December, 
1869  Sarah  M.  King;  she  died  June,  1876,  and  he  married 
(3)  April,  1886,  Clarissa  Fidelia  Peck. 


659     Harriet  Elizabeth,  born  Sept.   7,   1854;   m.   Oscar  De  Groodt  • 
resides  Excelsior,  Minn. 

Charlotte  Betsey,  bom  July  9.  1856  ;  m.  Henry  Jones  ;  resides 
Conneaut,  O. 

Mary  Luella,  born  Jan.  2,  1859  I  m.  xNov.  13, 1886,  Burton  Matson  • 

residence,  Kingsville. 
Guilford  Gage,  born  June  22,  1861.  —  > 
663    Clarissa  Paulina,  born  Dec.  10,  1863. 

626  Roseltha  E.'  Kingsbury  (Ali>erl  G.\  Lathrop\  Thomas\ 
TAomas*  T/iomas\  SamueP,  Henrf),  married,  November,  1859 
i^hsha  Jones,  of  Stockholm,  N.  Y. 




1  Henrietta,  born  about  1862;  died  young. 

2  Charles  H.,  born  about  1863;  m.  Electa  Taylor;  living  at  Mooer's 

Forks,  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y. 

3  Hiram  A.,  resides  in  Denver,  Col. 

4  Leslie,  resides  in  Kirkwood,  Neb. 

5  Adelbert  G. ,  resides  in  Springfield,  Mass.; 

m.   (1)  Annie   M.  Dye  ;   (2) 
Katharine . 

6  Henrietta  E.,  )  ,     •  resides  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

'  twins, 

7  Edwin  G.,  )  resides  in  Westfield,  Mass. 

8  William,  )   .     •  resides  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

I-  twins,  .         . 

9  Warren,  )  resides  in  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

10     Effie,  born  in  1SS4,  at  Stockholm;  resides  Winthrop,  N.  Y. 

627  Hiram  A.'  Kingsbury  {Albert  G.\  Lathrop\  TJwmas  , 
T/iomas*,  T/wmas\  Sa/nuel'^,  Henry'),  of  Chelsea,  Vt.,  married, 
July  29,  1875,  Salina  Smith,  born  in  Hopkinton,  N.  Y., 
daughter  of  John  C.  and  Catherine  (Winnie)  Smith.  He 
lived  in  Cambridge,  Mass.,  for  a  number  of  years,  but  has 
been  since  February,  1893,  a  farmer  in  Chelsea. 


664  Herbert  J.,  born  Jan.  13,  1877,  in  Stockholm,  N.  Y.;  m.  Oct.  10, 

1897,  Eva  Thompson.     He   lives  in  Chelsea,  and  they  have 
one  child,  Homer  Adelbert,  b.  Oct.  i,  1S9S. 

665  Emily   Cornelia,   born   Jan.    23,  1879,  in   Stockholm;    resides   in 


628  Herbert  Nichols'  Kingsbury  {Albert  G.\  Lathrop\ 
Thomas^,  Thomas^,  Thomas^,  Sainitel",  IIen?-y'),  of  Westfield, 
Mass.,  was  educated  in  the  public  schools  at  Brasher,  and 
at  the  Lawrenceville  Academy;  he  came  to  Springfield, 
Mass.,  in  1 871,  and  after  a  time  became  a  clerk  for  the  Amer- 
ican Express  Company,  and  afterwards  was  secretary  of  the 
American  Cigar  Company.  He  married,  January  17,  1877, 
Jane  Ellina,  daughter  of  Silas  C.  and  Zeruah  (Holcomb) 
Avery,  of  Westfield;  born  July  31,  1855,  in  Westfield.  In 
April,  1887,  he  organized  the  Fraternal  Accident  Association,  V 
and  became  secretary  and  treasurer.  This  Association  is 
confined  in  its  operations  to  members  of  the  Order  of  Odd 
Fellows,  and  with  agents  in  every  state  and  in  Canada,  has, 
under  the  skillful  management  of  Mr.  Kingsbury,  built  up  a 


large  and  still  increasing  business..  Mr.  Kingsbury  is  one  of 
the  Directors  of  the  Hampden  National  Bank  of  Westfield, 
and  of  the  Westfield  Athenaeum,  one  of  the  trustees  of  the 
Woronoco  Savings  Bank,  President  of  the  Berkshire  Health 
and  Accident  Association,  and  Treasurer  of  the  Interna- 
tional Association  of  Accident  Underwriters,  composed  of 
all  the  leading  accident  companies  in  the  United  States 
and  Canada. 


666  Harold  Avery,  born  Aug.  27,  1882. 

647  Elmer  E."  Kingsbury  {Orrin  F.\  Ira\  Josiah", 
SaviueP,  Thomas*,  T/wiims^,  SamueP,  Henry^),  of  Ganges,  Mich- 
igan, married,  March  20,  1889,  Lottie,  daughter  of  Freeman 
and  Alida  (Teckenerby)  Robinson,  born  in  Ganges,  May 
21,  1867. 


667  Ruby,  born  Dec.  25,  1895  ;  died  Oct.  9,  1896. 

668  Merrill  E.,  born  April  16,  1897. 

669  Fae  C.  ,  born  Aug.  21,  1900. 

652  Milton  J."  Kingsbury  [Milon  W.\  Josiah\  Josiah\ 
SaviiieP,  Thomas^,  Thomas'^,  SamiieP,  Ifenry^),  a  merchant  in 
Paynes ville,  Minnesota;  married  Oct.  17,  1883,  Lucy  A.  Wells, 
born  Nov.  8,  1862,  in  Pompey  Hill,  N.  Y.,  daughter  of  Henry 
A.  and  Susan  M.  (Geary)  Wells. 


670  Victor  N.,  born  Jan.  30,  1885. 

671  Verne  W.,  born  Oct.  30,  1886;  d.  May  17,  1889. 

672  Vesta  M.,  born  Sept.  10,  1891. 

673  Hazel  A.,  born  March  4,  1893. 

674  JiMMiE  M.,  born  Sept.  10,  1894;  d.  July  29,  1895. 

675  Clara  Ada,  born  May  18,  1896. 

676  Ethel,  born  Dec.  11,  1898. 

662  Guilford  Gage^  Kingsbury  {Munson  /.',  Samuel  D.\ 
Ira^,  Samuel',  Thomas*,  Thomas',  SamueP,  Heiiry^),  of  Kings- 
ville,  Ohio;  married,  June  18,  1880,  Frankie  L.,  daughter  of 
William  and  Sophronia  (Jarvis)  Shepard,  born  February  7, 
1861,  in  Denmark,  Ohio.     He  is  a  miller  in  Kingsville;  elec- 



ted  Superintendent  of  th&  Sunday-school  at  19  years  of  age; 
held  the  position  nine  years. 


678  Lelia  Iva,  born  March  14,  1881;  died  Oct.  3,  1887. 

679  Paul  Shepard,  born  Nov.  23,  1885  ;  a  senior  in  the  Kingsville  High 

School ;  chosen  to  represent  the  School  in  the  Ashtabula  Co. 
Oratorical  Contest  May,  1902. 

680  Guilford  Gage,  born  July  13,  1891. 


VI.  Thomas"  Kingsbury  [Henry'),  of  Haverhill,  mar- 
ried (i)  June  29,  1691,  Deborah,  daughter  of  George  and 
Joanna  (Davis)  Corliss,  born  June  6,  1655,  widow  of  Thomas 
Eastman,  who  died  April  29,  1688  ;  (2)  Janiiary  19,  1702/3, 
Sarah,  daughter  of  Jonathan  and  Sarah  (Moulton)  Haynes, 
of  Haverhill.  He  served  in  King  Philip's  War  in  1676,  in 
Lieut  Benjamin  Sweet's  company,  and  in  other  Indian  wars, 
aud  received  land  on  the  Saco  River,  probably  as  a  bounty. 
After  the  massacre  of  1696/7  both  Joseph  Kingsbury  and 
Thomas  Kingsbury  were  in  the  garrison  commanded  by 
Thomas  Dustin  in  his  brick  house.  Deacon  Joseph  Kings- 
bury was  one  of  the  claimants  of  land  in  Narragansett, 
Township  No.  i,  now  Buxton,  Me.,  on  account  of  serv- 
ices of  Thomas  Kingsbury.  He  appears  by  the  Haver- 
hill records  to  have  been  one  of  the  committee  to  seat  the 
meeting-house  in  1699-1700,  and  to  have  received  six  shil- 
lings for  compensation.  In  1698  he  promised  to  cut  and 
carry  to  Mr.  Rolfe,  the  minister,  two  quarters  of  a  cord  of 
wood  ;  he  affixed  his  name,  with  others,  to  an  agreement 
promising  to  attend  meeting  in  a  certain  new  house  of 
worship,  when  the  glass  should  be  put  in.  His  children 
were  killed  in  the  Indian  attack  on  Haverhill  in  1697,  and 
at  a  later  period  he  appears  to  have  been  taken  captive  and 
carried  away  by  the  Indians,  and  kept  by  them  for  a  long 
time.  According  to  Pike's  Journal,  Sergeant  Kingsbury 
was  killed  or  taken  by  the  Indians  July  3,  1706.  Probably 
this  Thomas.  After  his  return  he  appears  in  Plainfield, 
B'    Connecticut,  where  a  tract  of  land  was  given  him  by  the 


Whereas  thro'  the  Goodnes  of  God  Thomas  Kingsbury  is  returned 
from  a  Long  Captivity,  and  is  now  providentially  Cast  amongst  us,  and 
where  as  that  he  hath  Lost  most  w'^''  he  had  by  the  enemies,  we  the 
subscribers  Look  upon  it  our  Duty  to  extend  an  act  of  Charity  to  him 
and  that  he  maye  have  wherewith  all  to  Live  comfortably  amongst  us 



— we  being  the  Lawfull  proprietors  of  the  Land  within  the  Township  of 
Plainfield  —  Be  it  known  to  all  that  maye  be  any  way  concerned  that  we 
the  Subscribers  do  hereby  give,  grant,  alloonate,  and  confirme  unto  the 
s'l  Thomas  Kingsbury  To  his  heirs  and  assigns  for  ever  a  certaine  Tract 
or  percell  of  Land  To  the  quantity  of  Twenty  acres  Lying  on  the  North 
Side  of  the  River  Moosup  Bounded  west  on  Land  that  is  to  be  Laid  out 
to  James  Kingsbury,  the  above  Twenty  acres  is  to  be  Laid  out  in  Som 
sutable  form  bye  persons  appointed  by  the  proprietors  and  the  s''  Kings- 
bury is  to  setle  upon  s''  Land  and  upon  these  termes  we  do  freely e  give 
it  to  the  above  s'^  Kingsbury  —  to  his  heirs  and  assigns  for  ever  to  have 
and  to  hold  the  same  as  his  own  proper  inheritance  in  fee  simple  with 
out  mollestation  from  us  our  executors  and  Administrators,  in  witness 
hereunto  that  it  is  our  own  proper  act  and  Deed  we  have  hereunto  set 
our  hands  for  our  selves,  Oct.  7,  1708.* 

He  died  in  Plainfield,  June  11,  1720,  leaving  a  will  which 
is  on  the  Windham  Probate  Records,  dated  June  29  {sic'),  1720, 
proved  Aug.  5,  1720.  He  makes  bequests  to  his  wife,  to 
"  beloved  Cozen,  Thomas  Kingsbury,  my  Brother  Thomas 
[Thomas  should  be  Samuel]  Kingsbury's  son  of  I^averil, 
Mass.,  all  the  land  and  buildings  where  I  now  dwell "  ; 
"cousin  Bartholomew  Heath,  who  lives  with  me,  and  to 
continue  to  live  with  my  wife."  Hannah,  daughter  of 
Jonathan  Haynes,  married  Dec.  16,  1697,  John  Heath,  of 
Haverhill,  afterwards  of  Norwich.  Their  son,  Bartholo- 
mew, was  born  April  i,  1709,  in  Haverhill.  The  widow, 
Sarah  Kingsbury,  married  William  Corbett,  of  Lebanon, 


681  Thomas,  born  January  30,  1691/2,  Haverhill,  ^  both  killed  by  the  In- 

682  Mehitable,  born  June  9,  1696,  Haverhill,       j"  dians,  Mar.  15,  1697. 

*  The  names  of  James  and  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  his  brother  and  nephew,  are 
among  the  proprietors. 

t  Sam'  IngersoU,  of  Salem,  conveys  to  Thomas  Haynes,  of  Haverhill,  Joni" 
Haynes,  Joseph  Haynes,  now  att  Canada,  Will™  Corbet,  of  Lebanon  and  Sarah,  his 
Wife,  John  Heath,  of  Norwich  and  Hannah  his  Wife,  Thomas  Kingsbury,  of  Wind- 
ham and  Margaret  his  Wife,  John  Preston,  of  Windham,  and  Mary,  his  Wife,  John 
Corlis,  of  Haverhill,  and  Ruth  his  Wife,  and  to  the  heirs  of  Jacob  Warren  and  Abi- 
gail, his  Wife,  and  to  Isaac  Spalden  and  Elizabeth  his  Wife,  of  Plainfield,  all  Breth- 
ren and  Sisters  of  Thomas  Haynes,  and  Tenants  in  common  of  land  situated  in 
Salem,  &c.,  Sept.  17,  1731.    Salem  Registry  of  Deeds,  LIX,  jg. 



VII.  Lieutenant  Joseph^  Kingsbury  {IIe?iry'),  of 
Haverhill,  took  the  oath  of  allegiance,  Nov.  28,  1677  ;  mar- 
ried, April  2,  1679,  Love,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth 
(Hutchins)  Ayer,  of  Haverhill,  born  April  15,  1663.  March 
2,  1702/3,  Sergeant  Joseph  Kingsbury  was  chosen  constable 
for  the  west  part  of  Haverhill,  Richard  Whittier  for  the  east 
part ;  tithing-man,  March  4,  1700/01  ;  selectman,  March, 
1697/98;  1699/1700;  1701/2  ;  1705/6;  viewer  of  fences  from 
the  Mill  brook  westward  to  the  Westbridge  river,  and  north- 
ward. He  appears  to  have  been  a  surveyor,  as  September 
17,  1685,  he  testifies  that  he  and  William  Neff  were  desired 
by  Thomas  Woodbery  and  Josiah  Beason  to  measure  "  a 
certayne  parcell  of  upland  and  meadow  "  in  Ipswich,  for  them, 
and  "  y*^  measure  or  work  above  named  wee  did  according 
to  o''  best  skill  and  judgment."  May  12,  1702,  the  Town  by 
vote  made  choice  of  Serg'  Joseph  Kingsbury  to  appear  at 
the  next  inferior  court,  to  be  holden  at  Salem  on  the  last 
Tuesday  of  June  next,  on  the  behalf  of  the  Town  of  Haver- 
hill, to  answer  the  said  Town's  presentment  for  not  being 
provided  with  a  school  master  according  to  law.  He  was 
bookkeeper  for  Capt.  Simon  Wainwright,  a  merchant  in 
Haverhill,  when  Capt.  W.  was  killed  by  the  Indians,  and 
his  house  burned,  in  1708.  This  event  seems  to  have  made 
Kingsbury  feel  that  a  place  more  distant  from  Indian  at- 
tacks would  be  more  desirable  as  a  residence,  and  later  in 
the  year  he  removed  with  his  family  to  Norwich,  Conn., 
leaving  Haverhill  June  14,  1708.  He  settled  in  that  part  of 
Norwich  then  called  the  West  Farms,  now  Franklin,  and 
erected  his  dwelling  upon  Middle  or  Center  Hill,  a  domain 
that  continued  in  the  name  of  Kingsbury  until  1870,  when 
it  was  bought  by  John  G.  Cooley,  of  New  York,  for  his  son, 
who  had  married  a  daughter  of  Col.  Thomas  H.  C.  Kings- 
bury.    Joseph  Kingsbury  was  chairman   of  the  meeting  at 



which  the  ecclesiastical  society  of  the  West  Farms  was  or- 
ganized, in  17 16,  and  one  of  the  eight  pillars  of  the  Church. 
He  and  his  son  Joseph  were  among  the  eight  men  who 
drew  up  the  covenant  of  the  Church,  in  17 18.  He  and  his 
wife,  Mrs.  Love  Kingsbury,  were  admitted  to  the  Church 
by  letter,  January  4,  17 18,  and  he  was  one  of  the  first  two 
Deacons  of  the  Church,  chosen  October  8,  17 18.  He  was 
appointed  Ensign  of  the  trainband  in  the  West  Society  in 
Norwich,  in  1719,  and  Lieutenant  in  October,  1727.  His 
wife  died  April  24,  1735.     He  died  April  9,  1741.* 




Y   ELDER   DIED  2  1741  IN  THE 


1735    AGJ^B  YEAR  OF  HIS  AGE 

72  YEARS 
^  —  Franklin  Biirying  Ground. 


683  Joseph,  born  June  22,  1682,  Haverhill.   :r:  > 

684  Nathaniel,  born  Aug.  23,  1684,  Haverhill.  ;s  > 

685  Elizabeth,  born  May  10,  1686,  Haverhill ;  died  May  24,  1686. 

686  Mary,  born  Oct.  19,  1687,  Haverhill;  Lebanon,  Dec.  14,  1712, 

Stephen  Bingham,  b.  April  30,  1690,  son  of  Thomas  and  Mary 
(Rudd)  Bingham,  of  Windham.  She  died  {s.  p.)  Dec.  6,  1714, 
and  he  m.  (2)  Nov.  30,  1715,  Rebecca  Bishop,  of  Lebanon. 
He  died  March  23,  1770,  in  Andover. 

687  Elizabeth,  born  Oct.  16,  1693,  Haverhill,  g  > 

688  Susanna,  born  Sept.  24,  1695,  Haverhill.  ss->- 

683  Captain  Joseph'  Kingsbury  {Joseph^,  Henry'),  of 
Haverhill  and  Norwich  West  Farms,  married  February  5, 
1705/6,  Ruth,  daughter  of  John  and  Ruth  (Ayer)  Denison, 
of  Ipswich,  Mass.,  born  June  7,  1686.  He  came  in  June, 
1708,  with  his  father,  to  Norwich  West  Farms  ;  he  was  ad- 
mitted by  letter  to  the  Church  in  the  West  Farms,  January 

*  Note. —  Dec.  21,  i6gQ,  M'  Benj.  Woodbridge  empowered  Joseph  Kingsbury,  of 
Haverhill,  and  others,  "to  go  upon  his  farm  at  Haverhill  to  Deliver  possession  of 
sii  Farme  by  Turfe  and  Twigg,  or  otherwise,  to  Andrew  Mitchell";  and  Joseph 
Kingsbury  and  Philip  Atwood  sign  a  statement  that  they  delivered  s*  farm  by 
Turfe  and  Twigg  in  name  and  behalf  of  M^  Benjamin  Woodbridge,  JanJ  i,  1700,  to 
Andrew  Mitchell.  Essex  Registry  of  DeedSy  XV,  13.  This  is  one  of  the  very  few 
instances  to  be  found  in  New  England  of  the  observance  of  the  ancient  Saxon  cus- 
tom of  the  delivery  of  land  by  turf  and  twig,  instead  of  a  deed. 

<  o 



4,  1718;  Mrs.  Ruth  Kingsbury  was  admitted  by  profession 
of  faith,  March  22,  1719  ;  Joseph  Kingsbury,  Jun'',  was  ap- 
pointed Deacon,  February  20,  1735  ;  he  was  one  of  the  eight 
pillars  of  the  Church.  He  was  appointed  Ensign  of  the 
trainband  in  1721  ;  Lieutenant  in  1729;  Captain  in  1748. 
He  was  selectman  of  Norwich  in  1723,  and  a  deputy  to  the 
General  Assembly  1731,  1734,  1738,  1739,  i742-  He  was  one 
of  a  committee  appointed  by  the  General  Assembly  in  May, 
1739,  "to  repair  to  the  society  on  the  east  side  of  the  great 
river  in  Hartford,  and  to  affix  a  place  for  the  bviilding  a  new 
meeting-house  on."*  He  died  December  1,  1757.  His  widow 
Ruth  died  May  6,  1779. 

This  monument  Sacred  Here  Lies  y*  Body  of 

to  the  Memory  of  Dea"^:  M"  Ruth  Kingsbury 

Joseph  Kingsbery  who  Wife  to  Deacon  Joseph 

Departed  this  Life  Kingsbury,  she  Departed 

December  y«  2'*  Annoq;  this  Life  May  6"=  1779 

Domini  1757  in  the  76*''  year  of  ^T.  93. 

his  Age.  She   left  five   Children,   61 

Grand  Children,  152  Great- 
Grand   Children,    15   Great 
Gran  Gran  Children. 
— Franklin  Bnryi7ig  Ground. 

In  his  will  Deacon  Joseph  Kingsbury  mentions  :  "Loving 
and  faithfull  wife,  Ruth,"  son  Ephraim,  to  have  thirteen  acres 
of  "my  thirty-acre  lot  in  Coventry,  which  is  adjoyning  to  my 
son  Ebenezer's  land;"  son  Joseph  to  have  half  of  his  land  in 
Bolton  ;  also  gives  him  ^7  10*  if  "  he  brings  his  son  Sanford 
up  to  Learning,  so  farr  as  that  his  said  vSon  takes  his  first 
Degree  "  ;  son  Ebenezer  to  have  the  remainder  of  the  Cov- 
entry land  ;  son  Nathaniel  to  have  his  Dwelling  House, 
Barn,  &c.,  in  Norwich  ;  son  Daniel,  land  in  Norwich  ;  four 
daughters,  viz.:  Hannah  Hide,  Love  Backus,  Ruth  Edgar- 
ton,  and  Tallathy  Waldow,  "five  Good  Milld  Dollars  to  each 
Daughter."  Grandchildren,  children  of  Daughter,  Eunice, 
dec**,  viz.:  Jabez,  Joshua,  Eunice,  Ruth,  and  Charles,  to  them 
a  Note  due  to  me  from  my  Son,  Jabez  Backus;  "^16  13^  to 
be  placed  in  the  hands  of  the  West  Society  Clerk  in  s''  Nor- 
wich, the  interest  to  be  used  to  pay  y'=  Minister's  Rates  of  y^ 
Poor  and  needy  so  long  as  Mr.  John   Ellis  shall  continue 

♦  Colonial  Records,  VIII,  232. 



Minister  of  s'^  Society,"  then  to  be  divided  among  his  chil- 
dren ;  dated  February  3,  1757.  Norwich  Probate  Records,  II, 
261.  Joseph  Kingsbury  owned  at  least  two  slaves,  Cuff  and 
Phillis,  and  he  bequeathed  them  to  his  wife,  Ruth.  She 
gave  them  their  freedom  in  Dec,  1773.  The  two  ex-slaves 
removed  to  Tolland,  and  after  about  twenty  years  they 
were  reduced  to  want,  and  the  Town  of  Tolland  brought  a 
suit  against  Ebenezer  Kingsbury,  his  mother's  executor,  to 
to  make  him  support  them,  under  the  statute  requiring  all 
masters,  or  owners,  who  set  slaves  at  liberty  to  provide  for 
their  support  if  they  should  come  to  want.  (See  Kingsbury 
V.  Tolland,  Connecticut  Reports,  2  Root,  JSS-)  The  Town  won 
the  suit,  but  some  one  remarked  that  the  Kingsburys  were 
as  numerous  as  the  sands  of  the  sea,  and  it  would  be  impos- 
sible to  recover  from  the  executor.  It  is  stated  in  the  testi- 
mony that  Ruth  left  a  clear  estate  of  the  value  of  ^500 
lawful  money. 


6S9  Ephraim,  born  Jan.  4,  1706/7,  in  Haverhill.  :zi  > 

690  Hannah,  born  March  6,  170S/9,  in  the  West  Farms.:,.,:  > 

6gi  Love,  born  Feb.  23,  17 10/11,  in  the  West  Farms.:.::::  > 

692  Ruth,  born  Feb.  24,  1712/13,  in  the  West  Farms.:,,:"  > 

693  Joseph,  born  Feb.  27,  1714/15,  in  the  West  Farms.;::  > 

694  Ebenezer,  born  Feb.  11,  1716/17,  in  the  West  Farms. :::j  > 

695  Eleazar,  born  Feb.  7,  1718/19,  in  the  West  Farms,  ss^-^ 

696  Eunice,  born  1720,  in  the  West  Farms,  r:,:  > 

697  Grace,  born  Oct.  4,  1722,  in  the  West  Farms  ;  died  unm. 

698  Daniel,  born  Dec.  14,  1724,  in  the  West  Farms.  53->- 

699  Talitha,  born  Oct   7,  1726,  in  the  West  Farms.  ::•  > 

700  Irene,  born  March  13,  1729,  in  the  West  Farms  ;  died  unm. 

701  Nathaniel,  born  Feb.  7,  1730/31,  in  the  West  Farms,  ii:— >- 

As  a  different  ancestry  has  been  given  for  Ruth  and  Han- 
nah Denison,  the  wives  of  Joseph  and  Nathaniel  Kingsbury, 
I  give  the  following  abstracts  of  wills  and  deeds  from  the 
Essex  Co.  Registries  of  Wills  and  Deeds,  showing  the  correct 
line  of  descent. 

I.  John  Denison,  of  Ipswich,  was  a  weaver  by  trade,  a 
subscriber  to  the  Major  Denison  fund,  1648,  commoner,  1664, 
voter  in  town  affairs,  1679;  he  had  six  acres  of  marsh  next 
Goodman  How,  granted  Feb.  7,  1647.  He  died  in  1683,  leav- 
ing a  widow,  Priscilla,  who  died  Feb.  15,  1692,  a  son  John, 


and  daug-hters,  Ruth,  Sarah,  wife  of  Tobijah  Perkins,  Pris- 
cilla,  wife  of  Thomas  Persons,  and  a  grandchild,  Sary  Pritch- 
ett,  daughter  of  John  Pritchett. 

II.  John  Denison,  of  Ipswich,  married  Ruth,  daughter 
of  Cornet  Peter  and  Hannah  (Allen)  Ayer,  of  Haverhill; 
he  received  the  covenant  of  the  church,  January  25,  1673-4. 
His  wife,  Ruth,  died  February  2,  1694-5,  and  he  married 
a  second  wife,  Elizabeth.  His  will  is  dated  July  24,  1725, 
proved  January  22,  1726-7.  He  mentions  wife  Elizabeth, 
son  John,  son  George,  son  Daniel,  daughters  Ruth  Kings- 
bury and  Hannah  Kingsbury,  aged  sister  Smith,  to  be  sup- 
ported with  a  comfortable  subsistence  during  her  natural 
life,  and  a  "  Deacent  buriall  at  her  Death,  out  of  my  estate." 
Salem  Registry  of  Wills.  His  children  were:  i.  Ruth,  born 
Aug.  9,  1684;  died  Aug.  15,  1685.  2.  Ruth,  born  June  7,  1685; 
married  Joseph  Kingsbury.  3.  John,  died  July  30,  1688. 
4.  Hannah,  born  1689;  married  Nathaniel  Kingsbury.  5. 
George,  of  Ipswich.  6.  Daniel,  removed  to  Windham,  Conn. 
7.  John,  born  April  28,  1692.  8.  Priscilla,  born  January  14, 
1694-5;  died  January  30,  1694-5.  John  Denison,  of  Ipswich, 
(the  3d),  weaver,  mentions  in  his  will,  niece  Rebeckah  Man- 
ning, "  who  lives  with  me,"  also  her  sisters,  Elizabeth,  Mary, 
and  Anna,  —  "my  sister,  Ruth  Kingsbury,"  of  Norwich  — 
"  all  my  land  at  Harwich  that  arrived  to  me  by  my  Grand 
Father  Ayer  to  my  two  cousins,  Daniel  Kingsbury  and  Den- 
nison  Kingsbury  in  equal  halfs "  —  all  the  residue  of  the 
estate  "to  my  two  sisters,  Ruth  Kingsbury  and  Hannah 
Kingsbury,  and  my  cousin,  Daniel  Dennison "  —  Cousin 
John  Perkins,  of  Topsfield, —  cousin  Eliz^  Fitts — Joseph 
Kingsbury,  of  Norwich,  and  Nath''  Kingsbury,  of  Coventry, 
Executors;  dated  January  18,  1754;  proved  June  i,  1761. 
Administration  granted  to  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  of  Norwich, 
and  Nath'  Kingsbury,  of  Tollon,  in  Connecticut.  —  Salem 
Registry  of  Wills. 

John  Denison,  of  Ipswich,  Junr,  weaver,  and  Joseph  Kings- 
bury and  Ruth  Kingsbury,  and  Nathaniel  Kingsbury,  and 
Hannah  Kingsbury,  of  Norwich,  in  Connecticut,  convey  to 
Samuel  Ayer,  of  Haverhill,  land  in  Haverhill,  known  by  the 
name  of  World's  End  land,  which  was  formerly  Peter  Ayer's 
land;    Oct.  30,  17 14.  —  Salem  Registry  of  Deeds. 


Nathaniel  King-sbury  and  Hannah,  his  wife,  of  Coventry, 
in  Connecticut,  convey  to  son  Nathaniel  Kingsbury  of  Tol- 
lon,  in  Connecticut,  the  third  part  of  several  pieces  of  land 
which  came  to  v:s  by  the  will  of  our  Brother,  John  Denison, 
late  of  Ipswich,  dec'',  all  in  Ipswich.     Sept.  13,  1761.     Ibid. 

Ruth  Kingsbury,  of  Norwich,  widow  and  relict  of  M'' 
Joseph  Kingsbury,  late  of  s^  Norwich,  conveys  to  son 
Ephraim  Kingsbury,  of  Norwich,  her  right  in  land  in  Ips- 
wich, which  came  to  her  by  virtue  of  the  will  of  "my 
Brother,  John  Denison,  of  Ipswich,  dec"*."  Sept.  10,  1761. 

Daniel  Denison,  of  Windham,  in  Connecticut,  conveys  to 
Ephraim  Kingsbury,  of  Norwich,  all  his  right  in  land  in 
Ipswich,  which  came  to  him  by  virtue  of  the  last  will  of 
"my  uncle,  John  Denison,  of  Ipswich,  dec''."  Sept.  28,  1761. 

684  Captain  Nathanier  Kingsbury  {Joseph^,  Henry^), 
married  in  1709,  Hannah,  daughter  of  John  Denison,  of  Ips- 
wich, sister  of  his  brother  Joseph's  wife,  born  in  1689.  "Nath" 
Kingsbury,  Norage,  published  to  Hannah  Denison,  Ipsw'', 
April  2,  1709." — Ipswich  Towji  Records.  He  came  to  the  West 
Farms  with  Joseph  Kingsbury  in  1 708.  He  settled  in  that  part 
of  Windham  now  Hampton.  April  29,  17 17,  he  was  empow- 
ered by  the  inhabitants  of  the  northeast  part  of  Windham 
to  deliver  a  petition  to  the  General  Court,  asking  that  their 
part  of  the  town  be  made  an  Ecclesiastical  Society.  Octo- 
ber 2,  1721,  he  was  one  of  a  committee  appointed  by  the 
General  Assembly  to  receive  a  tax  imposed  upon  the  north- 
east parish  of  Windham,  and  dispose  of  it  for  the  use  of  the 
parish  ;  admitted  member  of  the  Hampton  Church  at  its 
formation,  Junes,  1723  ;  his  wife  Hannah  admitted  Nov.  17, 
1723  ;  appointed  Lieutenant,  1725,  of  the  northeast  com- 
pany or  trainband  in  Windham,  and' Captain  in  Oct.,  1730; 
removed  to  that  part  of  Coventry  now  Andover,  about 
1733,  when  he  petitioned  the  General  Assembly  to  be  re- 
lieved from  the  Coventry  taxes,  as  he  with  his  family  at- 
tended divine  service  in  Bolton.  He  and  his  wife,  Hannah, 
and  three  children,  John,  Nathaniel,  and  Mary,  were  admit- 
ted to  the  church  in  Bolton,  April  30,  1732.  When  the  Sec- 
ond Ecclesiastical   Society  in    Coventry  was   organized  in 

.  •"  o 


O,^.  rr-  r'S  Ji    «    ^  -3    =     "-   C    J,  _ 

;;  o  >>  5^  c_ 

«  o  u  £  i  ^  -  c       —   -V   ti 



o  § 






p  >■  •.  V 


«l    ^ 



1737,  he  was   chosen    one    member   of   the    Committee    of 

Three.  He  died  in  Andover, 
widow  died  May  14,  1772,  "in 
—  T.S. 

In  Memory  of 
Cap'  Nathauael 
Kingsbery  who 
died  Sep' ye  iS"" 
1763  in  ye  So"" 
Year  of^  his  Age. 

September    18,    1763;    his 
y'^   83"   year   of   her  age." 

Here  Lyes  y"  Body  of 
M''"  Hannah  Kingsbery 
Consort  to  Cap'  Nath" 
Kingsbery.      she  Depart 
ed  this  Life  May  14"'  JO 
1772  in  y«  83'*  year 
of  her  Age. 
— Andover  Burying  Ground. 


702  John,  born  in  Norwich,  April  25,  1710.  zz  ■> 

703  Nathaniel,  born  in  Norwich,  Sept.  8,  1711.  s  > 

704  Mary,  born  in  Norwich,  Nov.  5,  1713.  c  > 

705  Simon,  born  in  Hampton,  July  25,  1715.  rr  > 

706  Jabez,  born  in  Hampton,  June  21,  171 7;  bapt.  in  Canterbury,  Oct. 

9,  1717.  h-^r^^ 

707  Hannah,  born  in  Hampton,  Jan.  23,  171S/19.  s->- 
70S     Priscilla,  born  in  Hampton,  March  22,  1720.  r:  > 

709  Joseph,  born  in  Hampton,  March  or  May  27,  1721.  "•  * 

710  Denison,  born  in  Hampton,  June  7,  1723  ;  bapt.  June  9.  r:  > 

711  Lemuel,  born  in  Hampton,  Aug.  23,  1725  ;  bapt.  Aug.  29.  :; :  > 

712  Jeremiah,  born  in  Hampton,  Dec.  2,  1726  ;  bapt.  Dec.  11  ;  died  in 

infancy,  Mch.  9,  1727. 

713  Sarah,  born  in  Hampton,  Jan.  13/14,  1728  ;  bapt.  Jan.  14.  ™  > 

714  Phineas,  born  in  Hampton,  May  9,  1731  ;  bapt.  May  23.  t3->- 

715  Ruth,   born  in  Coventry,  May  26,   1737;  bapt.  in  Bolton,  May  29, 

1737  ;  died  aged  15,  May  24,  1752. 

Will  of  Nathaniel  Kingsbury,  dated  May  24,  1753;  proved 
April  27,  1764, —  mentions  wife  Hannah;  ch.:  John,  Nathan- 
iel, Simon,  Jabez,  Joseph,  Dennison,  Lemuel,  Phineas,  Mary, 
Hannah,  Priscilla,  and  Sarah.  —  Andover  Probate  Records. 

The  heirs  to  the  estate  of  the  Widow  Hannah  Kingsbury, 
of  Coventry,  met  together  at  the  dwelling  house  of  the  Widow 
Mary  Kingsbury,  where  the  s**  dec*^  did  dwell  when  alive, 
viz.:  Elijah  Hammond,  Mary  Hammond,  John  Chapman, 
Hannah  Chapman,  Ebenez''  Kingsbury,  Priscilla  Kingsbury, 
John  Crocker,  Sarah  Crocker;  June  16,  1772. — Andover  Pro- 
bate Records. 

687  Elizabeth'  Kingsbury  {Joseph'',  Henry^),  married 
at  Lebanon,  Aug.  19,  17 17,  wSamuel  Ashley,  of  Windham, 
afterwards    Hampton;    he   was   a    man  of    substance,  and 


evidently  one  of  the  leading  men  in  the  section  of  the  town 
in  which  he  lived.  She  died  Aug.  21,  175  i  (1750,  AsJilcy  Gene- 
alogy); he  died  Feb.  12,  177 1,  aged  82;  he  was  a  son  of  Jon- 
athan and  Sarah  (Wadsworth)  Ashley,  of  Springfield, after- 
wards of  Hartford  ;  bapt.  in  Hartford,  Feb.  26,  1687/8. 
He  settled  first  in  Canterbury,  it  is  said,  and  his  first  pur- 
chase in  Windham  was  made  in  April,  17 17,  when  he  bought 
of  John  Fitch  200  acres  in  the  northeast  part  of  Windham, 
for  which  he  paid  £,'i-^o.  This  homestead  farm  has  re- 
mained in  possession  of  his  descendants  ever  since  (1864). 
His  father  left  him  by  will,  in  1705,  fourscore  acres  of  land 
in  Plainfield.  He  was  appointed  Ensign  of  the  North  East 
Company  in  Windham,  Oct.  8,  1730.  One  of  the  original 
members  of  the  church  in  Hampton. 


1  Elizabeth,  born,  perhaps,  in  Canterbury,  before  the  parents  settled 

in  Windham  ;  m.  James  Bemis. 

2  Samuel,  born  in  Windham,  Nov.  27,  1720  ;  m.  Nov.  23,  1746,  Ruth 

Cresey  ;  lived  and  died  in  Hampton  ;  no  ch. 

3  Abner,  born  in  Windham,  May  10,  1722  ;  m.   March  5,  1745/6,  Mary 

Cresey,  of  Hampton  ;  died  Feb.  14,  1801  ;  9  eh. 

4  Susannah,  born  in  Windham,  June  5,  1724  ;  m.  John  Hovey. 

5  Joseph,  born  in  Windham,  June  i,  172S;  Uved  in  Hampton  until  late 

in  life  when  he  removed  to  Pomfret.  He  married  (i )  Sarah 
Cresey,  Nov.  5,  1751  ;  she  died  Sept.  11,  1762;  he  m.  (2)  Zer- 
viah  Lyon,  of  Ashford,  April  25,  1764  ;  she  died  May  5,  1781  ; 
m.  (3)  Rachel  Allen,  of  Pomfret,  April  10,  1783,  who  survived 
him  ;  he  died  in  Pomfret,  1787,  leaving  8  ch. 

6  Love,  born  in  Windham,  July  19,  1731;  probably  died  young. 

7  Jonathan,  born  in  Windham,  Aug.  4,  1737  ;  died  June  23,  1740. 

688  Susannah'  Kingsbury  { Joseph",  Henry"),  married, 
December  28(23,  Tolland  Toiun  Records),  17 13,  Jonathan  Ladd, 
of  Norwich  West  Farms,  afterwards  of  Tolland.  He  was  son 
of  Samuel  and  Martha  (Corliss)  Ladd,  and  was  born,  April 
13,  1682,  at  Haverhill,  Mass.  He  removed  from  Haverhill  to 
Norwich  West  Farms,  and  from  there  to  Tolland  about  1720, 
and  from  there  late  in  life  to  East  Windsor.  His  will  is  in 
the  Stafford  Probate  Records,  dated  April  26,  year  illegible. 
Inventory  taken  March  30,  1774.  Will  presented  in  court 
April  4,  1774;  he  mentions  Ezekiel,  eldest  son  ;  Jonathan, 
second  son  ;  children  of  eldest  daughter,  Elizabeth,  dec'^ ; 


second  daughter,  Mary  Grant ;  third  daughter,  Susannah 
Nash  ;  fourth  daughter,  Abigail  Ladd  ;  fifth  daughter,  Zer- 
viah  Nash  ;  third  son,  Jesse  Ladd,  who  was  executor. 


1  EzEKiEL,  born  Jan.  31,  1715  ;  m.  in  Tolland,  Nov.  3,  1740,  Hannah 

Bigelow  of  Tolland.  His  father  conveyed  land  in  Tolland  to 
him,  Nov.  10,  1740.    Tolland  Rec,  III,  244. 

2  Elizabeth,  born  Mar.  14,  1716;  married,  but  died  before  her  father; 

her  children  mentioned  in  his  will. 

3  Jonathan,  born  Mar.  5,  1718;  (m.  June  27,  1751,  Anna  Fyler  (Taylor 

according  to  Warren  Ladd.)  Fyler,  Tolla?id  Town  Rec.  He 
died  Aug.  27,  1810;  she  died  Aug.  ig,  1S03,  aged  76.  They 
had  9  ch. :  lived  in  Tolland;  buried  in  No.  burying-ground. 

4  Mary,  born  Feb.  6,  1720;    m.  July  9,  1741,  Jonathan  Grant,  born  in 

Windsor,  about  1714;  he  died  probably  May  27,  1811,  at 

5  Susannah,  born  Feb.  17,  1722  ;   m.  Phineas  Nash,  Feb.  27,  1755;  he 

was  born  in  Ellington,  Oct.  17,  1724,  son  of  Timothy  and  Pru- 
dence (Smith)  Nash. 

6  Ephraim,  born  Jan.  30,  1725;  died  Dec.  13,  1726. 

7  Abigail,  born  March  26,  1728  ;  probably  unm. 

8  Zurviah,  born  March  30,  1730;  m.  Joel  Nash  of  Tolland,  June  11, 

1754  ;  he  was  born  in  Ellington,  June  19,  1731,  son  of  Timothy 
and  Prudence  (Smith)  Nash. 

9  Jesse,  born  April  10,  1732;  m.  Rachel  Taylor;  lived  in  Tolland. 
10     Samuel,  born  March  29,  1734;  died  Dec.  24,  1736. 

689  Captain  Ephraim*  Kingsbury  {Joseph^  Joseph", 
Henry^),  of  Norwich  West  Farms;  married  July  3,  1728, 
Martha  Smith,  daughter  of  Captain  Obadiah  and  Martha 
(Abell)  Smith,  born  in  Norwich,  November  26,  17 10.  He 
was  appointed  Ensign  of  the  3d  Company,  or  Trainband,  in 
Norwich,  October,  1737;  Lieutenant,  May,  1746;  Captain, 
October,  1749.  Admitted  to  the  church  in  the  West  Farms, 
with  his  wife  Martha,  July  19,  1741.  Deacon  of  the  church 
in  the  West  Farms,  17 70-1 7  7 2.  His  wife  died  October  24, 
1771.     He  died  November  17,  1772. 

In  his  will  he  mentions  :  son  Joshua  (if  he  be  now  alive), 
and  also  says  :  "  that  he  has  been,  and  is  now  absent  from 
me,  and  hath  so  been  for  a  Considerable  time,  and  alto- 
gether Unknown  to  me  whether  he  be  living,  or  not,"  "if 
he  be  not  living  his  share  to  be  divided  among  my  other 
seven  children" — viz:  Asa,  Absalom,  Obadiah,  Ephraim, 


Martha  Rockwell,  Talitha  Rust,  and  Anna  Kingsbury,  and 
my  grandson,  Amos  Avery;  my  grandson,  Jasper,  son  of  my 
Dau*  Anna  Kingsbury,  when  he  shall  come  to  the  age  of  21, 
which  will  be  on  the  19'^''  day  of  September,  1784  ;  grand- 
daughter Nancy,  daughter  of  my  daughter  Anna,  when  she 
shall  be  21,  which  will  be  on  the  13*'^  January,  1788;  dated 
October  20,  1772. — Noriuich  Prob.  Rec,  IV.  440. 

Distribution  of  Captain  Ephraim  Kingsbury's  estate  :  to 
Asa,  eldest  son;  Absalom,  2*^  son;  Obadiah,  3'^  son;  Ephraim, 
4th  son;  Martha  Rockwell,  wife  of  Amariah  Rockwell,  eldest 
dau';  Talitha  Rust,  wife  of  Joseph  Rust,  2''  dau^  ;  Joshua, 
youngest  son  ;  Anne,  youngest  dau'  ;  Amos  Avery,  grand- 
son ;  Jasper,  grandson,  and -son  of  Anna.  June  29,  1774. 
—  Norwich  Probate  Records. 

Here  Lies  y»  Body 

of  Dea;  Ephraim 

Kingsbury  he  De 

parted  this  Life 

Nov''  y"  17"",  1772, 

in  y  66"^  year  of 

his  age.  —Franklin  Burying  Ground. 


716  Asa,  born  in  the  West  Farms  April  7,  1729.  s-^ 

717  Absalom,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  Feb.  13,  1730.  ~"  > 

718  Martha,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  Aug.  15,  1733.  :r  > 

719  Obadiah,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  Aug.  2,  1735.  s->- 

720  Irene,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  Dec.  15,  3737;  bapt.  Dec. 18.  s:  > 

721  Ephraim,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  March  13,  1739/40;  bapt.  March 

722  Talitha,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  Oct.  15,  1742;  bapt.  Oct.  17.  :;.:  > 

723  Anna,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  Nov.  17,  1746.      Anna  Kingsbury, 

singlewoman,  of  Norwich,  leaves  her  estate  to  her  only  child 
and  son,  Jasper;  appoints  Uncle  Nathaniel  Kingsbury,  execu- 
tor, July  I,  1777.*  Her  daughter,  Nancy,  had  apparently 
died.  (See  above.)  This  would  seem  to  point  to  an 
unfortunate  marriage  and  divorce,  and  the  assuming  of 
her  maiden  name,  as  an  illegitimate  connection  would  hardly 
have  been  spread  on  the  record  so  fully. 

724  Joshua,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  Dec.  26,  1749  ;  died  at  sea. 

690  Hannah'  Kingsbury  {Joseph  \ Joseph  \  Jlen/y'),  mar- 
ried, October  11,  1727,!  Captain  Jacob  Hyde,  born  January 
20,  1703,  son  of  Thomas  and  Mary  (Backus)  Hyde,  of  the 
West  Farms.      He  was  a  farmer  in  Norwich  West  Farms. 

•  Norwich  Probate  Records.  f  West  Farms  Church  Records. 



She  died  March  16,  1770,  in  Bennington,  Vt.,  while  on  a  visit 
to  her  children  living  there.  He  died  in  Norwich  West 
Farms,  January  22,  1782. 


1  Jacou,  born  Aug.  i,  1730;  m.  July  5,  1753,  Hannah,  dau.  of  Thomas 

and  Sarah  (Ayers)  Hazen,  b.  in  Norwich,  April  20,  1729  ;  they 
settled  in  the  West  Farms,  but  afterwards  removed  to  Ben- 
nington, Vt.,  and  from  there  to  Grand  Isle.  He  was  by 
trade  a  mason,  and  a  man  of  great  wit  and  humor.  His 
wife  d.  June  28,  1809,  at  Georgia,  Vt.  He  died  Feb.  i,  1815, 
at  North  Hei-o,  Vt. ;  7  children. 

2  Ephraim,  born   April  23,   1734;   m.   Martha  Giddings  of  the  West 

Farms,  and  settled  at  Stafford,  Conn. 

3  Joseph,  born  June  i,  1736;  m.  (r)  March  5,  1765,  Abigail,  dau.  of  Ben- 

jamin and  Abigail  (Gild)  Abell,  b.  July  9,  1746,  at  Norwich  ; 
she  died  in  the  West  Farms,  Nov.  7,  1774.  (2)  Jan.  11,  1784, 
Julitta,  dau.  of  Simon  and  Parnal  (Willis)  Abell,  b.  April  24, 
1763.  He  d.  Aug.  II,  1802,  in  Franklin.  She  d.  Feb.  9,  1839. 
His  oldest  son  by  his  first  wife  was  the  Rev.  Alvan  Hyde,  b. 
Feb.  2,  1768  ;  grad.  Dartmouth  College,  1788  ;  studied  theol- 
ogy with  the  Rev.  Charles  Backus,  D.D.,  and  was  in  June, 
1792,  ordained  as  minister  of  the  Congregational  Church  at 
Lee,  Mass.,  where  he  continued  until  his  death,  Dec.  4,  1833. 
He  m.  April  25,  1793,  Lucy,  dau.  of  Benjamin  Fessenden,  b. 
at  Sandwich,  Mass.,  Nov.  16,  1770.  He  was  a  trustee  of 
Williams  College  for  more  than  thirty  years,  and  Vice-Presi- 
dent for  twenty  years.  A  memoir  of  him  was  written  by  his 
brother,  Lavius  Hyde,  third  son  of  Joseph,  by  his  2d  wife,  b. 
Jan.  '29,  1789  ;  grad.  Williams  College,  1813  ;  studied  theology 
at  Andover,  and  was  a  Congregational  clergyman.  He  m., 
Sept.  28,  1818,  Abigail,  dau.  of  Asahel  and  Abigail  (Rogers) 
Bradley,  b.  in  Stockbridge,  Mass.,  Sept.  20,  1799.  He  was 
ordained  pastor  of  the  church  in  Salisbury,  Conn.,  in  18 18, 
and  was  afterwards  in  Bolton,  Conn. ,  Wayland  and  Becket, 
Mass.,  and  was  subsequently  settled  a  second  time  at 
Bolton.  When  70  years  of  age  he  retired  from  the  pas- 
toral office,  and  became  a  resident  of  Vernon,  where  he 
died,  April  3,  1S65.  Besides  the  memoir  of  his  brother, 
published  in  1835,  he  edited  the  hymn-book  called  Village 
Hymns,  edition  of  1850,  and  his  wife  composed  several  of 
the  hymns  contained  in  that  collection,  a  noted  one  in 
its  day.  Mr.  Hyde  was  the  first  person  who  attempted 
a  genealogy  of  the  Kingsbury  family,  and  his  manuscript 
record  is  in  the  hands  of  the  compiler  of  this  book, 
and  is  really  the  foundation  of  this  work.  He  must  have 
begun  his  record  about  1S50.  He  had  8  children.  The  oldest, 
Thomas  Colton  Parmale,  b.  in  Bolton,  Oct.  28,  1825,  m.  Char- 


lotte  E.  Burnap,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Mary  (Kingsbury)  Bur- 
nap,  of  Andover,  Conn.     (See  page  326.) 

4  Mary,  born  March  24,  1732;  m.,  Aug.  2,  1748,  Rev.  Peabody  Moseley, 

born  Aug.  19,  1724,  son  of  Increase  and  Mary  Mosely,  of  the 
West  Farms.  He  was  a  Baptist  clergyman  ;  resided  at  Nor- 
wich, Mansfield,  and  Granby,  Conn.  In  1779  he  and  his  wife 
and  several  of  his  children  joined  the  Society  of  Shakers  at 
New  Lebanon,  N.  Y.,  where  he  died  Sept.,  1791.  His  wife 
survived  him  about  25  years,  and  died  with  the  Shakers  at 
New  Lebanon.     9  children. 

5  Hannah,  born  Mar.  8,  1738;  m.,  Jan.  13,  1757,  Samuel  Ladd,  b.  June 

7,  1730,  son  of  David  and  Mary  (Waters)  Ladd,  of  the  West 
Farms.     She  died  in  the  West  Farms,  Feb.  11,  1775.     5  ch. 

6  Jonathan,  born  Jan.  4,  1742  ;  d.  Oct.  22,  1743. 

7  RtjTH,  born  Jan.  26,  1740;  m.,  Jan.  18,  1759,  Ezekiel  Ladd,  b.  Aug.  6, 

1731,  at  the  West  Farms,  son  of  David  and  Mary  (Waters) 
Ladd.  They  lived  in  the  West  Farms,  where  he  was  killed  in 
raising  a  barn,  July  21,  1803.     Shed,  in  1821.     10  children. 

8  Silence,  born  April  13,  1744;   m.,  Jan.  16,  1763,  Joseph  Ladd,  born 

April  20,  1733,  in  the  West  Farms,  son  of  David  and  Mary 
(Waters)  Ladd.  They  lived  in  Franklin,  where  she  d.  May  8, 
1793.     He  d.  Feb.  25,  1815.     6  children. 

9  Reuecca,  born  Dec.  11,  1745;  m.  Oct.  23,  1765,  Lebbeus  Armstrong, 

born  Sept.  13,  1738,  son  of  Hopestill  and  Rebecca  (Durkee) 
Armstrong  of  the  West  Farms.    They  settled  in  Franklin,  but 
removed  to  Bennington,  Vt.,  where  he  d.  Oct.  17,  1789.     She 
d.  in  Bennington,  April,  1790.     9  ch. 
10    Phebe,  born  Oct.  7,  1750;  d.  in  Bennington,  Vt. ,  Jan.  28,  1771;  unm. 

691  Love'  Kingsbury  {Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Henry'),  married, 
Nov.  3,  1732,*  Josiah  Backus,  of  West  Farms,  son  of  Nathan- 
iel and  Elizabeth  (Tracy)  Backus,  of  Norwich  West  Farms, 
born  October  10,  17 10.  She  died  December  29,  1778,  in  Boz- 
rah.     He  died  June  18,  1779,  in  Bozrah. 


1  Irene,  born  Oct.  23, 1734;  m.  Jan.  15,  1753,  Obadiah  Smith,  of  Frank- 

lin, born  May  27,  1728,  son  of  Joshua  and  Edna  (Hazen)  Smith. 
He  was  Deacon  of  the  church  ;  d.  April  15,  1797. 

2  Rachel,  born  May  3,   1737  ;  m.,  Nov.  12,  1755,  James  Ford,  son  of 

James  and  Elizabeth  Ford. 

3  OziAS,  born  March  27,  1739;   m..  May  i,  1760,  Lydia,  dau.  of  Elisha 

and  Sarah  (Hackley)  Waterman,  b.  March  12,  1740/41.  He 
d.  in  Bozrah,  Feb.  25,  1764  His  widow  m.  (2),  1765,  Jesse 
Birchard;  d.  Oct.  8,  1779. 

•  In  the  date  the  Franklin  or  West  Farms  Church  Record  is  followed. 



4  Lebbeus,  born  March  22,   1741  ;    m.,   Nov.  24,  1762,  Hannah,  dau.  of 

James  and  Elizabeth  Ford,  b.  Feb.  22,  1743.  He  removed  to 
Pittsfield,  Mass. 

5  Ebenezer,  born  Jan.  10,  1743/4;  m.,  Oct.  14,  1766,  Elizabeth,  dau.  of 

John  and  Abigail  (Culverhouse)  Waterman;  she  d.  Oct.  8, 
1776;  (2)  May  28,  1778,  Phebe,  dau.  of  William  and  Mary 
(Prentice)  Calkins,  of  Bozrah,  b.  June  23,  1751  ;  d.  Sept.  ig, 
1785.     (3)  Dec.  30,  1787,  Elizabeth  Crocker.  (?) 

6  Absalom,  born  June  4,  1747;  d.  March  27,  1760. 

7  Anne,  born  May  21,  1750  ;  d.  Nov.  6,  1750. 

8  Simeon,  born  Feb.  14,  1752;  m.,  Oct.  28,  1772,  Eunice  Waterman,  dau. 

of  Elisha  and  Sarah  (Hackley)  Waterman,  b.  Dec.  15,  1753. 
He  died  in  Bozrah,  Jan.  7,  1782.  His  widow  m.,  (2)  1792, 
Elisha  Hartshorn. 

692  Ruth'  Kingsbury  {Joseph\  Joseph^,  Henry'),  married, 
January  28,  1734/5  {Franklin  Church  Records),  Joshua  Edger- 
ton,  of  West  Farms  (June  28,  1734,  Norwich  T.  R.).  Mrs. 
Ruth  Edgerton  died  in  West  Farms,  Nov.  13,  1769.  Mr. 
Joshua  Edgerton  died  in  West  Farms,  March  6,  1779,  in 
the  71st  year  of  his  age. 


1  Ruth,  born  at  West  Farms,  Nov.  12,  1735.    [Ruth,  dau.  of  Mr.  Joshua 

and  Mrs.  Ruth  Edgerton,  d.  Oct.  8,  1762,  in  19th  year.     T.  S.] 

2  Joshua,  born  at  West  Farms,  Oct.  24,  1737. 

3  Sims,  born  at  West  Farms,  Feb.  14,  1739/40. 

4  Samuel,  born  at  West  Farms,  May  9,  1742. 

5  Deliverance,  born  at  West  Farms,  May  18,  1744  ;  d.  Oct.  18,  1762. 

(Oct.  8,  Norwich  T.  R.) 

6  Margaret,  born  at  West  Farms,  May  14,  1746  ;  d.  Jan.  14,  1763. 

7  Eleazer,  born  at  West  Farms,  Aug.  8,  1748;  m.  Sarah,  daughter  of 

Jacob  Hyde. 

8  Anne,  born  at  West  Farms,  Nov.  28,  1750. 

9  Andrew,  born  at  West  Farms,  Jan.  18,  1753  ;  d.  May  30,  1768. 

10  Ali'heus,  born  at  West  Farms,  March  3,  1755  ;  d.  May  13,  1776. 

11  Uriah,  born  at  West  Farms,  July  12,  1757. 

12  Joseph  Kingsbury,  born  at  West  Farms,  Aug.  4,  1759.      He  served 

in  Capt.  Joshua  Huntington's  Company,  in  Colonel  Selden's 
Regiment,  in  Wadsworth's  Brigade,  in  the  campaign  around 
New  York  in  1776;  also  on  board  the  schooner  "  Spy,"  a  pri- 
vateer, in  1777.  He  died  in  Lebanon,  July  16  (3  T.  S  ),  1819, 
aged  60.  [Franklin  Ch.  Rec.~\  His  wife,  Irena,  d.  in  Frank- 
lin, June  23,  1819,  aged  55.  [Ibiii.~\  Both  buried  in  Franklin. 

214  ^^^   KINGSBURY   FAMILY. 

693  Captain  Joseph'  Kingsbury  {Joseph^ ,JosepK\Henry'), 
of  Pomfret,  Conn.;  married,  at  West  Farms,  March  28,  1738 
Deliverance  Squire.  Admitted  to  the  church  in  the  West 
Farms  with  wife.  Deliverance,  February  21,  1742.  He  was 
Deputy  to  the  General  Court  from  Windham,  1756.  He  is 
said  to  have  removed  to  New  Hampshire,  but  if  so,  he 
returned  to  Pomfret,  where  he  died  October  27,  1788,  aged 
74.     His  wife  died  October  31,  1782,  aged  dd. 


725  Ebenezer,  born  May  5,  1739,  in  West  Farms  ;  bapt.  July  15.  g  > 

726  Chloe,  born  Jan.  13,  1740,  in  West  Farms;  bapt.  Feb.  22,  i74i.5r4->- 

727  Sanford,  born  in  West  Farms,  April  7,  1743  ;    bapt.  April  10.  ss-^- 

728  Ruth,  born  March  25,  1745,  in  West  Farms  ;  bapt.  May  5. 

729  Abigail,  born  in  West  Farms,  Jan.  30,  1746;  bapt.  Mar.  15,  1747."  > 

730  Joseph,  born  Feb.  14,  1748/9,  in  West  Farms;  bapt.  March  26,  1749; 

d.  Jan.  12,  1759. 

731  Jerusha,  born  April  3,  1751,  in  Windham. 

732  Eunice,  born  April  27,  1753,  in  Windham  ;  d.  Oct.  28,  1766. 

733  Deliverance,  born  Aug.  12.  1755,  in  Windham,  rs  > 

734  Irena,  born  Feb.  24,  1758,  in  Windham. 

735  Anna,  born  1760;  d.  Dec.  19,  1775,  aged  15;  gravestone  in  Pomfret 


694  Captain  Ebenezer'  Kingsbury  {Joseph'',  Joseph'', 
Henry"),  of  Coventry,  Conn.;  married,  November  28,  1743, 
Priscilla,  daughter  of  his  uncle,  Nathaniel  Kingsbury.  (She  is 
said  to  have  read  the  Bible  through  before  marrying,  to  see 
if  there  was  anything  to  forbid  marrying  a  cousin.)  He 
was  admitted  to  the  Church  in  Bolton,  November  24,  1739. 
He  was  a  Deacon  in  the  Church,  and  a  much  valued  citizen; 
representative  to  the  General  Assembly,  1754-55-58-59-64- 
66-67-69-71-72-73-74-75-76-77-78-79-80  ;  Lieutenant  of  the 
Ninth  Company  or  Trainband  in  the  Fifth  Regiment  of  the 
Colony,  May,  1753;  Captain,  October,  1756.  He  was  chosen 
a  member  of  the  Committee  of  Correspondence  in  Coventry, 
September  15,  1774.  The  story  is  told  that  during  a  critical 
period  of  the  Revolution  he  returned  from  the  session  of 
the  General  Assembly  one  Saturday  to  work  for  the 
soldiers.  His  daughter,  Priscilla,  moulded  bullets  from  the 
lead  clock  weights,  and  his  son,  Joseph,  made  and  baked 
biscuits  —  both  on  the  Sabbath.  Sand  bags  were  substituted 
for  lead  in  the  family  clock,  and  on  Monday  he  returned  to 



his  post  of  duty,  his  saddle  bags  balanced  on  the  one  side 
with  food  for  the  soldiers,  and  on  the  other  with  bullets  to  be 
used  against  their  enemies.*  Deacon  Ebenezer  Kingsbury 
died  in  Coventry,  September  6,  1800,  in  the  84th  year  of  his 
age  [T.  S.].  Priscilla,  his  wife,  died  January  31,  1805,  aged  82. 
[Mrs.  Priscilla,  consort  of  Deacon  Ebenezer  Kingsbury,  died 
January  31,  1805,  in  the  83d  year  of  her  age,  T.  S.,  Coventry]. 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of 
Deacon  Ebenezer  Kingsbury 
Who  departed  this  life  Sept  6"^ 
JD  1800,  in  the  84""  Year  of 
his  age,  having  by  the  will  of 
God  served  his  generation 

Blessed  are  the  dead  which  die 
in  the  Lord. 

—  North  Burying-grotmd,  Coventry. 


736  Ebenezer,  born  Aug.  28,  1744  ;  d.  Sept.  4,  1744. 

737  Mary,  born  March  31,  1746  ;  d.  Nov.  20,  1761. 

In  Memory  of 
M"  Mary  Kings 
bery,  Daughter 
to  Capt  Ebenezer 
and  Mr=  Priscilla 
Kingsbery  who 
Died  Nov'  y 
20""  1 761  in 
— In  old  biiryifig-grou7id  by  the  Sknngatnug 
River,  on  road  to  Andover. 

738  Ebenezer,  born  Jan.  27,  1749  ;  d.  in  infancy. 

739  Priscilla,  born  Dec.  26,  1751  ;  d.  Jan.  5,  1751/2. 

740  Joseph,  born  April  17,  1753.  ss-^ 

741  Priscilla,  born  Jan.  21,  1756.:.;  > 

742  Martha  Egerton,  born  July  16,  1758  ;  d.  unm.  April,  1823.  f 

743  Ebenezer,  born  Aug.  30,  1762.  r;  ■> 

744  Mary,  born  Nov.  26,  1754  ;  d.  young. 

*  Rev.  Marvin  Root's  Reminiscences. 

t  If  Martha  Kingsbury  was  beloved  by  Nathan  Hale,  the  "  Martyr  Spy,"  as  is 
asserted,  the  hero  must  have  been  a  fickle  sweetheart,  for  it  is  well  known  that  he 
was  betrothed  at  the  time  of  his  death  to  Alice  Adams  of  Canterbury,  widow  of 
Elijah  Ripley,  her  mother  having  married  Hale's  father  as  his  second  wife.  Alice  and 
Hale  were  in  love  with  each  other  when  she  was  very  young,  but  the  match  was 


695  Eleazar'  Kingsbury  {/osep/i\  Joseph'',  Jlenry^),  of 
Coventry*  and  Tolland;  married,  July  20, 1742,  Freelove  Rust, 
daughter  of  Captain  Samuel  and  Sarah  (Hawkins)  Rust,  of 
Coventry,  born  May  25,  1724.  He  was  admitted  to  the 
Church  in  Bolton,  September  6,  1741.  He  removed  about 
1757  to  Tolland. f  She  died  December  15(5,  Tolland  Rec), 
1757.  He  married  (2)  May  6,  1762,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Russell  of 
Ellington.  Rev.  L.  Hyde's  MS.  says  he  married  a  sister  of 
Deacon  Hunt's  second  wife.  He  died  October  6,  1785,  in 
Tolland.  In  his  will  he  mentions:  Elizabeth,  his  dearly  be- 
loved wife,  gives  to  son  Eleazer  all  his  lands  in  Chesterfield 
in  the  State  of  Newhampshire,  dau''  Ann  Redington,  dau"" 
Sarah  Carlton,  Grandaughter  freelove  Stanley,  Son  Sam" 
Rust  Kingsbury;  dated  January  6.  1779  ;  Jabez  Kingsbury, 
Sarah  Kingsbury,  witnesses.     Stafford  Probate  Records. 

In  memory  of 

M''  Eleazar  Kingsbery 

who  died  Oct.  6"' 

1785,  in  the  66"' 

Year  of  his  Age 

Death  is  a  debt  to  nature  due 

Which  I  have  paid  &  so  must 

you  —  North  Biirying-ij^round,  Tolland. 


745  Freelove,  born  April  22,  1743,  in  Coventry  ;  bapt.  at  Bolton,  by 

the  Rev.  T.  White,  April  24,  1743.   s  > 

746  Anna,  born  May  10,  1745,  in  Coventry;  bapt.  at  Bolton,  May  19,  1745; 

m.  Oct.  22,  1 761,  Eliphalet  Redington  of  Tolland,  son  of  Jacob 
Redington.  Ch. ;  (i)  Nathan,  b.  Oct.  18,  1762.  (2)  Anna,  b. 
Sept.  24,  1764.    (3)  Mary,  b.  Sept.  23,  1766 — all  born  in  Tolland. 

disapproved  of,  and  her  mother  persuaded  her  to  marry  Mr.  Ripley  Feb.  8, 1773.  After 
his  death,  Dec.  26,  1774,  her  engagement  with  Hale  was  renewed.  Some  time  after 
Hale's  death,  she  married  Nov.  27,  1782,  William  Lawrence  of  Hartford,  and  died  in 
Hartford,  Sept.  4,  1845.  Hale's  powder-horn,  carap-book,  and  other  relics  were  in 
the  possession  of  her  family.  His  powder-horn  was  presented  to  the  Connecticut 
Historical  Society  by  her  grandson,  William  Roderick  Lawrence. — Stuarfs  Life  of 
Nathan  Hale,  pp.  36,  223.     Johnston's  Biography  atid  Memo7-ials  of  Nathan  Hale, 

S2,  20I. 

*  Joseph  Kingsbury,  Juner,  of  Norwich,  conveys  to  his  loving  son,  Eleazer  Kings- 
bury, 50  acres  of  land  in  Coventry,  "  which  I  bought  of  Squire  Ozias  Pitkin,  David 
Hills  and  Ann  Hills,"  March  19,  1739/140.     Coventry  Land  Records^  III,  132. 

+  Lemuel  Kingsbury,  of  Tolland,  conveyed  to  Eleazer  Kingsbury,  of  Coventry, 
100  acres  of  land  in  Tolland,  bounded  on  Nath'  Kingsbury's  land,  Feb.  15,  1757, 
Tolland  Land  Records,  J',  232.  Jacob  Redington,  Junr,  of  Tolland,  conveyed  to 
Eleazer  K.  of  Coventry,  86  acres  in  Tolland,  June  8,  1757.    Ibid.,  V,  228. 


747  Sarah,  born  Feb.  i,  1746-7,  in  Coventry  ;  m.  Carlton. 

748  Eleazar,  born  Feb.  14,  1749-50,  in  Coventry.  ::.■;■> 

749  Zebulon,  born  about  1752. 

750  Samuel  Rust,  born  Feb.  27,  1754,  in  Coventry.  ~  > 

696  Eunice^  Kingsbury  {Joseph'',  Joseph'',  Henry'),  mar- 
ried February  17,  1740/41,  Jabez  Backus,  born  August,  17 12, 
son  of  Nathaniel  and  Elizabeth  (Tracy)  Backus.  He  remained 
on  the  paternal  homestead  at  West  Farms.  She  died  De- 
cember 7,  1 75 1.  After  her  death  Jabez  Backus  married  Es- 
ther (Clark),  widow  of  Ezra  Lothrop.  After  Backus's  death 
she  married  Ebenezer  Baldwin,  grandfather  of  Gov.  Roger 
S.  Baldwin.     Jabez  Backus  died  July  15,  1761,  in  Bozrah. 


1  Jabez,  born  Jan.  23,  1741/2;  m.  April  4,  1764,  Deborah  Fanning;  died 

Feb.  20,  1770,  in  Bozrah.  The  Rev.  Azel  Backus,  D.D.,  first 
President  of  Hamilton  College,  was  his  son.  He  was  born  at 
West  Farms,  Oct.  13,  1765  ;  grad.  Yale  College,  1787  ;  was 
for  twenty  years  pastor  of  the  Church  at  Bethlehem,  Conn. 
Soon  after  his  settlement  there  he  opened  a  school  with 
special  reference  to  preparing  young  men  for  college.  This 
school  was  very  successful,  and  many  of  his  pupils  became 
distinguished  in  both  Church  and  State;  elected  in  Sept.,  1812, 
first  President  of  Hamilton  College,  at  Clinton,  N.  Y.  His 
long  experience  in  the  instruction  of  youth  was  of  great  assist- 
ance to  him  as  head  of  the  infant  college,  and  under  his  wise 
supervision  the  institution  prospered  greatly;  while  yet  in  the 
full  vigor  of  his  powers  he  died  there  Dec.  9,  1817  ;  m.  Feb. 
7,  1791,  MeHcent,  dau.  of  Josiah  Deming,  of  Wethersfield, 
Conn.,  bapt.  Jan.  19,  1766.  She  died  Oct.  23,  1853.  A 
number  of  Dr.  Backus's  sermons  were  published.*  He  was 
a  man  of  an  original  cast  of  thought,  distinguished  by  sus- 
ceptibility and  ardor  of  feeling;  was  possessed,  withal,  of 
brilliant  talents.  Duyckinck  remarks  that  "his  biography 
remains  to  be  written  in  a  manner  worthy  of  the  part  which 
he  sustained  in  caring  for  the  wants  of  a  college  among  the 

2  Joshua,  born  Oct.  12,  1743  ;  m.  Nov.  19,  1778,  Hannah  Calkins,  born 

Nov.  16,  1755,  daughter  of  WiUiam  and  Mary  (Prentice)  Cal- 
kins.    (Went  to  Ohio  ?) 

3  Eunice,  bom  May  23,  1745  ;  d.  Dec.  7,  1751. 

•  See  sketch  of  his  life  in  Sprague's  Annals  of  the  American  Pulpit  (Trinitarian 
Congregational),  II,  281-7. 


4  Ruth,  born  Aug.  i6,  1747  ;  m.  Sept.    13,   1764,  Ichabod  Ford,  son  of 

James  and  Elizabeth  Ford  ;  she  died  June  25,  1766. 

5  Charles,  born  Oct.  25,   1749;  grad.  Yale  College,  1769.     He  was  in- 

structed in  theology  by  the  Rev.  Dr.  Hart,  of  Preston.  He 
was  ordained  pastor  of  the  Church  in  Somers,  Aug.  10,  1774  ; 

besides  discharging  with  remarkable  fidelity  the  duties  of  a 
parish  minister,  he  received  many  young  men  into  his  family 
for  the  purpose  of  preparing  them  for  college  and  for  the 
ministry.  Nearly  fifty  enjoyed  the  benefit  of  his  instructions. 
Among  them  were  Dr.  Leonard  Woods,  of  Andover,  Mass. ,  Dr. 
Hyde,  of  Lee,  Dr.  Cooley,  of  Granville,  Dr.  Snell,  of  Brook- 
field,  President  Moore,  of  Amherst  College,  President  Davis, 
of  Hamilton  College,  his  nephew,  Dr.  Azel  Backus,  and  many 
others  who  attained  distinction.  His  high  reputation  as  a 
theologian  procured  for  him  invitations  to  occupy  the  Chair  of 
Theology  in  two  Colleges  —  Dartmouth  and  Yale,  but  in  both 
cases  he  declined,  partly  because  he  could  not  persuade  him- 
self that  he  possessed  the  requisite  qualifications,  and  partly 
because  he  was  too  far  advanced  in  life  to  wish  to  make  so 
great  a  change.  Dr.  Timothy  Dwight,  President  of  Yale 
College,  and  one  of  his  classmates,  renders  a  most  affectionate 
tribute  to  the  memory  of  Dr.  Backus,  in  his  Travels  in  New 
England  atid  New  York,  II.,  274-8,  and  says  that  as  a 
preacher  "  he  was  calm,  affectionate,  solemn,  interesting,  and 
persuasive.  His  style  and  elocution  were  artless,  manly,  and 
pleasing,  and  his  reputation  placed  him  in  the  first  class  of 
divines."  In  1801  he  received  the  degree  of  D.D.  from  Wil- 
liams College.  He  married,  1775.  at  Franklin,  Bethiah,  dau. 
of  Jacob  and  Sarah  (Palmer)  Hill,  of  Cambridge,  Mass.,bapt. 
Oct.  14,  1744;  died  May  25,  1835.  He  died  in  Somers,  Dec. 
30,  1803.  Many  of  his  sermons  were  published.*  His  only 
child,  Jabez,  died  suddenly,  while  a  student  at  Yale  College, 
March  16,  1794,  in  his  17th  year. 

6  Eunice,  born  1751  ;  m.  May  14,  1767,  Capt.  James  Hyde,  son  of  Capt. 

Matthew  and  Elizabeth  (Huntington)  Hyde,  of  Franklin  ;  she 
died  March  9,  1778. 

•See  sketch  of  his  life  in  Sprague's  Annals  of  the  American  Pulpit  (Trinitarian 
Congregational),  II,  61-8. 


698  Daniel'  Kingsbury  {Joseph^,  Joseph'',  Henry"),  of  Nor- 
wich; married  January  19, 1747,*  Abigfail(Bushnell)  Barstow, 
of  Franklin,  daughter  of  Jonathan  and  Abigail  Barstow,  born 
February  16,  1726-7.  At  the  organization  of  the  Chelsea 
Society,  of  Norwich,  Nov.  29,  1751,  Daniel  Kingsbury  was 
chosen  Society  clerk. f  He  was  a  Selectman  in  Norwich, 
and  held  other  town  offices.  He  died  Sept.  17,  1760.  His 
widow  married  (2)  January  27,  1767,  David  Longbottom,  of 
Norwich,  in  Franklin. J 

Here  Lyes  y"  Body  of  M"' 
Daniel  Kingsbury  Who 
Departed  this  life  Sept''  17'^ 
1760,  in  y«  36""  year  of  his 
age.     He  was  one  of  a  Rar"" 
Genius  &  Posesed  of  all 
those  amiable  virtues  Wh 
ich  unite  in  y«  true  Christ 
ian,  Best  Husband,  Tender 
Parent,  Sure  Friend  &  Ki 
ndest  Neighbor.     His  E 
vidences  for  Heaven  in 
His  Last  Sickness  Ware 
Rational  Clear,  &  Truely 
Evangelical.     Help  Lord 
For  y«  Godly  Man  Ceaseth. 

—  Franklin  Buryin^s;  Ground. 


751  Abigail,  born  Nov.  13,  1748;  m.  July  16,  1767,  Abner  Pride,  born 

December  3,  1744,  son  of  Micajah  and  Esther  (Richards) 
Pride,  of  Norwich,  grandson  of  Capt.  William  and  Hannah 
(Thorndyke)  Pride  ;  son  Joseph,  b.  Aug.  2,  1768.  They  were 
living  in  Norwich  in  1776,  later  removed  to  Vermont. 

752  Daniel,  born  Aug.  10,  1750.  s->- 

753  Mary,  born  Dec.  19,  1756  ;  m.  May  30,  1782,  Asa  Palmer,  Lisbon, 


754  LucRETiA,  born  Aug.  28,  1754  ;  m.  Benjamin  Seabury;  removed  to 

Brookfield,  Vermont. 

755  Joseph,  born  Feb.  17,  1760;  d.  May  19,  1764. 

699  Talitha*  Kingsbury  (  Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Henry"),  mar- 
ried, at  Lebanon,  February  3,  1746-7,  Zaccheus  Waldo,  of 
Windham,  born  July  19,  1725,  son  of  Edward  and  Thankful 
(Dimock)  Waldo.  She  died  in  Windham,  January  18,  1789, 
aged  62. §     He  was  a  farmer  in   Scotland,  living  on  the  old 

*  January  7,  1748,  Lebanon  Church  Records,  as  given  in  Bailey's  Second  Book 
of  Connecticut  Marriages,  p.  43.     January  19,  1747-8,  Norwich  T.  R. 
+  Caulkins'  Norwich,  p.  460. 
X  See  Norwich  Land  Records,  XXI,  202. 
§  See  Waldo  Genealogy,  published  1902,  for  full  account  of  her  descendants. 


homestead,  Waldo  Place.  He  was  a  Separatist,  like  his 
father  and  brothers.  He  married  (2)  Catharine,  widow  of 
Moses  Graves.     He  died  September  10,  18 10,  at  Scotland. 


1  Cyprian,  born  Nov.  13,  1747;  m.  Hannah  Ripley,  of  Sharon. 

2  Ruth,  born  Nov.  28,   174S;  m.  Capt.  Ebenezer  Bass,  of  Scotland, 

Conn.,  Dec.  13,  1769.  He  was  born  Oct.  26,  1746,  son  of 
Henry  and  Elizabeth  (Church)  Bass,  of  Scotland.  He  was  a 
farmer  and  a  respected  citizen  of  Windham;  he  d.  March  6, 
1814;  shed.  December,  1834;  10  ch. 

3  John,  born  April  22, 1750;  m.  Aug.  ig,  1773,  Lucy,  dau.  of  Dr.  Elijah 

and  Esther  (Clark)  Lyman,  of  Coventry,  b.  July  16,  1756.  He 
was  a  surgeon,  and  served  as  such  in  the  Revolution,  in  1775 
and  1776;  5  ch.  born  in  Coventry. 

4  Eunice,  born  Feb.  12,   1753,  m.   Dec.    23,    1771,   William   Rudd,    of 

Scotland,  Conn.     He  died  Aug.  21,  1835. 

5  Elizabeth,  born  October  11,   1754;  m.   Thaddeus  Elmore,  of  New 

Canaan,  Conn. 

6  Zaccheus,  born  Nov.  20,  1756  ;  m.  April  12,  1781,  Esther  Stevens  of 

Scotland.  She  died  Aug.  22,  1825.  He  served  in  the  Fourth 
Connecticut  Regiment,  April  22,  1777,  to  Jan.  6,  1778.  ,  He 
was  a  farmer  and  miller  in  Scotland  (Windham),  and  the 
house  he  built  is  still  standing.  He  was  a  delegate  to  the 
Constitutional  Convention  of  1818.  His  daughter  Talitha,  b. 
March  10,  1789  ;  m.  Feb.  i,  1809,  Moses  Cleveland  Abbe,  at 
Waldo  Place,  Windham.  They  lived  in  Windham,  and  had  6 
ch.:  (i)  Susan  Brown,  b.  April  15,  1810;  m.  Andrew  Frink,  Jr. , 
of  Windham.  (2)  George  Waldo,  b.  Oct.  26,  181 1.  (3)  Eliza 
Taintor,  b.  Sept.  23,  18 14;  m.  Henry  S.  Walcott,  of  Windham. 
(4)  Mariette,  b.  Aug.  24,  1816;  m.  Charles  Smith,  a  prominent 
manufacturer  in  South  Windham  ;  one  of  their  daughters  is 
the  wife  of  P.  H.  Woodward,  Esq.,  of  Hartford.  (5)  Joshua 
Grosvenor,  b.  June  26,  1827;  lived  in  New  York  City;  m. 
Sarah  E.  Fuller.  (6)  John  Randolph,  b.  July  12,  1833;  lived  in 
Providence;  m.  (i)  Lucy  Avery;  (2)  Josephine  L.  Robbins. 

7  Joseph,  born  Oct.  5,  1758  ;  m.  July  15,  1788,   Nancy  Bliss,   dau.  of 

Luke  and  Mary  (Bliss)  Bliss,  of  Springfield  ;  was  a  private  in 
the  Fourth  Conn.  Battalion  from  June,  1776,  to  Dec.  25,  1776, 
and  again  enlisted  July  5,  1780;  discharged  Nov.  20,  1780; 
rem.  to  Berkshire,  N.  Y.,  where  he  died  Feb.  13,  1840. 

8  Talitha,  born  Aug.  5,  1760  ;  m.  John  Bingham,  Hanover. 

9  Daniel,  born  Sept.  10,  1762.     In  1778  he  was  drafted  for  a  month's 

service  at  New  London .  Later  he  was  drafted  into  the  Con- 
tinental army,  captured  at  the  battle  of  Horseneck,  taken  to 


New  York  and  imprisoned  in  the  Sugar  House  ;  exchanged 
after  a  confinement  of  two  months.  At  the  age  of  20  he  de- 
termined to  fit  himself  for  the  ministry,  and  after  studying 
with  his  cousin,  Rev.  Dr.  Charles  Backus  of  Somers,  he  en- 
tered Yale  College  in  1784;  graduated  17S8;  studied  theology 
with  Dr.  Levi  Hart  of  Preston  and  also  with  Rev.  Dr. 
Perkins,  of  West  Hartford.  Ordained  pastor  of  the  Con- 
gregational church  in  West  Suffield,  May  24,  1792;  this  charge 
he  resigned  in  1809,  removing  to  Cambridgeport,  Mass.,  for 
two  years;  then,  in  1811,  to  Rhode  Island  under  the  patronage 
of  the  Evangelical  Missionary  Society;  afterwards  to  Harvard, 
Mass.,  and  finally  to  Exeter,  Conn.,  where  he  remained  from 
1823  to  1834.  He  married  in  1791  Nancy  Hanchett  of  Suffield, 
Conn.,  and  had  five  sons.  After  1836  he  was  never  settled  as  a 
pastor,  but  he  continued  to  preach,  chiefly  in  the  State  of  New 
York,  until  almost  the  close  of  his  life,  and  did  much  mis- 
sionary work  in  the  new  country.  His  home  was  at  Geddes 
from  1846  to  1856,  and  subsequently  at  Syracuse.  One  of 
the  most  noteworthy  events  of  his  life  was  his  election  as 
Chaplain  of  Congress,  December  12,  1856,  and  again  in  1857 
when  he  was  94  and  95  years  old.  His  faculties  were  unim- 
paired throughout  his  long  life,  and  his  last  sermon  was 
preached  after  he  entered  on  his  io2d  year.  He  died  in  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Y.,  July  30,  1864,  aged  101  yrs.  10  mos.  20  days.  He 
was  of  about  medium  height,  rather  broad-shouldered  and 
square  built,  with  an  almost  youthful  elasticity  and  sprightli- 
ness.  He  was  a  very  social  and  genial-tempered  man,  full  of 
anecdote  and  quite  mirthful. 

10  A  daughter,  born  Dec,  1765,  died  soon. 

11  EbeiNezer,  born  Aug.  15,  1766;  m.  Eunice  Devotion,  Scotland;  lived 

and  died  in  the  old  homestead. 

12  OziAS,  born  April  21,  1768;  m.  Nancy   Ripley,  born  June  20,   1770, 

dau.  of  Ebenezer  and  Mehitabel  (Burbank)  Rij^ley,  of  Wind- 
ham. He  d.  Oct.  31,  1807,  and  the  widow  m.  Jerome  Clark,  of 
Cherry  Valley,  N.  Y. ;  d.  March  10,  1862. 

701  Nathaniel  Kingsbury  {Joseph\  Joseph'',  Henry'),  of 
the  West  Farms,  now  Franklin,  Conn.;  married  vSeptember  4, 
1755,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Susanna  (Hancock)*  Hill, 
of  Cambridge,  Mass.,  baptized  August  25,  1734.  He  died 
December  15,  1784,  in  Franklin;  his  widow  died  October  (21 
T.  S.),  (23,  Ch.  Rec),  (23,  T.R),  1789,  in  the  55th  year  of  her 

"  The  following  traits  in  his  character  were  too  visible  to 
escape  the  notice  of  his  acquaintance.     He  had  a  soul  which 

*  See  Paige's  History  of  Cambridge,  573. 


was  above  the  low  arts  of  dissimulation;  he  was  steady  in 
his  principles;  upright  in  his  dealings;  a  feeling,  a  decided, 
and  a  generous  friend  to  the  needy,  the  helpless,  and  the 
afflicted.  These  qualities,  united  with  a  large  share  of 
sprightliness  and  humor,  rendered  him  beloved  as  a  com- 
panion and  highly  esteemed  as  a  member  of  society.  He 
was  the  youngest  son  and  child  of  Deacon  Joseph  Kings- 
bury, whose  grandfather  came  out  of  England,  and  was  one 
of  the  first  settlers  of  the  Town  of  Ipswich.  He  removed 
with  his  family  from  Haverhill,  in  the  Province  (now  Com- 
monwealth) of  Massachusetts,  near  the  beginning  of  the 
present  century,  and  settled  in  the  west  part  of  Norwich, 
lately  incorporated  into  a  town,  by  the  name  of  Franklin. 
Haverhill  was  at  that  time  a  frontier  town  and  was  fre- 
quently harrassed  by  incursions  of  the  Eastern  and  Northern 
tribes  of  Indians,  which  occasioned  Deacon  Kingsbury's  re- 
moval. He  had  a  large  family,  six  sons  and  five  daughters, 
who  lived  to  marry  and  have  children. 

"  Mr.  Kingsbury  and  his  wife,  with  five  of  their  Children, 
died  of  a  Consumption.  More  than  forty  of  his  relatives 
died  of  the  same  disorder,  within  thirty-eight  years  from  the 
last  date.  The  curious  will  find  it  difficult  to  investigate 
the  causes,  in  a  family  remarkable  for  their  attachment  to 
the  agriculturkl  life,  from  their  first  settlement  in  America, 
and  who  have  lived  in  the  common  temperate  style  of  New 
England  farmers." — Remarks  by  the  Rev.  Charles  Backus^  D.D., 
i?i  a  note  to  the  Funeral  Sermon  for  BetJiiah  Kingsbury.'^ 


756  Jacob,  born  in  Franklin,  July  6,  1756.  ::;  > 

757  Sarah,  born  in  Franklin,  Aug.  12,  1758.  ss— >- 

75S  Nathaniel,  born  in  Franklin,  April  17,  1760;  died  unmarried,  Dec. 
8,  1784,  in  Franklin.  He  is  probably  the  Nathaniel  Kingsbury 
of  Norwich,  who  served  in  Colonel  Canfield's  Militia  Regi- 
ment at  West  Point  in  September,  1781. —  Connecticut  Men 
in  the  Revolution,  ^So. 

•Rev.  Lavius  Hyde  slates  that  the  famous  Rev.  Dr.  Charles  Backus,  of  Somers, 
was  brought  up  in  this  family.  Rev.  Dr.  Backus  himself  says  in  the  same  sermon: 
"  Related  to  him  as  nephew,  and  educated  in  the  same  house  in  which  he  lived,  I 
should  be  unnatural  not  to  take  part  in  the  mourning  caused  by  his  death.  But 
there  were  much  stronger  ties  than  these  circumstances  afford,  to  engage  my 
affections  to  him.  Being  left  an  orphan  in  my  childhood,  I  was  taken  under  his 
guardianship,  and  by  his  generous  exertions  received  a  public  education.  His 
paternal  care  was  continued  to  me  during  his  life." 



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759  John,  born  in  Franklin,  Dec.  30,  1761.  z:  ■> 

760  Joseph,  born  in  Franklin,  Jan.  5,  1764;  died  Dec.  24,  1783. 

761  Charles,  born  in  Franklin,  Feb.  7,  1767  ;  died  Jan.  22,  1789  (T.  S., 

June  22,  1787) ;  "  member  of  Junior  Class  in  Yale  College." 

762  Tabitha  Hill,  born  in  Franklin,  April  2,  1770;  died  Feb.  i,  1787. 

763  Bethiah  Hill,  born  in  Franklin,  March  S,  1772  ;  died  at  the  house  of 

Dr.  Charles  Backus,  in  Somers,  Feb.  24,  1790;  he  preached  a 
sermon  on  her  death,  which  was  published.  Discourse  | 
Delivered  at  Somers  |  Lord's  Day,  February  28,  1790.  |  Oc- 
casioned by  the  Late  Death  of  |  Miss  Bethiah  Kingsbury,  |  of 
Franklin,  in  Connecticut,  |  Who  with  three  Brothers  and  a 
Sister,  all  in  their  Youth,  to  |  gether  with  her  Parents  were 
removed  from  the  World  in  a  few  |  Years  |  Printed  at  Spring- 
field, Massachusetts,  |  by  James  R.  Hutchins,  |  MDCCXCIII. 

764  William  Howe,  born  in  Franklin,  Feb.  16,  1775;  died  Feb.  26,  1777, 

in  Franklin. 

702  John'  Kingsbury  {NathanieP,  Joseph'',  Henry^),  re- 
moved from  Hampton  to  that  part  of  Coventry  now  An- 
dover;  married  (i)  October  21,  1730,  Deborah  Spaulding; 
she  died  in  Coventry  March  12,  1744/5,  aged  38  years, 
I  month,  29  (23)  days;*  he  married  (2)  August  13,  1746, 
Abigail,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Abigail  (Bissell)  Phelps, 
born  in  Windsor,  November  18,  1709.  He  was  one  of 
the  signers  of  a  petition  to  the  General  Assembly  in 
May,  1736,  from  the  inhabitants  of  that  part  of  Coventry, 
now  Andover,  that  they  might  belong  to  the  Bolton  Society. 
He  is  called  "  of  Enfield  "  in  a  deed  in  the  Windsor  Land 
Records,  dated  June  13,  1758,  given  by  him  and  his  wife  to 
"our  Brothers,"  Daniel  Phelps  and  Jerijah  Phelps,  of  Wind- 
sor, quitclaiming  their  right  to  the  estate  of  "  our  brother 
Jonathan  Phelps."  He  died  October  20,  1780,  drowned  in 
the  Connecticut  River  f  while  attempting  to  cross  in  a  boat. 
In  Memory  of  In  Memory  of 

jNP  John  Kingsbe-  M"  Abigail 

ry  he  was  drown-  Wife  of   M'' 

ed  Oct"""  20""  1780,  John  Kingsbury 

in  y«  71''  year  Who  died 

of  his  age.  June  27,   1782 

{Enfield  Burying  Ground.)        in  the  73  year  of  her  age. 

{Enfield  Burying  Ground^ 

♦Probably  Deborah,  daughter  of  Edward  and  Dorothy  (Barker)  Spalding,  born 
in  Plainfield,  Conn.,  Jan.  17,  ibtjT.— Spalding  Genealogy^  66,  ed.  18Q7. 
tWeaver's  MSS. 

224  '^^^   KINGSBURY   FAMILY. 

In  Memory  of  M" 

Deborah  Kingsbury 

Wife  of    M"'  John  Kingsbe-'y 

who  died  March  y  12  1744/5 

being  38  years  one  month  and  23  Days  old. 

{Bolton  Burying  Ground^ 


765  Irena,  born  in  Hampton,  July  24,  1731*;  bap.  July  24,  in  Hamp- 

ton, s-^- 

766  Eunice,  born  Feb.  17,  1733/4;  bap.  in  Bolton,  Feb.  24,  1734.  s-^ 

767  Lydia,  born  Oct.  10,  1737;  bap.  in  Bolton,  Oct.  16,  1737.  sj-s- 

768  John,  born  Sept.  28,  1740;  bap.  in  Bolton,  Oct.  12,  1740.  &=-»► 

769  Uriah,  born  Aug.  7,  1743,  in  Bolton  ;  bap.  in  Bolton,  Aug.  7,  1743  ; 

d.  June  I,  1744. 


770  Joseph,  born  May  26,  bap.  June  7,  1747,  in  Bolton  ;  d.  Jan.  11, 1749. 

771  Daniel,  born  Sept.  20,  1749,  in  Bolton  ;  bap.  Sept.  24.  if^->- 

772  Abigail,  born  Jan.  19,  1752,  in  Bolton;  bap.  Jan.  26.  :::,  > 

703  Nathaniel*  Kingsbury  {ATathanier,  Joseph^,  He/iry'), 
married,  March  16,  1737,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Captain  Sam- 
uel and  Hannah  (Strong)  Chapman  of  Tolland,  born  in  17  21. 
He  settled  in  Tolland  on  land  given  him  by  his  wife's  father, 
on  which  his  posterity  still  reside  ;*  he  was  Deacon  of  the 
Church  in  Tolland  many  years.     He  died  June  23,  1796. 

Sarah,  the  wife  of  Deacon  Nathaniel  Kingsbury,  died  July 
14,  1794.  —  Tolland  Town  Rec. 

Sacred  to  the  In  Memory  of 

Memory   of   De"  Mrs  Sarah,  wife  D° 

Nathaniel  Kingsbery  Nath"  Kingsbery,  who 

who  departed  this  Departed  this  life 

life  June  3''''  1796  July  14"',  1794,  in  the 

in  the  85"'  year  of  73'''  Year  of  her  Age 

his  Age  in  hopes  of 
a  blessed  Immortality 
Life  is  uncertain  death 
is  sure     Sin  is  the  bane 

Christ  the  cure        —  Tolland,  North  Burying  Ground. 

*  Ephraim  Grant  of  Tollon,  conveyed  to  Nathaniel  Kingsbury  of  ToUon,  20  acres 
of  land  in  Tolland,  and  one  of  the  bounds  was  land  owned  by  said  Kingsbury, 
March  27,  1736.     Tolland  Records,  JII,  7^. 

Nath"  Kingsberry  of  Tolland,  in  consideration  of  one  hundred  and  thirty-two 
acres  and  three-quarters  of  land  in  Tolland,  conveyed  unto  him  by  his  Hon'''i  Father, 
Cap'  Sam"  Chapman,  of  Tolland,  conveys  unto  the  s<i  Sam"  one  Certain  Messuage 
or  farm  of  Land  in  Tolland  containing  one  hundred  &  Ninety  Acres,  &c.  June  30 
^lyi—Jbid.,  Ill,  loS. 



773  Hannah,  born  in  Tolland,  Jan.  25,  1738.:,:: ■> 

774  Sarah,  born  in  Tolland,  Feb.  15,   1739;  m.   Dr.   Obadiah  Kings- 


775  Nathaniel,  born  in  Tolland,  Aug.  28,  1742;  d.  Dec.  2,  1749. 

776  Jabez,  born  in  Tolland,  Feb.  23,  1745;  d.  Nov.  22,  1749. 

777  Ruth,  born  in  Tolland,  Aug.  18,  1748;  d.  Dec.  2,  1749. 

778  Ruth,  born  in  Tolland,  Oct.  7,  1750.  s->- 

779  Nathaniel,  born  in  Tolland,  May  5,  1753.  =  > 

780  Jabez,  born  in  Tolland,  March  10,  1756.  ~;:  > 

781  Samuel,  born  in  Tolland,  Feb.  2,  1763.  ™  > 

704  Mary*  Kingsbury  {Nat/mnier,  Joseph'',  Henry''), 
married  Elijah  Hammond  of  Coventry,  in  Bolton,  October  12, 
1732;  he  was  born  October  7,  171 1,  son  of  Isaac  and  Ann  (Ken- 
drick)  Hammond  of  Newton,  Mass.  "  He  was  a  man  of 
more  than  ordinary  powers  of  mind  which  guided  by  stern 
integrity  gave  him  an  influence  largely  felt  wherever  he 
went.  He  was  a  joiner  and  left  a  monument  of  his  skill 
in  the  old  meeting  house  in  Bolton,  that  my  readers  will  re- 
member as  the  last  in  the  galaxy  of  stars  of  the  church 
architecture  of  three  quarters  of  a  century  ago." — Rev. 
Marvin  Root's  Reminiscences,  written  in  1844.  She  joined  the 
Church  in  Hampton,  February  18,  1728,  and  the  Church  in 
Bolton,  April  30,  1732.  Mr.  Hammond  removed  to  Bolton 
about  1752.  Mrs.  Hammond  died  in  Bolton,  December  15, 
1776,  aged  64,  of  apoplexy.  He  died  May  3  (5,  T.  6".),  1800, 
aged  89.  He  married  a  2d  wife  in  Eastbury,  Conn.,  Janu- 
ary I,  1778,  Abigail  Terry,  who  died  March  19,  1796,  aged  65. 

In  Memory  of 

M"  Mary  Wife 

to  M^  Elijah 

Hammond,  She 

Departed  this  Life 

Decem*"  is""  1776 

in  y«  64""  year 

of  her  Age  — Bolton  Biirying  Ground. 

I  Nathaniel,  bapt.  Sept.  16,  1733,  in  Bolton  ;  m.  (i)  Dorothy,  daughter 
of  Ephraim  and  Jane  Tucker;  bapt.  in  Bolton,  Oct.  4,  1740; 
lived  in  Bolton;  shed.  Dec.  21,  1775,  in  the  35th  year  of  her  age; 
he  m.  (2)  Mrs.  Eleanor  (Olmsted)  Burr,  about  1777,  born  June 
26,  1748,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  and  Sarah  (Pitkin)  Olmsted  of 
♦  See  page  238. 


East  Hartford,  who  d.  June  8, 1822,  aged  74.  He  d.  in  Bolton, 
Dec.  10,  1817. 

2  Hannah,  bapt.  Apr.  11,  1736,  in  Bolton;  m.  Sept.   13  {Rev.  L.  Hyde); 

(30,  BoKon  Town  Records),  1762,  Joseph  Tucker  of  Bolton, 
son  of  Ephraim  and  Jane  Tucker,  b.  Oct.  18,  1735. 

3  Priscilla,  bapt.  August  9,  1741,  in  Bolton;  m. ,  March  24,  1763,  Capt. 

Jonathan  Birge  of  Bolton,  son  of  Cornelius  and  Sarah  (Loomis) 
Birge,  born  Aug.  10,  1734.  He  was  killed  in  the  battle  of 
White  Plains,  at  the  head  of  his  company,  Oct.  28,  1776;  she 
had  six  children  by  him  ;  m.  (2)  Feb.  6,  1783,  Deacon  Amasa 
Loomis  of  Windsor,  son  of  Sergeant  Gershom  and  Mary 
(Grant)  Loomis,  b.  Feb.  19,  1737.  She  d.  Feb,  28,  1816.  He 
d.  July  I,  1793. 

4  Elijah,  bapt.   Aug.   19,    1753;    m.  in  Bolton,  Oct.   4,   1787,  Martha, 

daughter  of  Judah  and  Martha  (Alvord)  Strong,  b.  Oct.  4, 
1767;  she  d.  Nov.  26,  1835;  he  d.  Oct.  4,  1836;  7  ch. 

705  Simon*  Kingsbury  {Nathaniel*,  Joseph'',  Hetiry'),  of 
Bolton, Tolland,*  and  later  of  Ellington;  removed  to  the  lat- 
ter place  in  1756;  called  "of  Windsor,"  in  a  deed  dated  May 
17,  1756.  He  married  Deliverance  Cady  of  Tolland,  in  Bol- 
ton, March  4,  1739/40.  She  was  the  daughter  of  John  and 
Elizabeth  Cady,  of  Groton,  Mass.,  Canterbury,  Tolland,  Wil- 
lington,  Coventry,  and  East  Windsor.  He  died  in  Ellington, 
April  18,  1799. 

In  memory  of  In  memory  of 

Mr  Simon  Mrs  Deliverance 

Kingf bery  who  wife  of  M''  Simon 

died  April  iS""  Kingfbery,  who 

AD  1799  in  y*  died  Nov'  27''' 

84''=  year  of  his  AD  1779  in  y«  58"^ 

Age.  Year  of  her  Age 

— Ellington  Burying  Ground. 

782  Elizabeth,  born  Nov.  14,  1740,  in  Bolton,  s:  > 

783  Deliverance,  born  in  Coventry,  Nov.  18,  1742;  (birth  recorded  on 

Bolton  Town  Records,)  bapt.  in  Bolton,  Nov.  21,  1742;  m. 
Thomas  Tyrril,  of  Andover.  Their  dau.  Betsey  was  bapt.  in 
Bolton,  Dec.  22,  1782.  She  was  admitted  to  the  church  in 
Bolton  from  Andover,  Oct.  5,  1783.  Tyrril  served  as  First 
Lieutenant,  loth  company,  8th  Regiment,  July,  1775,  and  as 
Ensign  in  Captain  Eleazer  Hutchinson's  company,  Colonel 
Hosford's  Regiment,  State  Militia,  in  1776. 

784  Simon,  born  April4, 1745,  in  Bolton;  m.  Mehitabel Cross  of  Ellington, 

Nov.  19, 1767,  in  Stafford.  He  served  in  the  Lexington  Alarm 
in  the  company  raised  in  East  Windsor.     He  died  in  ElHngton, 

*  Daniel  Brown  of  Tolland,  conveyed  to  Simon  Kingsbury,  of  Bolton  80  acres  of 
land  in  T.,  May  15,  1747.     Tolland  Land  Rec,  IV,  152. 


April  27,  1776,  withoutissue.  The  distribution  of  his  estate,  re- 
corded in  the  Stafford  Probate  Records,  mentions  widow 
Mehitabel,  and  the  brothers  and  sisters  of  the  dec'  —  EHjah 
Hammond  Kingsbury,  Joseph  Kingsbury,  EHzabeth  Dewey, 
Deliverance  Tyrril,  Lucy  Kingsbury,  Hannah  Cady,  Esther 
Lomis,  and  Sarah  Kingsbury. 

Here  Lies  the  Body  of 

M"'  Simon  Kingsbery 

Jn''  Who  Departed  this 

Life  April  y"  27"" 

AD  1776  in  y«  33'* 

year  of  his  Age. 

— Ellington  Burying  Ground. 

785  Hannah,  born  March  21,  in  Tolland;  bapt.  March  22,  1747,  in  Bol- 

ton ;  d.  Nov.  10,  1749. 

786  Lucy,  born  Oct.  17,  1749,  in  Tolland;  d.  unm.  in  Ellington  in  1836. 

787  Hannah,  born  April  5,  1752,  in  Tolland.  :^^-> 

788  Joseph,  born  Nov.  30,  1756,  in  Ellington,  r::  > 

789  Elijah  Hammond,  born  in  Tolland,  March  10,  1754,  living  in  1777, 

but  not  mentioned  in  his  father's  will.  He  is  probably  the 
Elijah  Kingsbury  who  was  a  private  in  Capt.  James  Fitch's 
company  in  the  Nineteenth  Regiment  which  served  in  the 
New  York  campaign  August,  1776,  and  he  was  probably  the 
Corporal  in  Capt.  Roswell  Grant's  company  in  Col.  Roger 
Enos'  regiment  which  served  on  the  Hudson  in  1778.  Con- 
7iecticut  iMen  in  the  Revolution,  ^40. 

790  Louisa,  m.  Deacon  Collins  of  Ellington  ;  d.  before  1798;  one  daugh- 

ter, Esther.* 
7gi  Esther. s->- 
792  Sarah,  born  1766.  ;r,  > 

706  Jabez*  Kingsbury  {Nat/iafiiel\  JoseJ>/i\  Henry  ^),  of 
that  part  of  Coventry,  now  Andover;  married  September  13, 
1749,  Mary,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Abigail  (Bissell)  Phelps, 
born  in  Windsor,  March  19,  17 19,  sister  of  his  brother  John's 
wife.  Jabez  Kingsbury  was  chosen  Dea'con  in  the  Columbia 
Church,  1768.  He  died  October  18, 1769;  his  widow  died  April 
10,  (April  19,  Tombstone,)  1809,  in  her  90th  year,  in  Coventry. 
Here  Lies  Inter''  In  Memory  of  Mrs  Mary 

ye  Body  of  Deco°  Relict  of  Deac.  Jabez 

Jabez  Kingsbe  Kingsbury  who  departed 

ry  Consort  to  this  life  April  19'^  1809 

Mr»  Mary  Kin  in  the  go'*"  year  of  her 

gsbery  who  age. 

Died  October  y^ 
18"'  1769  in  y« 
53''''  year  of  his  age.  — Old  Andover  Burying  Ground. 

*  Letter  o£  Mrs.  John  G.  Baird. 



793  Nathaniel,  born  Oct.  4,  1751.  fes-^ 

794  Ruth,  born  May  27,  1753;  m.  David  Patten  from  Billerica,  Mass.; 

he  lived  in  Coventry  near  the  Bolton  Une,  "  made  cider  brandy 
and  merchandised";  son  Pliny,  who  went  to  Virginia. 

795  Joseph,  born  Feb.  23,  1755.  =  > 

796  Jeremiah,  born  March  5,  1757;  d.  Dec.  10,  1761. 

797  Jabez,  born  May  20,  1758;  he  is  probably  the  Jabez  Kingsbury  who 

served  in  Captain  Jonathan  Parker's  company,  Col.  Sage's 
Regiment,  in  Wadsworth's  Brigade,  which  served  in  the  cam- 
paign around  New  York  in  1776;  d.  at  the  South.  [Probably 
in  North  Carolina,  1788  or  '89.] 

798  Mary,  born  Oct.  20,  1760.  s:  > 

799  Amelia,  born    Jan.   16,  1764;  m.  Silas  Crowell    of  Andover;  died 

Feb.  20,  1850,  in  Norwich.     He  died  May  22,  1835,  aged  74. 

800  Anna,  born  April  20,  1766;   m.  (i)  Daniel  Roberts  of   Granville, 

Washington  Co.,  N.  Y.;  removed  to  Middlebury,  Vt. ;  he  was 
one  of  the  founders  of  Middlebury  College;  (2)  Ethan  Andrus 
of  Middlebury,  Vt. ;  had  a  dau^  Delia  Roberts,  who  m.  Wil- 
cox, of  Farmington,  Conn. 

707  Hannah'  Kingsbury  (JVa^//a/iie/\  Joseph'',  Henry^), 
married,  October  10,  1738,  in  Bolton,  John  Chapman  of  North 
Bolton,  born  September  9,  17 14,  son  of  John  and  Sarah 
(Brown)  Chapman,  of  North  Stonington,  Conn.;  they  were 
original  members  of  the  Church  in  North  Bolton,  now  Ver- 
non, recommended  from  the  Church  in  Bolton,  October,  1762. 
He  was  the  first  Deacon  of  the  Church  in  North  Bolton.  He 
died  February  14,  1774,  aged  59.    She  died  August  28,  1795. 

Here  lies  the  Remains 

of  Mrs.  Hannah  Relict 

of  Deacon  John  Chap 

man,  who  departed 

this  life,  August  28"' 

1795,  Iny 

^^th  Year 

of  her  Age.  —  Vertioti  Bitrymg  Ground. 


1  Lemuel,  born  March  20,  bapt.  March  29,  1741. 

2  John,  born  June  15,  1742. 

3  Jeremiah,  born  Aug.  21, 1743,  in  Bolton;  bap.  Sept.  11  (i);  m.  Azubah 

Martin,  who  joined  the  Church  in  North  Bolton,  Sept.  17,  1775; 
he  is  said  to  have  died  in  1809,  and  his  nephews  said  (1849  or 
'50),  that  he  lived  in  Sandisfield  or  Tyringham,  Mass.,  or 
Sharon,  Conn. 


4  Phineas,  born  Aug.  13,  1747,  in  Bolton,  bapt.  Sept.  20;  m.  Oct.   16, 

1783  (April  30,  1780  —  Chapman  Gen.),  Elizabeth  Johns  of 
Bolton;  he  d.  in  Vernon,  Oct.  26,  1823;  she  d.  Apr.  i,  1812, 
aged  59;  6  ch. 

5  Marv,  born  July  10,  1750  {^Bolton   Town  Rec),  bap.  July  19,  1750; 

m.  Dec.  28,  1775,  Gurdon  Fowler,  as  his  2d  wife.  He  d.  Nov. 
II,  1809,  aged  70,  at  Towanda,  Pa.;  she  d.  July  26,  1832,  at 
Monroe,  Pa. 

6  Hannah,  born  April  2,  1753  {Bolton   Town  Rec);  bapt.  April  i,  (?) 

1753;  m.  April  21,  1774,  Abel  West,  of  North  Bolton;  re- 
moved to  Washington,  Mass.,  ab.  1792;  joined  Church  in  Mid- 
dlefield,  Mass.,  from  Church  in  North  Bolton,  in  1793;  she 
died  in  Washington,  Mass.,  April  2S,  1814  ;  he  died  in  Pitts- 
field,  Mass.,  Jan.   12,  1S36,  aged  88. 

7  Lois,  born  Jan.  28,  1756  ;  m.  July  14,  1774,  Ephraim  Ladd  of  North 

Bolton;  removed  to  Williamstown,  Mass.,  1784,  but  returned 
to  North  Bolton,  1794;  later  removed  to  Pennsylvania;  she 
died.  May  2,  1836,  at  Beaver  Meadow,  Northampton  Co.,  Pa. 
He  died,  May  4,  1839,  aged  89:  11:  18,  at  Beaver  Meadow. 

8  Eunice,  born  Nov.  5,  1758. 

9  James,  perhaps  ;  he  m.  Susan  Tucker;  lived  in  Bolton;  9  ch. 

709  Deacon  Joseph*  Kingsbury  {NathanieP,  Joseph'', 
Henry"),  of  Tolland*  and  Enfield,  Conn.;  married,  March  5, 
1745,  Mary,  daughter  of  Sergeant  Thomas  and  Sarah  Loomis, 
of  Bolton  ;  they  removed  from  Tolland  to  Enfield,  April  7, 
1757.  He  purchased  five  hundred  acres  on  the  east  side  of 
the  main  road,  extending  from  Fresh  Water  Brook  to  the 
Longmeadow  line.f  His  house  was  on  the  main  road,  north 
of  Fresh  Water,  and  very  near  it.  He  was  a  Deacon  in  the 
church  (chosen  January  4,  1798),  rigid  in  his  religious  princi- 
ples, and  of  utter  Calvinistic  belief.  He  was  a  delegate  from 
Enfield  to  the  convention  held  to  ratify  the  Constitution  of 
the  United  States,  1788.  He  died  in  Enfield,  June  8,  1806, 
(June  6,  ace.  to  B.  F.  Ellis.)      His  wife  died  December  i, 

*  Simon  Kingsbury,  of  Tolland,  conveyed  to  Joseph  Kingsbury,  of  Tolland,  a 
Sawmill  with  a  convenient  logway  —  "the  said  Joseph  to  keep  a  way  open  by  or 
through  the  s*  Sawmill  to  pass  corn  bags  to  a  certain  Gristmill  Lying  near  said 
Sawmill  upon  the  same  Stream  and  belonging  to  y*  s*  Kingsbury."  Dec.  22,  1753, 
Tolland  T.  R.,  IV,  522.    The  same  day  Simon  K.  deeded  land  to  Joseph  K. 

t  Mr.  B.  F.  Ellis  says  "  This  tract  comprised  a  large  area  of  primitive  forest, 
abounding  with  wild  game.  Deer,  Black  Bears,  Catamounts,  etc.  The  little  saline 
springs  flowing  into  the  brook  made  it  a  resort  for  deer,  and  it  had  been  the  hunting 
ground  for  the  Indians,  as  numerous  stone  spikes  with  which  they  pointed  their 
arrows  were  found  in  the  soil." 



1800,  aged  75.     The  following  inscription,  from  his  tomb- 
stone, is  given  in  Barber's  Connecticut  Historical  Collections: 

Sacred  to  the  memory  of 
Dea.  Joseph  Kingsbury 
who  died  June  8,  1806,  aged  85  years  and  2  months. 
Here  Ues  a  man,  no  one  prized  Religion  more, 
The  same  our  fathers  brought  from  Europe's  Shore. 
A  strict  supporter  of  the  good   old  ways 
Of  Puritans  in  their  most  early  days. 


801  Prudence,  born  Jan.  ii.bapt.  12,  1745/6,  in  Bolton,  ss-^- 

802  Lemuel,  born  Nov.  13,*  1752,  in  Bolton  ;  bapt.  Nov.  19,  1752.  s-^ 

710  Denison' Kingsbury  (iVrt'/Z/fl' ;;?>/',  Joseph'',  Henry  ^), 
of  Hebron,  Conn.  Denison  Kingsbury  admitted  to  the 
Church  in  Bolton,  November  16,  1740.  Caleb  Swetland  and 
Mary  Swetland,  of  Hebron,  convey  to  Denison  Kingsbury, 
of  Coventry,  land  in  Hebron  in  the  Society  or  Parish  of 
Andover,  June  25,  1747.  Hebron  Laud  Records.  Married, 
February  7,  1751  \Gilead  Church  Records'\,  in  Hebron,  Lydia 
Jones,  daughter  of  Isaac  and  Hannah  (Wells)  Jones,  of  Bol- 
ton, born  November  13,  1725;  died  November  14,  1807.  He 
died  in  1793. 

His  will  is  dated  February  15,  1793,  exhibited  in  Court, 
December  i,  1795,  by  his  son,  Lemuel,  Executor. 

He  makes  this  provision  with  regard  to  his  daughter, 
Lydia  :  "  vShe  is  to  have  thirty-three  pounds  to  be  paid  by 
my  Executor  at  such  time  and  in  such  pay  as  she  shall 
want  for  her  subsistence  to  be  on  interest  from  my  decease, 
and  if  the  whole  is  not  expended  before  her  death,  it  is  to 
belong  to  Lemuel."  His  widow  Lydia's  will  is  dated  Sep- 
tember 5,  1807,  exhibited  in  Court,  May  2,  1809,  by  Nathan- 
iel Hubbard,  Executor.  She  gave  all  her  estate  to  her 
loving  daughter,  Lydia,  "  what  part  she  may  die  possessed 
of  to  be  her  brother  Lemuel's." 

Sacred  to  the  Memory  of 
Mr  Denilbn  Kingf  bury 
who  died  November  28,  1795, 
in  the  73"'  year  of  his  age. 
Thy  force  alone,  religion,  death  disarms. 
Breaks  all  his  darts  and  every  viper  charms  ; 
Softly  by  the  grisly  forms  appear 
No  more  the  horrid  objects  of  our  fear. 

•  Sept.  14,  1752,  according  to  B.  F.  Ellis  ;  in  Tolland,  Terry  Genealogy. 


We  undismayed  his  awful  power  obey, 
That  guides  us  through  the  safe  tho' 
Gloomy  way  which  leads  to  life. 
In  Memory  of 
Mrs.  Lyuia,  wife 
of  Mr.  Denison  Kingsbury, 
who  departed  this  life 
December  the  2'',  1808,  in  the  84"'  year 
of  her  age. 
{Old  Graveyard  m  the  south  part  of  Andover.) 

803  Sibyl,  born  March  19,*  1752,  in  Andover  Society.  :  :  >      (See  pp. 


804  Lydia,  born  Oct.  4,  1753  ;  died  unm. 

805  Eunice,  born  April  30,  1755.  s5->- 

806  Hannah,  born  Dec.  11,  1756.  :::  > 

807  Jerusha,  born  Feb.   7,  1759;   d.   Jan.  11,  1849;  m.  Capt.   Stephen 

Payne,  son  of  the  Rev.  Stephen  and  Jerusha  Payne,  born  in 
Stafford,  Conn.,  June  30,  1745;  buried  in  old  graveyard  in 
the  south  part  of  Andover. 

Jerusha  Payne 

Wife  of 

Stephen  Payne 

Daughter  of 

Denison  &  Lydia  Kingsbury 

Died  Jan.  11,  1849, 

Aged  90. 

808  Deliverance,  born  Feb.   14,   1761;  m.  Daniel  Burnap;   died  Jan. 

8,  1822,  Andover,  Conn.;  no  ch.     (See  page  326.) 

809  John  Denison,  born  April  23.  1763,  in  Andover.  •:-:  > 

810  Sarah,  born  Aug.  20,  1765.  '.::,  > 
8x1     Lemuel,  born  Dec.  4,  1768.  z:,  > 

711  Lemuel*  Kingsbury  {NathanieP,  Joseph",  Henry'), 
of  Tolland,!  afterwards  of  East  Hartford.  Lemuel  Kings- 
bury was  admitted  to  the  Church  in   Bolton,  March  15,  1741. 

Elemuel  Kingsbury  &  Elizabeth  Loomis  married  May 
19,  1749  ";J  she  died  October  11,  1751  ;  (2)  June  30,  1756, 
Dorothy,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Dorothy  (Pitkin)  Rob- 

*Mch.  9,  Hebron  Town  Records.  All  these,  except  Sarah  and  Lemuel,  recorded 
at  Hebron. 

t  Christopher  West,  of  Tolland,  conveyed  to  Lemuel  Kingsbury,  of  Coventry, 
a  farm  of  land  in  Tolland,  103  acres,  March  23,  1750.     Tolland  Land  Records,  IV,  324. 

John  West,  of  Tolland,  conveyed  land  in  T.,  235  acres,  to  Lemuel  Kingsbury,  of 
Bolton,  Dec.  18,  1753.     Tolland  Land  Records,  IV,s'Q- 

Lemuel  Kingsbury,  "Late  of  Tolland,  now  Resident  in  Hartford,"  conveys  to 
Jabez  Kingsbury,  of  Coventry,  land  in  T.,  May  22,  (?)  l^sZ■— Tolland  Land  Records, 
V,  2Ss. 

%  Coventry  Town  Records. 



erts,  of  East  Hartford.  Dorothy  Kingsbury  was  admitted 
to  the  Church  in  East  Hartford,  July  3,  1759.  Lemuel's 
tombstone  in  the  old  Andover  burying  ground,  gives  the 
date  of  his  death.  May  6,  1758. 

The  will  of  Lemuel  Kingsbury,  in  the  Hartford  Probate 
Records,  is  dated  March  14,  1759;  exhibited  in  court  May  28, 
1759  ;  executor,  Joseph  Kingsbury  of  Enfield,  witnesses, 
Nathaniel,  Jeber  ( Jabez  ?),  and  Simon  Kingsbury.  He  men- 
tions wife  Dorothy  ;  two  dau",  Dorothy  and  Elizabeth. 
His  widow  Dorothy's  will  is  dated  May  28,  1763;  appoints 
her  sister,  Susannah  Roberts,  executor,  bequeaths  her  estate 
equally  to  Dorothy  and  Elizabeth,  when  they  are  18.  Octo- 
ber 13,  1770,  Dorothy,  aged  13  years,  and  Elizabeth,  aged  12 
years,  chose  Joseph  Kingsbury,  of  Enfield,  guardian,  and 
they  were  brought  up  in  his  family. 

In  Memory  of  Mr. 
Lemuel  Kingsbury 
son  of  Cap'  Nath" 
Kingsbury  &  M'"  Han 
nah  his  Wife  &  Confort 
of  M"  Dorothy  Kings 
bery  who  Died  May  6 
1758  in  y  41 
year  of  his  Age. 

— Andover  Burying  Groicttd. 


812  Lemuel,  born  in  Tolland,  Sept.  20,  1750;  d.  Oct.  23,  1751. 

In  Memory  of 
Lemuel  y" 
son  of  M''  Le 
muel  &  Mr» 
Elizabeth  King' 
bery  he  Died 
Ocf  23''  1751 
in  y»  2  Year 
of  his  Age. 
— Bolton  Burying  Ground. 


813  Dorothy,  born  in  Tolland,  March  28,  1757.  :,:.:■> 

814  Elizabeth,  baptized  in  East  Hartford,  Oct.  12,  1758.  =  > 



713  Sarah^  Kingsbury  {NathafiieP,  Joseph'',  Henrf), 
married,  January  18,  1745/6,  Theophilus  Baldwin,  of  Coven- 
try, son  of  Benjamin  and  Elizabeth  (Long-bottom)  Baldwin, 
born  April  10,  1725,  baptized  in  Newent  Society,  Norwich. 

"In  memory  of  M'' Theophilus  Baldwin,  son  of  M'  Ben- 
jamin, died  with  y^  fall  of  a  limb  of  a  tree  January  y*  3^*  Day, 
A.D.  1 750/1,  aged  26."     [Z".  .S".]     Andover  Burying  Ground. 

She  married  (2)  May  30,  1751,  Doctor  John  Crocker,  of 
that  part  of  Coventry  now  Andover.  August  15,  1774,  he 
was  chosen  one  of  a  committee  "  to  receive  the  subscriptions 
that  shall  be  made  by  the  inhabitants  of  Coventry  for  the 
poor  in  the  towns  of  Boston  and  Charlestown."  They  after- 
wards removed  to  Richmond,  Mass.  Dr.  John  Crocker  died 
in  Richmond,  Mass.,  May  i,  181 5,  ae.  93.  Town  Records  and 
Tombstone.  Sarah  Crocker,  wife  of  Dr.  John  Crocker,  died 
Jan.  17,  1817,  se.  89,  in  Richmond,  Mass.      Toiun  Records. 


1  Irene,  born  in   Coventry,   Oct.   8,  1746  ;  bapt.    in   Bolton,    Dec.  14, 

1746  ;  m.  Christopher  Bennett,  of  Westmoreland,  N.  Y. 

2  Elemuel,  born  in  Coventry,  Nov.  7,  1748  ;  d.  April  10,  175 1  ;  buried 

in  Andover. 


3  John,  M.D.,   born  in   Coventry,   Feb.  20,   1753;  of   Boston;  died  in 

Cuba.  Abigail  Shaw,  dau.  of  Francis  Shaw,  of  Boston,  died 
in  Washington,  D.  C,  Oct.  12,  1797,  aged  40,  wife  of  Dr.  John 

4  Sally,   born   May   20,    1757,    in   Coventry  ;  m.    Simon   (or  Simeon) 

Pomeroy,  of  Northampton,  Mass.;  three  sons  and  one  dau. 

5  Mary,  born  Sept   24,  1757*  ;  m.  Simon  House,  of  Andover,  son  of 

John  House  of  Hebron  ;  had  a  son  John,  who  had  a  son 
Samuel,  who  was  a  missionary  of  the  A.  B.  C.  F.  M.  in  Siam; 

dau",  yisLvy,  m. Adams,  lived  in  Bristol,  Conn.,  with 

her  son,   John  ;  Sarah,  m. Hathaway,   of  Waterford, 

N.  Y. ;  Nancy,  unm.,  lived  in  Waterford,  N.  Y.f 

6  Ruth,   born    Feb.    20,    1760;     m.    Dec.    11,    1780,    Col.    Benjamin 

Prescott,  son  of  Ebenezer  and  Jerusha  (Matthews)  Prescott, 
born  in  Lancaster,  Mass.,  Oct.  3,  1755;  an  officer  of  engineers, 
U.  S.  army  ;  he  surveyed  Niagara  Falls,  1796  ;  brought  water 
into  Albany  in  1803  ;  he  was  for  ten  years,  from  1805  to  1S15, 
in  command  of  the  U.  S.  Armory  at  Springfield  ;  he  went  to 

*  See  Coventry  Records,  printed  by  Susan  Whitney  Dimock,  1897,  p.  31. 

t  The  mother  of  John  Adams,  Bristol,  Conn.,  was  a  House,  sister  of  John  House, 

who  went  to  Waterford,  N.  Y.,  and  was  a  son  of Kingsbury  (Fatnily  Record). 

John  House,  the  elder,  of  Hebron,  mentions  in  his  will,  dated  Aug.  5,  1797,  "  Heirs 
of  son,  Simon,  deci,  viz  :  his  son,  John,  &  dau"  Polly,  Sarah  and  Nancy,  and  son 
Simon's  widow,  Mary." —  Andover  Prob.  Rec. 



Cohoes,  N.  Y.,  about  1816  ;  in  1825  he  superintended  the 
building  of  the  stone  dam  between  Troy  and  Waterford,  N.  Y. 
Mrs.  Ruth  Prescott  died  in  Waterford,  N.  Y.,  1821  ;  5  ch. 

7  William  Doddridge,  M.D.,  ,  Charleston,  S.  C.  ;  m.  Eliza 

Hichborn  ;  no  ch. 

8  Sabrina,  born  Aug.  9,  1762  ;  m.  Sept.  29,  1788,  as  his  2d  wife,  Col. 

Elijah  Boardman,  born  at  Preston,  Conn.,  Sept.  25,  1753  ;  he 
removed  to  Bennington,  Vt.,  and  thence  to  Whitesborough, 
N,  Y.;  Mrs.  Sabrina  Boardman  died  in  Wethersfield,  Conn., 
Aug.  6,  1840.  One  of  their  daughters,  Eliza  Crocker  Board- 
man,  born  Aug.  22,  1792,  married  Mays,  1819.  Laurent  Clerc, 
one  of  the  founders  and  teachers  of  the  Deaf  and  Dumb 
Asylum  at  Hartford.  She  d.  in  May,  1880,  in  Hartford.  He 
d.  in  1869.  Ch. :  (i)  Elizabeth,  b  March  25,  1820  ;  married 
George  W.  Beers,  son  of  Hon.  Seth  P.  Beers,  of  Litchfield  ; 
her  son,  Henry  Augustin  Beers,  born  Buffalo,  N.  Y. ,  July  2, 
1848,  Yale,  1869,  married  July  7,  1873,  Mary  Heaton,  of  Cov- 
ington, Ky.;Prof.  English  Literature,  Yale,  since  1880;  author 
of  Im'tml  Studies  m  American  Letters,  Life  of  N.  P.  Willis, 
A  Suburban  Pastoral  and  Other  Tales,  The  Ways  of  Yale, 
A  History  of  English  Romanticism  in  the  Eighteenth 
Century;  (2)  Helen,  died  young;  (3)  Francis  J.,  b.  April  18, 
1823;  Trinity  Coll.,  1843;  married  Jerusha  Strong  Perry; 
Rector  of  St.  Paul's  Church,  Phillipsburg,  Pa. ;  (4)  Charles, 
b.  Jan.  13,  1826;  died  unm.;  (5)  John,  died  in  1830,  aged  2  ; 
(6)  Sarah,  married  in  1850  Hon.  Henry  C.  Deming,  of  Hart- 
ford, b.  Colchester,  Conn.,  May  28,  1815  ;  Mayor  of  Hartford, 
1854-8  ;  in  1861,  appointed  Colonel  of  Twelfth  Conn.  Volun- 
teers ;  Mayor  of  the  captured  city  of  New  Orleans  1862-63  ; 
Member  of  Congress  from  Conn.  1864-68.  He  died  in  Hart- 
ford, Oct.  9,  1872.  He  was  a  forcible  and  finished  orator,  and 
a  man  of  brilliant  social  and  intellectual  gifts,  best  known  by 
his  numerous  public  addresses,  lectures,  and  Congressional 
speeches  ;  3  sons. 
9     Clarissa,  born  ;  lived  in  Waterford,  N.  Y. ;  unm. 

10    Lemuel  Baldwin  Crocker,  born  1766  ;  d.  March  19,1776  ; 

buried  in  the  old  Andover  burying  ground. 

714     Deacon  Phineas'  Kingsbury  ( NathanieP,  Joseph^, 
Henry'),  of  Bolton,  afterwards  of  Hartland  ;  married  in  Bol- 
ton, January  9,  1755,  Hannah  Hutchinson,  born  in  Lebanon, 
February  8,  1736/7,  daughter  of  Captain  Eleazer  and  Jemima 
(Wright)  Hutchinson,  of   Lebanon,   afterwards  of   Hebron. 
He  bought  land  in  Enfield  from  his  brother  Joseph,  and 
others,  1 761-1765  ;  sold  in   1767,  when  he  removed  to  Hart- 
of  Initial  Studies  in   American   Letters,  Life  of  N.    P.  Willis, 
A  Suburban  Pastoral  and  Other  Tales,  The  Ways  of  Yale, 
A  History  of  English  Romanticism  in  the  Eighteenth  Century; 


land.  Phineas  Kingsbury  of  Enfield,  1760,  sells  land  in 
Bolton.  Simon  Baxter,  of  Hartland,  conveys  land  in  H.  to 
Phinehas  Kingsbury,  of  Enfield,  January  13,  1768.  He  was 
an  early  settler  of  Hartland.  Hannah,  wife  of  Phinehas 
Kingsbury,  was  admitted  to  the  Church  in  Hartland,  July 
23,  1769.  Phinehas  Kingsbury  signed  the  covenant  May 
I,  1768,  made  Deacon  March  8,  1769.  Represented  the  town 
in  the  General  Assembly  in  three  sessions  in  1776.  Deacon 
Phinehas  Kingsbury  and  wife,  from  Hartland,  were  admitted 
to  the  Church  in  Sandisfield,  June  28,  1778  ;  his  wife  died 
in  Sandisfield,  May  3,  1793.  He  died  in  Sandisfield,  Febru- 
ary 4,  1799- 


815  Phineas,  born  Nov.  4, 1755.*  ■»'  > 

816  Hannah,  born  Nov.  16,  1757,  in  Bolton  ;  bapt.  Nov.  20,  1757  ;  ad- 

mitted to  the  Church  in  Hartland,  Jan.  7,  1776.  %;^;->- 

817  Lemuel,  born  Dec.  7,  1759,  in  Bolton;  bapt.  Dec.  9,  1759  s-*- 

818  Joseph, f  son  of  Phineas  and  Hannah  Kingsbury,  born  in  Enfield, 

Dec.  27,  1761.  r:  > 

819  Nathaniel,  son  of  Phineas  and  Hannah  Kingsbury,  born  in  En- 

field, Oct.  10,  1763.  :::,  > 

820  Jemima,  daughter  of  Phineas  and  Hannah  Kingsbury,  born  in  En- 

field, April  4,  1766. 

821  Ruth,  daughter  of  Phineas  and  Hannah  Kingsbury,  baptized  in 

Hartland,  Feb.  12,  1769  ;  m.  Judge  William  Granger,  of  Tal- 
madge,  O.,  then  of  Mansfield,  O.,  then  of  Chicago,  111. 

822  Denison,  son  of  Phineas  and  Hannah  Kingsbury;  baptized  in  Hart- 

land, June  26,  1774. 

823  Sarah,  daughter  to  Phineas  and  Hannah,  bapt.  in  Hartland,  Aug. 

II,  1776  ;  m.  Jan.  8,  1797,  James  Sheldon.  Ij. 

824  Eleazur,  born  in  Sandisfield,  Nov.  26,  1778. 

825  Ebenezer. 

826  Jabez.  =  ■> 

716  Captain  Asa'  Kingsbury  {Ephraun\  Joseph\  Joseph^, 
Henry'),  of  the  West  Farms;  married,  May  12,   1756,  Sarah, 

*  Bolton  Records  say  Nov.  14,  1755  ;  bapt.  Nov.  16,  1755,  Bolton  Cli.  Rec. 

tThis  Joseph  is  said  to  have  had  brothers  :  Lemuel,  who  went  South,  and 
Jabez,  who  died  in  Brunswick,  O.  ;  sisters  :  Sarah  m.  Sheldon,  Salisbury,  Conn. 
Ruth  m.  Granger,  Talmadge,  Ohio. 

t  "These  may  certify  that  we,  the  Subscribers,  were  present  at  the  House  of 
Joseph  Kinj?sbury,  in  Bethlehem  on  the  8"'  evening  of  January  last  past  &  heard  the 
Revi  Mr.  Avery  Join  James  Sheldon  &  Sarah  Kingsbury  m  Wedlock  Bonds. 

Jabez  Kingsbukv, 
Denison  Kingsbury. 
Salisbury,  28*  April,  1797."—  Salisbury  Town  Records. 

Bethlehem  is  Bethlehem  District,  now  Otis,  in  Massachusetts. 


daughter  of  Christopher  and  Abigail  (Abell)  Huntington, 
born  April  27,  1730.  He  was  appointed  Ensign  of  the 
Trainband  in  the  West  Farms,  in  May,  1772  ;  Lieutenant  in 
October,  1774;  and  he  was  Lieutenant  in  command  of  a 
company  raised  in  Norwich  at  the  Lexington  alarm.  He 
was  commissioned  July  6,  1775,  Captain  of  a  company  in 
Colonel  Jedediah  Huntington's  Regiment.  He  was  a  prom- 
inent man  in  the  West  Farms.  He  died  September  5,  1775. 
"  In  memory  of  Lieut.  Asa  Kingsbury,  who  died  at  Pom- 
fret  in  the  47th  year  of  his  age;  who  was  on  the  march  to 
Roxbury  to  join  the  American  Army,  and  was  brought  here 
by  his  friends  and  interred  with  that  respect  due  from  the 
public  to  such  characters."     Pomfret  Burying  Ground. 


827  Asa,  born  March  12,  1757.  -s:  > 

828  Sarah,  born  April  8,  1761.  s-»- 

829  Eunice,  born   Nov.   9,    1767;    m.    Josiah  Griswold,  Oct.  31,  17S9. 

{Fra7iklin  Church  Record.) 

830  Lucy,  born  June  20,  1771;  m.  Clark,  of  Columbia. 

717  Absalom'  Kingsbury  {Ephraini\  Joseph^,  Joseph'', 
Henry^),  settled  in  Coventry,  Conn.;  married  (i)  February  19, 
1752,  Rebecca  Rust,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  and  Hannah 
(Hatch)  Rust,  born  in  Coventry,  July  28,  1733.  In  1771  he 
went  to  Alstead,  N.  H.,  and  the  following  year  took  his  fam- 
ily there,  and  spent  the  remainder  of  his  life  in  that  town. 
Absalom  Kingsbury  served  as  private  in  Capt.  Amos  Shep- 
ard's  company.  Col.  Benjamin  Bellows'  Regiment  of  New 
Hampshire  Militia,  when  the  Regiment  reinforced  the  gar- 
rison at  Ticonderoga,  when  besieged  by  the  enemy  in  June, 
1777.  He  served  again  as  a  private  in  Capt.  Canfield's  com- 
pany in  the  same  Regiment,  when  it  was  sent  to  reinforce 
the  Northern  Continental  Army  at  Saratoga,  under  the  com- 
mand of  Gen.  Gates,  September  21  to  October  29,  1777.  {N^v 
Havipshire  State  Papers,  Vol.  XV,  2g,  jdp.)  He  was  a  prominent 
man  in  the  town  and  church;  Selectman  1775-76;  appointed 
Justice  of  the  Peace  for  Cheshire  County,  1782-84;  Town  Clerk 
and  Treasurer;  Representative  in  the  Legislature,  1782.    *A 

*  Absalom  Kingsbury,  and  his  sons,  Ephraim,  Elisha,  and  James,  remonstrated 
ajfainst  setting  off  a  Parish  from  Alstead,  May  31,  1793.  —  Tozu/i  Papers,  N.  H.  State 
Papers,  XL 


sketch  of  the  family  is  given  in  a  sermon  preached  by  Rev. 
Mr.  Arnold  of  Alstead.  The  follpwing  is  extracted  from  the 
notice  of  Absalom  Kingsbury  :  "  A  remarkable  providence 
occurred  about  the  year  1772,  by  which  his  barn  was  nearly 
divided  into  two  parts.  While  two  men  were  unloading  grain, 
a  violent  wind  prostrating  much  timber,  brought  one  large 
tree  directly  across  the  top  of  the  barn  near  the  center,  and 
breaking  away  the  timbers  before  it  with  a  tremendous  crash, 
the  top  fell  in  not  far  from  the  men  at  work,  but  neither 
they  nor  the  oxen  were  injured,  although  the  barn  was  almost 
ruined."  His  wife  died  August  14,  1777,  in  the  45th  year 
of  her  age  ;  and  he  married  (2)  Mrs.  Abigail  Wilson,  born 
Holbrook,  of  East  Alstead.  {Alstedd  Town  Records^  He  died 
April  30,  1805.  His  widow  lived  in  East  Alstead  after  his 
death,  and  died  there. 


831  Asa,  born  Oct.  10,  1752,  in  Coventry.  2s-*- 

832  Ebenezer,  born  March  2,  1755,  in  Coventry;  d.  at  New  London, 

Conn.,  of    smallpox,    March,   1785.      He  was,    perhaps,  the 
Ebenezer   Kingsbury  who  served  in   Capt.  Amos  Shepard's 
Company  in  Col.  Benjamin  Bellows'  Regt.,  New  Hampshire 
troops,  in  1777. 
\y  .^32__Ephraim,  born  Sept.  2,  1759,  m.  in  Coventry,  -r  > 

834  Margaret,   born   June  13,   1761,   in  Coventry;    m.  John   Carlton, 

of  Tolland. 

835  Obadiah,  born  May  3,  1763,  in  Coventry,  iz,  > 

836  Rebeckah,  born  May  27,  1765.  z;  > 

837  James,  born  Dec.  29,  1767.  s  ■> 

838  Elisha,  born  Feb.  2,  1770,  in  Coventry.  -:z  > 

839  Joshua,  born  April  2,  1772;  d.  Aug.  14,  1777. 

840  Amariah,  born  Nov.  16,  1775;  d.  Aug.  25,  1777. 

718  Martha'  Kingsbury  {Ephraim\  Joseph^,  Josepir, 
Ifenry^),  married,  March  21,  1753,  Amariah  Rockwell,  born 
October  29,  1728,  son  of  Daniel  and  Talitha  (Hartshorn) 
Rockwell,  of  Norwich;  they  lived  in  Coventry. 


1  Daniel,  born  July  27,  1753;  d.  young. 

2  Martha,  born  Aug.  8,  1755. 

3  Irenah  Kingsbury,  born  July  2,  1758. 

4  Jabez,  born   June  4,    1760,   m.    Oct.    2,    1783,  Irene  Porter,  born  in 

Coventry,  March  6,  1765,  dau.  Jonathan,  Jr.,  and  Lois  (Rich- 
ardson) Porter;  he  was  a  cooper  in  Warehouse  Point;  he  d. 
July  19,  1825;  she  d.  July  16,  1837;  they  had  thirteen  children; 


the  oldest,  Oren,  born  April  25,  1784,  joined  the  Mormons  and 
became  one  of  the  "Avenging  Angels";  he  d.  in  Salt  Lake  City. 

5  Amariah,  born  Nov.  22,  1762;  d.  young. 

6  Amariah,  born  June  10,  1765. 

7  Daniel,  born  March  8,  1768;  d.  May  2,  1777. 

8  Talitha,  born  Nov.  6,  1771. 

719  Doctor  Obadiah'  Kingsbury  {Ephraim\  Joseph\  Jo- 
seph^, Henry^),  of  the  West  Farms  ;  he  studied  with  Dr.  John 
Barker,  of  the  West  Farms,  first  President  of  the  Connecticut 
Medical  Society,  and  he  became  a  successful  physician  in 
his  native  parish;  he  married,  February  19,  1760,  Sarah 
Kingsbury,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  and  Hannah  (Chapman) 
Kingsbury  of  Tolland ;  *  he  was  Deacon  of  the  church 
in  the  West  Farms;  he  died  May  23,  1776,  in  the  West 
Farms.  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  of  Coventry,  and  Sarah  Kings- 
bury, of  Tolland,  administrators  on  the  estate  of  Obadiah 
Kingsbury,  late  of  Norwich,  convey  to  Nathan  Edgerton, 
of  Norwich  [West  Farms]  land  and  a  house  in  Norwich  [West 
Farms],  July  10,  1778. —  Norwich  Land  Jiecords,  XXIV,  443.] 
The  widow,  Sarah  Kingsbury,  departed  this  life  July,  loth 
day,  1785. —  Tolland  Records. 

In  Memory  of  Mrs 
Sarah  Kingsbery,  daugh- 
ter of  Deac"  Nath"  & 
Mrs  Sarah  Kingsbery 
&  Consort  of  Docf 
Obadiah  Kingsbery 
dec'  who  departed 
this  life  July  y«  10"' 
1785  In  y«  46"'  Year 
of  her  Age. 
The  Righteous  rest  in 

—  Tolland,  North  Burying  Ground. 


841  David,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  June  3,  1764  ;  d.  March  30,  1768. 

842  Daniel,:]:  l^orn  in  the  West  Farms,  Oct.  14,  1766. 

843  Hannah,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  Jan.  8,  1769. 

844  Ruth,  born  in  the  West  Farms,  June  20,  1771.  s-»- 

*  See  p.  224. 

t  See  also  State  Records,  I,  500. 

I  Mr.  Lavius  Hyde  says  that  Daniel  above  served  with  Gen.  St.  Clair,  and  that 
he  left  three  daughters. 

1775-76-    THE  FIGURES,  1776,  ARE  ON  THE  CHniNEY  IN  FRONT- 


^  y-^^^-^'^^^^z^-y^ 



720  Irene^  Kingsbury  {Ephraim\  /osep/i\  Joseph-,  Henry''), 
married  November  2,  1756,  Amos  Avery,  of  Lebanon,  after- 
ward of  Coventry,  born  1735,  son  of  John  and  Lydia  (Smith) 
Avery.  She  died  ,  and  he  married  a  second  wife, 
Anna  Edgerton.  He  came  to  Coventry  with  his  brother-in- 
law,  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  and  it  is  said  that  they  lived  in  the 
same  house  together  four  years,  and  in  that  time  Mr.  Avery, 
who  was  a  joiner  and  builder,  built  the  house  occupied  by 
Ephraim  Kingsbury  and  his  descendants  until  1893,  and  one 
for  himself,  half  a  mile  farther  south.  Lieut.  Amos  Avery 
died  in  Coventry,  August  11,  1823,  aged  87.  Mrs.  Anna 
Avery  died  March  31,  1833,  aged  94. 

I     Amos,  m.,  Oct.  24,  1782,  Abigail,  daughter  of  Dan- 

iel and  Mary  (Sprague)  Loomis,  of  Lebanon  and  Coventry, 
born  May  17,  1761.  They  Hved  in  Coventry;  removed  to 
Richmond,  N.  Y.,  where  Mrs.  Avery  died  in  1849.  He  died 
Sept.  5,  1836.  Ch.,  all  born  in  Coventry:  i  Amos,  b.  April 
30,  1783.  2  Irena,  b.  Feb  22,  1787;  m.  Feb.  3,  1808,  Ward 
Kingsbury,  of  Coventry,  and  Pittsfield,  O.  3  Nabby.  b.  Dec. 
19,  1788.  4  Polly,  b.  March  3,  1791.  5  Lora,  b.  Oct.  28,  1793. 
6  Harriet,  b.  Aug.  3,  1797.  7  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  b.  Dec. 
18,  1779.     8  Louise,  b.  Feb.  22,  1802. 

721  Ephraim'  Kingsbury  {Ephraim*,  Joseph^,  Joseph"", 
Hetiry'),  married,  AjDril  3,  1758,  at  the  West  Farms,  Phebe, 
daughter  of  Major  John  and  Phebe  (Hyde)  French,  born  at 
West  Farms,  October  5,  1741  ;*  removed  to  Coventry  about 
i76i.f  He  bought  land  of  Peter  Scott,  in  the  west  part  of 
the  town,  on  what  is  now  the  road  to  Rockville,  and  in  the 
house  built  by  him  he  lived  sixty-five  years,  and  it  was 
occupied  by  his  descendants  until  September,  1893.     The 

•  Phebe,  dau.  of  John  French,  baptized  Oct.  ii,  1741,  in  Newent  Society,  Norwich. 

Major  French  was  son  of  John  French  and  Elizabeth,  his  wife,  of  Norwich, 
formerly  of  Topsfield,  Mass.  Phebe  Hyde  was  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Mary 
(Backus)  Hyde,  granddaughter  of  Samuel  and  Jane  (Lee)  Hyde,  and  great  grand- 
daughter of  William  Hyde,  of  Hartford  and  Norwich,  and  of  Thomas  and  Phebe  Lee. 

Ephraim  &  Phebe  Kingsbury,  of  Coventry,  convey  to  Solomon  Stoddard,  of 
Franklin,  land  in  F.,  on  the  Hill  called  Great  Hill,  formerly  belonging  to  M^  John 
French,  Dec<^.,  belonging  to  Mrs.  Phebe  as  left  her  by  her  father,  M'  John  French, 
Dec*,  Nov.  ig,  1790. —  Franklin  Town  Records. 

t  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  Esq.,  once  told  Deacon  Jonathan  Porter  in  my  hearing, 
that  when  he  was  a  young  lad,  say  about  17,  his  father  had  a  patch  of  potatoes  by 
the  side  of  the  road  —  a  small  yard, —  and  two  travelers  were  one  day  passing, 
when  he  overheard  one  of  them  say  to  the  other,  "These  people  must  be  Irish,  they 
raise  so  many  potatoes." — Rev.  Marvin  Root. 



house  was  in  process  of  erection  when  the  news  came  of  the 
battle  of  Lexington;  the  floor  was  being  laid  in  the  kitchen, 
but  the  boards  were  dropped,  and  Ephraim  Kingsbury  and 
his  workmen  joined  in  the  march  to  Boston.  The  next  year 
the  house  was  completed,  and  the  figures,  1776,  can  still 
be  seen  on  a  brick  on  the  front  of  the  chimney.  He 
served  in  the  Lexington  alarm,  in  Capt.  Elias  Buell's  com- 
pany from  Coventry,  for  ten  days.  Connecticut  Men  in  the  Rev- 
olution, 7.  And  also  as  Ensign  in  the  Third  Battalion  of 
Connecticut  troops,  Col.  Roger  Enos,  raised  for  service  in 
this  State,  and  in  Rhode  Island  in  1776-77.  Ibid,  424. 
"Grandfather  Ephraim  Kingsbury  was  at  Boston  when  the 
British  evacuated  the  city,  and  remained  in  the  city  awhile^ 
and  held  some  minor  office  below  Captain  —  Lieutenant,  I 
think.  He  was  well  acquainted  with  General  Putnam."  — 
Letter  of  Erastus  Kingsbury,  July  2Q,  i88g.  He  was  deputy  to 
the  General  Court  from  Coventry,  1780,  '81,  '82,  "i-i),  '84,  '85, 
'86,  '87,  '88,  '90,  '96,  '97,  '98.  He  died  March  10,  1826,  in 
Coventry;  his  widow  died  in  Coventry,  May  25,  1828,  aged 
86  years  and  7  months.  His  will  was  dated  January  26, 
1799;  eldest  son,  Andrew  Kingsbury,  son  William,  son  Jabez, 
son  Ephraim;  only  daughter,  Phebe  Porter;  sons  Andrew, 
William,  and  Jabez,  Executors.  —  Andover  Probate  Records, 
X,  JO. 

Ephraim  Kingsbury  Mrs  Phebe,  wife  of 

Esq''  died  March  lo"'  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  Esq'' 

1826  aged  86  Years.  Died  May  25""  1828 

aged  86  Years 
&  7  months. 
—  North  Burying  Grotmd,  Coventry. 


845     Andrew,  born  April  24,  1759,  at  the  West  Farms.  s-»- 

S46     Oliver,   born   June   16,    1761,   in   Coventry;   d.   in   the   army   at 

Yorktown   in  1781,   of  smallpox,   at  the  time  of  the   capture 

of  Lord  Cornwallis.* 

847  William,  born  in  Coventry,  Feb.  9,  1764.  --tsSr-^ 

848  Phq^be,  born  in  Coventry,  March  22,  1766.  ~  > 

849  Jabez,  born  in  Coventry,  Oct.  22,  1769.  :r:  > 

850  EniRAiM,  born  in  Coventry,  June  18,  1775.  ^-^ 

722    Talitha'    Kingsbury    {Ephraim\    Joseph\   Joseph\ 
Henry'),  married  September  i,  1763,  Joseph  Rust,  of  Coven- 

*  Letter  of  Andrew  Kingsbury,  Aug.  15,  1837. 


try,  son  of  Nathaniel  and  Hannah  (Hatch)  Rust,  born  in 
Coventry,  March  26,  1737.  He  removed  to  Tolland,  and 
then  to  Williamston,  Vt.     He  died  in  1817. 


1  Nathaniel,  born  May  13,  1765,  in  Coventry;  d.  April  2,  1776. 

2  Joseph,  born  Nov.  10,  1766,  in  Coventry;  d.  March  30,  1776. 

3  Elijah,  born  Dec.  15,  1769,  in  Tolland  ;  m.  in  Williamston,  Vt.,  Mar- 

garet  ;  she  d.  March  9,  1832  ;  he  d.  in  1846  ;  no  children. 

4  Martha,  born  Dec.  23,  1770,  in  Tolland;  d.  Jan.  3,  1777. 

5  Ephraim,  born  Feb.  6,  1773,  in  Tolland;  d.  March  21,  1773. 

6  Talitha,  born   Feb.  4,  1774  ;   m.  WiUiams,  of  Williamston, 

Vt.,  died  in  1856. 

725  Ebenezer'  Kingsbury  {/oseph\  Joseph\  Joseph'', 
Ifenry^),  of  Pomfret ;  married.  May  24,  1761,  Margaret  Par- 
ish ;  he  was  a  prominent  man  in  Pomfret ;  Justice  of  the 
Peace,  and  held  other  town  offices;  his  wife  died  in  Pomfret; 
November  22,  1804,  aged  69  ;  he  died  there  (January,  1825, 
Family  Record)  March  22,  1825,  aged  85.     [T.  S^ 


851  Margaret,   born    in    Pomfret,  Jan.  3,   1763  ;    m.    June    30,   17S5, 

David  Williams  of  Pomfret,  born  Sept.  13,  1761,  son  of  David 
and  Elizabeth  Williams. 

852  Alfred  (or  Olfred),  born  in  Pomfret,  Jan.  7,  1765.  s  > 

853  Eunice,  born  Sept.   5,   1767,  in  Pomfret;  m.  Williams  of 

Richmond,  Mass.* 

854  Joseph,  born  Sept.  5,  1767,  in  Pomfret.  f 

855  Lucy,  born  Jan.  3,  1774.  s  > 

726  Chloe'  Kingsbury  {Joseph\  Joseph'',  Joseph^,  Henry^), 
married  Ebenezer  Fitch,  May  4,  1760,  in  Windham.  He  was 
a  son  of  Captain  John  and  Alice  (Fitch)  Fitch  of  Windham, 
born  November  30,  1736.  "The  above  named  Ebenezer 
Fitch  died  in  Salisbury."  —  Windham  Town  Records. 


1  Cynthia,  born  Nov.  19,  1761  ;  m.  Vaniah  Palmer. 

2  Elijah,  born  Dec.  10,  1763. 

♦  E.  F.  Kingsbury,  son  of  Olfred,  says  that  his  father  had  two  sisters ;  one  married 
John  Holbrook,  of  Pomfret,  and  the  other  married  a  Williams,  of  Mass. 

Joseph  Kingsbury,  of  Ashford,  John  Holbrook  &  Lucy  Holbrook,  his  wife, 
William  Newell,  of  Pomfret,  &  Eunice  Williams,  of  Richmond,  Mass.,  convey  & 
quitclaim  to  Eleazer  Hammond,  of  Webster,  Mass.,  all  their  right  to  a  piece  of  land 
in  Pomfret,  called  the  Still  Lot.  formerly  occupied  by  Ebenezer  Fitch  ;  April  9,  1803. 




727  Judge  Sanford'  Kingsbury  {Joseph\  Joseph^,  Joseph^, 
Henry"),  grad.  Yale  College,  1763;  A.  M.,  Dartmouth  Coll. 
1801.  He  married  January  9,  1766,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of 
Captain  John  and  Alice  (Fitch)  Fitch,  of  Windham,  born 
October  4,  1743.  After  his  marriage  he  settled  in  that 
part  of  Windham  called  Scotland.  He  removed  to  Clare- 
mont,  N.  H.,  about  1780.  He  was  appointed  Second  Lieu- 
tenant by  the  General  Assembly  in  1776  ;  appointed  Captain 
in  the  Third  Battalion  of  State  Troops,  November,  1776  ; 
was  on  the  staff  first  of  General  Spencer,  then  of  General 
Sullivan,  and  Lieutenant-Colonel.  He  was  author  of  the 
Muster  Roll,  adopted  by  Congress;  subsequently  he  was 
appointed  Muster  Master  for  the  Connecticut  troops;  also 
Major  of  the  Fort  at  Ticonderoga  until  the  war  was  over. 
In  the  summer  of  1781  he  served  on  the  northern  frontier, 
under  command  of  General  Enos.  The  regiment  was  en- 
gaged in  scouting  on  the  west  side  of  the  Connecticut. 
The  English  Government  had  granted  100,000  acres  of  land 
on  the  Island  of  Cape  Breton  to  100  citizens  of  Claremont 
(presumably  for  services  in  the  Old  French  War).  He  was 
appointed  an  agent  for  the  others  to  go  to  Cape  Breton  and 
survey  and  divide  the  land  among  its  grantees.  He  accord- 
ingly went,  and  laid  out  the  city  of  Mira,  at  the  head  of  navi- 
gation on  Mira  river.  About  the  time  he  completed  this 
survey  he  and  his  men  were  arrested  and  imprisoned,  in 
order  to  make  them  swear  allegiance  to  the  King  of  England. 
Though  his  men  took  the  oath,  he  refused,  and  was  kept 
still  longer  in  prison,  but,  remaining  obdurate,  was  finally 

vSanford  Kingsbury  held  the  offices  of  Justice  of  the  Peace, 
State  Senator,  Councillor,  Representative  to  Convention  for 
forming  a  State  Constitution,  and  was  prominent  in  town 
affairs.-  Also  Chief  Justice  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas 
for  the  County  of  Cheshire,  1783.  He  was  made  a  trustee 
of  Charlestown  Academy  in  1791.  He  died  in  Claremont, 
November  12,  1833,  aged  90. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  (Fitch)  Kingsbury  died  in  Claremont,  Jan- 
uary 14,  1832,  aged  89. 


856  Alice,  born  in  Windham,  April  24,  1767.  rs,  > 

857  Olive,  born  in  Windham,  July  27,  1770;  d.  Nov.  21,  1772. 

^^^^^^'^t/^'^      '^^ 



858  Charles,  born  in  Windham,  April  19,  1773.  s-*- 

859  Olive,  born  in  Windham,  Nov.  2(22),  1775;  m.  (i)Theophilus  Clark, 

by  whom  she  had  10  ch.;  (2)  [Nov.  21 Jewett;  Letter  of  Mrs. 

Thomas  Jewett,  Feb.  19,  1883] ;  d.  Feb.  i,  1862,  in  Dexter, 


860  Betsy,  born  in  Windham,  Oct.  18,  1779.  c  > 

861  Sanford,  born  in  Claremont,  July  31,  1782.  s:-> 

729  Abigail'  Kingsbury  ( Josep/i\/oseph\  Joseph",  Henrf), 
married,  August  12,  1773,  Captain  James  Carey,  of  Scotland 
Society,  Windham,  son  of  Lieut.  Benajah  and  Deborah  (Per- 
kins) Carey,  born  November  27,  1750.  He  was  Corporal  in 
the  company  commanded  by  Captain  John  Kingsley,  which 
marched  from  Windham  in  the  Lexington  Alarm.  She  died 
December  18,  1807,  and  he  married  (2)  Anna,  widow  of  Rev. 
William  Bradford,  of  Canterbury.  He  died  February  28, 
1827,  aged  76. 


1  Abigail,  born  Jan.  28,   1775;  m.   Oct.   6,   1798,   Parker  Morse,  of 


2  James,  born  Dec.  9,  1777;  m.  Oct.  25,  1804,  Phebe,  dau.  William 

Howard,  of  Hampton;  settled  in  Canterbury;  twice  repre- 
sented Canterbury  in  the  Legislature,  and  filled  many  offices 
of  trust  in  the  town.  His  wife  d.  March  9,  1847.  He  d. 
Aug.  14,  1 861;  3  ch. 

3  Benajah,  born  Jan.  4,  1780;  d.  Aug.  24,  1808,  unm. 

4  Anna,  born  Feb.  21,  1782;  d.  March  3,  1790. 

5  Sanford,  born  July  14,  1784;  lived  in  Scotland;  m.  May  16,  1811, 

Caroline,  dau.  of  Jabez  Tracy,  of  Scotland;  he  d.  May  2, 
1852;  his  widow  d.  May  3,  1861,  aged  74;  4  ch. 

6  Sally,  born  Sept.  7,  1786;  m.  Dr.  Thomas  Morse,  of  Woodstock, 

Conn.;  d.  January,  1820;  3  ch. 

733  Deliverance'  Kingsbury  ( Joseph\  Joseph^,  Joseph'', 
Ilenry^),  married,  March  24,  1780,  Joseph  Scarborough,  of 
Pomfret,  born  June  17,  1756,  son  of  Jeremiah  and  Mary 
(Holbrook)  Scarborough.  She  died  August  25,  1823,  in  West 
Hartford,  Conn.,  aged  68.  Joseph  Scarborough  died  August 
22,  1829,  in  Pomfret. 


I     Jared,   bom  Jan.  {P.  T.   Rec.   Feb.)  26,  1781;  settled  in  Hartford; 
m.  (i)  Margaret  Caldwell,  daughter  of  Major  John  and  Mar- 

244  ^^^   KINGSBURY   FAMILY. 

garet  (Collier)  Caldwell;  she  d.  March  23,  1808,  aged  21;  (2) 
Mary  Ann  Woolsey,  of  New  Haven.  He  d.  in  Hartford,  Nov. 
25,  1816.     [T.  S     Old  North  Burying  Ground,  Hartford.] 

2  Delia,  born  May  10,   1782;  m.  May  18,    1804,  in   Brooklyn,  Conn., 

Perrin  May,  of  Boston,  as  his  second  wife;  ch.:  i,  Frederick; 
2,  Mary  Perrin,  b.  Jan.  i,  1815. 

3  Joel,  born  Sept.  28,  1784. 

4  Luther,  born  May  12,  1787;  settled    in  W.  Hartford,  as  a  farmer; 

d.  there  April  17,  1820  [April  16,   IV.  Hartford  Ch.  Rec.\ 

5  Jeremiah,  born  Nov.  27,  1788. 

6  Joseph  Kingsbury,  born  Jan.  18,  1792;  d.  in  Hartford,  Jan.  9,  1823. 

7  Emelia,  born  Aug.  12,  1793. 

8  Albigence,  born  April  i,  1796;  married  Electa ,  and  lived  in 

West  Hartford. 

740  Lieutenant  Joseph'  Kingsbury  {Ebenezer\  Joseph'', 
Joseph'^,  Henry^),  of  Coventry,  married  February  21,  1780, 
Lois,  daughter  of  Jonathan  and  Lois  (Richardson)  Porter, 
born  in  Coventry,  April  14,  1759.  Soon  after  the  commence- 
ment of  the  war  of  the  Revolution  he  enlisted  in  a  company  of 
which  Joseph  Talcott  was  Captain,  himself  Lieutenant,  and 
Squire  Ephraim  Kingsbury  was  Commissary.  The  company 
was  stationed  for  a  time  at  Groton,  Conn.;  from  there  they 
were  ordered  to  the  States  of  New  York  and  New  Jersey, 
and  were  often  employed  as  scouts.*  "  He  was  a  man  of 
quick  discernment,  and  prompt  in  action.  An  instance  of 
this  latter  trait  occurred  one  day  at  Ellington.  While  await- 
ing, at  the  house  of  Rev.  Mr.  Brockway,  the  return  of  that 
gentleman,  a  servant  entered  the  room  exclaiming,  'Jack  is 
in  the  well  ! '  Mr.  Kingsbury  arose,  threw  off  his  coat,  ran 
to  the  well,  turned  aside  the  curb,  and  let  himself  down  the 
well,  reaching  the  water  just  as  the  boy  was  sinking  for  the 
last  time.  Catching  him  by  the  hand,  he  sustained  him  till 
he  could  be  reached  by  those  who  had  gathered  around  the 
mouth  of  the  well,  and  lifted  out.  '  Jack  '  lived  to  become 
a  prominent  lawyer  of  Connecticut."  (From  Rev.  A  Kings- 
bury.) His  wife,  Lois,  died  May  20  f,  1814,  aged  55,  and  he 
married  (2)  March  18,  181 6,  Sarah  Wood,  of  Scotland  Parish, 
Conn.,  born  in  1774.  He  died  April  13,  1828;  his  widow 
died  December  17,  1843,  in  Scotland  Parish. 

*  A  Joseph  Kingsbury  served  as  private  in  Captain  Paul  Brigham's  company, 
from  Coventry,  in  Col.  John  Chandler's  Regiment,  from  March  6,  1777,  to  March  16, 
1780.     Conn.  Men  in  the  Revolution,  siq,  231. 

1 14,  ace.  to  letter  of  Rev.  A.  K.,  April  13,  1887  ;  20  in  another  communication. 



Distribution  of  estate  of  Joseph  Kingsbury,  to  widow 
Sarah,  to  dau.  Eunice  Porter,  dau.  Persis  Lillie,  dau.  Electa 
Sweetland,  to  Polly  Page,  to  Addison  Kingsbury,  to  Rox- 
anna  Wight,  to  Oliver  Kingsbury's  heirs,  to  Ruth  Tracy, 
to  Emeline  Kingsbury,  to  Ward  Kingsbury,  April  24,  1829. 
Andover  Prob.  Rec. 


862  Lois,  born  in  Coventry,  Jan.  14,  1781  ;  m.  Nov.  3,  1805,  Ira  Lillie, 

of  Coventry  ;  she  d.  childless,  Nov.  20,  181 1. 

863  Oliver,  born  in  Coventry,  June  24,  1782.  :r:  > 

864  Eunice  Backus,  born  in  Coventry,  Nov.  14,  1784.   :;~ ->- 
S65     Ward,  born  in  Coventry,  Jan.  10,  1787.  5S— >- 

866  Persis,  born  in  Coventry,  Dec.  10,  1789.  r:  > 

867  Electa,  born  in  Coventry,  June  9,  1791.  :.:•;  > 

868  Mary,  born  in  Coventry,  Oct.  3,  1793.  =:  > 

869  RoxANA,  born  in  Coventry,  Aug.  5,  1796.  z:  > 

870  Ruth,  bom  in  Coventry,  April  4,  1798.  r:  > 

871  Addison,  born  in  Coventry,  July  5,  1800.  ::::  > 

872  Emeline,  born  in  Coventry,  March  12,  1803;   m.   Sept.    18,   1826, 

Alvin  Kingsbury,  son  of  Jabez  and  Freelove  (Utley)  Kings- 
bury.    (See  No.  1065.) 

741  Priscilla'  Kingsbury  {Ebeiiezer\  Joseph'',  Joseph', 
Hemy),  married,  Nov.  24,  1786,  Eleazer  Pomeroy,  of  Coven- 
try, son  of  Daniel  and  Naomi  (Kibbe)  Pomeroy,  born  in 
Lebanon,  Conn.,  October  24,  1752.  His  first  wife  was  Sibyl, 
daughter  of  Denison  Kingsbury,  whom  he  married  December 
17,  1772  ;  she  died  May  i,  1785. —  T.  S.  (See  page  231.) 
His  house  is  still  standing  in  Coventry,  on  a  road  to  An- 
dover, running  south  from  the  road  to  South  Coventry. 
Eleazer  Pomeroy  died  in  Coventry,  June  16,  181 1.  Widow 
Priscilla  Pomeroy  died  March  19,  1841,  aged  85. 

In  memory  of  Mrs 

Sibyl,  Wife  of  Mr  Elea 

zer  Pomroy,  who  died 

May  i^'  1785  in  the 

23rd  Year  of  her  Age. 

Let  not  the  dead  forgotten  lie 
Lest  you  forget  that  you  must  die. 
New  burying  ground,  Coventry,  stone  inovedfrom  the  old  one. 


I  Clara  or  Clarissa,  born  in  Coventry,  Dec.  19,  1773  ;  m.  (i)  (Jane  10, 
1800,  Daniel  Jones,  of  Farmington  ;  (2)  John  Ripley ;  d. 
Feb. 10,  1809  ;  one  ch. 



2  Sybil,  born  Nov.  26,  1775  ;  d.  Nov.  26,  1775. 

3  Eleazer,  born  in  Coventry,  Oct.   4,  1776;  m.  Sept.  24,   1800,  Ruth 

Hunt,  born  July  2,  1779.  He  d.  in  Coventry,  July  28,  1867, 
aged  91.  His  wife  d.  March  31,  1843  ;  7  ch.  Eleazer,  Jr.,  b. 
Jan.  6,  1817;  m.  Mary  E.  Jones;  d.  in  Coventry,  Dec.  4,  1865; 
his  wife  d.  in  Hartford,  Aug.  16,  1887. 

4  Wealthy,  born  in  Coventry,  Oct.  14,  1778;  m.  Jan.  i,  1799,  Dr.  Sam- 

uel White,  born  in  Andover,  Feb.  23,  1777,  son  of  Capt. 
Daniel  and  Sarah  (Hale)  White.  He  was  a  physician  and  sur- 
geon of  great  eminence  in  Hudson,  N.  Y. ,  Professor  of  Sur- 
gery in  the  Berkshire  Medical  College  at  Pittsfield,  Mass. ; 
President  of  the  New  York  State  Medical  Society  ;  several 
times  chosen  Mayor  of  Hudson,  and  an  Elder  in  the  Presby- 
terian Church.  He  d.  in  Hudson,  Feb,  10,  1845.  She  d. 
Oct.  31,  1854.     10  ch. 

5  Daniel  Sterling,   born  in  Coventry,  Feb.    18,   1781  ;  m.  Lucy  Dim- 

ock,  of  Coventry  ;  removed  to  Manlius,  N.  Y.  ;  d.   Feb.  26, 


6  Adotia  or  Eudocia,  born  in  Coventry,  Jan.   10,  1783;   m.   Dr.  Na- 

thaniel Aspinwall,  b.  Sept.  15,  1778,  in  Lebanon,  Conn.;  he 
commenced  the  practice  of  medicine  in  Genoa,  Cayuga  Co., 
N.  Y. ;  subsequently  removed  to  Elmira,  N.  Y.,  where  he 
died  in  1861  ;  she  d.  March  9,  1852.  Ch. :  (i  )Nathaniel  Pome- 
eroy,  b.  March  22,  1805  ;  (2)  Edson,  b.  April  11,  1811  ;  (3)  Au- 
gustus; (4)  Sarah. 


7  Polly,  born  in  Coventry,  April  13,  1787  ;  m.  Oct.  10,  1808,  William 

Talcott,  of  Coventry,  born  Dec.  30,  1786,  son  of  Dea.  Joseph, 
and  Rebecca  (Porter)  Talcott.  She  d.  April  18,  1846  ;  they 
had  one  son,  Eleazer  Pomeroy,  b.  Dec.  12,  1809;  Yale  Col- 
lege, 1832  ;  d.  Nov.  14,  1832.     He  d.  July  28,  1858. 

8  Sybil,   born  in   Coventry,  March   2,   1789 ;  m.    Sept.    19,    1809,  Dr. 

Eleazar  Hunt,  of  Coventry,  born  Dec.  28,  1786.  He  d.  March 
14,  1867,  aged  80.  Mrs.  Sybil  (Pomeroy)  Hunt  d.  in  Coventry, 
Feb.  10,  1876,  aged  86  ;  3  ch.  Dr.  Ebenezer  Kingsbury  Hunt, 
of  Hartford,  was  their  son,  b.  Aug.  26,  1810  ;  d.  May  2,  1889, 
aged  78  ;  Yale,  1833  ;  studied  medicine  in  the  Jefferson  Medical 
College,  Philadelphia;  M.D.,  1838;  a  prominent  physician  in 
Hartford  ;  President  of  the  State  Medical  Society  in  1864  and 
1865;  director  and  medical  visitor  of  the  Retreat  for  the 
Insane,  and  physician  to  the  Asylum  for  the  Deaf  and  Dumb; 
m.  June  13,  1848,  Mary  A.,  dau.  of  Daniel  P.  Crosby  of  Hart- 
ford ;  two  daughters;  (i)  Louise,  m.  J.  Benjamin  Dimmick, 
of  Scranton,  Pa.;  (2)  Jeannette,  m.  George  Goodwin  Williams, 
of  Hartford. 

9  Isaac  Newton,  born  March  28,  1791  ;  m.  (i)  Dec.  8,  1813,  in  Coventry, 

Anna  Olmsted  Kingsbury.     (See  No.  966.)    She  d.  in  Troy, 


Pa.,  Dec.  5,  1831;  (2)  March  17,  1832,  Maria  Ann  Merrick,  dau. 
of  Quartus  Merrick,  of  Springfield,  Pa.,  b.  Oct.  9,  1805,  at 
Walton,  N.  Y.  ;  d.  Feb.  27,  1839;  (3)  Oct.  9,  1839,  Lucinda 
Williston  Merrick,  sister  of  2d  wife,  b.  Oct.  28,  1810  ;  living  in 
1889.  He  lived  in  Troy,  Pa.,  and  in  Springfield,  Bradford 
Co.,  Pa.     He  d.  May  30,  1861  ;  12  ch. 

10  EuENEZER,  born  Jan.    17,  1794;  m.  June  18,  1818,  Laura  Brewster, 

dau.  of  Shubael  and  Asenath  (Porter)  Brewster,  born  Nov.  29, 
1795;  d.  Feb.  26,  1S66  (Feb.  3,  1866,  according  to  another 
authority),  at  Troy,  Pa.  ;  10  ch. 

11  Elizabeth,   born  March  22,  1796;  m.  (i)  John  Hosmer  of  Hudson, 

N.  Y.  ;  (2)  F.  J.  Barnard,  of  Albany  ;  she  d.  Aug.  28,  1839  ; 
3  ch.  by  second  marriage 

12  Chauncey,  born  Dec.  6,  1799  ;  m.  Mary  Ives,  of  New  Haven  ;  went 

South,  but  afterwards  lived  in  New  York. 

743  Rev.  Ebenezer'  Kingsbury  {Ebenezer\  Joseph^ 
Joseph"^,  Henry"),  graduated  from  Yale  College,  1783  ;  stud- 
ied theology  with  Dr.  Charles  Backus,  of  Somers,  settled 
first  at  Jericho,  Vt.,  1 791-1808,  as  a  missionary  from  the 
Connecticut  Home  Missionary  Society.  In  1799,  he  was  the 
only  settled  minister  north  of  Cornwall,  Vt.  A  home  mis- . 
sionary  of  the  Connecticut  Missionary  wSociety  many  years. 
He  was  installed  at  Harford,  Susquehanna  County,  Pa.,  in 
August,  1810,  and  labored  there  for  seventeen  years.  He 
traveled  over  a  large  part  of  the  counties  of  Susquehanna, 
Bradford,  and  Wayne  on  horseback,  by  marked  trees  and 
bridle  paths,  preaching  in  log  cabins,  barns,  and  school- 
houses,    and   assisted   in   the    formation    of   nearly   all   the 

churches  in  that  region.*  He  married  (i)  February  w, 
1792,  Mary,  daughter  of  Dr.  M.  D.  Reynolds,  of  Long- 
meadow,  Mass.,  born  January  19,  1765  ;  she  died  the  same 
year,  December,  1792,  in  Jericho  ;  an  infant  son  buried  with 
her.f    He  married  (2),  February  8,  1794,  Hannah,'];  daughter 

•Kulp's  Families  of  the  Wyominjj  Valley,  II,  882. 

t  A  letter  from  Rev.  Ebenezer  Kingsbury,  dated  Dec.  21,  1792,  to  Andrew  Kings- 
bury, Esq.,  Hartford,  communicates  the  news  of  the  death  of  his  wife. 

X  Her  sister  Sarah  was  the  wife  of  the  Rev.  Dr.  Richard  Salter  Storrs,  of  Long- 
meadow,  and  mother  of  the  late  Rev.  Richard  Salter  Storrs,  D.D.,  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 


of  Rev.  Noah  and  Hannah  (Payson)  Williston,  of  West 
Haven,  Conn.,  born  December  i6,  1770.  He  died  March 
22,  1842,  at  Harford,  Pa.  His  widow  died  at  Harford,  Pa., 
March  23,   1859. 


873  Mary  Reynolds,  born  Dec.  29,  1794,  Jericho,  Vt.  s->- 

874  Hannah,  born  Sept.  19,  1796,  Jericho  ;  d.  Aug.  18,  1818,  unm. 

875  Noah  Williston,  born   Oct.   10,   1798,  Jericho  ;   d.  Sept.  8,   1822, 


876  Samuel  Ely,     )  born   March    14,   1801,    Jericho;    he   d.    Feb.    12, 

877  Sarah  Storrs,  )      1832.  :,.:  > 

878  Ebenezer,  born  June  18,  1804,  in  Jericho,  Vt.  =:  > 

879  Payson,  born  Oct.  5,  1806,  Jericho;  d.  Nov.  23,  1807. 

880  Payson,  born  Oct.  7,  1808,  Jericho,  r:  > 

881  John  Denison,  born  Oct.  12,  1813,  Harford  ;  d.  Jan.  4,  1S16. 

745  Freelove'  Kingsbury  {£/eazar\  Joseph^,  Joseph'', 
Henty'),  married  Benjamin  Stanley,  of  Tolland;  she  died 
December  29,  1762,  in  Tolland;  he  died  September  10, 
1793,  aged  60.  Both  buried  in  the  North  burying  ground, 

I     Freelove,  born  Oct.  5,  1761. 

748  Eleazar'  Kingsbury  {Eleazar\  Joseph^,  Joseph'', 
Henry^),  married,  June  17,  1779,  Abigail  Hill,  of  Tolland, 
born  at  Windham,  March  21  (March  2,  letter  T.  B.  Kings- 
bury), 1753.  He  died  at  Winchester,  N.  H.  (perhaps  while 
on  a  visit),  February  6,  1812.  His  widow,  Abigail,  died  at 
Warehouse  Point,  Conn.,  April  22,  1848. 


882  Sanford,  born  Feb.  22,  1780.  s:  > 

883  Eleazar,  born  Feb.  6,  1782;  d.  at  West  Suffield,  Conn.,  Feb.  10, 


884  Horatio  Gates,  born  March  9,  1785.  Ssr-*- 

885  John  Clark,  born  March  28,  1789,  at  Brattleboro,  Vt  s-^ 

886  Russell,  born  Oct.  12,  1792,  at  Warehouse  Point,  Conn.  s3-^ 

750  Ensign  Samuel  Rust'  Kingsbury  {Elcazar\  Joseph  \ 
Joseph'\  Henry'),  of  Tolland,  married,  August  13  (15,  Tolland 
Rec),  1779  (August  13,  1777,  according  to  MS.  letter),  Ruth, 
daughter  of  Captain  Stephen  and  Hannah  (Chapman)  Steele, 
and  granddaughter  of  the  Rev.  Stephen  Steele,  of  Tolland, 


born  April  29  (19,  Steele  Genealogy),  1762.  He  was  appointed 
Ensign,  1788.  She  died  March  16,  1823.  He  died  Decem- 
ber 9,   1839. 


SS7     Perez,  born  Nov.  3,  1779  (according  to  MS.  letter  Perez  was  b.  Oct. 
12,  1778.  r:  ■> 

888  Samuel,  born  Sept.  26,  1781.     T.  R.  1782,  MS.  letter.s-^ 

889  Polly,  born  June  7,  1786.  r::;  ■> 

890  Betsey,  born  Feb.  23,  1788;  d.  April  9,  1816,  unmarried. 
8gi     Ruth,  born  July  7,  1790.  r:  > 

In  memory  of  Samuel  R.  Kingsbury 

MISS  BETSEY,  daugh  died 

ter  of  Mr  Samuel  R.  Dec.  21,  1839, 

&  Mrs  Ruth  Kingsbery  M.  85. 

who  died  April  9 
1816,  in  the  28  year 
of  her  age. 

Youth  and  life  how  soon 

they'r  ended. 
Here  my  friends  have 

plac'd  my  urn. 
You  who  wept  and  me 

Soon  must  take  a  sollemn 


Tolland,  North  Buryhig  Ground. 

752  Captain  DanieP  Kingsbury  {Dauiel\  Joseph  \ 
Joseph"^,  Henry^),  of  the  West  Farms,  married,  December 
10,  1778,  Martha  Adams,  born  in  Canterbury,  June  23,  1760, 
daughter  of  Captain  Thomas  and  Susanna  (Peck)  Adams. 
He  was  appointed  Sergeant  in  Captain  Ebenezer  Lothrop's 
company  of  Col.  John  Ely's  regiment,  December  3,  1776, 
and   served   at    Providence   in    the   winter   and    spring  of 

1777,  and  was  one  of  Deputy  Governor  Matthew  Griswold's 
guard  later  in    the   same   year,   and  a  minute   man  from 

1778,  until  the  close  of  the  war.  He  removed  from  the 
West  Farms  in  1785  to  Brookfield,  Vt.,*  where  he  died 
July  29,   181 7.     His  wife  died  in  Brookfield,  December  26, 

♦  Daniel  Kingsbury,  of  Brookfield,  in  the  State  of  Vermont,  conveys  to  Zebe- 
diah  Hartshorn,  of  Franklin,  land  in  F  ,  lyinir  on  the  westerly  side  of  the  mountain, 
so-called,  lately  belonging  to  Daniel  Kingsbury,  deceased,  Feb.  15,  1790.  Franklin 
Land  Records. 



1846.  She  was  blind  for  seventeen  years  before  her  death. 
He  was  a  member  of  the  convention  held  for  the  purpose 
of  adopting  the  Constitution  of  the  United  States,  in  Ben- 
nington, January  10,  1791. 


892  Thomas,  born  Sept.  14,  1779.  ::::  > 

893  Bela,  born  Dec.  5,  1781.  ;,::  > 

894  Nathaniel,  born  May  8,  1785  ;  lived  in  Brookfield,  Vt.  ;  ni.  Aptha 

Woodbury  ;  had  no  ch. ;  he  d.  in  Brookfield,  Feb.  i,  1864  ;  she 
d.  Oct.  24,  1883,  aged  77. 

895  Daniel,  born  Dec.  3,  1792,  in  Brookfield.  s  > 

756  Colonel  Jacob'  King^sbury  {Nathaniel'^,  Joseph^, 
Joseph'\  Henry^)\  he  entered  the  Continental  army  under  his 
cousin.  Captain  Asa  Kingsbury,  July  11,  1775,  was  Corporal, 
after  September  29,  went  to  Roxbury,  to  the  camp  at  Bos- 
ton.— •  Conti.  Men  in  the  Revolution,  8§.  He  was  Sergeant  in 
Capt.  Huntington's  company,  which  served  at  New  York  in 
August-September,  1776,  and  was  in  the  retreat  after  the 
battle  of  Long  Island.  Ibid.,  404.  Afterwards  he  joined 
the  regiment  of  Col.  Huntington,  as  a  private  soldier  at 
Camp  Connecticut  on  the  Hudson,  having  procured  the 
money  to  buy  an  outfit  by  going  on  a  privateering  expedi- 
tion from  New  London  in  the  schooner  "  Spy,"  from  May  8 
to  September  26,  1777.*  He  carried  a  gun  only  a  few  weeks 
when  Col.  Huntington  appointed  him  an  orderly.  He  was 
a  man  who  apparently  never  thought  much  of  what  he  had 
done,  for  although  he  lived  an  eventful  life,  during  a  long 
and  important  period,  after  it  was  over  very  few  records  of  his 
life  in  detail  had  been  preserved.  He  was  commissioned  En- 
sign April  26,  1780,  and  marched  to  Virginia  with  the  picked 
body  of  men  chosen  by  the  Marquis  de  Lafayette  for  the 
southern  campaign.  At  the  close  of  the  war  he  was  pro- 
moted to  a  Lieutenantcy,  and  assigned  to  the  western 
army,  where  he  continued  uninterruptedly  for  fourteen 
years.  During  the  last  nine  years  of  this  period,  to  use 
his  own  words,  he  was  "  not  absent  from  military  duty 
one  hour."     This  frontier  service  in  those  days  of  ambus- 

*  See  Revolutionary  Rolls,  published  by  the  Connecticut  Historical  Society, 
p.  240. 











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■:>=    FRANKLIN,  CO  f 

OF    THE    nffDUTIOr 


cade  and  massacres,  when  the  posts  were  weak  and  widely 
separated,  but  the  foe  numerous  and  ever  on  the  alert,  was 
one  of  the  greatest  toil  and  danger.  He  here  received  the 
well  earned  promotion  of  Captain  and  Major.  •  He  distin- 
guished himself  by  defending  Fort  Harmar  with  a  small 
number  of  men  against  a  large  body  of  Indians.  An 
account  of  this  exploit  is  to  be  found  in  the  history  of 
Ohio.*  The  following  General  Order  bears  witness  to  the 
soldierly  qualities  of  Lieut.  Kingsbury,  and  well  illustrates 
the  exigencies  of  the  early  border  service  : 

Fort  Washington,  14th  January,  1791. 
Extract  from  General  Orders  : 

The  General  is  highly  pleased  with  the  cool  and  spirited  conduct  dis- 
played by  Lieut.  Kingsbury  in  repulsing  a  body  of  about  300  savages, 
who  surrounded  Dunlap's  station  on  Monday  morning  last  and  besieged 
it,  endeavoring  to  set  it  on  fire  with  their  arrows,  and  keeping  tip  a 
heavy  fire  against  his  small  party  for  the  space  of  twenty-five  hours. 
.  .  .  This  spirited  defence  made  by  Lieut.  Kingsbury,  with  so  small 
a  force  as  35  men  total,  old  and  young,  sick  and  well,  and  in  such  bad 
works,  reflects  the  greatest  credit  upon  him  and  his  party.  The  General 
returns  his  thanks  to  him,  and  directs  that  the  Adjutant  transmit  him  a 
copy  of  these  orders  by  the  first  conveyance. 

Jos.  Harmar,  Brig.-General. 

There  is  a  letter  extant  which  he  wrote  to  his  brother 
from  Cincinnati,  saying  that  he  knew  he  ought  to  go  East 
to  attend  to  some  of  his  business  affairs  connected  with  his 
father's  estate,  but  that  he  could  only  get  six  months  leave 
of  absence,  which  would  only  give  him  time  to  go  and 
return  without  having  any  time  for  business.  His  route 
home  was  via  New  Orleans;  and  this  was  not  far  from  1800. 

In  1799,  he  returned  to  Connecticut  upon  a  furlough, 
where  he  spent  the  two  following  years  in  the  recruiting 
service.  He  married  November  24,  1799,  Sarah  Palmer, 
daughter  of  Dr.  Benjamin  and  Rosanna  (Thayer)  Ellis,  of 
Franklin,  born  June  17,  1774  (1778,  T.  S.).  Miss  Ellis  was  a 
person  of  intelligence,  refinement,  force,  and  dignity,  all  of 
Vv'hich  characteristics  were  called. in  requisition  by  her  sub- 
sequent experience.  In  1802,  he  was  again  ordered  to  the 
frontier,  and  stationed  among  the  Creek  Indians  in  Georgia. 
Towards  the  close  of  the  following  year  he  was  appointed 

*  Howe'.s  Historical  Collections  of  Ohio,  210. 



Lieutenant-Colonel,  and  transferred  to  the  Western  army, 
and  stationed  at  Mackinaw,  whence  he  was  shortly  transferred 
to  the  southwest,  where  he  remained  for  several  years,  living 
at  Bellefontaine  at  the  mouth  of  the  Missouri  river,  and  at 
Fort  Adams  on  the  Mississippi,  and  in  1809  became  Colonel 
of  the  First  Infantry.  His  services  in  the  southwest  cov- 
ered the  years  in  which  Aaron  Burr  figured  largely  in  that 
section.  Burr  called  several  times  at  the  headquarters  of 
Col.  Kingsbury,  and  was  evidently  anxious  to  enlist  his  sym- 
pathies. But  the  two  never  met.  Col.  Kingsbury  regarded 
him  with  suspicion,  and  was  unwilling  to  compromise  his  own 
honor  by  intercourse  with  him.  During  the  time  of  Burr's 
scheme  for  getting  possession  of  Louisiana.  Major  Kings- 
bury was  in  command  at  New  Orleans.  He  had  occasion  to 
visit  some  of  the  posts  on  the  river  above.  He  knew  some- 
thing of  what  was  going  on,  and  he  did  not  know  whom  he 
could  trust.  He  laid  the  whole  scheme  before  his  wife,  and 
virtually  put  her  in  command  of  the  fort.  Of  course  the  next 
officer  must  be  left  in  nominal  command,  but  his  wife  was 
to  watch,  and  at  all  hazards,  in  case  of  an  uprising,  to  pre- 
vent the  conspirators  from  getting  possession  of  the  fort. 
Fortunately  there  was  no  necessity  for  action,  but  she  kept 
his  counsel  and  was  ready  for  any  emergency.  Very  early 
in  the  war  of  181 2,  Col.  Kingsbury  was  stationed  at  Detroit, 
and,  as  he  once  stated  to  the  writer,  was  offered  the  com- 
mand at  that  post  which  subsequently  devolved  upon  Gen. 
Hull,  but  an  attack  of  illness,  and  his  own  distrust  of  the 
plans  of  the  administration,  gave  him  an  excuse  for  declin- 
ing. He  always  said  that  no  man  could  have  avoided  sur- 
render under  the  circumstances,  and  that  Hull  was  made  a 
scapegoat  of  to  shield  a  weak  war  administration.  At  one 
time  he  conducted  an  expedition  or  transfer  of  troops  from 
Detroit  to  the  Mississippi,  going  through  Lakes  Huron  and 
Michigan  to  the  Chicago  river,  up  that  as  far  as  practicable, 
then  making  a  carry  of  a  few  miles  to  the  Desplaines,  one  of 
the  tributaries  of  the  Illinois,  and  so  on  to  the  Mississippi.  In 
a  letter  speaking  of  this  trip  he  says  the  position  of  Chicago 
is  a  commanding  one,  and  time  will  see  here  a  great  cit}'. 
During  the  latter  part  of  the  war  of  18 12  he  had  charge  of 
the  forts  at  New  London  and  Newport,  and  was  appointed 


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Uv^t  max/h^i  atawttU'e^ tit.  6^fun.0AJMl'^acfL  the  Cm/uutt^ ^.Amw^r 

^//i/.>  lyum^, 




Inspector- General  of  the  Eastern  Division  of  the  Army,  in 
which  capacity  he  served  till  the  close  of  the  war,  when 
he  retired,  having  been  forty  years  in  commission  in  the 
military  service  of  his  country. 

At  the  close  of  the  war  he  was  retired  and  spent  the 
remainder  of  his  life  at  his  home  in  Franklin,  where  he  had 
an  estate  of  about  400  acres  that  had  been  in  the  family 
since  1707,  when  Joseph  Kingsbury  went  there  from 

He  was  a  man  of  most  genial,  kindly  nature,  with  a  lib- 
eral heart  and  an  open  hand,  and  was  held  in  high  esteem 
by  all  his  neighbors.  The  writer  remembers  his  visits  as  a 
boy  to  the  old  place,  Kingsbury  Hill.  The  free  hospitality 
of  the  house,  the  retainers  that  seemed  to  be  about  the 
kitchen,  barn,  or  yard,  ready  to  hold  horses,  run  of  errands, 
or  do  nothing  ;  and  apparently  equally  well  pleased  with 
either.     It  was  an  ideal  place  for  a  boy. 

Col.  Kingsbury  was  a  man  of  unswerving  honor  and 
integrity,  and  followed  unflinchingly  the  path  of  duty. 
These  qualities  were  strikingly  exemplified  throughout  the 
nearly  fifty  years  of  his  military  life,  and  won  for  him  uni- 
versal respect  and  esteem.  In  the  Senate  of  the  United 
States,  in  January,  1828,  Gen.  William  H.  Harrison,  subse- 
quently president,  said,  "  The  first  captain  under  whom  I 
served.  Col.  Kingsbury  of  Connecticut,  than  whom  Sparta 
nor  Rome  never  produced  a  better  soldier,  informed  me 
that  he  joined  General  Washington's  arm}^  with  a  portman- 
teau filled  with  clothing,  which  becoming  the  common 
property  of  his  brother  officers,  the  stock  was  soon  so  re- 
duced that  the  portmanteau  was  dispensed  with,  and  the 
remains  of  his  wardrobe  carried  in  the  knapsack  of  a 
soldier."  He  was  a  member  of  the  Order  of  the  Cincinnati. 
He  died  in  Franklin,  July  i,  1837.  His  wife  died  December 
16,  1857.     \_F.  J.  Kingsbury.^ 

Jacob  Kingsbury 

"  To  the  memory  of  Jacob  Kingsbury. 

An  honest  man. 

"After  40  years  faithful  service  in  every  grade  from  a  private  soldier 

'•  to  a  Colonel  of  a  Regiment  and  Inspector  General  —  without  fear  and 

"  without  reproach,  participating  in  the  battles  &  privations  of  the  war 



"that  gave  to  his  country  independence  and  the  Indian  wars  whose 
"  result  gave  civilization  to  the  West."  Died  July  ist  1837.  Aged  81 
"  years " 

Sally  Palmer  Ellis  Kzngsbitry 
"In  memory  of  Sally  Palmer  relict   of   Col.   Jacob  Kingsbury.     Born 
"  June  17th  1778     Died  Dec.  i6th  1857." 

Sarah  Hill  Kingsbury 
"  In  memory  of  Sarah  Hill  daughter  of  Gen.  J.  &  S.  P.  Kingsbury  who 
"  died  Feb.  loth  1840    Aged  24  years." 


896  Eliz.4  Rosanna  \^Franklin  Ch.  Pec]  Thayer,  born  Sejot.  28,  1800; 

died  Nov.  3,  1800. 

897  James  Wilkinson,  born  Sept.  28,  1801,  in  New  Orleans.  s>-^ 

898  Julia  Anne  Ellis,  born  Nov.  2,  1804,  at  Mackinaw.  :z:  > 

899  Thomas  Humphrey  Gushing,  born  at  New  Orleans,  Dec.  23,  1806. 
goo    William  Eustis,  born  at  Detroit,  Nov.  i,  1809.  r:  > 

901  Benjamin  Ellis,  born  Sept.  25,  1812  ;  died  March  29,  1813. 

902  Sarah  Hill,  born  July  20,  1815  ;  died  Feb.  10,  1840. 

903  Charles   Ellis,  born  July  12,  1818  ;  had  a  citizen's  appointment 

(that  is,  an  appointment  without  previous  military  education) 
in  the  Second  Regiment,  United  States  Dragoons,  at  the  time 
that  regiment  was  authorized  by  Congress  during  General 
Jackson's  administration,  in  1836.  He  was  but  18  years  old 
and  had  never  been  twenty  miles  away  from  home.  He  soon, 
however,  developed  into  a  soldier,  and  was  a  favorite  with 
the  officers  and  men.  After  a  short  term  of  recruiting  service 
at  Warrenton,  Va.,  he  joined  his  regiment  in  Florida  during 
the  Seminole  war,  and  after  seeing  some  service  in  the  Ever- 
glades, he  died  the  following  ^^ear,  June  g,  1837,  of  fever,  at 
Fort  Mellen,  Florida.  A  camp  in  Florida  was  named  in  his 
honor,  and  for  some  years  the  locality  retained  the  name. 
News  of  his  death  reached  home  in  Franklin  some  days 
before  the  death  of  his  father,  which  took  place  July  i,  1837; 
but  his  father  was  then  quite  feeble  and  he  was  not  told  of 
the  event  and  died  without  the  knowledge  that  his  son  had 
preceded  him.     [K  J.  A'.] 

757  Sarah'  Kingsbury  {Nathamel\  Joseph^,  Joseph'', 
Hetiry^),  married  Dr.  Benjamin  Ellis,  of  Franklin,  October  4, 
1788,  as  his  second  wife.  Her  brother,  Jacob,  afterwards 
married  a  daughter  of  Dr.  Ellis  by  a  former  marriage.  He 
was  a  son  of  Rev.  John  and  Bethiah  Ellis,  born  at  West 
Farms,  in  1752.  He  died  October  29,  1825.  She  died  De- 
cember 10,  1831.     Both  buried  in  Franklin. 



David  Hawley,  Architect  and  Builder. 



1  Charles  Kingskury,  born  in  Franklin,  June  {T.  R.)  5,  1789  ;  settled 

in  Warren,  near  Paines  Hollow,  O.  ;  died  there  about  1815. 

2  Joseph  Cheney,  born  in  Franklin,  Dec.   11,  1790;  died  July  13,  1795. 

3  Benjamin  Grant,  born  in   Franklin,    Dec.  9,    1792;  a  physician,  in 

Clinton,  Lenawa  Co.,  Mich. ;  m.  May  29,  1817,  Abigail  Loomis. 
She  died  Nov.  29,  i860;  he  died  Jan.  25,  1869. 

4  Bethia  Hill,  born  in  Franklin,  Dec.  29,  1794  ;  m.  Oct.,  1832,  Simon 

Loomis,  of  German  Flats,  now  Ilion,  N.  Y.     He  died  Aug.  20, 
iS6g  ;  they  had  3  ch. 

5  Taf.itha  How,  born  in    Franklin,   May  3,  1797  ;  m.  Sept.   30,    1822, 

Chester  Loomis,  of  German   Flats,  N.  Y.     He  died   Oct.   11, 
1870  ;  they  had  3  ch 

6  Daniel  Denison,  born  in  Franklin,  Nov.  5,  1799  ;  m.  (i) Swift ; 

(2) Locke. 

759  Judge  John'  Kingsbury  {Nathaniel\  Joseph\  Joseph^, 
Henry  ',)  of  Waterbury,  Conn.,  was  graduated  from  Yale  Col- 
lege, 17S6  ;  diiring  his  college  course,  while  the  institution 
was  temporarily  broken  up  and  the  course  of  instruction 
interfered  with  by  the  war,  he  went  on  two  privateering 
voyages  from  New  London  with  his  brother  Jacob.  After 
graduation  he  went  to  Waterbury  to  teach.  Then  studied 
at  the  Litchfield  Law  School;  graduated  1790;  and  com- 
menced practice  in  Waterbur3^  He  married  November  6, 
1794,  Marcia,  daughter  of  Deacon  Stephen  and  Sarah 
(Humaston)  Bronson,  born  in  Waterbury  December  17, 
1764  ;  a  descendant  of  John  Bronson,  one  of  the  first  settlers 
of  Hartford  and  Farmington,  and  a  soldier  in  the  Pequot 
War.  He  was  appointed  Judge  of  the  County  Court, 
1 801,  and  held  the  office  for  many  years  ;  presiding  Judge 
until  1820;  Judge  of  Probate  until  1834;  and  represented 
the  town  many  times  in  the  Legislature,  being  elected  sev- 
enteen times  between  1796  and  1813.  His  wife  died  March 
21,  1813.     He  died  August  26,  1844. 


904  Charles  Denison,  born  Nov.  7,  1795,  in  Waterbury.  -:s-^- 

905  Julius  Jesse  Bronson,  born  Oct.  18,  1797,  in  Waterbury.  ~->- 

906  John  Southmayd,  born  Nov.  18,  1801,  in  Waterbury.  s:r-»- 

907  Sarah  Susannah,  born  Nov.  6,  1807,  in  Waterbury. -.3-^ 

765  Irena'  Kingsbury  {/o/in\  NathanieP,  Joseph'', 
Hetuy^),  married,   November   6,    1771,  Jonathan    Drake,  of 



East  Windsor,*  born  vSeptember  28,  17 19,  son  of  Jere- 
miah and  Hannah  (Burnham)  Drake.  She  was  a  second 
wife.  Mrs.  Irene  Drake  (formerly  Kingsbury)  brought  a 
letter  of  recommendation  from  the  Church  in  Enfield, 
February  28,  1772,  to  the  Church  in  East  Windsor,  signed 
by  the  Rev.  Elam  Potter,  stating  that  she  was  admitted 
into  full  communion  in  the  former  church.  Mr.  Drake  died 
October  21,  1776,  and  she  was  appointed  administratrix  on 
his  estate,  February  14,  1777.  September  13,  1782,  the  es- 
tate of  Jonathan  Drake,  of  East  Windsor,  Dec'',  was  distrib- 
uted to  Irena,  the  Widow,  "  who  hath  for  a  valuable  consid- 
eration relinquished  to  the  Heirs  her  Right  of  Dower,"  —  to 
Nathan  Drake,  Eldest  Son,  to  Abel,  Odiah,  Eli  (born  1770), 
Jerusha,  and  Anna,  the  other  children.  Hartford  Probate 
Records,  XXIII,  Sy.  Daniel  Kingsbur}^,  of  Sandisfield,  in 
the  county  of  Berkshire,  and  Abigail  Kingsbury,  and  Irene 
Drake,  and  Asahel  Parsons,  and  Abigail  his  wife,  of  Windsor, 
and  Abial  Holt  and  Eunice  his  wife,  and  Nathan  Holt,  of 
Willington,  all  in  the  State  of  Connecticut,  convey  to  John 
Kingsbury,  of  Enfield,  land  in  E.,  70  acres,  October  24,  1780. 
— Enfield  land  Records.  She  died  in  North  Bolton  (Vernon), 
February  13,  1803,  in  her  71st  year  \^T.  S.  72,  ace.  to  Ch.  Rec\ 

766  Eunice'  Kingsbury  {John\  NathanieP,  JosepJi" , 
Henry^),  married,  March  21,  1754,  John  Marshall,  of  Bolton  ; 
he  died  May  21,  1759,  aged  31,  and  lies  buried  in  the  Quarry- 
ville  (Bolton)  yard.  He  was  born  August  13, 1728,  in  Bolton, 
son  of  John  and  Damaris  (Eglestone)  Marshall.  She  mar- 
ried (2)  April  8,  1767,  as  his  second  wife,  Abiel  Holt,  of  Will- 
ington. {Willington  Town  Records.)  He  was  born  in  Wind- 
ham, February  i,  1727,  son  of  Abiel  and  Hannah  (Abbot) 
Holt,  of  Andover,  Mass.,  and  Windham.  She  died  in  Bolton, 
now  Vernon,  June  2,  1784.  Deacon  Abiel  Holt  died  in  Wil- 
lington, where  he  lived,  October  2,  1785.     She  is  buried  in 


In  Memory  of 

M"  Eunice  Holt, 

wife  of  Deac° 

Abiel  Holt  she 

died  June  2,  1784 

in  y"  51"  year 

of  her  age. 

—  Willington  Burying  Ground. 

*  "Nov  e'h  A.D.  1771,  then  Jonathan  Drake  of  East  Windsor  and  Irena  Kings- 
bury of  said  Enfield  were  joyned  togather  in  marriage  by  me  Ephr"  Terry,  Justice 
of  the  Ve&Q^."— History  of  Enfield,  II,  lygi. 



1  Deborah,  born  in  Bolton,  June  26,  1755  ;  bapt.  Aug.  10,  1755. 

2  John,  born  in  Bolton,  June  12,  1757  ;  bapt.  July  17,  1757. 


3  Andrew,  born  in  Willington,  May  3,  176S  ;  married  Hannah,  dau.  of 

Joseph  and  Nancy  Smith,  who  died  at  Hadley,  Mass.,  July 
28,  1855  ;  he  died  at  Hadley,  Sept.  21,  1853,  aged  84.  He  was 
a  peddler. 

4  Abel,  born  in  Willington,  Dec.  29,  1779  ;  m.  (i) Kerchevel  ;  (2) 

Ruth  King,  of  Wilbraham,  Mass. 

5  Eunice,  born  in  Willington,  May  13,  1773. 

767  Lydia^  Kingsbury  {/o/in\  Nat/ia?iieP,  Josep/r,  He?iry'), 
married,  June  6,  1770,  Nathan  Holt,  of  Willington,  son  of 
Abiel  and  Hannah  (Abbot)  Holt,  of  Andover,  Mass.,  and 
Windham,  Conn.,  born  in  Windham,  April  18,  1733.  She 
was  his  third  wife,  as  he  married  (i)  January  19,  1758,  Abigail 
Merrick  ;  (2)  November  26,  1766,  Bathsheba  Williams.  Mrs. 
Lydia  Holt  died  in  Willington,  March  22,  1776.  Nathan 
Holt  died  in  Willington,  May  31,  1800. 

In  Memory  of  M"^^ 

Lydia  Holt,  wife 

to  M'-  Nathan  Holt 

&  Daughter  to  M'' 

John  Kingsbury 

of  Infield,  she 

died  March  22'^ 

1776,  in  y«  39"" 

3^ear  of  her  age. 

^  Willington  Burying  Ground. 


1  Bathsheba,  born  in  WiUington,  Jan.  11,  1772;  d.  in  W.,  Jan.  20,  1790. 

2  John,  born  in  Willington,  April  11,  1774  ;  died  March  11,  1776. 

768  John'  Kingsbury  {John\  Nathaniel ,  Joseph^,  Nenry^)^ 
of  Enfield  and  Hartland,  married  in  Enfield,  December 
^5)  1763,  Desire,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Elizabeth  Meach- 
am,  born  in  Enfield,  September  15,  1743.  He  removed  to 
Hartland  about  1773.  He  was  admitted  to  theChurchin  Hart- 
land,  February  4,  1776.  John  Kingsbury,  jun^,  of  Hartland, 
"in  consideration  of  a  piece  of  land  that  I  have  of  my  Hon** 



Father,  lying  in  Enfield,  by  a  Deed  of  Equal  Date,  and  Re- 
ceived to  my  Full  Satisfaction  as  by  way  of  Swap  of  Daniel 
Kingsbury,  of  Enfield,  &c.";  he  mentions  land  that  "  I  bought 
of  my  uncle,  Phinehas  Kingsbury."  January  8,  1776. —  Hart- 
land  Land  Records,  /,  4(p8. 

Benjamin  Graves,  of  East  Haddam,  conveys  to  John 
Kingsbury  and  Aaron  Buck,  of  Hartland,  land  in  Hartland, 
April  I,  1773.—  /^/^.,  /,  372. 

He  returned  to  Enfield,  as  he  had  a  son  born  there  in 
1785,  and  a  daughter  in  1788.  Removed  from  Enfield  to 
Halifax,  Vermont,  where  he  died. 

Daniel  Kingsbury,  of  vSandisfield,  conveys  land  in  S.  to 
John  Kingsbury,  of  Enfield,  March  7,  1787. —  Berkshire  Co. 
Registry  of  Deeds. 

John  Kingsbury,  of  Enfield,  conveys  to  Nathaniel  Terry, 
"  the  lot  of  land  on  which  I  now  dwell,"  January  2,  1790. 
—  Enfield  Latid  Records. 


908  Uriah,  born  in  Enfield,  Oct.  6,  1764.  s:  >  . 

909  Mary,  born  in  Enfield,  June  30,  1766. 

910  Desire,  born  in   Enfield,  Nov.   19,  1768  ;    m.  in  Enfield,  June  18 

(17,  Ch.  Rec),  1788,  Caleb  Wright;  one  ch.  Eunice,  b.  July  9, 

911  Joseph,  born  in  Enfield,  May  20,  1771.  :s:,  > 

912  John,  born  in  Hartland,  bapt.  in  Hartland,  Sept.  24,  1775. 

913  Jeremiah,  born  in  Enfield,  July  25,  1778. 

914  Abner,  born  Aug.  28,  1781. 

915  RosEL,  born  in  Enfield,  Oct.  6,  1785. 

916  Lydia,  born  in  Enfield,  March  12,  1788. 

771  Ensign  Daniel'  Kingsbury  {/o/in\  JVat/iam'eP,  /o- 
seph^,  Henry^),  of  Enfield,  Hartland,  and  Sandisfield,  married, 
February  7,  1771,  Rose  Pease,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and 
Abigail  (Rose)  Pease,  of  Enfield.  He  lived  in  Enfield,  on 
land  given  him  by  his  father;  he  was  Sergeant  of  the  com- 
pany raised  in  Enfield  for  the  Lexington  Alarm,  under  Ma- 
jor Nathaniel  Terry. —  Connecticut  Men  in  the  Revolution,  10. 
He  was  appointed  Ensign  in  the  vSecond  Battalion  of  State 
troops,  November,  1776,  and  served  in  Rhode  Island  under 
General  Wooster,  the  following  year. —  /h'd.,  424.  He  lived 
in  Hartland  for  a  time,*  and  was  appointed  Collector  of  State 

•  Daniel  Kingsbury,  of  Hartland,  conveys  to  Uriel  Holmes,  of   H.,  land  in  H., 
lying  on  the  East  Mountain,  May  lo,  1776.     Hartland  Land  Records, I, ^21- 


taxes  for  that  town  in  December,  1778;  Daniel  Kingsbury 
and  wife  admitted  to  the  Church  in  Hartland,  June  30,  1776; 
removed  to  Sandisfield  in  1779.  Mrs.  Rose  King-sbury  died 
in  Sandisfield,  April  i,  1789,  in  the  38th  year  of  her  age.  He 
settled  later  in  Cherry  Valley,  N.  Y. 


9^7  Lucy,  born  in  Enfield,  July  14,  1772. 

918  George,  born  iu  Enfield,  June  28,  1775. 

919  Is.'VAc,  son  of  Daniel  Kingsbury,  bapt.  in  Hartland,  July  6,  1777. 

920  Benjamin,  born  in  Sandisfield,  July  i,  1779. 

921  John,  born  in  Sandisfield,  Dec.  17,  1782. 

922  Abigail,  born  in  Sandisfield,  March  13,  1785. 

923  Eunice,  born  in  Sandisfield,  Sept.  i,  1786. 

924  William,  born  in  Sandisfield,  July  2,  1788;  died  in  Sandisfield,  June 

8,  1789. 

772  Abigail'  Kingsbury  {/o/in\  NathauieP,  Joseph'', 
Henry^),  married,  in  Enfield,  November  11,  1773,  Asahel 
Parsons,  of  Enfield,  born  December  11,  1747,  son  of 
Christopher,  Junr,  and  Mary  Parsons,  of  Enfield.  She  died 
in  Enfield,  May  3,  1802,  aged  50*  [7!  S.I  He  married  (2) 
January  26,  1803,  Hannah  Sexton.  He  died  in  Enfield,  May 
31,  1816.     His  widow,  Hannah,  died  March  25,  1837,  aged  89. 


1  Abigail,  born  Nov.  27,  1775;  d.  Nov.  28,  1775. 

2  Asahel,  born  June  29,  1778  ;  d.  June  11,  1857;  m.  May  16,  iSii,  Christ- 

ian, dau.  of  Ebenezer  and  Sarah  (Hurlburt)  Terry,  b.  in  Enfield, 
January  4, 1782.  Ch.  i,Jabez,b  March  10,  1S12;  m.  in  Elling- 
ton, October  17,  1833,  Mary  Harriet,  dau.  of  Chester  and  Polly 
(Buckland)  Allen,  born  in  Ellington,  May  17,  1811;  he  was  a 
farmer,  and  is  still  living  in  Enfield:  3  ch.  2,  Amelia  Terry, 
b.  February  7,  1816;  m.  May  17,  1832,  Loren  Buckland  of 
Ellington;  res.  South  Hadley;  d.  December  8,  1874.  3.  Christ- 
ian Lucinda,  b.  February  i,  1819;  m.  September  15,  1841, 
Sylvester  Viets,  of  Russell,  Mass.;  d.  September  20,  1890.  4, 
John  Winthrop,  b.  March  16,  1822;  m.  and  had  ch. ;  d.  January 
13,  1893. 

*  A  Record  of  Deaths  in  Enfield  from  1785  to  1849,  selected  from  a  Record  Book  in 
possession  of  Mr.  Jabez  Parsons,  b.  1812,  who  kindly  lent  the  book  for  this  purpose, 
is  given  in  the  History  of  Enjield,  Vol.  Ill,  p.  2615.  "  The  first  eighteen  years  of  this 
record  were  written  up  by  his  grandmother  Abigail  (Kingsbury)  Parsons,  who  died 
in  1802.  After  her  death  it  was  continued  by  her  son,  Asahel  Parsons,  and  when  his 
hand  failed  his  son,  Jabez  Parsons,  kept  up  the  record  until  1883.  This  record  is 
quite  full  and  valuable."    History  of  Enjield,  III,  2516. 


3  Jabez,  b.  October  8,  1782;  m  January  29,  1801,  Mabel  Parsons;  he  d. 
March  25,  1807.  Ch.  i  Abigail,  b.  October  8,  1801:  d.  Decem- 
ber 31,  1815.  2  Anson  Kingsbury,  b.  April  14,  1805;  m.  Sept. 
27,  1827,  Caroline  Reynolds;  he  d.  March  25,  1891. 

773  Hannah"  Kingsbury  {Nathaniel*,  Nathaniel  ^,  Joseph'', 
Hen>y),  married,  as  his  second  wife,  December  12,  1769, 
Captain  Ichabod  Hinkley,  of  Tolland,  born  in  Willington, 
October  13,  1735.  He  was  son  of  Benjamin  Hinkley,  and 
grandson  of  Ichabod  Hinkley,  who  removed  from  Barn- 
stable, Mass.,  to  Tolland.  Ichabod  was  Adjutant  of  the 
company  which  marched  from  Tolland  in  the  Lexington 
Alarm  ;  Lieutenant  of  the  Sixth  Company,  Third  Battalion, 
Wadsworth's  Brigade,  June-December,  1776  ;  Captain  in  the 
Second  Connecticut  Line  from  January  i,  1777,  to  January 
I,  1 781  ;  twice  a  member  of  the  General  Assembly,  and 
fourteen  years  Selectman  of  Tolland.  He  died  February 
23,  1807,  aged  72.*  She  died  March  8,  1823,  aged  85. 
Distribution  of  her  estate,  September  13,  1824:  to  Polly 
Griggs,  wife  of  Samuel  Griggs  ;  Hannah  Farley,  wife  of 
Benjamin  Farley;  Sarah  Hinkley;  all  daughters  of  the 
deceased. — Stafford  Probate  Records. 


1  Mary,  ;  married,  Feb.  16,    1792,  Samuel  Griggs,  of  Tol- 

land ;  he  died  Oct.  20,  1833,  aged  65. 

2  Hannah,  ;   married   Benjamin   Farley,    son   of   Benjamin 

and  Jean  Farley,  bapt.  in  Willington,  June,  1773. 

3  Sarah,  ;  unmarried  in  1824. 

4  Deborah,  ;  married  Lamart?  Harvey. 

778  Ruth'  Kingsbury  {Nathaniel',  Nathaniel,  Joseph^, 
ZTffwrj''),  married,  February  8,  1776,  Reuben  Porter  of  Elling- 
ton.    She  died  in  Ellington,  March  26,  1783. 


1  Ruth,  born  Dec.  14,  1776,  in  Ellington. 

2  Eunice,  born  Nov.  26,  1778,  in  Ellington. 

3  David,  born  Sept.  6,  1780,  in  Ellington. 

776  Nathanier  Kingsbury  {Nathaniel\  Nathanier,  Jo- 
seph'^,   Henry'),  of   Tolland,    married,  June    6,    1782,    Sarah, 

•  Ichabod  Hinkley  mentions  in  his  will :  wife  Hannah,  dau"  Sarah,  Anna,  wife 
of  George  Hubbard  ;  Bethiah,  wife  of  Zoeth  Eldridge  ;  Mary,  wife  of  Samuel 
Griggs  ;  Hannah,  wife  of  Benjamin  Farley  ;  Deborah,  wife  of  Lamart  (?)  Harvey  ; 
only  son,  Ichabod  Hinkley,  Jr.;  March  29,  \io6.— Stafford  Probate  Records. 


daughter  of  David  and  Eunice  Dorchester,  of  Bolton,  born 
in  Somers,  November  7,  1759.  He  resisted  payment  of  tax 
for  steeple.  Nathaniel  Kingsbury,  Sen'',  of  Tolland,  con- 
veyed land  in  the  Northeasterly  part  of  s^  town,  on  the 
west  side  of  the  Willimantic  river,  to  his  son  Nathaniel, 
February  8,  1796. —  Tolland  La7id  Records,  IX,  ijj.  His  wife 
died  May  5,  1819,  aged  60.     He  died  September  23,  1834. 


925  Clarissa,  born  in  Tolland,  June  4,  1783.  s->- 

926  Sarah,  born  in  Tolland,  Nov.  27  (21  T.  R.),  1787.  :s  ■> 

780  Deacon  Jabez^  Kingsbury  {Nathaniel\  NathanieP, 
Joseph'^,  Henry^),  of  Tolland,  married,  March  15,  1776, 
Anna  Hatch,  of  Tolland,  born  September  18,  1759,  daugh- 
ter of  Joseph  and  Mary  (Clark)  Hatch.  He  served  in 
the  Revolution.  About  August,  1778,  he  was  enrolled 
in  the  cavalry,  and  was  drafted  as  a  musician  under 
Captain  James  Chamberlain,  marched  to  Rhode  Island, 
and  joined  General  Sullivan,  on  the  Island  of  Rhode 
Island,  and  was  in  the  battle  at  Quaker's  and  Butts  Hills, 
August  29,  1778.  The  next  day  the  Americans  retreated  to 
the  mainland,  and  he  with  his  company  escorted  General 
Sullivan  to  Providence,  and  was  discharged.*  He  was 
Deacon  of  the  Congregational  church  many  years  ;  Justice 
of  the  Peace  twelve  years,  1806-17,  Selectman  six  years  ; 
member  of  the  General  Assembly  three  sessions,  October 
1807-09;  discharging  his  various  public  and  private  duties 
with  unusual  ability.  His  wife  died  June  12,  1842,  aged 
83.  He  died  December  25,  1844.  He  carried  on  an  exten- 
sive farming  business  with  great  success,  and  without  noise, 
hurry,  or  confusion. — History  of  Tolland,  p.  66. 


927  Sarah,  bom  in  Tolland,  Dec.  18,  1776.  s:  > 

928  Mary,  born  in  Tolland,  Jan.  i,  1778  ;  died  Feb.  7.  1778. 

929  Sabrina,  born  in  Tolland,  1779;  m.  Nov    10,  1803,  Moseley  Talcolt, 

of  Marlborough,  Conn.,  born  in  Hebron,  July  31,  1779.  son  of 
Gad  and  Abigail  (Root)  Talcott ;  she  died  childless,  Sept.  8, 
1822,  in  Marlborough;  buried  in  the  Talcott  vault.  He  m  (2) 
April  6,  1825,  Harriet  (Sweetland),  widow  of  Elisha  Cook,  of 
Manchester,  and  had  4  ch.  He  d.  in  Glastonbury,  April  22, 

•  U.  S.  Pension  Office  Rolls  ;  Connecticut  Men  in  the  Revolution,  656,  665. 


930  John,  born  in  Tolland,  Oct.  28,  1782.  =  > 

931  Hannah,  x  > 

781  Samuer  Kingsbury  (JVaf/iame/*,  NathanieV^  Joseph^, 
Henry^),  of  Tolland,  married,  June  3,  1789,  Mary  Benton,  who 
was  born  Sept.  18,  1772  ;  she  died  June  19,  1841.  He  re- 
moved to  Langdon,  N.  H.,  and  later  to  Amherst,  Mass.,  where 
he  died  September  27,  185 1;  he  mentions  in  his  will,  dated 
April  12,  1845,  daughters  Hannah  and  Mary,  "who  have 
taken  kind  care  of  me,"  "to  have  the  house  and  land  where 
I  live,"  remainder  of  property  to  be  divided  among  other 
children  ;  admitted  to  probate  February  3,  1852,  Hannah 
Kingsbury,  Executrix. —  Hampshire  County  Registry  of  Wills, 
XLIX,  42. 


932  Hannah,  born  March  17,  1790  ;  died  unmarried  Sept.  5,  1871. 

933  Betsey,  born  Aug.  14,  1791  ;  married  Solomon  Gilbert  ;  died  July 

31,  1841  ;  no  ch. 

934  Candace,  born  Jan.  31,  1794;  m. Mellen  ;  died  July  4,  1840; 

descendants  live  in  Maine. 

935  Nathaniel,  born  April  9,  1796.  a:-> 

936  Samuel,  born  May  24,  1798.  ^-*- 

937  Enoch,  born  April  21,  1800,  in  Langdon,  N.  H.  s-^- 

938  Ira,  born  Sept.  20,  1802  ;  died  May  17,  1803. 

939  Mary,  born  April  3,  1804  ;  died  unmarried,  Nov.  7,  1856. 

940  Benjamin,  Nov.  28,  1806  ;  died  June  2,  1806. 

941  Caroline,  born  Feb.  11,  1808  ;  died  April  12,  1810. 

942  Lyman,  born  Nov.  25,  1810,  in  Langdon,  N.  H.  ss-^ 

943  Anna  Maria,  born  May  14,  1813,  in  Amherst,  Mass.  s->- 

782  Elizabeth'  KingshurY  {Simott\  Nathaniel \  /oseph\ 
Henry'),  married,  in  1774,  as  his  fourth  wife,  Abraham 
Dewey,  of  Lebanon,  Conn.  .  She  died  April  4,  1798. 

I     Lavinia,  born  July  25,  1776. 

785  Hannah*  Kingsbury  {Simon*,  NathanieP,  Joseph'', 
Henry'),  married,  July  16,  1771,  Amos  Cady,  of  Tolland,  after- 
wards of  Vernon,  Conn.,  son  of  John  Cady,  of  Tolland.  She 
died  November  7,  1786.  Her  husband  married  secondly, 
October,  1790,  Esther,  daughter  of  Rev.  Moses  and  Martha 
(Edwards)  Tuthill,  of  Granville,  Mass.,  and  Southold,  L.  I. 
He  died  in  Vernon,  August  3,  1843,  aged  96  years  and  11 

•      JOSEPH    KINGSBURY   OF   NORWICH.  263 


1  Sarah,  born  in  Tolland,  Jan.  16,  1772;  m.  in  North  Bolton,  June  16, 

1796,  Samuel  Lyman,  b.  Feb.   1772,  son  of  James  Lyman,  of 
Bolton;  she  died  June  4,  1797,  s.  p. 

2  John,  born  in  Tolland,  Oct.  12,  1773. 

3  Simon,  born  in  Tolland,  March  21,  1776  ;  died  May  24,  1776. 

4  Russell,  born  in  Tolland,  June  12,  1777;  living  in  Vernon,  in  1S50,  on 

the  old  family  farm  ;  he  m.  Nov.  26,  1810,  Betsey  Chapman, 
of  Vernon.  [Betsey,  wife  of  Russell  Cady,  died  Sept.  23,  1S30, 
aged  48.  Gravestone  in  old  Andover  Burying  Ground.]  He  d. 
in  Vernon,  Dec.  20,  1861,  aged  84.  [Sophia  H.,wife  of  Russel 
Cady,  d.  June  16,  1883,  aged  92.  Vernon  Burying  Ground.] 
Amos,  born  in  Tolland,  May  11,  1779;  m.  in  Amherst,  Mass.,  Aug.  6, 
1807,  Hannah  Kellogg,  of  Amherst ;  he  died  in  Guilford,  Sept. 
3,  1826.  His  wife  died  in  New  London,  Feb.  14,  1839  ;  5  ch. 
Amos  Cady  lived  in  Bolton,  East  Windsor,  and  Andover,  Mass. 

6  DELE,*born  in  Tolland,  June  5,  1781;  died  ^Nlarch  27,  1801,  in  Vernon. 

7  Simon,  born  in  Tolland,  June  27,  1783. 

788  Doctor  Joseph^  Kingsbury  (S/^f/on\  JVaf/iam'eP,  /o- 
sej)/i^,  Hen/y'),  of  Ellington.  "  He  was  the  son  of  a  farmer, 
and  in  his  latter  years  often  described  the  habits  of  society 
in  the  days  of  his  youth.  Though  residing  more  than  a 
mile  from  the  meeting-house,  he  used  in  summer,  until 
more  than  a  dozen  years  old,  to  attend  service  without  hat 
or  coat,  and  with  breeches  that  left  the  legs  bare  below  the 
knees — a  simplicity  of  dress  that  was  common  to  boys  of  his 
age  in  Ellington  at  that  day.  He  wrote  an  elegant  hand 
which  he  had  acquired  mostly  by  writing  on  birch  bark, 
then  in  general  use  among  school  boys  as  a  substitute  for 
paper." — Stiles'  History  of  Ancient  Wi?idsor,  I,  8jj.  At  the 
age  of  twenty-one  he  enlisted  in  Washington's  army  for  three 
years  as  a  fifer,  in  which  capacity  he  participated  in  the 
battles  of  Monmouth  and  Germantown,  and  various  other 
minor  engagements.  His  service  in  the  Revolution  is  de- 
scribed as  follows  in  the  U.  S.  Pension  Office  Rolls :  "  He 
enlisted,  March,  1777,  for  three  years  under  Capt.  Paul  Brig- 
ham,  in  the  regiment  commanded  by  Col"''  John  Chandler, 
Giles  Russell,  and  Isaac  Sherman,  as  a  Fifer,  and  was  in  the 
battles  of  Germantown,  October  4,  1777,  and  Monmouth, 
June  28,  1778.  The  regiment  was  at  the  historic  camp  of 
Valley  Forge  in  the  winter  of  1777-8."  He  was  also  in  the 
company  raised  for  the  Lexington  Alarm  in  East  Windsor 
and  in  the  State  troops  as  a  Sergeant.  In  early  life  he  had 
intended  to  be  a  physician,  and  while  in  the  service  as  a 

*  or  Dilla. 


musician  he  enjoyed  some  leisure  during  which  he  sought 
improvement  by  observation  and  otherwise  in  the  hospitals, 
and  some  of  the  surgeons  readily  gave  him  such  instruction 
as  might  at  the  moment  be  practicable.  Possessing  a  re- 
markable aptitude  for  gathering  medical  information,  and 
for  arranging  it  into  some  system  of  ideas  peculiar  to  him- 
self, he  quitted  the  army  with  a  good  stock  of  professional 
knowledge,  and  after  studying  awhile  with  Dr.  Joseph  B. 
Wadsworth,  he  commenced  practice  in  Ellington.  He  mar- 
ried, February  26,  1788,  Roxana  Allyn,  widow  of  Dr.  Wads- 
worth,  and  daughter  of  Lieut.  Josiah  and  Ann  (Allyn)  Allyn. 
She  inherited  a  large  fortune,  and  his  health  failing,  the 
result  of  the  hardships  endured  in  his  campaigns,  he  gradu- 
ally relinquished  practice.  He  was  in  most  cases  partial  to 
botanic  and  simple  remedies  ;  his  ideas  on  medical  science 
were  original ;  his  success  often  indicated  a  peculiar  skill  ; 
he  enjoyed  a  high  rank  in  his  profession  ;  health  and  pov- 
erty only  were  needed  to  urge  him  to  exertions  that  must 
greatly  have  extended  his  reputation.  He  was  a  gentleman 
of  the  old  school  and  adhered  to  the  costume  of  the  Revolu- 
tionary age.  He  was  Deacon  in  the  church  twenty-five 
years.*  His  wife,  who  was  born  April  20,  1753,  died  March 
5,  1820.     He  died  in  Ellington,  August  29,  1822,  aged  66. 

Dr.  Wadsworth,  in  his  will,  gives  to  Doctor  Joseph  Kings- 
bury "one-third  part  of  what  he  oweth  me  for  his  Instruc- 
tion in  Physick,  and  a  book  called  Quinzy  Dispensatory," 
February  21,  1784.  An  "old  Herbelist "  mentioned  in  Dr. 
Wadsworth's  inventory. 


944  Sophia,  born  in  Ellington,  Feb.  13,  1789.     s  > 

945  Josiah  Allyn,  born  in  Ellington,  Jan.  9,  1791.     3  > 

791     Esther'    Kingsbury    {Stmon\   Nathaniel^,   Joseph"", 

Henry''),  married  (i) Loomis,  (2)  Deacon  Rufus  Collins, 

of  Ellington  ;  after  his  death  he  married  Submit ;  he 

died  before  Feb.  26,  18 10,  when  his  estate  was  distributed  to 
the  following  children  :  Thomas  Collins,  Jemima  Potwine, 
George  P.  Collins,  Clarissa  Collins,  Jabez  Collins,  Chester 

•Dr.  Kingsbury's  granddaughter,  Mrs.  Baird,  wrote,  March  27,  1883,  "I  have 
heard  Rev.  Dr.  Brockway  say  (he  was  pastor  of  the  church  while  Dr.  K.  was  dea- 
con), that  no  minister  could  have  a  more  valuable  adviser  than  Dr.  K.  was  to  him. 
He  was  literally  his  '  right  hand  man,'  and  was  ready  at  all  times  with  sympathy, 
counsel  and  aid." 


Collins,  Anson  Collins,  Esther  Collins,  Philura  Collins,  Nancy- 
Collins,  Joseph  Collins,  and  Charlotte  Collins;  East  Windsor 
Probate  Records,  III,  116. 


1  Anson,  born  Jan.  15,  1789,  in  Ellington  ;  living  in  Ellington  in  1812, 

when  he  sold  to  David  D.  Wadsworth  a  house  and  land  in 
Ellington,  set  out  to  him  from  the  estate  of  Mrs.  Esther  Col- 
lins, dec^  ;  removed  to  Ohio,  and  died  early ;  unmarried. 

2  Esther,  born  Oct.   3,   1792  ;  died  in  Ellington,  unmarried  ;  she  also 

sold  to  David  D.  Wadsworth  land  in  Ell.,  April  12,  1814  ;  May 
8,  1823,  she  conveyed  to  Submit  Morton,  of  Ell.,  her  rights 
in  the  estate  of  Rufus  Collins,  dec'. 

792  Sarah'  Kingsbury  {Simon*,  A^athaniel^,  Joseph^, 
Henry^),  married  in  Ellington,  October  5,  1794,  David  Hale, 
born  March  22,  1772,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Mary  (Taylor) 
Hale,  of  Harvard,  Mass.;  settled  first  in  Rutland,  Mass.; 
later  removed  to  Turner,  Oxford  Co.,  Maine,  where  he  died 
February  6,  1846,  aged  74  years  ;  she  died  in  Turner,  May  7, 
1847,  aged  81  years.  Hon.  Eugene  Hale,  U.  S.  Senator,  says 
in  a  letter,  Nov.  10,  1900,  "My  sister,  Mrs.  Dr.  Cushing,  of 
Turner,  writes  to  me,  recalling  the  bright  intelligence  and 
refinement  of  our  grandmother,  Sarah  Kingsbury  Hale." 


1  Sophia,  born  in  Rutland.  Nov.   17,  1795  ;  married  Jacob  Dresser,  of 

Albany,  Me.;  died  Dec,  1880,  s.  p. 

2  Marinda,  born  in  Turner,  April  2,  1797  ;  married  Elias  Whiting,  of 

Winthrop,  Me.;  died  Oct.  18,  1861.     3  ch. 

3  Sally,  born  in  Turner,  Nov.  22,  1798  ;  died  Feb.  19,  1799. 

4  David,  born  in   Turner,  Jan.   22,  1800;    m.  (i)   Asenath    Lane;   (2) 

Esther  Eustis  ;  he  was  a  physician,  living  at  different  times  in 
Albion,  St.  Albans,  Fayette,  and  last  in  Livermore,  Me., 
where  he  died  Sept.   i,  1868. 

5  Sarah  Kingsbury,  born  in  Turner,  Aug.  26,  1801  ;  married  William 

Loring  ;  died,  1869. 

6  RoswELL.born  in  Turner,  Oct.  28,  1803  ;  died  Dec.  6,  1803. 

7  James  Sullivan,  born  in  Turner,  Dec.  13,   1806;   married   Feb.   11, 

1835,  Betsey  Staples;  died  in  Turner,  Dec.  17,  1880;  had  5 
ch.  His  son,  Hon.  Eugene  Hale,  U.  S.  Senator  from  Maine, 
was  born  in  Turner,  June  9,  1836  ;  received  an  academic  edu- 
cation ;  studied  law,  was  admitted  to  the  bar  in  1857,  and 
commenced  practice  at  the  age  of  20  ;  was  for  nine  successive 
years  county  attorney  for  Hancock  County  ;  was  a  member  of 
the  Legislature  of  Maine  in  1867,  1868,  and  1880;  was  elected 
to  the  Forty-first,  Forty-second,  and  Forty-Third  Congresses; 
was  appointed  Postmaster-General  by  President  Grant  in  1874, 


but  declined;  was  reelected  to  the  Forty-fourth  and  Forty- fifth 
Congresses  ;  was  tendered  a  Cabinet  appointment  as  Secre- 
tary of  the  Navy,  by  President  Hayes,  and  declined  ;  was 
chairman  of  the  Republican  Congressional  committee  for  the 
Forty-fifth  Congress;  received  the  degree  of  LL.D.  from 
Bates  College,  from  Colby  University,  and  from  Bowdoin  Col- 
lege ;  was  a  delegate  to  the  Cincinnati  Convention  in  1876, 
and  the  Chicago  Conventions  in  1868  and  1880  ;  was  elected  to 
the  United  States  Senate  as  a  Republican  to  succeed  Hanni- 
bal Hamlin,  and  took  his  seat  March  4,  1881  ;  was  reelected  in 
1887,  1893,  and  1S99.  His  term  will  expire  March  4,  1905.  He 
was  married  Dec.  20,  187 1,  to  Mary  Douglass,  only  daughter 
of  Zachariah  Chandler,  U.  S.  Senator  from  Michigan. 

793  Nathaniel'  Kingsbury  {Jabez\  NathanieP,  Joseph\ 
Hemy).  He  served  in  the  Lexington  Alarm  in  Captain 
Buell's  Company,  raised  in  Coventry. —  Connecticut  Men  in  the 
Revolution,  8.  He  was  very  possibly  the  Nathaniel  Kingsbury 
who  was  Sergeant  in  Captain  James  Clark's  company,  Col. 
Sage's  Regiment,  Wadsworth's  Brigade,  in  the  New  York 
campaign,  1776. —  Ibid.  He  married,  March  5,  1778,  Asenath 
Daggett,  born  January  25,  1755,  daughter  of  Samuel  and 
Anne  (Bushnell)  Daggett,  of  Coventry.  He  lived  in  that 
part  of  Coventry  now  Andover.  The  house  built  by  him  in 
1781  was  pulled  down  in  1897,  and  a  new  one  built  very  near 
its  site  by  his  grand-nephew,  Mr.  William  B.  Kingsbury. 
He  was  Representative  from  Coventry  to  the  General  As- 
sembly, 1806,  1810,  1812.  His  wife  died  September  6,  1823, 
in  Cazenovia,  N.  Y.,  in  the  69th  year  of  her  age,  while  visit- 
ing her  children.  He  died  February  5,  1829,  in  Andover. 
His  will  is  dated  June  9,  1826  —  called  of  Coventry,  mentions 
son  Allen,  of  Cazenovia  — dau''  Wealthy  Cone,  of  Hebron, 
"to  her  my  great  Bible  called  Cary's  Bible,"  son  Jabez, 
"Scott's  Bible,"  "all  my  Library  I  give  to  my  three  children 
to  be  equally  Divided  between  them,  after  taking  out  the 
two  Bibles."  Son  Jabez  and  son-in-law,  Zachariah  Cone, 
Executors.  —  Andover  Prob.  Rec,  X,  426. 


946  Allen,  born  in  Andover,  Feb.  9,  1779.  rz.  > 

947  Wealthy,  born  in  Andover,  Oct.  24,  1783.  =:  > 

948  Asenath,  born  in  Andover,  Oct.   17,  1785  ;  died,  aged  20.     "Miss 

Asenath,  Daughter  of  M''  Nath'  &  M^^  Asenath  Kingsbury 
Departed  this  life  June  12,  1808,  in  the  23"^  year  of  her  age." 
—  T.  S.,  Andover  Burying  Ground. 

949  Jabez,  born  in  Andover,  Oct.  9,  1788.  s->- 


795  Captain  Joseph'  Kingsbury  ( Jabez\  NathanieP, 
Joseph^,  Henry^),  of  Andover.  He  served  as  Corporal  in 
Captain  Eleazar  Hutchinson's  Company,  in  Colonel  Hos- 
ford's  Regiment  of  State  Militia,  in  1776.*  He  married,  1783, 
Ruth  Benton,  of  Tolland  (perhaps  daughter  of  William 
Benton).  She  died  October  10,  1813,  in  the  57th  year  of  her 
age.  He  died  September  7,  1835.  In  his  will  he  mentions 
children,  Sophia  Hutchinson,  Mary  Burnap,  William  Kings- 
bury, Joseph  Kingsbury,  Jun"',  Harvey  Kingsbury,  Royal 
Kingsbury  ;  dated  September  26,  1834. —  Andover  Frob.  Rec. 


950  Sophia,  born  July  27,  1784,  in  Andover.  s-»- 

951  Betsey,  born  Feb.  .16,  1786  ;  died  June  3,  1794,  in  Andover. 

952  Mary,  born  Nov.  16,  1787,  in  Andover.  -•-  > 

953  William,  Aug.  13,  1789,  in  Andover.  ss-^ 

954  Joseph,  born  July  19,  1791,  in  Andover.  z:  > 

955  Harvey,  born  Dec.  17,  1794,  in  Andover.  s  > 

956  Royal,  born  July  4,  1798,  in  Andover.  -"  > 

798  Mary^  Kingsbury  {Jabez\  Nathaniel\  Joseph'', 
Henry'),  married,  June  i,  1785,  John  Townsend,  of  Andover, 
born  December  22,  1758.  They  removed  from  Andover  to 
Benton,  Yates  Co.,  N.  Y.  She  died  July  30,  1825.  He  died 
April  9,   1 84 1. 


1  Mary,  born  April  24,  1786  ;  married  in  1803,  D.  Silvester. 

2  John,  born  Feb.  17,  1791  ;  married  in  1812,  Parnel  Bishop. 

3  Amelia,  born    March  27,  1795;  married  in   1819,  William  Williams ; 

died  Feb.  24,  1843. 

801  Prudence^  Kingsbury (/<?j^//^',  Nathanier,  Joseph'', 
Hetiry^),  married,  December  2,  1767,  as  his  second  wife,  Cap- 
tain Allyn  Stillman,  of  Wethersfield,  born  March  20, 173 1/2, 
son  of  Nathaniel  and  Sarah  (Allyn)  Stillman.  "  He  was  a 
sea-captain  in  the  employ  of  Congress  or  the  State  in  1777, 
and  was  despatched  to  the  West  Indies  for  a  large  cargo  of 
salt;  afterwards  removed  to  Enfield,  where  he  has  descen- 
dants still  living."  —  Hinman,  p.  241.  She  died  August  28, 
1788.     Captain  Stillman  died  July  20,  1803,  aged  71. 

•  Revolutionary  Rolls,  published  by  the  Connecticut  Historical  Society,  p.  161. 



1  Mary,  born  Oct.  19,  1768;  died  unmarried,   in   Enfield,  March  23, 


2  Samuel  Allyn,  born  Aug.   i,   1778  ;  m.  Jan.   ig,  1813,  in   Enfield, 

Mabel  Terry,  born  March  14,  1778,  daughter  of  Joseph  and 
Lucy  (Treat)  Terry,  of  Enfield.  The  wife  of  Samuel  A.  Still- 
man  died  April  18,  1833,  aged  55,  buried  in  Enfield.  He  was 
a  Representative  from  Enfield  to  the  Connecticut  Legislature, 
in  1849.  It  is  said  that  he  moved  West  with  his  family  about 
1850 :  5  ch. 

3  Prudence,  born  May  29,  1782;  died  unmarried,  in  Enfield,   Feb. 

26,  1842. 

802  Lemuel'  Kingsbury  {Joseph\  Nathanier,  Joseph'', 
Henry"),  of  Enfield  ;  married,  December  23,  1773,  Alice, 
daughter  of  Samuel  and  Mary  (Kellog-g)  Terry,  of  Enfield, 
born  June  26,  1752.  He  served  as  a  private  in  the  company 
raised  in  Enfield  for  the  Lexington  Alarm,  under  Major  Na- 
thaniel Terry. — Connecticut  Men  in  the  Revolution,  10.  His  wife 
died  March  22,  1830.  He  died  in  Enfield,  September  14,  1846. 
He  lived  at  first  in  a  house  about  a  half  mile  east  of  the  main 
road,  on  his  father's  property,  but  after  his  father's  death 
occupied  the  family  mansion,  and  became  the  wealthiest 
man  in  Enfield.  He  often  filled  offices  in  town  and  state, 
and  was  an  earnest  politician.  He  delig-hted  in  his  old  age 
to  tell  how  he  once  stood  alone  in  Town  meeting,  and  voted 
for  Thomas  Jefferson,  the  first  (so-called)  Democratic  Presi- 
dent of  the  United  States.  He  was  a  strong  pedestrian.  On 
his  eightieth  birthday  he  performed  the  journey  from  Glas- 
tonbury to  Enfield  on  foot,  a  distance  of  25  miles. 


957  Joseph,  born  May  19,  1774.  s  > 

958  Alice,  born  Nov.  3,  1775.  s:-> 

959  Lemuel,  born  Sept.  3, 1777.  =  > 

960  Mary,  born  June  18,  1779.  g  > 

961  Henry,  born  Aug.  8,  1781  ;  died  unmarried,  Dec.  9  (8),  1841.     He 

was  a  farmer,  merchant,  and  public  man  in  Enfield. 

962  Horace,  born  Dec.  23,  1783  ;  died  in  Enfield,  Aug.  27,  1830,  unm. 

963  Solomon,  born  Jan.  4,  1787.  c  > 

964  Prudence,  born  Jan.  6,  1789.  s  > 

965  Nancy,  born  May  14,  1792.  s  > 

966  Betsey,  born  March  8  (7),  1795  ;  died  unmarried,  Oct.  20,  1811,  in 



803  Sibyl'  Kingsbury  {Denison\  Nathaniel,  Joseph^, 
Henry'),  married  December  17,  1772,  Eleazer  Pomeroy,  of 
Coventry  ;  she  died  May  i,  1785,  in  the  33d  year  of  her  age, 
and  her  husband  married  secondly,  Priscilla,  daughter  of 
Ebenezer  Kingsbury.     [See  No.  735.] 

805  Eunice^  Kingsbury  (Z>(? ;«><?« \  Nathaniel^,  Joseph', 
Henry'),  married,  November  30,  1784,  Nathaniel  Olmsted, 
of  East  Hartford,  born  July  19,  175 1,  son  of  Nathaniel  and 
Sarah  (Pitkin)  Olmsted.  She  was  his  second  wife,  his  first 
having  been  Thankful  Huntington,  who  died  November  24, 
1782.  He  died  June  9,  1792,  and  she  married  (2),  January  i, 
1800,  Ephraim  Webster,  of  East  Hartford  and  Farmington, 
son  of  Ebenezer  and  Rebecca  Webster,  born  November  26, 
1747.  He  died  in  Farmington,  May  17,  1833  ;  she  died  there 
December  6,  1846,  aged  91. 


1  Nathaniel,  born  Dec.   31,  1785,  in  East  Hartford;  was  a  goldsmith 

and  clock-maker  in  Farmington.  "Here  for  twenty  years 
were  made  the  tall  clocks  bearing  his  name,  which  still  cor- 
rectly measure  time  with  their  solemn  beat.  He  removed 
to  New  Haven,  to  be  near  his  brother,  Professor  Denison 
Olmsted,  and  there  died  in  i860,  most  genial  and  lovable  of 
men.  His  funeral  discourse  was  from  the  words,  '  Behold  an 
Israelite  indeed  in  whom  there  is  no  guile.'  "  *  Married,  June 
18,  1810,  Phidelia,  daughter  of  Abner  and  Sarah  (Bingham) 
Burnap,  and  niece  of  Daniel  Burnap,  the  famous  clock-maker 
of  East  Windsor,  with  whom  Nathaniel  Olmsted  served  his 
apprenticeship;  she  was  born  March  3,  1787,  d.  Feb.  13,  1870. 
Ch.:  (i)  Harriet  T.,  b.  March  29,  1815  ;  m.  Oct.  18,  1842,  Rev. 
Frederick  T.  Perkins  (Y.  C,  1839);  died  at  Tilton,  N.  H.,  Sept. 
9,  1859.  (2)  George,  b.  May  2,  1817  ;  m.  Nov.  4,  1845,  Mary 
North;  a  jeweler  in  New  Haven;  died  in  Rochester,  N.  Y., 
Jan.  16,  1886.  (3)  Cornelia,  b.  June  6,  1819;  d.  unm.,  July  8, 
1862.  (4)  Eliza,  b.  May  10,  1821;  m.  Oct.  2,  i860,  Rev.  F.  T. 
Perkins,  as  second  wife,  d.  April  22,  1881.  (5)  Henry,  b.  April 
7,  1823;  m.  April  7,  1852,  Catherine  M.  Hyde,  b.  Oct.  10,  1833; 
a  jewelerin  New  York  city;  living  in  New  Canaan,  Conn.,  1886; 
4  ch.   (6)  Mary  Phidelia,  b  Dec.  3,  1830;  d.  unm.  Jan.  17,  1885. 

2  Thankful,  b.  Oct.  8,  1787  ;  died  unm.,  May  18,  1810. 

3  Sarah,  born  Sept.  15,  1789  ;  m.  Russell  Richards,  of  Farmington  and 

Bristol,  Conn.,  born  May  6,  1786,  son  of  William  and  Sarah 
(Shepard)  Richards;  she  d.  Dec.  19,  1856  ;  he  d.  April  19, 1859. 

*  Old  Houses  in  Farmington,  by  Julius  Gay,  18. 



4  Denison,  born  June  18,  1791,  in  East  Hartford;  grad.  Yale  College, 
18 13;  at  once  given  charge  of  the  Union  School  in  New 
London.  In  1815  he  returned  to  Yale  as  tutor,  and  began  the 
study  of  theology,  with  a  view  to  the  ministry,  but  in  18 17  he 
was  called  to  the  chair  of  chemistry,  mineralogy,  and  geology 
in  the  University  of  North  Carolina.  Here  he  proposed  and 
executed  the  first  geological  survey  ever  attempted  in  the 
United  States,  publishing  reports  of  his  work  in  1824  and  1825. 
He  was  appointed  in  1825  professor  of  mathematics  and  natu- 
ral philosophy  at  Yale,  which  chair  he  retained  until  1836, 
when  it  was  divided  at  his  request,  and  the  department  of 
mathematics  given  to  another  professor.  He  devoted  much 
time  to  the  study  of  physical  science,  and  he  published  an 
elaborate  theory  of  hailstones  in  1830  which  caused  much  dis- 
cussion, but  finally  received  the  general  approbation  of  me- 
teorologists. Prof.  Olmsted  and  his  associate.  Prof.  Loomis, 
were  in  1835  the  first  American  investigators  to  observe  the 
Halley  comet.  He  was  a  member  of  various  scientific  socie- 
ties, and  his  more  technical  papers  may  be  found  in  their 
transactions.  He  also  contributed  largely  to  reviews  and  to 
other  periodical  literature,  especially  in  the  direction  of  biog- 
raphy. He  published  a  number  of  text-books  on  natural  phi- 
losophy and  astronomy,  of  which  more  than  200,000  copies 
were  sold. — Appleton's  EncyclopcEdia  of  A7nerican  Biogra- 
phy, IV,  jy-/.      He  m.  (1)  Eliza  Allyn  ;  she  died  June  9,  1829. 

(2)  Julia  Mason;  ch.  (i)  Francis  Allyn,  b.  July  14,  1819;  grad. 
Yale  College,  1839  ;  died  July  19,  1844.  (2)  John  Howard,  b. 
Sept.  8,  1820  ;   grad.  Yale  College,  1845  ;    died  Jan.  17,   1846. 

(3)  Cornelia,  b.  1821  ;  m.  Aug.  30,  1844,  Melancthon  H. 
Seymour;  died  in  Montreal,  Can.,  Dec.  24,  1869.  (4)  Alex- 
ander Fisher, b.  Dec.  20,  1822  ;  grad.  Yale  College,  1844  ;  died 
May  5,  1853.  (5)  Denison,  b.  Feb.  16,  1824;  grad.  Yale  Col- 
lege, 1844  ;  died  Aug.  15,  1846.  (6)  Eliza,  born  June,  1825  ; 
died  Oct.  16,  1826.  (7)  Lucius  Duncan,  b.  1828;  m.  (i)  Jessie, 
daughter  of  Thaddeus  Sherman  of  New  Haven;  she  died  Feb. 
14,  1857  ;  (2)  Hannah  L.  Merriam,  of  Springfield,  Mass  ;  he 
died  in  Springfield,  Mass.,  March  13,  1862.  (8)  Julia  Mason, 
b.  Aug.  15,  1832.  Prof.  Olmsted  died  in  New  Haven,  May 
13.  1859- 

806  Hannah^  Kingsbury  {Denison*,  NathanieP,  Joseph'', 
Henry')  married  Captain  Adonijah  White,  of  Hebron,  June 
^7)  1777,  in  Gilead,  Conn.  Adonijah  White  born  in  Hebron, 
October  22,  1752,  son  of  James  and  Rachel  (Chap well)  White. 
He  served  as  Corporal  in  Captain  Eleazar  Hutchinson's  com- 



pany,  Colonel  Hosford's  Regiment,  State  Militia,  1776.*  He 
died  in  that  part  of  Hebron  now  Andover,  October  29,  1827. 
Mrs.  Hannah  (Kingsbury)  White  died  in  Andover,  August 
23,  1S51,  aged  95.  In  an  old  burying-ground  in  the  south 
part  of  Andover  is  a  moni;mental  shaft  in  memory  of  Adon- 
ijah  White,  his  wife  Hannah,  and  Adonijah,  Jr.,  Sarah, 
George,  Augustus  K.,  and  Nancy,  their  children.  His  will 
is  dated  August  20,  1825,  exhibited  in  Court  November  6, 
1827;  he  mentions  wife  Hannah,  daughter  Nancy  White,  son 
Gardner  White,  of  AVatertown,  N.  Y.,  daughter  Sybil  White, 
son  Augustus  K.  White. 


1  Lydia,  born  in  Hebron,  Feb.  4,  1778. 

2  Nancy  Ann  (Anna),  born  in  Hebron,  Jan.   19,   1780;  d.  unm.  in 

Andover,  March  6,  1865,  aged  85. 

3  Sarah,  born  in  Hebron,  Nov.  29,  17S2  ;  m.  in  1800,  Roswell  Birge, 

of  Hebron,  son  of  Jonathan  and  Rachel  (Strong)  Birge,  born 
April  8,  1777,  he  d.  in  1812  ;  his  widow  m.  in  1817,  Zenas 
Loomis,  of  Coventry,  and  d.  Jan.  25,  1834.  Her  only  child, 
Alonzo  White  Birge,  of  Andover,  b.  Nov.  26,  1801,  m.  (i)  Dec. 
1826,  Mrs.  EHza,  widow  of  Major  John  Ensworth,  daughter 
of  Major  John  Kennedy,  of  East  Hartford  ;  she  d.  Dec.  4, 
1843,  and  he  m.  (2)  Oct.  23,  1849,  Hetty,  dau.  of  Thomas 
Belden,  of  Hartford.  Mr.  Birge  was  a  Representative  to  the 
General  Assembly  from  Coventry  in  1833,  State  Senator,  1837, 
one  of  the  Presidential  Electors  from  Connecticut  in  1840, 
Judge  of  Probate,  1842-3,  and  later,  Treasurer  of  the  State  of 
Connecticut  in  1847. 

4  Gardner,  born  in   Hebron,   Feb.  13,  1785  ;  settled  in  Watertown, 

N.  Y. 

5  Lemuel,  born  in  Hebron,  June  19,  1787  ;  lived  in  Wisconsin. 

6  George,  born  in  Hebron,  Aug.  10,  1789  ;  a  physician  in  Lansing- 

burgh,  N.  Y.,  where  he  died  Oct.  13,  1812,  aged  24. 

7  Sybil,  born  in  Hebron,  Feb.  11,  1791. 

8  Adonijah,  ;  died  in  infancy. 

9  Adonijah,  born   1794;   a  physician   in  that   part  of  Hebron   now 

Andover  ;  died  June  8,  1853,  aged  59. 
10      ArcusTL's  K.,  born  1797  ;  died  at  Van  Buren,  N.  Y.,  Dec.  25,  1835, 
aged  38. 

809  John  Denison'  Kingsbury  {Denison\  Nathaniel'', 
Joseph'',  He/if-y),  of  Andover,  Conn.,  and  Hanover,  N.  H., 
married  May  19,  1787,  in  East  Hartford,  Anna,  daughter  of 
Thaddeus  and  Hannah  (Pitkin)  Olmsted,  born  April  6,  1768, 

*  Revolutionary  Rolls,  published  by  the  Connecticut  Historical  Society,  i6i. 



in  East  Hartford,  bapt.  July  lo.  He  removed  to  Hanover,  N. 
H.,  about  1790.  He  died  there,  March  23,  1854;  his  wife 
died  April  19,  1851.  His  granddaughter,  Mrs.  Bosworth, 
states  that  he  served  in  the  Revolution,  but  no  record  has 
been  found. 

Rev.  J.  D.  Kingsbury,  of  Bradford,  Mass.,  a  grandson, 
says  that  his  grandfather,  John  Denison  K.,  was  tall,  well- 
proportioned,  genteel,  cultured,  a  sterling  Christian,  firm  in 
faith,  earnest  in  piety,  unyielding  in  principle,  a  rare  man. 

"  When  he  died  he  asked  that  they  would  write  on  his 
tombstone,  '  Remember  the  Sabbath  day  to  keep  it  holy.' 

"  On  the  white  stone  in  East  Hanover,  in  the  little  green 
valley  where  he  lies,  the  passer-by  reads  these  words  —  and 
they  have  meaning,  for  his  life  was  in  accord." 


967  Harry,  born  in  Andover,  Conn.,  March  26,  1788  ;  died  in  Lebanon, 

N.  H.,  Jan.  18,  1874  ;  unm. 

968  An  Infant,  born  in  Andover,  Conn.,  April  16,  1789  ;  died  young. 

969  Sally,  born  in  Hanover,  N.  H.,  Sept.  16,  1790;  died  at  Hanover, 

Feb.,  1843  ;  m.  Nathan  Ross,  of  Hanover. 

970  Anna  Olmsted,  born  in  Hanover,  N.  H.,  July  29,  1792.  =  > 

971  Polly,  born  in  Hanover,  March  2  (21  T.  R.  Hanover)  1795  ;  m. 

James  Woodward,  of  Hopkinton,  N.  Y.,  July  4,  1822;  she  died 
in  Lebanon,  N.  H.  April  i,  1877. 

972  John,  born  in  Hanover,  Dec.  12,  1796.  s  > 

973  Dennison,  born  in  Hanover,  Jan.  24,   1799.  r:  > 

974  Joseph,  born  in  Hanover,  Jan    26,  1801.*  ::;  > 

810  Sarah'  Kingsbury  {I)euison\  Nat/ianier,  Joseph'', 
Henry'),  married,  March  22,  1802,  Deacon  Nathaniel  Hub- 
bard, of  Bolton,  born  in  April,  1758,  son  of  Captain  David 
Hubbard,  of  Glastonbury.  She  died  in  Bolton,  August  4, 
1809,  in  the  44th  year  of  her  age.  Deacon  Nathaniel  Hubbard 
died  in  Bolton,  August  11,  1844,  aged  86.  He  married  four 
wives:  i  Flora  Hubbard,  2  Eunice  Alvord,  3  Sarah  Kings- 
bury, 4  Ruth  Hale.  Deacon  Nathaniel  Hubbard  mentions, 
in  his  will,  children  of  son  Josiah  Hubbard,  gives  to  them 
the  farm  on  which  said  son,  Josiah,  now  lives  in  the  town  of 
Berlin,  State  of  Vermont,  son  Nathaniel  Hubbard,  son  Deni- 
son Hubbard,  Clarissa  Ann  and  Harriet  Hubbard,  daughters 

*Jan.  21,  i%oo.— Hanover  Town  Records. 


of  son  Elijah,  son  Edwin,  daughters  unnamed.     Dated  No- 
vember 1, 1836;  proved  October  10,  1844. — Andover  Prob.  Rec. 


1  Denison,  born  in  Bolton;  bapt.  Oct.  30,  1803  ;  died  Nov.  22,  1805, 

in  the  3d  year  of  his  age. 

2  Denison  Hale,  born  Sept.   i,  1805;  bapt.  in  Bolton,  Nov.  23,  1805; 

Yale  Medical  School,  1825;  settled  first  in  Glastonbury,  Conn., 
then,  in  1832,  in  Bloomfield,  Conn.,  until  1844;  then  he  removed 
to  Clinton,  Conn.,  where  he  died  Aug.  12,  1S74.  At  the  time 
of  his  death  he  was  President  of  the  Middlesex  County  Medi- 
cal Society;  m.  Pamelia  Hubbard;  ch.:  Charles,  of  Essex, 
Conn.,  Agnes,  Edward. 

811  LemueF  Kingsbury  {Denison*,  NathanieP,  Joseph'', 
Henry^),  of  Andover.  He  married  Lois  Hutchinson  in  An- 
dover, August  14,  1796.  She  was  born  June  24,  1772.  He 
removed,  in  1798,  to  Franklin,  Delaware  Co.,  N.  Y.,  then  to 
Cazenovia,  then  to  Sangersfield,  Oneida  Co.,  where  he  was 
living  in  1801;  then  returned  to  Cazenovia,  but  he  died  in 
Waterville,  N.  Y.,  December  i,  1845.  His  widow,  Lois,  died 
August  4,  1866,  in  Cazenovia.  He  was  a  hotel-keeper;  kept 
the  Inn  at  Cazenovia.  He  was  Captain  of  a  troop  in  the 
First  Squadron  of  Cavalry  in  the  Fifth  Division  of  the  N.  Y. 
State  Militia,  and  had  been  Ensign  in  the  Connecticut  Mili- 
tia before  removing  to  Cazenovia.  He  was  a  Trustee  in  the 
First  Presbyterian  Church;  a  pioneer  of  the  town,  and  promi- 
nent in  social  and  political  life.  He  was  Deputy  Sheriff  of 
Madison  Co. 

975     Denison,  b.  Dec.  13,  1803;  d.  Feb.  i,  1815. 

977  Frances,  b.  Oct.  17,  1797.  r:  > 

978  Harriet,  b.  Sept.  26,  1799.  -'  ^ 

979  Mary,  b.  Jan.  29,  1807;  never  married;  d.  Dec.  i,  1829. 

980  Electra,  b.  Oct.  24,  1801.  ",  > 

813  Dorothy^  Kingsbury  {Lemuel*,  Nathaniel^,  Joseph^, 
Henry'),  married  in  Enfield,  December  12,  1776,  Hon.  Joseph 
Allen,  of  Leicester,  Mass.,  who  was  born  in  Boston,  Sep- 
tember 2,  1749,  son  of  James  Allen,  whose  wife  was  a  sister 
of  Samuel  Adams,  the  Revolutionary  patriot.  In  177 1  he 
entered  into  business  in  Leicester,  and  in  the  preliminary 
movements  of  the  Revolution  was  a  firm  and  ardent  whig. 
He  removed  to  Worcester  in  1776,  becoming  Clerk  of  the 
Courts,  an  office  which  he  held  for  thirty-three  years.  He  was 
chosen  a  member  of  the  Eleventh  Congress  to  fill  the  vacancy 
occasioned  by  the  death  of  Hon.  Jabez  L^pham,  declining  at 
the  same  time  a  nomination  to  the  Twelfth  Congress.     He 



was  a  member  of  the  Convention  to  frame  the  Convention 
of  Massachusetts,  in  1779-80,  and  one  of  the  secretaries  of 
that  body.  A  member  of  the  Executive  Council,  1815-1816, 
and  twice  a  member  of  the  Electoral  College  of  Massachu- 
setts. One  of  the  founders  of  the  Leicester  Academy.  Mrs. 
Dorothy  Allen  died  May,  1802.  Hon.  Joseph  Allen  died 
September  2,  1827,  aged  78  years. 


I  George  Allen,  born  Feb.  i,  1702,  in  Worcester;  Yale  College,  1813; 
studied  theology  with  the  Rev.  Dr.  Andrew  Yates,  of  Sche- 
nectady, N.  Y.,  and  spent  some  months  in  missionary  work  in 
the  new  settlements  of  western  New  York;  ordained  pastor 
at  Shrewsbury,  Mass.,  Nov.  19,  1823,  and  remained  there  until 
1839;  for  nearly  twenty  years  chaplain  at  the  State  Lunatic 
Hospital,  in  Worcester;  he  m.  July  13,  181 5,  his  cousin  Eliz- 
abeth, daughter  of  Elisha  and  Elizabeth  (Kingsbury)  Pitkin, 
b.  Dec.  25,  1687;  d.  March  14,  1843;  he  d.  in  Worcester,  March 
31,  1883;  3  ch. 

814  Elizabeth'  Kingsbury  {Lemuel*,  NathanieP,  Joseph^^ 
Henry^),  married.  May  30,  1780,  in  Somers,  Elisha  Pitkin,  born 
March  17,  1758,  son  of  Elisha  and  Hahna  (Pitkin)  Pitkin,  of 
East  Hartford.  He  was  repeatedly  a  Representative  to  the 
Connecticut  General  Assembly;  removed  to  Hudson,  N.  Y.; 
was  Recorder  of  that  city  for  several  years;  died  in  Hudson, 
May  4,  1802.  She  married,  secondly,  as  his  second  wife, 
March  6,  1803,  Colonel  Amos  Alden,  of  Enfield,  son  of  Jona- 
than and  Experience  (Hayward)  Alden,  born  in  Stafford, 
Conn.,  May  i,  1745.  His  first  wife  was  Hannah,  daughter  of 
Joshua  and  Experience  (French)  Bush,  born  in  Enfield,  Sep- 
teinber  14,  1744;  died  October  10,  1801.  Colonel  Alden  died 
in  Enfield,  March  2,  1826. 


1  Mervin  Pitkin,  born  Feb.  23,  1781;   m.  Maria,   daughter  of   Dr. 

John  Budd,  of  Great  Harrington,  Mass.;  died  at  Greenbush, 
N.  Y.,  in  1814. 

2  Henry,  born  Sept.  28,   1784;   went  to  sea,  and  was   never   again 

heard  from. 

3  Elizabeth,  born  Dec.  25,  1787;    m.  Rev.  George  Allen  (see  No. 

813);  died  March  17,  1843. 

4  Elisha,  born  Oct.  3,  1790;   of  Enfield;  m.  April  21,  1811,  Betsey 

Smith  of  Enfield,  daughter  of  Comfort  and  Lucy  Smith,  born 
in  West  Springfield,  April  2,  1792;  removed  South;  had  one 



815  Phinehas'  Kingsbury  {Fhine/ias*,  NathanieP,  Joseplt^, 
Henry'),  of  Sandisfield,  Mass.,  married,  September  25,  1777, 
Martha  Hays,  born  November  27,  1754,  daughter  of  Ashel 
Hays,  of  Granby.  Phinehas  Kingsbury  served  in  the  Rev- 
olution in  Col.  Elmore's  Regiment,  Capt.  Theodore  Wood- 
bridge's  Co.,  in  1776,  "enlisted  upon  Gen"  Wooster's  Order 
Given  in  Canada."*  A  Phinehas  Kingsbury,  probably  this 
one,  was  a  member  of  the  church  formed  in  Bethlehem 
(now  a  part  of  Otis,  Mass.),  September  14,  1795.  Phinehas 
Kingsbury,  of  Granby,  conveys  land  in  Salisbury  to  Jacob 
Everest,  April  n,  1798.     He  was  of  Salisbury  the  next  year. 


9S1  Delight,  born  in  Sandisfield,  Nov.  26,  1778. 

982  Phinehas,  born  in  Sandisfield,  July  6,  1780  ;  died  Oct.  19,  1780. 

983  Phinehas,  born  in  Sandisfield,  Aug.  3,  1781  ;  died  July  13,  1782. 

984  Hannah,  born  in  Sandisfield,  April  17,  1783. 

985  Henry  Lawrens,  born  in  Sandisfield,  May  4,  1785. 

986  Horatio  Sullivan,  born  in  Sandisfield,  Aug.  10,  1787  ;  died  April 

18,  1788. 

987  Sophia,  born  in  Sandisfield,  Sept.  2,  1789. 

988  LuciNDA,  born  in  Sandisfield,  April  16,  1792. 

816  Hannah''  Kingsbury  {Phine/ias\  NathanieP ,  Joseph"^ , 
Henry'),  married,  Phinehas  Brown,  of  Sandisfield.  She  died 
in  Sandisfield,  December  21,  1791. 

I         Mary,  born  in  Sandisfield,  Dec.  21,  1782. 

817  Lemuel'  Kingsbury  {Phinehas*,  NathanieP,  Joseph'', 
Henry^),  of  Sandisfield,  and  afterward  of  Tunbridge,  Ver- 
mont, married  Lucy .     Lemuel   Kingsbury  served  in 

the  1 8th  Connecticut  Militia  Regiment,  Captain  Benjamin 
Hutchins'  Company,  in  the  New  York  campign,  1776. —  Con- 
necticut Men  in  the  Revolution,  4'j2.  Lucy,  wife  of  Lemuel 
Kingsbury,  died  in  Sandisfield,  May  21,  1803.  He  married 
(2)  August,  1806,  Mrs.  Louisa  (Hutchins)  Smith,  daughter 
of  Colonel  Benjamin  Hutchins,  of  Connecticut.  He  removed 
to  Ohio,  where  he  died. 


989  Lucy,  born  in  Sandisfield,  April  6,  1789  ;  m.  Lemuel  Tilden. 

•  Revolutionary  Rolls,  published  by  Connecticut  Historical  Society,  p.  43. 


990  Laura,  born  in  Tunbridge,  Vt.,  Sept.  22,  1794  ;  m.  Stillraan  Tilden. 


991  Lemuel  H.,  born  Sept.  24,  1S07,  in  Otis,  Mass.  s5->- 

992  Caroline,  born  1809. 

993  Charles  B.,  born  181 1,  m.  and  had  7  ch. ,  one  son,  named  Selden  ; 

d.  Oct.,  1865. 
993«  Henry  L.,  born  Feb.  20,  1815  ;  m.  and  had  3  ch. 

818  Joseph^  Kingsbury  [Fhinekas'^,  Nathaniel^,  Joseph,"^ 
Henry'),  lived  in  Sandisfield  and  Otis,  Mass.  Married  Martha, 
daughter  of  Capt.  Solomon  and  Eunice  (Harmon)  Deming,  of 
Sandisfield.  He  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War  ;  first  in 
August,  1779,  for  five  weeks  at  New  Haven,  Conn. ;  in  May, 
1780,  he  enlisted  under  Capt.  Noah  Allen  in  a  Massachusetts 
regiment,  commanded  by  Col.  Calvin  Smith,  going  to  West 
Point  and  New  Jersey ;  discharged  January  i,  1781.  During 
this  service  he  helped  build  Fort  Putnam,  and  was  also  one 
of  the  guard  placed  over  Major  Andre  when  he  was  ex- 
ecuted (October  2,  1780).  From  the  spring  of  1783,  he 
served  about  ten  months  in  the  Second  Massachusetts 
Regiment,  Col.  Ebenezer  Sprout.*  He  and  his  wife  Martha 
were  admitted  to  the  church  in  Sandisfield,  September 
19,  1789;  Martha,  his  wife,  was  baptized  at  Sandisfield, 
September  19,  1790.  He  bought  land  in  Otis  in  1790, 
and  lived  in  that  part  of  it  called  Bethlehem  in  1795  !  rnem- 
ber  of  the  church  there,  and  later  of  the  church  in  Otis.  He 
removed  to  Ohio  about  1820.  Captain  Joseph  Kingsbury  and 
his  wife  were  dismissed  from  the  church  in  Otis  to  Welling- 
ton, Ohio,  in  1821.  He  applied  for  a  pension  in  August, 
1832,  aged  71,  from  Brighton,  Lorain  Co.,  Ohio.  One  of  his 
descendants  says  he  kept  the  Sabbath  from  sun  to  sun. 
After  removal  to  Ohio  he  lost  a  leg  and  made  himself  a 
wooden  one,  with  which  he  was  able  to  do  all  his  farm  work 
on  200  acres,  including  plowing.  His  wife  died  in  Elyria, 
Ohio,  November  12,  1825.     He  died  in  August,  1850. 


994  Sophia  or  Sophira,  bapt.  at  Sandisfield,  Oct.  17,  1790.  g:  > 

995  LovicA,  bapt.  at  Sandisfield,  April  13,  1791  ;  m.  Calvin  Rice  ;  res. 

Brighton,  Lorain  Co.;  she  d.  May,  1S65  ;  ch.,  1,  Boughton, 
res.  Clarksfield,  Huron  Co.,  O.;  2,  Eunice,  m.  Riley  Barrows, 
Avon,  Lorain  Co. ,  O.;  3,  Sarah,  m.  E.  S.  Kimball,  d.  Oct.,  1855. 

*  U.  S.  Pension  Office  Rolls. 


996  Harmon.   :=  > 

997  Austin,  s:  > 

998.   St.vtira,  ;  m.  Loring  Wadsworth  :  b.  in  Becket,  Mass., 

iSoo;  son  of  Benjamin  and  Polly  (Ames)  Wadsworth;  res. 
Wellington,  Ohio;  d.  1871  ;  ch.,  i,  Benjamin,  2,  Olive  E.,  m. 
Thomas  Kinney,  of  Oberlin,  O.  ;  3,  Charlotte  H.,  m.  William 
H.  Gann,  of  Wellington,  Lorain  Co.,  O.  ;  4,  Martha  D.,  unm., 
res.  Wellington;  5,  Celia  L.,  m.  William  Warner,  of  Cleve- 
land, O.  ;  6,  Homer  N.,  m.  Annie  Blanchard,  res.  Welhng- 
ton,  O. 
999    Solomon,  ;  died  aged  2  years,  2  months. 

1000    Solomon,  ;  m.  Lucinda . 

looi     Honor  Martha,  born  Aug,  25,  1807,  in  Otis.  :z,  > 

819  NathanieT  Kingsbury  {Phineas\  Nathanier,  /osep/i\ 
Henry\)  of  Tunbridge,  Vt.,  where  he  was  a  successful  and 
enterprising  farmer  ;  married  ;diedini849, 

aged  86. 


1002  Dennis,  born  Nov.  9,  1791,  in  Tunbridge.   z:  > 

1003  Ira,  moved  to  Ohio. 

1004  Morris,  m.,  no  ch.  ;  died  in  Rochester,  N.  Y  ,  about  1S63. 

1005  AcHSA,  m.  Woodward,  of  Royalton,  Vt. 

1006  Caroline,  m.  CuUen,  of  White  Co.,  Ind. 

1007  Emily,  m.  Farrer  ;  went  to  California. 

1008  Cynthia,  m.  :  Noyes,  of  Tunbridge,  Vt. 

1009  Diana,  m.  Lovejoy  ;  2  ch.  :    i,  Halsey  ;   2,  John.     Resided 

in  Des  Moines,  Iowa. 

826  Jabez'  Kingsbury  {PJnncas\  NathanieP,  Joseph^, 
Henry'),  of  Otis,  Mass.  Married  Persis,  daughter  of  Simeon 
and  Abigail  (Dudley)  Granger,  of  Sandisfield,  Mass.,  born  in 
1773.  He  bought  land  in  Bethlehem,  in  1796;  lived  for  a 
time  in  the  District  of  Bethlehem,  now  a  part  of  the  town  of 
Otis,  Mass.  Jabez  Kingsbury  and  Persis,  his  wifa,  were 
members  of  the  church  in  Bethlehem,  afterwards  united 
with  the  church  in  London  to  form  the  Otis  church  in  1810. 
Jabez  Kingsbury  sold  his  farm  in  Otis  to  Israel  Jones,  of 
Sandisfield,  April  10,  1816,  and  his  wife,  Persis,  relinquished 
her  right  of  dower  in  the  same.  He  appears  to  have  been 
still  living  in  Otis  in  1818.  He  died,  according  to  one  au- 
thority, in  Brunswick,  O.,  according  to  another  in  Strongs- 
ville,  Medina  Co.,  Ohio,  about  1850  or  '51,  aged  about  80. 



loio  Phineas,  born  Dec.  2,  1809,  in  Otis,  s  ■■■> 

loii  Milton  Granger,  baptized  Lord's  Day,  Aug.  27,  1S15,  at  Otis. 

1012  Alva, 

1013  Denison,  ;  died  unmarried. 

1014  William,  ;  died  in  Toledo,  O. 

1015  Persis. 

[Henry,  son  tf  Alva  K.,  lives  in  Maumee,  O.  (1891),  Wil- 
liam Jabez,  s.  of  Phineas,  lives  in  Brunswick,  O.  Mrs.  Lang- 
don,  gr,  dau.  of  Alva,  lives  on  Buchtel  Ave.,  Akron,  has  a 
sister,  Mrs.  Phillips,  also  in  Akron. 

A  family  of  K's  in  Lorin  Co.,  cousins  of  Phineas  ;  Mrs. 
Conn,  dau.  of  Phineas,  and  wife  of  Dr.  Conn,  lives  1104  S. 
Main  Street,  Akron,  O. 

Emily  K.,  dau.  of  Alva,  of  Brunswick,  O.,  m.  ist,  R.  Allen, 
2d,  Harris.  Mrs.  E.  A.  Harris,  wife  of  Prof.  R.  A.  Harris, 
Wheaton,  111.,  dau.  of  Alva.  She  has  lived  in  Henrietta, 
O.,  and  Oberlin,  O. 

Harvey  K.  lived  in  Oberlin,  Ohio  (1891).] 

827  Asa"  Kingsbury  {Asa\  Ephraim\  Joseph^,  Joseph^, 
Henry^),  of  Franklin,  married,  January  30,  1783,  Lurena 
Hartshorn,  in  Franklin.  He  enlisted  at  Norwich  in  Novem- 
ber or  December,  1776,  for  three  months  under  Captain 
Ebenezer  Lothrop,  in  Colonel  John  Ely's  regiment,  marched 
to,  and  was  most  of  the  time  in  and  near  Providence,  R.  L 
In  the  spring  of  1778  or  '9,  he  enlisted  as  Sergeant  for  six 
months  under  Captain  Palmer,  of  Stonington,  and  patrolled 
along  the  seacoast  at  New  London,  Saybrook,  and  other 
places.  He  also  served  on  two  other  short  tours  of  duty. 
He  was  a  millwright.  He  afterwards  lived  in  Lebanon, 
Conn.,  and  later  removed  to  Turin,  now  Boonville,  Oneida 
Co.,  N.  Y.  He  died  there  March  13,  1839.  [U.  S.  Pensioti 
Office  Records?^  Lurena,  his  wife,  died  June  2,  1835,  aged 
73  ;  both  were  buried  at  Paines  Hollow,  N.  Y.,  about  five 
miles  south  of  Mohawk. 


1016  Clara,  born  December  2,  1783,  in  Franklin  ;  died  March  9,  1790. 

1017  Joseph,  born  May  8,  1785,  in  Franklin. 

ioi8  Hezekiah,  living  in  Hebron,  Conn.,  in  1809;  served  in  the  War 
of  1812,  at  New  London,  as  a  private  in  Capt.  Samuel  West's 
company,  from  June  7,  1813,  to  July  14,  1S13  ;  removed  to 
Delta,  N.  Y.  ;  ch.-  Hezekiah,  John,  Elizabeth,  Martha,  Lurena. 



1019  Asa.  s-^- 

1020  Flavel  Clark,  born  1790,  in  Hartford,  Conn,  s-^ 

102 1  LuRENA,  m.  Lemuel  Swift,  of  Paines  Hollow,  N.  Y. 

1022  John,  born  May  11,  1799,  had  a  son,  Andrew,  residing  in  Chicago, 

and  a  grandson,  Edward  L.,  in  Hamilton,  N.  Y.  ;  m.  Ruhama 
Barnes,  s— >- 

1023  Charles  Backus,  born  Sept.  30,  1802,  in  Norwich  (Franklin),  s^-^ 

1024  William,  ;  m.  (i)  Eliza  Barnes  ;  (2)  Mary  Evans. 

828  Sarah'  Kingsbury  {Asa\  Ephraivi\  Joseph\  Joseph^, 
Henry"),  married,  November  3,  1783  {Ch.  Jiec),  (1784,  Town 
Rec),  Dudley  Tracy,  of  Franklin,  son  of  Lieutenant  Heze- 
kiah  and  Elizabeth  (Pettis)  Tracy,  born  September  28,  1760, 
in  Norwich  ;  he  was  a  member  of  the  Legislature  from 
Franklin.  He  died  in  Franklin,  March  18,  1839.  His  wife 
Sarah  died  in  Franklin,  February  1,  1842. 


1  Dudley,  born  in  Franklin,  Jan.  8,  1786  ;  m.  Emma  Ellis,  April  17, 


2  Chandler,  born  in  Franklin,  June  9,  1788. 

3  Elizabeth,  born  in  Franklin,  Aug.   29,   1790;    died   at   Carthage, 

Oneida  Co.,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  27,  1838,  aged  47.      {Franklin   Town 

4  Uriah,  born  in  Franklin,  Nov.  i,  1792. 

5  Asahel,  born  in  Franklin,  July  7,  1795. 

6  Sarah,  born  in  Franklin,  Aug.  6,  1797  ;  died  1820,  unm. 

7  Horatio,  born  in  Franklin,  March  27,  1800  ;  unm.  in  1857. 

8  Lucy  C,  born  in  Franklin,  Dec.  22,  1802  ;  died    1838,  unm. 

9  Asa  Kingsbury,  born  in  Franklin,  Feb.  6,  1804;     died  Aug.  i,  1819, 

in  Franklin. 
10    Caroline  Augusta,  born  in  Franklin,  Jan.  24,  1808  ;  died  1857,  unm. 

831  Doctor  Asa'  Kingsbury  {Absalom\  Ephraini\  Joseph^, 
Joseph^,  Henry"),  was  a  physician  at  Alstead,  N.  H.,  having 
studied  medicine  with  Dr.  Frink,  of  Keene,  N.  H.  He  mar- 
ried Olive  Carpenter.  He  was  a  Surgeon  in  the  Revolu- 
tionary army,  and  died  of  fever  in  New  York,  August  19, 


1025  Olive,  born  Sept.  8,  1776.  =:  > 

833^  Lieut.  Ephraim^  Kingsbury  {Absalom\  Ephraim\ 
JosepJi\  Josep/r,  Henry"),  of  Alstead,  married,  (i)  August, 
1784,  Keziah   Richardson,  of   Wrentham,  Mass.;    she  died 


March  28,  1790,  aged  30  ;  he  married,  (2)  January  22,  1792, 
Hannah,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Ruth  (White*)  Leonard,  of 
Wareham,  Mass.  He  served  in  the  Revolutionary  War  in 
Capt.  Ephraim  Stone's  Co.,  in  1 780-1  {Neiv  Hampshire  State 
Papers,  XVIII).  He  died  February  26,  1826,  aged  66,  having 
always  lived  on  his  father's  farm  at  Alstead.  Hannah  Kings- 
bury, widow,  was  appointed  administrator  of  the  estate  of 
Ephraim  Kingsbury,  late  of  Alstead,  dec'',  March  11,  1826. 
The  following  heirs  sign  an  acquittance  to  Mrs.  Hannah 
Kingsbury,  admrx.  ;  Joseph  Kingsbury,  Keziah  Kingsbury, 
Dan  Hatch,  Elmira  Hatch,  Allen  Slade,  Nancy  vSlade,  Elisha 
Hatch,  Sophia  Hatch,  Lucina  Kingsbury,  Hannah  S.  Kings- 
bury.—  Cheshire  County  Registry  of  Wills.  Mrs.  Hannah 
(Leonard)  Kingsbury  died  May  29,  1850,  aged  83. 


1026  Ebenezer,  born  May  17,  1785  ;  died  Aug.  18,  1788. 

1027  Lucy,  born  April  25,  1787  ;  died  July  3,  1788. 


1028  Keziah,  born  Nov.  13,  1792.  a;  > 

1029  Elmira,  born  May  9,  1795.  g  > 

1030  Nancy,  born  Aug.  11,  1798  ;  m.  Allen  Slade,  of  Alstead;  they  had  a 

daughter,  Henrietta  Louisa,  b.  June  i  (Aug.  11),  1833,  m.  Sept. 
28,  1856,  Andrew  Jackson  Chandler,  of  Alstead,  b.  Oct.  20, 1832. 

1031  Leonard,  born  April  22,  1800  ;  died  Aug.  15,  1802. 

1032  Sophia,  born  July  6,  1802  ;  m.  Dr.  Elisha  Hatch,  of  Hillsborough, 

N.  H.  ;  living  in  Medford,  Mass.,  in.  1S83  ;  2  ch.,  Emily  P.  ; 
Frank  E.,  of  Medford,  Mass.  s-*- 

1033  Lucina,  born  July  6,  1802  ;    died  unm.,  April  22,  1831,  aged  28. 

Lucina  Kingsbury,  of  Alstead,  mentions  mother  Hannah 
Kingsbury,  sister  Keziah  Kingsbury,  sister  Elmira  Hatch, 
Sister  Mary  Slade,  Sister  Sophia  Hatch,  sister  Hannah  Fay, 
Sophia  Lucina  Slade,  daughter  of  sister  Nancy  Slade  ;  Azel 
Hatch,  Executor;  dated  April  22,  1831,  admitted  to  probate, 
May,  1831.     Cheshire  Co.  Registry  of  Wills. 

1034  Hannah  S.,  born  July  14,  1805  ;  m.  Dr.  Allen  C.  Fay,  of  Alstead, 

died  April  27,  1842,  aged  37. 

1035  Clarissa,  born  Aug.  5,  1807,  died  Aug.  5,  1811. 

835  Obadiah'  Kingsbury  {Absalom\  Ephraim\  Joseph^, 
Joseph^,  Henry^),  of  Alstead  ;  he  was  in  the  Continental 
service;  see  return  dated  April  29,  1782. —  New  Hampshire 
State  Papers,  XVIII.      He  married,  (i)  December  21,  1789, 

•  Fourth  in  descent  from  Peregrine  White  of  the  Mayflower. 


Eunice  Crane,  of  Alstead;  (2)  May  29,  1792,  Alice  White,  of 
Alstead.  He  was  a  millwright,  and  a  paper  manufacturer 
at  Alstead  ;  removed  to  Athens,  Ohio.  It  is  said  that  he 
married  a  third  wife. 


1036  LuciNDA,  ;  married  John    Lamb,  of   Langdon,    N.    H. 

(three  of  her  children  were  living  in  1890). 

1037  Nancy,  ;  never  married  ;  died  at  the  age  of  80. 

1038  Theodosia,  ;  married Barney,   of    Washington, 

N.  H. 

1039  Obadiah,  ;  removed  to  the  West,  probably  Ohio  ;  said  to 

have  been  an  under  sheriff  at  Cincinnati. 

■  836  Rebeckah"  Kingsbury  [Absalom",  Ephraiin\  Joseph^, 
Joseph"^,  Hetiry"),  married,  September  23,  1784,  Dr.  Daniel 
Perrin,  of  Alstead,  born  in  Woodstock,  Conn.,  son  of 
Timothy  Perrin.  He  was  Town  Clerk  at  the  time  of  his 
death,  January  18,  1800,  in  his  43d  year.  She  married  (2) 
Joseph  Willard,  of  Langdon,  N.  H. 


1  Elisha,  born  July  20,  1785  ;  died  Sept.  12,   1785. 

2  Rebecca,  born  Sept.  19,  1786. 

3  Polly,  born  March  2,  1789  ;  died  in  infancy. 

4  Polly,  born  March  31,  1791  ;  died  Dec.  6,  1798. 

5  Lydia,  born  March  12,  1793. 

6  Theda,  born  March  29,  1795. 

7  Mekinda,  born  Jan.  19,  1797. 

8  LuRETTA,  born  Feb.  17,  1799. 


9  Betsey,  ;  married  Royal  Shumway,  of  Langdon,  N.  H.  ; 

died  about  1850. 

ID    Susan,  ;  married Starr,  of  Unity,  N.  H. 

II     Perrin,  ;  "  went  West. " 

837  Judge  James°  Kingsbury  {Absalom^,  Ephraim\  Jo- 
seph^, Joseph',  Henry^)  of  Alstead,  N.  H.,  married  there,  Oc- 
tober 5,  1788,  Eunice  Waldo,  of  Alstead.* 

The  Waldo  Genealogy  says  that  James  Kingsbury  mar- 
ried   Hannah,  daughter   of  Daniel    and    Hannah  (Carlton) 

*  Rev.  Lavius  Hyde,  and  also  extract  from  the  Town  Records  of  Alstead, 
copied  by  the  Town  Clerk.  "  James  Kingsbury  and  Eunice  Waldo  was  married 
Oct.  5th,  178S,  Jacob  Mann,  Minister.     Recorded  Dec.  lo,  1789,  Isaac  Temple,  Town 

Clerk."     Perhaps  a  daughter  of  Shubael  and  Abigail  (Allen)  Waldo,  who  removed 

from  Mansfield,  Conn.,  to  Alstead  about  1768. 


Waldo,  born  in  Chesterfield,  N.  H.,  October  8,  1782,  but  this 
must  be  a  mistake.  Mrs.  Parton,  Mr.  Kingsbury's  grand- 
daughter, says  her  grandmother's  name  was  Eunice. 

In  the  early  spring  of  1796,  he  set  out  with  his  wife  and 
three  children  to  find  a  home  in  what  was  then  the  far  dis- 
tant West.  His  outfit  was  a  stout  farm  wagon,  drawn  by  a 
yoke  of  oxen,  and  laden  with  household  goods  and  provis- 
ions ;  a  horse  to  carry  his  wife,  and  two  younger  children  ; 
a  cow  to  supply  milk  during  the  journey  ;  and  for  defense  a 
rusty  Queen's-arm  musket,  with  which  an  older  brother  had 
in -1777  done  effective  service  at  Bennington.  His  first 
destination  was  Oswego,  and  after  leaving  Albany  his  route 
lay  through  a  wild  forest,  where  the  road  was  merely  a  bri- 
dle-path blazed  through  the  woods.  The  little  company 
were  forced  to  camp  out  among  the  trees,  the  woman  and 
children  sleeping  in  the  wagon,  while  the  man  and  the  boy 
(his  wife's  brother),  took  turns  in  watching  the  fire,  which 
had  to  be  kept  in  a  constant  blaze  to  frighten  away  the 
wolves  and  panthers  with  which  the  forest  was  infested.  At 
Oswego,  Kingsbury  embarked  in  an  open  fiat-bottomed  boat, 
rigged  with  a  single  sail,  capable  of  carrying  his  family  and 
household  goods,  while  the  young  lad  mounted  upon  the 
horse  made  his  way  through  the  woods  along  the  shore, 
with  the  cow  and  the  oxen.  At  night  the  boat  would  be 
drawn  up  on  the  beach,  and  the  camping  out  experiences 
repeated.  In  this  slow  and  toilsome  way  he  journeyed  thirty 
days,  when  he  arrived  at  Fort  Niagara.  Here  the  order  of 
proceeding  was  reversed.  The  boat  which  had  carried  the 
wagon  was  now  to  be  carried  by  that  vehicle  over  the  thirty 
miles  of  portage  to  Lake  Erie.  Here  too,  Kingsbury  met 
General  Moses  Cleveland,  agent  and  director  of  the  Connect- 
icut Land  Company,  which  had  recently  bought  of  that  State 
the  Western  Reserve.  Cleveland  was  traveling  in  the 
wake  of  a  surveying  party,  who  had  gone  forward  to  lay 
out  this  immense  tract  into  townships  and  cities,  and  he  in- 
duced Kingsbury  to  become  the  first  white  settler  in  north- 
ern Ohio.  Kingsbury  selected  a  piece  of  ground  at  Con- 
neaut,  near  the  Pennsylvania  line,  erected  a  cabin,  and  then 
broke  up  the  soil,  and  planted  a  few  acres.  Soon  after  the 
surveyors  left  Conneaut,  Kingsbury  was  called  by  important 

The  first  white  settler  in  Cleveland,  Ohio. 


business  to  return  to  his  former  home  in  New  Hampshire. 
Going  on  horseback  by  the  shortest  route  — overland  from 
BufiEalo  to  Albany  —  he  expected  to  return  by  the  first  of 
December  ;  but  that  time  came  without  him,  or  any  tidings 
of  him,  for  no  mails  as  yet  traveled  west  of  Fort  Stanwix, 
near  Utica.  The  winter  set  in  early  with  great  severity. 
Snow  fell  deep  late  in  November,  and  well  nigh  blockaded 
the  lonely  cabin,  and  soon  the  little  family  ran  short  of  provi- 
sions, and  the  cattle  of  fodder.  Till  the  snow  came  the  In- 
dians had  brought  the  family  game  ;  but  with  the  first  cold 
weather  they  had  fled,  with  the  birds,  southward.  To  add  to 
the  mother's  trials  another  child  was  then  born  into  the 
household,  the  first  white  child  born  on  the  Western 
Reserve.  She  ministered  to  herself  as  well  as  she  could, 
and  at  the  end  of  a  fortnight  managed  to  drag  herself  about 
the  cabin;  and  during  this  time  another  furious  storm  broke 
over  the  little  cabin,  lasting,  without  intermission,  twenty- 
one  days,  and  piling  still  higher  the  heavy  drifts  that  every- 
where covered  the  forests.  It  was  Christmas  Eve  when  the 
storm  cleared  away,  and  a  gleam  of  sunshine  broke  at  last 
through  the  long  overhanging  clouds.  She  went  to  the 
window  to  watch  the  welcome  light,  and  there  she  caught 
sight  of  her  husband  struggling  painfully  through  the  drifts, 
on  foot,  with  an  Indian  guide.  The  reason  of  his  long  delay 
was  soon  made  known  to  the  overjoyed  woman.  He  had 
been  stricken  down  with  a  fever  at  his  old  home,  the  seeds 
of  which  he  had  carried  from  the  malarial  swamps  at  Con- 
neaut.  As  soon  as  he  was  sufficiently  recovered  and  able  to 
mount  his  horse  he  set  out  to  return,  but  his  progress  was 
impeded  by  the  heavy  snows.  At  Buffalo  he  obtained  an 
Indian  guide,  for  the  snow  had  obliterated  the  trail,  and 
none  but  a  native  could  find  the  way  through  the  forest.  He 
had  been  exposed  day  and  night,  for  three  long  weeks,  to 
the  fury  of  the  storm.  The  drifts  in  many  places  had  been 
higher  than  his  horse's  head  ;  in  one  of  them  the  animal 
had  perished,  and  he  would  have  shared  its  fate,  but  for  the 
fidelity  of  the  faithful  Indian. 

Mrs.  Kingsbury  was  now  prostrated  by  fever,  and  unable 
to  give  her  child  its  natural  nourishment.  The  life  of  the 
infant  then  hung  upon  that  of  the  half-starved  cow,  whose 

284  '^^^  KINGSBURY  FAMILY. 

sole  subsistence  was  the  small  twigs  of  the  lime,  elm,  and 
beach,  which  had  been  gathered  for  the  winter's  fodder. 
The  stock  of  provisions  had  now  become  all  but  exhausted, 
and  no  supply  could  be  obtained  nearer  than  Erie,  twenty- 
five  miles  distant.  The  intense  frost  which  had  succeeded 
the  storm  had  thickly  encrusted  the  snow,  and  over  it  on 
foot  and  alone,  Kingsbury  dragged  a  hand-sled  laden  with 
the  precious  eatables.  Flour  could  not  be  procured,  and 
only  a  bushel  of  wheat ;  but  on  this,  cracked  and  boiled, 
they  managed  to  keep  their  souls  a.nd  bodies  together.  But 
a  great  calamity  soon  befell  them.  Among  the  browse  for 
the  cattle,  the  young  lad  had  gathered  some  twigs  of  the 
oak,  not  knowing  that  they  were  poison  to  dumb  creatures. 
Of  these  the  cow  had  eaten  and  died  ;  and  thus  the  little 
child  was  doomed  to  starvation. 

Such  was  the  first  winter  of  the  first  white  settler  in 
Northern  Ohio.  It  is  not  strange  that  when  the  surveyors, 
coming  to  complete  their  work  in  the  spring,  told  him  that 
some  of  them  intended  to  locate  at  the  new  city  they  had 
laid  out  at  the  westward,  he  should  have  decided  to  leave 
that  desolate  wilderness.  He  did  so,  and  thus  became  in 
June,  1797,  the  first  permanent  settler  of  Cleveland,  Ohio. 
He  lived  first  in  a  deserted  cabin  left  by  some  Indian 
traders,  who  are  supposed  to  have  been  there  in  1786.  This 
he  occupied  till  he  could  build  a  cabin  of  his  own,  which  he 
soon  did,  on  a  spot  directly  east  of  the  public  square,  and 
not  far  from  the  present  site  of  the  Post-office.  On  the 
ground  near  by  —  now  occupied  by  the  City  Hall  and  Cath- 
olic Cathedral  —  he  planted  a  crop  of  corn,  and  thus  pro- 
vided against  a  repetition  of  the  experiences  of  the  previous 
winter,  and  he  was  the  first  who  thrust  a  sickle  into  the  first 
wheat  field  planted  in  the  soil  of  the  Reserve. 

In  1800,  Governor  St.  Clair  appointed  Mr.  Kingsbury 
Judge  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  and  Quarter  Session 
of  the  County.  The  first  session  is  said  to  have  been  held  in 
the  open  air,  between  two  corn-cribs.  Judge  Kingsbury  occu- 
pying a  rude  bench  beneath  a  tree,  the  jurors  sitting  about 
on  the  grass,  and  the  prisoners  looking  on  from  between  the 
slats  of  the  corn-cribs. 

A  brook  running  into  the  Cuyahoga,  is  called  Kingsbury 


Run,  and  is  the  only  memorial  which  has  been  dedicated  to 
the  first  settler.  At  the  mouth  of  Kingsbury  Run  are  the 
works  of  the  Standard  Oil  Company. 

Just  before  the  battle  of  Lake  Erie,  Perry's  fleet  lay  to  off 
Cleveland,  and  was  boarded  by  Judge  Kingsbury,  who  had 
been  engaged  to  furnish  it  supplies.  Having  told  him  that 
he  was  in  hourly  expectation  of  encountering  the  enemy, 
Perry  added,  "  What  would  you  do,  Judge,  if  he  should 
heave  in  sight  before  you  leave  the  ship?"  "  Do,  sir?"  an- 
swered the  Judge,  already  venerable  for  his  gray  hairs,  "  I 
would  fight.     I  can  do  it  as  well  as  the  best  of  you." 

Judge  Kingsbury  died  in  Cleveland,  December  12,  1847. 
His  wife  died  December  7,  1842. 


1040  Nabby,  born  Jan.  7,  1792,  in  Alstead,  N.  H.;  m.  Jan.  4,  1808,  Dyer 

Sherman.     She  died  March  15,  1865.     2  ch. 

1041  Amos,  born  July  13,  1793,  in  Alstead,  N.  H.  s::  > 

1042  Almon  or  Almond,  born  Jan.  27,  1795,  in  Alstead,  N.  H.  s:  > 

1043  A  Son,  born  Dec.      ,  1796,  in  Conneaut,  O.  ;  died  of  starvation. 

1044  Nancy,  born  Sept.  4,  1798,  in  Cleveland.   =  > 

1045  Calista,  born  Sept.  20,  1800,  in  Cleveland,  r;  > 

1046  Elmina,  born  Aug.  20,  1802,  in  Cleveland.  :z  > 

1047  Diana,  born  May  i,  1804,  in  Cleveland;  m.  Buckley  Stedman  of 

Cleveland;  d.  there  Oct.  12,  1880. 

1048  Albert,  born  July  20,  1806,  in  Cleveland,  sh^ 

1049  Alfred,  1808;  died  aged  9  months. 

1050  Silvester,  born  Feb.  i,  1810,  in  Cleveland  ;  died  April  18,  1813. 

1051  James  Waldo,  born  April  23  (13,  Mrs.   E.  K.  Parton),   1813,   in 

Cleveland,  z:  > 

838  Major  Elisha'  Kingsbury  {Absalom\  Ep/iraii/i\  Jo- 
seph'', Joseph',  He/iry^),  of  Alstead,  N.  H.,  married  January  10, 
1790,  Phoebe  Beckwith,  of  Alstead;  died  in  Alstead  before 

An  oil  mill  was  built  by  Major  Elisha  and  Lieut.  Ephraim 
Kingsbury  in  1792.  The  first  paper  mill  in  Alstead  was  built 
on  Cold  River  in  1793,  by  Major  Elisha  Kingsbury. 

Richard  Beckwith  was  appointed  guardian  to  Ebenezer 
Kingsbury,  George  Kingsbury,  Charles  Kingsbury,  Henry 
Kingsbury,  and  Elisha  Kingsbury,  minors,  under  the  age  of 
21,  children  of  Major  Elisha  Kingsbury,  late  of  Alstead, 
Dec**,  Jan^'  22,  1807.  Another  document  mentions  also 
Joshua  Kingsbury,  Phila  Pierce,  also  minor  children  of 
Elisha  Kingsbury,  Dec''. 



1052  Ebenezer,  born  in  Alstead,  Aug.  27,  1791. 

1053  Charles,  born  1795.  s-*- 

1054  George. 

1055  Phila  Pierce  Philetta,  born  Feb.  22,  1800.  s->- 

1056  Henry,  born  June  5,  1802. 

1057  Elisha,   born   Sept.    28,    1804  (Sept.    22,    1805,   ace.   to    Family 

Record),  r::  > 

1058  Joshua,  died  in  childhood. 

1059  Amariah,  died  in  childhood. 

844  Ruth"  Kingsbury  {Obadia/i\  Ephraim\  Joseph^,  Jo- 
seph^, Henry" ^  married  in  Franklin,  December  8,  1790,  Oliver 
Scott,  of  Tolland  ;  she  was  admitted  to  the  Church  in  Vernon 
in  1814.     Mrs.  Ruth  Scott  died  May  i,  1841,  in  Tolland. 


1  Sarah,  born  Feb.  17,  1791,  in  Tolland. 

2  Pamelia,  born  Jan.  22,  1793,  in  Tolland. 

3  William,  born  May  18,  1795,  in  Tolland. 

4  Polly,  born  Oct.  30,  1797,  in  Tolland. 

5  Minerva,  born  Aug.  24,  1800,  in  Tolland. 

6  George,  born  Feb.  13,  1803,  in  Tolland. 

845  Hon.  Andrew'  Kingsbury  {Ep/iraiin\  Ephraim\ 
Joseph^.,  Joseph'^,  Hetijy"),  of  Hartford;  he  removed  from 
Franklin  to  Coventry,  Conn.,  with  his  parents  in  April,  1761; 
"he  enlisted  as  a  private  soldier,  in  June,  1776,  in  Col. 
John  Chester's  Regiment  of  Connecticut  Troops,  was  in  the 
action  with  the  British  troops  at  Flatbush  in  Long  Island, 
Aug.  27th,  and  in  the  rear  guard  of  General  Washington's 
Army  in  their  retreat  from  Long  Island  to  New  York,  Aug. 
30,  1776,  and  in  the  action  at  White  Plains,  Oct.  28,  1776; 
discharged  with  the  Regiment  at  Salisbury,  in  Pennsylvania, 
Dec.  25,  1776  ;  went  home,  and  entered  the  service  again  in 
April,  1777,*  when  he  joined  Col.  John  Chandler's  Regiment 
of  Continental  Troops,  at  Danbury,  and  in  May  was  trans- 
ferred to  the  General  Hospital  Department,  where  he  served 
as  Clerk,  until  Dec.  15,  1778,  when  he  received  the  appoint- 
ment of  Storekeeper,  and  served  in  that  capacity  until  March 
13,  1781;  in  May,  1781,  became  first  Clerk  in  the  office  of 
Ralph  Pomeroy,  Esq"".,  Deputy  Quartermaster-General,  at 
Hartford,  where  he  continued  until  September,  1783."! 

*  April  28,  1777,  in  Captain  Paul  Brigham's  Co\npa.ny.— Connecticut  Men  in  the 
Revolutioji^  2SJ.    See  also  /did.,  143. 

+  The  above  is  copied  from  Mr.  Kingsbury's  manuscript  account  of  his  services. 



The  Rev.  Marvin  Root,  in  his  manuscript  Reminiscences  of 
Coventry,  says:  "Captain  Paul  Brigham,  afterwards  Lieuten- 
ant-Governor of  Vermont  for  many  years,  raised  a  company 
of  men  mostly  from  this  town.  While  marching  through 
Hartford  Colonel  Wadsworth  enquired  for  a  Commissary 
Clerk  from  his  company.  Captain  B.  recommended  Andrew 
Kingsbury,  of  Coventry,  who  was  afterwards  Treasurer  of 
the  State  25  years  from  1793  to  1818." 

He  married,  in  Danbury,  January  14,  1783,  Mary,  daughter 
of  Abner  and  Mercy  (Pettit)  Osborn,  born  in  Stamford,  Conn., 
October  3,  1761,  and  a  descendant  of  Captain  Richard  Osborn, 
who  served  in  the  Pequot  war,  1637,  and  settled  in  Fair- 
field. "In  May,  1784,  he  entered  the  Pay  Table  Office 
of  Connecticut  as  a  Clerk,  in  which,  and  in  the  Comptrol- 
ler's Office,  he  served  until  May,  1791;  was  then  by  the  Gen- 
eral Assembly  appointed  Comptroller  of  Public  Accounts, 
in  which  office  he  continued  until  May,  1793  ;  was  then 
elected  by  the  freemen  of  the  State,  and  re-elected  annu- 
ally, as  Treasurer  of  the  State  of  Connecticut  till  May,  1818 
(a  period  of  twenty-five  years),  and  annually  appointed  as 
one  of  the  Managers  and  Treasurer  of  the  School  Fund  cre- 
ated by  the  sale  of  the  Connecticut  Western  Reserve  lands 
in  Ohio,*  till  said  May,  181 8,  and  as  accountant  and  book- 
keeper in  the  office  of  the  Commissioners  of  said  Fund  till 
October  31,  1827."!  He  also  held  the  office  of  Treasurer 
to  the  Connecticut  Missionary  Society,  from  May,  1799; 
that  of  Treasurer  to  the  Hartford  Grammar  School  from 
May,  1806  ;  and  that  of  Treasurer  to  the  Ministers'  Annuity 
Society  from  May,  181 1,  until  his  death.  He  held  many 
other  offices  of  trust,  and  was  often  called  upon  to  serve  the 
Town  and  City  of   Hartford,  on  committees,  and  in  other 

•The  claim  of  Connecticut  to  the  territory  granted  by  the  Royal  Charter  of 
1662  was  considered  as  satisfied  by  the  grant  from  Congress  of  3,300,000  acres  in  that 
part  of  the  Northwest  Territorj',  now  Northern  Ohio,  known  as  "The  Connecticut 
Western  Reserve."  In  1792  some  five  hundred  thousand  acres  in  the  western  part 
of  the  Reserve  were  devoted  to  the  relief  of  those  persons  who  had  been  burned  out 
and  plundered  by  the  English  raids  on  the  Connecticut  shore  of  Long  Island  Sound. 
The  rest  was  sold  under  the  direction  of  a  legislative  committee,  and  the  proceeds 
were  devoted  to  the  school  fund  of  the  commonwealth.  Other  lands  belonging  to 
the  State,  within  its  borders,  and  also  in  Berkshire  Co.,  Mass.,  were  sold  for  the 
same  purpose.  Mr.  Kingsbury's  signature  is  found  on  the  records  in  many  parts  of 
the  State  and  in  Berkshire  Co  ,  attached  to  conveyances  of  these  lands. 

tFrom  Mr.  Kingsbury's  manuscript  account. 


ways,  and  he  was  considered  one  of  the  ablest  financiers 
of  his  day.  He  died  in  Hartford,  October  6,  1837.  His 
widow  died  in  Hartford,  April  14,  1848.  He  and  his  wife 
became  members  of  the  First  Church  in  February,  1815,  and 
the  Rev.  Dr.  Hawes,  his  pastor,  describing  men  of  the  old 
Puritan  stamp,  said  :  "  That  impersonation  of  honesty,  old 
Andrew  Kingsbury,  of  strong  nerve,  of  lofty  character,  of 
stern  mould." 

He  was  much  interested  in  horticulture  and  floriculture, 
and  the  large  and  beautiful  garden  of  his  residence  on  the 
corner  of  Temple  and  Market  streets  displayed  his  favor- 
ite tastes.  Rare  seeds  and  grafts  were  sent  to  him, 
and  he  was  one  of  the  promoters  of  the  Hartford  County 
Agricultural  Society,  and  its  annual  fairs.  He  was  also 
more  interested  in  genealogy  than  most  people  of  that  time 
were,  and  his  great  granddaughter.  Miss  Talcott,  has  in  her 
possession  a  chart  which  he  made  out,  going  back  to  his  an- 
cestor, Joseph  Kingsbury,  who  came  from  Haverhill  to 
Norwich,  giving  the  descendants  as  far  as  he  knew  them. 


1060  Elizabeth,  born  Oct.  18,  1783,  in  Coventry,  s-^ 

1061  Oliver,  born  April  4,  1785,  in  Hartford,  s-^ 

1062  Maria,  born  July  5,  1789,  in  Hartford,  s-^ 

1063  Harriet,  born  Dec.  23,  1792,  in  Hartford,  z:  > 

1064  Laura,  born  Sept.  7,  1795,  in  Hartford  ;  after  along  and  useful  life 

in  Hartford,  she  died  single,  June  17,  1861,  at  the  house  of 
her  nephew,  Russell  G.  Talcott,  in  whose  family  she  had  lived 
for  many  years. 

847  William"  Kingsbury  [Ephraitn^  Ephraiiii\  Josej)k\ 
Joseph'',  Hemy),  married,  in  1788,  Abigail  Richardson,  of 
Coventry,  born  March  11,  1770,  daughter  of  Stephen  and 
Mabel  (Marsh)  Richardson  ;  died  March  i,  1826,  aged 
56.  He  removed  in  1830  to  Homer,  N  Y.,  where  he  died, 
March  10,   1849.     He  was  a  tanner  and  shoemaker. 


1065  Eleazer,  born  Nov.  25,  1788. 

1066  William,  born  Aug.  27,  1790.  r::  > 

1067  Erastus,  born  Dec.  23,  1792;  died  Sept.  22,  1810. 

1068  Augustus,  born  Oct.  12,  1796.  a  > 

1069  Charles,  born  March  20,  1S02.  s->- 





848  PhcEbe°  Kingsbury  {Ephraim'',  Ephraim\  Joseph^, 
Joseph'',  Henry^),  married,  January  i,  1784,  William  Porter, 
of  Lyme,  N.  H.,  son  of  William  and  Esther  (Carpenter)  Por- 
ter, of  Coventry.  She  died  July  18,  1800,  in  Lyme.  He 
died  in  1847. 


1  Clarissa,  born  1785  ;  married  Otis  Converse  and  had  7  ch. 

2  William,  born  1787;  married  Keziah  Washburn  and  had  4  ch. 

3  Oliver  Kingsbury,  born  1789  ;  married  Elizabeth  Franklin  and  had 

8  ch. 

4  Mary,  born  1791  ;  married  Theron  Converse  and  had  4  ch. 

5  Eleazer,  born  1794  ;  married  Anna  Mann  ;  died  before  1S35. 

6  Ephraim,  born  1796  ;  married Converse  ;  died  before  1835. 

7  Phcebe,  born  1798  ;  married  Joshua  Turner  and  had  4  ch. 

849  Jabez'  Kingsbury  {Ephraim^,  Ephraim\  Joseph^,  Jo- 
seph^, Nenry^),  of  Coventry,  married  (i)  December  10,  1789, 
Freelove  Utley,  of  Mansfield;  she  died  May  20,  1823,  aged 
52;  (2)  February  4,  1824,  Chloe,  daughter  of  John  and  Sarah 
(Stimson)  Talcott,  of  Bolton.  He  lived  all  his  life  in  the 
house  built  by  his  father. 

The  Rev.  Marvin  Root,  in  his  Reminiscences,  gives  a  list 
of  Revolutionary  soldiers  from  Coventry,  prepared  by  Jabez 
Kingsbury,  Esq.,  "  who  was  one  of  the  most  exact  and  cor- 
rect men  in  the  town  of  Coventry,"  and  he  also  calls  him  an 
"exact  antiquarian."  He  gives  the  names  of  four  Kings- 
burys  who  served  :  Joseph,  Ephraim,  Andrew,  and  Oliver. 

He  died  in  Coventry,  October  15,  1854;  his  widow  died 
May  24,  1857. 


1070  Anna,  born  in  Coventry,  July  12,  1790.  r;  >■ 

1071  Elisha,  born  in  Coventry,  Oct.  12,  1793.  :::  > 

1072  Am.ariah,  born  in  Coventry,  March  10,  1796.  z:  > 

1073  Ephraim,  born  in  Coventry,  July  20,  1799.  s-^- 

1074  Alvin,  born  in  Coventry,  March  9,  1803.  rr.-v- 

1075  Backus,  born  in  Coventry,  Sept.  25,  1805  ;  died  in  Coventry,  June 

5,  1831;  killed  by  an  explosion  in  the  Bolton  quarries. 

1076  Nelson,  born  in  Coventry,  April  3,  1S08.   e^->- 

1077  Phcebe,  born  in  Coventry,  June  9,  1810.  s>-*- 

1078  Erastus,  born  in  Coventry,  April  29,  1812.  sh->- 


1079  Harriet  Newell,  born  in  Coventry,  May  21,  1825.  —  > 

1080  Jabez  Hyde,  born  in  Coventry,  Nov.  2,  1827.  s— >- 



850  Ephraim'  Kingsbury  {Ephraim" ,  Ephratm\  Joseph^, 
Joseph^,  Henry^),  was  graduated  from  Dartmouth  College, 
1797  ;  settled  in  Hanover,  afterwards  in  Haverhill,  N.  H. 
Ephraim  Kingsbury,  of  Haverhill,  N.  H.,  was  appointed 
agent  for  the  Hartford  Fire  Insurance  Co.,  in  June,  1814,  "to 
insure  houses,  furniture,  stores,  merchandise,  and  barns 
only,"  in  the  infancy  of  the  company.  He  removed  to  New 
York  City  about  1835  ;  a  lawyer  ;  assistant  clerk,  U.  S.  Dis- 
trict Court  in  New  York  City;  died  March  28,  1855,  i^  New 

He  married  Margaret  Pratt,  of  Salem,  Mass.,  at  Orford, 
N.  H.,  August  28,  1807  ;  she  died  in  New  York,  October  12, 

[Ephraim  Kingsbury,  called  "Squire  Kingsbury,"  was  a 
man  of  importance  in  the  town.  He  held  numerous  public 
positions,  being  town  clerk  and  treasurer  for  a  number  of 
years,  and  was  also  selectman.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
board  of  trustees  of  Haverhill  Academy,  and  at  one  time 
principal  of  the  school.  He  graduated  from  Dartmouth 
College  in  1797,  and  afterwards  read  law,  but  it  does  not  ap- 
pear that  he  was  in  active  practice  while  living  in  Haver- 
hill. He  moved  from  town  about  1834,  and  went  to  Con- 
necticut, and  thence  to  New  York,  where  he  died  in  1855. 
He  was  a  man  of  much  ability,  but  somewhat  eccentric,  and 
was  noted  for  extravagant  speech  and  conduct.  Once  while 
the  Methodists  were  holding  tent-meetings  in  the  park,  and 
were  more  than  usually  demonstrative,  Kingsbury  went  to 
the  tent  door  and  read  to  the  meeting  the  riot  act.  At  an- 
other time,  when  a  piece  of  road  on  the  Oliverian,  which  had 
some  stone  wall  in  its  construction,  was  to  be  accepted  by 
the  town  authorities,  he  said,  in  describing  the  character  of 
the  stone  used  in  the  wall  :  "  I  can  put  any  three  stone  in 
it  in  my  eye  and  wink  with  perfect  ease."  —  History  of  Ha- 
verhill^ by  Rev.  J.  Q.  Bitfiiiger.,  iij. 


1081  Harriet,  born  April  15,  1813  ;  d.  unm. 

1082  Henry,  born  July  16,  1814  ;  died  in  Haverhill  in  Oct.,  1815. 

1083  Oliver,  born  Dec.   15,  181 5  ;  died  unmarried,  in  New  York,  Oct. 

4.  1845- 



852  Alfred  (or  Olfred')  Kingsbury  {Ebenezer\  Joseph\ 
/osep/i\  Joseph'',  IIe?iry'),  of  Pomfret,  Conn.,  married  (i), 
April  6,  1790,  Anna  Holbrook,  daughter  of  Deacon  John  and 
Rebecca  (Choate)  Holbrook  ;  she  died  September  20,  1807; 
(2)  April  17,  1816,  Nancy  Field,  daughter  of  Jeremiah  and 
Lydia(Colwell)  Field  of  Pomfret,  born  October  8,  1776,  mar- 
ried April  17,  1 8 16,  in  Cranston,  R.  I.  (See  Field  Genealogy.) 
She  died  May,  1839,  aged  66.     He  died  December  12,  1834. 


1084  Polly,  b.  Jan.  9,  1791;   m.  Ralph  James,  of  Pomfret,  son  of  Free- 

man and  Joanna  (Williams)  James,  born  in  Pomfret,  July  28, 
1790;  d.  Oct.  I,  1837;  she  died  in  1870  ;  one  son,  (i)  Free- 
man, and  two  daughters;  (2)  Harriet  Lippitt,  m.  Dr.  Palmer, 
of  Ashford,  Conn. ;  no  ch.  (3)  Abigail  "Williams,  all  bapt. 
July  2,  1824,  in  Pomfret,  m.  ;  living  in  Pomfret  Landing, 
1890;  no  ch. 

1085  •  Mary  Ann,  b.  Feb.  28,  1794  ;  m.  April  25,  1823,  Danforth  Newell, 

of  Killingly  ;  no  ch. 

1086  Rebekah  C,  b.  in  Pomfret,  Oct.  22,  1800;  d.  unmarried,  in  Kil- 

lingly, Dec.  24,  1867,  aged  66  years,  2  mos.,  2  days.      [T.  R.'\ 

1087  Lucy,  b.  ;  m.  Jan.  23,  1822,  William  Newell  of  Pomfret;  6 

ch.,  two  sons  and  four  daughters:  (i)  Lucy;  (2)  Abby;  (3)  Har- 
riet;  (4)  Elizabeth;  (5)  Daniel;  (6)  William. 

1088  Ebenezer  Field,  b.  July  20,  1817.      A  blacksmith  in  Thompson, 

Conn.;  m.  (i)  Martha  Pearson  ;  she  d.  in  1856  ;  (2)  Isabella 
Marion  Hislop,  of  Alburgh,  Vt.,  daughter  of  William  and 
Margaret  Hislop;  2  sons,  both  dead,  no  ch.  living  ;  he  died 
Feb.  8,  1899  ;  buried  in  Pomfret. 

853  Eunice'  Kingsbury  {Ebenezer\  Joseph*,  Joseph^, 
Joseph^,  Henry^),  married  February  21,  1788,  Nehemiah  Wil- 
liams, born  January  15,  1766,  in  Pomfret,  Conn.,  son  of 
Colonel  Ebenezer  and  Jerusha  (Porter)  Williams,  and  grand- 
son of  Rev.  Ebenezer  and  Penelope  (Chester)  Williams, 
of  Pomfret.  They  removed  to  Richmond,  Mass.,  where  he 
died  in  1802.  The  widow,  Eunice,  was  appointed  adminis- 
tratrix Aug.  30,  1802.  June  7,  1803,  Eunice  Williams  was 
appointed  guardian  to  her  children,  all  under  age.  The 
administratrix's  account  includes  money  received  from 
Ebenezer  Kingsbury  for  a  debt  due  the  deceased,  Mrs. 
Eunice  Williams  died  in  1841;  will  dated  August  20,  1838, 
proved  Octobers,  1841.  —  Berkshire  County,  Registry  of  Wills. 




1  Margaret,  born  Dec.  i,  1788,  in  Pomfret. 

2  Ebenezer    Kingsbury,    born   April   26,    1791,   in  Pomfret;  lived  in 


3  Chester,  born  Feb.  8,  1793,  in  Pomfret;  d.  in  Richmond,  May  26, 

1835,  leaving  widow,  Fanny,  and  ch.:  Eunice  Ann,  over  14, 
Mary  Eliza,  Caroline  W.,  Harriet,  William  Henry,  Sarah 
Adaline,  Elisha,  and  Eleazer  Chester. 

4  Eleazer,  born  in  Richmond;  m.  in  Pomfret,  Feb.  7,  1838,  Rebecca 

Holbrook,  born  Nov.  27,  1795,  in  Pomfret;  lived  in  Richmond. 

854  Joseph'^  Kingsbury  {Ebenezer",  Joseph'',  Joseph^, 
Joseph'',  Henry'),  of  Pomfret;  married  May  7,  1795,  Hannah 
Scarborough.  She  died  March  23,  1806.  He  sold  his 
dwelling  house  and  eighty-nine  acres  of  land  to  Olfred 
Kingsbury  March  28,  181 1,  removed  to  Ashford,  and  was 
living  there  in  1833. 

He  died  February  19,  1847,  aged  79. 

1089     Maria,  b.  Dec.  11,  1797. 
logo    Betsey,  b.  July  5,  1799. 

1091  George,  b.  April  12,  1802,  in  Pomfret;  m.  Jan.   i,  1830,  Hannah 

Maria,  daughter  of  Jeremiah  Field,  of  Pomfret  ;  he  d.  in  Kil- 
lingly,  April  12,  1877,  aged  75  years,  12  days  ;  widow,  daugh- 
ter Mrs.  C.  Frank  Marsh,  and  granddaughter,  Grace  K. 
Marsh,  livmg  in  Norwich,  Conn.  (1890). 

1092  Ebenezer,  b.  Dec.   25,  1805,  in  Pomfret;  lived  in  Danielson  ;  d. 

there  Nov.  23,  1881,  aged  76;  left  2  or  3  sons. 

855  Lucy'  Kingsbury  {Ebenezer",  Joseph^  Joseph^,  Jo- 
seph^, Henry'),  married  in  Pomfret  September  15,  1799, 
John  Holbrook,  of  Pomfret,  born  in  Pomfret,  March  10, 
1768  {Pomfret  T.  R),  son  of  John  and  Rebecca  (Choate) 
Holbrook  {Choate  Genealogy).     She  died  April  24,  1862. 


1  Margaret,  b.  Dec.  16,  1799,  in  Pomfret ;  m. Davison. 

2  John  Kingsbury,  b.  March  21,  1804,  in  Pomfret;  m.  (i)  in  Pomfret, 

Sept.  27,  1830,  Mary  M.  Adams,  of  Woodstock;  (2)  Jan.  31, 
i860,  Caroline  Field,  of  Killingly;  b.  in  1815. 

3  Lucy   Kingsbury,   b.  Sept.   9,   1809,  in   Pomfret;    m.   Feb.  7,  1838, 

Charles  Osgood,  of  Pomfret. 

4  Rebecca  Choate,  b.  July  4,  i8ri,  in  Pomfret ;  m.  Eleazar  Williams, 

of  Richmond,  Mass.,  her  cousin. 


856  Alice'  Kingsbury  {Sanford\  Joseph\  Joseph\  Joseph\ 
Henry'),  married,  October  7,  1787,  Major  Moody  Dustin,  of 
Claremont,  N.  H.  an  officer  in  the  Revolutionary  War,  serv- 
ing- three  years  in  the  First  New  Hampshire  Regiment ; 
she  died  in  Claremont,  April  16, 1S22,  aged  55.  Moody  Dustin, 
Esq.,  died  August  11,  1810,  aged  68,  in  Claremont. 


1  Nan'cy  Melinda,  b.  in  Claremont,  Dec.   15,  1788  ;  m.  June  i6,-i8o6, 

William  Grannis  of  Claremont,  and  removed  to  Stanstead, 
Canada.     Ch.:  i.     Sarah  Melinda,  b.  March  2,  1808  ;  m.  Feb. 

3,  1824,  Dr.  Rotus  Parmelee  of  Waterloo,  Eastern  Township, 
Canada  ;  she  died  February  3,  1S34,  of  consumption,  and  left 
one  son,  Willianf  Grannis  Parmelee  of  Ottawa,  present  Min- 
ister of  Trade  and  Commerce  in  the  Canadian  Cabinet  ;  2. 
Alice  Jane,  b.  Jan.  21,  iSii,  died  Nov.  12,  1831  ;  3,  Harriet. 
Dustin,  b.  Dec.  28,  18 13  ;  m.  Sept.  29,  1833,  Sidnej-  P.  Red- 
field,  a  druggist  at  Montpelier,  Vt.;  ch.:  (i)  Sarah  Jane;  (2) 
William  Perrin  ;  (3)  Helen  Fletcher;  4.  Helen  W.,  b.  Feb.  6, 
1818;  m.  Hon.  Timothy  P.  Redfield  of  Montpelier,  Judge  of 
the  Supreme  Court  of  Vermont ;  she  is  now  living  in  Mont- 
pelier ;  ch  :  (i)  Frederick  H. ;  (2)  Alice  Melinda,  m.  Prof. 
Phillips,  has  one  son  in  the  Harvard  Law  School  ;  (3)  Charles 
Dustin  ;  (4)  Sidney  Grannis  (twins)  who  died  September  3, 
1858,  aged  4  months  ;  5.    Elizabeth,  b.  Sept.  19,  1822,  m.  Jan. 

4,  1843,  Dr.  John  Meigs  of  Stanstead,  P.  Q. ;  d.  May  18,  1900  ; 
left  two  children,  Alice  Lj^dia,  and  Elizabeth  Sumner,  wife  of 
Robert  James  Meekren,  of  Stanstead,  Canada  ;  6.  William 
Charles  Dustin,  b.  Mch.  30,  1826  ;  lived  in  Chicago  ;  m.  June 
8,  1850,  (1)  Lucia  L.  Baldwin,  (2)  Feb.  19,  1S68,  Clara  J. 
Brown.  He  d.  Aug.  3,  1898  ;  left  two  daughters,  Mrs.  Hollis 
and  Mrs.  Howland,  and  one  son,  a  senior  at  Princeton  (1903). 

2  Harriet,  b.  June  24,  1791,  m.  Henry  Thorndike,  Esquire,  a  lawyer 

in  Maine  ;  removed  to  Ohio,  where  she  died  Dec.  28,  1824, 
aged  32,  s.  p. 

3  Charles  Moody,   b.  July  4,   1793  ;  studied  law,  and  practiced  in 

Gardiner,  Maine  ;  died  there,  unmarried.  May  20,  1824,  aged 

858  Charles'  Kingsbury  {Sanford\  Joseph',  Joscph\  Jo- 
seph^, Henry'),  of  Derby,  Vt.  He  was  one  of  the  pioneer 
settlers  of  Derby,  and  during  the  first  year  or  two  he 
worked  on  his  "  clearing,"  living  in  a  bark  shanty  through 
the  summer  months,  and  returning  to  Claremont  in  the 
winter,  although  the  journey  was  long  and  tedious.  The 
monotony  of  his  labors  was  somewhat  enlivened  by  frequent 
visits  from  the  bears  and  wolves,  who  took  much  interest  in 
the  small  crop  of  turnips  raised  by  the  settlers  for  summer 


consumption,  and  also  in  the  few  sheep  and  cattle  imported 
into  the  country.  His  only  solace  in  his  exile  was  his  violin, 
probably  the  only  article  of  luxury  he  took  from  the  pa- 
ternal home.  He  would  play  the  old  tunes  of  his  boyhood 
to  a  small  and  select  audience  frequently  consisting  of  him- 
self and  "old  Ide  Indian,"  who  often  visited  him  while  his 
wig-wam  was  on  the  shore  of  "  Salem  Pond."  Mr.  Kings- 
bury became  early  identified  with  the  growing  interests 
of  his  chosen  home.  About  1797  his  first  deed  of  land 
is  dated ;  it  was  situated  about  half  way  between  the 
center  of  the  town  and  the  Canada  line,  and  about 
eighty  yards  east  of  the  present  traveled  road.  Here  he 
had  the  first  apple  orchard  in  the  town,  and  made  the  first 
cider.  The  Kingsbury  orchard  is  still  yielding  fruit.  He 
married,  September  17,  1800,  Persis  Stewart,  daughter  of 
General  Stewart,  of  Brattleboro,  Vt.,  born  October  26,  1777. 
In  181 2  he  moved  to  a  place  about  half  a  mile  out 
of  the  village  of  Derby  Center,  and  in  1820  removed 
again  to  the  house  opposite  the  Congregational  Church, 
known  as  "the  Kingsbury  Place."  He  was  the  first  Rep- 
resentative sent  from  the  town  to  the  General  Assem- 
bly, holding  the  office  four  years,  and  again  in  1828, 
'29,  '38,  '39.  He  was  Town  Treasurer  from  1812  to  1833; 
Justice  of  the  Peace  for  thirty  years  ;  Lister  from  1816 
to  1826,  and  Overseer  of  the  Poor  for  three  years. 
"  It  was  said  (by  the  Rev.  Charles  Backus,  of  Somers) 
that  the  Kingsbury  family  were  remarkable  for  their 
attachment  to  agricultural  pursuits  from  their  first  settle- 
ment in  America  ;  that  they  lived  in  the  common,  temper- 
ate style  of  the  New  England  farmer  ;  that  they  were  a 
noble-hearted,  intelligent,  industrious  race  of  the  strictest 
integrity,  disdaining  the  low  arts  of  dissimulation,  shunning 
the  ways  of  vice,  and  walking  in  the  paths  of  virtue  and 
piety,  and  Esq"".  Kingsbury  never  brought  shame  or  dis- 
credit upon  the  good  name  of  his  ancestry.  From  his  clear 
perception  of  right  and  wrong,  his  services  were  often 
solicited  in  behalf  of  the  widow  and  fatherless,  in  set- 
tling estates,  and  carrying  out  the  wishes  and  provisions 
of  the  departed.  Although  he  served  the  town  faithfully 
and  well  in  almost  every  capacity,  yet  he  could  not  be 
called  a  public  man.     It  was  in  his  private  circle  that  his 


character  shone  the  brightest ;  in  home  loves  and  friend- 
ships the  innate  goodness  of  his  nature  was  displayed 
undimmed  and  untarnished." 

He  died  in  Derby  May  5,  1843,  aged  69  years,  5  months, 
and  13  days,  and  his  wife  died  January  28,  1843. 


1093  Mary  Ann,  born  Sept.  11,  1801.  s-^- 

1094  George,  born  Jan.  5,  1804.  it.  > 

1095  Sanford,  born  June  24,  1805.  ™.  > 

1096  Lucius,  born  March  24,  1807  ;  m.  Sept.  16,   1833,  Jane  Elizabeth, 

dau.  of  WilHam  and  Anne  (Hinman)  Drakeley,  b.  June  21, 
1813;  died  May  10,  1875.  He  lived  in  Derby  and  died  there 
April  6,  1892.  s.  p. 

1097  Eliza,  born  May  19,  1809  ;  m.  May  20,  1847,  Samuel  Wilson,  who 

lived  near  CarroUton,  Georgia  ;  2  ch.,  one,  a  daughter,  Eliza- 
beth, m. Johnson. 

1098  Charles,  born  March  12,  1812.  s-^ 

1099  Persis,  born  Oct.  8,  1813  ;  m.   March  30,  1S36,  Lewis  Patch,  of 

Derby,  Vt;  died  A^ril  17,  1902;  s.  p. 
iioo     Emera,  born  April  25,  1815.  r:  > 
1101     Henry,  born  Aug.  24,  1816.   ^^Sr-^ 

860  Betsy'  Kingsbury  {Sanford\Joseph\  Joseph\  Joseph^, 
Henry^),  married,  February  26,  1797,  Joseph  Scarboro  Sterne, 
son  of  Dr.  Thomas  and  Sarah  Sterne,  of  Watertown,  Mass., 
born  December  23,  1771.  They  removed  to  Windsor,  Vt., 
where  she  died  May  10,  1818,  aged  39. 


1  George,  died  at  Claremont,  Oct.  18,  1801,  aged  14  months. 

2  George  F.,  died  at  Windsor,  Vt.,  May  i,  1817,  aged  16. 

3  Helen,  died  at  Claremont,  Dec.  22,  1803,  aged  10  days. 

861  Sanford'  Kingsbury  {SanfonP,  Joseph',  Joseph\ 
Joseph^,  Henry^),  graduated  from  Dartmouth  College,  1801 -, 
read  law  at  Litchfield,  Conn.;  he  settled  in  Gardiner,  Me.; 
married  Hannah,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Hannah  (Nye)  Agry, 
of  Pittston,  now  Gardiner,  born  September  26,  1784;  he 
practiced  law,  and  was  Judge  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas, 
in  Maine  ;  afterwards  became  a  banker  ;  he  was  one  of  the 
incorporators  of  the  Maine  Historical  vSociety  in  1822  ;  he 
founded  a  town  in  Maine  called  Kingsbury  ;  died  suddenly 
March  i,  1849,  aged  69,  in  Gardiner.  He  was  buried  from 
the  church  in  Gardiner,  where  he  had  long  been  a  commu- 
nicant, Bishop  Burgess  preaching  the  funeral  sermon,  and 


he  was  followed  to  the  grave  by  hundreds  who  seemed  to 
feel  that  each  had  lost  a  personal  friend. 


1102  Sanford  a.,  born  Jan.  19,  1809,  in  Gardiner,  s;  > 

1103  Caroline  H.,  born  Dec.  31,  1811  ;  d.  Jan.  12,  1813. 

1104  George  H.,  born  Oct.  6,  1817,  in  Gardiner.s->- 

863  Oliver"  Kingsbury  {Joseph^,  Ebenezer*,  Joseph^,  Jo- 
seph'', Heiir/),  married,  April  28,  1803  (April  29,  1805,  accord- 
ing- to  Stiles'  History  of  Windsor),  Cynthia,  daughter  of  Moses 
and  Hannah  (Denslow)  Wing,  of  Windsor,  who  was  born 
November  22,  1782.  He  settled  in  Worcester,  Mass.,  where 
he  was  a  schoolmaster,  and  highly  esteemed  as  a  man,  a 
Christian,  and  a  teacher  of  youth.  He  died  in  Worcester,  of 
hemorrhage  of  the  lungs,  November  12,  1809.  His  widow 
married  (2)  Shubael  Brewster,  of  Coventry;  died  March  21, 
[27,  r.  S.'\  1856.    Mr.  Brewster  died  January  17,  1892,  aged  92. 

Administration  granted  on  the  estate  of  Oliver  Kingsbury, 
late  of  Worcester,  Dec**,  in  the  County  of  Worcester,  and 
State  of  Massachusetts,  to  Cynthia  Kingsbury,  of  s"^  Cov- 
entry, s*^  Oliver  having  at  the  time  of  his  death  goods,  chat- 
tels, and  estate  in  this  District,  March  5,  1811.  The  Court 
appoints  Ephraim  Kingsbury,  Esq"",  Titus  Baker,  and  Noah 
Porter,  to  set  out  and  distribute  to  Cynthia  Kingsbury, 
widow  and  relict  of  s''  Oliver,  her  dower.  Same  date  —  Cyn- 
thia Kingsbury  appointed  guardian  to  Maria  Kingsbury  and 
Oliver  R.  Kingsbury,  minors,  of  Coventry. —  Andover  Pro- 
bate Records. 

Shubael  Brewster,  of  Coventry,  appointed  guardian  to  the 
persons  and  estates  of  Maria  and  Oliver  R.  Kingsbury,  both 
minors,  in  the  room  of  Cynthia  Brewster,  late  Cynthia  Kings- 
"t)ury,  June  28,  1823. —  Andover  Prob.  Records. 


1105  Maria,  born  in  Worcester,  May  12,  1806.  z:.  > 

1106  Oliver  Richmond,  born  in  Worcester,  March  15,  1809.  r:  > 

864  Eunice'  Backus  Kingsbury  {/oseph\  Pbenezer\Jo- 
sep/f^  Joseph'^,  Henry^),  married,  November  24,  1802,  Ebenezer 
Porter,  of  Coventry,  son  of  Noah  and  Submit  (Cook)  Porter, 
born  April  9,  1780.  He  died  July  3,  1831  ;  she  died  January 
6,  1833. 




1  SoPHRONiA,  born  in  Coventry,  September  26,  1803  ;  m.,  in  Troy,  May 

I,  1S33,  Daniel  Wight,  born  June  14,  1793,  who  died  suddenly 
in  New  York  City,  October  13,  1864  (see  page  300);  she  died 
in  Somerville,  N.  J.,  Nov.  10,  1892  ;  2  ch.:  i,  Edwin  Mather, 
b.  Oct.  31,  1836,  Troy,  N.  Y.  ;  Williams  College,  1857  ;  m. 
Feb.  9,  1869,  Mary  Virginia  Ball,  dau.  of  John  William  and 
Anna  Maria  (Gilchrist)  Ball,  of  Baltimore;  a  lawyer  in  New 
York  City;  his  wife  d.  Nov.  2,  1890,  in  Somerville,  N.  J.;  ch. 
Mary  Ball,  b.  Dec.  18,  1883  ;  2,  Alice  Aloa,  b.  March  21,  1849, 
Tro3\  N.  Y.;  m.,  June  17,  1874,  Robert  Crossley  Trenbath  of 
Somerville,  N.  J.,  born  Oct.  18,  1850,  son  of  Robert  Wright 
and  Emily  (Crossley)  Trenbath,  of  Bowden,  ^lanchester, 

2  RoxANNA,  born  April  12,  1806  ;  died,  1828. 

3  Monroe  H.,  born  August,  1812  ;  died  September  5,  1818. 

4  Aloa,  born  April  28,  1814;  m.  in  1837,  Hon.  John  Cotton  Mather,  of 

Troy  and  New  York,  son  of  Dr.  Thaddeus  and  Sarah  (Par- 
ker) Mather,  b.  in  Deposit,  N.  Y.,  Nov.  30,  18 13  ;  she  died  in 
Troy,  January  31,  1S46;  ch.:  i.  Emma  Aloa,  bapt.  Aug.  21, 
1839;  m.  April  20,  1864,  Edward  Beebe;  2,  Sarah  A.,  b.  Sept. 
22,  1840;  m.,  1864,  Gen.  H.  C.  Rogers;  d.  1867;  3.  Sophronia, 
b.  Oct.  I,  1842;  m.,  Dec.  i,  1864,  John  Willis  Sanderson. 

865  Ward"  Kingsbury  {Josep^h"^  Ebenezer\  Joseph^,  Jo- 
seph^, Henrf),  settled  in  Pittsfield,  Ohio  ;  he  married,  Feb- 
ruary 3,  1808,  Irene  Avery,  born  February  22,  1787,  daughter 
of  Amos  and  Abigail  (Loomis)  Avery,  and  granddaughter 
of  Amos  and  Irene  (Kingsbury)  Avery.  He  was  killed  by  a 
log  rolling  over  him,  February  6,  1844.  His  widow  died 
February  10,  1856. 


1107  Louisa,  born  in  Coventry,  July  24,  1811;  m.  January  10,  1833,  Eb- 

enezer  Parsons  ;  died  January  i,  1S52. 

1108  Diana,  born  January  22,  1813.  f.>^- 

1109  Ebenezer,  born  July  6,  1821.  r::  > 

866  Persis'  Kingsbury  {/oseph\  Ebenezer\  Joseph\  Jo- 
seph\  Henry'),  married,  May  2,  1813,  Ira  Lillie,  whose 
wife  was  her  sister  Lois  (No.  862).  He  was  born  June,  1782,* 
son  of  Samuel  and  Elizabeth  (Terry)  Lillie,  of  Coventry. 
He  died  November  30,  1823,  in  Coventry.  Mrs.  Persis  Lillie 
died  October  31,  1854,  aged  64. 

*  July  I,  1781,  according  to  Coventry  Town  Records. 




1  Marcus,  born  March  3,  1814  ;  m.  (i)  May  24,  1836,  Eunice  Porter;  she 

died'March  28,  1857;  (2)  April  8,  186S,  Ruth,  daughter  of  Alvin 
and  Emehne  (Kingsbury)  Kingsbury;  she  now  resides  in  Baltic, 
Conn.  The  following  sketch  is  taken  from  the  History  of  Tol- 
land Coiuiiy :  "The  common  school  and  a  brief  period  at  a 
select  school  afforded  all  the  opportunities  for  education  he  en- 
joyed, after  which  for  several  winters  he  engaged  in  teaching. 
The  farm,  however,  absorbed  most  of  his  time,  and  its  cultiva- 
tion has  been  the  labor  of  his  life,  though  the  property  did  not 
come  into  his  possession  until  the  death  of  his  grandfather. 
He  also  devoted  time  to  public  interests,  and  served  in  the 
House  of  Representatives  for  two  years  and  in  the  State 
Senate  for  one  year,  being  a  Republican.  He  was  for  six 
months  State  Prison  Director,  and  held  various  local  ofBces. 
Since  1849  ^  director  in  the  Tolland  Co.  Insurance  Co.  In 
all  these  public  trusts  Mr.  Lillie  united  sound  judgment  with 
fidelity  to  duty.  He  was  for  twenty-eight  years  Deacon  in 
the  Congregational  church  in  Coventry,  and  an  active  and 
useful  member  of  the  Sabbath-school,  teaching  therein  until 
the  spring  before  he  died."  He  had  two  ch.  by  his  first  wife: 
I,  George  A.,  b.  in  Coventry,  September  19,  1837  ;  m.  No- 
vember 3.  1858,  Julia  C.  Gleason ;  he  d.  November  9,  1866; 
s.  p.;  2,  Frederic  A.,  b.  July  15,  1846;  m.  August  18,  1870, 
Laura  Louisa  Kellogg ;  3  ch.  Mr.  Lillie  had  no  children  by 
his  second  wife.     He  died  June  3,  1897. 

2  Elizabeth   T.,  born   November   26,  1817  ;   m.  September   15,  1835, 

Nathaniel  Kingsbury  Root,  of  Chicago,  111.,  son  of  Nathaniel 
and  Almaria  (Page)  Root,  of  Coventry,  and  grandson  of 
Capt.  Nathaniel  and  Elizabeth  (Kingsbury)  Root,  of  Coven- 
try (see  pp.  173-4);  she  died  in  Chicago,  Feb.  3,  1S88.  Ch. : 
Williston  Kingsbury,  b.  December  8,  1845  ;  d.  March  5,  1846. 

3  Anna,  bapt.  January  2,  1820. 

4  Janet,  born  May  31,  1821  [1822,  A.K.\,  m.  May  4,  1869,  A.  J.  Battin; 

died  June  13,  1875;  s.  p. 

867  Electa'  Kingsbury  {Joseph\  Ebenezer\  Joseph^,  Jo- 
sep/i",  Henry"),  married,  March  8,  1810,  Levi  Sweetland,  Jun"", 
of  Coventry,  son  of  Levi  and  Ruth  (Richardson)  Sweetland, 
born  June  2,  1789;  died  (suicide)  May  9,  185 1.  She  died  De- 
cember 6,  1848.  He  married  a  second  wife,  Sophronia  Ed- 
gerton,  who  died  in  Coventry,  December  27,  1875,  aged  65. 

I     Mary  Ann,  born  July  18,  1811  ;  m.  December  29,  1835,  George  Nel- 
son Loomis,  born  in  Coventry,  Conn.,  July  6,  181 1,  son  of  Ele- 


azer  and  Tirzah  (Porter)  Loomis  ;  he  died  in  Portsmouth,  N. 
H.,  January  12,  1874;  ch.:  i,  William  Lorenzo,  b.  September 
23,  1836;  m.  1870,  Mary  Porter  ;  2,  Oliver  Sweetland,  b.  March 
16,  1838;  m.  M.  Louise  Smith  ;  3,  Mary  Elizabeth,  b.  May  3, 
1841  ;  m.  (i)  January  14,  1866,  Frank  Buckland  ;  he  d.  March 
10,  1874  ;  (2)  May  18,  1876,  Frank  Henry  Whiton. 

2  Oliver  Wolcott,  born  June  12,  1817  ;  died  unm.  April  27,  1838. 

3  Henry  Kirke  White,  born  May  18,  1821  ;  m.  May  9.  1850,  Elizabeth 

J.,  dau.  of  Timothy  Mann,  of  Troy,  N.  Y. ;  died  June  19,  1852, 
in  Troy;  s.  p.;  lived  in  Coventry  and  Troy;  he  was  a  fine  mu- 
sician, and  composed  and  published  "  The  Ploughboy  "  and 
other  sheet  music. 

4  Harriet  Elizabeth,  born  February  24,  1824;  m.  1844,  George  Pom- 

eroy,  son  of  Eleazer  and  Ruth  (Hunt)  Pomeroy,  of  Coventry, 
born  March  3,  1819  ;  she  died  May  14,  1853,  in  Coventry;  ch.: 

1,  George    Henry,   b.   May   31,    1845;    d.   October   7,    1846; 

2,  Georgiana,  b.  April  21,  1846  ;  3,  Alice,  b.  March  17,  1849  ; 
d.  October  27,  1852  ;  4,  Daniel,  b.  ;  d.  Sept.  11,  1865. 

5  Levi  Parsons,  born  April  25,  1827;  died  unm.,  July  24,  1854,  in  New- 

York  ;  buried  in  Coventry;  he  had  great  musical  genius. 

868  Mary'  Kingsbury  {Joseph",  Ebe?iezer\  Joseph^,  Joseph^, 
Henry^),  married,  May,  18 13,  Harlan  Page,  born  in  Coventry, 
July  28,  1 79 1,  son  of  Gad  and  Abigail  (Loomis)  Page.  He 
learned  the  trade  of  a  house-joinei",  but  his  health  being 
delicate  he  turned  his  attention  to  more  sedentary  pursuits, 
and  having  a  taste  for  drawing  engaged  in  engraving,  and 
was  employed  for  a  time  by  the  American  Tract  Society 
then  existing  in  Boston.  In  1825  he  was  appointed  agent 
of  the  General  Depository  of  the  Tract  Society  formed  at 
New  York,  and  gave  his  life  entirely  to  Christian  work, 
also  making  drawings  and  engravings  for  books  published 
by  the  Society.  He  died  in  New  York,  September  23,  1834, 
and  his  memoir  was  written  by  the  Rev.  William  A.  Hal- 
lock,  and  published  by  the  Tract  Society,  as  an  eminent 
Christian,  and  a  man, who  devoted  his  life  to  the  missionary 
work  of  saving  souls.  His  widow  died  July  23  (26,  W.  W. 
W.\  23,  T.  S.),  1838,  in  New  York.  They  are  buried  in 

I     Erwin,  born  in  Coventry,  August  11,  1S15  ;    Marietta  College,  1841; 
Lane  Theological   Seminary,   1844;   licensed  to  preach,   but 
never  ordained  ;   died  unm.  August  8,  1864*  [1865,  aged  50, 
T.  S.\  in  Cincinnati  Insane  Asylum;  buried  in  Coventry. 

•  W.  W.  Wight. 



2  Electa  Maria,  born  October  22,  1817,  in  Coventry  ;  m.  July  18,  1843, 

Rev.  John  Lewis,  of  Walpole,  N.  H.,  born  July  19,  1817  ; 
graduated  Union  Theological  Seminary  ;  home  missionary  at 
Platteville,  Wis.;  he  died  September  2,  i860;  she  was  living 
in  Baraboo,  Wisconsin,  a  few  years  ago;   no  ch. 

3  Cyrus  Kingsbury,  born  in  Coventry,  May  15,  1822;  m.,  1842,  Sophrone 

Davenport ;  died  March  30,  1843,  in  Coventry. 

4  Harlan  Marius,  born  in  New  York,  January  i,  1833  (1834,   IV.  IV. 

/f.)  ;  grad.  Beloit  College  ;  city  editor  Madison  State  Journal, 
at  Madison,  Wis.,  and  also  a  reporter  of  the  Legislature;  m., 
'•  January  1,  1866,  Sarah  Eliza  Turner,  born  at  Utica,  N.  Y., 

May  20,  1846;  2ch.:  i,  Josie  Electa,  b.  September  11,  1868,  in 
Madison,  Wis.;  2,  Harlan  Kingsbur3%  b.  Jan.  16,  1874.  He 
died  June  15,  1886,  in  Baraboo,  Wis.  Mrs.  Page  and  her 
daughter  are  both  talented  musicians. 

869  Roxana"  Kingsbury  {Joseph",  Ebenezer\  Joseph^,  Jo- 
seph", Ifenry^),  married  September  20,  1815,  Daniel  Wight,  of 
Coventry,  son  of  Daniel  and  Molly  (Puffer)  Wight,  of  Med- 
way,  and  Brimfield,  Mass.,  born  June  14,  1793.  Mrs.  Wight 
had  been  a  pupil  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Woodruff,  of  Coventry, 
and  was  a  woman  of  strong  literary  taste,  and  of  unusual 
observation  and  intelligence.  He  was  superintendent  and 
part  owner  of  a  factory  in  Coventry.  After  his  marriage 
he  resided  in  Lebanon,  Conn.,  and  then  removed  to  Gris- 
wold.  The  names  of  Daniel  and  Roxana  Wight  occur  in 
the  list  of  organizing  members  of  the  Second  Ecclesiastical 
Society  of  Griswold,  April  14,  1825,  which  Society  they 
joined  by  letter  from  the  First  Church  in  Griswold.  Mrs. 
Wight  died  July  21,  1828,  in  Jewett  City,  Conn.  After  his 
wife's  death  he  left  Connecticut  and  settled  in  Albia,  now 
a  part  of  Troy,  N.  Y.,  where  he  had  charge  of  a  large 
woolen  factory.  Every  morning  at  nine  o'clock  he  sum- 
moned the  factory  employes  to  prayers  by  the  sound  of  a 
bell  —  an  incident  which  gives  a  glimpse  of  his  character, 
and  is  an  evidence  how  differently  things  used  to  be  done. 
On  May  i,  1832,  he  moved  into  Troy,  where  he  lived 
for  twenty- two  years,  being  engaged  in  the  wool  commis- 
sion business,  in  partnership  with  his  son,  William.  He 
married  (2)  in  Troy,  May  i,  1833,  his  first  wife's  niece, 
Sophronia,  daughter  of  Ebenezer  and  Eunice  Backus  (Kings- 
bury) Porter.     In   May,    1856,  he  removed  to  Sand  Lake, 


Rensselaer  Co.,  N.  Y.,  where  he  engaged  in  the  manu- 
facture of  satinet  warps,  stockings,  etc.,  and  in  a  grist  mill 
and  store.  He  retired  from  active  business  and  returned  to 
Troy,  when  his  house  was  burnt  in  1862.  In  1863  he  re- 
moved with  his  wife  and  daughter  to  Bloomfield,  N.  J.  He 
died  suddenly  in  New  York  City,  October  19,  1864,  and  was 
buried  in  Oakwood  Cemetery,  Troy.  While  living  in  Troy 
he  was,  in  1841,  school  commissioner,  and  one  of  the  school 
trustees  of  the  Second  Ward,  and  in  1843  alderman.  He  is 
still  gratefully  remembered  by  "The  Ecclesiastical  Society 
of  North  Coventry,"  as  its  members  are  summoned  to  their 
public  worship  by  the  tones  of  the  bell  which  he  caused  to 
be  placed  in  the  church  tower  in  November,  1847.*  His 
widow  died  in  Somerville,  N.  J.,  November  10,  1892.  For 
her  children  see  page  296. 


1  Sereno  Edwin,  born  September  28,  1816,  in  Coventry  ;  died  at  Troy, 

April  20,  1833,  in  his  freshman  year  at  Amherst  College. 

2  Cornelia,  born  October  6,  1818,  in  Lebanon,  Conn.  ;  died  September 

24,  1829,  in  Troy. 

3  William  Ward,  born  in  Jewett  City,  Conn.,  February  4,  1821  ;  m.  in 

Hudson,  Mich.,  Lydia  Ann  Potwine  Van  Aiken,  July  10,  1844, 
daughter  of  Simeon  and  Lydia  (Potwine)  Van  Aiken,  and  a 
descendant  of  the  Rev.  Thomas  Potwine,  of  East  Windsor, 
Conn.,  born  August  7,  1824  ;  Deacon  in  Second  Presb.  Church 
from  1848  until  his  death.  Clerk  of  Canal  Contracting  Board, 
Albany,  and  manufacturer  of  collars  and  cuffs,  Troy.  He 
died  in  Troy,  N.  Y.,  April  20,  1868.  His  widow,  Lydia, 
d.  in  Troy,  April  18,  1893.  Ch.:  i,  Daniel  Porter,  b.  August 
16,  1846;  m.  March  12,  1884,  at  Baraboo,  Wis.,  Sarah  L., 
daughter  of  Charles  and  Margery  (McLaughlin)  Greenwood; 
resides  in  Chicago.  2,  William  Ward,  b.  July  14,  1849 ; 
Williams  College,  1869;  taught  the  ancient  languages  at 
the  Delaware  Literarj'-  Institute,  Franklin,  N.  Y.,  for  two 
years;  graduated  at  the  law  department  of  Union  Uni- 
versity, Albany,  1873;  opened  a  law  office  in  Milwaukee, 
Wis.,  in  1875,  where  he  has  since  practiced;  Chairman  and 
Secretary  of  Board  of  Fire  and  Police  Commissioners  ;  Libra- 
rian of  Milwaukee  Law  Library;  Trustee  of  Milwaukee  Col- 
lege ;  author  of  the  Genealogy  of  the  Wight  Fa»iily,  1890  ; 
Annals  of  Milwaukee  College,  1891;  Lord  Mansfield's  Un- 

*  This  account  of  ilr.  Wight  is  taken  from  the  I^Vig^ht  Genealogy,  compiled  by 
William  Ward  Wight,  of  Milwaukee,  Wis. 



decided  Case,  1893  ;  The  Old  White  Church,  1894;  Eleazer 
Williams,  His  Forerunners,  Himself,  1895;  m.  (i)  June  29, 
1876,  Sarah  Emily,  daughter  of  Samuel  Chamberlain  and  Al- 
mira  Louisa  (Kent)  West,  of  Milwaukee,  b.  January  30,  1846  ; 
d.  February  i,  1877  ;  (2)  June  16,  1884,  Mary  Olivia,  b.  Jan.  4, 
1858;  daughter  of  Edward  P.  and  Susan  Maria  (McKnight) 
Brockway;  she  d.  in  Wawatosa,  Wis.,  July  24,  1885;  ch.  (i) 
Edward  Brockway,  b.  July  8,  1885  ;  m.  (3)  March  21,  1893, 
Susan  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Israel  Hugh  and  Susanna  Eliza- 
beth (Slemmons)  Lowry,  b.  in  Milwaukee,  Dec.  18,  1865;  cb. 
(2)  Elizabeth  von  Benscoten,  b.  Aug.  21,  1894,  in  Milwaukee. 

3,  Clara  Elizabeth,  b.  October  19,  1852  ;  graduated  at  Mrs. 
Willard's  Seminary,  Troy,  in  1870  ;   resides  in  Troy,  N.  Y. 

4,  Arthur  Merriam,  b.  April  20,  i860  ;  m.  Dec.  i,  1S86,  Hattie, 
daughter  of  Chauncey  B.  and  Charlotte  Elizabeth  (Crapo) 
Slocum,  b.  March  7,  1861;  he  is  a  manufacturer  in  Troy,  N.  Y. 

4  Joseph  Kingsbury,  born  in  Jewett  City,  February  9,  1824  ;  Williams 
Coll.,  1843;  Princeton  Theo.  Sem.,  1848;  m.  Elizabeth  Neil 
Van  Dyke,  b.  Oct.  14,  1827,  daughter  of  Wilham  James  and 
Margaret  (Nevins)  Van  Dyke,  of  Princeton,  August  16,  1848  ; 
missionary  to  China,  1848-1857  ;  minister  at  Sand  Lake, 
N.  Y.,  1857-59,  and  New  Hamburgh,  N.  Y.,  1859  to  1890.  His 
wife  died  at  New  Hamburgh,  January  22,  1882.  Mr.  Wight 
has  published  many  articles  on  theology  and  Oriental 
literature,  displaying  much  research  and  erudition.  He 
spends  his  winters  in  Florida,  and  lives  in  New  Ham- 
burgh in  summer.  Ch. :  1,  Lizzie  Lockwood,  b.  Ningpo, 
China,  August  4,  1849  ;  m.  May  7,  1884,  at  Crescent  City, 
Florida,  William  Chester  Norton,  of  that  place,  b.  Nov.  24, 
1856,  in  Michigan  ;  3  ch.:  2,  Fannie  Electa,  b.  Shanghai,  Sep- 
tember 3,  1850  ;  missionary  of  Presbyterian  Board  for  thir- 
teen years  at  Chef 00,  Shantung  Province,  China  ;  she  d.  at 
Chinan-fu,  China,  April  26,  1898  ;  3,  Alice  Malcolm,  b  Shang- 
hai, October  8,  1851  ;  d.  November  8,  1861,  at  New  Ham- 
burgh ;  4,  Emma,  b.  Shanghai,  November  11,  1852;  unm.; 
res.  with  her  father  at  New  Hamburgh,  N.  Y. ,  and  Green 
Cove  Springs,  Fla. ;  5,  Anna  Isabelle,  b.  Shanghai,  October 
13,  1853  ;  d.  May  i,  1868,  while  at  school  in  Poughkeepsie, 
N.  Y.;  6,  Cora  Coulter,  b.  Sand  Lake,  N.  Y.,  June  11,  1855  ;  d. 
November  16,  1861,  at  New  Hamburgh  ;  7,  Joseph  Addison, 
b.  Sand  Lake,  June  17,  1858;  d.  July  11,  1S58  ;  8,  Joseph 
Addison,  b.  New  Hamburgh,  N.  Y.,  June  10,  1859;  killed  by 
the  cars  in  a  tunnel  near  New  Hamburgh,  July  17,  1880  ;  9, 
James  Ellesdie,  b.  New  Hamburgh,  August  2,  i860 ;  m. 
June  4,  1890,  Delia  A.  Foote  ;  res.  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. ;  10  and 
II,  Luther  and  Calvin,  twins,  b.  New  Hamburgh,  September 
8,  1 86 1  ;  Luther  res.  in  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.  ;  is  a  clerk  in  a  drug 
store ;  unm.  ;  Calvin  grad.  from  Princeton,  1892  ;  went 
in    1895    as    a    missionary    to    China  under  the   Presbyter- 


ian  Board,  in  Shantung  Province;  m.  Dec.  7,  1897,  Ida 
Jean    Emerick,    at    Chefoo ;    d.    at  Chinan-fu,   China,   July 

13,  1899 ;  his  widow  is  a  missionary  at  Tung  Chow, 
China ;  one  child  ;  12,  Margaret  Van  Dyke,  born  New  Ham- 
burgh, November  22,  1S62,  a  teacher  in  the  Felix  Adler  School, 
New  York  City;   13,  Mary  Rankin,  b.  New  Hamburgh,  April 

2,  1865  ;  d.  August  7,  1865  ;  14,  Mary  Sheaf,  b.  New  Ham- 
burgh, June  24,  1866  ;  m.  May  16,  1864,  Edward  H.  Williams, 
of  New  York  City;  one  ch. ;  15,  Jessie  Kingsbury,  b.  New 
Hamburgh,  November  12,  1867  ;  res.  in  Colorado  ;  16,  Edward 
Van  Dyke,  b.  New  Hamburgh,  May  13,  1869,  Princeton,  1892  ; 
pastor  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  in  Hastings,  Neb.,  and 
President  of  Hastings  College,  at  the  same  place  ;  m.  August 
28,  1895,  Kate  Wilkerson,  of  Mount  Ayr,  Iowa;  2  ch. ;  17, 
Julia  Crosby,  b.  New  Hamburgh,  Feb.  14,  1872  ;  a  trained 
nurse  at  Wellesley  College. 

5     George  Washington,  born  July  i,  1828,  at  Jewett  City,  and  there  d, 
July  23,  1828. 

870  Ruth"  Kingsbury  {Joseph",  Ebenezer\  Joseph^,  Jo- 
seph^, Hcnry^),  married  November  20  (26  W.  W.  IV.,  21  Zel>a- 
non  T.  R.,  20  A.  K.),  18 18,  Simon  Tracy,  of  Lebanon,  after- 
wards a  merchant  in  Vernon  and  Rockville,  born  May  3, 
1796,  son  of  Peter  and  Abigail  (Hartshorn)  Tracy,  of  Frank- 
lin. She  died  October  27,  1831,  and  he  married  (2)  Frances 
M.  Adams  ;  he  died  March  11,  1854,  in  Rockville,  Conn. 

I.     Addison  Leander,  born  October  25,  1819,  in  Lebanon  ;  m.  (i)  Jan. 

14,  1S45,  Laura  P.  Hunt,  of  Ellington  ;  she  died  in  Rockville, 
August  3,  1846;  (2)  April  8,  1848,  at  Ellington,  Ann  Lovice 
Chester;  removed  to  Elmwood,  111.  ;  5  ch.:  i,  Theodore  H., 
b.  May  16,  1846;  m.  March  10,  1868,  Jennie  Pierce;  4  ch.  2. 
Mary  R.,  b.  Jan.  20,  1849;  d.  at  Rockville,  III.,  Nov.  19,  1851. 

3,  Frederick  B.,  b.  Sept.  3,  1852,  at  Ellington.  4,  Daniel  C, 
b.  April  8,  1857,  at  Elmwood,  111.  5,  Sarah,  b.  Aug.  8,'  1858; 
d.  Aug.  7,  i860. 

2  Lois  Abby,  born  July  2  (21,   Lebanon  T.  R.),  1822,  at  Lebanon  ;  m. 

August  17,  1842,  Eli  Gifford,  of  Vernon  ;  5  ch. 

3  Simon  Kingsbury,  born  October  23,  1831,  at  Norwich  ;  died  Novem- 

ber 3,  1864,  in  Hartford,  Conn. 

871  Rev.  Addison®  Kingsbury,  D.D.  {Joseph",  Ebenezer\ 
Joseph^,  Joseph"",  Henry'),  a  student  at  Amherst  College  but  did 
not  graduate;  Andover  Theological  Seminary,  1828;  married 
(i)  April  27,1830,  Emma  Little,  born  May  4,  i8c8,  daughter  of 



Jesse  and  Martha  (Gerrish)  Little,  of  Webster,  N.H.;  died  Au- 
gust II,  1830,  at  Belpre,  O.;  (2)  Mary  Farrar  Price,  August 
20,  1832,  daughter  of  Rev.  Ebenezer  and  Lucy  (Farrar)  Price, 
of  Boscawen,  N.H.,  and  niece  of  Hon.  Timothy  Farrar,  LL.D., 
Chief  Justice  of  New  Hampshire;  died  in  Marietta,  O., 
January  17,  1888.  He  was  licensed  to  preach  in  April,  1828, 
at  Wilmington,  Mass.;  ordained  at  Newburyport,  September 
24,  1828,  as  an  evangelist  by  the  Presbytery  of  Newbury- 
port; came  under  a  commission  of  the  American  Home  Mis- 
sionary Society  to  Ohio  ;  stationed  at  Marietta  for  one  year 
as  a  home  raissionary  in  Washington  Co.  In  the  autumn 
of  1829  he  was  installed  Pastor  of  the  Churches  of  Belpre 
and  Warren,  where  he  labored  ten  years,  then  accepted  a 
call  from  the  Presbyterian  Church  of  Putnam,  now  9th  Ward 
of  Zanesville,  Ohio.  He  remained  there  until  April,  1878, 
when  he  resigned,  having  completed  half  a  century  of  labor 
in  the  ministry,  and  was  constituted  Pastor  Emeritus  of  that 
Church  at  their  desire.  After  that  time  he  lived  in  Mari- 
etta, Ohio,  and  died  there,  January  25,  1892,  aged  91. 

He  was  a  member  of  the  New  England  Historic-Genea- 
logical Society  of  Boston,  a  trustee  for  thirty-one  years  of 
Lane  Theological  Seminary,  and  for  fifty-three  years  of 
Marietta  College.  He  received  his  degree  of  Doctor  of 
Divinity  from  that  institution  in  1854.  He  was  a  close  stu- 
dent, a  good  writer,  and  a  forcible  speaker.  He  published 
historical  sketches  of  his  Church  at  Putnam,  and  of  the 
Synod  of  Ohio,  and  also  did  much  work  on  the  Kingsbury 

II 10     HARLANPAGE.bornin  West  Boscawen,  N.  H.,  August  12, 1836. s-^ 
II IX     Joseph  Addison,  born  in  Putnam,  O.,  September  26,  1840.  s->- 
III2     Frederick  William,  born  in  Putnam,  O.,  October  4,  1843  ;  died 
January  i,  1849. 

873  Mary  Reynolds"  Kingsbury  {Ebenezer\  Ebenezer\ 
Joseph^,  Josep/i",  Henry"),  married  as  his  second  wif e,f  Novem- 

•  He  wrote  to  Mr.  F.  J.  K.,  under  date  of  Jan.  3,  1880  :  "  I  trust  you  have  been 
able  to  prosecute  your  work  of  revision  successfully,  and  your  list  of  names  will 
ere  lon^  be  complete.  Would  I  could  do  more  to  help  you,  but  my  correspondents 
are  dilatory,  and  when  they  do  write,  their  letters  contain  little  beside  a  list  of  their 
own  families,  leaving  me  without  any  clue  to  their  pedigrees." 

+  His  first  wife,  who  died  Dec.  31,  1820,  was  Harriet,  dau.  of  Epaphras  and  Clara 
(Catlin)  Wadsworth,  of  Litchfield,  Conn. 


ber  3,  1823,  Jabez  Tyler,  who  was  born  at  Attleboro,  Mass., 
March  13,  1787,  son  of  John  and  Mercy  (Thacher)  Tyler. 
He  came  with  his  parents  to  Harford  in  1794;  removed  to 
Ararat,  Pa.,  in  1810.  He  was  a  farmer,  and  Deacon  of  the 
Congregational  Church  in  Ararat  from  1839  until  his  death. 
He  was  descended  on  his  mother's  side  from  Rev.  Peter 
Thacher,  of  Salisbury,  England,  through  Rev.  Thomas 
Thacher,  first  Pastor  of  the  Old  vSouth  Church,  Boston,  Rev. 
Peter  Thacher,  of  Milton,  Mass.,  Rev.  Peter  Thacher,  of 
Middleboro,  ]\Iass.,  Rev.  Peter  Thacher,  of  Attleboro,  who 
was  the  father  of  Mercy.  He  died  at  Ararat,  Pa.,  April  9, 
1864.     Mrs.  Tyler  died  at  Ararat,  Pa.,  November  4,  1889. 


1  WiLLisTON  Kingsbury,  born  at  Ararat,  October  11,  1825  ;  m.  October 

18,  1854,  Jane  Harris,  of  Jackson,  Susquehanna  Co.,  Pa.,  b. 
June  14,  1833,  daughter  of  Reuben  and  Olive  (Wells)  Harris; 
he  was  a  farmer  in  Ararat.  When  the  war  broke  out  he  joined 
the  Construction  Corps,  a  body  of  mechanics  who  worked  on 
bridges,  forts,  etc,;  died  at  Louisville,  Ky.,  October  15,  1864; 
s.  p.  His  widow  m.  Frank  Pecor,  of  Portland,  Chautauqua 
County,  N.  Y. 

2  Ebenezer  Denison,  born  at  Ararat,  February  6,   1828;  m.   May  12, 

1868,  Lucy  Ladd,  of  Liberty,  Susquehanna  Co.,  Pa.,  dau.  of 
Henry  and  Lydia  Abel  (Caswell)  Ladd,  born  January  10,  1S43, 
in  Forest  Lake,  Pa.;  he  is  a  carpenter  in  Scranton,  Pa.;  he 
enlisted  at  Erie,  Pa.,  August  28,  1861,  in  Co.  K,  83d  Regi- 
ment, Penn.  Vols.,  was  wounded  and  taken  prisoner  at  the 
battle  of  Gaines'  Mill,  Va. ,  June  27,  1862;  confined  in  Libby 
Prison  about  24  days  and  then  exchanged,  and  mustered  out 
at  Baltimore  Aug.  2g,  1862.  He  re-enHsted  July  8,  1863,  in 
he  47th  Regiment,  Penn.  Vols.;  mustered  out  Aug.  13,  1863; 
afterwards  served  several  times  with  the  Construction  Corps; 
oh.:  I,  Mary  Ellen,  born  Feb.  26,  1S69;  married,  1889,  Fred 
Reynolds;  4  ch. ;  Helen,  born  Feb.  14,  1892;  Lillian  Morriss, 
b.  Dec.  17,  1896  ;  Henry,  b.  Sept.  5,  1898  ;  WilHe,  b.  June 
27,  1900.     2,  Harriet  Eva,  b.  Jan.  9,  1871. 

3  Julius,  born  at  Ararat,  October  23,  1832;  m.  May  17,   1865,  Ellen 

Clarissa  Fletcher,  of  Pleasant  Mount,  Pa.,  born  April  18,  1843, 
daughter  of  Charles  C.  and  Matilda  (Squire)  Fletcher;  in  1856 
he  went  to  Illinois,  and  spent  a  winter  teaching,  then  went  to 
Pawnee  Co.,  Nebraska  Ter. ;  was  Clerk  of  that  County  for  two 
years;  in  i860  was  in  the  Pike's  Peak  region,  now  Colorado; 
in  1861  returned  to  Pennsylvania  and  enlisted  in  July,  1863,  in 
Co.  G,  47th  Penn.  Vols.;  mustered  out  Aug.  15,  1863;    he  has 


been  Constable  of  the  township  of  Ararat  two  years,  As- 
sessor two  years,  and  Town  Clerk  and  Justice  of  the  Peace; 
in  1902  a  farmer  in  Susquehanna  Co.,  Pa.;  P.  O.  address, 
Thompson;  s.  p. 

877  Sarah  Storrs^  Kingsbury  {Ebenezer^,  Ebenezer\  Jo- 
seph^, Joseph" ,  Henry'),  married,  as  his  second  wife,  November 
21,  1838,  Rev.  Lyman  Richardson,  born  at  Attleboro,  Mass., 
March  20,  1790,  son  of  Deacon  Caleb  and  Huldah  (Hatch) 
Richardson  ;  he  was  teacher  of  a  select  school  at  Harford, 
and  studied  theology  with  Rev.  Ard  Hoyt  and  Rev.  Eben- 
ezer  Kingsbury ;  licensed  by  the  Susquehanna  Presbytery 
in  1820  ;  he  preached  at  Wysox  and  Mount  Pleasant,  Pa., 
Windsor,  N.  Y.,  and  other  places  ;  in  1840  he  returned  from 
Windsor,  N.  Y.,  to  Harford,  to  take  charge  of  the  Academy, 
and  continued  Principal  twenty-five  years  ;  died  October  i, 
1867.     She  died  at  Harford,  June  5,  1883. 


1  Edward  Kingsbury,  born  at  Windsor,   N.  Y.,  March   16,   1840;  m. 

February  13,  1S67,  Mary  Addis  Smith,  born  October  5,  1846, 
in  Oxford,  N.  J.,  daughter  of  Aaron  and  Rachel  (Dunberger) 
Smith  ;  began  teaching  at  the  age  of  18  in  Harford  Academy, 
then  taught  at  Oxford,  N.  J.,  three  years  ;  was  bookkeeper 
for  the  Oxford  Iron  Co.  two  years,  then  in  the  employ  of  the 
D.,  L.  &  W.  R.  R.  for  a  time  ;  afterwards  taught  at  New  Mil- 
ford  and  Great  Bend,  Pa.,  and  Hackettstown  and  Stanhope, 
N.  J.;  in  January,  1888,  Principal  of  the  Public  School  at 
South  Stanhope,  N.  J.  He  died  in  1900,  in  Berwick,  Pa  ; 
4  ch.  :  I,  Franklin  Howard,  b.  Oxford,  N.  J.,  December  14, 
1867;  2,  Frederick  Wai'ren,  b.  Oxford,  N.  J.,  December  14, 
1867 (twins) ;  3,  Eugene  McCoy,  b.  New  Milford,  Pa.,  October 
25,  1868  ;  4,  Nellie,  b.  New  Milford,  Pa.,  October  11,  1873. 

2  George  Lee,  born  at  Harford,  Pa.,  September  17,  1841  ;  died  Octo- 

ber 9,  1859. 

3  Lyman  Ely,  born  at  Harford,  Pa.,  November  13,  1844  ;  died  January 

2,  1870,  unm.:  he  taught  for  a  few  years;  at  the  time  of  his 
death  was  engaged  in  manufacturing. 

878  Hon.  Ebenezer'  Kingsbury  {Ebenezer\  Ebenezer\ 
Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Henry^),  of  Honesdale,  Pa.,  married  Novem- 
ber 24,  1829,  Elizabeth  Harlow  Fuller,  born  January  i,  1805, 
in  Norwich,  Conn.,  daughter  of  Edward  and  Hannah  (West) 
Fuller,  a  descendant  of  Edward  Fuller,  of  the  Mayflower. 



He  was  a  lawyer  of  prominence  ;  Deputy  Attorney-General 
of  the  State,  1830;  from  1833  to  1840,  editor  and  proprietor 
of  the  "Wayne  County  Herald,"  a  weekly  paper  published 
at  Honesdale  ;  member  of  the  State  Senate,  1837-1841,  rep- 
resenting the  counties  of  Luzerne,  Monroe,  Pike,  and  Wayne, 
and  for  some  time  President  of  the  Senate  ;  Elder  in  the 
Presbyterian  Church  ;  Superintendent  of  Sunday  School, 
and  promoter  of  temperance  and  godliness  in  all  the  walks 
of  life;  he  died  at  Honesdale,  April  15,  1844.  "A  man 
righteous  before  God  in  all  the  relations  of  life."  His  widow 
died  June  13,  1871. 


1 1 13  Henry  Augustus,  born  December  10,  1S30,  in  Montrose,  Pa.  r:  ■> 

1 1 14  Edward  Payson,  born  April  12,  1832,  in  Carbondale,  Pa.  ;  died 

July  31,  1833. 

1115  Edward  Payson,  born  April  19,  1834,  in  Honesdale.  zz  > 

1 1 16  Mary  Elizabeth,  born  June  6,  1836,  in  Honesdale. 

1117  Emeline  Chapman,  born  July  i,   1838,  in  Honesdale;  d.  unm.  at 

Cohoes,  N.  Y.,  January  19,  i860. 

1 1 18  Caroline  Neal,  born  May  19,  1843,  in  Honesdale.  r;  ■> 

880  Payson"  Kingsbury  {Ebenezer'',  Ebcnezer\  Joseph^, 
Joseph"-,  Henry"),  of  Harford,  Pa  ,  married  September  21,  1837, 
Nancy  INIorgan  Kingsley,  born  October  4,  181 8,  in  Harford, 
Pa.,  daughter  of  John  and  Edith  Rockwell  (Case)  Kingsley. 
He  was  a  merchant  in  Harford,  and  a  devout  and  active 
Christian,  a  Deacon  in  the  Church,  and  Superintendent  of 
the  Sunday  School,  and  fulfilled  with  rare  fidelity  his  re- 
sponsibilities in  the  various  relations  and  offices  he  sustained. 
He  was  a  man  of  literary  tastes  and  cultivation,  and  also  a 
musician  and  poet.  He  died  at  Harford,  Pa.,  October  20, 
1843.  His  widow  married  (2)  October  18,  1844,  Charles  Tor- 
rey,  of  Bethany,  Wayne  Co.,  Pa.,  who  died  August  14,  1858. 
She  died  December  13,  1885,  at  Fort  Dodge,  Iowa. 


1 119  Mary,  born  June  24,  1839,  in  Harford  ;  died  at  Harford,  Novem- 

ber 25,  1843. 

1 120  Ellen,  born  December  2,  1841,  in  Harford;   m.  September  10, 

1867,  Beth  Vincent,   son  of  Cornelius  Hazard   and   Lucinda 
(Strong)  Vincent,  of  Fort  Dodge,  Iowa  ;  lives  at  Fort  Dodge. 


882  Sanford'  Kingsbury  [Eleazer",  Eleazer\  Joseph^,  Jo- 
seph^, Henry"),  married  (i)  October  5,  1802,  Abigail  Osborn, 
of  East  Windsor,  Conn.;  she  died  February  18,  1805  ;  (2) 
Nancy  Heath,  of  East  Windsor,  January  23,  1806  ;  she  died 
April  6,  1824;  (3)  January  29,  1825,  Mrs.  Betsey  (Gleason) 
Parsons,  widow  of  Horace  Parsons,  of  Enfield  ;  she  died 
April  23,  1857.  He  died  in  Hartford,  February  28,  1869, 
aged  89. 


1121  Sanford,  born  November  20,  1803;  died  June  7,  1819;  accident- 

ally shot  by  a  young  companion. 


1 122  Abigail  Harriet,  born  December  7,  1804.   a;'  > 

11 23  Henry  Heath,  born  August  25,  1806.  s  > 

1124  RoswELL,  born  August  28,  1807;  died  unm.  at  Warehouse  Point, 

March  16,  1869. 


1125  Nancy  Jane,  born  January  22,  1829.  •:;z->  , 

884  Horatio  Gates'  Kingsbury  {Eleazer\  Elcazer\  Jo- 
seph^, Joseph'',  Henry"),  of  Clyde,  N.  Y.;  married  December  29, 
1810,  near  Albany,  N.  Y.,  Sophia  Peeble  ;  she  died  at  Clyde, 
N.  Y.,  February  27,  1850. 


1126  Eliza  S.,  born  January  2,  1812  ;  m.  October  17,  1836,  Rev.  Joseph 

James  Ridley,  D.D.,  born  at  Oxford,  N.  C,  June  28,  1810;  a 
clergyman   of  the    Protestant  Episcopal    Church.      He  died 
March  10,    1878,   at   Somerville,  Tenn. ;   she  died  jt   Somer- 
ville,  August  2,  1893;  s.  p. 
\\i~l     Russell  H.,  born  April  27,  1814.  s^-^ 

1128  Charles  Peeble,  born  March  11,  1816,  in  Clyde,  N.  Y.  s:  > 

1 129  Frederick  H.,  born  February  19,  1818  ;  unm.;  living  at  Clyde,  N. 

Y.,  1889. 

1130  Caroline,  born  August  26,  1824;   m.  (i)  May  11,  1854,  James  H. 

Case  ;  (2)  H.  H.  Hawkins,  of  Florida,  March  13,  1876. 

1131  Cornelia,  born  August  26,  1824  ;  m.  July  9,  1844,  Rev.  Dr.  Beebe, 

a  distinguished    Presbyterian   divine ;    died  at    Brunswick, 
Missouri,*  July  23,  1851. 

885  John  Clark'  Kingsbury  {Eleazer\  Eleazer\Joseph\ 
Joscpli^,  Heiiiy"),  of    Lyons,  N.  Y.;    married   (i)  December, 

*  At  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  according  to  another  authority. 


18 18,  Susan  Goodrich,  of  Lyons,  N.  Y.;  she  died  June  26, 
1830  ;  (2)  May  30,  1848,  Mrs.  Mary  Ely,  of  Clyde,  N.  Y.  He 
died  at  Lyons,  April  7,  1849. 


1132  Barton  Price,  born  at  Lyons,  December  5,  1S19.  s-^>- 

1133  Susan,  born  March  30,  1822  ;  died  August  27,  1847,  unm. 

1134  Giles  Jackson,  born  1825;  unm.;  became  insane,  and  was  taken 

in  1849  to  the  asylum  at  Utica;  living  there  in  1880. 

1 135  Anna,  born  June  4,  1830  ;  died  at  ChilHcothe,  Ohio,  December  9, 

1864,  unm. 

886  Russeir  Kingsbury  {Eleazer\  Eleazer\  Joseph\Jo- 
sepJi^^  Henry^),  of  Oxford,  North  Carolina;  married  (i)  Octo- 
ber 29,  1827,  Mary  Sumner  Bryant,  of  Scotland  Neck,  Hali- 
fax Co.,  N.  C,  widow  of  Dr.  John  Barron  Osborn,  of  New- 
bern,  N.  C. ;  she  was  born  in  1802;  she  died  in  Oxford,  N.  C, 
October  15,  1836  ;  (2)  October  30,  1837,  Lucy  R.  Pickett, 
of  Elizabeth  City,  N.  C,  born  October  6,  1814 ;  died  in 
Oxford,  December  14,  1886.  He  died  in  Oxford,  N.  C, 
August  5,  1856.  He  went  to  New  York  at  16  years  of 
ag-e,  where  he  remained  several  years,  then  went  to  Rich- 
mond, Va.,  where  he  lived  for  a  time,  and  finally,  after 
traveling-  for  awhile  on  account  of  his  health,  settled  at 
Tarboro',  N.  C,  in  18 19,  where  he  became  a  merchant.  He 
also  lived  in  Halifax,  N.  C,  for  a  few  years,  before  going  to 
Oxford.  He  was  for  more  than  twenty  years  a  vestryman 
of  St.  Stephen's  Church,  Oxford.  The  following  obituary 
notice  appeared  after  his  death  :  "  Died  at  his  residence 
in  Oxford,  on  Tuesday  morning  the  s**"  inst.,  at  one 
o'clock,  Russell  Kingsbury,  Esq',  in  the  54""  year  of  his  age. 
The  deceased  was  a  native  of  Connecticut,  but  for  the  last 
thirty  years  resided  in  North  Carolina,  where,  by  a  life  of 
patient  industry  and  strict  integrity,  he  secured  the  respect 
and  esteem  of  a  large  circle  of  friends  and  acquaintances. 
The  same  energy  that  made  him  a  successful  man  of  busi- 
ness he  carried  into  the  Church.  For  more  than  twenty 
years  he  was  an  active,  zealous,  energetic,  and  liberal  mem- 
ber of  the  vestry,  and  for  the  last  thirteen  years  of  his  life  a 
regular  and  consistent  communicant." 




1136  Theodore  Bryant,  born  in  Raleigh,  N.  C,  August  29,  1828.=  > 

1137  Martha  Pamelia,  born  in  Oxford,  November  18,  1830  ;  died  Au- 

gust 2,  1833. 

1 138  Horace  Frederick,  born  in  Oxfoi'd,  January  29,  1832  ;  d.  Decem- 

ber 14,  1832. 

1 139  Delia,  born  January  24,  1834,  in  Oxford,  zz  > 


1 140  Charles  Frederick,  b.  August  26,  1838,  in  Oxford,  -n  ■> 

1 141  Florence,  b.  February  15,  1848,  Oxford   :z  > 

1142  Caroline  Pickett,  b.  March  27,  1854,  Oxford;  died  Aug.  i,  1856. 

887  Perez"  Kingsbury  {Samuel  Rust",  Eleazer\  Joseph^, 
JosepH\  Henry^),  of  Tolland  ;  married  (i)  November  11,  1806, 
Sophia  Field  of  Longmeadow,  Mass.,  born  December  24, 
1784,  daughter  of  Dr.  Aaron  and  Flavia  (Burt)  Field;  died 
in  Tolland,  April  i,  1808  ;  (2)  Mrs.  Anna  (Bidwell)  Grover, 
of  Canton,  Conn.,  March  17,  1816,  born  June  29,  1789.  He 
died  at  Fiskdale,  Mass.,  August  19,  1849  ;  she  died  August 
II,  1874. 

In  memory  of 

Mrs  Sophia,  wife  of 

Mr  Perez  Kingsbury 

who  departed  this 

Life  April  i»'  1808,  in 

the  24"^  year  of  her 


My  sleeping  dust  beneath 

this  tomb 
Proclaims  where  too  all 

flesh  must  come 
And  in  this  glass  you 

plainly  see 
You  soon  must  mingle 

dust  with  me. 

—  North  Burying  Ground,  Tolland. 


1143  Aaron  Field,  born  September  24  [Oct.  2],*  1807,  in  Tolland. s-^- 


1144  Elisha  Grover,  born  December  11,  1816,  in  Tolland,  ss-^ 

1145  Norman  Bidwell  Field,  born  February  24,  1818;  killed  by  falling 

from  a  wagon,  in  Tolland,  November  3,  1836,  aged  18. 

1146  Sophia  Field,  born  December  19  [16],*  1819,  in  Tolland,  r:  > 
♦According  to  MS.  letter. 


1147  Samuel  Rust,  born  December  5  [6],*  1S21,  in  Tolland.    ~:.  > 

1148  Daniel  Steele,  born  June  25  [23],*  1823,  in  Tolland.   —  > 

1 149  George  Oliver,  born  May  16,  1825,  in  Tolland.  :,,:  > 

1 1 50  Phalla  Hill,  born  August  25,  1827,  in  Tolland.  —  > 

1 15 1  Jasper  Bidwell,  born  October  7  [5],*  1830,  in  Tolland.  s->- 

888  Doctor  SamueT  Kingsbury  {Samuel  Rust'',  Elea- 
zer\  Joseph^,  Joseph'',  Henry^),  of  Springfield,  Mass.;  a  physi- 
cian of  note  ;  he  married  November,  1808,  Jemima  Chapin, 
daughter  of  Abel  Chapin,  of  Chicopee,  Mass.,  and  widow  of 
Dr.  Charles  Pynchon  Lyman,  who  was  born  1782,  died  1804. 
She  was  born  October  7,  1783  ;  he  died  June  18,  1826;  his 
widow  died  January  20,  1846. 

Died  June  18,  1826,  aged  46. 


His  Wife,  died  Jan.  20,  1846 

M  62. 


their  son,  died  March  23,  1843, 

^  34  t 


1152  Charles  Lyman,  born  July  3,  1809  ;  died  March  23,  1843. 

1153  Margaret  Howard,  born  April  11,  iSii,  in  Springfield,  s-^- 

1154  Elizabeth,  born  August  14,  1813.  z:  ■> 

1155  Hannah  Worthington,  born  April  1,  18 16,  in  Springfield,  r:  > 

1156  Abel  Chapin,  born  June  30,  1818;  followed  the  sea  and  made  many 

voyages  from  New  York  to  China  and  European  ports  ;  retir- 
ing from  the  sea,  he  became  an  engineer  on  the  Boston  &  Al- 
bany R.  R.  for  several  years,  residing  at  Greenbush,  N.  Y. 
He  died  in  New  York  City,  November  19,  1881. 

1 157  Tho.mas   Dwight,  born   May  23,  1821  ;   lived  for  many  years  in 

Oxford,  N.  C;  m.  (i)  Mary,  dau.  of  William  T.  Bryant,  of 
Oxford  ;  (2)  her  sister,  Laura  Bryant ;  he  removed  to  Arka- 
delphia,  Ark.,  and  d.  there  Oct.  i,  1875 ;  his  wife  survived  him. 

1158  George  S.,  born  August  27,  1823.  s:  ■> 

889  Polly'  Kingsbury  {Samuel  Rust\  Eleazar\  Joseph\ 
Joseph'',  Hemy),  married  (i)  January  14,  1809,  in  Tolland, 
Ozias  Benton,  Jr.,  son  of  Ozias  and  Sarah  (Day)  Benton, 
born  in  1781;  died  in  Tolland,  March  26,  1816,  in  the  35th 
year  of  his  age;  (2)  September,  181 8,  as  his  second  wife,  Al- 

►According  to  MS.  letter.  t  Bridgman's  Epitaphs,  124. 


pheus  Billings,  born  February  19,  1780,  in  Somers,  Conn., 
son  of  John  Billings;  died  September  i,  1852,  aged  66.  Mr. 
Billings  died  in  1832. 


1  Rachel   Camilla   Benton,  born   in   Tolland,  November  22,   1809  ; 

died  September  23,  1816. 

2  Edwin  Kingsbury  Benton,  born  in  Tolland,  August  18,  181 1  ;  died 

1878,  in  Warehouse  Point,  Conn. 

3  George  Ozias  Benton,  born  in  Tolland,  March  25,  1815  ;  died  in 

Tolland,  October  4,  18 16. 

4  Jane  Benton,  born  ob.  infans. 


5  Randolph  Billings,  b.  June  26,  1819;  d.  Dec.  27,  1831,  aged  12  yrs. 
si  Alpheus  Billings. 

6  George  Steel  Billings,  b.  Jan.  2,  1821  ;  m.,  Dec.  30,  1841,  Amelia 

Field  ;  died  1865  ;  3  ch. 

7  Mary  Abigail  Billings,  born  May  17,  1823  ;  died  Sept.  24,  1824. 

S  James  Martin  Billings,  born  April  30,  1825,  in  Somers;  m.  1846,  in 
Feeding  Hills,  Mass.,  Julia  Root,  daughter  of  David  and  So- 
phronia  (Root)  Holmes,  b.  April  10,  1827  ;  d.  Jan.  7,  1899  ;  he 
died  April  14,  1869,  in  New  York  City;  7  ch.  One,  Jeanne 
Frances,  b.  1863,  in  Philadelphia;  m.  1888,  JuUus  Hubbell 
Seymour,  of  New  York,  son  of  Henry  Seymour,  of  St.  Albans, 
Vt. ,  b.  1856;  one  daughter,  Susan  Hubbell  Seymour,  b.  March 
12,  1889,  in  New  York  City. 

9     Mary  Billings,  born  1827  ;  died  Feb.  22,  1829. 

10  Frances  Billings,  born  1828  ;  died  Oct.  26,  1829. 

11  Jane  Frances,  born  August,  1831  ;  m.  1854,  Theodore  M.  Gowdy,  of 

Somersville,  Conn.  ;  resides  there. 

891  Ruth"  Kingsbury  (Samuel  J?usf\  £leazar\  Joseph^, 
Joseph^,  Henry"),  married  in  Tolland,  March  24,  181 2,  Alvin 
Benton,  of  Tolland,  son  of  Ozias  and  Sarah  (Day)  Benton, 
born  May  21,  1786.     He  died  in  Tolland,  August  24,  1850. 


1  Charles  Day,  born  in  Tolland,  July  9,  1815  ;  died  January  29,  18 — . 

2  Elizabeth  Camilla,  born  in  Tolland,  November  13,  1817. 

3  Charles  Orval,  born  in  Tolland,  August  29,  1820. 

4  Nelson  Kingsbury,  born  in  Tolland,  April  30,  1824  ;  m.  Ellen  Deni- 

son  Steele  ;  died  186-  ;  2  ch. 

5  Betsey,  ;  died  18 7-. 

892  Thomas"  Kingsbury  {DanieP,  Daniel*,  Joseph\  Jo- 
seph\  Henry'),  of  Brookfield,  Vt.;  married  Fidelia  Smith,  who 


died   January  20,    1852,   aged   67.     He   died   in   Brookfield, 
October  15,  1845. 


1159  Martha  A.,  born  February  4,  1809.  ;~  > 

1160  Horace,  born  November  17,  1810;  died  in  Brookfield,  December 

15,  1866,  aged  55;  he  m.  Eunice  Kent,  who  died  May  21, 
1890  aged  75  ;  7  ch. ;  among  them  Russell,  who  lived  at  one 
time  in  Bethel,  Vt. ;  Amelia,  m.  Frank  Trask,  of  Randolph, 

Vt. ;  Anna,  m.  Crane,  of  Providence,  R.  I.;  Augusta  m. 

Edwin  Smith,  resides  Barre,  Vt. ;  Edward  lives  in  Berlin 
near  Montpelier,  Vt. 

1161  Clarissa,  born  Dec.  31,  1812  ;  m.  Washington  Warriner  ;  no  ch. 

1162  Andrew,  born  February  11,  1818  ;  died  young. 

1 163  Sanford,  born  April  6,  1820  ;  died  young. 

1 164  Charlotte,  born  1824  ;  m.  Joseph  Barker,  of  Raymond,  la. 

1 165  Frederick,  born  October  28,  1829  ;  was  a  soldier  in  the  Civil  War, 

and  died,  leaving  a  widow  but  no  ch. 

893  Bela'  Kingsbury  {DanieP,  Daniel\  Joseph^,  Joseph'', 
Hetiry^),  of  Brookfield,  Vt.  ;  married  (i)  in  1810,  Abigail, 
daughter  of  Joseph  and  Betsey  (Cutler)  Bottome  ;  she  died 
September  3,  1818,  aged  26  ;  (2)  Sarah  Shew,  who  survived 
him  many  years,  and  died  in  Brookfield,  March  17,  1848, 
aged  63.     He  died  in  Brookfield,  March  11,  1822. 


1 166  Betsey  C,  ;  m.  Abel  Bigelow,  son  of  Zelotes  and  Deborah 

(Foote)  Bigelow.  born  April  5,  1804,  and  died  not  long  after. 

1167  Mary,  born  November  3,  1813  ;  died  February  8,  1891  ;  m.  in  1835, 

as  his  second  wife,  Abel  Bigelow,  son  of  Zelotes  and  Debo- 
rah (Foote)  Bigelow,  of  Brookfield,  born  April  5,  1804  ;  he 
died  in  i860;  (2)  in  1867,  Isaac  Nichols;  he  died  in  1881. 
Mrs.  Nichols  resided  on  Main  street,  Randolph  Center,  Or- 
ange Co.,  Vt.  History  of  Orange  Co.,  Vt.,  jg2.  She  had  9 
ch.  by  Mr.  Bigelow.  Her  daughter,  Mary  K.  Bigelow,  d, 
October  24,  1869,  aged  13.  Martha  K.  Bigelow  m.  J.  J, 
Washburn,  of  Batavia,  N.  Y. 

1 168  Joseph   Bottome,  born  July,  1815  ;   resided  in  Brookfield;   died 

there,  February,  1901  ;  he  m.  (i)  Emeline  House,  who  died 
May  21,  1856,  aged  39  ;  (2)  Louisa  Bean,  who  died  about  1896, 
but  left  no  ch.  His  son,  George  Kingsbury,  d.  June  ig,  1872, 
aged  29  ,  m.  but  had  no  ch.  All  lie  buried  in  the  old  ceme- 
tery in  Brookfield,  Vt. 

1169  Another  daughter. 



895  Daniel"  Kingsbury  {DanieP,  Daniel',  Joseph\  Joseph'', 
Ilenry^),  of  Brookfield,  Vt.  ;  married  (i)  Catherine  Morton  ; 
she  died  March  18,  1826  ;  (2)  June  19,  1827,  Lorenda  Smalley; 
he  died  in  Brookfield,  October  16,  1850  ;  she  died  November 
18,  1870,  aged  70, 


1 170  Susan,  born  June  4,  1822  ;  died  August  26,  1824. 

1171  Catharine,  born  March  24,  1828  ;  m.  (i)  1879,  George  W.  Tucker- 

man,  of  Boston  ;  he  died  April  12,  1882  ;  (2)  Henry  Tucker- 
man,  of  Ashburnham,  Mass.  ;  he  died  April  20,  1899  ;  she  now 
lives  in  Montpelier,  Vt. ;  no  ch. 

1172  Susan  Lorenda,  borp  July  14,  1831  ;  m.  J.   De  F.  Barker,  of  St. 

Albans;  one  son,  George  Forest,  b.  July  5,  1869;  m.  Lillian 
Lyon  ;  residence,  St.  Albans,  Vt. 

1173  George  Washington,  born  September  14,  1833.  :z  > 

897    Captain  James"  Wilkinson  Kingsbury,  U.  S.  A. 

{JacoV",  Nathaniel'',  Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Henry^),  was  graduated 
from  West  Point,  1823  ;  he  served  with  distinction  in  the 
army,  and  especially  in  the  Black  Hawk  war,  when  he  com- 

manded the  steamer  Warrior,  and  with  a  small  company  he 
attacked  a  large  body  of  Sioux,  and  prevented  their  cross- 
ing the  river  and  making  a  junction  with  a  force  on  the 
other  side  ;  then  Black  Hawk  was  captured,  and  this  action 
practically  ended  the  war.  But  he  resigned  after  his  wife's 
death,  in  1836,  and  became  keeper  of  U.  S.  military  stores 
in  St,  Louis;  he  married  at  St.  Louis,  May  25,  1830,  Julia 
Antoinette,  daughter  of  John  Pierre  and  Julia  (Gratiot) 
Cabanne,  born  July  18,  1809  ;  died  March  15,  1836.  Mr. 
Cabanne  was  a  native  of  Paris,  France,  and  engaged  in  the 
fur  trade,  as  a  partner  of  John  Jacob  Astor  ;  his  wife  was 
a  sister  of  General  Charles  Gratiot,  U.  S.  A.  Captain  Kings- 
bury had  charge  of  the  supplies  for  the  forts  in  the  north 
and  west  of  St.  Louis,  and  for  the  exploring  and  fighting 

£7ij.  >rif£:.  G-.  WlUiams  <SBnr^Cir- 

CAPY   JAM  IS  WoGSaiKKSSiJy  w^. 



parties  sent  out  from  time  to  time.  This  involved  long  and 
sometimes  hazardous  expeditions  through  the  Indian  country, 
but  his  headquarters  and  home  were  in  St.  Louis  with  his 
children.  After  a  few  years  he  resigned,  and  spent  the 
last  years  of  his  life  quietly  in  his  home  in  St.  Louis  look- 
ing after  his  large  landed  estate.  He  died  June  25,  1853,  in 
St.  Louis.  He  was  a  man  of  quick  mind,  but  great  gentle- 
ness of  manner  and  kindness  of  heart,  and  he  had  the  family 
sense  of  humor. 


1 1 74  Sarah  Mary  Virginia,  born  at  Prairie  du  Chien,  November  3, 

1S32  ;  m.  October  25,  1865,  Armand  Frangois  Robert,  Count 
de  Giverville,  of  Giverville,  Department  Eure,  Normandy, 
France.  He  was  born  January  23,  1823  ;  died  in  St.  Louis, 
April  3,  1889.  In  early  life  he  was  in  the  French  navy,  but 
after  the  death  of  an  elder  brother  inherited  the  paternal  es- 
tates. During  the  Franco-Prussian  war  he  served  with  dis- 
tinction as  sergeant  in  a  French  cavalry  corps  composed 
entirely  of  gentlemen.  On  one  occasion  he  was  on  his  horse 
for  twenty-three  successive  hours.  He  was  very  fond  of  this 
country,  and  after  his  marriage  spent  much  of  his  time  here. 
She  resides  in  France  ;  address  in  Paris,  56  Rue  Malakoff ; 

1175  Adele  Louise,  born  April  2,  1834,  on  the  steamer  Black  Warrior, 

near  Cassville,  111.,  during  the  battle  which  terminated  the 
career  of  Black  Hawk,  r^;;^ 

1176  JuLE  Cabanne,  born  August  1,  1835  ;  killed  by  lightning.  May  20, 

1867,  at  St.  Louis  ;  unm. 

898  Julia  Anne  Ellis"  Kingsbury  {Jacob\  Natha}iiel\ 
Joseph^ ,  J oscpK\  Hetiry^),  married  by  Rev.  Samuel  Nott,  Janu- 
ary 4,  1826,  to  Asa  Hartshorn,  son  of  Eli  and  Elizabeth 
(vSumner)  Hartshorn,  born  in  Franklin,  Conn.,  July  13,  1800. 
Immediately  after  their  marriage  they  removed  to  Lenox, 
Ashtabula  County,  Ohio,  where  they  were  among  the  early 
settlers  of  the  town,  and  Mr.  Hartshorn  became  a  merchant. 
He  always  took  great  interest  in  the  preservation  of  the 
early  histoiy  of  Ashtabula  County,  and  was  one  of  the  Vice- 
Presi  ents  of  the  Pioneer  Association  Mrs.  Hartshorn  died 
in  Lenox,  October  4,  1861.     He  died  in  Lenox,  July  15,  1884. 

I     Sarah  Elizabeth,  born  in  Franklin.  December  9,  1826  ;  died  Septem- 
ber 9,  1828,  in  Lenox,  O. 



2  Jacob  Kingsbury,  born  March  i,  1830,  in  Lenox,  O.;  died  Sept.  14, 


3  Julia  Kingsbury,  born  in  Lenox,  O.,  December  2,  1833  ;  m.  July  25, 

1857,  Benjamin  F.  Wade,  Jr.  ;  he  died  on  the  28th  day  of  the 
same  month,  and  she  m.  (2)  May  22,  1867,  John  Fox.  3  ch. :  i, 
NelHe  Wade  Fox,  b.  March  7,  1868  ;  2,  Rudolph  Asa  Fox,  b. 
September  14,  1869  ;  3,  JuHa  Fox,  b.  April  5,  1875. 

899  Thomas  Humphrey  Gushing"  Kingsbury  {Jacob^, 
Nat/ianier,Joseph\  Josep/i\  He  my),  entered  the  U.  S.  Mili- 
tary Academy  at  West  Point,  but  left  on  account  of  trouble 
with  his  eyes  ;  he  lived  for  several  years  in  Ashtabula  Co., 
Ohio,  engaged  in  agriculture  and  public  business  ;  married 
May  4,  1834,  at  Lenox,  Ohio,  Caroline  Prudence  Ray,  widow 
of  John  Stanton,  of  Sheffield,  Mass.,  and  daughter  of  James 
and  Caroline  D.  Ray,  of  Great  Harrington,  Mass.,  born  Sep- 
tember 28,  1810  ;  he  returned  to  Franklin,  Conn.,  before  his 
father's  death  and  lived  on  the  old  family  homestead,  though 
he  continued  to  have  Western  interests,  and  at  times  spent 
many  months  in  the  West.  He  served  in  the  army  during 
the  Civil  War  as  Lieutenant-Colonel  of  the  Fifth  Connecticut 
Vols.,  and  later  Colonel  of  the  Eleventh  Connecticut  Vols.,  and 
saw  some  service  at  Roanoke  Island,  but  his  health  failing,  he 
resigned ;  he  was  a  member  of  the  Legislature  from  Frank- 
lin in  1869,  1872,  1873  ;  he  died  in  Franklin,  August  7  [8,  T. 
S.\  1880.  His  wife  died  November  24,  1 87  2,  while  on  a  visit  at 
Duluth,  Minn.,  but  is  buried  in  Franklin. 


1177  Henrietta  Eliza,  born  June  24,  1836,  in  Franklin  ;  m.  September 

16,  1863,  at  Franklin,  James  Arthur  Mumford  ;  died  Decem- 
ber 17,  1891,  in  Minneapolis,  Minn.;  ch. :  Bernon  Kingsbury, 
b.  September,  1865. 

1178  Sarah  Hill,  born  August  31,  1839,  in  Lenox,  O.  s-^ 

1179  Jacob,  born  November  9,  1841,  in  Lenox,  O. ;  died  unm. 

1180  Julia  Ann  Ellis,  born  March  25,  1845,  in  Jefferson,  O.  s-^- 
1x8 1     James  Ray,  born  March  6,  1848,  in  Jefferson,  O.;  died,  May  24, 

1869,  in  Franklin. 
1 182     Caroline  Ray,  born  December  27,  1850,  in  FrankUn  ;  died  unm. 
August  25,  1893,  in  Norwich. 

900  William  Eustis'  Kingsbury  {Jacob",  ]Vathamel\ 
Joseph^,  Joseph',  Henry"),  of  Erie,  Pa.;  was  an  ambitious,  en- 
ergetic young  man  of  fine  address  ;  was  collector  of  the  port 


of  Presque  Isle,  Erie,  Pa.  ;  married  there,  April  23,  1835, 
Jane  A.  C.  Moore.  He  died  in  Erie,  November  25,  1835. 
His  widow  married  (2)  Hayward,  of  Illinois. 


1 1 83  William  EusTis,  born  February  15,  1836,  at  Erie;  brought  up  by  his 
uncle,  T.  H.  C.  Kingsbury,  of  Franklin  ;  he  entered  the  U.  S. 
Military  Academy,  but  was  dismissed  for  insubordination;  was 
for  several  years  clerk  in  a  drug  store  in  Norwich,  Conn.;  he 
subsequently  enlisted  in  the  regular  army,  and  was  promoted 
from  the  ranks,  attaining  the  position  of  Captain  in  the  Elev- 
enth U.  S.  Infantry  ;  he  experienced  much  active  service  in 
the  war  between  the  States,  and  in  Indian  warfare  on  the 
frontier,  his  latest  post  being  on  the  Little  Big  Horn  River, 
Montana.  He  was  wounded  in  the  Civil  War,  and  at  one 
time  shot  through  with  poisoned  Indian  arrows.  By  severe 
exposure  his  health  was  undermined,  and  in  1885  he  was 
placed  on  the  retired  list.  He  was  held  in  high  esteem  by 
array  comrades,  and  often  complimented  by  the  War  Depart- 
ment for  his  prompt  and  thorough  official  reports.  Capt. 
Kingsbury  inherited  the  medal  of  the  Cincinnati,  as  the  last 
male  descendant  of  his  grandfather,  Col.  Jacob  Kingsbury. 
He  died  in  Norwich,  Conn.,  Oct.  4,  1887,  unm.;  buried  in 

[William  Eiistis  Kingsbury,  the  posthumous  son  of  William 
Eustis  Kingsbury,  entered  West  Point,  but  did  not  gradu- 
ate. He  said  he  came  very  near  being  at  the  head  of  his 
class,  and  if  a  proposed  plan  had  been  carried  out  he  would 
have  been.  Being  asked  what  the  plan  was,'  he  said,  "  to 
change  ends  with  the  class."  On  one  occasion,  being  sta- 
tioned next  the  man  who  had  charge  of  the  morning  gun, 
some  time  in  the  night  the  gun  went  off,  and  William,  being 
asked  about  it,  said  the  gun  looked  to  him  as  if  it  was  liable 
to  go  off,  and  he  meant  to  have  spoken  to  the  man  who  had 
charge  of  it,  but  it  slipped  his  mind.  From  these  incidents 
it  will  be  seen  why  West  Point  and  he  did  not  agree.  The 
truth  is  that,  while  he  had  ability,  and  was  once  or  twice  re- 
instated after  being  dropped  for  outrageous  pranks,  he  was 
too  full  of  mischief  to  hold  in. 

After  leaving  he  tried  various  kinds  of  business  without 
success,  and  finally  enlisted  as  a  private  soldier  in  the  U.  S. 
Army,  and  at  the  breaking  out  of  the  war  was  in  Texas  in 
Gen.  Twiggs'  command.     On  the  surrender  by  that  officer 


of  the  U.  S.  property  to  the  State  of  Texas,  King-sbtiry  came 
North  and  obtained  a  commission  in  a  regiment  of  volun- 
teers ;  he  was  soon  promoted  to  a  captaincy  and  was  retained 
as  a  Captain  on  the  peace  establishment  after  the  war  of  the 

After  seeing-  considerable  service  at  the  West,  and  having 
served  in  the  Modoc  War,  he  was  retired  and  returned  to 
Norwich,  Conn.,  where  he  died  October  4,  1887.  He  was  a 
popular  man  among  his  friends,  of  great  good  nature,  and  an 
inexhaustible  fund  of  humor.    He  never  married.    [F.  J.  A^.] 

904  Charles  Denison"  Kingsbury  {/oh?!",  Nathaniel \ 
Joseph^,  Joseph",  He/iry^),  merchant  and  landed  proprietor  at 
Waterbury,  Conn.;  married  (i)  March  5,  1821,  Eliza,  daugh- 
ter of  Dr.  Frederick  and  Fanny  (Johnson)  Leavenworth,* 
born  in  Waterbury,  December  17,  1798  ;  she  died  November 
16,  1852  ;  he  married  (2)  Rebecca,  daughter  of  Deacon  Eli- 
jah Hotchkiss,  of  Waterbury,  November  24,  1859  ;  she  died 
December,  1873.     He  died  January  16,  1890. 

[Charles  D.  Kingsbury  was  educated  in  the  schools  of  the 
town  and  in  the  Rev.  Daniel  Parker's  school  at  Ellsworth, 
in  Sharon.  When  17  years  of  age  he  began  mercantile  life 
as  a  clerk  in  Waterbury.  In  18 14  he  had  a  serious  affection 
of  the  lungs,  but  recovered  from  it,  and  made  a  journey  on 
horseback  to  New  London,  riding  all  day  in  sight  of  Hardy's 
fleet,  which  was  then  lying  in  the  Sound,  and  which  after- 
wards attacked  Stonington.  About  this  time  he  studied 
medicine  with  Dr.  Edward  Field,  and  thus  acquired  the  title 
of  Doctor,  which,  among  his  early  acquaintances,  he  retained 
through  life.  In  the  fall  of  this  year  (1814)  he  entered  the 
employ  of  Burton  &  Leavenworth,  and  during  the  winter 
following  traveled  with  Mr.  Leavenworth  through  the 
vSouthern  States  selling  clocks.  After  their  return  he  dis- 
solved partnership  with  Mr.  Leavenworth,  and  spent  one 
year  in  Richmond  and  the  vicinity,  selling  books  for  the  pub- 
lishing house  of  Mitchell,  Ames  &  White  of  Philadelphia, 

*  Dr.  Frederick  Leavenworth  was  a  son  of  Col.  Jesse  Leavenworth,  of  Water- 
bury and  New  Haven,  an  officer  in  the  Revolution,  and  an  early  settler  in  Vermont, 
son  of  Rev.  Mark  Leavenworth,  of  Waterbury,  Chaplain  in  Col.  Nathan  Whiting's 
Regiment  in  the  Old  French  War,  son  of  Thomas  Leavenworth,  of  Ripton  Parish, 
in  Stratford,  son  of  Thomas  Leavenworth,  of  Woodbury,  who  died  in  1683. 

'^^^^^^(^^  3^-^. 






mostly  law  books  and  medical  works.  He  visited  the  lawyers 
and  physicians  at  the  county-seats  and  at  their  homes,  and 
was  everywhere  kindly  received,  frequently  spending  several 
days  at  one  place.  He  always  referred  to  his  experience  at 
that  time  as  extremely  pleasant  and  profitable.  He  became 
a  member  of  the  First  Congregational  Church  in  1816,  and 
remained  in  full  communion  therewith  throughout  his  life. 
In  the  spring  of  182 1  he  leased  and  subsequently  purchased 
the  store  where  he  had  formerly  been  employed,  and  here 
he  carried  on  a  mercantile  business  for  nearly  twenty  years. 
He  also  employed  men  in  the  manufacture  of  shoes  and 
harnesses,  and  had  a  pearl  button  factory  and  a  sawmill  on 
Mad  River.  In  1838  Mr.  Kingsbury's  health  being  impaired, 
he  gave  up  his  mercantile  business,  and  thereafter  devoted 
himself  to  the  care  and  cultivation  of  his  land,  carrying  on 
farming  for  several  years  on  an  extensive  scale,  and  later, 
building  and  selling  houses  and  selling  land.  His  father 
and  his  grandfather  were  large  landholders,  and  for  that 
reason,  and  because  he  took  an  interest  in  the  subject,  he 
probably  possessed,  after  the  death  of  his  uncle,  Judge  Bron- 
son,  more  information  in  regard  to  early  land  lines,  bounds, 
and  titles,  than  any  other  inhabitant  of  Waterbury.  At  dif- 
ferent times  he  held  various  offices  in  the  town,  borough, 
and  school  organizations.  He  was,  at  the  time  of  his  death, 
the  oldest  member  of  the  First  Church,  and  the  oldest  native- 
born  resident  of  the  town.  Notwithstanding  his  great  age 
and  a  naturally  delicate  organization,  he  retained  his  facul- 
ties to  a  remarkable  degree,  and  kept  his  elastic  step,  and  he 
kept  his  accounts  regularly,  making  daily  entries  until  five 
days  before  his  death.  He  died  January  16,  1890,  in  a  house 
on  North  Main,street  which  he  had  occupied  for  nearly  sixty 
years,  and  which  was  built  by  his  great  great-grandfather, 
Thomas  Bronson. — History  of  Waterbury,  //.  240-2.\ 

"  He  fulfilled  with  great  fidelity,  during  his  many  years, 
the  various  duties  of  a  citizen,  a  church  member,  a  house- 
holder, and  a  neighbor,  but  did  it  in  a  way  so  unostentatious 
and  so  simple,  that  the  impression  he  made  upon  the  com- 
munity did  not  serve  as  a  measure  of  his  ability  and  breadth. 
Not  alone  in  his  Puritan  simplicity,  but  in  his  clear-headed- 
ness and  intellectual  strength,  he  was  a  fine  representative 
of  the  older  generations  of  New  England  men.     While  in- 



different  to  many  of  the  modern  novelties  and  notions,  he 
had  a  clear  apprehension  of  what  was  really  valuable  in  our 
modern  life,  and  was  prompt  to  place  himself  in  sympathy 
with  it.  He  did  not  produce  upon  those  who  talked  with 
him  the  impression  that  he  was  being  left  behind  in  the 
movements  of  events;  he  was  a  man  of  the  times.  At  the 
same  time  he  delighted  in  the  memories  of  the  past.  His 
memory  was  good  and  his  conversational  gifts  were  of  a 
high  order;  so  that  it  was  a  real  pleasure  to  sit  beside  him 
and  look  upon  his  vivid  word  pictures  of  the  days  that  are 
no  more. 

"The  lessons  of  such  a  life  cannot  be  measured  off  and 
numbered,  and  they  are  of  a  kind  which  would  gain  but 
little  heed  from  this  busy  world  of  ours.  But  we  cannot  but 
regret  that  there  are  so  few  today  who  covet  that  life  of 
simplicity  and  quiet  peace  which  Mr.  Kingsbury  through 
all  these  years  has  so  beautifully  exemplified." —  Obituary 
notice  in  Waterbury  American. 


1184  Frederick  John,  born  January  i,  1823.   :,::  > 

1185  Sarah  Leavenworth,  born  April  i,  1840.  :s  > 

905  Julius  Jesse  Bronson'  Kingsbury  {/ohn^,  Nathan- 
iel\  Joseph^,  Joseph'',  Henry"),  graduated  from  U.  S.  Military 
Academy,  West  Point,  1823  ;  married  at  Fort  Brady,  Michi- 
gan, June  19,  1825,  Jane  Creed  Stebbins,  born  in  New  York, 
March  13,  18 10,  daughter  of  Henry  Stebbins,  Esq. 

[Julius  Jesse  Bronson  Kingsbury,  the  second  son  of  Judge 
John  Kingsbury,  was  born  October  18,  1797.  As  there  was 
no  school  in  Waterbury  of  a  higher  grade  than  a  district 
school,  he  was  sent  away  from  home  to  pursue  his  studies. 
In  1819  he  obtained,  through  the  influence  of  David  Daggett, 
then  a  Member  of  Congress,  an  appointment  as  cadet  at  the 
U.  S.  Military  Academy  at  West  Point.  He  left  West  Point 
in  regular  course  in  1823;  was  attached  as  Lieutenant  to  the 
Second  Regiment  of  Infantry,  and  ordered  with  a  detachment 
of  troop^  to  Sault  Ste.  Marie  at  the  outlet  of  Lake  Superior, 
to  assist  in  building  Fort  Brady.  Here  he  remained  three 
or  four  years  under  Major  (afterward  Col.)  Cutler,  during 
which  time  he  married  Jane  C.  Stebbins  of  New  York,  sis- 


ter-in^aw  of  Captain  Walter  Bicker,  also  of  the  Second  Regi- 
ment. Next  he  was  ordered  with  a  detachment,  by  sea,  to 
New  Orleans  and  Nacogdoches.  Afterwards  he  was  sta- 
tioned for  a  time  at  Mackinaw  and  Fort  Gratiot.  During 
the  Black  Hawk  war  in  1832  he  was  in  Chicago,  attached  to 
the  commissary  department,  and  saw  much  hard  and  dan- 
gerous service.  While  there  —  Chicago  being  then  in  its  in- 
fancy—  he  purchased,  for  $700,  about  thirty-six  acres  of  land 
on  the  north  branch  of  the  Chicago  river,  near  its  junction 
with  the  south  branch,  and  about  two  acres  on  the  south  side 
of  the  main  river,  the  latter  tract  in  the  heart  of  the  present 
city,  and  the  former  but  a  little  distant.  The  land  is  still  in 
the  possession  of  the  family,  and  is  of  great  value.  He  was 
afterward  at  Fort  Niagara.  Still  later,  during  the  disturb- 
ances on  the  northeastern  frontier,  he  was  stationed  at  Han- 
cock barracks,  Holton,  Me.  Thence,  after  the  breaking  out 
of  the  Seminole  war,  he  was  ordered  with  his  command  to 
Tampa  Bay,  Fla.  There  he  remained  three  years  (with  the 
exception  of  a  short  interval),  and  his  constitution  was  so 
broken  up  by  the  combined  influence  of  climate,  exposure, 
and  fatigue,  that  he  never  recovered.  On  his  return  to  the 
North,  he  was  stationed  at  Sackett's  Harbor,  and  afterward, 
a  second  time,  at  Fort  Brady.  He  left  this  last  post  early  in 
1847  to  join  General  Scott  before  Vera  Cruz.  He  assisted  in 
the  capture  of  that  place,  and  was  more  or  less  engaged  in 
all  the  battles  which  occurred  on  the  march  to  the  City  of 
Mexico.  For  his  good  conduct  in  one  of  the  engagements 
near  the  city,  he  was  brevetted.  Throughout  the  campaign 
he  acted  as  Lieutenant-Colonel  of  his  regiment,  though  he 
was  at  that  time  only  a  Captain. 

While  in  Mexico,  Captain  Kingsbury  was  attacked  by  a  se- 
vere brain  fever,  which  seriously  threatened  his  life.  When 
he  had  recovered  sufficient  strength,  General  Scott  sent  him 
home  on  sick  leave.  In  December,  1848,  having  partially 
regained  his  health,  he  was  ordered,  with  a  part  of  his  regi- 
ment, to  California,  and  remained  there  nearly  two  years. 
While  there  he  was  promoted  and  transferred  to  the  Sixth 
Regiment.  He  returned  home  in  the  summer  of  1850,  but 
too  much  out  of  health  to  be  fit  for  duty.  He  spent  the  next 
two  years  in  Washington  and  with  friends  at  the  East,  on 


sick  leave.  He  then  started  to  join  his  regiment  at  St. 
Louis,  but  was  detained  at  Detroit  by  illness,  and  was  com- 
pelled to  spend  the  winter  there  (1852-3).  While  there, 
owing  to  some  misunderstanding  with  the  War  Department, 
not  involving  his  integrity  or  honor,  his  name  was  stricken 
from  the  army  roll.  Conceiving  himself  to  have  been  un- 
fairly treated,  he  declined  to  make  any  explanation,  or  to 
hold  any  communication  with  the  Department.  Before  his 
death,  however,  he  settled  all  his  accounts  with  the  Govern- 
ment and  recfeived  a  balance  which  was  found  due  him. 

He  died  in  Washington,  when  on  the  point  of  leaving  for 
the  East,  on  June  26,  1856.  His  remains  were  brought  to 
Waterbury,  and  he  was  buried  here,  according  to  his  .ex- 
pressed wish,  in  the  old  burying-ground  by  the  side  of  his 

Major  Kingsbury  was  a  brave  and  skillful  officer,  always 
equal  to  the  duties  imposed  upon  him.  He  was  for  nearly 
thirty  years  connected  with  the  army,  and  though  some- 
times charged  with  indolence  and  procrastination  in  matters 
of  detail  and  routine  service,  he  was  active  and  efficient  in 
the  field,  and  was  ever  distinguished  by  honorable  conduct. 
He  lost  his  health  and  ruined  his  constitution  in  the  public 
service.  He  left  a  widow,  who  died  January  16,  1892  ;  a 
daughter  Mary  (since  dead),  who  married  Capt.  Siinon  B. 
Buckner,  of  the  United  States  army,  afterward  General  in 
the  Confederate  service  and  Governor  of  Kentucky ;  and  a 
son,  Henry  W.,  who  was  killed  at  Antietam  while  in  com- 
mand of  the  Eleventh  Connecticut  Volunteers.  His  eldest 
son,  Julius,  died  in  California  in  1850. —  History  of  Waterbury. 
His  widow  lived  for  many-  years  in  Black  Hall,  Old  Lyme, 
Conn.  For  thirty  years  she  had  accompanied  her  husband 
in  his  military  life,  residing  at  Mackinaw,  Fort  Gratiot, 
Detroit,  Chicago,  Niagara,  Sackett's  Harbor,  and  other  fron- 
tier posts,  in  the  early  days  of  the  West.  During  his  absence 
on  active  service  in  Florida,  Mexico,  and  elsewhere,  she  lived 
with  friends  in  Lyme,  and  spent  the  last  twenty  years  of 
her  life  there.  She  was  a  woman  of  wide  social  experience, 
interesting  in  conversation,  and  graceful  in  person  and 



1186  Julius  Hamilton,  bom  June  17,   1826;  diedunm.,  in  California, 

December  28,  1850. 

1187  Henry  Bicker,  born  September  i,  1828  ;  died  November  28,  1835. 
iiSS     Mary  Jane,  born  February  24,  1831.  r:  > 

1189  Walter,  born  August  25,  1834  ;  died  October  29,  1835. 

1 190  Henry  Walter,  born  December  25,  1836.   ;s  > 

1191  Adeline,  born  February  28,  1845  ;  died  January  21,  1846. 

1192  Christopher,  born  December  19,  1846  ;  died  June  17,  1847. 

906  John  Southmayd"  Kingsbury  {/o/in\  Nat/tanicl\ 
Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Hetuy'),  of  Waterbury,  Conn.;  married  Janu- 
ary 25,  1827,  Abby  Hewes,  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Abigail 
(Shepard)  Hayden,  of  Waterbury,  born  November  27,  1804; 
after  living  many  years  in  Waterbury,  as  a  farmer  and 
manufacturer,  he  removed  to  East  Bloomfield,  N.  Y.,  where 
he  died  June  10,  1888  ;  his  wife  died  November  5,  1898. 


1193  James  Daniel,  born  November  27,  1827  ;  died  May  7,  1831. 
1x94    George  Bronson,  born  September  6,  1829.  r:  > 

1195  Marcia  a.,  born  May  i,  1832.  ~  > 

11 96  Sylvia  E.,  born  September  7,  1834.  z:  > 

1197  James  Daniel,  born  September  7,  1836*  died  January  19,  1837. 

1 198  Harriet  A.,  born  June  15,  1839;  m.  Jan.  8, 1876,  Charles  Sherman 

Phelps  ;  he  d.  Dec.  27,  1891;  she  is  living  in  East  Bloomlield, 
N.  Y.;   no  ch. 

1199  Abby  S.,  born  June  20,  1842;  unm.;,  res.  in  East  Bloomfield. 

1200  John  D.,  born  July  27,  1845;  res.  in  East  Bloomfield  ;  unmarried* 

907  Sarah  Susanna'  Kingsbury  {/ohn\  Nathaniel',  Jo- 
sepH\  Joseph'',  He/iry^),  married  December  17,  1828,  William 
Brown,  of  Waterbury,  born  June  16,  1804,  son  of  Deacon 
James  and  Lavinia  (Welton)  Brown.  She  died  May  28, 1841. 
Her  husband  married  (2)  Rachel  Vienna  Fenn,  March  25, 
1844  ;  she  was  born  January  21,  1825.  William  Brown  died 
March  3,  1881. 

At  eighteen  he  became  clerk  for  Charles  D.  Kifigsbury  and 
in  1827  partner.  In  1830  removed  to  Pleasant  Valley,  S.  C, 
where  he  remained  two  years;  returned  to  Waterbury  and 
started  a  mercantile  business  in  partnership  with  his  younger 
brother  Augustus,  and  later  turned  his  attention  to  manu- 
facturing and  ultimately  to  real  estate.  Was  director  in  many 
corporations,  member  of  the  board  of  agents  of  the  Bronson. 


Library,  and  filled  various  responsible  places  in  affairs  of 
City,  Town,  and  State  ;  member  of  State  Senate  in  1870  and 
1880,  and  House  of  Representatives  in  1872,  1874,  and  1875. 
He  was  a  safe  counsellor,  patient,  wary,  thorough,  never 
losing  sight  of  the  end  in  view.  A  good  neighbor,  loyal 
friend,  and  useful  citizen.  (Condensed  from  History  of 


1  Marcia  Bronson,  born  July  31,  1832;  died  at  Petersburg,  Va.,  De- 

cember 14,  1851. 

2  Robert  Kingsbury,  born  December  6,   1833  ;  m.   January  22,  1856, 

Elizabeth  Nichols  Middlebrook,  of  Bridgeport,  daughter  of 
Stiles  Munson  and  Elizabeth  (Nash)  Middlebrook,  born  Jan- 
uary 17,  1835  ;  110  ch.  ;  resides  in  Waterbury. 

3  Eliza  Jane,  born   April    i,   1836;   m.    October    14,   1858,   Guernsey 

Smith  Parsons,  born  in  Durham,  December  4,  1834,  son  of 
Clement  and  Phebe  (Smith)  Parsons.  One  ch. :  Sarah  Kings- 
bury, b.  November  30,  1864  ;  m.  November  17,  1886,  Wm. 
Buckingham  Merriman,  of  Waterbury,  son  of  Charles  Buck- 
ingham and  Charlotte  (Field)  Merriman,  born  June  11,  1853; 
ch.  :  I,  Buckingham  Parsons,  b.  August  18,  1887  ;  2,  William 
Buckingham,  b.  May  13,  1898.  Guernsey  S.  Parsons  was 
Mayor  of  Waterbury,  Judge  of  Probate,  aid  to  Gov.  Hubbard, 
and  held  sundry  minor  offices.     He  died  October  11,  1898. 

4  and  5     Twins,  born  May  1,  1840  ;  died  May  20  and  21. 

908  Uriah'  Kingsbury  i^JoJuf,  /ohti\  NathanieP,  Joseph^ ^ 
Henry'),  of  Fairfax,  Vermont;  married,  April  17,  1800, 
Alice  Hall,  daughter  of  John  and  Alice  (Bush)  Hall,  of 
Halifax,  Vermont.  They  settled  in  Fletcher,  Vermont, 
where  she  died  in  181 2. 


1201  Almira,  born  January  18,  1802,  in  Fairfax  ;  never  m. 

1202  Lyuia,  born  February  9,  1804,  in  Fairfax;  died  August  19,  1870, 

in  North  Adams,  Mass.  ;  unm. 

1203  RuFus,  born  January  13,  1806,  in  Fairfax,  s-^ 

1204  Eunice,  born  May  2,  1808,  in  Fairfax;  married,  December  8,  1842, 

Anson  Warner  of  Greenfield,  Mass. 

1205  Mary,  born  January  28,   1810,  in  Fairfax  ;   m.  August  14,  1831, 

Reuben  Clark  ;  died  October  28,  1862  ;  8  ch. 

1206  Miranda,  born  November  23,  1811,  in  Fairfax;  m.  Daniel  Allen; 

she  died  in  1845. 

911  Joseph'  Kingsbury  {John",  John*,  NathanieP,  Jo- 
seph'^, Henry'),  of  Fairfax,  Vermont,  married  Mary,  daughter 


of  Jedediah  and  Martha  (Lucas)  Merrill.  He  was  a  farmer 
in  Fairfax  and  took  the  freeman's  oath  in  1797.  He  served 
in  the  War  of  181 2,  and  was  engaged  in  the  battle  of  Platts- 
burgh.  His  wife  died  in  Fairfax  in  1822,  aged  48.  He  was 
a  Representative  to  the  Legislature  from  Fairfax  in  1830. 
He  died  in  Fairfax,  February  14,  1863.  "  He  was  able  to  be 
about  and  quite  smart  at  the  age  of  90." — Vervwiit  Gazetteer. 


1207     AsENATH,  born  in  Fairfax,  ;  m. Shaw. 

120S     Irene,   born   in    Fairfax,  ;   m.   February   12,    1S18,    David 

Chase,  of  Whitingham,  Vt.,  son  of  Abraham  and  Betsy 
(Rich)  Chase,  born  in  Whitingham,  December  12,  1796. 

1209  Aluna,   born   in    Fairfax,  ;   m.   John   Whittemore,   of   St. 

Albans,  Vt. 

1210  John,  born  in  Fairfax,  ;  lived  in  Fairfax  ;  m.  (i)  Huldah 

Mason  ;  (2)  her  sister,  Sarah  Mason. 

121 1  ■  Lucas,  bom  in  Fairfax.  ;s-^ 

1212  Demas,  born  in  Fairfax,  ;  died  in  infancy. 

1213  Cynthia,  born  in  Fairfax,  ;  m.  (i)  William  Lawrence  ;  (2) 

Peter  Olmsted,  of  Beloit,  Wis. 

1214  Henrietta,  born  in  Fairfax,  ;  m.  Samuel  Basford,  of  Shel- 

burne,  Vt. 

1215  Joseph,   born   in    Fairfax,  ;   m.    Carohne   Wickware ;   res. 


1216  Paulina,  born  in  Fairfax.  Sr=-»- 

912  John'  Kingsbury  {John\  John",  Nathamel\  JosepJi\ 
Henrf),  of  Whitingham,  Vermont,  married,  March  17,  1807, 
Lovisa,  daughter  of  John  and  Alice  (Bush)  Hall,  of  Halifax, 


He  died  in 
















;  m.  Polly  Clark. 
;  m.  Austin  Sumnen 
;  m.  Isaac  Allard. 
;  m.  Jacob  King. 

913  Jeremiah'  Kingsbury  {Jo/in\  John*,  Nathaniel, 
Joseph^,  Henry'),  of  Halifax  and  Whitingham,  Vermont,  mar- 
ried April  14,  1803,  Mary,  daughter  of  Azariah  and  Keturah 
(Pease)  Hall,  of  Halifax,  Vt.     He  died  in  1853. 

326  THE  KINGSBURY  FAMILY.  '    ■ 


1224  Mary,  ;  m.  Elliott  Brown. 

1225  Harriet,  '  ;  m. Chase. 

1226  Fanny,  ;  m.  George  Porter  of  Whitingham,  Vt. 

915  Rosel  or  Roswell"  Kingsbury  {John\  John\  Na- 
thafiieP, /osep/i\Henry^)  oi}iia\.ii2i^,Y\..;  married,  December 
3,  1812,  Cylinda  Allen  of  Halifax,  born  August  8,  1791, 
daughter  of  Elijah  and  Eunice  (Smead)  Allen.  He  died  in 
March,  1854,  in  Halifax.  Mrs.  Cylinda  Kingsbury  died  Feb- 
ruary 2,  1885. 


1227  Elizabeth,  born  April  22,  1815;  married  Charles  Blanchard  ;  res. 

Vineland,  N.  J.;  d.  March  4,  1895;  s.  p. 

1228  Sarah  C,  born  Feb.  2,  1817  ;  married  William  Phillips;  she  d. 

Dec.  26,  1901  ;  ch.,  Abbey;  unmarried. 

1229  Rosanna,  born  Feb.  19,  1819;  married  Dr.  Charles. Fish  of  Beloit, 

Wis.,  and  Vineland,  N.  J.;  d.  July  12,  1896;  j.  p.  , 

1230  Luke,  born  March  4,  1821.  s-^ 

1231  Minerva,  born  Nov.  23,  1823  ;  married  Lucius  Graham  ;  he  d.  in 

prison  in  Andersonville  during  the  Civil  War ;  she  lived  in 
Lenora,  Minn.;  d.  November  22,  1883;  ch.:  i,  Nellie,  mar- 
ried Frank  H.  Holmes  ;  died  January  12,  1894;  ch. :  (i)  Inez, 
(2)  Winnie,  both  school  teachers  in  Nevada,  Iowa,  (3)  Amy, 
trained  nurse,  Winona,  Minn.;  2,  Oscar,  res.  Beatrice,  Neb.; 
3,  daughter,  married  Thomas  Prout;  lives  in  Montana. 

1232  Horace,  born  February  22,  1826!  s  > 

1233  Elvira,  born  March  11,  1828.  s:  > 

1234  Elijah  Smead,  born  May  12,  1831.  s  > 

917a  Daniel'  Kingsbury  {Danier,  John\  Nathaniel^, 
Joseph'^,  Henry''),  settled  in  Rome,  N.  Y.;  removed  from  there 
to  Brighton,  Canada;  returned  from  there  to  Rushford,  N. 
Y.,  but  died  in  Arkansas  in  1835.*  He  was  a  clothier  by 
trade.  He  married  Dorothy  Otis,  born  June  30,  1783,  died 
i860,  in  Rushford,  N.  Y. 


1235  Almeda,  born  March  8,  1800;  m.  Rev. Bishop. 

1236  Pamela,  born  July  28,  1803;  m. Spencer,  of  Brighton,  Canada. 

1237  Dorothy,  born  September  2,  1805;  m. Bettes,  in  Canada. 

1238  Lucy,  born  March  i,  1809;   m.   Eben  Lyon,  of   Rushford;    died 

February  1,  1890. 

1239  Sophrona,  born  October  16,  1811. 

1240  William  Otis,  born  May  i,  1815.  ^^^^~*" 

*  According  to  another  authority,  he  died  in  1833.     It  is  said  also  that  his  father, 
Daniel  K.,  removed  from  Cherry  Valley  to  Rushford  and  died  there. 


1241  Daniel  Pease,  born  November  ig,  1819. 

1242  John  Nelson,  born  October  23,  1823,  in  Brighton,  Canada.  s-»- 

1243  Laura,  born  September  28,  1826;  died  1838. 

920  Benjamin'  Kingsbury  {Daniel\  /o/in\  N'athanifP ,  Jo- 
seph", Hcnry^),  of  Cherry  Valley  and  Rushford,  N.  Y.,  married 
in  Cherry  Valley,  N.  Y.,  October  5,  1815,  Joanna  Jennings, 
born  December  30,  1792  ;  he  removed  to  Rushford,  Allegany 
County,  in  1830,  where  he  died  November  13,  1850.  He  was 
a  house  carpenter  and  cabinet  maker  He  served  in  the 
war  of  181 2,  going  from  Cherry  Valley  to  Fort  Niagara.  His 
widow,  Joanna,  died  March  30,  1872,  at  New  Hudson,  N.  Y. 


1244  William  Walker,  born  August  15,  1818,  Cherry  Valle}'.  =->• 

1245  Adelia  Ann,  born  February  7,  1819,  Cherry  Valley;  died  in  Rush- 

ford, N.  Y. ,  December  15,  1897. 

1246  Daniel,  born  January  12,  1821;  m.  September  27,  1S48,  Mary  Jane 

Lobdell;  lived  in  Clarksville,  N.  Y. ;  died  May  1,  1819. 

1247  Hannah   Maria,   born   August   14,   1822  ;   m.   August   20,    1845, 

Thomas  Barnes;  died  in  Oklahoma,  February  12,  igoi. 

1248  Benjamin,  born  August  14,  1826;  m.  September  12,  1852,  Mariette 

Rice;  he  served  in  a  New  York  Regiment  through  the  Civil 
War  ;  died  in  Bradford,  Pa.,  Jul}-  19,  1S89. 

1249  Alvin,  born  February  25,  1828.  r:  > 

1250  Edward,  born  November  4,   1829;  married.  May,  1863,   Cynthia 

Crouch  of  West  Springfield,  Pa.  He  served  in  the  23d  Wis- 
consin Volunteers  during  a  good  part  of  the  war  ;  res. ,  Owa- 
tonna,  Minn.;  died  April  10,  1889. 

1251  Julia   Ann,  born  August  20,  1832;   m.    April  18,  1854,  Westley 

Sayres;  res.,  New  Hudson,  N.  Y. ;  he  died  March  29,  1S76, 
and  his  widow  is  now  living  in  Wellsville,  N.  Y.,  with  her 

1252  Sophia,  born  April  30,  1839;  m.  William  Dodson;  res..  Champaign 

City,  Illinois. 

925  Clarissa"  Kingsbury  {Nathaniel^,  N'afhafiicl\  Na- 
thaniel', Joseph''',  Henry^),  married  Jonathan  Sibley,  Jr.,  son 
of  Jonathan  and  Patty  (Brooks)  Sibley,  born  in  Willington, 
September  24,  1779.  He  died  in  Willington,  August  21, 
1820,  aged  40  ;  buried  in  Moose  Meadow  burying  ground, 
Willington,  near  his  father ;  called  of  Willington  in  Stafford 
Probate  Records,  August  28,  1820,  when  Joseph  Sibley  was 
appointed  guardian  to  Jonathan  K.  Sibley,  minor  son  of 
Jonathan.  Mrs.  Clarissa  Sibley  died  May  26,  1827;  buried 
in  the  North  Burying  Ground,  Tolland. 




1  Jonathan  K.,  born  in  Tolland,  April  20,  18 16. 

2  John  Austin,  born  in  Tolland,  September  23  (1816?). 

926  Sarah"  Kingsbury  {Nathaniel",  Nathaniel\  Nathan- 
iel, Joseph",  Henry"),  married  in  Tolland,  Wyllys  Gilbert,  of 
Tolland,  March  5,  181 6.  After  he  retired  from  business  he 
removed  in  1850  to  Ellington.  He  died  in  Ellington  in 
1853.     His  widow  died  in  1876. 


1  John  Wyllys,  born  in  Tolland,  November  24,  1816;  m.  Harriet,  dau.  of 

Joseph  Alden;  d.  in  Ellington  in  1849;  one  ch.,  Joseph  W. ,  a 
merchant  in  Norwich,  Conn. 

2  Sarah  Kingsbury,  born  in  Tolland,  March  25,  1819  ;  residence,  El- 

lington, Conn.;  she  died  there,  August  17,  1896. 

927  Sarah"  Kingsbury  {Jahez",  Natha7iiel\  Nathaniel^, 
Joseph^,  Henry'),  married  September  3,  1795,  Ebenezer  Read, 
of  Bolton. 

I     Harriet,  born  November  29,  1796,  in  Bolton. 
In  Memory  of 
Haraet  daughter 
of  Mr  Ebenezer 
&  Mrs  Sarah  Read 
who  died  July  20 
1797.  aged  6  Months 
&  27  days 

—  North  Bolton  Burying  Ground. 

930  Colonel  John"  Kingsbury  {/abez\  Nathaniel,  Na- 
thaniel, Joseph"^,  Henry'),  of  Tolland,  Conn.  ;  married  (i) 
November  i,  1804,  Sally  Dymock  ;  she  died  December  11, 
1819,  aged  37  ;  (2)  November  i,  1821,  Sally  Edgerton  ;  she 
died  April  20,  1824,  aged  42  ;  (3)  September  2,  1825,  in  Cov- 
entry, Mary  Brigham,  born  in  Coventry,  February  12,  1794, 
daughter  of  Don  Carlos  and  Mary  (Greenleaf)  Brigham;  he 
died  March  2,  1861,  aged  78  ;  his  widow  died  November  19, 
187 1,  aged  77. 

1253     Sally  Mariah,  born  in  Tolland,  June  10,  1807  ;  died  Aug.  24, 1808. 



1254  John  Brigham,  born  October  i,  1826.  s-»- 

1255  George  Henry,  born  November  22,  1828.  z:  > 

931  Hannah"  Kingsbury  {/abez\  Nathaniel*,  NathanieP, 
Joseph^,  Henry^),  married  August  29,  181 1,  Stephen  Ladd,*  of 
Tolland,  born  November  8,  1784,  son  of  Eliab  and  Susalla 
(Lathrop)  Ladd,  grandson  of  Jonathan  and  Anna  (Tyler) 
Ladd,  and  great  grandson  of  Jonathan  and  Susanna  (Kings- 
bury) Ladd.  (See  No.  688.)  She  died  September  7,  1829, 
in  Tolland.  He  married  for  his  second  wife  Mrs.  Susan 
(Sessions)  Bradley,  March  31,  1830. 


1  Sally  Ann,  born  in  Tolland,  June  23,  1812  ;  died  June  24,  1812. 

2  Ann  Mariah,  born  in  Tolland,  October  19,  1814  ;  died  Jan.  13,  1816. 

3  Otis  Kingsbury,  born  in  Tolland,  October  13,  1S16  ;  m.  May  30,  1865, 

*     Hannah  Warner  ;  residence.  North  Adams,  Mass. 

4  Anna   Calista,   born    in  Tolland,   May   16,   1818  ;   m.    Enoch   Giles 


5  Sally,  born  in  Tolland,  July  17,  1820  ;  m.  Chauncy  Hillard  or  Hib- 


6  Sarrina   Talcott,   born   in   Tolland,   August  4,   1822  ;    m.    Gilbert 

Stacy  ;  died  May  20,  1869. 

7  John  Mosely,  born  in  Tolland,  Oct.  17,  1824  ;  m.  Rebecca  Kennedy. 

8  Samuel  William,  born  in  Tolland,  September  2,  1826;  m.  Amanda 


9  Mary  Amelia,  born  in  Tolland,  Nov.  4,  1828  ;  m.  Chauncy  Hillard  or 

Hibbard;  died  June  7,  1852. 

935  Rev.  Nathaniel"  Kingsbury  {Samiiel\  NatJtaniel\ 
NathanieP,  /oseJ>/r,  He/ity'),  of  Mt.  Vernon,  N.  H. ;  married 
February  9,  1825,  Eunice  Dow,  of  Coventry.f  He  was  or- 
dained pastor  at  Mt.  Vernon,  N.  H.,  November  8,  1823  ;  dis- 
missed April  8,  1836.  He  died  in  Prairieville,  Wisconsin, 
July  12,  1843,  aged  47.  In  the  family  Bible  of  his  father. 
Deacon  Samuel  Kingsbury,  is  recorded  the  death  of  "Eu- 
nice Kingsbery,  July  22,  1840."  This  was  probably  either 
Nathaniel's  wife  or  a  child.J 

*  Professor  George  Trumbull  Ladd,  S.  T.  D.,  of  Yale  University,  is  a  descendant 
of  Steplien  Ladd. 

t  Mr.  Warren  Ladd  wrote  to  M.  K.T.  in  1889  that  a  memorandum  had  been  given 
to  him  that  "Hezekiah  Dane  (Dow?)  from  Coventry,  Conn.,  lived  in  Camillus,  N. 
Y.,  was  a  half  brother  of  Eliphalet  Ladd,  and  his  sister,  Eunice,  living  in  Mt.  Vernon, 
N.  H.,  m.  Rev.  Mr.  Kingsbury,  a  minister  of  that  place." 

X  The  death  of  Mary  B.  Kingsbery,  June  19,  1841,  is  also  recorded.  Perhaps  a 
daughter  of  Nathaniel. 



1256  Henry  Preston,  ;  died  July,  1843. 
Rev.  L.  Hyde  says  there  were  four  ch. 

936  Samuer  Kingsbury  {Samuel",  Nathaniel\  Nathaniel^ , 
Joseph^,  Henry''),  married  Mary  Nutting ;  a  farmer  in  North 
East,  Pa.  He  died  March  5,  1866.  His  widow  lived  in 
Geneva,  Ohio,  with  a  daughter,  Madela  Ladd,  and  died 
there  in  1887. 


1257  Samuel  B.,  born  April  24,  1824  ;  died  in  Moorheadville,  Pa.,  June 

26,  1894. 

1258  Caroline,  born  September  20,  1831  ;  died  December  23,  1833. 

1259  Casper  Merrick,  born  June  20,   1838  ;  killed  May  3,  1863,  in  the 

battle  of  Chancellorsville. 

1260  Madela,  born  Aug.  23,  1840  ;  m. Ladd,  of  Geneva,  O. ;  d.  1882. 

937  Rev.  Enoch"  Kingsbury  {Samuel^  Nathaniel'',  Na- 
thafiier,  Joseph"^,  Henry"),  graduated  from  Amherst  College, 
1827  ;  studied  theology  at  Auburn,  N.  Y.,  and  Hampden- 
Sidney  College,  Va.;  was  a  pioneer  Presbyterian  home  mis- 
sionary; ordained  evangelist,  1830  ;  pastor  of  the  Church  in 
Danville,  Illinois,  1830- 1.85  7  ;  and  had  charge  of  several 
Churches  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  State  ;  assisted  in  es- 
tablishing Union  Seminary  (111.) ;  preacher  and  teacher 
among  the  freedmen  in  Alabama,  1865-6  ;  married  in  Wind- 
sor, Conn.,  November  i,  1830,  Fanny  Rosanna  Goodwin, 
born  June  25,  1804,  daughter  of  James  and  Candace  (Bird) 
Goodwin,  of  Bloomfield.  He  died  October  26  [18,  Gen.  Reg., 
XV J  I,  i6p],  1868. 


1261  James  Goodwin,  born  January  8,*  1832,  at  Eugene,  Ind.  z:  > 

1262  Samuel  Lyman, "born  January  31,  1833,  at  Eugene,  Ind. ;  died  Feb- 

ruary 28,  1837. 

1263  Helen  Maria,  born  March 20,  1835,  at  Eugene,  Ind.;  died  Novem- 

ber 15,  1836. 

1264  Edward  Beecher,  born  October  26,  1836,  at  Eugene,  Ind.;  died 

August  18,  1864. 

1265  Nathan,  born  November  11,  1838,  at  Danville,  111.;  died  February 

10,  1841. 

*  18,  another  authority. 


1266  Martha  Anna,  born  May  25,  1841,  at  Danville,  111.;  died  Septem- 

ber 23,  1864. 

1267  Marv  Candace,  born  December  27,  1842,  at  Danville,  111.;  m.  Jan- 

uary I,  1868,  James  H.  Risk,  of  Danville,  111.;  no  ch. 

1268  Samuel  Davies,  born  July  5,  1846,  at  Danville,  111.  i,-—>- 

942  Lyman'  Kingsbury  {Samuer,  Nathaniel*,  Nathanier, 
Joseph*,  Hemy~),  married  (i)  May  12,  1835,  Roxana  Pease,  of 
Somers,  Conn.,  born  December  5,  1808;  died  May  11,  1845  ; 
(2)  May  12,  1846,  Eliza  Treadway ;  lived  near  North  East, 
Pa.;  died  at  Harbor  Creek,  Erie  Co.,  Pa.,  December  4,  1874. 


1269  Charles,  born  January  i,  1837  ;  died  January  4,  1837. 

1270  Maria 

1271  Sophia 

,  1,  .,  died  January  25,  1841. 

>-born  January  i,  1841  ;■,•■,  t  c.     o 

.,  j  ^  J     •      t    I  (jjgjj  January  26,  1842. 


1272  Dwight  L.,  born  February  10,1848,  in  Vermilion,  111.;  married, 

March,  1874,  Elvira  Tate;  lives  at  Moorheads,  Erie  Co.,  Pa.; 
ch.:  I,  Charles,  born  May  16,  1876  ;  2,  Carrie,  born  Dec.  19, 
1878  ;  3,  Ben. 

1273  Caroline,  born  July  10,  1851,  in  Harbor  Creek,  Pa.;  m.  August 

20,  1872,  Francis  H.  Bryant ;  lives  at  Atchison,  Kansas;  2  ch.-. 
1,  Bertha  Paulina,  born  1874;  m.  Herbert  D.  Hall,  of  Atchi- 
son ;  ch.:  I,  Hazel  Ellen  ;  2,  Ellen  Lucile,  born  1876;  m.  Oct. 
15,  1902,  Dr.  E.  F.  Larkin,  of  Franklin,  Ind. 

943  Anna  Maria'  Kingsbury  {Samuer,  Nathanier ,  Na- 
thaniel^, Joseph^,  Henry^),  married  September,  1837,  Guy  Mer- 
rill, son  of  Evan  and  Anna  M.  (Haynes)  Merrill.  He  was  a 
merchant.  County  Surveyor,  and  Probate  Judge.  She  died 
November  10,  1855.  He  died  October  9,  1867,  in  Danville, 

I     Alice  Carleton,  born  December  13,  1843  ;   m.  George  Bush  Yeo- 
mans,  of  Danville,  111.,  born  August  24,   1836,  in  Hinsdale, 
Mass.     He  died  January  16,  1897,  in  Danville  ;  5  ch. 

944  Sophia'  Kingsbury  {Joseph*,  Simon\  Nathanier,  Jo- 
seph'', Henry'),  married  June  5,  1808,  Judge  John  Hall,  of  El- 
lington, Conn.  He  was  born  February  26,  1783,  son  of  John 
and  Eunice  (Dorchester)  Hall,  of  Ellington;  graduated  from 


Yale  College,  1802  ;  tutor  at  Yale  three  years  ;  established  a 
school  at  Ellington,  which  became  very  well  known,  and  was 
Principal  from  1830  to  1840  ;  he  was  also  Judge  of  the  County 
Court  of  Tolland  as  early  as  181 2.  He  was  appointed  Post- 
master in  1841.  Mrs.  Hall  died  May  19, 1829;  he  died  October 
2,  1847,  having  married  (2)  September  5,  1830,  Harriet  S., 
daughter  of  Dr.  Elijah  F.  Reed,  of  East  Windsor. 


1  Edward,  born  August  10,  1809  ;  for  many  years  he  conducted  a  suc- 

cessful family  school  at  Ellington,  relinquishing  it  only  when 
his  health  failed  a  year  or  two  previous  to  his  death  ;  he  m. 
(i)  Mary  A.  Dolbeare,  of  Montville,  Conn.,  March  20,  1840;  she 
died  April  25,  1852;  (2)  April  24,  1862,  Mrs.  Abbie  B.  F.  Si- 
monds,  of  Shelburne,  Vt. ;  he  died  August  19,  1875  ;  3  ch.:  i, 
Mary,  b.  Aug.  20,  1847  ;  d.  Sept.  25,  1849  ;  2,  Sophia,' b.  Aug. 
19,  1851  ;  m.  Feb.  25,  1880,  John  McKnight,  of  ElUngton  ;  3, 
Grace,  b.  May  17,  1866  ;  m.  Oct.  30,  1889,  Charles  Cyrus  Farn- 
ham,  son  of  Gov.  Roswell  Farnham,  of  Vermont,  a  lawyer  in 
Buffalo,  N.  Y. ;  3  ch.:  i,  Roswell,  b.  Aug.  13,  1890;  2,  Frances 
Hall,  b.  Sept.  24,  1895;  3,  Edward  Hall,  b.  Dec.  4,  1900. 

2  Junius,  born  June  8,  181 1  ;  Yale,  1831  ;  studied  law  and  commenced 

practice  in  Alton,  111. ,  in  1836;  from  there  he  went  to  St.  Louis 
for  a  few  years,  but  finally  located  in  Boston  in  1846  ;  m.  in 
Boston,  Emily  E.  M.  Baldwin,  November  i,  1849;  elected  a 
member  of  the  Mass.  legislature  in  1850;  he  died  August 
14,  1851  ;  his  widow  died  May,  i860  ;  s.  p. 

3  John,  born  August  22,  1813  ;  a  clerk  in  Philadelphia  for  two  years, 

then  commenced  business  as  a  bookseller  in  New  York  ;  died 
October  19,  1836. 

4  Sophia,  born  July  4,  1815  ;  m.  Oct.  21,  1839,  William  A.  Delano,  of 

St.  Louis,  Mo.;  removed  to  Ironton,  Mo.,  where  he  died 
November,  1876  ;  8  ch. 

5  Eliza,  born  February  16,   1817  ;  m.  June   15,   1859,  Rev.  John  G. 

Baird,  b.  in  Milford,  Conn.,  November  27,  1826;  Yale,  1852; 
Andover  Theological  Seminary,  1857  ;  pastor  of  the  Church 
at  Centerbrook,  Conn.,  June  2,  1857,  to  November  i,  1865; 
acted  as  assistant  to  the  Secretary  of  the  State  Board  of 
Education  from  1867  to  1883,  residing  in  Hartford;  in  1884  they 
removed  to  Ellington,  where  he  d.  December  22,  1891.  Mrs. 
Baird  died  in  Ellington,  February  i,  1903  ;  .f.  p. 

6  Levi  Wells,  born  December  25,  1818  ;  a  lawyer  in  Syracuse,  N.  Y. ; 

m.  (i)  April  18,  1843,  Antoinette  Bangs,  of  Springfield,  Mass.; 
she  died  January  29,  1848  ;  (2)  January,  1851,  Mary  Elizabeth 
Clark,  of  Syracuse,  who  died  Nov.  14,  1S90  ;  he  died  April  19, 
1881  ;  I  son. 

7  Maria,  born  February  15,  1821 ;  died  October  21,  1848. 


S  Francis,  born  October  27,  1822  ;  commenced  business  as  a  book- 
seller in  Elmira,  N.  Y. ;  m.  October  20,  1846,  Sarah  H.  Covell, 
of  Elmira  ;  she  died  August  5,  184S  ;  in  1858  he  was  elected 
Mayor  of  the  City;  in  1859  he  went  to  China,  thence  to  Japan, 
where  he  was  for  several  years  of  the  firm  of  Walsh,  Hall  & 
Co.,  tea  merchants  ;  he  returned  to  this  country  in  1866  ;  then 
traveled  extensively  in  the  United  States,  Mexico,  South 
America,  and  in  various  parts  of  Europe,  Asia,  and  Africa, 
but  his  home  continued  to  be  in  Elmira,  where  he  d.  Aug.  26, 
1902;  .$•.  p.  Before  his  death  he  commenced  the  building  of  a 
public  library  for  Ellington  as  a  memorial  to  his  father 
and  his  brother  Edward. 

9  William  Maxwell,  born  October  7,  1824  ;  he  lived  in  Syracuse  and 
Elmira,  but  died  while  on  a  visit  at  his  father's  house  in  El- 
lington, August  8,  1847. 

10  FREnERicK,  born  September  5,  1S27  ;  a  bookseller  in  Elmira,  N.  Y.; 

m.  Jan.  19,  1861 ,  Caroline  Andrus  Herrick,  of  Ithaca,  N.  Y. ;  s.p. 

11  Arthur,  born  May  7,  1829  ;  died  March  23,  1830. 

945  Josiah  Allyn"  Kingsbury  {•JosepJv',  Simon\  N'at/tan- 
ier,  Joseph'',  Hemy'),  lived  for  a  few  years  in  Maine,  where 
he  married  January  27,  1813,  Elizabeth  Ryan,  of  Bath, 
Maine  ;  he  soon  afterwards  returned  to  Ellington,  where  he 
spent  the  remainder  of  his  life  ;  his  wife  died  May  7  [Dr. 
Baird's  letter]  [May  8,  T.  S.],  1849,  aged  59 ;  he  died 
August  I,  1853;  they  are  buried  in  Ellington. 


1274  Joseph  W.  ,  born  November  13,  1813.  =  > 

1275  Henry  Allyn,    born  January  11,  1816;    m.  July  7,  1S37,  Lavinia 

Holmes,  of  Stafford  ;  died  January  18,  1849,  aged  33  ;  buried 
in  Ellington  ;  one  son  died  in  inftmcy. 

1276  Elizabeth,  born  ;  died  when  about  5  years  old. 

1277  George  Clark,  born  August  i,  1821  ;  died  March  19,  1863. 

1278  A  twin  brother  of  George  died  in  infancy. 

946  Allen'  KXn^sbuvy  {Nathaniel'^  Jabez*,  NathanicP,  Jo- 
seph^, Henry^),  married  December  26,  1802,  Betsey  Coleman  ; 
removed  to  Cazenovia,  N.  Y.;  died  there,  February  12,  1853; 
his  wife,  Betsey,  died  July  27,  1864. 


1279  Mary,  born  October  3,  1804  ;  married  November  10,  1826,  Henry 

H.  Ayer;  d.  at  Sheridan.  Chautauqua  Co.,  N.Y.,  Sept.  27,  1831. 

1280  Helen  Sophronia,  born  September  29,  1806  ;  m.  (i)  Alvin  E.  Cole- 

man ;  (2)  Erastus  Woodward  of  Cazenovia  ;  d.  Oct.  25,  1891  ; 
one  dau. 



1281  Delia,  born  April  17,  1811,  living  in  Cleveland,  O.,  unm.,  (1903,) 

aged  92. 

1282  William  Irvin,  born  March  27,  1813  ;  m.  in  1842,  Elizabeth  A.  Mc- 

Kee  ;  died  1846,  at  Taylorsville,  111.;  his  widow  lived  in  Pay- 
son,  111.;  s.  p. 

1283  AsENATH,  born  May  3,  1815.  zz,  ■> 

1284  John  Flavel,  born  May  27,  1817.  s  > 

1285  Harriet  Newell,  born  July  30,  1820  ;  m.  February  8,  1841,  Edwin 

D.  Loomis,  of  Cleveland,  O.,  born  November  15,  1820,  son  of 
Hezekiah  and  Eunice  (Haines)  Loomis,  of  Cazenovia  ;  living 
in  Cleveland  with  her  sister  ;  s.  p. 

947  Wealthy'  {Nathaniel\  Jabez\  Natha7uel\  Joseph', 
Henry''),  married  Zachariah  Cone,  of  Hebron,  in  1826,  after- 
wards of  Cazenovia,  N.  Y.,  born  May  8,  1774,  in  Hebron. 
Later  he  resided  in  Batavia,  N.  Y.,  where  she  died  July  25, 
1843  ;  ^6  died  July  14,  1854. 

•      CHILDREN. 

1  Mary  Ann,  born  March  10,  1805  ;  m.  Reuben  Rowley,  and  died  soon 

after  marriage. 

2  Walter,  born  August  7,  1807;  died  March  24,  1808. 

3  Hubbell  B.  ,  born  February  15,  1809;  was  a  pioneer  settler  of  Chi- 

cago ;  became  a  wealthy  and  highly  respected  citizen;  died  at 
the  time  of  the  great  fire  in  1871  ;  had  8  ch.;  one  dau.  m.  M. 
W.  Kimball,  music  dealer. 

4  Albert  G.,  born  June  2,  1811  ;  unm.;  went  to  Arizona. 

5  Nathaniel  Kingsbury,  born  July  14,  181 3  ;  m.  November  g,  1848,  in 

East  Hartford,  Adaline  Brewer  ;  he  went  West  in  an  open 
buggy  with  his  young  bride,  and  settled  on  the  farm  at  Beth- 
any, N.  Y. ,  which  he  owned  until  his  death.  He  had  studied 
surveying,  and  assisted  the  Surveyor- General  of  Connecticut 
in  making  a  survey  of  that  State.  He  engaged  in  the  mer- 
cantile business  in  Wetunka,  Ala.,  where  he  remained  seven 
years,  but,  not  being  successful,  he  returned  to  Genesee  Co., 
N.  Y.,  and  took  up  again  the  practice  of  surveying.  He  died 
in  Bethany,  February  7,  1880  ;  2  ch.;  his  son,  Hobart  Brewer 
Cone,  graduated  Hobart  College,  1869  ;  is  an  attorney  in  Bata- 
via, N.  Y. 

6  Salmon  G.,  born  May  6,  1815  ;  lived  in  Unadilla,  Otsego  Co.,  N.  Y. 

7  Harriet  M.,  born  June  5,  1818  ;  m.  January  7,  1840,  WiUiam  Red- 

field  Phelps,  of  Hebron,  Conn.;  resides  in  Phila. ,  Pa.;  3  ch. 

949  Jabez"  Kingsbury  {Nathaniel ,  Jabez\  NathanieP, 
Joseph'^,  Henry"),  married,  February  15,  1815,  Fanny  Daven- 
port;  lived  in  that  part  of  Coventry  now  Andover,  Conn.; 
died  February  i,  185 1  ;  his  widow  died  February  11,  i860. 



1286  Samuel  Newell,  born  December  12,  1815;  died  [Nov.  30,  1S17,  T. 

5.]  April  8,  1818. 

1287  Henry  Dwight,  born  March  20,  1818  [Oct. 18,  1S17,  F.  J.K.  ];  never 

married  ;  living  in  1887  in  Trinity  Co.,  California. 

1288  Samuel  Newell,  born  [Oct.  8,  i8i9,F.  J.  K.]  October  15,  i82o.Js->- 

1289  AsENATH  Cornelia,  born  January  12,  1824.  a:-> 

950  Sophia"  Kingsbury  {Joseph",  Jabez\  Nathaniel,  Jo- 
seph^, Henry^),  married,  January  16,  1811  [January  17,  H.  W. 
Hutchinson,  June  16,  T.R.'l,  Deacon  Willard  Hutchinson,  of 
Coventry,  son  of  Eleazer  and  Huldah  (Jones)  Hutchinson, 
born  in  Andover,  Conn.,  February  16,  1785  ;  died  in  Coven- 
try, March  15,  1849;  she  died  in  Coventry,  September  8,  1863. 


1  Caroline  Sophia,  born  August  9,  1812;  m.  [May  8,  Root  Genealogy'] 

May  II,  1850,  Elijah  Hammond  Root,  of  Coventry,  son  of 
Nathaniel  and  Candace  (Hammond)  Root,  and  a  descendant 
of  Elijah  and  Mary  (Kingsbury)  Hammond,  of  Bolton  (see  pp. 
174  and  225);  he  was  born  September  16,  1800  ;  she  died  in 
Coventry,  April  5,  1861  ;  s.  p. 

2  JosEi'H  Willard,  born  November  11,  1814  ;  died  December  17,  1S14. 

3  Ruth  Eliza,  born  October  7,  1816;  m.,  as  his  second  wife,  June  7, 

1871,  Albemarle  Loomid,  of  Coventry,  born  October  28,  180S, 
son  of  Medad  and  Mary  (Moseley)  Loomis  ;  he  was  killed  by 
lightning  May  24,  1873,  in  Coventry ;  she  died  in  Coventry, 
August  24,  1885,  having  been  a  member  of  the  Congregational 
Church  for  more  than  fifty  years. 

4  Henry  Willard,  born  October  6,  1819;  m.  September  i,  1846,  Eliza 

Ann  Boardman,  born  in  Hartford,  May  5,  1820,  daughter  of 
Lewis  Cathn  and  Sophronia  (Woodruff)  Boardman  ;  he  was, 
at  the  time  of  his  marriage.  Principal  of  the  North  School  in 
Hartford  ;  afterwards  a  bookseller  ;  then  he  occupied  a  posi- 
tion in  the  office  of  the  Hartford  Water  Board,  and  later  be- 
came one  of  the  City  Registrars.  He  died  March  21,  1886;  ch. ; 
I,  Ella  Sophia,  b.  June  9,  1847;  a  teacher  in  the  Brown  School, 
Hartford,  for  a  number  of  years  ;  d.  in  North  Conway,  N.  H., 
Sept.  2,  1874  ;  2,  Henry  Willard,  b.  Feb.  19,  1851  ;  m.  Nov. 
13,  1872,  Ida  Birdsall,  of  Newark,  N.  J.;  he  died  some  years 
ago  in  Hartford,  where  he  was  connected  with  the  Phuenix 
Life  Ins.  Co. ;  his  widow  and  two  children  live  in  Oakland,  Cal. ; 
3,  Louis  Harvey,  iS.  Oct.  16,  1862  ;  m.  Annie  Mather,  of  Hart- 
ford ;  he  is  a  clerk  in  the  office  of  the  Phoenix  Life  Ins.  Co. . 
of  Hartford  ;  no  ch. 

5  Mary  Kingsbury,  born  May  26,  1826  ;  died  unm.,  in  Coventry,  Octo- 

ber 21,  1887. 



952  Mary'  Kingsbury  {Joseph",  /abez\  NathanieP,  Jo- 
seph'-, IIen>y),  married  May  28,  1823,  Daniel  Burnap,  of  An- 
dover,  son  of  Captain  Abraham  and  Susan  (Wright)  Burnap, 
born  November  i,  1759;  his  first  wife  was  Deliverance, 
daughter  of  Denison  and  Lydia  (Jones)  Kingsbury.  (See 
page  231.)  He  was  for  many  years  a  clockmaker  in  East 
Windsor,  and  numerous  tall,  old-fashioned  clocks  are  still 
seen  with  his  name  on  them.  In  the  Connecticut  Courant  of 
the  date  March  14,  1791,  he  advertises  that  he  makes  brass- 
wheeled  clocks  in  East  Windsor.  He  afterwards  removed 
to  Andover,  where  he  died  September  26,  1838,  aged  78. 
Daniel  Burnap  mentions  in  his  will,  wife  Mary,  son  Daniel 
K.,  daughter  Mary  Delia,  daughter  Charlotte  Elizabeth; 
gives  to  Milton  Burnap,  to  Martha  Burnap,  a  daughter  of 
Milton  Burnap  —  dated  September  22,  1838  —  exhibited  in 
Court  October  17,  1838. —  Andover  Prob.  Rec.  Mrs.  Mary 
Burnap  died  in  Andover,  November  21,  1873,  aged  86. 


1  Daniel  Kingsbury,  born  June  29,  1824;  died  at  Andover,  July  11; 

1844,  being  then  a  member  of  the  class  of  1846,  Yale  College. 

2  Mary  Delia,  born  October  22,  1827  ;   m.  October  9,  1862,  Elliot  P. 

Skinner,  of  Andover,  where  she  lives  in  the  house  built  by 
her  father,  Daniel  Burnap  ;  no.  ch. 

3  Charlotte   Elizabeth,  born   August   9,    1830  ;    m.  March  4,  1857, 

Thomas  C.  P.  Hyde,  son  of  Rev.  Lavius  Hyde,  and  a  de- 
scendant of  Capt.  Jacob  Hyde  and  Hannah  Kingsbury;  he 
was  born  in  Bolton,  October  28,  1825  ;  he  was  educated  at 
Laurel  Hill  Academy,  Stockbridge,  Mass.,  and  Phillips 
Academy,  Andover,  and  graduated  from  Williams  College, 
1847  :  he  was  at  Andover  Theological  Seminary  for  a  while, 
but  graduated  from  the  Theological  Seminary  at  East  Wind- 
sor Hill,  to  which  his  father  was  one  of  the  early  liberal 
givers.  In  1856  Mr.  Hyde  went  with  a  party  to  Kansas  for 
the  purpose  of  saving  that  State  as  a  free  State,  and  was 
there  at  the  time  of  the  stirring  scenes  at  Ossawatomie,  giv- 
ing aid  to  John  Brown  after  his  losses  in  that  famous  raid. 
In  1859  he  settled  in  Andover,  and  resided  there  during  the 
remainder  of  his  life.  He  was  ardent  in  religious  matters,  a 
close  student  of  the  Bible,  and  Deacon  in  the  Church.  He 
was  a  well-informed  man  on  all  subjects,  the  extent  and 
accuracy  of  his  knowledge  being  a  constant  marvel  even  to 
those  who  knew  him  best.  He  died  in  Andover,  Oct.  26, 
1900.  \^H artf or d  Daily  Courajit.]  Three  ch.:  i,  Erskine  D. 
B.,  b.  Jan.  9,  1861  ;   m.  Sept.  11,  1S84,  Nellie  A.  Rose,  of  An- 


dover  ;  2,  Emily  Hollister,  b.  July  20,  1862  ;  killed  by  being 
thrown  from  a  carriage,  Dec.  i,  1887  ;  3,  Mary  Elizabeth,  b. 
July  I,  1868. 

953  William*  Kingsbury  {Joseph\  Jabez\  Nathaniel\ 
JosepJi\  He/uy'),  married  vSusan  Reynolds  of  Andover,  in 
East  Hartford,  December  5,  1816.  He  occupied  the  farm 
purchased  by  Captain  Nathaniel  Kingsbury,  his  great- 
grandfather, in  1730.  The  house  built  by  Nathaniel  in  1735 
was  demolished  in  1848.  He  died  in  Andover,  January  6, 
1853,  aged  6t,.  \^Tof)ibsto/ie.^  His  widow,  Susan,  died  October 
II,  1869,  aged  81. 


1290  William  Benton,  born  October  4,  1817;  has  lived  all  his  life  on 

the  old  homestead  in  Andover;  he  was  a  member  of  the  Leg- 
islature from  Andover  in  1864  ;  unmarried. 

1291  Charles  Reynolds,  born  January  26,  1819. 

1292  Horace  Parsons,  born  September  29,  1820;  he   enlisted  August 

25,  1862,  in  Company  G,  Captain  Charles  H.  Talcott,  Twenty- 
Fifth  Regiment,  Connecticut  Volunteers,  Col.  G.  P.  Bissell, 
and  served  with  the  regiment  in  Louisiana  and  the  South- 
west until  his  discharge,  August  26,  1863.  He  lived  in  Glas- 
tonbury, Conn.,  from  1852,  entering  the  employ  of  the  J.  B. 
Williams  Manufacturing  Co.  soon  after  they  started  business, 
until  his  death,  July  27,  1902,  unmarried.  Mr.  Kingsbury 
was  a  man  of  strong  character  and  of  pleasing  address.  He 
numbered  among  his  friends  both  old  and  young,  and  was 
justly  entitled  to  the  esteem  and  respect  in  which  he  was  held. 
.  He  was  so  closely  associated  with  the  work  at  the  Williams 
factory  that  he  was  generally  regarded  as  a  part  of  the  es- 
tablishment, and  it  is  only  a  few  years  since  he  gave  up  the 
position  in  the  mill  which  he  had  held  for  nearly  half  a 
century. — Hartford  Daily  Cotirant. 

1293  Henry  Martyn,  born  September  29,  1820.  =  * 

1294  Anne    Eliza,    born    August    27,    1826;     died    August    6,    1850; 


1295  Emily  Maria,  born  October  23,   1827;  died  September  21,  1867, 


1296  Ruth  Sophia,  born    December  25,   1832;   now   living   with   her 

brother  in  Andover;  unmarried. 

1297  Mary  Jane,  born  May  14,  1836;  married,  as  his  3d  wife,  Freder- 

ick Hart  Root  of  Meriden,   Conn.,  born  July  4,  1827,  son  of 
Henry  and  Sarah  Sage  (Hart)  Root.      She  died  in  Meriden, 
•    July  27,  1S74;  one  child,   Willie  Kingsbury,  died  in  infancy 


954  Joseph'  Kingsbury  {Joseph'',  Jabez\  Naihamel\ 
/oseph\  Heiirf),  of  Andover,  Conn.;  married  (i),  December 
4,  1827,  in  East  Hartford,  Amelia  Reynolds,  born  in  East 
Hartford,  November,  1795  ;  she  died  July  9,  1848;  (2)  April 
2,  1S54,  Mrs.  Sarah  Reynolds  Vorra,  born  May  5,  1800.  He 
died  in  Andover,  March  17,  1865,  aged  72.  [Tombstone.']  Mrs. 
Sarah  A.  Kingsbury  died  in  Andover,  July  25,  1895. 


1298  Lucius,  born  September  20,  1828.  s:  > 

1299  Edgar  James,  born  April  3,  1831.   r:  > 

1300  Walter  Reynolds,  born  December  25,  1832.   s;:  ■> 

1301  Hannah  A.,  born  December,  1834;  died  March  g,   1835,  aged  11 


1302  Hannah  E.,  born  October,  1S37;  died  January  25,  1838  (Feb.  25, 

1837,  Tombstone),  Bigedi  12  weeks. 

955  Harvey"  Kingsbury  {Joseph\  Jabez\  Nathaniel^, 
Joseph\  ITenry^),  of  Coventry,  Conn.;  married  in  Coventry, 
April  7,  1824,  Polly  Wright,  daughter  of  Roswell  Wright  of 
Coventry,  born  June  3,  1787;  she  died  November  25  [24, 
Tombstone\  187 1;  he  died  May  22,  1874,  in  Coventry.  He 
was  drafted  in  the  war  of  181 2,  and  served  for  forty  days  at 
New  London.  His  health  being  frail,  he  was  unable  to  pur- 
sue the  business  of  agriculture,  and  consequently  he  moved 
to  Farmington  to  learn  the  trade  of  a  jeweler.  He  changed 
his  plans,  however,  and  gave  special  attention  to  study,  with 
a  view  to  teaching,  reciting  for  a  time  to  Rev.  Mr.  Woodruff, 
of  Coventry.  He  taught  for  ten  successive  winters,  and  gave 
satisfaction  to  his  employers.  After  his  marriage  he  removed 
to  Coventry,  and  became  a  successful  and  enterprising 
farmer  in  that  town.  He  served  as  Selectman,  and  was  for 
more  than  twenty  years  a  member  of  the  Ecclesiastical 
Society  committee,  and  of  the  School  Board  for  the  same 
period.  He  was  for  many  years  director  of  the  Rockville 
Bank,  and  one  of  the  incorporators  of  the  Savings  Bank  of 
Rockville.  Mr.  Kingsbury  possessed  a  firm  character  and 
religious  principles.  He  was  a  puritan  indeed  in  his  integ- 
rity, careful  observance  of  the  Sabbath,  and  diligent  attend- 
ance on  the  worship  of  God  in  the  sanctuary  and  the  weekly 




meetings.  He  was  also  greatly  interested  in  the  Sabbath 
School,  and  always  came  forward  generously  when  help  was 
needed  for  the  church,  and  for  missionary  work.  {^History 
of  Tolland  County,  40S.] 


1303  Elizabeth  Wright,  born  December  31,  1824.  sr^— >- 

1304  Mary  Jeffries,  born  December  31,  1S26;  married  June  27,  1866, 

Henry  E.  H.  Gilbert,  as  his  second  wife  (see  No.  1303),  her 
brother-in-law;  she  died  in  Coventry,  May  31,  1902,  aged  75. 
Her  interest  in  the  work  of  preparing  the  Kingsbury  Gene- 
alogy was  great,  and  the  compiler  is  greatly  indebted  to  her 
for  assistance  and  sympathy. 

956  Doctor  Royal'  Kingsbury  ( /^.y^/^/^',  Jabez\ Nathaniel\ 
Joseph^,  Henry^),  a  physician  in  Marlborough,  Conn  ,  married, 
April,  1828,  Emily  Foote,  born  April  25,  1805,  daughter  of 
Joel  and'  Rachel  (Lord)  Foote  of  Marlborough.  He  died 
November  21,  1836,  in  Marlborough,  Conn.;  his  widow  mar- 
ried (2)  September  7,  1839,  Jedediah  Post  of  Glastonbury, 
and  died  there  March  13,  1859. 

••  CHILD. 

1305  Emily  Lord,  born  February  25,  1831;  married  (i)  as  his  second 

wife,  in  Glastonbury,  April  12,  1855,  Shelton  Hollister,  of 
Glastonbury,  born  September  30,  1825,  son  of  Benjamin  and 
Prudence  Hollister  ;  Yale  College  1848  ;  he  died  in  St.  An- 
thony's Falls,  Minn.,  April  29,  1855.*  She  married  (2)  Nov.  28, 
1865,  Thomas  Blish  Cheney  of  Hartford,  son  of  Halsey  and 
Adeline  Pamelia  (Blish)  Cheney,  of  Manchester,  Conn.;  two 
children:  Thomas  Shelton,  b.  Feb.  14,  1867,  d.  Feb  8,  1898,  in 
Hartford;  Frances  Emily,  b.  October  22,  1868;  a  teacher  in 
Springfield,  Mass.,  where  her  mother  also  lives. 

957  Colonel  Joseph'  Kingsbury  {Lemuel",  Joseph*,  Na- 
thanieP,  Joseph',  Hetiry^).  His  grandfather,  Joseph  Kings- 
bury, offered  to  send  him  to  Yale  College  if  he  would  pre- 
pare for  the  ministry,  but  the  offer,  tempting  as  it  was,  had 
too  many  conditions  attached  for  the  young  man,  who  looked 
upon  a  minister,  as  most  people  did  then,  as  a  little  less  than 
a  demigod,  and  felt  that  he  was  not  of  the  material  of  which 
gods  were  made,  and  the  offer  was  declined.  In  1795,  at  the 
age  of  nineteen,  he  left  the  friends  of  his  youth,  and  with  a 

*  Hollister  Genealogy. 



horse,  a  small  sum  of  money,  and  a  compass,  he  turned  his 
face  towards  the  Susquehanna  to  find  a  home  and  employ- 
ment. He  arrived  at  Sheshequin  in  the  spring  of  1795,  and 
on  the  very  day  he  was  nineteen  years  old.  He  engaged  at 
once  with  General  Simon  Spaulding  as  a  surveyor,  and  be- 
gan a  career  that  resulted  in  his  appointment  as  agent  for 
the  vast  landed  estates  of  Vincent  Le  Ray  de  Chaumont, 
known  as  the  Le  Ray  lands,  Count  de  Chastellux,  McEwen 
and  Davidson,  the  Bank  of  North  America,  and  others. 
From  an  early  period  to  his  death  he  was  a  member  of  and 
a  generous  contributor  to  the  religious  denomination  of  the 
Universalists.  He  was  for  many  years  a  Colonel  of  Militia 
and  Postmaster  of  the  town,  and  President  of  the  Towanda 
Bank.  —  Kulp's  Wyoming  Families.  He  married,  February  i, 
1797,  Anna  Spaulding,  daughter  of  General  Simon  and  Ruth 
(Shepherd)  Spaulding,  born  April  21,  1779,  in  Sheshequin, 
Pa.;  died  Sept.  18,  1864,  aged  85  years  and  5  months.  He 
died  January  22,  1849,  in  Sheshequin,  and  was  buried  in  the 
churchyard  there. 


1306  Mary,  born  August  11,  1798.  r:  > 

1307  Almira,  born  1801.  s-»- 

1308  Byron,  born  March  26,  1803.  s:  > 

1309  Burton,  born  March  30,  1805.  r:  > 

1310  Ann  Eliza,  born  August  20,  i8o8.  ir  > 

1311  Henry,  born  February  3,  1810.  g;  > 

1312  Joseph,  born  July  2,  1813.  s^ 

1313  Marion  Braidfoot  Wallace,  born  September  30,  1815.  s  > 

1314  Helen    Mar,    born    1816;    married    October,    1839,    Mahlon    C. 

Mercur;  died  1841;  one  child,  Mahlon  Mar,  born  March,  1841. 
Mahlon  Mar  Mercur  served  in  the  U.  S.  navy  and  in  the 
army  during  the  Civil  War,  remaining  in  the  service  for  twenty 
years;  afterwards  in  business  in  Towanda;  died  in  Dranes- 
ville,  Va.,  of  consumption,  Jan.  10,  189-. 

1315  Lemuel  Spalding,  born  September  14,  1823.  s  ■> 

958  Alice"  Kingsbury  {Lemuel\  Joseph*,  Nathaniel^,  Jo- 
seph', Henry'),  married.  May  13,  1798,  Benjamin  Baker  Ellis 
of  Glastonbury,  Conn.,  born  in  Sturbridge,  Mass.,  June  28, 
1773,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Eunice  (Baker)  Ellis.     He  was  a 


ship  builder,  and  bailt  ships  for  the  West  India  trade,  and 
privateers  for  the  War  of  1812;  he  had  shipyards  in  Hart- 
ford, Glastonbury,  and  Middle  Haddam.  He  died  July  5, 
1839,  aged  66,  in  Glastonbury.  His  widow  died  May  29, 
1862,  in  Enfield. 


1  LuciNDA,  born  September  3,  1800;  died  September  23,  1802. 

2  Emeline,  born  June  7,  1803;  married,  December  28,  1822,  Capt.  Har- 

mon Terry,  born  in  Enfield,  March  17,  1800,  son  of  Solomon 
and  Hannah  (Pease)  Terry;  he  died  in  Enfield,  August  12, 
1855;  she  died  March  27,  1885;  8  ch.  i,  Amanda  Emeline, 
born  1823;  married,  1850,  James  H.  Hoskins;  he  died  1854; 
she  died  October  14,  1859;  2  ch.  2,  Julia  M.,  born  May  22, 
1824;  married  S.  W.  Lee  of  Coventry;  2  ch.  3,  Caroline 
Ellis,  born  December  6,  1826;  married  James  Abbe  of  Spring- 
field. 4,  Edwin  H.,  born  October  22,  1832;  married  Emma 
Allen  of  Enfield;  she  died  in  Springfield,  Mass.,  in  1887;  he 
died  in  Springfield,  August  6,  1893,  aged  61;  4  ch.  5,  Louisa 
Loomis,  born  July  6,  1835;  married  (i),  April  20,  1863,  in  Iowa 
City,  la.,  Roswell  Sage  Price,  Jr.;  he  died  in  Williamsburg, 
la.,  October  31,  1864;  (2)  Spencer  Lee  Flower  of  Hartford, 
Conn.  6,  Mary  Ellen,  born  March  18,  1838;  married  John 
Howe,  son  of  Dennis  Howe  of  North  Brookfield,  Mass.;  she 
died  June  8,  1862.  7,  Rollin  Ethelbert,  born  July  27,  1841; 
res.  Springfield,  Mass. ;  married  Kate  McKmney  of  Thomp- 
sonville;  7  ch.  8,  Frederick  Eugene,  born  April  19,  1844; 
died  1845. 

3  LuciNDA,  born  April  5,  1805;  died  February  10,  1S21. 

4  Caroline,  born  April  28,  1807;  died  October  6,  1830,  aged  23. 

5  Mary  Ann,  born  January  23,  1810;  died  January  4,  1886. 

6  Henry  Kingsbury,  born  April  12,  1812;  died  July  8,  1817. 

7  Benjamin  Franklin,  born  November  3,  1814;  married.  November  19, 

1840,  Rulina,  daughter  of  John  and  Sally  (Belcher)  Perry  of 
Wales,  Mass.;  he  settled  in  Hartford,  Conn.,  in  1837,  and  was 
a  house  builder  and  contractor  for  many  years;  retired  from 
business  in  1880;  he  died  in  Hartford,  April  8,  1902;  ch.  i, 
George,  born  September  27,  1843;  Assistant  Engineer, 
U.  S.  Navy,  1862-1866;  over  two  years  in  railroad  work 
in  Wisconsin  and  Minnesota;  from  1868  to  1871,  clerk  of  the 
Street  Department  of  the  City  of  Hartford  ;  actuary  of  the 
Travelers  Insurance  Co.,  Hartford,  from  1874  to  1897;  chosen 
Secretary  of  the  Company,  January,  1897;  he  was  Warden  of 
Christ  Church  ;  Police  Commissioner;  died  in  Hartford,  June 
25.  1898;  he  married.  May  13,  1868,  Janet  S  ,  dau.  of  John  and 
Agnes  McEwan,  of  Albany,  N.  Y. ;  she  was  born  in  Glasgow, 



Scotland,  August  i,  1847;  died  in  Hartford,  December  4, 
1896;  ch.  I,  George  William,  born  in  Albany,  December  6, 
1870;  Trinity  College,  1894;  in  journalistic  work  on  the  Spring- 
field Republican  1894  to  1896;  entered  the  office  of  the  Trav- 
elers Insurance  Co.,  1896;  married,  June  9,  1897,  Annie  Free- 
land  Corson,  in  Hartford;  i  son,  George  Corson,  b.  November 
24,  1899.  2,  Alfred  Lander,  b.  April  21,  1877.  3,  Jessie  Isa- 
bel, b.  Feb.  27,  1880;  died  August  7,  1880.  4,  John  McEwen, 
b.  November  13,  1881. 
8  Horace  Kingsbury,  born  March  19,  1819;  died  May  28,  1878;  married 
Mary  Jane  Lord  of  Enfield;  ch.  i,  Jane  Eliza,  b.  June  23,  1846; 
married,  1870,  Theodore  Isaac  Pease  of  Enfield;  res.,  Spring- 
field, Mass.;  ch.  i,  Jennie  Estella,  b.  Jan.  15,  1874.  2,  Henry 
Hyde,  b.  March  30,  1848;  married,  Jan.  28,  1871,  Mary  Kent 
Bates  of  Enfield;  5  ch.  3,  Charles  Kingsbury,  b.  1853;  died 
March  18,  1854.  4-  Mary  Elizabeth,  born  July  22,  1856;  mar- 
ried, 1879,  Mervin  B.  Parsons  of  Enfield;  res.  in  1896,  West 
Burke,  Vt. ;  i  ch. 

959  Lemuer  Kingsbury  {Lemuel\  Joseph*,  Nathattiel\ 
Joseph'',  Hetiry^),  a  farmer  in  Enfield  ;  married  in  East  Wind- 
sor, November  2,  1801,  Huldah,  daughter  of  Samuel  and 
Huldah  (Burnham)  Terry,  of  East  Windsor,  born  May  4,  1778; 
died  September  11,  1831.     He  died  June  26,  1866. 


1316  Almira  Miranda,  born  November  5,  1802;  died  in  Enfield,  un- 

married, August  5,  1890. 

1317  Lucy  Anne,  born  September  17,  1804  ;  died  in  Enfield,  unmarried, 

March  11,  1891. 

1318  Alice  Terry,  born  March  13,  1807.^^^^"^ 

1319  Huldah  Burnham,  born  May  3,  1809  ;  died  in  Enfield,  unmarried. 

May  12,  1875. 

1320  Alfred,  born  April  13,  1811  s-^ 

1321  Amelia  Clarissa,  born  April  11,  1813  ;  married  (i),  April  25,  1855, 

John  Barrows,  of  Rockville,  who  was  born  in  Mansfield  in 
1800  ;  died  April  9,  1858  ;  (2)  in  1864,  Wait  Hale,  of  East  Glas- 
tonbury. He  died  February  24,  1870  No  children  by  either 
marriage.  She  is  now  living  in  the  Old  People's  Home,  Hart- 

1322  Memnon,  born  April  15,  i8i5.'.«:  > 

1323  Catharine,  born  August  i,  1820;  died  in  Thompsonville,  unmar- 

ried, December  5,  1902. 

1324  Harriet,   born  June  5,  1822  ;    married,  February  9,  1845,  Henry 

Martin  Field,  son  of  John  and  Anna  (Gowdy)  Field,  of  Somers, 
b.  July  18,  1820.     She  died  February  24,  1858  ;  s.  p. 



960  Mary"  Kingsbury  {Lemuel^,  /oscj^/i*,  N'atJianier, 
JosepJi^,  Heiiry')^  married  April  4  1806  (according  to  B.  F. 
Ellis;  April  2,  1806,  according  to  Enfield  Church  Records),  Jede- 
diah  Hills,  of  Enfield,  Conn.;  removed  in  1 814  to  Painesville, 
Ohio,  passing  through  Buffalo  just  after  it  had  been  burned 
by  the  British  troops ;  he  was  Justice  of  the  Peace  and  Post- 
master in  the  early  days  of  Painesville  ;  he  was  a  druggist 
by  occupation.  She  died  in  Painesville  June  24,  1866.  He 
was  born  in  Enfield,  January  21,  1777  ;  died  in  Painesville, 
Ohio,  January  12,  1859. 


I  Addison,  born  in  Enfield,  April  6,  1S07;  married  in  Painesville,  O., 
(i)  August  3,  1828,  Emily  Tracy ;  she  died  in  Cleveland, 
March  6,  1835;  (2)  June  6,  1836,  Prudence  Tracy,  who  died 
February,  1892.  He  began  life  as  a  clerk  in  his  father's  drug 
store,  but  soon  entered  into  railroad  work,  and  at  the  time  of 
his  death  he  was  probably  the  oldest  railroad  man  in  active 
service  in  the  United  States.  He  was  general  freight  agent 
on  the  Erie  road  from  1853  to  1855,  removing  in  the  latter 
year  to  Cleveland,  where  for  forty-three  years  he  served  the 
Lake  Shore  and  Michigan  Southern  Railroad  through  its 
varied  changes,  promoting  its  growth  from  many  small  lines 
into  one  perfected  system.  From  1855  to  1881  he  was  its  Gen- 
eral Freight  Agent,  and  few  men  know  that  he  was  the  orig- 
inator of  many  improvements  in  freight  service,  especially  of 
the  through  system  of  fast  freight  lines  in  the  sixties.  From 
i88t  to  1886  he  was  assistant  general  manager,  and  then  he 
was  appointed  assistant  to  the  President,  performing  the 
duties  of  his  office  with  fidelity  and  efficiency  to  the  end.  His 
abihty  was  known  and  recognized,  not  only  by  the  officials  of 
that  road,  but  throughout  the  country,  and  he  was  regarded 
as  an  undisputed  authority  in  traffic  matters.  Even  at  his 
great  age  he  was  frequently  consulted  by  the  younger  officers 
of  the  railroad,  so  clear  was  his  mind,  so  excellent  the  preser- 
vation of  his  faculties.  He  was  the  first  Recorder  of  Paines- 
ville, when  the  town  was  incorporated  in  1832.  He  was  one 
of  the  incorporators  of  the  Parish  of  St  James  in  Painesville. 
Protestant  Episcopal,  February  26,  1835,  and  he  was  elected 
vestryman  April  4.  1836.  He  presented  the  church  with  a 
fine  organ,  and  in  later  years  assisted  largely  in  removing  a 
heavy  debt  on  the  new  church  building.  "  He  was  a  man  of 
the  purest  integrity,  of  rare  ability,  of  spotless  reputation, 
far-reaching  in  his  judgment,  God-fearing,  honored,  loved, 
and  mourned  by  the  wide  circle  of  friends  his  beautiful  life 
had  influenced,  with  its  great  responsibilities  faithfully  per- 



formed.  He  was  a  remarkable  inaii  in  many  ways  ;  with  a 
brave,  patient  spirit,  ever  caring  for  others,  retaining  his  Hfe- 
long  vigor,  his  springing  step,  his  mental  faculties  to  the  end ; 
and  until  his  last  five  days  of  suffering,  he  was  regularly  at 
his  office,  attending  to  business  promptly  as  for  years.  His 
tall,  stately  figure,  his  gentle  courtesy  of  the  old  school,  his 
face  of  quiet  benignity,  will  be  no  more  seen,  for  he  walks  in 
the  gardens  of  Paradise."  \^C/mrc/unan.'\  He  died  in  Cleve- 
land, May  7,  1898.  Children  :  i,  Lucien,  born  July  13,  1S30; 
married  September  15,  1857,  Mary  Andrews  ;  he  was  for  many 
years  General  Freight  Agent  of  the  C,  C,  C.  &  St.  L.  R.  R.; 
he  received  injuries  in  an  accident  from  which  he  never  recov- 
ered, and  died  in  Cleveland,  November  24,  1894;  ch. ;  (i)  George 
Henry,  born  November  15,  1S58  ;  died  August  5,  1867.  {2) 
Kate,  born  September  18,  1864;  died  November  17,  1866.  (3) 
Mary  Lucia,  born  March  21,  1869  ;  res.  Cleveland.  (4)  Fannie 
T.,  born  September  12,  1871;  died  September  20,  1895.  2,  Em- 
ily Malvina,  born  October  i,  1832,  now  living  in  Rome,  Italy. 

3,  Eliza  Tracy,  born  May  19,  1837;   died  February  15,  1878. 

4,  Albert  Erastus,  born  July  5,  1845  ;  died  February  28,  1872. 

2  Jedediah  Myron,  born  in  Enfield,  February  28,  i8og  ;  died  October 

8,  1811. 

3  Lucien,  born  in  Enfield,  December  28, 1810  ;  died  December  i,  1840  ; 


4  Mary  Evelina,  born  in  Enfield,  February  4,  1813  ;  died  in  Paines- 

ville,  August  7,  1838  ;  married  in  Painesville,  October  8,  1835, 
Silas  T.  Ladd  ;  ch.  :  Jesse  Brewster,  born  April  8,  1838  ;  died 
August,  1838. 

5  Julia  Ann,  born  in  Painesville,  July  5,  1816;  died  in  Painesville, 

September  25,  1883  ;  married  August  21,  1844,  in  Painesville, 
Henry  Cumings.  Hedied  August,  1893.  Children  ;  (i)  Henry 
Howard,  born  August  7,  1845  ;  is  a  farmer  in  Painesville,  O. 
(2)  Mary  Kingsbury,  born  December  26,  1848  ;  died  August  i, 
1882.  (3)  Alice  Julia,  born  February  14,  1851;  resides  with 
her  brother  in  the  old  homestead.  (4)  Evelyn  Miranda,  born 
February  5,  1853  ;  resides  with  her  brother.  (5)  Stella  Lou- 
isa, born  October  5,  1855  ;  unmarried  in  1896. 

963  Solomon'  Kingsbury  {LemueP,  Joseph*,  NathanieP, 
Joseph'',  Henrf)^  of  Enfield  ;  married  (r)  October,  1807  [B. 
F.  Ellis  ;  November  19,  1807,  Ch.  Rec\  Bashua  Amanda 
Pease,  of  Enfield.  He  removed  to  Painesville,  Ohio,  in 
181 1 ;  his  wife  and  four  children  followed  in  18 13.  She  died 
in  Painesville,  March  22,  1814.  He  married  (2)  December 
25,  1821,  in  Painesville,  O.,  Caroline  Fobes.  He  died  there, 
September  21,  1831  [1832,  B.  F.  Ellis]. 




1325  Malvina,  born  in  Enfield  in  iSoS  ;  married  Piatt  Card,  of  Paines- 

ville  ;  died  in  1832,  leaving  one  son,  Thomas,  born  in  Wil- 
loughby,  O.,  June  26,  1827,  who  resides  in  Toledo;  married,  in 
1853,  Harriet  E.,  daughter  of  Charles  Burr,  of  Madison,  O. 
Children:  (i)  George  Piatt,  born  in  Toledo;  died,  aged  17. 
(2)  Edward  Burr,  born  in  Toledo  ;  died,  aged  36.  (3)  Harry 
Burton  ;  married  Edith  May  McDonald,  born  in  Toledo  ;  resi- 
dence, Manville,  Wyoming.  (4)  Julia  Malvina,  born  in 
Toledo  ;  married  Horace  Bidwell,  of  Cleveland.  (5)  Ida  Al- 
mira,  born  in  Toledo  ;  married  August  H.  Brown,  of  Denver. 
Col. ;  I  child. 

1326  Gaius  Pease,  born  in  Enfield,  January  10,  iSio  ;  graduated  U.  S. 

Military  Academy,  West  Point,  1832  ;  Brevet  Second  Lieu- 
tenant Mounted  Rangers,  July  i,  1832  ;  transferred  to  First 
Dragoons,  August  15,  1833  ;  Second  Lieutenant,  First  Dra- 
goons, May  31,  1835  ;  First  Lieutenant,  First  Dragoons,  July 
4,  1836;  resigned  October  15,  1836;  he  was  appointed  by 
President  Jackson  Commissioner  to  the  Choctaw  Nation.  He 
married  a  daughter  of  Gov.  Dodge,  of  Wisconsin.  He  died 
in  Arkansas  in  1838,  s.  p. 

1327  Solomon  Oscar,   /    !z:  > 

132S     Joseph  Coroden,  S  s-^  ^<^^"  ^^  infield.  May  2.  1812. 


1329  Henry  Delos,  born  March  15,  1823.73-*- 

1330  Cornelia,  born  March  8,  1824;  died  in  Painesville,  March  11,  1848, 
133X     Douglas,  born  December  17,  1825  ;  died  March  28,  1828. 

1332  Stuart,  born  March  27,  1828  ;  died  in  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah,  Oc- 

tober 29,  1886  [1866,  B.  F.  Ellis]. 

1333  Walbridge,  born  March  14,  1831;  died  in  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah, 

December,  1876. 

964  Prudence'  Kingsbury  {Lemuel\  Joseph*,  NathanicP, 
Joseph'',  Henry^),  married,  April  27,  1809,  Alpheus  Pease, 
of  Enfield,  removed  to  Pike  Township,  Bradford  Co.,  Pa.; 
she  died  in  LeRaysville,  Pa ,  December  24,  1856  ;  he  died 
in  1862. 

I  Prudence  Paulina,  born  November  10,  18 10;  married,  April  3,  1830, 
Myron  C.  Drinkvvater;  they  lived  in  Kansas;  ch.:  i,  Marietta 
Elizabeth,  born  September  26,  1831;  died  October,  1892,  un- 
married. 2,  EmeranzaCalista,  born  March  24,  1833;  married, 
November  9,  1855,  John  Cowes  of  Keene,  Coshocton  Co.,  O.; 
removed   to   Kansas   in    1856;  res.  Grand   Haven,   Shawnee 


Co.;  no  ch.  3,  Orlo  Hine,  born  September  i,  1835;  mar- 
ried (i)  Sarah  A.  Banbitts  of  Baltimore,  Md. ;  she  died 
April  24,  1874;  (2)  July  28,  1875,  Ida  J.  Weaver;  11  ch.  He 
was  with  the  Free  State  party  in  Kansas,  1855-58;  was  a 
member  of  the  Topeka  Legislature  which  was  dispersed  by 
U.  S.  Troops,  1856;  was  a  Captain  in  the  Union  Army,  1861-2; 
member  of  Kansas  Legislature,  1868;  res.  Cedar  Point,  Chase 
Co.,  Kansas;  his  dau.  Lucy  S.,  born  April  10,  1867,  is  Princi- 
pal of  graded  school  atPtymouth,  Lyon  Co.,  Kan.  4,  DeLoss 
F.,  born  September  15,  1837;  tield  a  clerkship  in  the  Agricul- 
tural Department  at  Washington ;  was  correspondent  for  sev- 
eral newspapers,  and  Secretary  of  the  United  Press  Associa- 
tion of  Washington,  D.  C,  at  the  time  of  his  death,  June  2, 
1867,  in  Cottageville,  W.  Va. ;  unmarried.  5,  John  L.,  born 
September  9,  1840;  died  in  Cedar  Point,  Kan.,  October  19, 
1862.  6,  Caroline  Adelaide,  born  January  26,  1843;  died  in 
Topeka,  1855.  7,  Augusta  Josephine,  born  July  6,  1845; 
married  John  C.  Dunlap  of  Los  Angeles,  Cal. ;  he  died  before 
1896;  no  ch.  8,  Frederick  Lawrence,  born  February  4,  1848; 
married  Cynthia  A.  Pyles;  res.  Bay  street,  St.  Louis,  Mo.;  4 
^  ch.    9,  Amanda  Viola,  born  February  2,  1850;  married  March 

18,  1871,  Samuel  Fogwell  of  Grand  Haven,  Kan.;  8  ch.  10, 
Henry  Edgar,  born  October  2,  1851;  died  June  24,  1876,  in 
Cedar  Point,  Kan. 

2  Alpheus  Ossian,  born  January  28,  1812;   died  January  22,  1878. 

3  Betsey  Kingsbury,  born  March  26,  1814;  died  in  1864. 

4  Calista  M.,  born  June  23,  1816;  married,  in  1843,  Oscar  Elliott;  she 

died  in  1876;  ch.:  i,  Ethalina  Maria,  born  July  23,  1844;  mar- 
ried   Pepper  of  Smithboro,  N.   Y.      2,   Priscilla  Aurilla, 

born  1844;  tiied  1853.  3,  Oscar  Othello,  born  September  30, 
,  1846;  married  (t),  August  16,  1868,  Aurilla  Drake;  (2)  Mary 
Ella  Drake;  (3)  Henrietta  Ella  Drake;  res.  Simsbury,  Mich.; 
4  ch.  4,  Prudence  Aurilla,  born  August  26,  1849;  res.  Vaw- 
ter,  Bradford  Co.,  Pa.;  unmarried.  5,  Mahlon  Erskine,  born 
July  19,  1855;  died  February  19,  1891.  6,  Emma  Elizabeth, 
born  July  31,  1857;  married,  September  9,  1879,  Albert  John- 
son of  Litchfield,  Bradford  Co.,  Pa.;  res.  Vawter,  Pa.;  4  ch. 
7,  Stella  Ledorna,  born  January  12,  1863;  died  January  26, 
1871.  8,  Lorenzo  Decatur,  born  1864;  married,  July  29,  1882, 
Betsey  Cotton;  res.  Athens,  Pa.;  i  ch. 

5  Lemuel  Kingsbury,  born  January  16,  18 19;  died  September  27,  1887. 

6  Joseph,  born  December  25,  1821  ;  married.  May  18,  1861, 

2  ch.;  res.  Chaffee  Corners,  Bradford  Co.,  Pa.  (1896.) 

965  Nancy"  Kingsbury  {Le>nuel\  Joseph\  Nat/mnieP, 
Joseph^,  Henrf),  married  January  i,  1812,  Moses  Allen  of 
Enfield,  born  September  24,  1790,  son  of  Major  Moses  and 


Esther  (Chapin)  Allen.  He  died  in  Enfield,  January  28, 
1816.  A  few  months  after  this  event  she,  with  her  little 
son,  accompanied  her  brother  Solomon  to  the  then  wilds  of 
Ohio;  after  a  year  she  returned  to  Connecticut,  but  in  a 
few  months  was  sent  for  to  take  charge  of  her  brother's 
motherless  family,  and  after  a  time  she  married  (2),  Febru- 
ary 8,  1820,  Jonathan  Sanborn  of  Painesville,  Ohio.  He  died 
February  26  (February  2,  Terry  Gen.),  1828.  She  died  De- 
cember 26,  1879,  in  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  where  she  went  to 
live  with  her  son,  George  W.  Allen,  in  1856. 


1  George  Washington,  born  in  Enfield,  September  17,  1813;  married 

(i),  in  Painesville,  O.,  June  8,  1837.  Jennett,  dau.  of  Philo  and 
Anna  (Lockwood)  Noble,  born  in  New  Milford,  Conn.,  De- 
cember 24,  1816,  died  in  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.,  May  28,  1859. 
He  married  (2),  January  6,  1864,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Bradford, 
widow  of  Capt.  Benjamin  B.  Church,  and  dau.  of  Charles 
Fales  of  Bristol,  R.  I.;  res.  in  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.  He  died 
in  Grand  Rapids,  Jan.  12,  1898.  Ch.  by  ist  wife  :  i,  Jennett 
Noble,  born  January  11,  1839;  married,  October  20,  1863, 
David  Luke  Keeler  of  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.;  5  ch.  2.  Esther 
Chapin,  born  October  26,  1842;  died  April  24,  1862.  3, 
George  Roderick,  born  November  i,  1844;  married,  in  1S75, 
Viola  Miller;  2  ch.  4,  Stanley  Noble,  born  April  13,  1847; 
maiTied,  November  2,  1870,  Ada  Rindge  ;  2  ch.  5,  Arthur 
Kingsbury,  born  November  6,  1849;  married,  November  14, 
1876,  CaroHne  Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Henry  DeLos  Kingsbury 
(see  No.  1650).  6,  Henry  Gilbert;  born  July  12,  1852; married 
Hattie  Bell;  res.  New  York  City;  member  of  the  firm  of 
Henry  G.  Allen  &  Co.,  publishers,  150  Fifth  Avenue,  i  ch. 
Daisy  Bell. 


2  Nancy  Lovina,  born  December  23,  1820;  married  P.  C.  Cook  of  Mad- 

ison,  Ohio;  noch. 

3  Origen  Orlando,  born  in  Madison,  Ohio,  December  17.  1822;  mar- 

ried Anna  Grandluff  in  1847;  died  August  6,  1867,  in  Tiffin, 
Ohio;  I  ch.,  Elvira,  born  January  16,  1848.  in  New  Haven, 
Huron  Co.,  Ohio;  married,  March  i,  1S71,  Ethelbert  S.  Wil- 
cox of  Madison,  Ohio;  res.  Ashtabula,  Ohio;  3  ch. 

4  Jonathan,  born  in  Concord,  Ohio,  August  26  [27,  B.  F.  Ellis],  1826; 

married  in  1859,  in  New  Orleans,  La.;  he  died  there  Febru- 
ary 4,  1874;  ch.:  I,  George  Allen,  born  September  17.  i860,  in 
New  Orleans;  drowned  in  the  Mississippi  River.  December. 
1882.     2,  Lemuel   Rosa,  born  March  4,  1863.  in  New  Orleans. 



living  there  in  1884,  but  died  before  1890.  3,  Elvira  Ella, 
born  July  17,  1866,  in  New  Orleans,  res.  and  living  there  in 
1890.  4,  Jonathan,  born  March  21,  1871,  in  New  Orleans, 
living  there  1890;  married,  and  has  a  son. 
5  Orphia  Elvira,  born  September  18,  1828;  married,  September  11, 
1849,  James  Belknap.  He  died  in  Grand  Rapids,  October  21, 
i860,  ch. :  I,  Nettie  Levina,  born  November  10,  1856;  married 
October  2,  1878,  Timothy  Moseley;  i  ch.  2,  Carrie  Elvira, 
born  August  26,  1859. 

970  Anna  Olmsted'  Kingsbury  {John  Denison",  Denison\ 
Natha?iieP,  Joseph^,  Hemy),  married  in  Coventry,  December 
8,  1813,  Isaac  Newton  Pomeroy  of  Coventry,  born  March 
28,  1 791,  son  of  Eleazar  and  Priscilla  (Kingsbury)  Pomeroy 
of  Coventry  (see  No.  741);  he  removed  to  Troy,  Pa.,  and 
afterwards  to  Springfield,  Bradford  Co.,  Pa.  She  died  in 
Troy,  December  5,  1831,  and  her  husband  married  (2)  Maria 
Ann  Merrick,  and  (3)  Lucinda  Williston  Merrick. 


1  Sybil  Kingsbury,  born  in  Coventry,  September  28,  1814;  died  Au- 

gust 29,  1832. 

2  Daniel  F.,  born  in  Coventry,    Feb.  27,   1816;    married,  March    17, 

1841,  Jane  Tyler,  born  in  Athens,  Bradford  Co.,  Pa.,  July  11, 
1818;  he  died  in  Troy,  Pa.,  June  11,  1881. 

3  Eleazer,  born  in  Geneva,  N.  Y.,  January  2,  1S18;    married  in  Troy, 

October  3,  1843,  Rhoda  Leonard,  born  in  Springfield,  Mass., 
May  25,  1818. 

4  Horace,  born  in  Troy,  Pa.,  July  22,   1819;    married  in  Smithfield, 

April  I,  1846,  Emma  Rhoda  Peirce,  born  in  Smithfield,  June 
9,  1824. 

5  Laura  Ann,  born  in    Troy,  Pa.,  June  19,    1824;    married,  June  i, 

1843,  Amos  Pierce,  born  in  Smithfield,  October  12,  1820. 

972  John"  Kingsbury  {John  Denison",  Denison'^,  Nathaniel^, 
Joseph'^,  Hemy),  of  Lebanon,  N.  H.,  married,  July  4,  1822,  by 
John  Durkee,  Esq.,  in  Hanover,  Lora,  daughter  of  Andrew 
and  Eunice  (Smith)  Tenney,  born  in  Hanover,  February  i, 
1798.  He  died  in  Lebanon,  April  i,  1877.  His  wife  died 
January  i,  1873. 


1334  A  son,  born  April  20,  1823;  died  April  24,  1823. 

1335  Fanny  Tenney,  born  in  Lebanon,  August  23,   1824;  married,  De- 

cember 28,  1845,  Daniel  Burdick  Emerson,  born  in  Haverhill, 
Mass.,  July  31,  1821;  a  teacher  in  Plainfield,  N.  H.,  and  in 


Vermont;  afterwards  resided  in  Hanover  and  Lebanon,  N. 
H.  He  was  an  extensive  wool  buyer  and  a  shipper  of  pro- 
duce to  Boston,  New  York,  and  New  Orleans;  County  Com- 
missioner in  18S9;  a  charter  member  of  the  Savings  Bank,  and 
also  a  trustee  at  the  close  of  his  life  in  1890.  She  died  in 
Lebanon,  July,  1898;  ch.:  (i)  Ellen  F.,  born  April  g,  1848; 
married,  December  28,  1873,  Carlos  D.  Smith;  (2)  John  Frank- 
lin, born  January  13,  1850;  died  July  14,  1863;  (3)  Fanny  T., 
born  February  12,  1856;  married,  December  28,  1880,  George 
D.  Emerson. 

1336  Harriet,  born  in  Lebanon,  October  30,  1826;  died  in  Hanover, 

June,  1857,  unmarried 

1337  George  F.,  born  September  15,  1830;  died  Api'il  30,  1832. 

1338  LoRA  Tenney,  born  in   Lebanon,  July   10,  1832;  married  (i),  De- 

cember 28,  1S62,  Nathan  C.  Lovett;  (2),  June  21,  1875,  Jon- 
athan E.  Bosworthof  Lebanon;  now  living  in  Lebanon  (1901). 

1339  George  F.,  born  in   Lebanon,  June  30,  1835;  died  November  30, 

1866,  in  Oakland,  Cal. 

973  Denison"  Kingsbury  {John  Demson\  Dentson*,  Na- 
t/tanier,  Joseph'',  Henry'),  of  Hanover,  N.  H.;  married  Mehit- 
abel  Hale;  died  suddenly  in  the  hay  field,  July  14,  1825. 


1340  Andria  Milton,  born  in  Hanover.  April  18,  1820.  s->- 

1341  Gilbert  Denison,*  born  March  2,  1825,  in  Hanover.  ~  > 

974  Joseph'  Kingsbury  {John  Denison^,  Denison\  Na- 
thaniel^, Joseph'',  Henry'),  of  Braintree,  Jericho,  and  Norwich, 
Vermont;  married  June  17,  1830,  Eliza  Sophia,  daughter  of 
Robert  and  Mary  Ann  (McCoy)  Whitcomb,  born  September 
13,  1806,  in  Richmond,  Vt.  He  wa.s  a  merchant,  and  after- 
wards a  farmer  and  dealer  in  real  estate,  and  he  held  the 
office  of  Justice  of  the  Peace.  He  removed  from  Brain- 
tree  to  Jericho  in  1840,  and  to  Norwich,  Vt.,  in  1868.  He 
died  in  Norwich,  April  17,  1886.  His  wife  died  July  28, 


1342  John  Denmson,  born  April  19,  1831.  s-^- 
'313     Joseph  Byron,  born  July  29,  1S35.  iz  > 

1344  Ellen  Eliza,  born  May  19,   1844.  s3->- 

1345  Frederick  Lucas,  born  March  10,  1850,  in  Jericho,  Vt. 

•  John  Denison  Gilbert  Kingsbury,  Hanover  Town  Records. 



977  Frances"  Kingsbury  {Lemuel^,  Denison*,  Nathaniel, 
Joseph"^,  Henry^),  married  April  17,  1816,  Stanton  Park,  of 
Waterville,  N.  Y.,  born  in  Northampton,  Montgomery  Co., 
N.  Y.,  March  27,  1792,  son  of  Asahel  and  Prudence  (Stanton) 
Park  and  a  descendant  of  Robert  Park  of  Roxbury,  1630, 
Wethersfield,  and  New  London,  and  of  Thomas  Stanton  of 
Hartford,  1639,  and  Stonington.  He  removed  when  very 
young  to  Steuben  ;  was  a  pupil  in  the  first  academy  at  Clin- 
ton ;  was  a  clerk  in  Albany  and  Waterville,  where  he  became 
a  farmer  and  distiller,  and  sent  large  droves  of  cattle 
through  to  Albany  and  Troy.*  He  was  Justice  of  the  Peace 
and  Clerk  of  the  First  Baptist  Church  in  Waterville.  He 
died  May  13,  1864.     She  died  March  25,  1871. 


1  James  Stanton,  born  April  13,  1817  ;  died  November  23,  1850. 

2  Alfred,  born  January  19,  1819  ;  died  June  7,  1 821  (drowned). 

3  William,  born  March  26,  1820  ;  died  August  17,  1825. 

4  Edward  A.,  born  October  29,   1822;    married,  November  21,  1848, 

Clara  A.  Vickery  ;  resides  in  Detroit. 

5  K    NRY  M.,  born  October  17,   1824;    married,  August  26,  1851,  Mary 

E.  Barker,  at  Oriskany  Falls,  N.  Y. ;  res.  Detroit;  ch.:  i, 
Henry  Clay,  born  June  28,  1852  ;  married,  June  28,  1875, 
Carrie  Olive  Teedrick  ;  res.  St.  Louis,  Mo.  2,  Harriet  Clark, 
born  July  29,  1854;  res.  Detroit,  unmarried.  3,  Clara  Amelia, 
born  August  26,  1858  ;  died  June  19,  1884.  4,  James  Stanton, 
born  Nov.  25,  i860;  married  his  cousin,  Harriet  E.  Clark; 
res.  in  Detroit ;  a  writer  and  poet,  author  of  lofie,  a  Tale  of 
Ephesiis.  5,  Frances  Jeannette,  born  Sept.  26,  iSOj  ;  res.  in 

6  Mary  E.,  born  December  31,  1826;  married,  October  21,  1846,  Sher- 

man Willard  Bartholomew,  of  Sangerfield,  Oneida  County,  N. 
Y.  i:  son,  James  Hull  Sherman  Bartholomew,  editor  and 
publisher  of  the  Weekly  X-Rays,  Guerneville, .  Sonoma 
County,  California  (1893). 

•He  built  in  183Q  a  very  handsome  house  in  Waterville,  now  occupied  by 
Senator  Coggeshall,  sending  to  New  York  for  solid  mahogany  planks,  which  were 
fashioned  by  hand  for  the  newel  post  and  banisters  for  the  hall  stairs,  and  he  also 
sent  for  black  and  African  marble  for  the  mantels  and  tables  There  was  an  im- 
mense lantern  in  the  hall,  and  girandoles  with  cut  glass  prisms  in  the  parlors. 
The  house  was  of  wood,  painted  yellow,  with  large  white  pillars  in  front,  sur- 
mounted with  Ionic  capitals.  The  rooms  down  stairs  were  warmed  by  fireplaces, 
those  upstairs  by  stoves.  At  that  time  there  were  not  many  such  houses  in  western 
New  York. 


7  Richard  A.,  born  May  7,  1829  ;    married,  October  26,   1864,  Anna 

Osborn  ;  res.  Atchison,  Kan;  died  May  2,  igo2. 

8  Frances  M.,  born  December  13,  1832  ;  died  February  27,  1834. 

9  Stanton,  born  July  21,  1836  ;  married.  September  10,  1868,  Adelaide 

C.  Button  of  Atchison,  Kansas  ;  res.  Leavenworth,  Kan. 

978  Harriet'  Kingsbury  {Lemuer,  Denison\  NathanieP, 
Joseph^,  He/iry'),  married,  March  11,  1824,  Benjamin  Tarbox 
Clark  of  Cazenovia,  N.  Y.,  born  February  22,  1797,  in  Mid- 
dletown,  Conn.,  son  of  Joseph  Colville  and  Elizabeth 
(Clark)  Clark.  He  served  in  the  War  of  181 2,  and  partici- 
pated in  the  defense  of  Sackett's  Harbor  ;  afterwards  a 
prominent  business  man  in  Cazenovia,  Postmaster,  and  Jus- 
tice of  the  Peace.  He  died  August  14,  1875.  She  died 
August  25,  1879. 


1  Samukl  Dknnison,  born  December  10,  1824  ;  married,  June  3,  1846, 

Catherine  Ehle  ;  died  in  Cazenovia,  August  10,  1891. 

2  Frances  Elizabeth,  born  November  6,  1827  ;    died,  unmarried,   in 

Cazenovia,  October  16,  1892. 

3  Augustus  Aspinwall,  died  young. 

4  Augustus  Pomeroy,  born  July  23,   1835  ;  grad.  Union  College  1S55. 

with  the  degree  of  C.  E.,  later  received  the  degree  of  A.  M. 
in  course  ;  he  went  to  Wisconsin  as  a  surveyor  and  returned 
East  in  1S60;  August  9,  1862,  he  enlisted  in  Company  K, 
114th  N.  Y.  v.;  he  was  transferred  to  the  Engineer  Corps, 
and  joined  the  Department  of  the  Gulf  and  was  made  major 
of  engineers ;  various  important  works  were  constructed 
under  his  supervision,  includmg  the  fort  at  Brazos  Island, 
near  the  mouth  of  the  Rio  Grande,  and  the  works  at  Port  Hud- 
son, a  completely  bastioned  fortress,  and  he  was  with  General 
Banks  on  the  Red  River  expedition.  While  in  charge  of  the 
works  at  :Mobile,  Ala  ,  he  was  taken  ill  in  April,  1865,  and  was 
honorably  discharged  May  12,  1865.  e  was  employed  as  a 
civil  engineer  on  various  railroads  in  the  West,  but  in  1871 
returned  to  Cazenovia,  and  became  one  of  the  West  Shore 
R.  R.  engineers,  and  was  in  charge  of  the  construction  at 
Little  Falls,  where  an  immense  amount  of  rock  cutting  made 
the  work  extremely  difficult ;  he  was  a  member  of  the  military 
order  of  the  Loyal  Legion  of  the  U.  S.,  and  an  Elder  in  the 
Presbyterian  Church;  married,  September  4,  1S66,  Frances 
S.,  dau.  of  Henry  and  Sophia  (Brightman)  Graff ;  died  in 
Cazenovia,  August  25.  1901  ;  ch.:  i,  Henry  Benjamin,  born 
June  4,  1867  ;  died  October,  186S.     2,  Harriet  Elizabeth,  bom 


January  lo,  1869  ;  married,  June  29,  1897,  her  cousin,  James 
Stanton  Park  of  Detroit,  Mich.  3,  Theodore  Paul,  born 
January  14,  1871  ;  married,  August  12,  1896,  Helen  Lewis  ;  res. 
Cazenovia.  4,  Sophia  Brightman,  born  May  28,  1873.  5, 
Robert  Augustus,  born  April  24,  1877;.  clerk  in  the  State 
Savings  Bank,  Detroit ;  died  in  St.  Joseph's  Hospital,  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Y.,  September  7,  1901. 

980  Electra"  Kingsbury  {LemueP,  Denison^,  Nathanier, 
Joseph^,  Henry'),  married  August  23,  182 1,  Horace  Selah 
Munson,  of  Clyde,  N.  Y.,  born  December  20,  1799,  son  of 
Selah  and  Margery  (Redfield)  Munson,  of  Richmond,  Mass. 
He  was  a  fuller  (thickener  and  cleanser  of  cloth).  He  died 
December  7,  1826,  and  she  married  (2)  October  15,  1835, 
Philip  Flint,  of  Fayetteville,  N.  Y.,  born  December  22,  1798, 
in  Amenia,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Jabez  and  Elizabeth  (Paine)  Flint. 
He  was  a  farmer,  an  Elder  in  the  Presbyterian  Church, 
and  a  descendant  of  Elder  Brewster  of  the  Mayflower.  He 
died  July  31,  1872.  She  died  in  Fayetteville,  January  8, 
1895,  aged  93. 


1  Charles  Denison,  born  November  i,  1822;  died  July  20,  1851  ;  mar- 

ried and  left  one  son,  Charles. 

2  James  Selah,  born  March  3,  1824;  married  January  i,  1861,  Jennie 

Maxon,  of  Adams,  N.  Y.  Sash  and  blind  maker.  He 
died  March  6,  1901,  in  Adams.  Ch.:  Genevieve  Maxon,  born 
September  26,  1861  ;  married  Charles  Chapin  of  Springfield, 

3  Horace  K.,  born  March  i,  1827;  married  (1)  August  29,  1848,  Frances 

Rachel  Preston,  born  in  Waterloo,  N.  Y. ;  she  died  April  12, 
1851  ;  (2)  September  8,  1857,  Louise  Prior  Banks,  born  in 
Wilmington,  N.  C.  He  was  a  merchant  in  Wilmington.  In 
a  communication  to  the  editor  of  the  Munson  Genealogy  he 
states  that  he  is  "  Presbyterian  all  over,  and  Democratic  to 
the  hub."     He  died  in  Wilmington,  September  9,  1900. 


4  Edward,  born  Nov.  3,  1836  ;  lives  in  New  York  City. 

5  Frances  R.,  born  December  18,  1839  ;  rnarried,  December  18,  i860, 

Martin  V.  Stone  of  Fayetteville  ;  now  resides  in  Elmira,  N.Y. 

991  Lemuel  H."  Kingsbury  {Lemuel^,  Phinehas\  JVa- 
thaniel^,  Joseph'',  Henry'),  of  Wakeman,  Ohio,  married  February 


20,  1834,  Jerusha  M.   Durbon;  he  died  September  7,  1879; 
she  died  April  28,  188 1. 


1346  Mary  A.,  born  June  8,  1835;  married  September  30,   1865,  John 

McDonald;  resides  East  Clarksfield,  Ohio. 

1347  James  Monroe,  born  May  21,  1837;  went  to  Pennsylvania  in  the 

fall  of  i860,  and  enlisted  in  the  army  May  ig,  1861.  He  was 
killed  in  battle  before  Petersburg,  Va.,   June  17,   1864. 

1348  RoMAiNE  J.,  born  February  25,   1839,  in  Wakeman,  Ohio.     He 

enlisted  in  the  army,  June  3,  1861,  and  was  killed  at  Port  Re- 
public, June  9,  1862. 

1349  Daniel  D.,  born  February  14,  1841,  in  Wakeman,  Ohio ;   served 

in  the  7th  Ohio  Infantry  from  September,  1861,  for  three 
years  ;  wounded  in  the  battle  of  Winchester,  Va. ;  married, 
March  14,  1867,  Mary  A.  Fillmore,  of  Brighton,  Mich.,  born 
in  Warsaw,  N.  Y.,  April  21,  1848;  now  resides  in  Mason, 
Mich. ;  4  ch. 

1350  Martha  A.,  born  March  24,  1843;  married  May  29,  1865,  James 

M.  Durbon. 

1351  Sarah  A.,  born  September  18,  1845;  married  November  11,  1863, 

Theodore  Ronk;  resided  in  Michigan  (1882). 

1352  Ruth  E.,   born  March   18,   184S,  in  Wakeman;  married  June  30, 

1870,  M.  V   Armstrong;  living  in  Wakeman  (1882). 

1353  Lemuel  Manning,  born  January  6,  1851,  in  Camden,  Lorain  Co., 

O.;  married  September  i,  1881,  Clara  Fox. 

1354  John  A.,  born  December  30,  1853;  married  January  6,  1880,  Alice 


1355  Jane  A.,  born  December  30,  1853;  died  March  20,  1873. 

994  Sophia  or  Sophira"  Kingsbury  {Josep/f,  Phinehas\ 
Nathanid\  Joseph^,  Henry'),  married  Enos  Northrup,  born  in 
June,  1 78 1,  in  Tyringham,  Mass.,  son  of  Amos  and  Hannah 
(Calkins)  Northrup.  He  was  a  farmer  in  Tyringham,  and 
died  there,  May  i,  1850.  She  died  May  i,  1864,  aged  74 


1  Gilbert   Deming,  born  December  29,  iSii,  in  Tyringham;  farmer 

and  mechanic  there;  married  March  18,  1835,  at  Great  Bar- 
rington,  Ehza  B.  Phillips,  born  November  5,  1813,  and  living, 
in  1887,  at  Pontiac,  Mich.  He  died  September  18,  1852,  of 
fever  contracted  in  California.  Children  :  i,  Mary  Jane;  2, 
Angehna  Eliza;  3,  Henry  Carlos;  4,  Cassius  Kingsbury;  5, 
Clarence  Gilbert. 

2  Hannah  Melvina,   born  July,  1813;  married  March   19,   1835,  John 

Wilson  of  Tyringham;  she  died  May  10,  1862.     Children:  1, 




Harmony  M.,  married  Phillips;  2,  ScotW.,  resides  at 

Shelby,  Iowa. 

3  Ashley  Kingsburv,  born  1815;  married  about  1858;  lived  at  Deans- 

ville  (now  called  Deansboro),  Oneida  County,  N.  Y. ;  a  lawyer 
for  some  years,  but  was  in  business  in  St.  Louis,  where  he 
died,  January  4,  1885. 

4  Homer  C,  born  about  1817;  married  Harriet  Marsh,  of  South  Lee, 

Mass. ;  had  a  son  who  died  in  the  army  during  the  Civil  War, 
and  a  daughter,  Florence,  who  married Rossman. 

996  Harmon'  Kingsbury  {Joseph",  Phi7iehas\  NathanieP, 
Joseph^,  Henry'),  married  Mrs.  Sarah  Ann  (Van  Dorn)  Pease, 
daughter  of  a  German  Reformed  minister  of  Lexington, 
Kentucky.  He  was  at  one  time  a  large  owner  of  land  in 
northern  Ohio.  He  removed  to  New  York,  and  at  the  time 
of  his  death  was  living  in  Westfield,  Richmond  County, 
Staten  Island.  He  died  in  Perth  Amboy,  N.  J.,  in  1868. 
His  will  is  dated  December  30,  1867;  proved  February  14, 
1868.  He  mentions  wife,  Sarah  Ann,  and  the  said  Sarah 
Ann's  daughter,  Mary  Pitkin  Pease;  gives  all  his  books,  and 
manuscripts,  and  the  proceeds  of  all  the  books  he  had  pub- 
lished, to  endow  a  Biblical  and  Law  Professorship  in  Oberlin 
College,  at  Oberlin,  Ohio,  under  the  direction  of  Professor 
Henry  Cowles,  of  Oberlin;  also  leases  property  for  the 
establishment  of  a  Biblical,  Law,  and  Government  School 
in  Westfield;  executors,  Elijah  Bingham,  of  Cleveland,  Ohio, 
Henry  P.  Fessenden,  and  W.  Bradbury  Hudson,  of  New 
York.  (Surrogate's  Office,  New  York  City,  Lib.  lyy  and  181.) 
The  institution  on  Staten  Island  he  intended  to  have 
founded  on  plans  laid  down  in  his  book  on  "The  Sabbath." 
[He  wrote  many  books  beside,  one  of  which  was  entitled, 
"Woman,  what  she  ought  to  be."]  His  trustees  never  car- 
ried out  his  plan,  the  will  was  broken,  and  the  widow 
received  a  share  of  the  property.     No  children. 

997  Austin'  Kingsbury  {Joseph\  Phmehas\  NathanieP, 
/oseph\  Henry'),  of  Brighton,  Ohio;  married  in  Wellington, 
O.,  Altamira  Adams,  of  Brighton.  He  was  a  farmer.  He 
died  in  September,  1856. 


1356    William  Harvey,  born  December  28,  1829;  married  August  20, 


1856,  Mary  Elizabeth  Fry,  in  Brighton,  Ohio;  residence, 

1357  Louisa,  born  married  Orrin  Hall  ;  res.  Brighton,  O. 

1358  Sarah   Jane,  married  George   Hazel,  in   Brighton  ;    res. 

Wellington,  O. 

1359  HuLDAH",  married   Joseph   Snyder,  Oberlin,    O.;    res. 

Glenn,  Allegan  Co.,  Mich. 

1360  Sophronia  D.,  married  John  Bell  ;  res.  Brighton,  O. 

1 361  Sedgwick,  died  aged  14  years. 

Solomon'  Kingsbury  {Joseph'',  Phinehas\  Natha?neP, 
Joseph"^,  Henry''),  of  Wellington,  O. ;  married  Lticinda  Love- 
land.     He  died  July  11,  1876. 

13434     Malinda,  ;    married  Joseph  Vosburgh  ;  res.  Pompei, 

Gratiot  Co.,  Mich. 
1344^    Amelia  L.,  ;  married  Milton  P.  Baker;  res.  Los  Gatos, 

Santa  Clara  Co.,  Cal. 
1345I    J.  Henry,  ;  married  Carrie  Richards  ;  res.  Wellington, 


lOOl  Honor  Martha^  Kingsbury  {Joseph",  Phineas\ 
Nathaniel^,  Joseph^,  Henry),  married,  January  2,  1828,  at 
Brighton,  Ohio,  Dr.  Eber  Ward  Hubbard,  born  in  Steuben, 
N.  Y.,  October  8,  1797,  son  of  Fairchild  and  Phebe  (Ward) 
Hubbard.  He  was  a  graduate  of  the  College  of  Physicians 
and  Surgeons  at  Fairfield,  Herkimer  Co.,  N.  Y.,  and  settled, 
in  1826,  at  Brighton,  O.;  in  1853  he  removed  to  Tottenville, 
Staten  Island,  N.  Y.,  where  he  died,  May  7,  1872.  His  widow 
died  in  Tottenville,  July  6,  1886.  He  was  an  Associate 
Judge,  member  of  the  Ohio  Legislature,  and  afterwards  of 
the  New  York  Legislature. 


1  George  C,  /  born  September  21,  1828  ;  died  September  21,  1828. 

2  Delia  D.,     i  born  September  21,  182S  ;  died  November  5,  1829. 

3  George  Canning,  born  June  8,  1831;  married  February  25,  1867,  Car- 

rie Louise  Totten,  of  Tottenville  ;  graduated  Delaware  Col- 
lege, 1847  ;  at  New  York  Medical  College,  1859 ;  served 
through  the  Civil  War  ;  Assistant  Surgeon  of  165th  N.  Y.  Vols., 
afterwards  Surgeon.     He  died  in  Tottenville,  August  3,  1898. 

4  Delia  Deming,  born  June  8,  1831;  married  January  30,  1856,  DeWitt 

C.  Clapp,  of  Pittsburg,  Pa.;  Yale  College,  1S55  ;  New  York 
Medical  College,  i860  ;  entered  the  array,  1861,  and  served 



through  the  Civil  War  as  Assistant  Surgeon  ;  had  charge  of 
Carver  Hospital,  Philadelphia,  for  two  years  ;  vs^as  with  Gen. 
Sherman  in  his  famous  "  March  to  the  Sea"  ;  died  at  Fort 
McPherson,  Atlanta,  Ga.,  September  6,  1895. 

5  Van  Buren,  born  May  i,  1833  ;  Uving  in  1882  in  Fort  Stanton,  New 

Mexico;  died  September,  1895,  unmarried. 

6  William  Ward,  born  March  25,  1836  ;  married  August  27,  i860.  Belle 

Carman  ;  lives  in  New  York. 

7  Edwin  Kingsbury,  born  April  5,  1844;  married  April  26,  1876,  Cor- 

neha  Sophia  Arents  ;  died  June  3,  1895,  Tottenville. 

8  Alice  Sophia,  born  June  27,  1846  ;  married  August  13,  1867,  David 

Jolines  Pepper,  of  Tottenville. 

1002  Dennis"  Kingsbury  {Nathaniel^,  Fhhieas\  Na- 
thaniel, Josep/r,  Henry^),  of  Norfolk,  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.; 
married,  November  14,  1814,  Polly  Buckland.  He  removed 
from  Trowbridge  early  to  Norfolk,  and  cleared  a  large  farm. 
His  wife  died  October,  1862,  aged  63.     He  died  July  16,  1873. 


1362  Olive,  born  April  3,  1816;  married  March  21,  1847,  Nelson  Riggs 

of  Stockholm,  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.  Y.  In  December,  1862, 
they  removed  to  Maquoketa,  Iowa,  where  she  died  in  1865; 
Ch.:  2  sons. 

1363  Harvey,  born  November  14,  1817;  married  January  21,  1841,  Julia 

Small,  of  Norfolk  ;  removed  to  Michigan  ;  he  died  in  Hart- 
ford, Michigan,  October,  1869;  2  children. 

1364  Lucia,  born  June  24,   1819;  married  October  23,    1850,    Charles 

Chamberlain.     She  was  living  in  Maquoketa,  Iowa,  in  1881. 

1365  Celia  A.,  born  February  9,  1821;  married  (i)  January   3,    1843, 

Sabin  Wing;  (2)  Wilson;  lived  in  St.  Lawrence,  N.  Y. 

1366  Abigail  B.,  born  October  24,  1822  ;    married  September  30,  1847, 

George  Skinner,  of  Norfolk,  N.  Y. ;  removed  to  Iowa  ;  she 
was  living  in  Colfax,  Iowa,  1881  ;  2  children. 

1367  Albert,  born  December  5,   1824  ;    married  ;    died  in  Monticello, 

Ind.,  October  30,  1865;  5  children. 

1368  Ira  S.,  born  August  26,  1826  ;  resides  at  Monticello,  Ind. 

1369  MiLO,  born  January  27,  1830. 

1370  Lydia,  born  September  11,  1832;  married  (i)  March  i,  1855,  Ad- 

dison Wing;  (2) Baldwin;  lives  in  St.  Lawrence  Co.,  N.Y. 

1371  Helen  Jane,  born  June  i,  1835;  died  June  10,  1852. 

loio  Phineas"  Kingsbury  {Jabez\  Phiiiehas\  Nathanier, 
Joseph^,  Henry'),  of  Brunswick,  Ohio  ;  married,  January  i, 
1839,  Sallie  J.  Safford,  of  Brunswick,  Medina  Co.,  Ohio.     He 


died  in  Brunswick,  August  6,  1878.     His  widow  is  living  in 
Akron,  Ohio,  with  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Conn. 


1372  Sarah,  bom  November  16,  1839;  married  Dr.  Conn,  of  Akron,  O. 

1373  Mary  C,  born  January  6,  1842  ;  died  September  6,  1870. 

1374  Helen  A.,  born  January  10,  1848. 

1375  Agnes  P.,  born  October  28,  1849. 

1376  William  Jabez,  born  December  25,  185 1. 

1019  Asa'  Kingsbury  (Jsa\  Asa\  Ephrai)ii\  Joseph^, 
Joseph^,  Jfenry^),  married  Polly  Foster;  lived  in  Turin, 
Lewis  Co.,  N.  Y. 


1377  Asa,  born  ,  in  Turin  ;  married  ; 

2  children  :  (i)  James  Hubert,  resides  Minneapolis,  Minn. ;  (2) 
a  daughter  ;  married  E.  M.  Reed,  residence,  Butte,  Montana. 

1020  Flavel  Clark'  Kingsbury  {Asa\  Asa\  Ephraim\ 
Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Henrf^,  married,  November,  1815,  in  Man- 
chester, Conn,,  Tryphena  Holmes,  born  1796,  died  1873.  He 
served  in  the  war  of  181 2,  as  a  private  in  Captain  Samuel 
West's  company  at  New  London,  from  June  7  to  July  14, 
1 81 3.  He  was  living  in  Coventry  in  181 7,  but  later  settled 
in  or  near  Utica,  N.  Y.,  where  he  was  a  carpenter  and 
cabinet-maker.  After  his  death  his  widow  married,  in  1853, 
Martin  Barnes,  of  Turin,  N.  Y. 


1378  Albert  Eason,  born  ;  died  in  the  Mexican  War. 

1379  Imruxa  H.,  born  about  1818  ;  died  September,  1891,  in  Rome,  N. 

Y. ,  aged  about  73. 
13S0    Orson  J.,  born  ,  1S21. 

1 381  Carlos  M.,  born  January  20,  1823,  in  Hartford,  Conn. 

1382  William  W.,  born  ;  married  Lucina  Miller;  2 

children,  Jerome  F.  and  William  C. 

1383  Lurena,  born  ,  1831. 

1384  Sarah  Huntington,  ;  married  Francis  D.  Per- 

kins, a  farmer  in  Oneida,  N.  Y. ;  no  children. 

1385  Mary  L.,  born  ,  1835. 

1025  Olive'  Kingsbury  {Asa\  Absalom\  Ephraim\  Jo- 
seph\  Joseph'',  Henry'),  married  at  Alstead,  January  10,  1796, 


Jonathan  Farnsworth,  of  Alstead,  N.  H.;  they  removed  from 
Alstead  about  1825-30. 


1  Asa,  born  in  Alstead,  June  i,  1797. 

2  Betsey,  born  in  Alstead,  November  15,  1798. 

3  Hannah,  born  in  Alstead,  February  3,  1801. 

4  Zelinda,  born  in  Alstead,  January  8,  1803, 

5  Nancy,  born  in  Alstead,  November  26,  1804. 

6  Phelina  Carpenter,  born  in  Alstead,  Januaiy  7,  1810. 

7  Elizabeth  Davis,  born  in  Alstead,  March  22,  1812. 

8  Leonard  Kingsbury,  born  in  Alstead,  November  20,  1814. 

9  John  Bingham,  born  in  Alstead,  July  30,  1817. 
10  Mary  Jane,  born  in  Alstead,  December  16,  1820. 

1028  Kezia'  Kingsbury  {Ephraim\  Absalom",  Ephraim^, 
Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Henry^),  married  April  9,  181 2,  Joseph 
Kingsbury,  born  December  15,  1789,  son  of  Colonel  Cyrus  and 
Phileta  (Partridge)  Kingsbury  of  Alstead,  N.  H.,  who  went 
from  Worcester,  Mass.,  to  Alstead  in  1785,  a  descendant  of 
Joseph  Kingsbury  of  Dedham,  Mass.  Joseph  was  a  half- 
brother  of  the  Rev.  Cyrus  Kingsbury,  the  well-known  mis- 
sionary to  the  Cherokees  and  Choctaws.  He  lived  in  Alstead 
on  the  farm  which  had  belonged  to  Lieut.  Ephraim  Kings- 
bury, and  died  there  October  3,  1865,  aged  75.  Mrs.  Kings- 
bury died  in  1857,  aged  65. 


1  Clarissa  Addine,  born  October  16,  1812  ;  married,  February  28,  1836, 

in  Brattleboro,  Vt.,  William  Hovv^ard  of  Alstead,  N.  H.,*  son 
of  Stephen  and  Rebecca  (Drury)  Howard,  born  September  4, 
1809,  in  Alstead.  Ch. :  Helen  S.,  born  December  3,  1836; 
married,  May  16,  1861,  Wilson  D.  Holt  of  Alstead;  2,  Emily 
Kingsbury,  born  October  14,  1838  ;  died,  January  29,  1865,  in 
Alstead.  3,  Edward  Bancroft,  born  October  31,  1840  ; 
married,  January  28,  1868,  in  Indianapolis,  Ind.,  Clara,  dau. 
of  James  C.  and  Clarissa  (Francis)  Ferguson,  born  October 
28,  1844.  He  is  a  member  of  the  Produce  Exchange,  New 
York  City,  and  also  of  a  firm  having  branch  houses  in  Chicago 
and  other  western  cities,  and  in  Liverpool  (1895).  4,  Frank 
Osmond,  born  March  28,  1854  or  52  ;  married,  February  i, 
1882,  Ida  Crandall. 

2  Annis  S.,  born  June  12,  1814;  living  in  1890  in  Concord,  N.  H.;  unm 

*  He  is    called    of    Millbury,  Worcester  Co.,  Mass.,  on    the    Town  Records 
Brattleboro,  where  the  marriage  apparently  took  place. 



3  Emily  A.,  born  July  10,  1816;  married,  June,  1843,  Dr.  Allen  C.  Fay 

of  Milford,  Mass.,  as  his  second  wife,  his  first  having  been  her 
aunt,  Hannah  S.  Kingsbury  (see  No.  1034);  died  before  1890  ; 
one  child,  Allen,  who  married  but  died  before  1890,  s.  p. 

4  Cyrus,  born  May  26,  1818;  died  in  infancy. 

5  Harriet   M.,  born  July  13,  1820;   married,   May   14,  1S45,  Dr.  O.  L. 

Huntley  of  Fitchburg,  Mass. ;  (2)  George  Glackmeyer  of  New 
York.  She  is  now  a  widow  and  lives  in  Fitchburg,  Mass. 

6  Sophia  P.,  born  December  18,   1825;    married,  December  28,   1848, 

Timothy  Tufts  of  Alstead;  she  died  in  April,  1900.  Mr.  Tufts 
died  in  December,  1901. 

1029  Elmira'  Kingsbury  {Ephraim\  Absalom\  Ephraiin\ 
Joseph^,  Joseph'^,  Heury^),  married,  Dan  Hatch  of  Alstead, 
N.  H.,  son  of  Phinehas  and  Keturah  (Brown)  Hatch,  born  in 
Alstead,  July  18,  1792;  died  February  26,  1867.  She  died  in 
Alstead,  July  23,  1874. 


1  Leonard  Kingsbury,  born  in  Alstead,  November  12,  1816;  married, 

in  1843,  Lorette  Cook;  died  at  Shelburne  Falls,  Mass.,  Sep- 
tember 3,  1853. 

2  Persis  B.,  born  in  Alstead,  February  26,  1818;  married,  October  26, 

1837,  Whitney  Breed  of  Alstead  Center,  N.  H.;died  February 

21,  1900.     Mr.  Breed  died  June  i,  1901;  i  oh.,  Ella,  married 

Greene,  who  died  March  17,  1900.  She  is  now  living  at  63 
Hartford  St.,  Roxbury,  Mass.     (1902.) 

3  Mary  P.,  born  in  Alstead,  January  23,  1821;  died  August,  1S23. 

4  Cyrus  P.,  born  in  Alstead,  February  3,  1825;  married,   January   i, 

1851,  Susan  A.  Benton;  died  in  Acworth,  N.  H.,  July  3,  1853. 

5  William  C,  born  in  Alstead,  July  24,  1828;  married  (i),  March,  1853, 

Mary  F.  Ashley;  (2)  Fannie  Worthington;  living  in  West 
Springfield,  Mass.,  in  1890. 

1032  Sophia'  Kingsbury  {Ep/iraim\  Al>salom\  Ephraim\ 
Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Henrf),  married  in  January,  1827,  Dr.  Elisha 
Hatch  of  Alstead  and  Hillsborough,  N.  H.,  born  July  17, 
1796,  in  Alstead,  son  of  Azel  and  Rhoda  (Williams)  Hatch. 
He  was  a  graduate  of  the  Dartmouth  Medical  College, 
and  an  able  physician  and  surgeon.  In  1835  he  removed 
from  Alstead  to  Hillsborough.  He  was  a  Representative  in 
the  Legislature,  and  held  many  town  offices.  He  died  in 
Hillsborough,  November  13,  1863.  Mrs.  Sophia  K.  Hatch 
died  September  12,  1886,  in  Medford,  Mass. 



1  Sophia  Kingsbury,  born  December  ii,  1827  ;  married,  May,  1849,  O. 

F.  Nelson  of  Beverly,  Mass.,  later  of  Montreal  and  Hillsboro, 
N.  H.;  died  December  2,  1865,  in  Hillsboro  ;  ch.:  i,  Emmie 
L.,  born  March,  1857;  married  Dr.  James  B.  Cleaves,  Har- 
vard College  and  Harvard  Medical  School  ;  a  physician  in 
Medford,  Mass.;  ch.:  Ruth,  born  May,  1886;  Edwin  Nelson 
and  James  H.,  twins,  born  January,  1890.  2,  Arthur  Hatch, 
born  September,  1864 ;  married  Carrie  E.  Puffer  ;  resides 
Medford,  Mass.;  ch.:  (i)  Harold  A.,  born  May,  1888;  (2) 
Leslie  L,,  born  July,  1897  ;  (3)  Ray  Frank,  born  in  1898  ;  (4) 
Helen  Puffer,  born  March,  1902. 

2  Harriet  Lucina,  born  July  8,  1831  ;  married,  March  11,  1852,  Benja- 

min F.  Dutton  of  Boston,  of  the  firm  of  Houghton  &  Dutton  ; 
died  March  19,  1858  ;  ch.;  i,  Ellen,  born  1853  ;  married  J.  B. 
Claus,  professor  of  music;  resides  Maiden,  Mass.,  s.  p.  2, 
Harry,  born  1854  ;  married  Alice  Houghton  ;  resides  Med- 
ford, Mass.;  3  ch.,  Marion  H.,  Mary,  Alice.  3,  Hattie,  born 
1856 ;  married  Dr.  W.  D.  Peaslee  of  Hillsboro,  N.  H.,  s.  p. 

3  Emily  PHiLENA,born  December  14, 1833  ;  livingin  Boston,  unmarried, 

at  84  Huntington  Ave. 

4  Mary  Ellen,  bom  August  6,  1835  ;  died  March  30,  1844. 

5  Frank  Elisha,  born  January  16,  1846  ;  living  in  Boston,  unmarried  ; 

was  a  journalist,  now  in  charge  of  the  advertising  department 
of  the  firm  of  Houghton  &  Dutton. 

1041  Amos'  Kingsbury  {James\  Absalo}ti\  Ephraim*',  Jo- 
seph^,  Joseph"^,  Ilenry^),  married  (i),  January  4,  1815,  Clarissa 
Ingersoll,  who  died  May  15,  1819;  (2)  January  9,  1820,  Mary 
Shearman.   He  died  January  19, 1858,  in  Hastings,  Minnesota. 


1386  .  DyerS.s-^ 

1387  Clarissa. 


1388  Chester  Taylor,  born  January  25,  1821,  in  Cleveland. s-^- 

1389  Albert,  died  1867.  . 

1042  Almon  or  Almond'  Kingsbury  {James\  Absalonv', 
Fp/iraim\  Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Henry")^  of  Cleveland,  married, 
August  6,  1820,  Lucy  Ann  Cone,  born  1805,  in  Peterboro, 
Madison  Co.,  N.  Y.  He  died  August  12,  1857,  in  Buffalo, 
N.  Y.  His  widow  lived  with  her  daughter,  Mrs.  Lucy  Sey- 
mour, in  Buffalo,  for  many  years;  died  there  December  29, 



1390  James  T.,  born  August  23,  1823. ^'^~*" 

1391  George,  res.  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

1392  Diana,  married  Samuel  Hastings,  of  Boston. 

1393  Lucy  A.,  born  December  5,  1828,  Cleveland.  s:j-*- 

1394  Jane,  married  Erastus*  Crocker,  born  in  Cairo,  N. 

Y.,  1803;  was  a  hotel  keeper  in  Buffalo,  1838-58.      3  ch.:  De 
Witt  C,  William,  Mary  Jane. 

1044  Nancy'  Kingsbury  { fames",  Absalom^,  Ephraim\ 
Joseph'^,  Joseph"^,  Henry^),  married,  December  7,  1814,  Caleb 
Baldwin,  son  of  Philemon  Baldwin,  of  Penn  Yan,  N.  Y. ;  they 
lived  in  Warrensville,  Cuyahoga  County,  Ohio.  She 
migrated  with  the  Mormons  to  Nauvoo;  was  living  in  Utah 
in  1887. 


1  Nancy,  married Gardner;  residence  Agency  City,  la. 

2  Caleb,  was  living  in  Missouri  in  Government  employ. 

3  James,  living  in  Utah  in  1887. 

4  Waldo,  living  in  Utah  in  1887. 

5  Ellen,  living  in  Utah  in  1887. 

6  Diana,  living  in  Utah  in  1887. 

1045  Calista'  Kingsbury  {James\  Absalom\  Ephraim\ 
Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Henry'),  married,  December  7,  1814,  Runa  R. 
Baldwin  of  Cleveland,  O.,  son  of  Philemon  Baldwin,  of  Penn 
Yan,  N.  Y.,  and  brother  of  Caleb  Baldwin,  who  married  her 
sister  Nancy.  He  died  January  4,  1834,  in  Cleveland.  She 
died  April  4,  1850,  in  Cleveland. 


1  Albert,  went  to  California  in  1849;  a  physician  in  San  Fran- 


2  Sherman,  a  physician  in  San  Francisco. 

3  Almond,  of  Royal  Oak,  Paulding  County,  Ohio. 

4  Sophronia,  married  Preston  Burroughs,  who,   in  1887,  was  in 

the  Post-office  in  Chicago. 

5  Martha,  married  Charles  Lougee  of  Oakland,  California. 

6  Lucy. 

7  Alfred. 

1046  Elmina'  Kingsbury  {fames',  Absaloiif,  Eph)aim\ 
Joseph\  Joscph\  Henry),  married,  February  11,  1820,  Per- 
ley  Hosmer.     She  died  May,  1870. 

•  George,  according  to  another  account. 



1  James,  residence,  Beaver  Dam,  Wisconsin. 

2  Harriet. 

3  Diana,  residence,  Chicago. 

4  Harvey. 

1048  Albert'  Kingsbury  {James^,  Absalom^,  Ephraim\ 
Joseph^,  Joseph^!,  Hemy\  married  (i)  January,  1827,  Melinda 
Robinson  ;  (2)  ,  Sophia  Langdon  ;  (3) 

Sarah  McCulloch.    He  died  in  Hastings,  Minnesota,  January 
19,  1858. 


1395  RuFus,  died  in  Ravenna,  1856. 

1396  Henry,  residence,  Allegan,  Mich. 

1397  Harriet. 

1398  Ida  May. 


1051  James  Waldo'  Kingsbury  {James\  Absalom'', 
Ephraim*,  Joseph^,  Joseph"^,  Uenry'^),  of  Cleveland,  Ohio ; 
married,  October  3,  1849,  Lucinda  Ely,  daughter  of  Andrew 
and  Elizabeth  (De Wolfe)  Williams,  born  in  Becket,  Mass., 
February  14,  1825.  His  business  was  furnishing  stone  and 
brick  for  building  purposes.  He  was  a  member  of  the  First 
Presbyterian  Church.  His  wife  died  September  28,  1875. 
He  died  October  29,  1881,  in  Cleveland. 

[James  W.  Kingsbury,  whose  death  was  announced  in 
yesterday's  issue,  was,  in  the  true  sense  of  the  term,  one  of 
the  pioneers  of  this  city,  having  been  born  in  the  present 
limits  thereof  in  April,  1813.  He  was  a  son  of  Judge  James 
Kingsbury,  who,  with  his  family,  arrived  in  Cleveland  at 
the  early  date  of  1797,  and  soon  after  entered  his  log  cabin 
at  the  point  now  known  as  Kinsman  Street  and  Woodland 
Hills  Avenue.  He  acquired  the  ownership  of  a  farm  em- 
bracing several  hundred  acres  in  extent,  and  died  seized  of 
the  same,  the  ownership  of  which  gave  the  name  of  Kings- 
bury Hill  to  the  ridge  upon  which  it  was  mainly  situated- 
Mr.  James  W.  Kingsbury  was  in  every  way  a  good  man  and 
citizen,  a  gentleman  of  the  old  school,  frank,  open-hearted, 


and  generous,  ever  having  the  confidence  and  esteem  of  his 
neighbors  and  acquaintances.  His  memory  was  replete 
with  incidents  and  reminiscences  connected  with  the  early 
settlement  of  the  country  and  the  early  inhabitants  thereof, 
now  passed  away.  It  was  in  the  highest  degree  entertain- 
ing to  listen  to  his  recital  of  personal  adventures  of  the 
hardy  pioneers  in  this  then  pathless  wilderness,  the  dangers 
encountered  and  overcome,  the  hardships  endured  and  sur- 
vived. The  decedent,  up  to  the  opening  of  the  late  civil 
war,  adhered  to  the  politics  of  his  father,  being  a  democrat 
of  the  Jacksonian  type,  and  during  the  war  he  was  an  un- 
compromising war  democrat.  During  the  last  few  years  of 
his  life  party  lines  were  not  strictly  observed  by  him,  as  he 
voted  rather  for  men  and  measures  than  for  party.  Thus 
has  another  of  our  most  prominent  and  respected  citizens 
departed  for  his  long  home.  Obituary  notice  in  the  Cleve- 
land Leader?^ 

His  portrait  hangs  in  the  rooms  of  the  Historical  Society 
on  Euclid  Avenue,  Cleveland. 


1399  Buckley  Stedman,  born  January  27,  185 1;  died  January  24,  1887, 


1400  Frank  Pierce,  born  November  12,  1852  ;  died  February  11,  1893, 


1401  William  Waldo,  born  May  20,  1853;  died  February  3,  1880,  un- 


1402  Ellen  Augusta,  born  May  13,  1854.=  > 

1403  Charles  Lewis,  born  November  22,  1855  ;  died  June  17,  1879. 

1404  Fanny  Lucinda,  born  April  28, 1858  ;  married,  September  29,  1878, 

Louis  Miller,  of  Cleveland;  i  ch. 

1405  Norman  James,  born  April  13,  1861;  married  Mary  Reniger  ;  lived 

in  1893  on  a  farm  in  Ashtabula  Co.;   now  lives  at  56  Kings- 
bury avenue,  Cleveland  ;   2  ch. 

1406  Hattie  Diana,  born  March  12,  1865  ;  died  April  25,  1878. 

1407  Egbert  Lee,  born   March    13,  1869  ;    married,   August  20,  1889, 

Mary  E.  Cooley;  died  August  25,  1891,  s.  p.    His  widow  lives 
at  50  Kingsbury  avenue,  Cleveland. 

1408  Carrie  Nina,  born  February  12,   187 1  ;    married,  November  13 

1S89,  Charles  B.  Easton,  1314  Woodland  Hills  avenue,  Cleve- 
land; I  ch. 


1053  Charles''  Kingsbury  {Elisha*,  Absalom^,  Ephraim*, 
/oseph\  Joseph",  Hairf),  of  Alstead,  N.  H.;  married  Ann 
Miller.  He  was,  perhaps,  the  Charles  Kingsbury  who  served 
as  a  private  in  a  company  which  went  from  Walpole,  N.  H., 
to  Portsmouth,  in  1814.    Settledin  East  Jaffrey,  N.  H.,  in  1845. 


1409  Laura  L.,  born  November  28,  1825. 

1410  Lucy  Ann,  born  August  30,  1827. -.s  > 

141 1  Martha,  born  ,  1829. 

1412  Amilla. 

1413  Harriet. 

1414  Louisa,  born  August  23,  1834. s-^- 

1415  Elisha  Austin,  born  August  i,  1837.  ss-*- 

1416  Albert. 

1417  Abbie  I.,  born  April  7,  1850.  s  » 

1055  Philetta'  Kingsbury  {Elisha\  Absalom'',  Ephrawi\ 
Joseph^,  Joseph'^,  Henry^),  married,  September  4,  181 7,  Samuel 
Howard,  born  January  6,  1795,  i^  Langdon,  N.  H.,  son  of 
Jeremiah  and  Sally  (Humphrey)  Howard.  He  died  March 
8,  1877.     She  died  June  30,  1882. 


1  Adaline,  born  February  27,  1818  ;  married  William  "Witt. 

2  JuLANA,  born  December  7,  1819  ;  married  Rockwood  Holden. 

3  Emily,  born  May  22,  1822  ;  died  young. 

4  Mary  Jane,  born  March  29,  1824  ;  married  Albert  Jennison. 

5  Samuel,  born  July  16,  1826  ;  died  in  infancy. 

6  James,  born  February  21,  1829  ;  died  in  infancy. 

7  Emily,  born  March  13,  1831;  married  Jotham  Rider. 

8  William,  born  November  21,  1833  ;  married  Ella  Kent. 

9  Frances  M.,  born  May  16,  1836  ;  died  in  infancy. 

10  Milton  W.,  born  December  23,  1838  ;  died  in  infancy. 

11  Abbie  E.,  born  October  21,  1848  ;  married  George  H.  Anderson. 

1057  Elisha'  Kingsbury  {Elisha\  Absalom\  Ephrahn*, 
Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Henry'),  of  Alstead,  N.  H.,  and  Slippery  Rock, 
Pa.  He  was  named  Cyrus  and  had  his  name  changed  after 
his  father's  death.  He  removed  to  Pennsylvania  in  1834, 
lived  in  North  Liberty,  Mercer  County,  and  in  1846  removed 
to  Slippery  Rock,  where  he  established  himself  in  business 
as  a  merchant.  As  a  business  man  he  was  charcterized  by 
strict  honesty,  integrity,  and  punctuality.    He  was  an  active 


and  efficient  worker  in  the  Church  and  Sabbath  School; 
during  a  period  of  fifteen  years  he  was  not  absent  a  day  from 
his  post  in  the  Sabbath  School.  He  married  (i)  February 
14,  1832,  at  Alstead,  Maria  Grain,  born  October  31,  1810, 
in  Alstead,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Martha  (Brown)  Grain; 
died  June,  1856  ;  (2)  at  Genterville,  Pa.,  August  13,  1857,  Mrs. 
Mary  Grain,  widow  of  the  brother  of  his  first  wife,  and 
daughter  of  Nehemiah  and  Abigail  (Dustin)  Ghandler,  born 
in  Langdon,  N.  H.,  August  6,  1806.  He  died  May  8,  1865; 
his  widow  lived  at  Genterville,  Butler  Go.,  Pa.,  Slippery 
Rock  P.  O.,  died  there  May  8,  1890. 


1418  Cyrus  Oswell,  born  January  i,  1833,  in  Alstead,  N.  H.  s-^ 

1419  Son,  died  young. 

1420  Martha  A.,  born  June  i,  1844. i::  > 

1421  Milton  S.,  )  born  November  10,  1846  ;  died  April  15,  1872. 

1422  Mary,  )  born  November  10,  1846  ;  died  June,  1848. 

1423  Harriet  A.,  born  September  20,  1849. :r:  ■> 

1060  Elizabeth'  Kingsbury  {Andrew^,  Ephraim"^ 
Ephraiin*,  Joseph^,  Josep1i\  Henry^),  married,  December  19, 
1 82 1,  Normand  Smith  of  Hartford,  as  his  second  wife.  She 
died  February  25,  1826.  Mr.  Smith  married  (3),  April  12, 
1827,  Lucy  Morris  of  East  Haven,  Gonn.  He  died  in  Hart- 
ford, May  22  [Z.  K.'s  Record],  i860.  Normand  Smith  was 
born  in  Hartford,  November  4,  1772,  son  of  William  and 
Mary  (Sloan)  Smith. 


1  Andrew  Kingsbury,  born  March  6,  1823;  died  February  20,  1824. 

2  Andrew  Kingsbury,  born  February  9,  1826;  member  of  class  of  1847, 

Yale  College,  was  there  three  years,  but  left  without  gradu- 
ating, and  entered  Williams  College,  where  he  graduated 
1847  ;  he  took  a  degree  of  medicine  from  the  Jefferson  Medi- 
cal College  of  Philadelphia,  in  1849,  and  also  got  a  degree 
from  the  Vermont  Medical  College,  at  Woodstock.  He  was 
for  some  months  in  the  office  of  Dr.  Ellsworth,  of  Hartford, 
and  then  obtained  admittance  on  the  Home  Staff  of  the  New 
York  Emigrant  Hospital,  then  on  Ward's  Island.  July  25, 
1853,  he  was  appointed  Assistant  Surgeon  in  the  United 
States  Array,  and  passed  his  first  five  years  of  service  in 
Texas  ;  married  (i)  December  30,  1S56,  at  Ringgold  Barracks, 
Texas,   Sarah  Jane   Sibley,   dau.  of   Gen.   Caleb  C.   Sibley, 


U.  S.  A.,  and  his  wife,  Nancy  Davenport,  born  in  Mackinaw, 
Mich.,  Dec.  2,  1832.  She  died  in  Atlanta,  Ga,,  June  8,  1868. 
In  1858  he  was  promoted  to  be  Captain  and  Assistant  Sur- 
geon, and  ordered  to  Pensacola,  Florida,  where  he  remained 
on  duty  two  years.  At  the  beginning  of  the  Civil  War  Dr. 
Smith  was  Post  Surgeon  at  Fort  Abercrombie,  Dakota,  at 
that  time  the  most  northern  of  the  Northwest  Forts.  He  was 
then  ordered  to  Headquarters,  Army  of  the  Potomac,  and 
assisted  in  the  organization  of  the  Medical  Department,  doing 
Hospital  field  duty  in  all  the  battles  of  McClellan's  Campaign 
against  Richmond,  most  of  the  time  acting  as  assistant  to  Dr. 
Tripler,  who  was  McClellan's  Chief  Medical  Officer.  He 
received  his  promotion  as  Major  and  Surgeon  June  11,  1862, 
and  was  engaged  in  the  work  of  establishing  hospitals  at 
Philadelphia,  Hagerstown,  Chambersburg,  and  Harrisburg, 
until  October,  1862.  He  served  as  Inspector  of  Hospitals  and 
Medical  Director  of  Transportation  at  Philadelphia  until 
March,  1863.  When  the  Army  Medical  Laboratory  for  War 
Supplies  was  established  at  Philadelphia,  Dr.  Smith  was  put 
in  charge,  and  continued  there  until  the  end  of  the  war.  He 
was  also  Medical  Director  of  the  Department  of  the  Carolinas 
until  July,  1865.  He  was  brevetted  Lieutenant-Colonel 
March  13,  1865,  for  faithful  and  meritorious  services,  and  re- 
ceived promotion  to  the  full  rank  of  Lieutenant-Colonel,  July 
2,  1884.  From  1865  until  1880  he  was  on  duty  at  Fort  Snell- 
ing,  Minnesota  ;  Atlanta,  Georgia  ;  in  New  Mexico  as  Medi- 
cal Director  ;  at  Fort  Hayes,  Kansas,  and  various  posts  in 
New  York  Harbor  ;  he  was  Medical  Director  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Arizona,  1880  to  1882  ;  Post  Surgeon  at  Willet's 
Point  to  1883,  and  for  several  years  Post  Surgeon  at  the  U.  S. 
Military  Academy  at  West  Point.  He  was  promoted  Colonel 
July  10,  1889,  and  was  retired  from  active  service  February  9, 
1890,  having  reached  the  limit  of  age  for  active  service. 
After  his  retirement  he  resided  in  New  York  City.  He  mar- 
ried (2)  February  25,  1871,  Ellen  M.  Allison,  born  December 
5,  1842,  in  Somerville,  N.  J.,  dau.  of  Major  T.  S.  Allison, 
U.  S.  A.,  and  his  wife,  Margaret  Gatzmer.  He  died  sud- 
denly, at  Cranston,  West  Point,  N.  Y.,  August  14,  1899. 
Ch.  :  Thomas  Allison,  born  July  i,  1872.;  received  the  degree 
of  Doctor  of  Medicine  from  the  College  of  Physicians  and 
Surgeons,  Columbia  University,  N.  Y.,  in  1895.  A  physician 
in  New  York  City. 

1061  Oliver^  Kingsbury  {Andrew*,  Ephraim",  Ephraim", 
foseph^ ,  Joseph^ ,  Henry'),  of  Hartford;  was  employed  as  a  clerk 
in  the  Treasurer's  (his  father's)  office  ;   removed  about  1810 


to  Penfield,  N.  Y.,  where  he  engaged  in  business;  married, 
December  24,  181 1,  Charlotte,  dau.  of  Daniel  Penfield  of 
Penfield;  he  died  in  Penfield,  January  10,  1S16. 

1424     Mary,  born  December  4,  1812;  died  December  10,  1812. 

1062  Maria"  Kingsbury  {Andrew\  Ephraim",  Epliraim\ 
Joseph^,  JosepIP,  Henry^),  of  Hartford;  married,  November 
25,  1809,  George  Goodwin  of  Hartford,  born  April  23,  1786, 
son  of  George  and  Mary  (Edwards)  Goodwin,  and  adescend- 
of  Ozias  Goodwin,  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  Hartford.  He 
graduated  from  Yale  College,  1806,  and  then  went  into  busi- 
ness in  Hartford.  His  father,  the  elder  George  Goodwin, 
was  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Hudson  &  Goodwin,  printers 
and  publishers.  In  1815,  this  firm  was  dissolved,  and  George 
Goodwin  &  Sons  succeeded  to  the  business  of  book-selling, 
printing,  and  publishing;  the  leading  interest  then  being 
the  "Connecticut  Courant,"  which  they  retained  until  1836, 
and  for  which  and  numerous  other  publications  they  made 
the  paper  at  their  mill  in  East  Hartford.  In  order  to  give 
more  attention  to  paper  making,  which  gradually  became 
their  leading  business,  Mr.  Goodwin  removed  his  residence 
to  that  part  of  East  Hartford  now  Burnside,  in  1821.  Here 
he  at  once  became  a  leading  man  in  all  that  concerned  the 
welfare  of  his  town,  taking  strong  ground  in  favor  of  tem- 
perance, morality,  and  religion.  Three  times  he  represented 
East  Hartford  in  the  legislature,  but  he  had  no  taste  for 
political  life,  and  no  desire  for  office.  As  a  citizen  he  was 
foremost  in  every  good  work,  always  "  devising  liberal 
things  ";  as  a  neighbor  kind  and  helpful,  always  giving  and 
lending  ;  as  a  Christian  humble  and  retiring,  but  utterly  con- 
scientious, firm  and  faithful  in  duty.  He  had  the  delicacy 
and  purity  of  a  woman,  and  the  strength  and  courage  of  a 
soldier.  He  loved  nature  and  planted  trees  in  every  availa- 
ble spot.  He  loved  good  books,  chief  of  all  the  Bible  and 
Matthew  Henry,  and  had  the  taste  of  a  scholar  in  his  read- 
ing. He  loved  his  church,  and  gave  liberally  to  build  and 
sustain  it;  and  he  was  for  many  years  an  honored  officer  in 
it,  and  in  the  Ecclesiastical  Society.  Mrs.  Maria  Goodwin 
died  in  Burnside,  March  6,  185 1.  Mr.  George  Goodwin  died 
in  Burnside,  Februarys,  1878.  \^The  Goodwins  of  Hartford, 
Connecticut,  6jo-2.'] 



1  Maria  Kingsbury,  born  in    Hartford,  November   i,   1810;  married, 

June  29,  1837,  Henry  Pitkin  of  East  Hartford,  son  of  Capt. 
John  and  Olive  (Forbes)  Pitkin.  He  was  a  silversmith  and 
watchmaker,  and  the  inventor  of  the  American  lever  watch, 
of  which  in  connection  with  his  brother,  James  F.  Pitkin,  he 
commenced  the  manufacture  in  East  Hartford,  in  1834.  In 
1841  he  removed  to  New  York  City,  where  he  died  September 
18,  1846,  aged  36.  His  widow  died  in  Hartford,  February  9, 
1887,  aged  76.  Ch. :  (i)  Maria  Goodwin,  b.  April  25,  1838;  now 
living  in  Hartford,  unm. 

2  Elizabeth,  born  July,  1812;  died  August  9,  1815. 

3  Andrew  Kingsbury,  born  November  28,   1815  ;   engaged  with  his 

father  and  uncles  in  the  paper  business,  in  charge  of  the  mill 
in  Manchester,  Conn.  ;  died,  unmarried,  in  Fair  Haven, 
Conn.,  June  16,  18S0. 

4  Elizabeth,  born   August  28,   1817;   died  in   Burnside,    unmarried, 

December  24,  1847. 

5  Ellen,  born  July  2,  1819;  married,  October  7,   1846,  Thomas  Scott 

Williams  of  Boston,  born  January  20,  18 14,  son  of  Solomon 
and  Martha  (Baker)  Williams  of  Manchester,  Conn.,  a  grand- 
son of  Rev.  Solomon  Williams,  D.D.,  of  Lebanon,  Conn.  He 
was  a  civil  engineer,  and  afterwards  engaged  in  the  business 
of  railroad  supplies  in  Boston,  firm  of  Williams  &  Page. 
He  died  at  Somerville,  Mass.,  December  29,  1874,  aged 
62.  She  resided  many  years  in  Auburndale,  Mass.,  but 
died  at  Stoneham,  Mass.,  January  18,  1894.  Ch.  :  i,  Robert 
Edwards,  born  January  27,  1S49,  in  Newton,  Mass.;  Yale 
College,  1871;  University  of  Michigan,  1874,  degree  of  Civil 
Engineer;  employed  at  the  water-works  in  Lawrence  and 
Newton,  Mass.,  1875-76;  married,  April  26,  1877,  Helen  E., 
dau.  of  Hon.  W.  L.  Seaton  of  Jackson,  Mich.;  was  connected 
with  the  firm  of  Williams,  Page  &  Co.,  manufacturers  of 
railroad  supplies,  Boston,  six  years;  then  lived  for  a  time  in 
Hartford,  Conn.,  being  connected  with  the  firm  of  J.  B.  Wil- 
liams &  Co.,  Glastonbury  ;  then  removed  to  Jackson,  where 
he  died  May  16,  1887.  2  ch. :  i,  Annie  Goodwin,  born  1878, 
now  living  in  Boston,  engaged  in  kindergarten  work  ;  2,  Rob- 
ert Seaton,  born  July,  18S0,  in  Hartford,  Conn.  ;  grad.  Insti- 
tute of  Technology,  Boston,  1902  ;  now  an  instructor  in  the 
Institute.  2,  Mary  Goodwin,  born  March  26,  1851;  died  in 
Auburndale,  November  5,  1864.  3,  Mary  Edwards,  born 
January  22,  1853  ;  living  in  Auburndale,  unm.  4,  Annie 
Huntington,  b.  August  3,  1856  ;  married,  September  5,  1883, 
Joseph  F.  Ryder  of  Auburndale  ;  ch.  :  i,  Joseph  Scott,  born 
June  15,  1889;  Robert  Orne,  born  September  26,  1891  ;  3, 
Stuart  Williams,  born  July  i,  1893.  5,  Ellen  Constance,  born 
March  10,  1859;  living  in  Auburndale,  unm. 


6  Mary  Edwards,  born   September  3,   1822;    married   May  23,    1855, 

William  Stuart  Williams,  a  manufacturer  in  Glastonbury, 
Conn.,  son  of  Solomon  and  Martha  (Baker)  Williams  of  Man- 
chester, and  a  descendant  of  the  Rev.  Solomon  Williams,  of 
Lebanon,  Conn.,  and  the  Rev.  John  Robinson,  of  Leyden, 
born  December  20,  1S21,  in  Bozrah,  Conn.  vShe  died  in 
Hartford,  November  17,  1888.  He  died  in  Glastonbury, 
November  12,  1894.  Ch.:  i,  Emily  Spencer,  born  March  23, 
1856;  married  September  14,  1881,  Frank  Dwight  Glazier,  of 
Hartford,  a  manufacturer  in  South  Glastonbury,  son  of 
Franklin  and  Mary  (Skinner)  Glazier;  4  ch.  :  i,  Franklin 
Williams,  born  August  31,  1S82;  a  student  at  Yale  University, 
Class  of  1904;  2,  William  Stuart,  born  November  5,  18S3;  a 
student  at  Yale,  Class  of  1906  ;  3,  Philip  Alden,  born  July  23, 
1885,  preparing  for  the  Sheffield  Scientific  School;  4,  Mary 
Edwards,  born  November  6,  1887.  2,  George  Goodwin, 
born  February  25,  1S5S  ;  Sheffield  Scientific  School,  1S79,  res. 
Hartford;  a  memberof  the  firm  of  J.  B.  Williams  &  Co.,  Glas- 
tonbury; married,  March  3,  1890,  Jeannette  Crosby,  dau.  of 
Dr.  Ebenezer  Kingsbury  and  Mary  (Crosby)  Hunt  of  Hartford, 
a  descendant  of  Priscilla  Kingsbury,  daughter  of  Deacon 
Ebenezer  Kingsbury,  who  married  Eleazer  Pomeroy  (see 
pp.  245-6).  3,  Bernard  Trumbull,  born  September  16,  1859; 
married  October  27,  1887,  Frances  Goodrich,  dau.  of  Hon. 
Henry  K.  W.  and  Susan  Leavitt  (Goodwin)  Welch  of  Hartford; 
was  a  member  of  the  firm  of  J.  B.  Williams  &  Co.;  died  in 
Boston,  Mass.,  February  4,  1898  ;  ch.  :  i,  Margaret  Hunting- 
ton, born  February  5,  1889;  2,  Ehzabeth  Trumbull,  born 
April  14,  1891  ;  3,  Frances,  born  January  26,  1894.  4,  Mary 
Stuart,  born  June  12,  1S62  ;  married  in  South  Glastonbury, 
December  8,  1897,  Lewis  Sheldon  Welch  of  New  Haven,  son  of 
Hon.  Henry  K.  W.  and  Susan  Leavitt  (Goodwin)  Welch  of 
Hartford;  res.  New  Haven,  editor  of  the  Yale  A himtii  Weekly ; 
ch.  :  I,  Emily  Wilharas,  born  November  3,  1899;  2,  Frances 
Goodwin,  born  September  13, 1901;  3,  Elizabeth  Edwards,  born 
July  18,  1903.  5,  William  Edwards,  born  July  16,  1863;  Am- 
herst College,  1885;  died  in  Santa  Barbara,  Cal.,  March  8,  1886. 

7  George  Henry,  born  April  7,  1826;   in  thepaper  manufacturing  busi- 

ness with  his  father  until  i860;  he  enlisted  August  22,  1S62, 
as  a  private  in  Co.  A,  25th  Regiment  Conn.  Volunteers;  was 
promoted  Jan.  16,  1863,  to  First  Sergeant  ;  wounded  at  Irish 
Bend,  Louisiana,  April  14,  1863,  and  discharged  with  the  Reg- 
iment, August,  1863.  He  was  commissioned  Fel).  g,  1864, 
First  Lieutenant  and  Regimental  Quartermaster  of  the  29th 
(colored)  Regiment,  Conn.  Volunteers,  mustered  out  of  service 
October  24,  1865.  He  married  (i),  June  3,  1868,  Mary  Merrow, 
dau.  of  John  Owen  and  Lucy  (Merrow)  Pitkin  of  Coventry, 



Conn.,  born  in  East  Hartford,  January  5,  1839;  she  died  in 
Burnside,  August  14,  1875.  (2)  October  18,  1876,  Mary  Deb- 
orah, dau.  of  Dwight  T.  and  Sarah  (Seymour)  Skinner,  born 
in  East  Granby,  Conn.,  September  8,  1848.  He  was  for  many 
years  in  the  office  of  the  Travelers  Insurance  Co.,  Hartford; 
died  in  Burnside  at  his  residence,  December  17,  1893.  Ch.: 
I,  George,  born  August  25,  1878,  a  clerk  in  the  office  of  the 
^tna  Life  Insurance  Co.,  Hartford.  2,  Mary  Edwards,  born 
January  24,  1883.  3,  William  Henry,  born  December  29,  1885; 
valedictorian  Hartford  High  School,  1903;  student  at  Yale 
College,  class  of  1907. 

8  Susan  Leavitt,  born  August  31,  1S28;  married,  July  30,  1873,  Henry 

Leavitt  Goodwin,  her  cousin,  son  of  Oliver  Goodwin,  of  Litch- 
field, Conn.,  born  November  25,  1821.  She  died  in  Burnside, 
April  4,  1874,  very  suddenly. 

9  Harriet  Talcott,  born  January  i,  1832;  living  in  Hartford,  unm. 

1063  Harriet'  Kingsbury  {Andrew^,  Ephraim\  Ephraim\ 
Joseph'',  Joseph"^,  Henry'),  married  June  5,  1815,  Russell  Tal- 
cott, of  Hartford,  born  September  26,  1788,  son  of  George 
and  Abigail  (Goodrich)  Talcott,  of  Glastonbury,  Conn.,  and 
a  descendant  of  "  the  Worshipful  John  Talcott,"  one  of  the 
first  settlers  of  Hartford  in  1636,  and  also  of  many  others 
of  the  first  settlers  of  Hartford  and  Wethersfield. 

Russell  Talcott  began  mercantile  life  first  as  a  clerk  in 
his  native  town,  and  then  in  New  York  in  1806.  He  returned 
to  Hartford  about  18 10,  where  he  engaged  in  the  drygoods 
business,  becoming  a  partner  of  Mr.  Ward  Woodbridge. 
For  a  year  after  his  marriage  he  lived  in  Monson,  Mass., 
where  Mr.  Talcott  was  superintendent  of  a  cotton  factory 
owned  by  the  firm  of  Woodbridge  &  Talcott.  He  then  re- 
turned to  Hartford  to  take  charge  of  the  business  there. 
He  died  in  Hartford  September  26,  181 8.  She  died  in  Hart- 
ford October  23,  1831. 


1  Mary  Ki.ngsburv,  born  in  Hartford,  Sept.  23,  1816;  died  in  Hartford, 

April  28,  1838,  unmarried. 

2  Russell  Goodrich,  born  in  Hartford,  Aug.  15,  1818.  He  began  his  bus- 

iness life  as  a  clerk  in  the  store  of  Hudson  &  Goodwin,  book- 
sellers, entered  the  Hartford  Bank  as  clerk  in  1840.  During  the 
years  1844  and  1845  he  traveled  in  Europe,  and  acquired  a  taste 
for  art  and  literature  which  remained  with  him  all  his  life. 
After  his  return  he  engaged  in  the  iron  business  under  the  firm 
name  of  Ripleys  &  Talcott.     This  firm  afterwards  became  E. 

■'t^Z'a.C'^^^C-^^  '^<^u^Kf-^^ 



G.  Ripley  &  Co.  He  married  October  28,  1S46,  Mary  Seymour, 
daughter  of  Charles  and  Catharine  (Perkins)  Seymour,  born 
in  Hartford,  November  i,  1820,  and  a  descendant  of  Richard 
Seymour,  a  settler  of  Hartford  in  1639,  ^^^  also  of  other  early 
settlers  in  Connecticut,  among  them  Gov.  John  Haynes,  Gov. 
George  Wyllys,  and  Gov.  John  Webster.  He  held  various 
offices  of  trust,  first  vice-president  and  then  president  of  the 
Young  Men's  Institute;  a  director  of  the  Hartford  Bank;  much 
interested  in  the  founding  of  the  Pearl  Street  Church,  now 
the  Farmington  Avenue  Church,  and  held  the  position  of 
Clerk  of  the  Church  and  Society;  one  of  the  Board  of  Mana- 
gers and  Secretary  of  the  Retreat  for  the  Insane.  He  died 
in  Hartford  March  3,  1863,  and  Mrs.  Lydia  H.  Sigourney, 
who  had  known  him  all  his  life,  wrote  memorial  stanzas  for 
him,  a  portion  of  which  are  here  given  : 

"  They'll  miss  him  in  the  thronging  mart. 
Where,  with  pure  mind  and  upright  heart, 

He  held  his  quiet  way; 
And  those  who  trace  the  record  through 

Of  all  his  earthly  time. 
Remember  naught  of  wrong  or  blame, — 
Of  folly  that  might  cloud  his  name, 
Even  in  his  boyhood's  prime. 

.     .     .     .     With  ever  gentle  hand, 

Affection's  links  he  won, 
And  works  of  taste  around  him  drew. 
And  friendship  of  the  chosen  few, 
And  plants  that  bloom  above." 

His  widow  died  in  Hartford,  April  iS,  1SS3.  Children  :  i, 
Mary  Kingsbury,  born  November  3,  1847;  living  in  Hartford, 
unmarried.  During  her  earlier  life  Miss  Talcott  was  much 
interested  in  art,  but  of  late  years  has  devoted  herself  to  his- 
torical and  genealogical  work.  She  prepared  five  chapters  in 
the  "  Memorial  History  of  Hartford  County,  1886;"  edited  two 
volumes  of  the  "  Talcott  Papers,"  consisting  of  the  correspon- 
dence of  Gov.  Joseph  Talcott,  for  the  Connecticut  Historical 
Society;  wrote  the  sketch  of  Hartford  in  "  Historic  Towns  of 
New  England,"  published  by  G.  P.  Putnam's  Sons,  1898;  the 
chapter  on  "Hartford  in  the  Revolution  "in  ''  Hartford  in  His- 
tory," 1899;  sketches  of  the  Wyllys  Family,  the  Ellery  Family, 
and  others,  and  has  done  much  other  work  more  strictly  gen- 
ealogical. She  has  held  the  office  of  Registrar  of  the  Ruth 
Wyllvs  Chapter,  D.  A.  R.,  for  ten  years,  and  has  been  a  mem- 
ber of  the  Board  of  Managers  and  Registrar  of  the  Connecticut 
Society  of  Colonial  Dames  since  1.S94.  She  is  Chairman  for 
Connecticut  of  the  Order  of  Descendants  of  Colonial  Gover- 


nors  ;  is  a  member  of  the  Society  of  Mayflower  Descendants, 
the  Connecticut  Historical  Society,  the  American  Historical 
Association,  aad  the  New  England  Historic  Genealogical 
Society.  She  is  the  compiler  of  this  History  of  the  Kings- 
bury Family,  the  records  collected  by  others  having  been 
placed  in  her  hands,  and  she  has  also  gathered  much  new 
material  herself. 

1065  Eleazer'  Kingsbury  {IVilliatn",  Ep/irai?n'',  Ephraim'^, 
Joseph^,  Joseph^,  Hc?iry^),  removed  to  Homer,  N.  Y.,  in  1817  ; 
married  March  4,  1819,  Susan  Kinne,  born  June  10,  1798,  in 
Homer,  N.  Y.  He  died  December  16,  1873,  in  Homer.  His 
widow  died  May  12,  1875.  He  was  a  tanner,  and  also  car- 
ried on  farming. 


1425  Andrew  Eleazer,  born  June  28,  1821.  :.z:  > 

1426  Louise  Antoinette,  born  August  24,  1823;  married  May  7,  1850, 

Cyrenius  Denman  Spencer,  of  Butternuts,  Otsego  County, 
N.  Y. ;  afterwards  of  Binghamton.  Child  :  Susie,  born  No- 
vember, 1859. 

1427  Harriet  Maria,  born  May  3,  1828;  living,  unmarrie